Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

264 lines
8.1 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#if defined( OSX )
#include <quicktime/QTML.h>
#include <quicktime/Movies.h>
#include <quicktime/QuickTimeComponents.h>
#elif defined( WIN32 )
#include "QTML.h"
#include "Movies.h"
#include "QuickTimeComponents.h"
#error "Quicktime encoding is not supported on this platform"
#include "video/ivideoservices.h"
#include "video_macros.h"
#include "quicktime_common.h"
// comment out to prevent logging of creation data
// comment out to log images of frames
#include <filesystem.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CQTVideoFileComposer
// Class to manages to creation of a video file from a series of
// supplied bitmap images.
// At this time, the time interval between frames must be the same for all
// frames of the movie
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CQTVideoFileComposer
static const CodecType DEFAULT_CODEC = kH264CodecType;
static const CodecQ DEFAULT_ENCODE_QUALITY = codecNormalQuality;
static const Fixed DEFAULT_GAMMA = kQTUseSourceGammaLevel;
static const int MIN_AUDIO_SAMPLE_GROUP_SIZE = 64;
static const int MAX_AUDIO_GROUP_SIZE_IN_SEC = 4;
bool CreateNewMovie( const char *fileName, bool hasAudio );
bool SetMovieVideoParameters( int width, int height, VideoFrameRate_t movieFPS, VideoEncodeCodec_t desiredCodec, int encodeQuality, VideoEncodeGamma_t gamma );
bool SetMovieSourceImageParameters( int srcWidth, int srcHeight, VideoEncodeSourceFormat_t srcImageFormat );
bool SetMovieSourceAudioParameters( AudioEncodeSourceFormat_t srcAudioFormat = AudioEncodeSourceFormat::AUDIO_NONE, int audioSampleRate = 0, AudioEncodeOptions_t audioOptions = AudioEncodeOptions::NO_AUDIO_OPTIONS, int audioSampleGroupSize = 0 );
bool AppendVideoFrameToMedia( void *ImageBuffer, int strideAdjustBytes );
bool AppendAudioSamplesToMedia( void *soundBuffer, size_t bufferSize );
bool AbortMovie();
bool FinishMovie( bool SaveMovieToDisk = true );
size_t GetFrameBufferSize() { return m_SrcImageSize; }
bool CheckFilename( const char *filename );
void SetResult( VideoResult_t status );
VideoResult_t GetResult();
bool IsReadyToRecord();
int GetFrameCount() { return m_nFramesAdded; }
int GetSampleCount() { return m_nSamplesAdded; }
VideoFrameRate_t GetFPS() { return m_MovieRecordFPS; }
int GetSampleRate() { return m_AudioSourceFrequency; }
bool HasAudio() { return m_bHasAudioTrack; }
bool LogMessage( const char *msg );
enum AudioGrouping_t
AG_NONE = 0,
// disable copy constructor and copy assignment
CQTVideoFileComposer( CQTVideoFileComposer &rhs );
CQTVideoFileComposer& operator= ( CQTVideoFileComposer &rhs );
bool CheckForReadyness();
bool BeginMovieCreation();
bool EndMovieCreation( bool saveMovieData );
bool SyncAndFlushAudio();
int GetAudioSampleCountThruFrame( int frameNo );
VideoResult_t m_LastResult;
// Current State of Movie Creation;
bool m_bMovieCreated;
bool m_bHasAudioTrack;
bool m_bMovieConfigured;
bool m_bSourceImagesConfigured;
bool m_bSourceAudioConfigured;
bool m_bComposingMovie;
bool m_bMovieCompleted;
int m_nFramesAdded;
int m_nAudioFramesAdded;
int m_nSamplesAdded;
int m_nSamplesAddedToMedia;
// parameters of the movie to create;
int m_MovieFrameWidth;
