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2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
#include "cbase.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#define CASW_Weapon C_ASW_Weapon
#define CASW_Marine C_ASW_Marine
#define CBasePlayer C_BasePlayer
#include "c_asw_weapon.h"
#include "c_asw_marine.h"
#include "c_asw_player.h"
#include "c_asw_marine_resource.h"
#include "c_basecombatcharacter.h"
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "c_asw_fx.h"
#include "prediction.h"
#include "igameevents.h"
#define CASW_Marine_Resource C_ASW_Marine_Resource
#define CRecipientFilter C_RecipientFilter
#include "asw_lag_compensation.h"
#include "asw_weapon.h"
#include "asw_marine.h"
#include "asw_marine_resource.h"
#include "asw_player.h"
#include "asw_marine_speech.h"
#include "asw_gamestats.h"
#include "ammodef.h"
#include "asw_achievements.h"
#include "asw_equipment_list.h"
#include "asw_weapon_parse.h"
#include "asw_marine_skills.h"
#include "asw_weapon_ammo_bag_shared.h"
#include "asw_gamerules.h"
#include "asw_melee_system.h"
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#include "particle_parse.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar asw_weapon_max_shooting_distance( "asw_weapon_max_shooting_distance", "1500", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Maximum distance of the hitscan weapons." );
ConVar asw_weapon_force_scale("asw_weapon_force_scale", "1.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Force of weapon shots");
ConVar asw_fast_reload_enabled( "asw_fast_reload_enabled", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Use fast reload mechanic?" );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
extern ConVar asw_debug_marine_damage;
extern ConVar asw_DebugAutoAim;
BEGIN_DEFINE_LOGGING_CHANNEL( LOG_ASW_WeaponDeveloper, "ASWVerboseWeapons", 0, LS_ERROR );
ADD_LOGGING_CHANNEL_TAG( "AlienSwarmVerbose" );
#endif // #ifdef ASW_VERBOSE_MESSAGES
void CASW_Weapon::Spawn()
SetModel( GetWorldModel() );
m_nSkin = GetWeaponInfo()->m_iPlayerModelSkin;
// get the player owner of this weapon (either the marine's commander if the weapon is
// being held by marine, or the player directly if a player is holding this weapon)
CASW_Player* CASW_Weapon::GetCommander()
CASW_Player *pOwner = NULL;
CASW_Marine *pMarine = NULL;
pMarine = dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>( GetOwner() );
if ( pMarine )
pOwner = pMarine->GetCommander();
pOwner = ToASW_Player( dynamic_cast<CBasePlayer*>( GetOwner() ) );
return pOwner;
CASW_Marine* CASW_Weapon::GetMarine()
return dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>(GetOwner());
extern void DiffPrint( bool bServer, int nCommandNumber, char const *fmt, ... );
void CASW_Weapon::DiffPrint( char const *fmt, ... )
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
if ( !pPlayer )
va_list argptr;
char string[1024];
va_start (argptr,fmt);
Q_vsnprintf(string, sizeof( string ), fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
::DiffPrint( CBaseEntity::IsServer(), pPlayer->CurrentCommandNumber(), "%s", string );
void CASW_Weapon::DiffPrint(char const *fmt, ...)
// nothing
void CASW_Weapon::ItemBusyFrame( void )
CASW_Marine* pMarine = GetMarine();
if ( !pMarine )
bool bAttack1, bAttack2, bReload, bOldReload, bOldAttack1;
GetButtons(bAttack1, bAttack2, bReload, bOldReload, bOldAttack1 );
// check for clearing our weapon switching bool
if (m_bSwitchingWeapons && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextPrimaryAttack)
m_bSwitchingWeapons = false;
// check for clearing our firing bool from reloading
if (m_bInReload && gpGlobals->curtime > m_fReloadClearFiringTime)
if ( (bReload && !bOldReload) && UsesClipsForAmmo1() && asw_fast_reload_enabled.GetBool() )
if ( m_bInReload )
// check for a fast reload
//Msg("%f Check for fast reload while busy\n", gpGlobals->curtime);
if (gpGlobals->curtime >= m_fFastReloadStart && gpGlobals->curtime <= m_fFastReloadEnd)
// todo: reduce next attack time
m_fFastReloadEnd = 0;
m_fFastReloadStart = 0;
CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner = GetOwner();
if ( pOwner )
float flSucceedDelay = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f;
pOwner->SetNextAttack( flSucceedDelay );
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = m_flNextSecondaryAttack = flSucceedDelay;
// TODO: hook up anim
DispatchParticleEffect( "fast_reload", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, this, "muzzle" );
pMarine->m_flPreventLaserSightTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 2.5f;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "fast_reload" );
if ( event )
event->SetInt( "marine", pMarine->entindex() );
event->SetInt( "reloads", pMarine->m_nFastReloadsInARow );
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
if ( pMarine->m_nFastReloadsInARow >= 4 && pMarine->IsInhabited() )
if ( pMarine->GetMarineResource() )
pMarine->GetMarineResource()->m_bDidFastReloadsInARow = true;
if ( pMarine->GetCommander() )
pMarine->GetCommander()->AwardAchievement( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_FAST_RELOADS_IN_A_ROW );
CSoundParameters params;
if ( !GetParametersForSound( "FastReload.Success", params, NULL ) )
EmitSound_t playparams(params);
playparams.m_nPitch = params.pitch;
