Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

810 lines
35 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Interfaces between the client.dll and engine
#ifndef CDLL_INT_H
#define CDLL_INT_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "checksum_crc.h"
#include "datamap.h"
#include "tier1/bitbuf.h"
#include "inputsystem/ButtonCode.h"
#include "modes.h"
#if !defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xboxstubs.h"
// forward declarations
class ClientClass;
struct model_t;
class CSentence;
struct vrect_t;
struct cmodel_t;
class IMaterial;
class CAudioSource;
class CMeasureSection;
class SurfInfo;
class ISpatialQuery;
struct cache_user_t;
class IMaterialSystem;
class VMatrix;
struct ScreenFade_t;
struct ScreenShake_t;
class CViewSetup;
class CEngineSprite;
class CGlobalVarsBase;
class CPhysCollide;
class CSaveRestoreData;
class INetChannelInfo;
struct datamap_t;
struct typedescription_t;
class CStandardRecvProxies;
struct client_textmessage_t;
class IAchievementMgr;
class CGamestatsData;
class KeyValues;
class IFileList;
class CRenamedRecvTableInfo;
class CMouthInfo;
class IConVar;
// Purpose: This data structure is filled in by the engine when the client .dll requests information about
// other players that the engine knows about
// Engine player info, no game related infos here
// If you change this, change the two byteswap defintions:
// cdll_client_int.cpp and cdll_engine_int.cpp
typedef struct player_info_s
// scoreboard information
// local server user ID, unique while server is running
int userID;
// global unique player identifer
char guid[SIGNED_GUID_LEN + 1];
// friends identification number
uint32 friendsID;
// friends name
char friendsName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
// true, if player is a bot controlled by game.dll
bool fakeplayer;
// true if player is the HLTV proxy
bool ishltv;
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
// true if player is the Replay proxy
bool isreplay;
// custom files CRC for this player
CRC32_t customFiles[MAX_CUSTOM_FILES];
// this counter increases each time the server downloaded a new file
unsigned char filesDownloaded;
} player_info_t;
// Hearing info
struct AudioState_t
Vector m_Origin;
QAngle m_Angles;
bool m_bIsUnderwater;
// Skybox visibility
enum SkyboxVisibility_t
// Skybox materials
struct SkyBoxMaterials_t
// order: "rt", "bk", "lf", "ft", "up", "dn"
IMaterial *material[6];
// Purpose: The engine reports to the client DLL what stage it's entering so the DLL can latch events
// and make sure that certain operations only happen during the right stages.
// The value for each stage goes up as you move through the frame so you can check ranges of values
// and if new stages get added in-between, the range is still valid.
enum ClientFrameStage_t
FRAME_UNDEFINED=-1, // (haven't run any frames yet)
// A network packet is being recieved
// Data has been received and we're going to start calling PostDataUpdate
// Data has been received and we've called PostDataUpdate on all data recipients
// We've received all packets, we can now do interpolation, prediction, etc..
// We're about to start rendering the scene
// We've finished rendering the scene.
// Used by RenderView
enum RenderViewInfo_t
// Lightcache entry handle
// Occlusion parameters
struct OcclusionParams_t
float m_flMaxOccludeeArea;
float m_flMinOccluderArea;
// Just an interface version name for the random number interface
// See vstdlib/random.h for the interface definition
// NOTE: If you change this, also change VENGINE_SERVER_RANDOM_INTERFACE_VERSION in eiface.h
// change this when the new version is incompatable with the old
// Purpose: Interface exposed from the engine to the client .dll
abstract_class IVEngineClient013
// Find the model's surfaces that intersect the given sphere.
// Returns the number of surfaces filled in.
virtual int GetIntersectingSurfaces(
const model_t *model,
const Vector &vCenter,
const float radius,
const bool bOnlyVisibleSurfaces, // Only return surfaces visible to vCenter.
