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5 years ago
// NextBotVisionInterface.cpp
// Implementation of common vision system
// Author: Michael Booth, May 2006
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#include "nav.h"
#include "functorutils.h"
#include "NextBot.h"
#include "NextBotVisionInterface.h"
#include "NextBotBodyInterface.h"
#include "NextBotUtil.h"
#ifdef TERROR
#include "querycache.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar nb_blind( "nb_blind", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Disable vision" );
ConVar nb_debug_known_entities( "nb_debug_known_entities", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Show the 'known entities' for the bot that is the current spectator target" );
IVision::IVision( INextBot *bot ) : INextBotComponent( bot )
* Reset to initial state
void IVision::Reset( void )
m_lastVisionUpdateTimestamp = 0.0f;
m_primaryThreat = NULL;
m_FOV = GetDefaultFieldOfView();
m_cosHalfFOV = cos( 0.5f * m_FOV * M_PI / 180.0f );
for( int i=0; i<MAX_TEAMS; ++i )
* Ask the current behavior to select the most dangerous threat from
* our set of currently known entities
* TODO: Find a semantically better place for this to live.
const CKnownEntity *IVision::GetPrimaryKnownThreat( bool onlyVisibleThreats ) const
if ( m_knownEntityVector.Count() == 0 )
return NULL;
const CKnownEntity *threat = NULL;
int i;
// find the first valid entity
for( i=0; i<m_knownEntityVector.Count(); ++i )
const CKnownEntity &firstThreat = m_knownEntityVector[i];
// check in case status changes between updates
if ( IsAwareOf( firstThreat ) && !firstThreat.IsObsolete() && !IsIgnored( firstThreat.GetEntity() ) && GetBot()->IsEnemy( firstThreat.GetEntity() ) )
if ( !onlyVisibleThreats || firstThreat.IsVisibleRecently() )
threat = &firstThreat;
if ( threat == NULL )
m_primaryThreat = NULL;
return NULL;
for( ++i; i<m_knownEntityVector.Count(); ++i )
const CKnownEntity &newThreat = m_knownEntityVector[i];
// check in case status changes between updates
if ( IsAwareOf( newThreat ) && !newThreat.IsObsolete() && !IsIgnored( newThreat.GetEntity() ) && GetBot()->IsEnemy( newThreat.GetEntity() ) )
if ( !onlyVisibleThreats || newThreat.IsVisibleRecently() )
threat = GetBot()->GetIntentionInterface()->SelectMoreDangerousThreat( GetBot(), GetBot()->GetEntity(), threat, &newThreat );
// cache off threat
m_primaryThreat = threat ? threat->GetEntity() : NULL;
return threat;
* Return the closest recognized entity
const CKnownEntity *IVision::GetClosestKnown( int team ) const
const Vector &myPos = GetBot()->GetPosition();
const CKnownEntity *close = NULL;
float closeRange = 999999999.9f;
for( int i=0; i < m_knownEntityVector.Count(); ++i )
const CKnownEntity &known = m_knownEntityVector[i];
if ( !known.IsObsolete() && IsAwareOf( known ) )
if ( team == TEAM_ANY || known.GetEntity()->GetTeamNumber() == team )
Vector to = known.GetLastKnownPosition() - myPos;
float rangeSq = to.LengthSqr();
if ( rangeSq < closeRange )
close = &known;
closeRange = rangeSq;
return close;
* Return the closest recognized entity that passes the given filter
const CKnownEntity *IVision::GetClosestKnown( const INextBotEntityFilter &filter ) const
const Vector &myPos = GetBot()->GetPosition();
const CKnownEntity *close = NULL;
float closeRange = 999999999.9f;
for( int i=0; i < m_knownEntityVector.Count(); ++i )
const CKnownEntity &known = m_knownEntityVector[i];
if ( !known.IsObsolete() && IsAwareOf( known ) )
if ( filter.IsAllowed( known.GetEntity() ) )
Vector to = known.GetLastKnownPosition() - myPos;
float rangeSq = to.LengthSqr();
if ( rangeSq < closeRange )
close = &known;
closeRange = rangeSq;
return close;
* Given an entity, return our known version of it (or NULL if we don't know of it)
const CKnownEntity *IVision::GetKnown( const CBaseEntity *entity ) const
if ( entity == NULL )
return NULL;
for( int i=0; i < m_knownEntityVector.Count(); ++i )
const CKnownEntity &known = m_knownEntityVector[i];
if ( known.GetEntity() && known.GetEntity()->entindex() == entity->entindex() && !known.IsObsolete() )
return &known;
return NULL;
* Introduce a known entity into the system. Its position is assumed to be known
* and will be updated, and it is assumed to not yet have been seen by us, allowing for learning
* of known entities by being told about them, hearing them, etc.