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
if ( pPlayer )
CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pMarine->GetCommander() );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
EmitSound(filter, entindex(), playparams);
//Msg("%f RELOAD SUCCESS! - bAttack1 = %d, bOldAttack1 = %d\n", gpGlobals->curtime, bAttack1, bOldAttack1 );
//Msg( "S: %f - %f - %f RELOAD SUCCESS! -- Progress = %f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, fFastStart, fFastEnd, flProgress );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
m_bFastReloadSuccess = true;
m_bFastReloadFailure = false;
else if (m_fFastReloadStart != 0)
CSoundParameters params;
if ( !GetParametersForSound( "FastReload.Miss", params, NULL ) )
EmitSound_t playparams(params);
playparams.m_nPitch = params.pitch;
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
if ( pPlayer )
CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pMarine->GetCommander() );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
EmitSound(filter, entindex(), playparams);
//Msg("%f RELOAD MISSED! - bAttack1 = %d, bOldAttack1 = %d\n", gpGlobals->curtime, bAttack1, bOldAttack1 );
//Msg( "S: %f - %f - %f RELOAD MISSED! -- Progress = %f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, fFastStart, fFastEnd, flProgress );
m_fFastReloadEnd = 0;
m_fFastReloadStart = 0;
CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner = GetOwner();
if ( pOwner )
float flMissDelay = MAX( gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f, m_flNextPrimaryAttack + 1.0f );
pOwner->SetNextAttack( flMissDelay );
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = m_flNextSecondaryAttack = flMissDelay;
m_flReloadFailTime = m_flNextPrimaryAttack - gpGlobals->curtime;
// TODO: hook up anim
//pMarine->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD_FAIL );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
pMarine->m_nFastReloadsInARow = 0;
DispatchParticleEffect( "reload_fail", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, this, "muzzle" );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
m_bFastReloadSuccess = false;
m_bFastReloadFailure = true;
if ( m_bInReload )
float fStart = m_fReloadStart;
float fNext = MAX( m_flNextPrimaryAttack, GetOwner() ? GetOwner()->GetNextAttack() : 0 );
float fTotalTime = fNext - fStart;
if (fTotalTime <= 0)
fTotalTime = 0.1f;
m_fReloadProgress = (gpGlobals->curtime - fStart) / fTotalTime;
m_fReloadProgress = 0;
//Msg( "S: %f Reload Progress = %f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_fReloadProgress );
#endif //CLIENT_DLL
// check player or marine commander's buttons for firing/reload/etc
void CASW_Weapon::ItemPostFrame( void )
//CBasePlayer *pOwner = GetCommander();
CASW_Marine* pOwner = GetMarine();
if (!pOwner)
bool bThisActive = ( pOwner && pOwner->GetActiveWeapon() == this );
bool bAttack1, bAttack2, bReload, bOldReload, bOldAttack1;
GetButtons(bAttack1, bAttack2, bReload, bOldReload, bOldAttack1 );
if ( pOwner->IsHacking() )
bThisActive = bAttack1 = bAttack2 = bReload = false;
// check for clearing our weapon switching bool
if (m_bSwitchingWeapons && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextPrimaryAttack)
m_bSwitchingWeapons = false;
// check for clearing our firing bool from reloading
if (m_bInReload && gpGlobals->curtime > m_fReloadClearFiringTime)
if ( m_bShotDelayed && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flDelayedFire )
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
bool bFired = false;
if ( bThisActive )
//Track the duration of the fire
//FIXME: Check for IN_ATTACK2 as well?
//FIXME: What if we're calling ItemBusyFrame?
m_fFireDuration = bAttack1 ? ( m_fFireDuration + gpGlobals->frametime ) : 0.0f;
if (bAttack2 && (m_flNextSecondaryAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime) && gpGlobals->curtime > pOwner->m_fFFGuardTime)
if ( SecondaryAttackUsesPrimaryAmmo() )
if ( !IsMeleeWeapon() &&
(( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !(this->PrimaryAmmoLoaded())) || ( !UsesClipsForAmmo1() && pOwner->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType)<=0 )) )
bFired = true;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( pOwner->IsInhabited() )
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "player_alt_fire" );
if ( event )
CASW_Player *pPlayer = pOwner->GetCommander();
event->SetInt( "userid", ( pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetUserID() : 0 ) );
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
else if ( UsesSecondaryAmmo() &&
( ( UsesClipsForAmmo2() && m_iClip2 <= 0 ) ||
( !UsesClipsForAmmo2() && pOwner->GetAmmoCount( m_iSecondaryAmmoType ) <= 0 ) ) )
if ( m_flNextEmptySoundTime < gpGlobals->curtime )
WeaponSound( EMPTY );
m_flNextSecondaryAttack = m_flNextEmptySoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5;
bFired = true;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( pOwner->IsInhabited() )
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "player_alt_fire" );
if ( event )
CASW_Player *pPlayer = pOwner->GetCommander();
event->SetInt( "userid", ( pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetUserID() : 0 ) );
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
// Secondary ammo doesn't have a reload animation
// this code makes secondary ammo come from nowhere!