SurfInfo *pInfos,
const int nMaxInfos) = 0;
// Get the lighting intensivty for a specified point
// If bClamp is specified, the resulting Vector is restricted to the 0.0 to 1.0 for each element
virtual Vector GetLightForPoint(const Vector &pos, bool bClamp) = 0;
// Traces the line and reports the material impacted as well as the lighting information for the impact point
virtual IMaterial *TraceLineMaterialAndLighting( const Vector &start, const Vector &end,
Vector &diffuseLightColor, Vector& baseColor ) = 0;
// Given an input text buffer data pointer, parses a single token into the variable token and returns the new
// reading position
virtual const char *ParseFile( const char *data, char *token, int maxlen ) = 0;
virtual bool CopyLocalFile( const char *source, const char *destination ) = 0;
// Gets the dimensions of the game window
virtual void GetScreenSize( int& width, int& height ) = 0;
// Forwards szCmdString to the server, sent reliably if bReliable is set
virtual void ServerCmd( const char *szCmdString, bool bReliable = true ) = 0;
// Inserts szCmdString into the command buffer as if it was typed by the client to his/her console.
// Note: Calls to this are checked against FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE (if that bit is not set, then this function can't change it).
// Call ClientCmd_Unrestricted to have access to FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE vars.
virtual void ClientCmd( const char *szCmdString ) = 0;
// Fill in the player info structure for the specified player index (name, model, etc.)
virtual bool GetPlayerInfo( int ent_num, player_info_t *pinfo ) = 0;
// Retrieve the player entity number for a specified userID
virtual int GetPlayerForUserID( int userID ) = 0;
// Retrieves text message system information for the specified message by name
virtual client_textmessage_t *TextMessageGet( const char *pName ) = 0;
// Returns true if the console is visible
virtual bool Con_IsVisible( void ) = 0;
// Get the entity index of the local player
virtual int GetLocalPlayer( void ) = 0;
// Client DLL is hooking a model, loads the model into memory and returns pointer to the model_t
virtual const model_t *LoadModel( const char *pName, bool bProp = false ) = 0;
// Get accurate, sub-frame clock ( profiling use )
virtual float Time( void ) = 0;
// Get the exact server timesstamp ( server time ) from the last message received from the server
virtual float GetLastTimeStamp( void ) = 0;
// Given a CAudioSource (opaque pointer), retrieve the underlying CSentence object ( stores the words, phonemes, and close
// captioning data )
virtual CSentence *GetSentence( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ) = 0;
// Given a CAudioSource, determines the length of the underlying audio file (.wav, .mp3, etc.)
virtual float GetSentenceLength( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ) = 0;
// Returns true if the sound is streaming off of the hard disk (instead of being memory resident)
virtual bool IsStreaming( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ) const = 0;
// Copy current view orientation into va
virtual void GetViewAngles( QAngle& va ) = 0;
// Set current view orientation from va
virtual void SetViewAngles( QAngle& va ) = 0;
// Retrieve the current game's maxclients setting
virtual int GetMaxClients( void ) = 0;
// Given the string pBinding which may be bound to a key,
// returns the string name of the key to which this string is bound. Returns NULL if no such binding exists
virtual const char *Key_LookupBinding( const char *pBinding ) = 0;
// Given the name of the key "mouse1", "e", "tab", etc., return the string it is bound to "+jump", "impulse 50", etc.
virtual const char *Key_BindingForKey( ButtonCode_t code ) = 0;
// key trapping (for binding keys)
virtual void StartKeyTrapMode( void ) = 0;
virtual bool CheckDoneKeyTrapping( ButtonCode_t &code ) = 0;
// Returns true if the player is fully connected and active in game (i.e, not still loading)
virtual bool IsInGame( void ) = 0;
// Returns true if the player is connected, but not necessarily active in game (could still be loading)
virtual bool IsConnected( void ) = 0;
// Returns true if the loading plaque should be drawn
virtual bool IsDrawingLoadingImage( void ) = 0;
// Prints the formatted string to the notification area of the screen ( down the right hand edge
// numbered lines starting at position 0
virtual void Con_NPrintf( int pos, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ... ) = 0;
// Similar to Con_NPrintf, but allows specifying custom text color and duration information
virtual void Con_NXPrintf( const struct con_nprint_s *info, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ... ) = 0;
// Is the specified world-space bounding box inside the view frustum?