int m_MovieFrameHeight;
VideoFrameRate_t m_MovieRecordFPS;
TimeScale m_MovieTimeScale;
TimeValue m_DurationPerFrame;
// Audio recording options
AudioEncodeOptions_t m_AudioOptions; // Option flags specifed by user
AudioGrouping_t m_SampleGrouping; // Mode to group samples
int m_nAudioSampleGroupSize; // number of samples to collect per sample group
int m_AudioSourceFrequency; // Source frequency of the supplied audio
int m_AudioBytesPerSample;
bool m_bBufferSourceAudio;
bool m_bLimitAudioDurationToVideo;
byte *m_srcAudioBuffer; // buffer to hold audio samples
size_t m_srcAudioBufferSize;
size_t m_srcAudioBufferCurrentSize;
int m_AudioSampleFrameCounter;
char *m_FileName;
int m_SrcImageWidth;
int m_SrcImageHeight;
size_t m_SrcImageSize;
int m_ScrImageMaxCompressedSize;
byte *m_SrcImageBuffer;
Handle m_SrcImageCompressedBuffer;
OSType m_SrcPixelFormat;
int m_SrcBytesPerPixel;
OSType m_GWorldPixelFormat;
int m_GWorldBytesPerPixel;
int m_GWorldImageWidth;
int m_GWorldImageHeight;
Handle m_srcSoundDescription;
// parameters used by QuickTime
CodecQ m_EncodeQuality;
CodecType m_VideoCodecToUse;
Fixed m_EncodeGamma;
Rect m_GWorldRect;
GWorldPtr m_theSrcGWorld;
// short m_ResRefNum; // QuickTime Movie Resource Ref number
Handle m_MovieFileDataRef;
OSType m_MovieFileDataRefType;
DataHandler m_MovieFileDataHandler;
Movie m_theMovie;
Track m_theVideoTrack;
Track m_theAudioTrack;
Media m_theVideoMedia;
Media m_theAudioMedia;
FileHandle_t m_LogFile;
void LogMsg( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* pMsg, ... );
char m_TGAFileBase[MAX_PATH];
class CQuickTimeVideoRecorder : public IVideoRecorder
virtual bool EstimateMovieFileSize( size_t *pEstSize, int movieWidth, int movieHeight, VideoFrameRate_t movieFps, float movieDuration, VideoEncodeCodec_t theCodec, int videoQuality, AudioEncodeSourceFormat_t srcAudioFormat = AudioEncodeSourceFormat::AUDIO_NONE, int audioSampleRate = 0 );
virtual bool CreateNewMovieFile( const char *pFilename, bool hasAudioTrack = false );
virtual bool SetMovieVideoParameters( VideoEncodeCodec_t theCodec, int videoQuality, int movieFrameWidth, int movieFrameHeight, VideoFrameRate_t movieFPS, VideoEncodeGamma_t gamma = VideoEncodeGamma::NO_GAMMA_ADJUST );
virtual bool SetMovieSourceImageParameters( VideoEncodeSourceFormat_t srcImageFormat, int imgWidth, int imgHeight );
virtual bool SetMovieSourceAudioParameters( AudioEncodeSourceFormat_t srcAudioFormat = AudioEncodeSourceFormat::AUDIO_NONE, int audioSampleRate = 0, AudioEncodeOptions_t audioOptions = AudioEncodeOptions::NO_AUDIO_OPTIONS, int audioSampleGroupSize = 0 );
virtual bool IsReadyToRecord();
virtual VideoResult_t GetLastResult();
virtual bool AppendVideoFrame( void *pFrameBuffer, int nStrideAdjustBytes = 0 );
virtual bool AppendAudioSamples( void *pSampleBuffer, size_t sampleSize );
virtual int GetFrameCount();
virtual int GetSampleCount();
virtual int GetSampleRate();
virtual VideoFrameRate_t GetFPS();
virtual bool AbortMovie();
virtual bool FinishMovie( bool SaveMovieToDisk = true );
virtual bool LogMessage( const char *msg );
void SetResult( VideoResult_t resultCode );
float GetDataRate( int quality, int width, int height );
CQTVideoFileComposer *m_pEncoder;
VideoResult_t m_LastResult;
bool m_bHasAudio;
bool m_bMovieFinished;