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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// nav_generate.cpp
// Auto-generate a Navigation Mesh by sampling the current map
// Author: Michael S. Booth (, 2003
#include "cbase.h"
#include "util_shared.h"
#include "nav_mesh.h"
#include "nav_node.h"
#include "nav_pathfind.h"
#include "viewport_panel_names.h"
//#include "terror/TerrorShared.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#ifdef TERROR
#include "func_simpleladder.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
enum { MAX_BLOCKED_AREAS = 256 };
static unsigned int blockedID[ MAX_BLOCKED_AREAS ];
static int blockedIDCount = 0;
static float lastMsgTime = 0.0f;
bool TraceAdjacentNode( int depth, const Vector& start, const Vector& end, trace_t *trace, float zLimit = DeathDrop );
bool StayOnFloor( trace_t *trace, float zLimit = DeathDrop );
ConVar nav_slope_limit( "nav_slope_limit", "0.7", FCVAR_CHEAT, "The ground unit normal's Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated." );
ConVar nav_slope_tolerance( "nav_slope_tolerance", "0.1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "The ground unit normal's Z component must be this close to the nav area's Z component to be generated." );
ConVar nav_displacement_test( "nav_displacement_test", "10000", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Checks for nodes embedded in displacements (useful for in-development maps)" );
ConVar nav_generate_fencetops( "nav_generate_fencetops", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops" );
ConVar nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas( "nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections" );
ConVar nav_generate_jump_connections( "nav_generate_jump_connections", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "If disabled, don't generate jump connections from jump areas" );
ConVar nav_generate_incremental_range( "nav_generate_incremental_range", "2000", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar nav_generate_incremental_tolerance( "nav_generate_incremental_tolerance", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Z tolerance for adding new nav areas." );
ConVar nav_area_max_size( "nav_area_max_size", "50", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Max area size created in nav generation" );
// Common bounding box for traces
Vector NavTraceMins( -0.45, -0.45, 0 );
Vector NavTraceMaxs( 0.45, 0.45, HumanCrouchHeight );
bool FindGroundForNode( Vector *pos, Vector *normal ); // find a ground Z for pos that is clear for NavTraceMins -> NavTraceMaxs
const float MaxTraversableHeight = StepHeight; // max internal obstacle height that can occur between nav nodes and safely disregarded
const float MinObstacleAreaWidth = 10.0f; // min width of a nav area we will generate on top of an obstacle
* Shortest path cost, paying attention to "blocked" areas
class ApproachAreaCost
float operator() ( CNavArea *area, CNavArea *fromArea, const CNavLadder *ladder, const CFuncElevator *elevator )
// check if this area is "blocked"
for( int i=0; i<blockedIDCount; ++i )
if (area->GetID() == blockedID[i])
return -1.0f;
if (fromArea == NULL)
// first area in path, no cost
return 0.0f;
// compute distance traveled along path so far
float dist;
if (ladder)
dist = ladder->m_length;
dist = (area->GetCenter() - fromArea->GetCenter()).Length();
float cost = dist + fromArea->GetCostSoFar();
return cost;
* Start at given position and find first area in given direction
inline CNavArea *findFirstAreaInDirection( const Vector *start, NavDirType dir, float range, float beneathLimit, CBaseEntity *traceIgnore = NULL, Vector *closePos = NULL )
CNavArea *area = NULL;
Vector pos = *start;
int end = (int)((range / GenerationStepSize) + 0.5f);
for( int i=1; i<=end; i++ )
AddDirectionVector( &pos, dir, GenerationStepSize );
// make sure we dont look thru the wall
trace_t result;
UTIL_TraceHull( *start, pos, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), traceIgnore, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction < 1.0f)
area = TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( pos, beneathLimit );
if (area)
if (closePos)
closePos->x = pos.x;
closePos->y = pos.y;
closePos->z = area->GetZ( pos.x, pos.y );
return area;
* For each ladder in the map, create a navigation representation of it.
void CNavMesh::BuildLadders( void )
// remove any left-over ladders
#ifdef TERROR
CFuncSimpleLadder *ladder = NULL;
while( (ladder = dynamic_cast< CFuncSimpleLadder * >(gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( ladder, "func_simpleladder" ))) != NULL )
Vector mins, maxs;
ladder->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &mins, &maxs );
CreateLadder( mins, maxs, 0.0f );
* Create a navigation representation of a ladder.
