Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Base Object built by a player
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef TF_OBJ_H
#define TF_OBJ_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "baseentity.h"
#include "tf_func_resource.h"
#include "ihasbuildpoints.h"
#include "baseobject_shared.h"
#include "info_vehicle_bay.h"
class CBaseTFPlayer;
class CTFTeam;
class CRopeKeyframe;
class CBaseTechnology;
class CGrenadeObjectSapper;
class CObjectPowerPack;
class CVGuiScreen;
class CResourceZone;
class KeyValues;
class CObjectBuffStation;
struct animevent_t;
#define OBJECT_REPAIR_RATE 10 // Health healed per second while repairing
// Construction
extern ConVar object_verbose;
extern ConVar obj_child_range_factor;
#if defined( _DEBUG )
#define TRACE_OBJECT( str ) \
if ( object_verbose.GetInt() ) \
{ \
Msg( "%s", str ); \
#define TRACE_OBJECT( string )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Resupply object that's built by the player
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CBaseObject : public CBaseCombatCharacter, public IHasBuildPoints
DECLARE_CLASS( CBaseObject, CBaseCombatCharacter );
virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void );
virtual bool IsBaseObject( void ) const { return true; }
virtual void BaseObjectThink( void );
virtual void LostPowerThink( void );
virtual CBaseTFPlayer *GetOwner( void );
// Creation
virtual void Precache();
virtual void Spawn( void );
virtual void Activate( void );
void InitializeMapPlacedObject( void );
virtual void SetBuilder( CBaseTFPlayer *pBuilder, bool moveobjects = false );
virtual void SetupTeamModel( void ) { return; }
virtual void SetType( int iObjectType );
int ObjectType( ) const;
virtual int BloodColor( void ) { return BLOOD_COLOR_MECH; }
// Building
virtual float GetTotalTime( void );
virtual void StartPlacement( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer );
void StopPlacement( void );
bool FindNearestBuildPoint( CBaseEntity *pEntity, Vector vecBuildOrigin, float &flNearestPoint, Vector &vecNearestBuildPoint );
virtual bool CalculatePlacement( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer );
bool CheckBuildPoint( Vector vecPoint, Vector &vecTrace, Vector *vecOutPoint=NULL );
bool VerifyCorner( const Vector &vBottomCenter, float xOffset, float yOffset );
virtual bool CheckBuildOrigin( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer, const Vector &vecBuildOrigin, bool bSnappedToPoint = false );
void AttemptToFindPower( void );
void AttemptToFindBuffStation( void );
void AttemptToActivateBuffStation( void );
virtual float GetNearbyObjectCheckRadius( void ) { return 30.0; }
bool UpdatePlacement( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer );
virtual bool ShouldAttachToParent( void ) { return true; }
void SetVehicleBay( CVGuiScreenVehicleBay *pBay ) { m_hVehicleBay = pBay; }
// Sort of a hack for walkers - vehicles are pre-rotated by 90 degrees and walkers need to undo this.
virtual void AdjustInitialBuildAngles();
// Exit points for mounted vehicles....
virtual void GetExitPoint( CBaseEntity *pPlayer, int nBuildPoint, Vector *pExitPoint, QAngle *pAngles );
// I've finished building the specified object on the specified build point
virtual int FindObjectOnBuildPoint( CBaseObject *pObject );
// This gives an object a chance to prevent itself from being built when the user clicks the
// attack button during placement. Barbed wire uses this to change which object the barbed wire
// is attached to.
virtual bool PreStartBuilding();
virtual bool StartBuilding( CBaseEntity *pPlayer );
void BuildingThink( void );
void SetControlPanelsActive( bool bState );
virtual void FinishedBuilding( void );
bool IsBuilding( void ) { return m_bBuilding; };
bool IsPlacing( void ) { return m_bPlacing; };
bool MustBeBuiltInResourceZone( void ) const;
bool MustBeBuiltInConstructionYard( void ) const;
virtual bool MustNotBeBuiltInConstructionYard( void ) const;
bool MustBeBuiltOnAttachmentPoint( void ) const;
void AlignToGround( Vector vecOrigin );
// Returns information about the various control panels
virtual void GetControlPanelInfo( int nPanelIndex, const char *&pPanelName );
virtual void GetControlPanelClassName( int nPanelIndex, const char *&pPanelName );
// Client commands sent by clicking on various panels....