virtual int IsBoxVisible( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs ) = 0;
// Is the specified world-space boudning box in the same PVS cluster as the view origin?
virtual int IsBoxInViewCluster( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs ) = 0;
// Returns true if the specified box is outside of the view frustum and should be culled
virtual bool CullBox( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs ) = 0;
// Allow the sound system to paint additional data (during lengthy rendering operations) to prevent stuttering sound.
virtual void Sound_ExtraUpdate( void ) = 0;
// Get the current game directory ( e.g., hl2, tf2, cstrike, hl1 )
virtual const char *GetGameDirectory( void ) = 0;
// Get access to the world to screen transformation matrix
virtual const VMatrix& WorldToScreenMatrix() = 0;
// Get the matrix to move a point from world space into view space
// (translate and rotate so the camera is at the origin looking down X).
virtual const VMatrix& WorldToViewMatrix() = 0;
// The .bsp file can have mod-specified data lumps. These APIs are for working with such game lumps.
// Get mod-specified lump version id for the specified game data lump
virtual int GameLumpVersion( int lumpId ) const = 0;
// Get the raw size of the specified game data lump.
virtual int GameLumpSize( int lumpId ) const = 0;
// Loads a game lump off disk, writing the data into the buffer pointed to bye pBuffer
// Returns false if the data can't be read or the destination buffer is too small
virtual bool LoadGameLump( int lumpId, void* pBuffer, int size ) = 0;
// Returns the number of leaves in the level
virtual int LevelLeafCount() const = 0;
// Gets a way to perform spatial queries on the BSP tree
virtual ISpatialQuery* GetBSPTreeQuery() = 0;
// Convert texlight to gamma...
virtual void LinearToGamma( float* linear, float* gamma ) = 0;
// Get the lightstyle value
virtual float LightStyleValue( int style ) = 0;
// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
virtual void ComputeDynamicLighting( const Vector& pt, const Vector* pNormal, Vector& color ) = 0;
// Returns the color of the ambient light
virtual void GetAmbientLightColor( Vector& color ) = 0;
// Returns the dx support level
virtual int GetDXSupportLevel() = 0;
// GR - returns the HDR support status
virtual bool SupportsHDR() = 0;
// Replace the engine's material system pointer.
virtual void Mat_Stub( IMaterialSystem *pMatSys ) = 0;
// Get the name of the current map
virtual void GetChapterName( char *pchBuff, int iMaxLength ) = 0;
virtual char const *GetLevelName( void ) = 0;
virtual int GetLevelVersion( void ) = 0;
#if !defined( NO_VOICE )
// Obtain access to the voice tweaking API
virtual struct IVoiceTweak_s *GetVoiceTweakAPI( void ) = 0;
// Tell engine stats gathering system that the rendering frame is beginning/ending
virtual void EngineStats_BeginFrame( void ) = 0;
virtual void EngineStats_EndFrame( void ) = 0;
// This tells the engine to fire any events (temp entity messages) that it has queued up this frame.
// It should only be called once per frame.
virtual void FireEvents() = 0;
// Returns an area index if all the leaves are in the same area. If they span multple areas, then it returns -1.
virtual int GetLeavesArea( int *pLeaves, int nLeaves ) = 0;
// Returns true if the box touches the specified area's frustum.
virtual bool DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int iArea ) = 0;
// Sets the hearing origin (i.e., the origin and orientation of the listener so that the sound system can spatialize
// sound appropriately ).
