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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// tf_bot_defend_point_block_capture.h
// Move to and defend current point from capture
// Michael Booth, February 2009
#include "cbase.h"
#include "nav_mesh/tf_nav_mesh.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "trigger_area_capture.h"
#include "bot/tf_bot.h"
#include "bot/behavior/scenario/capture_point/tf_bot_defend_point_block_capture.h"
#include "bot/behavior/medic/tf_bot_medic_heal.h"
#include "bot/behavior/tf_bot_attack.h"
#include "bot/behavior/demoman/tf_bot_prepare_stickybomb_trap.h"
extern ConVar tf_bot_path_lookahead_range;
ConVar tf_bot_defend_owned_point_percent( "tf_bot_defend_owned_point_percent", "0.5", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Stay on the contested point we own until enemy cap percent falls below this" );
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::OnStart( CTFBot *me, Action< CTFBot > *priorAction )
m_path.SetMinLookAheadDistance( me->GetDesiredPathLookAheadRange() );
m_point = me->GetMyControlPoint();
if ( m_point == NULL )
return Done( "Point is NULL" );
m_defenseArea = static_cast< CTFNavArea * >( TheTFNavMesh()->GetNearestNavArea( m_point->GetAbsOrigin() ) );
if ( m_defenseArea == NULL )
return Done( "Can't find nav area on point" );
return Continue();
bool CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::IsPointSafe( CTFBot *me )
// if a point was just captured, defend this point for awhile
if ( me->WasPointJustLost() )
return false;
if ( m_point == NULL )
return true;
if ( m_point->GetTeamCapPercentage( me->GetTeamNumber() ) < tf_bot_defend_owned_point_percent.GetFloat() )
// we're not in complete control of this point yet
return false;
// is point is being contested, or was just being contested, its not safe
if ( m_point->HasBeenContested() && ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_point->LastContestedAt() ) < 5.0f )
return false;
// if we still see a near threat, stay put
const CKnownEntity *knownThreat = me->GetVisionInterface()->GetPrimaryKnownThreat();
if ( knownThreat )
const float dangerRange = 500.0f;
if ( ( knownThreat->GetLastKnownPosition() - m_point->GetAbsOrigin() ).IsLengthLessThan( dangerRange ) )
return false;
return true;
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::Update( CTFBot *me, float interval )
// if point is safe, we can move back to our defense positions
if ( IsPointSafe( me ) )
return Done( "Point is safe again" );
if ( me->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_MEDIC ) )
// medics look ridiculous rushing to the point - they need to heal
return SuspendFor( new CTFBotMedicHeal );
const CKnownEntity *threat = me->GetVisionInterface()->GetPrimaryKnownThreat();
me->EquipBestWeaponForThreat( threat );
Extent pointExtent;
pointExtent.Init( m_point );
bool isStandingOnThePoint = pointExtent.Contains( me->GetAbsOrigin() );
const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *controlPointAreas = TheTFNavMesh()->GetControlPointAreas( m_point->GetPointIndex() );
if ( controlPointAreas )
for( int i=0; i<controlPointAreas->Count(); ++i )
if ( me->GetLastKnownArea() && me->GetLastKnownArea()->GetID() == controlPointAreas->Element(i)->GetID() )
isStandingOnThePoint = true;
if ( isStandingOnThePoint && CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::IsPossible( me ) )
return SuspendFor( new CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap, "Placing stickies for defense" );
if ( controlPointAreas )
// move to a random spot on this control point
if ( m_repathTimer.IsElapsed() )
m_repathTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.0f ) );
float totalArea = 0.0f;
int i;
for( i=0; i<controlPointAreas->Count(); ++i )
CTFNavArea *area = controlPointAreas->Element(i);
totalArea += area->GetSizeX() * area->GetSizeY();
float which = RandomFloat( 0.0f, totalArea - 1.0f );
CTFNavArea *goalArea = NULL;
for( i=0; i<controlPointAreas->Count(); ++i )
CTFNavArea *area = controlPointAreas->Element(i);
which -= area->GetSizeX() * area->GetSizeY();
if ( which <= 0.0f )
goalArea = area;
if ( goalArea )
CTFBotPathCost cost( me, DEFAULT_ROUTE );
m_path.Compute( me, goalArea->GetRandomPoint(), cost );
m_path.Update( me );
else if ( !isStandingOnThePoint )
// get on the point!
if ( m_repathTimer.IsElapsed() )
m_repathTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.0f ) );
CTFBotPathCost cost( me, DEFAULT_ROUTE );
m_path.Compute( me, ( pointExtent.lo + pointExtent.hi )/2.0f, cost );
m_path.Update( me );
return Continue();
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::OnResume( CTFBot *me, Action< CTFBot > *interruptingAction )
return Continue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::OnStuck( CTFBot *me )
return TryContinue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::OnMoveToSuccess( CTFBot *me, const Path *path )
return TryContinue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::OnMoveToFailure( CTFBot *me, const Path *path, MoveToFailureType reason )
return TryContinue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::OnTerritoryContested( CTFBot *me, int territoryID )
return TryToSustain();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::OnTerritoryCaptured( CTFBot *me, int territoryID )
return TryContinue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::OnTerritoryLost( CTFBot *me, int territoryID )
// we lost it, fall back
return TryDone( RESULT_CRITICAL, "Lost the point" );
QueryResultType CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::ShouldHurry( const INextBot *me ) const
// hurry up and get on the point!
return ANSWER_YES;
QueryResultType CTFBotDefendPointBlockCapture::ShouldRetreat( const INextBot *me ) const
// get on the point!
return ANSWER_NO;