// NOTE: pArg->Argv(0) == pCmd, pArg->Argv(1) == the first argument
virtual bool ClientCommand( CBaseTFPlayer *pSender, const CCommand &args );
// Damage
void SetHealth( float flHealth );
virtual void TraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr );
virtual int OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
bool PassDamageOntoChildren( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, float *flDamageLeftOver );
virtual float GetRepairTime( void );
virtual bool UpdateRepair( float flRepairTime );
virtual bool Repair( float flHealth );
// Powerups
virtual bool CanPowerupEver( int iPowerup );
virtual bool CanPowerupNow( int iPowerup );
virtual void PowerupStart( int iPowerup, float flAmount, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CDamageModifier *pDamageModifier );
virtual void PowerupEnd( int iPowerup );
// Destruction
virtual bool ShouldAutoRemove( void );
virtual void Killed( void );
virtual void DestroyObject( void ); // Silent cleanup
virtual bool IsDying( void ) { return m_bDying; }
// Data
virtual Class_T Classify( void );
virtual int GetType( void );
virtual CBaseTFPlayer *GetBuilder( void );
virtual CBaseTFPlayer *GetOriginalBuilder( void );
CTFTeam *GetTFTeam( void ) { return (CTFTeam*)GetTeam(); };
// ID functions
virtual bool IsAnUpgrade( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool IsAVehicle( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool IsSentrygun() { return false; }
virtual bool WantsCoverFromSentryGun() { return false; }
virtual bool WantsCover() { return false; }
// Inputs
void InputSetHealth( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputAddHealth( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputRemoveHealth( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetMinDisabledHealth( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetSolidToPlayer( inputdata_t &inputdata );
// Pickup
virtual int ObjectCaps( void );
virtual void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
virtual void PickupObject( void );
virtual bool CanBeRemovedBy( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer );
virtual bool CanBeRotatedBy( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer );
virtual void ChangeTeam( int iTeamNum ) OVERRIDE; // Assign this entity to a team.
virtual void ChangeBuilder( CBaseTFPlayer *pNewBuilder, bool moveobjects );
virtual const char *GetWeaponClassnameForObject( void );
virtual void AddItemsNeededForObject( CBaseTFPlayer *pNewOwner );
// Objects that are damaged/disabled can return false here when checked for being available
virtual bool ComputeEMPDamageState( void ) { return true; }
// Handling object inactive
virtual bool ShouldBeActive( void );
// Technology
virtual void GainedNewTechnology( CBaseTechnology *pTechnology );
// Sappers
bool HasSapper( void );
bool HasSapperFromPlayer( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer );
void AddSapper( CGrenadeObjectSapper *pSapper );
void RemoveSapper( CGrenadeObjectSapper *pSapper );
// Called when the builder rotates this object...