virtual void SetAudioState( const AudioState_t& state ) = 0;
// Sentences / sentence groups
virtual int SentenceGroupPick( int groupIndex, char *name, int nameBufLen ) = 0;
virtual int SentenceGroupPickSequential( int groupIndex, char *name, int nameBufLen, int sentenceIndex, int reset ) = 0;
virtual int SentenceIndexFromName( const char *pSentenceName ) = 0;
virtual const char *SentenceNameFromIndex( int sentenceIndex ) = 0;
virtual int SentenceGroupIndexFromName( const char *pGroupName ) = 0;
virtual const char *SentenceGroupNameFromIndex( int groupIndex ) = 0;
virtual float SentenceLength( int sentenceIndex ) = 0;
// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
// If pBoxColors is specified (it's an array of 6), then it'll copy the light contribution at each box side.
virtual void ComputeLighting( const Vector& pt, const Vector* pNormal, bool bClamp, Vector& color, Vector *pBoxColors=NULL ) = 0;
// Activates/deactivates an occluder...
virtual void ActivateOccluder( int nOccluderIndex, bool bActive ) = 0;
virtual bool IsOccluded( const Vector &vecAbsMins, const Vector &vecAbsMaxs ) = 0;
// The save restore system allocates memory from a shared memory pool, use this allocator to allocate/free saverestore
// memory.
virtual void *SaveAllocMemory( size_t num, size_t size ) = 0;
virtual void SaveFreeMemory( void *pSaveMem ) = 0;
// returns info interface for client netchannel
virtual INetChannelInfo *GetNetChannelInfo( void ) = 0;
// Debugging functionality:
// Very slow routine to draw a physics model
virtual void DebugDrawPhysCollide( const CPhysCollide *pCollide, IMaterial *pMaterial, matrix3x4_t& transform, const color32 &color ) = 0;
// This can be used to notify test scripts that we're at a particular spot in the code.
virtual void CheckPoint( const char *pName ) = 0;
// Draw portals if r_DrawPortals is set (Debugging only)
virtual void DrawPortals() = 0;
// Determine whether the client is playing back or recording a demo
virtual bool IsPlayingDemo( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsRecordingDemo( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsPlayingTimeDemo( void ) = 0;
virtual int GetDemoRecordingTick( void ) = 0;
virtual int GetDemoPlaybackTick( void ) = 0;
virtual int GetDemoPlaybackStartTick( void ) = 0;
virtual float GetDemoPlaybackTimeScale( void ) = 0;
virtual int GetDemoPlaybackTotalTicks( void ) = 0;
// Is the game paused?
virtual bool IsPaused( void ) = 0;
// Is the game currently taking a screenshot?
virtual bool IsTakingScreenshot( void ) = 0;
// Is this a HLTV broadcast ?
virtual bool IsHLTV( void ) = 0;
// is this level loaded as just the background to the main menu? (active, but unplayable)
virtual bool IsLevelMainMenuBackground( void ) = 0;
// returns the name of the background level
virtual void GetMainMenuBackgroundName( char *dest, int destlen ) = 0;
// Get video modes
virtual void GetVideoModes( int &nCount, vmode_s *&pModes ) = 0;
// Occlusion system control
virtual void SetOcclusionParameters( const OcclusionParams_t &params ) = 0;
// What language is the user expecting to hear .wavs in, "english" or another...
virtual void GetUILanguage( char *dest, int destlen ) = 0;
// Can skybox be seen from a particular point?
virtual SkyboxVisibility_t IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint( const Vector &vecPoint ) = 0;
// Get the pristine map entity lump string. (e.g., used by CS to reload the map entities when restarting a round.)
virtual const char* GetMapEntitiesString() = 0;
// Is the engine in map edit mode ?