void IVision::AddKnownEntity( CBaseEntity *entity )
if ( entity == NULL || entity->IsWorld() )
// the world is not an entity we can deal with
CKnownEntity known( entity );
// only add it if we don't already know of it
if ( m_knownEntityVector.Find( known ) == m_knownEntityVector.InvalidIndex() )
m_knownEntityVector.AddToTail( known );
// Remove the given entity from our awareness (whether we know if it or not)
// Useful if we've moved to where we last saw the entity, but it's not there any longer.
void IVision::ForgetEntity( CBaseEntity *forgetMe )
if ( !forgetMe )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_knownEntityVector, it )
const CKnownEntity &known = m_knownEntityVector[ it ];
if ( known.GetEntity() && known.GetEntity()->entindex() == forgetMe->entindex() )
m_knownEntityVector.FastRemove( it );
void IVision::ForgetAllKnownEntities( void )
* Return the number of entity on the given team known to us closer than rangeLimit
int IVision::GetKnownCount( int team, bool onlyVisible, float rangeLimit ) const
int count = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_knownEntityVector, it )
const CKnownEntity &known = m_knownEntityVector[ it ];
if ( !known.IsObsolete() && IsAwareOf( known ) )
if ( team == TEAM_ANY || known.GetEntity()->GetTeamNumber() == team )
if ( !onlyVisible || known.IsVisibleRecently() )
if ( rangeLimit < 0.0f || GetBot()->IsRangeLessThan( known.GetLastKnownPosition(), rangeLimit ) )
return count;
class PopulateVisibleVector
PopulateVisibleVector( CUtlVector< CBaseEntity * > *potentiallyVisible )
m_potentiallyVisible = potentiallyVisible;
bool operator() ( CBaseEntity *actor )
m_potentiallyVisible->AddToTail( actor );
return true;
CUtlVector< CBaseEntity * > *m_potentiallyVisible;
* Populate "potentiallyVisible" with the set of all entities we could potentially see.
* Entities in this set will be tested for visibility/recognition in IVision::Update()
void IVision::CollectPotentiallyVisibleEntities( CUtlVector< CBaseEntity * > *potentiallyVisible )
// by default, only consider players and other bots as potentially visible
PopulateVisibleVector populate( potentiallyVisible );
ForEachActor( populate );
class CollectVisible
CollectVisible( IVision *vision )
m_vision = vision;
bool operator() ( CBaseEntity *entity )
if ( entity &&
!m_vision->IsIgnored( entity ) &&
entity->IsAlive() &&
entity != m_vision->GetBot()->GetEntity() &&
m_vision->IsAbleToSee( entity, IVision::USE_FOV ) )
m_recognized.AddToTail( entity );
return true;
bool Contains( CBaseEntity *entity ) const
for( int i=0; i < m_recognized.Count(); ++i )
if ( entity->entindex() == m_recognized[ i ]->entindex() )
return true;
return false;
IVision *m_vision;
CUtlVector< CBaseEntity * > m_recognized;
void IVision::UpdateKnownEntities( void )
VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::UpdateKnownEntities", "NextBot" );
// construct set of potentially visible objects
CUtlVector< CBaseEntity * > potentiallyVisible;
CollectPotentiallyVisibleEntities( &potentiallyVisible );
// collect set of visible and recognized entities at this moment
CollectVisible visibleNow( this );
FOR_EACH_VEC( potentiallyVisible, pit )
VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::UpdateKnownEntities( collect visible )", "NextBot" );
if ( visibleNow( potentiallyVisible[ pit ] ) == false )
// update known set with new data
{ VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::UpdateKnownEntities( update status )", "NextBot" );
int i;
for( i=0; i < m_knownEntityVector.Count(); ++i )
CKnownEntity &known = m_knownEntityVector[i];
// clear out obsolete knowledge
if ( known.GetEntity() == NULL || known.IsObsolete() )
m_knownEntityVector.Remove( i );
if ( visibleNow.Contains( known.GetEntity() ) )
// this visible entity was already known (but perhaps not visible until now)
known.UpdateVisibilityStatus( true );
// has our reaction time just elapsed?