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo2() )
// reload clip2 if empty
if (m_iClip2 < 1)
pOwner->RemoveAmmo( 1, m_iSecondaryAmmoType );
m_iClip2 = m_iClip2 + 1;
if ( !bFired && bAttack1 && (m_flNextPrimaryAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime) && gpGlobals->curtime > pOwner->m_fFFGuardTime)
// Clip empty? Or out of ammo on a no-clip weapon?
if ( !IsMeleeWeapon() &&
(( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !(this->PrimaryAmmoLoaded())) || ( !UsesClipsForAmmo1() && pOwner->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType)<=0 )) )
else if (pOwner->GetWaterLevel() == 3 && m_bFiresUnderwater == false)
// This weapon doesn't fire underwater
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2;
//NOTENOTE: There is a bug with this code with regards to the way machine guns catch the leading edge trigger
// on the player hitting the attack key. It relies on the gun catching that case in the same frame.
// However, because the player can also be doing a secondary attack, the edge trigger may be missed.
// We really need to hold onto the edge trigger and only clear the condition when the gun has fired its
// first shot. Right now that's too much of an architecture change -- jdw
// If the firing button was just pressed, reset the firing time
if ( pOwner && bAttack1 )
//Msg("[Client] setting nextprimaryattack to now %f\n", gpGlobals->curtime);
//Msg("[Server] setting nextprimaryattack to now %f\n", gpGlobals->curtime);
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime;
if (!bAttack1) // clear our firing var if we don't have the attack button held down (not totally accurate since firing could continue for some time after pulling the trigger, but it's good enough for our purposes)
m_bIsFiring = false; // NOTE: Only want to clear primary fire IsFiring bool here (i.e. don't call ClearIsFiring as that'll clear secondary fire too, in subclasses that have it)
if ( bOldAttack1 )
// -----------------------
// Reload pressed / Clip Empty
// -----------------------
if ( bReload && UsesClipsForAmmo1())
if ( m_bInReload )
// todo: check for a fast reload
//Msg("Check for fast reload\n");
// reload when reload is pressed, or if no buttons are down and weapon is empty.
m_fFireDuration = 0.0f;
// -----------------------
// No buttons down
// -----------------------
if (!(bAttack1 || bAttack2 || bReload))
// no fire buttons down or reloading
if ( !ReloadOrSwitchWeapons() && ( m_bInReload == false ) )
// just dry fire by default
void CASW_Weapon::SecondaryAttack( void )
// Only the player fires this way so we can cast
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
if (!pPlayer)
CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
if (!pMarine)
SendWeaponAnim( ACT_VM_DRYFIRE );
BaseClass::WeaponSound( EMPTY );
m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f;
// Purpose: If the current weapon has more ammo, reload it. Otherwise, switch
// to the next best weapon we've got. Returns true if it took any action.
bool CASW_Weapon::ReloadOrSwitchWeapons( void )
CASW_Player *pPlayer = NULL;
CASW_Marine *pMarine = NULL;
bool bAutoReload = true;
pMarine = dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>(GetOwner());
if (pMarine)
if (pMarine->GetCommander() && pMarine->IsInhabited())
pPlayer = pMarine->GetCommander();
bAutoReload = pPlayer->ShouldAutoReload();
// if (HasAnyAmmo()) // asw add later!