virtual bool IsInEditMode( void ) = 0;
// current screen aspect ratio (eg. 4.0f/3.0f, 16.0f/9.0f)
virtual float GetScreenAspectRatio() = 0;
// allow the game UI to login a user
virtual bool REMOVED_SteamRefreshLogin( const char *password, bool isSecure ) = 0;
virtual bool REMOVED_SteamProcessCall( bool & finished ) = 0;
// allow other modules to know about engine versioning (one use is a proxy for network compatability)
virtual unsigned int GetEngineBuildNumber() = 0; // engines build
virtual const char * GetProductVersionString() = 0; // mods version number (steam.inf)
// Communicates to the color correction editor that it's time to grab the pre-color corrected frame
// Passes in the actual size of the viewport
virtual void GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame( int x, int y, int width, int height ) = 0;
virtual bool IsHammerRunning( ) const = 0;
// Inserts szCmdString into the command buffer as if it was typed by the client to his/her console.
// And then executes the command string immediately (vs ClientCmd() which executes in the next frame)
// Note: this is NOT checked against the FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE vars.
virtual void ExecuteClientCmd( const char *szCmdString ) = 0;
// returns if the loaded map was processed with HDR info. This will be set regardless
// of what HDR mode the player is in.
virtual bool MapHasHDRLighting(void) = 0;
virtual int GetAppID() = 0;
// Just get the leaf ambient light - no caching, no samples
virtual Vector GetLightForPointFast(const Vector &pos, bool bClamp) = 0;
// This version does NOT check against FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE.
virtual void ClientCmd_Unrestricted( const char *szCmdString ) = 0;
// This used to be accessible through the cl_restrict_server_commands cvar.
// By default, Valve games restrict the server to only being able to execute commands marked with FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE.
// By default, mods are allowed to execute any server commands, and they can restrict the server's ability to execute client
// commands with this function.
virtual void SetRestrictServerCommands( bool bRestrict ) = 0;
// If set to true (defaults to true for Valve games and false for others), then IVEngineClient::ClientCmd
// can only execute things marked with FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE.
virtual void SetRestrictClientCommands( bool bRestrict ) = 0;
// Sets the client renderable for an overlay's material proxy to bind to
virtual void SetOverlayBindProxy( int iOverlayID, void *pBindProxy ) = 0;
virtual bool CopyFrameBufferToMaterial( const char *pMaterialName ) = 0;
// Matchmaking
virtual void ChangeTeam( const char *pTeamName ) = 0;
// Causes the engine to read in the user's configuration on disk
virtual void ReadConfiguration( const bool readDefault = false ) = 0;
virtual void SetAchievementMgr( IAchievementMgr *pAchievementMgr ) = 0;
virtual IAchievementMgr *GetAchievementMgr() = 0;
virtual bool MapLoadFailed( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetMapLoadFailed( bool bState ) = 0;
virtual bool IsLowViolence() = 0;
virtual const char *GetMostRecentSaveGame( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetMostRecentSaveGame( const char *lpszFilename ) = 0;
virtual void StartXboxExitingProcess() = 0;
virtual bool IsSaveInProgress() = 0;
virtual uint OnStorageDeviceAttached( void ) = 0;
virtual void OnStorageDeviceDetached( void ) = 0;
virtual void ResetDemoInterpolation( void ) = 0;
// Methods to set/get a gamestats data container so client & server running in same process can send combined data
virtual void SetGamestatsData( CGamestatsData *pGamestatsData ) = 0;
virtual CGamestatsData *GetGamestatsData() = 0;
#if defined( USE_SDL )
// we need to pull delta's from the cocoa mgr, the engine vectors this for us
virtual void GetMouseDelta( int &x, int &y, bool bIgnoreNextMouseDelta = false ) = 0;
// Sends a key values server command, not allowed from scripts execution
// Params:
// pKeyValues - key values to be serialized and sent to server
// the pointer is deleted inside the function: pKeyValues->deleteThis()
virtual void ServerCmdKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) = 0;
virtual bool IsSkippingPlayback( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsLoadingDemo( void ) = 0;
// Returns true if the engine is playing back a "locally recorded" demo, which includes
// both SourceTV and replay demos, since they're recorded locally (on servers), as opposed
// to a client recording a demo while connected to a remote server.