virtual void ObjectMoved( );
// Minibase stuff
virtual bool WasMapPlaced( void );
virtual CRopeKeyframe *ConnectCableTo( CBaseObject *pObject, int iLocalAttachment, int iTargetAttachment );
virtual bool HasCableTo( CBaseObject *pObject );
virtual int GetCableAttachment( void );
// Returns the object flags
int GetObjectFlags() const { return m_fObjectFlags; }
void SetObjectFlags( int flags ) { m_fObjectFlags = flags; }
CResourceZone *GetResourceZone() { return m_hResourceZone.Get(); }
int RopeCount() const { return m_aRopes.Count(); }
// Power handling (Human objects need power to operate)
bool IsPowered( void );
void SetPowerPack( CObjectPowerPack *pPack );
CObjectPowerPack *GetPowerPack( void ) { return m_hPowerPack; };
void AttemptToGoActive( void );
virtual void OnGoActive( void );
virtual void OnGoInactive( void );
// Buffed objects (objects that connect to a medic's buff station)
bool IsHookedAndBuffed( void );
virtual bool CanBeHookedToBuffStation( void );
void SetBuffStation( CObjectBuffStation *pBuffStation, bool bPlacing );
CObjectBuffStation *GetBuffStation( void );
virtual void BuffStationActivate( void );
virtual void BuffStationDeactivate( void );
// Deterioration
void StartDeteriorating( void );
void StopDeteriorating( void );
bool IsDeteriorating( void ) { return m_bDeteriorating; };
void DeterioratingThink( void );
// Disabling
void SetDisabled( bool bDisabled );
bool IsDisabled( void ) { return m_bDisabled; }
// Animation
virtual void PlayStartupAnimation( void );
Activity GetActivity( ) const;
void SetActivity( Activity act );
void SetObjectSequence( int sequence );
virtual void OnActivityChanged( Activity act );
// Object points
void SpawnObjectPoints( void );
// Derive to customize an object's attached version
virtual void SetupAttachedVersion( void ) { return; }
virtual void SetupUnattachedVersion( void ) { return; }
QAngle ConvertAbsAnglesToLocal( QAngle vecLocalAngles );
// VulnerablePoints
void CreateVulnerablePoints( void );
void AddVulnerablePoint( const char* szHitboxName, float Multiplier );
float FindVulnerablePointMultiplier( int nGroup, int nBox );
// Build points
CUtlVector<VulnerablePoint_t> m_VulnerablePoints;
virtual bool TestHitboxes( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr );
// Client/Server shared build point code
void CreateBuildPoints( void );
void AddAndParseBuildPoint( int iAttachmentNumber, KeyValues *pkvBuildPoint );
virtual int AddBuildPoint( int iAttachmentNum );
virtual void AddValidObjectToBuildPoint( int iPoint, int iObjectType );
virtual CBaseObject *GetBuildPointObject( int iPoint );
bool IsBuiltOnAttachment( void ) { return (m_hBuiltOnEntity.Get() != NULL); }
void AttachObjectToObject( const CBaseEntity *pEntity, int iPoint, Vector &vecOrigin );
void DetachObjectFromObject( void );
CBaseObject *GetParentObject( void );
void SetBuildPointPassenger( int iPoint, int iPassenger );
int GetBuildPointPassenger( int iPoint ) const;
virtual float GetSapperAttachTime( void );
// IHasBuildPoints
virtual int GetNumBuildPoints( void ) const;
virtual bool GetBuildPoint( int iPoint, Vector &vecOrigin, QAngle &vecAngles );
virtual int GetBuildPointAttachmentIndex( int iPoint ) const;
virtual bool CanBuildObjectOnBuildPoint( int iPoint, int iObjectType );
virtual void SetObjectOnBuildPoint( int iPoint, CBaseObject *pObject );
virtual float GetMaxSnapDistance( int iBuildPoint );
virtual bool ShouldCheckForMovement( void ) { return true; }
virtual int GetNumObjectsOnMe( void );
virtual CBaseEntity *GetFirstObjectOnMe( void );
virtual CBaseObject *GetObjectOfTypeOnMe( int iObjectType );
virtual void RemoveAllObjects( void );
// IServerNetworkable.
virtual int ShouldTransmit( const CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo );
virtual void SetTransmit( CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo, bool bAlways );
// Clean off the object of offensive material, returns true if it found anything
bool RemoveEnemyAttachments( CBaseEntity *pActivator );
void RemoveAnalyzer( CBaseEntity *pRemovingEntity );
void RemoveAllSappers( CBaseEntity *pRemovingEntity );
void GiveNamedTechnology( CBaseTFPlayer *pRecipient, const char *techname );
// Show/hide vgui screens.
bool ShowVGUIScreen( int panelIndex, bool bShow );
void DetermineAnimation( void );
// Spawns the various control panels
void SpawnControlPanels();
// Purpose: Spawn any objects specified inside the mdl
void SpawnEntityOnBuildPoint( const char *pEntityName, int iAttachmentNumber );
// Various commands sent by control panels
void DismantleCommand( CBaseTFPlayer *pSender );
void YawCommand( CBaseTFPlayer *pSender, float flYaw );
void TakeControlCommand( CBaseTFPlayer *pSender );
bool IsSolidToPlayers( void ) const;
// object flags....