m_bFireOnEmpty = false;
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() &&
(m_iClip1 == 0) &&
(GetWeaponFlags() & ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTORELOAD) == false &&
bAutoReload &&
m_flNextPrimaryAttack < gpGlobals->curtime &&
m_flNextSecondaryAttack < gpGlobals->curtime && !m_bInReload)
// if we're successfully reloading, we're done
if ( Reload() )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: Return true if this weapon has some ammo
bool CASW_Weapon::HasAmmo( void )
// Weapons with no ammo types can always be selected
if ( m_iPrimaryAmmoType == -1 && m_iSecondaryAmmoType == -1 )
return true;
if ( GetWeaponFlags() & ITEM_FLAG_SELECTONEMPTY )
return true;
CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner = GetOwner();
if ( !pOwner )
return false;
return ( m_iClip1 > 0 || pOwner->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) || m_iClip2 > 0 || pOwner->GetAmmoCount( m_iSecondaryAmmoType ) );
// Purpose: Return true if this weapon has some ammo loaded in the primary clip
// Useful because some weapons (like the ammo bag) may have special conditions
// other than how many bullets are in the clip - They can specialize this fn
bool CASW_Weapon::PrimaryAmmoLoaded( void )
return (m_iClip1 > 0);
void CASW_Weapon::PrimaryAttack( void )
// If my clip is empty (and I use clips) start reload
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_iClip1 )
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
if ( !pMarine )
m_bIsFiring = true;
// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CMachineGun
if (m_iClip1 <= AmmoClickPoint())
// tell the marine to tell its weapon to draw the muzzle flash
// sets the animation on the weapon model itself
SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );
// sets the animation on the marine holding this weapon
//pMarine->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );
#ifdef GAME_DLL // check for turning on lag compensation
if (pPlayer && pMarine->IsInhabited())
CASW_Lag_Compensation::RequestLagCompensation( pPlayer, pPlayer->GetCurrentUserCommand() );
FireBulletsInfo_t info;
info.m_vecSrc = pMarine->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
if ( pPlayer && pMarine->IsInhabited() )
info.m_vecDirShooting = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVectorForMarine(pMarine, GetAutoAimAmount(), GetVerticalAdjustOnlyAutoAimAmount()); // 45 degrees = 0.707106781187
Msg("Error, clientside firing of a weapon that's being controlled by an AI marine\n");
info.m_vecDirShooting = pMarine->GetActualShootTrajectory( info.m_vecSrc );
// To make the firing framerate independent, we may have to fire more than one bullet here on low-framerate systems,
// especially if the weapon we're firing has a really fast rate of fire.
info.m_iShots = 0;
float fireRate = GetFireRate();
while ( m_flNextPrimaryAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime )
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = m_flNextPrimaryAttack + fireRate;
if ( !fireRate )
// Make sure we don't fire more than the amount in the clip
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
info.m_iShots = MIN( info.m_iShots, m_iClip1 );
m_iClip1 -= info.m_iShots;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
if (pMarine && m_iClip1 <= 0 && pMarine->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) <= 0 )
// check he doesn't have ammo in an ammo bay
CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag* pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast<CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag*>(pMarine->GetASWWeapon(0));
if (!pAmmoBag)
pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast<CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag*>(pMarine->GetASWWeapon(1));
if (!pAmmoBag || !pAmmoBag->CanGiveAmmoToWeapon(this))
info.m_iShots = MIN( info.m_iShots, pMarine->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) );
pMarine->RemoveAmmo( info.m_iShots, m_iPrimaryAmmoType );
info.m_flDistance = asw_weapon_max_shooting_distance.GetFloat();
info.m_iAmmoType = m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
info.m_iTracerFreq = 1; // asw tracer test everytime
info.m_flDamageForceScale = asw_weapon_force_scale.GetFloat();
info.m_vecSpread = pMarine->GetActiveWeapon()->GetBulletSpread();
info.m_flDamage = GetWeaponDamage();
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if (asw_debug_marine_damage.GetBool())
Msg("Weapon dmg = %f\n", info.m_flDamage);
info.m_flDamage *= pMarine->GetMarineResource()->OnFired_GetDamageScale();
if (asw_DebugAutoAim.GetBool())
NDebugOverlay::Line(info.m_vecSrc, info.m_vecSrc + info.m_vecDirShooting * info.m_flDistance, 64, 0, 64, true, 1.0);
pMarine->FireBullets( info );
// increment shooting stats
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if (pMarine && pMarine->GetMarineResource())
pMarine->GetMarineResource()->UsedWeapon(this, info.m_iShots);
pMarine->OnWeaponFired( this, info.m_iShots );
bool CASW_Weapon::IsPredicted(void) const
return true;
// ========================
// reloading
// ========================
float CASW_Weapon::GetReloadTime()
// can adjust for marine's weapon skill here
float fReloadTime = GetWeaponInfo()->flReloadTime;
if (GetMarine())
float fSpeedScale = MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarine(GetMarine(), ASW_MARINE_SKILL_RELOADING, ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_RELOADING_SPEED_SCALE);
fReloadTime *= fSpeedScale;
//CALL_ATTRIB_HOOK_FLOAT( fReloadTime, mod_reload_time );
return fReloadTime;
float CASW_Weapon::GetReloadFailTime()
return m_flReloadFailTime;
bool CASW_Weapon::Reload( void )
bool bReloaded = ASWReload( GetMaxClip1(), GetMaxClip2(), ACT_VM_RELOAD );
if ( bReloaded )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
if ( pMarine )
if ( pMarine->IsAlienNear() )
CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = pMarine->GetMarineResource();
if ( pMR )
pMR->m_TimelineAmmo.RecordValue( pMarine->GetAllAmmoCount() );
return bReloaded;
bool CASW_Weapon::ASWReload( int iClipSize1, int iClipSize2, int iActivity )
if ( m_bInReload ) // we're already reloading!