virtual bool IsPlayingDemoALocallyRecordedDemo() = 0;
// Given the string pBinding which may be bound to a key,
// returns the string name of the key to which this string is bound. Returns NULL if no such binding exists
// Unlike Key_LookupBinding, leading '+' characters are not stripped from bindings.
virtual const char *Key_LookupBindingExact( const char *pBinding ) = 0;
virtual void AddPhonemeFile( const char *pszPhonemeFile ) = 0;
virtual float GetPausedExpireTime( void ) = 0;
virtual bool StartDemoRecording( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszFolder = NULL ) = 0;
virtual void StopDemoRecording( void ) = 0;
virtual void TakeScreenshot( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszFolder = NULL ) = 0;
abstract_class IVEngineClient : public IVEngineClient013
virtual uint GetProtocolVersion() = 0;
virtual bool IsWindowedMode() = 0;
// Flash the window (os specific)
virtual void FlashWindow() = 0;
// Client version from the steam.inf, this will be compared to the GC version
virtual int GetClientVersion() const = 0; // engines build
// Is App Active
virtual bool IsActiveApp() = 0;
virtual void DisconnectInternal() = 0;
virtual int GetInstancesRunningCount( ) = 0;
// Purpose: Interface exposed from the client .dll back to the engine
abstract_class IBaseClientDLL
// Called once when the client DLL is loaded
virtual int Init( CreateInterfaceFn appSystemFactory,
CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory,
CGlobalVarsBase *pGlobals ) = 0;
virtual void PostInit() = 0;
// Called once when the client DLL is being unloaded
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
// Called once the client is initialized to setup client-side replay interface pointers
virtual bool ReplayInit( CreateInterfaceFn replayFactory ) = 0;
virtual bool ReplayPostInit() = 0;
// Called at the start of each level change
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity( char const* pMapName ) = 0;
// Called at the start of a new level, after the entities have been received and created
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity( ) = 0;
// Called at the end of a level
virtual void LevelShutdown( void ) = 0;
// Request a pointer to the list of client datatable classes
virtual ClientClass *GetAllClasses( void ) = 0;
// Called once per level to re-initialize any hud element drawing stuff
virtual int HudVidInit( void ) = 0;
// Called by the engine when gathering user input
virtual void HudProcessInput( bool bActive ) = 0;
// Called oncer per frame to allow the hud elements to think
virtual void HudUpdate( bool bActive ) = 0;
// Reset the hud elements to their initial states
virtual void HudReset( void ) = 0;
// Display a hud text message
virtual void HudText( const char * message ) = 0;
// Mouse Input Interfaces
// Activate the mouse (hides the cursor and locks it to the center of the screen)
virtual void IN_ActivateMouse( void ) = 0;
// Deactivates the mouse (shows the cursor and unlocks it)
virtual void IN_DeactivateMouse( void ) = 0;
// This is only called during extra sound updates and just accumulates mouse x, y offets and recenters the mouse.
// This call is used to try to prevent the mouse from appearing out of the side of a windowed version of the engine if
// rendering or other processing is taking too long
virtual void IN_Accumulate (void) = 0;
// Reset all key and mouse states to their initial, unpressed state
virtual void IN_ClearStates (void) = 0;
// If key is found by name, returns whether it's being held down in isdown, otherwise function returns false
virtual bool IN_IsKeyDown( const char *name, bool& isdown ) = 0;
// Notify the client that the mouse was wheeled while in game - called prior to executing any bound commands.
virtual void IN_OnMouseWheeled( int nDelta ) = 0;
// Raw keyboard signal, if the client .dll returns 1, the engine processes the key as usual, otherwise,
// if the client .dll returns 0, the key is swallowed.
virtual int IN_KeyEvent( int eventcode, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) = 0;
// This function is called once per tick to create the player CUserCmd (used for prediction/physics simulation of the player)
// Because the mouse can be sampled at greater than the tick interval, there is a separate input_sample_frametime, which
// specifies how much additional mouse / keyboard simulation to perform.