if ( gpGlobals->curtime - known.GetTimeWhenBecameVisible() >= GetMinRecognizeTime() &&
m_lastVisionUpdateTimestamp - known.GetTimeWhenBecameVisible() < GetMinRecognizeTime() )
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_VISION ) )
ConColorMsg( Color( 0, 255, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s caught sight of %s(#%d)\n",
known.GetEntity()->entindex() );
NDebugOverlay::Line( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), known.GetLastKnownPosition(), 255, 255, 0, false, 0.2f );
GetBot()->OnSight( known.GetEntity() );
// restart 'not seen' timer
m_notVisibleTimer[ known.GetEntity()->GetTeamNumber() ].Start();
else // known entity is not currently visible
if ( known.IsVisibleInFOVNow() )
// previously known and visible entity is now no longer visible
known.UpdateVisibilityStatus( false );
// lost sight of this entity
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_VISION ) )
ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s Lost sight of %s(#%d)\n",
known.GetEntity()->entindex() );
GetBot()->OnLostSight( known.GetEntity() );
if ( !known.HasLastKnownPositionBeenSeen() )
// can we see the entity's last know position?
if ( IsAbleToSee( known.GetLastKnownPosition(), IVision::USE_FOV ) )
// check for new recognizes that were not in the known set
{ VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::UpdateKnownEntities( new recognizes )", "NextBot" );
int i, j;
for( i=0; i < visibleNow.m_recognized.Count(); ++i )
for( j=0; j < m_knownEntityVector.Count(); ++j )
if ( visibleNow.m_recognized[i] == m_knownEntityVector[j].GetEntity() )
if ( j == m_knownEntityVector.Count() )
// recognized a previously unknown entity (emit OnSight() event after reaction time has passed)
CKnownEntity known( visibleNow.m_recognized[i] );
known.UpdateVisibilityStatus( true );
m_knownEntityVector.AddToTail( known );
// debugging
if ( nb_debug_known_entities.GetBool() )
CBasePlayer *watcher = UTIL_GetListenServerHost();
if ( watcher )
CBaseEntity *subject = watcher->GetObserverTarget();
if ( subject && GetBot()->IsSelf( subject ) )
CUtlVector< CKnownEntity > knownVector;
CollectKnownEntities( &knownVector );
for( int i=0; i < knownVector.Count(); ++i )
CKnownEntity &known = knownVector[i];
if ( GetBot()->IsFriend( known.GetEntity() ) )
if ( IsAwareOf( known ) )
if ( known.IsVisibleInFOVNow() )
NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetBot()->GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin(), known.GetLastKnownPosition(), 5.0f, 0, 255, 0, 255, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetBot()->GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin(), known.GetLastKnownPosition(), 2.0f, 0, 100, 0, 255, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetBot()->GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin(), known.GetLastKnownPosition(), 1.0f, 0, 100, 0, 128, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
if ( IsAwareOf( known ) )
if ( known.IsVisibleInFOVNow() )
NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetBot()->GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin(), known.GetLastKnownPosition(), 5.0f, 255, 0, 0, 255, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetBot()->GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin(), known.GetLastKnownPosition(), 2.0f, 100, 0, 0, 255, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetBot()->GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin(), known.GetLastKnownPosition(), 1.0f, 100, 0, 0, 128, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
* Update internal state
void IVision::Update( void )
VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::Update", "NextBotExpensive" );
/* This adds significantly to bot's reaction times
// throttle update rate
if ( !m_scanTimer.IsElapsed() )
m_scanTimer.Start( 0.5f * GetMinRecognizeTime() );
if ( nb_blind.GetBool() )
m_lastVisionUpdateTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
bool IVision::IsAbleToSee( CBaseEntity *subject, FieldOfViewCheckType checkFOV, Vector *visibleSpot ) const
VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::IsAbleToSee", "NextBotExpensive" );
if ( GetBot()->IsRangeGreaterThan( subject, GetMaxVisionRange() ) )
return false;
if ( GetBot()->GetEntity()->IsHiddenByFog( subject ) )
// lost in the fog
return false;
if ( checkFOV == USE_FOV && !IsInFieldOfView( subject ) )
return false;
CBaseCombatCharacter *combat = subject->MyCombatCharacterPointer();
if ( combat )
CNavArea *subjectArea = combat->GetLastKnownArea();
CNavArea *myArea = GetBot()->GetEntity()->GetLastKnownArea();
if ( myArea && subjectArea )
if ( !myArea->IsPotentiallyVisible( subjectArea ) )
// subject is not potentially visible, skip the expensive raycast
return false;
// do actual line-of-sight trace
if ( !IsLineOfSightClearToEntity( subject ) )
return false;
return IsVisibleEntityNoticed( subject );
bool IVision::IsAbleToSee( const Vector &pos, FieldOfViewCheckType checkFOV ) const
VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::IsAbleToSee", "NextBotExpensive" );