Msg("ASWReload already reloading\n");
return true;
CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
if ( !pMarine || !ASWGameRules() )
return false;
bool bReload = false;
if ( m_bIsFiring )
// If you don't have clips, then don't try to reload them.
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
// need to reload primary clip?
int primary = MIN( iClipSize1 - m_iClip1, pMarine->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) );
if ( primary != 0 )
bReload = true;
// check if we have an ammo bag we can take a clip from instead
CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag* pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast<CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag*>( pMarine->GetASWWeapon( 0 ) );
if ( !pAmmoBag )
pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast<CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag*>( pMarine->GetASWWeapon( 1 ) );
if ( pAmmoBag && pAmmoBag->CanGiveAmmoToWeapon( this ) )
bReload = true;
pAmmoBag->GiveClipTo(pMarine, m_iPrimaryAmmoType, true);
// now we've given a clip, check if we can reload
primary = MIN(iClipSize1 - m_iClip1, pMarine->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType));
if ( primary != 0 )
bReload = true;
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo2() )
// need to reload secondary clip?
int secondary = MIN( iClipSize2 - m_iClip2, pMarine->GetAmmoCount( m_iSecondaryAmmoType ) );
if ( secondary != 0 )
bReload = true;
if ( !bReload )
return false;
m_bFastReloadSuccess = false;
m_bFastReloadFailure = false;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( GetMaxClip1() > 1 )
// Fire event when a player reloads a weapon with more than a bullet per clip
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "weapon_reload" );
if ( event )
CASW_Player *pPlayer = NULL;
pPlayer = pMarine->GetCommander();
int nClipSize = GetMaxClip1();
int nClips = pMarine->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) / nClipSize;
CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag *pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast< CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag* >( pMarine->GetASWWeapon( 0 ) );
if ( !pAmmoBag )
pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast< CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag* >( pMarine->GetASWWeapon( 1 ) );
if ( pAmmoBag && this != pAmmoBag )
nClips += pAmmoBag->NumClipsForWeapon( this );
event->SetInt( "userid", ( pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetUserID() : 0 ) );
event->SetInt( "marine", pMarine->entindex() );
event->SetInt( "lost", m_iClip1 );
event->SetInt( "clipsize", nClipSize );
event->SetInt( "clipsremaining", nClips - 1 );
event->SetInt( "clipsmax", GetAmmoDef()->MaxCarry( m_iPrimaryAmmoType, pMarine ) / nClipSize );
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
m_fReloadClearFiringTime = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
float fReloadTime = GetReloadTime();
float flSequenceEndTime = gpGlobals->curtime + fReloadTime;
pMarine->SetNextAttack( flSequenceEndTime );
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = m_flNextSecondaryAttack = flSequenceEndTime;
//Msg(" Setting nextprimary attack time to %f from aswreload\n", m_flNextPrimaryAttack);
m_bInReload = true;
// set fast reload timings
// assuming 2.8 base reload time
// ~0.29
RandomSeed( CBaseEntity::GetPredictionRandomSeed() & 255 );
float flStartFraction = random->RandomFloat( 0.29f, 0.35f );
// set width by difficulty
float flFastReloadWidth = 0.12f;
switch( ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel() )
case 1:
case 2: flFastReloadWidth = random->RandomFloat( 0.10f, 0.1f ); break; // easy/normal
case 3: flFastReloadWidth = random->RandomFloat( 0.08f, 0.12f ); break; // hard
case 4: flFastReloadWidth = random->RandomFloat( 0.06f, 0.10f ); break; // insane
case 5: flFastReloadWidth = random->RandomFloat( 0.055f, 0.09f ); break; // imba
// scale by marine skills
flFastReloadWidth *= MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarine( pMarine, ASW_MARINE_SKILL_RELOADING, ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_RELOADING_FAST_WIDTH_SCALE );
m_fReloadStart = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_fFastReloadStart = gpGlobals->curtime + flStartFraction * fReloadTime;
m_fFastReloadEnd = m_fFastReloadStart + flFastReloadWidth * fReloadTime;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
pMarine->RemoveWeaponPowerup( this );
return true;
void CASW_Weapon::SendReloadEvents()
CASW_Marine *marine = dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>(GetOwner());
if (!marine)
if (marine->IsAnimatingReload()) // don't play the anim twice
CASW_GameStats.Event_MarineReloading( marine, this );
// Make the player play his reload animation. (and send to clients)
marine->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD );
// function unused (done by CASW_Marine::Weapon_Switch instead?)
