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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// A class representing session state for the SFM
#include "sfmobjects/sfmsession.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmechannel.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetrack.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeclip.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmecamera.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetimeselection.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeanimationset.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmegamemodel.h"
// Constructor
m_hRoot = NULL;
// Sets the root
void CSFMSession::SetRoot( CDmElement *pRoot )
m_hRoot = pRoot;
// Creates a new (empty) session
void CSFMSession::Init()
m_hRoot = NULL;
// a movie currently consists of: (this is all just temporary until clips take over more completely)
// a generic "root" node
// movie - a clip node whose subclips are the movie sequence
// cameras - an array of cameras used throughout the movie
// clips - an array of clips used throughout the movie
CDmElement *pRoot = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "session" );
Assert( pRoot );
if ( !pRoot )
m_hRoot = pRoot;
pRoot->SetValue( "editorType", "ifm" );
CDmeFilmClip *pFilmClip = CreateElement<CDmeFilmClip>( "sequence" );
Assert( pFilmClip != NULL );
pFilmClip->SetDuration( DmeTime_t( 60.0f ) );
CDmeTrack *pTrack = pFilmClip->FindOrCreateFilmTrack();
CDmeClip *pShot = CreateElement<CDmeFilmClip>( "shot" );
pTrack->AddClip( pShot );
pShot->SetDuration( DmeTime_t( 60.0f ) );
pRoot->SetValue( "activeClip", pFilmClip );
pRoot->AddAttributeElementArray< CDmElement >( "miscBin" );
pRoot->AddAttributeElementArray< CDmeCamera >( "cameraBin" );
CDmAttribute *pClipBin = pRoot->AddAttributeElementArray< CDmeClip >( "clipBin" );
// Don't allow duplicates in the clipBin
CDmrElementArray<> clipBin( pRoot, "clipBin" );
clipBin.AddToTail( pFilmClip );
// Shuts down the session
void CSFMSession::Shutdown()
if ( m_hRoot.Get() )
if ( m_hRoot->GetFileId() != DMFILEID_INVALID )
g_pDataModel->RemoveFileId( m_hRoot->GetFileId() );
m_hRoot = NULL;
// Creates session settings
void CSFMSession::CreateSessionSettings()
if ( !m_hRoot.Get() )
m_hRoot->AddAttribute( "settings", AT_ELEMENT );
CDmElement *pSettings = m_hRoot->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "settings" );
if ( !pSettings )
pSettings = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "sessionSettings", m_hRoot->GetFileId() );
m_hRoot->SetValue( "settings", pSettings );
Assert( pSettings );
CDmeTimeSelection *ts = NULL;
if ( !pSettings->HasAttribute( "timeSelection" ) )
ts = CreateElement< CDmeTimeSelection >( "timeSelection", m_hRoot->GetFileId() );
pSettings->SetValue( "timeSelection", ts );
pSettings->InitValue( "animationSetOverlayBackground", Color( 0, 0, 0, 192 ) );
if ( !pSettings->HasAttribute( "standardColors" ) )
CDmrArray<Color> colors( pSettings, "standardColors", true );
colors.AddToTail( Color( 0, 0, 0, 128 ) );
colors.AddToTail( Color( 194, 120, 0, 128 ) );
colors.AddToTail( Color( 255, 0, 100, 128 ) );
colors.AddToTail( Color( 200, 200, 255, 128 ) );
colors.AddToTail( Color( 255, 255, 255, 128 ) );
float flLegacyFrameRate = 24.0f;
if ( pSettings->HasAttribute( "frameRate" ) )
flLegacyFrameRate = pSettings->GetValue<float>( "frameRate" );
// remove this from the base level settings area since we're going to add it in renderSettings
pSettings->RemoveAttribute( "frameRate" );
if ( !pSettings->HasAttribute( "proceduralPresets" ) )
CDmeProceduralPresetSettings *ps = CreateElement< CDmeProceduralPresetSettings >( "proceduralPresets", m_hRoot->GetFileId() );
pSettings->SetValue( "proceduralPresets", ps );
CreateRenderSettings( pSettings, flLegacyFrameRate );
// Creates session render settings
// JasonM - remove flLegacyFramerate param eventually (perhaps March 2007)
void CSFMSession::CreateRenderSettings( CDmElement *pSettings, float flLegacyFramerate )
pSettings->AddAttribute( "renderSettings", AT_ELEMENT );
CDmElement *pRenderSettings = pSettings->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "renderSettings" );
if ( !pRenderSettings )
pRenderSettings = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "renderSettings", pSettings->GetFileId() );
pSettings->SetValue( "renderSettings", pRenderSettings );
Assert( pRenderSettings );
pRenderSettings->InitValue( "frameRate", flLegacyFramerate ); // Default framerate
pRenderSettings->InitValue( "lightAverage", 0 ); // Don't light average by default
pRenderSettings->InitValue( "showFocalPlane", 0 ); // Don't show focal plane by default
pRenderSettings->InitValue( "modelLod", 0 ); // Don't do model LOD by default
CreateProgressiveRefinementSettings( pRenderSettings );
// Creates session progrssing refinement settings
void CSFMSession::CreateProgressiveRefinementSettings( CDmElement *pRenderSettings )
// Do we already have Progressive refinement settings?
