Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "fire_damage_mgr.h"
#include "entity_burn_effect.h"
#include "gasoline_blob.h"
#include "tf_obj.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#define FIRE_DAMAGE_APPLY_INTERVAL 0.5 // Apply the damage at this interval.
#define FIRE_DECAY_END_VALUE 0.00001
// No more damage from fire can be applied to a player per second.
// The fire heat uses exponential decay. It goes from MAX_FIRE_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND to
ConVar fire_damageall( "fire_damageall", "0", 0, "Enable fire damaging team members." );
bool CFireDamageMgr::Init()
m_flApplyDamageCountdown = FIRE_DAMAGE_APPLY_INTERVAL;
// Fire decays exponentially: B = A * e^(-kt)
// So we set B=FIRE_DECAY_END_VALUE, A=flMaxDamagePerSecond, and t=flFireDecaySeconds, then solve for K.
m_flMaxDamagePerSecond = MAX_FIRE_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND;
m_flDecayConstant = -log( FIRE_DECAY_END_VALUE / m_flMaxDamagePerSecond ) / FIRE_DECAY_SECONDS;
return true;
void CFireDamageMgr::AddDamage( CBaseEntity *pTarget, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, float flDamageAccel, bool bMakeBurnEffect )
FOR_EACH_LL( m_DamageEnts, iDamageEnt )
CDamageEnt *pEnt = &m_DamageEnts[iDamageEnt];
if ( pEnt->m_hEnt != pTarget )
for ( int i=0; i < pEnt->m_nAttackers; i++ )
if ( pEnt->m_Attackers[i].m_hAttacker == pAttacker )
pEnt->m_Attackers[i].m_flVelocity += flDamageAccel * gpGlobals->frametime;
if ( pEnt->m_nAttackers < CDamageEnt::MAX_ATTACKERS )
// Add a new attacker.
pEnt->m_Attackers[pEnt->m_nAttackers].Init( pAttacker, flDamageAccel * gpGlobals->frametime );
// No room for more attackers.
Warning( "CFireDamageMgr: ran out of attackers\n" );
// Add a new CDamageEnt.
int iNew = m_DamageEnts.AddToTail();
CDamageEnt *pEnt = &m_DamageEnts[iNew];
pEnt->m_hEnt = pTarget;
pEnt->m_bWasAlive = pTarget->IsAlive();
pEnt->m_nAttackers = 1;
pEnt->m_Attackers[0].Init( pAttacker, flDamageAccel * gpGlobals->frametime );
if ( bMakeBurnEffect )
pEnt->m_pBurnEffect = CEntityBurnEffect::Create( pTarget );
pEnt->m_pBurnEffect = NULL;
void CFireDamageMgr::RemoveDamageEnt( int iEnt )
UTIL_Remove( m_DamageEnts[iEnt].m_pBurnEffect );
m_DamageEnts.Remove( iEnt );
void CFireDamageMgr::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink()
VPROF( "CFireDamageMgr::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink" );
float frametime = gpGlobals->frametime;
// Update the damage countdown.
m_flApplyDamageCountdown -= gpGlobals->frametime;
bool bApplyDamageThisFrame = false;
if ( m_flApplyDamageCountdown <= 0 )
bApplyDamageThisFrame = true;
m_flApplyDamageCountdown += FIRE_DAMAGE_APPLY_INTERVAL;
// (-kt)
// Figure out how much all the damage decays this frame: e
float flFrameDecay = pow( 2.718281828459045235360, -m_flDecayConstant * frametime );
int iNext;
for ( int iCur = m_DamageEnts.Head(); iCur != m_DamageEnts.InvalidIndex(); iCur = iNext )
iNext = m_DamageEnts.Next( iCur );
CDamageEnt *pEnt = &m_DamageEnts[iCur];
// If the entity was dead and is now alive, stop damage to them so their new body doesn't burn.
if ( !pEnt->m_hEnt.Get() || ( !pEnt->m_bWasAlive && pEnt->m_hEnt->IsAlive() ) )
RemoveDamageEnt( iCur );
pEnt = NULL;
pEnt->m_bWasAlive = pEnt->m_hEnt->IsAlive();
// Sum up each attacker's velocity.
float flTotalVelocity = 0;
for ( int i=0; i < pEnt->m_nAttackers; i++ )
flTotalVelocity += pEnt->m_Attackers[i].m_flVelocity;
// Figure out each attacker's contribution.
float flContributionPercent[CDamageEnt::MAX_ATTACKERS];
for ( i=0; i < pEnt->m_nAttackers; i++ )
flContributionPercent[i] = pEnt->m_Attackers[i].m_flVelocity / flTotalVelocity;
// Decay each attacker's velocity.