void CASW_Weapon::SendWeaponSwitchEvents()
CASW_Marine *marine = dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>(GetOwner());
if (!marine)
// Make the player play his reload animation. (and send to clients)
bool CASW_Weapon::IsReloading() const
return m_bInReload;
// fixme: technically this returns if we're firing or anything else that stops firing (except reloading, which is checked for)
bool CASW_Weapon::IsFiring()// const
return m_bIsFiring;
float CASW_Weapon::GetFireRate()
float flRate = GetWeaponInfo()->m_flFireRate;
//CALL_ATTRIB_HOOK_FLOAT( flRate, mod_fire_rate );
return flRate;
void CASW_Weapon::GetButtons(bool& bAttack1, bool& bAttack2, bool& bReload, bool& bOldReload, bool& bOldAttack1 )
CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
if (!pMarine)
CBasePlayer *pOwner = dynamic_cast<CBasePlayer*>(GetOwner());
if (pOwner)
bAttack1 = !!(pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK);
bAttack2 = !!(pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK2);
bReload = !!(pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_RELOAD);
bOldReload = false;
bOldAttack1 = false;
bAttack1 = false;
bAttack2 = false;
bReload = false;
bOldReload = false;
bOldAttack1 = false;
// don't allow firing when frozen/stopped from a pickup/kick
if ( pMarine->IsControllingTurret() || ( pMarine->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN )
|| ( gpGlobals->curtime < pMarine->GetStopTime() ) || pMarine->GetCurrentMeleeAttack() )
bAttack1 = false;
bAttack2 = false;
bReload = false;
bOldReload = false;
bOldAttack1 = false;
if (pMarine->IsInhabited() && pMarine->GetCommander())
bAttack1 = !!(pMarine->GetCommander()->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK);
bAttack2 = !!(pMarine->GetCommander()->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK2);
bReload = !!(pMarine->GetCommander()->m_nButtons & IN_RELOAD);
bOldReload = !!(pMarine->m_nOldButtons & IN_RELOAD);
bOldAttack1 = !!(pMarine->m_nOldButtons & IN_ATTACK);
// does our uninhabited marine want to fire?
#ifdef GAME_DLL
bAttack1 = pMarine->AIWantsToFire();
bAttack2 = pMarine->AIWantsToFire2();
bReload = pMarine->AIWantsToReload();
bOldReload = false;
bOldAttack1 = false;
bAttack1 = false;
bAttack2 = false;
bReload = false;
bOldReload = false;
bOldAttack1 = false;
bool CASW_Weapon::ShouldMarineMoveSlow()
return (IsReloading() || IsFiring());
void CASW_Weapon::ClearIsFiring()
m_bIsFiring = false;
bool CASW_Weapon::Holster( CBaseCombatWeapon *pSwitchingTo )
if ( m_bIsFiring )
/* UNDONE: This was causing trouble in the offhand welder. It seems like this was to enforce the grenade toss
animation completes, but it's probably better that pressing the offhand key guarantees item use
rather than having it misfire because of an rare condition.
CASW_Marine* pMarine = dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>(GetOwner());
// check if our offhand item is doing an offhand delayed attack, cancel it if so
if (pMarine && pMarine->GetASWWeapon(2) && pMarine->GetASWWeapon(2)->m_bShotDelayed) // cancel throwing if we're switching out
pMarine->GetASWWeapon(2)->m_bShotDelayed = false;
return BaseClass::Holster( pSwitchingTo );
m_bFastReloadSuccess = false;
m_bFastReloadFailure = false;
void CASW_Weapon::FinishReload( void )
CASW_Marine *pOwner = GetMarine();
if (pOwner)
// If I use primary clips, reload primary
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
// asw: throw away what's in the clip currently
m_iClip1 = 0;
int primary = MIN( GetMaxClip1() - m_iClip1, pOwner->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType));
m_iClip1 += primary;
pOwner->RemoveAmmo( primary, m_iPrimaryAmmoType);
// If I use secondary clips, reload secondary
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo2() )
int secondary = MIN( GetMaxClip2() - m_iClip2, pOwner->GetAmmoCount(m_iSecondaryAmmoType));
m_iClip2 += secondary;
pOwner->RemoveAmmo( secondary, m_iSecondaryAmmoType );
if ( m_bReloadsSingly )
m_bInReload = false;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
if ( !m_bFastReloadSuccess )
pOwner->m_nFastReloadsInARow = 0;
m_bFastReloadSuccess = false;
m_bFastReloadFailure = false;
void CASW_Weapon::SetWeaponVisible( bool visible )
// Msg("[C] %s SetWeaponVisible %d\n", GetClassname(), visible);
//Msg("[S] %s SetWeaponVisible %d\n", GetClassname(), visible);
if ( visible )
RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW );
AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
void CASW_Weapon::ApplyWeaponSwitchTime()
// play weaponswitch sound
if (ASWGameRules() && ASWGameRules()->GetGameState() >= ASW_GS_INGAME)
float flSequenceEndTime = gpGlobals->curtime + ASW_WEAPON_SWITCH_TIME;
CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner = GetOwner();
if (pOwner)