virtual void CreateMove (
int sequence_number, // sequence_number of this cmd
float input_sample_frametime, // Frametime for mouse input sampling
bool active ) = 0; // True if the player is active (not paused)
// If the game is running faster than the tick_interval framerate, then we do extra mouse sampling to avoid jittery input
// This code path is much like the normal move creation code, except no move is created
virtual void ExtraMouseSample( float frametime, bool active ) = 0;
// Encode the delta (changes) between the CUserCmd in slot from vs the one in slot to. The game code will have
// matching logic to read the delta.
virtual bool WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer( bf_write *buf, int from, int to, bool isnewcommand ) = 0;
// Demos need to be able to encode/decode CUserCmds to memory buffers, so these functions wrap that
virtual void EncodeUserCmdToBuffer( bf_write& buf, int slot ) = 0;
virtual void DecodeUserCmdFromBuffer( bf_read& buf, int slot ) = 0;
// Set up and render one or more views (e.g., rear view window, etc.). This called into RenderView below
virtual void View_Render( vrect_t *rect ) = 0;
// Allow engine to expressly render a view (e.g., during timerefresh)
// See IVRenderView.h, PushViewFlags_t for nFlags values
virtual void RenderView( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, int whatToDraw ) = 0;
// Apply screen fade directly from engine
virtual void View_Fade( ScreenFade_t *pSF ) = 0;
// The engine has parsed a crosshair angle message, this function is called to dispatch the new crosshair angle
virtual void SetCrosshairAngle( const QAngle& angle ) = 0;
// Sprite (.spr) model handling code
// Load a .spr file by name
virtual void InitSprite( CEngineSprite *pSprite, const char *loadname ) = 0;
// Shutdown a .spr file
virtual void ShutdownSprite( CEngineSprite *pSprite ) = 0;
// Returns sizeof( CEngineSprite ) so the engine can allocate appropriate memory
virtual int GetSpriteSize( void ) const = 0;
// Called when a player starts or stops talking.
// entindex is -1 to represent the local client talking (before the data comes back from the server).
// entindex is -2 to represent the local client's voice being acked by the server.
// entindex is GetPlayer() when the server acknowledges that the local client is talking.
virtual void VoiceStatus( int entindex, qboolean bTalking ) = 0;
// Networked string table definitions have arrived, allow client .dll to
// hook string changes with a callback function ( see INetworkStringTableClient.h )
virtual void InstallStringTableCallback( char const *tableName ) = 0;
// Notification that we're moving into another stage during the frame.
virtual void FrameStageNotify( ClientFrameStage_t curStage ) = 0;
// The engine has received the specified user message, this code is used to dispatch the message handler
virtual bool DispatchUserMessage( int msg_type, bf_read &msg_data ) = 0;
// Save/restore system hooks
virtual CSaveRestoreData *SaveInit( int size ) = 0;
virtual void SaveWriteFields( CSaveRestoreData *, const char *, void *, datamap_t *, typedescription_t *, int ) = 0;
virtual void SaveReadFields( CSaveRestoreData *, const char *, void *, datamap_t *, typedescription_t *, int ) = 0;
virtual void PreSave( CSaveRestoreData * ) = 0;
virtual void Save( CSaveRestoreData * ) = 0;
virtual void WriteSaveHeaders( CSaveRestoreData * ) = 0;
virtual void ReadRestoreHeaders( CSaveRestoreData * ) = 0;
virtual void Restore( CSaveRestoreData *, bool ) = 0;
virtual void DispatchOnRestore() = 0;
// Hand over the StandardRecvProxies in the client DLL's module.