if ( GetBot()->IsRangeGreaterThan( pos, GetMaxVisionRange() ) )
return false;
if ( GetBot()->GetEntity()->IsHiddenByFog( pos ) )
// lost in the fog
return false;
if ( checkFOV == USE_FOV && !IsInFieldOfView( pos ) )
return false;
// do actual line-of-sight trace
return IsLineOfSightClear( pos );
* Angle given in degrees
void IVision::SetFieldOfView( float horizAngle )
m_FOV = horizAngle;
m_cosHalfFOV = cos( 0.5f * m_FOV * M_PI / 180.0f );
bool IVision::IsInFieldOfView( const Vector &pos ) const
bool bCheck = PointWithinViewAngle( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), pos, GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetViewVector(), m_cosHalfFOV );
Vector to = pos - GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition();
float cosDiff = DotProduct( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetViewVector(), to );
if ( ( cosDiff > m_cosHalfFOV ) != bCheck )
bool bCheck2 =
PointWithinViewAngle( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), pos, GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetViewVector(), m_cosHalfFOV );
return ( cosDiff > m_cosHalfFOV );
return PointWithinViewAngle( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), pos, GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetViewVector(), m_cosHalfFOV );
return true;
bool IVision::IsInFieldOfView( CBaseEntity *subject ) const
/// @todo check more points
if ( IsInFieldOfView( subject->WorldSpaceCenter() ) )
return true;
return IsInFieldOfView( subject->EyePosition() );
* Return true if the ray to the given point is unobstructed
bool IVision::IsLineOfSightClear( const Vector &pos ) const
VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::IsLineOfSightClear", "NextBot" );
VPROF_INCREMENT_COUNTER( "IVision::IsLineOfSightClear", 1 );
trace_t result;
NextBotVisionTraceFilter filter( GetBot()->GetEntity(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
UTIL_TraceLine( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), pos, MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS|CONTENTS_IGNORE_NODRAW_OPAQUE, &filter, &result );
return ( result.fraction >= 1.0f && !result.startsolid );
bool IVision::IsLineOfSightClearToEntity( const CBaseEntity *subject, Vector *visibleSpot ) const
#ifdef TERROR
// TODO: Integration querycache & its dependencies
VPROF_INCREMENT_COUNTER( "IVision::IsLineOfSightClearToEntity", 1 );
VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::IsLineOfSightClearToEntity", "NextBotSpiky" );
bool bClear = IsLineOfSightBetweenTwoEntitiesClear( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEntity(), EOFFSET_MODE_EYEPOSITION,
trace_t result;
NextBotTraceFilterIgnoreActors filter( subject, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
UTIL_TraceLine( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), subject->WorldSpaceCenter(), MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS|CONTENTS_IGNORE_NODRAW_OPAQUE, &filter, &result );
Assert( result.DidHit() != bClear );
if ( subject->IsPlayer() && ! bClear )
UTIL_TraceLine( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), subject->EyePosition(), MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS|CONTENTS_IGNORE_NODRAW_OPAQUE, &filter, &result );
bClear = IsLineOfSightBetweenTwoEntitiesClear( GetBot()->GetEntity(),
IgnoreActorsTraceFilterFunction, 1.0 );
// this WILL assert - the query interface happens at a different time, and has hysteresis.
Assert( result.DidHit() != bClear );
return bClear;
// TODO: Use plain-old traces until querycache/etc gets integrated
VPROF_BUDGET( "IVision::IsLineOfSightClearToEntity", "NextBot" );
trace_t result;
NextBotTraceFilterIgnoreActors filter( subject, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
UTIL_TraceLine( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), subject->WorldSpaceCenter(), MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS|CONTENTS_IGNORE_NODRAW_OPAQUE, &filter, &result );
if ( result.DidHit() )
UTIL_TraceLine( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), subject->EyePosition(), MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS|CONTENTS_IGNORE_NODRAW_OPAQUE, &filter, &result );
if ( result.DidHit() )
UTIL_TraceLine( GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition(), subject->GetAbsOrigin(), MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS|CONTENTS_IGNORE_NODRAW_OPAQUE, &filter, &result );
if ( visibleSpot )
*visibleSpot = result.endpos;
return ( result.fraction >= 1.0f && !result.startsolid );
* Are we looking directly at the given position
bool IVision::IsLookingAt( const Vector &pos, float cosTolerance ) const
Vector to = pos - GetBot()->GetBodyInterface()->GetEyePosition();
Vector forward;
AngleVectors( GetBot()->GetEntity()->EyeAngles(), &forward );
return DotProduct( to, forward ) > cosTolerance;
* Are we looking directly at the given actor
bool IVision::IsLookingAt( const CBaseCombatCharacter *actor, float cosTolerance ) const
return IsLookingAt( actor->EyePosition(), cosTolerance );