pOwner->SetNextAttack( flSequenceEndTime );
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = m_flNextSecondaryAttack = flSequenceEndTime;
m_bSwitchingWeapons = true;
const float CASW_Weapon::GetAutoAimAmount()
return 0.0f;
// dot has to be lower than this to count
const float CASW_Weapon::GetVerticalAdjustOnlyAutoAimAmount()
return 0.66f;
void CASW_Weapon::Precache()
PrecacheModel( "models/swarm/Bayonet/bayonet.mdl" );
const CASW_WeaponInfo* pWeaponInfo = GetWeaponInfo();
if ( pWeaponInfo )
// find equipment list index
if ( ASWEquipmentList() )
if ( pWeaponInfo->m_bExtra )
m_iEquipmentListIndex = ASWEquipmentList()->GetExtraIndex(GetClassname());
m_iEquipmentListIndex = ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegularIndex(GetClassname());
if ( pWeaponInfo->szDisplayModel && pWeaponInfo->szDisplayModel[0] )
CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel( pWeaponInfo->szDisplayModel );
if ( pWeaponInfo->szDisplayModel2 && pWeaponInfo->szDisplayModel2[0] )
CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel( pWeaponInfo->szDisplayModel2 );
const CASW_WeaponInfo* CASW_Weapon::GetWeaponInfo() const
return dynamic_cast<const CASW_WeaponInfo*>(&GetWpnData());
bool CASW_Weapon::SendWeaponAnim(int iActivity)
// no animations in 3rd person unless subclasses decide to have them
return false;
void CASW_Weapon::Equip(CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner)
SetModel( GetViewModel() );
//IHasAttributes *pOwnerAttribInterface = dynamic_cast<IHasAttributes *>( pOwner );
//if ( pOwnerAttribInterface )
//pOwnerAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->AddProvider( this );
float CASW_Weapon::GetTurnRateModifier()
if (IsFiring())
return 0.5f;
return 1.0f;
int CASW_Weapon::ASW_SelectWeaponActivity(int idealActivity)
switch( idealActivity )
//case ACT_IDLE: idealActivity = ACT_DOD_STAND_IDLE; break;
//case ACT_CROUCHIDLE: idealActivity = ACT_DOD_CROUCH_IDLE; break;
//case ACT_RUN_CROUCH: idealActivity = ACT_DOD_CROUCHWALK_IDLE; break;
case ACT_WALK: idealActivity = ACT_WALK_AIM_RIFLE; break;
case ACT_RUN: idealActivity = ACT_RUN_AIM_RIFLE; break;
case ACT_IDLE: idealActivity = ACT_IDLE_RIFLE; break;
default: break;
return idealActivity;
bool CASW_Weapon::SupportsBayonet()
return false;
float CASW_Weapon::GetMovementScale()
return ShouldMarineMoveSlow() ? 0.5f : 1.0f;
float CASW_Weapon::GetWeaponDamage()
float flDamage = GetWeaponInfo()->m_flBaseDamage;
if ( GetMarine() )
flDamage += MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarine(GetMarine(), ASW_MARINE_SKILL_ACCURACY, ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_ACCURACY_RIFLE_DMG);
//CALL_ATTRIB_HOOK_FLOAT( flDamage, mod_damage_done );
return flDamage;
const char *CASW_Weapon::GetASWShootSound( int iIndex, int &iPitch )
if ( iIndex == SINGLE || iIndex == SINGLE_NPC )
iIndex = IsCarriedByLocalPlayer() ? SINGLE : SINGLE_NPC;
if ( iIndex == WPN_DOUBLE || iIndex == DOUBLE_NPC )
iIndex = IsCarriedByLocalPlayer() ? WPN_DOUBLE : DOUBLE_NPC;
if ( iIndex == RELOAD || iIndex == RELOAD_NPC )
iIndex = IsCarriedByLocalPlayer() ? RELOAD : RELOAD_NPC;
// play the weapon sound according to marine skill
int iSkill = MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarine(GetMarine(), ASW_MARINE_SKILL_RELOADING, ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_RELOADING_SOUND);
switch (iSkill)
case 5: return GetWpnData().aShootSounds[ FAST_RELOAD ]; break;
case 4: iPitch = 120; return GetWpnData().aShootSounds[ iIndex ]; break;
case 3: iPitch = 115; return GetWpnData().aShootSounds[ iIndex ]; break;
case 2: iPitch = 110; return GetWpnData().aShootSounds[ iIndex ]; break;
case 1: iPitch = 105; return GetWpnData().aShootSounds[ iIndex ]; break;
default: return GetWpnData().aShootSounds[ iIndex ]; break;
return GetShootSound( iIndex );
void CASW_Weapon::WeaponSound( WeaponSound_t sound_type, float soundtime /* = 0.0f */ )
//asw hack - don't allow normal reloading sounds to be triggered, since we fire them from the marine's reloading animation anim event
if (sound_type == RELOAD)
if (sound_type == SPECIAL2)
sound_type = RELOAD;
// If we have some sounds from the weapon classname.txt file, play a random one of them
int iPitch = 100;
const char *shootsound = GetASWShootSound( sound_type, iPitch );
//Msg("%s:%f WeaponSound %d %s\n", IsServer() ? "S" : "C", gpGlobals->curtime, sound_type, shootsound);
if ( !shootsound || !shootsound[0] )
CSoundParameters params;
if ( !GetParametersForSound( shootsound, params, NULL ) )
EmitSound_t playparams(params);
if (soundtime != 0)
playparams.m_flSoundTime = soundtime;
playparams.m_nPitch = params.pitch;
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
if ( params.play_to_owner_only )
// Am I only to play to my owner?