CNetworkVar( int, m_fObjectFlags );
CNetworkHandle( CBaseTFPlayer, m_hBuilder );
// Zone we're in (valid only for objects that sit in zones)
CNetworkHandle( CResourceZone, m_hResourceZone );
// Combat Objects
char *m_szAmmoName; // Ammo used by players to build me
// Cables
CUtlVector< CHandle<CRopeKeyframe> > m_aRopes;
// Placement
Vector m_vecBuildOrigin;
Vector m_vecBuildMins;
Vector m_vecBuildMaxs;
CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hBuiltOnEntity );
int m_iBuiltOnPoint;
bool m_bInvulnerable;
bool m_bCantDie;
float m_flRepairMultiplier;
bool m_bDying;
// Outputs
COutputEvent m_OnDestroyed;
COutputEvent m_OnDamaged;
COutputEvent m_OnRepaired;
COutputEvent m_OnBecomingDisabled;
COutputEvent m_OnBecomingReenabled;
COutputFloat m_OnObjectHealthChanged;
// Control panel
typedef CHandle<CVGuiScreen> ScreenHandle_t;
CUtlVector<ScreenHandle_t> m_hScreens;
// Make sure we pick up changes to these.
Activity m_Activity;
CNetworkVar( int, m_iObjectType );
// True if players shouldn't do collision avoidance, but should just collide exactly with the object.
OBJSOLIDTYPE m_SolidToPlayers;
void SetSolidToPlayers( OBJSOLIDTYPE stp, bool force = false );
// True if this was a map placed object, not a player built one
bool m_bWasMapPlaced;
// Disabled
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bDisabled );
// Vehicle bays
CHandle<CVGuiScreenVehicleBay> m_hVehicleBay;
// Building
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlacing ); // True while the object's being placed
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bBuilding ); // True while the object's still constructing itself
float m_flConstructionTimeLeft; // Current time left in construction
float m_flTotalConstructionTime; // Total construction time (the value of GetTotalTime() at the time construction
// started, ie, incase you teleport out of a construction yard)
CNetworkVar( float, m_flPercentageConstructed ); // Used to send to client
float m_flHealth; // Health during construction. Needed a float due to small increases in health.
// Repair capping
float m_flLastRepairTime;
float m_flNextRepairMultiplier;
float m_flRepairedSinceLastTime;
// Sappers on me
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bHasSapper );
typedef CHandle<CGrenadeObjectSapper> SapperHandle;
CUtlVector< SapperHandle > m_hSappers;
// Power handling (Human objects need power to operate)
CHandle< CObjectPowerPack > m_hPowerPack;
// Buff Station
CHandle< CObjectBuffStation > m_hBuffStation;
bool m_bBuffActivated;
// Deterioration
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bDeteriorating );
float m_flStartedDeterioratingAt;
CHandle<CBaseTFPlayer> m_hOriginalBuilder;
// Build points
CUtlVector<BuildPoint_t> m_BuildPoints;
// Store the last time I took damage from an enemy. Use this to know whether to drop resources
// when I die, because I only want to drop resources if I was "destroyed" by an enemy, not if I deteriorated.
float m_flLastRealDamage;
// Amount of resources the player who built me paid for me
int m_iAmountPlayerPaidForMe;
// Attack notification sounds
string_t m_iszUnderAttackSound;
// If non-zero then if health gets below this amount, the object becomes disabled
float m_flMinDisableHealth;
// If not NULL, then when going disabled, swith to this model
string_t m_iszDisabledModel;
string_t m_iszEnabledModel;
inline bool CBaseObject::CanBeHookedToBuffStation( void )
return false;
inline CObjectBuffStation *CBaseObject::GetBuffStation( void )
return m_hBuffStation.Get();
inline void CBaseObject::BuffStationActivate( void )
m_bBuffActivated = true;
inline void CBaseObject::BuffStationDeactivate( void )
m_bBuffActivated = false;
extern short g_sModelIndexFireball; // holds the index for the fireball
#endif // TF_OBJ_H