CDmElement *pRefinementSettings = pRenderSettings->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "ProgressiveRefinement" );
if ( !pRefinementSettings )
pRefinementSettings = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "ProgressiveRefinementSettings", pRenderSettings->GetFileId() );
pRenderSettings->SetValue( "ProgressiveRefinement", pRefinementSettings );
// Set up defaults for progressive refinement settings...
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "on", true );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "useDepthOfField", true );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "overrideDepthOfFieldQuality", false );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "overrideDepthOfFieldQualityValue", 1 );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "useMotionBlur", true );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "overrideMotionBlurQuality", false );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "overrideMotionBlurQualityValue", 1 );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "useAntialiasing", false );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "overrideShutterSpeed", false );
pRefinementSettings->InitValue( "overrideShutterSpeedValue", 1.0f / 48.0f );
// Creates a camera
CDmeCamera *CSFMSession::CreateCamera( const DmeCameraParams_t& params )
CDmeCamera *pCamera = CreateElement< CDmeCamera >( params.name, m_hRoot->GetFileId() );
// Set parameters
matrix3x4_t txform;
AngleMatrix( params.angles, params.origin, txform );
CDmeTransform *pTransform = pCamera->GetTransform();
if ( pTransform )
pTransform->SetTransform( txform );
pCamera->SetFOVx( params.fov );
return pCamera;
// Finds or creates a scene
CDmeDag *CSFMSession::FindOrCreateScene( CDmeFilmClip *pShot, const char *pSceneName )
CDmeDag *pScene = pShot->GetScene();
if ( !pScene )
pScene = CreateElement< CDmeDag >( "scene", pShot->GetFileId() );
pShot->SetScene( pScene );
Assert( pScene );
int c = pScene->GetChildCount();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i )
CDmeDag *pChild = pScene->GetChild( i );
if ( pChild && !Q_stricmp( pChild->GetName(), pSceneName ) )
return pChild;
CDmeDag *pNewScene = CreateElement< CDmeDag >( pSceneName, pScene->GetFileId() );
pScene->AddChild( pNewScene );
return pNewScene;
// Creates a game model
CDmeGameModel *CSFMSession::CreateEditorGameModel( studiohdr_t *hdr, const Vector &vecOrigin, Quaternion &qOrientation )
char pBaseName[ 256 ];
Q_FileBase( hdr->pszName(), pBaseName, sizeof( pBaseName ) );
char pGameModelName[ 256 ];
Q_snprintf( pGameModelName, sizeof( pGameModelName ), "%s_GameModel", pBaseName );
CDmeGameModel *pGameModel = CreateElement< CDmeGameModel >( pGameModelName, m_hRoot->GetFileId() );
char pRelativeModelsFileName[MAX_PATH];
Q_ComposeFileName( "models", hdr->pszName(), pRelativeModelsFileName, sizeof(pRelativeModelsFileName) );
pGameModel->SetValue( "modelName", pRelativeModelsFileName );
CDmeTransform *pTransform = pGameModel->GetTransform();
if ( pTransform )
pTransform->SetPosition( vecOrigin );
pTransform->SetOrientation( qOrientation );
// create, connect and cache each bone's pos and rot channels
pGameModel->AddBones( hdr, pBaseName, 0, hdr->numbones );
return pGameModel;