if ( GetOwner() && pPlayer && pPlayer->GetMarine() == GetOwner() )
CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pPlayer );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
EmitSound(filter, GetOwner()->entindex(), playparams);
//EmitSound( filter, GetOwner()->entindex(), shootsound, NULL, soundtime );
// Play weapon sound from the owner
if ( GetOwner() )
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( GetOwner(), params.soundlevel );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
EmitSound(filter, GetOwner()->entindex(), playparams);
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
if( sound_type == EMPTY )
CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_COMBAT, GetOwner()->GetAbsOrigin(), SOUNDENT_VOLUME_EMPTY, 0.2, GetOwner() );
// If no owner play from the weapon (this is used for thrown items)
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this, params.soundlevel );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
EmitSound( filter, entindex(), shootsound, NULL, soundtime );
void CASW_Weapon::PlaySoundDirectlyToOwner( const char *szSoundName )
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
if ( !pPlayer )
CSoundParameters params;
if ( !GetParametersForSound( szSoundName, params, NULL ) )
EmitSound_t playparams( params );
CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pPlayer );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
EmitSound( filter, GetOwner()->entindex(), playparams );
void CASW_Weapon::PlaySoundToOthers( const char *szSoundName )
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
CSoundParameters params;
if ( !GetParametersForSound( szSoundName, params, NULL ) )
EmitSound_t playparams( params );
// Play weapon sound from the owner
if ( GetOwner() )
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( GetOwner(), params.soundlevel );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
if ( pPlayer )
filter.RemoveRecipient( pPlayer );
EmitSound(filter, GetOwner()->entindex(), playparams);
// If no owner play from the weapon (this is used for thrown items)
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this, params.soundlevel );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
if ( pPlayer )
filter.RemoveRecipient( pPlayer );
EmitSound(filter, entindex(), playparams);
void CASW_Weapon::LowAmmoSound()
CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
if ( GetOwner() && pPlayer && pPlayer->GetMarine() == GetOwner() )
CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pPlayer );
if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
CSoundParameters params;
if ( !GetParametersForSound( "ASW_Weapon.LowAmmoClick", params, NULL ) )
EmitSound_t playparams(params);
EmitSound( filter, GetOwner()->entindex(), playparams );
// no autoswitching our weapons
bool CASW_Weapon::AllowsAutoSwitchFrom( void ) const
return false;
int CASW_Weapon::AmmoClickPoint()
return 6;
// user message based tracer type
const char* CASW_Weapon::GetUTracerType()
return "ASWUTracer";
void CASW_Weapon::UpdateOnRemove( void )
if ( m_hLaserSight.Get() )
UTIL_Remove( m_hLaserSight );
//IHasAttributes *pOwnerAttribInterface = dynamic_cast<IHasAttributes *>( GetOwnerEntity() );
//if ( pOwnerAttribInterface )
//pOwnerAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->RemoveProvider( this );
// Dropped weapon functions
bool CASW_Weapon::AllowedToPickup(CASW_Marine *pMarine)
if (!pMarine || !ASWGameRules() || !pMarine->GetMarineResource())
return false;
// check if we're swapping for an existing item
int index = pMarine->GetWeaponPositionForPickup(GetClassname());
CASW_Weapon* pWeapon = pMarine->GetASWWeapon(index);
const char* szSwappingClass = pWeapon ? pWeapon->GetClassname() : "";
// first check if the gamerules will allow it
bool bAllowed = ASWGameRules()->MarineCanPickup(pMarine->GetMarineResource(), GetClassname(), szSwappingClass);
m_bSwappingWeapon = ( pWeapon != NULL );
return bAllowed;
bool CASW_Weapon::IsUsable(CBaseEntity *pUser)
return (!IsBeingCarried() && pUser && pUser->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo(GetAbsOrigin()) < ASW_MARINE_USE_RADIUS); // near enough?
int CASW_Weapon::LookupAttachment( const char *pAttachmentName )
// skip over the special basecombatweapon lookup that always uses the world model instead of the current model
return BaseClass::BaseClass::LookupAttachment( pAttachmentName );
void CASW_Weapon::OnStoppedFiring()
// used by child classes
// marine has started doing a diving roll
void CASW_Weapon::OnStartedRoll()
if ( m_bFastReloadSuccess )
// cancel reloading
m_bFastReloadSuccess = false;
m_bFastReloadFailure = false;
m_bInReload = false;