virtual CStandardRecvProxies* GetStandardRecvProxies() = 0;
// save game screenshot writing
virtual void WriteSaveGameScreenshot( const char *pFilename ) = 0;
// Given a list of "S(wavname) S(wavname2)" tokens, look up the localized text and emit
// the appropriate close caption if running with closecaption = 1
virtual void EmitSentenceCloseCaption( char const *tokenstream ) = 0;
// Emits a regular close caption by token name
virtual void EmitCloseCaption( char const *captionname, float duration ) = 0;
// Returns true if the client can start recording a demo now. If the client returns false,
// an error message of up to length bytes should be returned in errorMsg.
virtual bool CanRecordDemo( char *errorMsg, int length ) const = 0;
// Give the Client a chance to do setup/cleanup.
virtual void OnDemoRecordStart( char const* pDemoBaseName ) = 0;
virtual void OnDemoRecordStop() = 0;
virtual void OnDemoPlaybackStart( char const* pDemoBaseName ) = 0;
virtual void OnDemoPlaybackStop() = 0;
// Draw the console overlay?
virtual bool ShouldDrawDropdownConsole() = 0;
// Get client screen dimensions
virtual int GetScreenWidth() = 0;
virtual int GetScreenHeight() = 0;
// Added interface
// save game screenshot writing
virtual void WriteSaveGameScreenshotOfSize( const char *pFilename, int width, int height, bool bCreatePowerOf2Padded = false, bool bWriteVTF = false ) = 0;
// Gets the current view
virtual bool GetPlayerView( CViewSetup &playerView ) = 0;
// Matchmaking
virtual void SetupGameProperties( CUtlVector< XUSER_CONTEXT > &contexts, CUtlVector< XUSER_PROPERTY > &properties ) = 0;
virtual uint GetPresenceID( const char *pIDName ) = 0;
virtual const char *GetPropertyIdString( const uint id ) = 0;
virtual void GetPropertyDisplayString( uint id, uint value, char *pOutput, int nBytes ) = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
virtual void StartStatsReporting( HANDLE handle, bool bArbitrated ) = 0;
virtual void InvalidateMdlCache() = 0;
virtual void IN_SetSampleTime( float frametime ) = 0;
// For sv_pure mode. The filesystem figures out which files the client needs to reload to be "pure" ala the server's preferences.
virtual void ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload ) = 0;
#ifdef POSIX
// AR: Same as above win32 defn but down here at the end of the vtable for back compat
virtual void StartStatsReporting( HANDLE handle, bool bArbitrated ) = 0;
// Let the client handle UI toggle - if this function returns false, the UI will toggle, otherwise it will not.
virtual bool HandleUiToggle() = 0;
// Allow the console to be shown?
virtual bool ShouldAllowConsole() = 0;
// Get renamed recv tables
virtual CRenamedRecvTableInfo *GetRenamedRecvTableInfos() = 0;
// Get the mouthinfo for the sound being played inside UI panels
virtual CMouthInfo *GetClientUIMouthInfo() = 0;
// Notify the client that a file has been received from the game server
virtual void FileReceived( const char * fileName, unsigned int transferID ) = 0;
virtual const char* TranslateEffectForVisionFilter( const char *pchEffectType, const char *pchEffectName ) = 0;
// Give the client a chance to modify sound settings however they want before the sound plays. This is used for
// things like adjusting pitch of voice lines in Pyroland in TF2.
virtual void ClientAdjustStartSoundParams( struct StartSoundParams_t& params ) = 0;
// Returns true if the disconnect command has been handled by the client
virtual bool DisconnectAttempt( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsConnectedUserInfoChangeAllowed( IConVar *pCvar ) = 0;
// Purpose: Interface exposed from the client .dll back to the engine for specifying shared .dll IAppSystems (e.g., ISoundEmitterSystem)
abstract_class IClientDLLSharedAppSystems
virtual int Count() = 0;
virtual char const *GetDllName( int idx ) = 0;
virtual char const *GetInterfaceName( int idx ) = 0;
#define CLIENT_DLL_SHARED_APPSYSTEMS "VClientDllSharedAppSystems001"
#endif // CDLL_INT_H