Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
6.4 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/IImage.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/AnimatingImagePanel.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY( AnimatingImagePanel );
// Purpose: Constructor
AnimatingImagePanel::AnimatingImagePanel(Panel *parent, const char *name) : Panel(parent, name)
m_iCurrentImage = 0;
m_iFrameTimeMillis = 100; // 10Hz frame rate
m_iNextFrameTime = 0;
m_pImageName = NULL;
m_bFiltered = false;
m_bScaleImage = false;
m_bAnimating = false;
// Purpose: Layout the panel for drawing.
void AnimatingImagePanel::PerformLayout()
// Purpose: Add an image to the end of the list of animations
void AnimatingImagePanel::AddImage(IImage *image)
if ( !m_bScaleImage && image != NULL )
int wide,tall;
// Purpose: Load a set of animations by name.
// Input:
// baseName: is the name of the animations without their frame number or
// file extension, (e.g. c1.tga becomes just c.)
// framecount: number of frames in the animation
void AnimatingImagePanel::LoadAnimation(const char *baseName, int frameCount)
for (int i = 1; i <= frameCount; i++)
char imageName[512];
Q_snprintf(imageName, sizeof( imageName ), "%s%d", baseName, i);
AddImage(scheme()->GetImage(imageName, m_bFiltered));
// Purpose: Draw the current image
void AnimatingImagePanel::PaintBackground()
if ( m_Frames.IsValidIndex( m_iCurrentImage ) && m_Frames[m_iCurrentImage] != NULL )
IImage *pImage = m_Frames[m_iCurrentImage];
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
pImage->SetPos(0, 0);
if ( m_bScaleImage )
// Image size is stored in the bitmap, so temporarily set its size
// to our panel size and then restore after we draw it.
int imageWide, imageTall;
pImage->GetSize( imageWide, imageTall );
int wide, tall;
GetSize( wide, tall );
pImage->SetSize( wide, tall );
pImage->SetColor( Color( 255,255,255,255 ) );
pImage->SetSize( imageWide, imageTall );
// Purpose: Called every frame the panel is visible
void AnimatingImagePanel::OnTick()
if (m_bAnimating && system()->GetTimeMillis() >= m_iNextFrameTime)
m_iNextFrameTime = system()->GetTimeMillis() + m_iFrameTimeMillis;
if (!m_Frames.IsValidIndex(m_iCurrentImage))
m_iCurrentImage = 0;
// Purpose: Get control settings for editing
// Output: outResourceData- a set of keyvalues of imagenames.
void AnimatingImagePanel::GetSettings(KeyValues *outResourceData)
if (m_pImageName)
outResourceData->SetString("image", m_pImageName);
// Purpose: Applies resource settings
void AnimatingImagePanel::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData)
const char *imageName = inResourceData->GetString("image", NULL);
if (imageName)
m_bScaleImage = ( inResourceData->GetInt( "scaleImage", 0 ) == 1 );
delete [] m_pImageName;
int len = Q_strlen(imageName) + 1;
m_pImageName = new char[len];
Q_strncpy(m_pImageName, imageName, len);
// add in the command
LoadAnimation(m_pImageName, inResourceData->GetInt("frames"));
m_iFrameTimeMillis = inResourceData->GetInt( "anim_framerate", 100 );
// Purpose: Get editing details
const char *AnimatingImagePanel::GetDescription()
static char buf[1024];
Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s, string image", BaseClass::GetDescription());
return buf;
// Purpose: Starts the image doing its animation
void AnimatingImagePanel::StartAnimation()
m_bAnimating = true;
// ivgui()->AddTickSignal(GetVPanel());
// Purpose: Stops the images animation
void AnimatingImagePanel::StopAnimation()
m_bAnimating = false;
// ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal(GetVPanel());
// Purpose: Resets the animation to the start of the sequence.
void AnimatingImagePanel::ResetAnimation(int frame)
m_iCurrentImage = frame;
m_iCurrentImage = 0;