flTotalVelocity *= flFrameDecay;
// Uniformly scale each attacker's velocity down so the sum total doesn't exceed our maximum.
float flPercentScale = 1;
if ( flTotalVelocity > m_flMaxDamagePerSecond )
flPercentScale = m_flMaxDamagePerSecond / flTotalVelocity;
for ( i=0; i < pEnt->m_nAttackers; i++ )
CDamageAttacker *pAttacker = &pEnt->m_Attackers[i];
pAttacker->m_flVelocity *= flFrameDecay * flPercentScale;
bool bEntsValid = (pEnt->m_Attackers[i].m_hAttacker.Get() != NULL);
if ( !bEntsValid ||
pEnt->m_Attackers[i].m_flVelocity <= 0.001 )
if ( bEntsValid )
ApplyCollectedDamage( pEnt, i ); // Apply the last-remaining damage from this guy.
Q_memmove( &pEnt->m_Attackers[i], &pEnt->m_Attackers[i+1], sizeof( pEnt->m_Attackers[0] ) * (pEnt->m_nAttackers-i-1) );
Q_memmove( &flContributionPercent[i], &flContributionPercent[i+1], sizeof( flContributionPercent[0] ) * (pEnt->m_nAttackers-i-1) );
if ( pEnt->m_nAttackers == 0 )
// This ent isn't being damaged anymore.
RemoveDamageEnt( iCur );
// Update their current damage sum and maybe apply the damage.
pAttacker->m_flDamageSum += pAttacker->m_flVelocity * frametime;
if ( bApplyDamageThisFrame )
ApplyCollectedDamage( pEnt, i );
float GetFireDamageScale( CBaseEntity *pEnt )
// Objects have a lot more health and we want them to take damage faster.
if ( dynamic_cast< CBaseObject* >( pEnt ) )
return 4;
return 1;
void CFireDamageMgr::ApplyCollectedDamage( CFireDamageMgr::CDamageEnt *pEnt, int iAttacker )
CDamageAttacker *pAttacker = &pEnt->m_Attackers[iAttacker];
CTakeDamageInfo info( NULL, pAttacker->m_hAttacker, pAttacker->m_flDamageSum * GetFireDamageScale( pEnt->m_hEnt ), DMG_BURN );
pEnt->m_hEnt->TakeDamage( info );
pAttacker->m_flDamageSum = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Global functions.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
bool IsBurnableEnt( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int iIgnoreTeam )
if ( pEntity->m_takedamage == DAMAGE_NO )
return false;
CGasolineBlob *pBlob = dynamic_cast< CGasolineBlob* >( pEntity );
if ( pBlob )
return !pBlob->IsLit();
if ( pEntity->GetTeamNumber() == iIgnoreTeam && !fire_damageall.GetInt() )
// Don't damage anyone on the pyro's team (including the pyro himself).
return false;
// Now only allow specific types of objects to be damaged.
if ( dynamic_cast< CBasePlayer* >( pEntity ) ||
dynamic_cast< CAI_BaseNPC* >( pEntity ) ||
dynamic_cast< CBaseObject* >( pEntity ) )
return true;
return false;
int FindBurnableEntsInSphere(
CBaseEntity **ents,
float *dists,
int nMaxEnts,
const Vector &vecCenter,
float flSearchRadius,
CBaseEntity *pOwner )
Assert( nMaxEnts > 0 );
int nOutEnts = 0;
CBaseEntity *pEntity;
for ( CEntitySphereQuery sphere( vecCenter, flSearchRadius ); ( pEntity = sphere.GetCurrentEntity() ) != NULL; sphere.NextEntity() )
if ( !IsBurnableEnt( pEntity, pOwner->GetTeamNumber() ) )
// Make sure it's not blocked.
trace_t tr;
Vector vCenter = pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter();
if ( tr.fraction != 1.0 && tr.m_pEnt != pEntity )
if ( TFGameRules()->IsTraceBlockedByWorldOrShield( vecCenter, vCenter, pOwner, DMG_BURN | DMG_PROBE, &tr ) )
// Make sure it's in range.
const Vector &mins = pEntity->WorldAlignMins();
const Vector &maxs = pEntity->WorldAlignMaxs();
float approxTargetRadius = ( Vector( maxs.x, maxs.y, 0 ) - Vector( mins.x, mins.y, 0 )).Length() * 0.5f;
float flDistFromCenter = ( vecCenter - tr.endpos ).Length() - approxTargetRadius;
ents[nOutEnts] = pEntity;
dists[nOutEnts] = flDistFromCenter;
if ( nOutEnts >= nMaxEnts )
return nOutEnts;
return nOutEnts;
CFireDamageMgr g_FireDamageMgr;
CFireDamageMgr* GetFireDamageMgr()
return &g_FireDamageMgr;