void CNavMesh::CreateLadder( const Vector& absMin, const Vector& absMax, float maxHeightAboveTopArea )
CNavLadder *ladder = new CNavLadder;
// compute top & bottom of ladder
ladder->m_top.x = (absMin.x + absMax.x) / 2.0f;
ladder->m_top.y = (absMin.y + absMax.y) / 2.0f;
ladder->m_top.z = absMax.z;
ladder->m_bottom.x = ladder->m_top.x;
ladder->m_bottom.y = ladder->m_top.y;
ladder->m_bottom.z = absMin.z;
// determine facing - assumes "normal" runged ladder
float xSize = absMax.x - absMin.x;
float ySize = absMax.y - absMin.y;
trace_t result;
if (xSize > ySize)
// ladder is facing north or south - determine which way
// "pull in" traceline from bottom and top in case ladder abuts floor and/or ceiling
Vector from = ladder->m_bottom + Vector( 0.0f, GenerationStepSize, GenerationStepSize/2 );
Vector to = ladder->m_top + Vector( 0.0f, GenerationStepSize, -GenerationStepSize/2 );
UTIL_TraceLine( from, to, GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction != 1.0f || result.startsolid)
ladder->SetDir( NORTH );
ladder->SetDir( SOUTH );
ladder->m_width = xSize;
// ladder is facing east or west - determine which way
Vector from = ladder->m_bottom + Vector( GenerationStepSize, 0.0f, GenerationStepSize/2 );
Vector to = ladder->m_top + Vector( GenerationStepSize, 0.0f, -GenerationStepSize/2 );
UTIL_TraceLine( from, to, GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction != 1.0f || result.startsolid)
ladder->SetDir( WEST );
ladder->SetDir( EAST );
ladder->m_width = ySize;
// adjust top and bottom of ladder to make sure they are reachable
// (cs_office has a crate right in front of the base of a ladder)
Vector along = ladder->m_top - ladder->m_bottom;
float length = along.NormalizeInPlace();
Vector on, out;
const float minLadderClearance = 32.0f;
// adjust bottom to bypass blockages
const float inc = 10.0f;
float t;
for( t = 0.0f; t <= length; t += inc )
on = ladder->m_bottom + t * along;
out = on + ladder->GetNormal() * minLadderClearance;
UTIL_TraceLine( on, out, GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction == 1.0f && !result.startsolid)
// found viable ladder bottom
ladder->m_bottom = on;
// adjust top to bypass blockages
for( t = 0.0f; t <= length; t += inc )
on = ladder->m_top - t * along;
out = on + ladder->GetNormal() * minLadderClearance;
UTIL_TraceLine( on, out, GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction == 1.0f && !result.startsolid)
// found viable ladder top
ladder->m_top = on;
ladder->m_length = (ladder->m_top - ladder->m_bottom).Length();
ladder->SetDir( ladder->GetDir() ); // now that we've adjusted the top and bottom, re-check the normal
ladder->m_bottomArea = NULL;
ladder->m_topForwardArea = NULL;
ladder->m_topLeftArea = NULL;
ladder->m_topRightArea = NULL;
ladder->m_topBehindArea = NULL;
ladder->ConnectGeneratedLadder( maxHeightAboveTopArea );
// add ladder to global list
m_ladders.AddToTail( ladder );
* Create a navigation representation of a ladder.
void CNavMesh::CreateLadder( const Vector &top, const Vector &bottom, float width, const Vector2D &ladderDir, float maxHeightAboveTopArea )
CNavLadder *ladder = new CNavLadder;
ladder->m_top = top;
ladder->m_bottom = bottom;
ladder->m_width = width;
if ( fabs( ladderDir.x ) > fabs( ladderDir.y ) )
if ( ladderDir.x > 0.0f )
ladder->SetDir( EAST );
ladder->SetDir( WEST );
if ( ladderDir.y > 0.0f )
ladder->SetDir( SOUTH );
ladder->SetDir( NORTH );
// adjust top and bottom of ladder to make sure they are reachable
// (cs_office has a crate right in front of the base of a ladder)
Vector along = ladder->m_top - ladder->m_bottom;
float length = along.NormalizeInPlace();
Vector on, out;
const float minLadderClearance = 32.0f;
// adjust bottom to bypass blockages
const float inc = 10.0f;
float t;
trace_t result;
for( t = 0.0f; t <= length; t += inc )
on = ladder->m_bottom + t * along;
out = on + ladder->GetNormal() * minLadderClearance;
UTIL_TraceLine( on, out, GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction == 1.0f && !result.startsolid)
// found viable ladder bottom
ladder->m_bottom = on;
// adjust top to bypass blockages
for( t = 0.0f; t <= length; t += inc )
on = ladder->m_top - t * along;
out = on + ladder->GetNormal() * minLadderClearance;
UTIL_TraceLine( on, out, GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction == 1.0f && !result.startsolid)
// found viable ladder top
ladder->m_top = on;
ladder->m_length = (ladder->m_top - ladder->m_bottom).Length();
ladder->SetDir( ladder->GetDir() ); // now that we've adjusted the top and bottom, re-check the normal
ladder->m_bottomArea = NULL;
ladder->m_topForwardArea = NULL;
ladder->m_topLeftArea = NULL;
ladder->m_topRightArea = NULL;
ladder->m_topBehindArea = NULL;
ladder->ConnectGeneratedLadder( maxHeightAboveTopArea );
// add ladder to global list
m_ladders.AddToTail( ladder );
void CNavLadder::ConnectGeneratedLadder( float maxHeightAboveTopArea )
const float nearLadderRange = 75.0f; // 50
// Find naviagtion area at bottom of ladder
// get approximate postion of player on ladder
Vector center = m_bottom + Vector( 0, 0, GenerationStepSize );
AddDirectionVector( &center, m_dir, HalfHumanWidth );
m_bottomArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( center, true );
if (!m_bottomArea)
DevMsg( "ERROR: Unconnected ladder bottom at ( %g, %g, %g )\n", m_bottom.x, m_bottom.y, m_bottom.z );
// store reference to ladder in the area
m_bottomArea->AddLadderUp( this );
// Find adjacent navigation areas at the top of the ladder
// get approximate postion of player on ladder
center = m_top + Vector( 0, 0, GenerationStepSize );
AddDirectionVector( &center, m_dir, HalfHumanWidth );
float beneathLimit = MIN( 120.0f, m_top.z - m_bottom.z + HalfHumanWidth );
// find "ahead" area
m_topForwardArea = findFirstAreaInDirection( &center, OppositeDirection( m_dir ), nearLadderRange, beneathLimit, NULL );
if (m_topForwardArea == m_bottomArea)
m_topForwardArea = NULL;
// find "left" area
m_topLeftArea = findFirstAreaInDirection( &center, DirectionLeft( m_dir ), nearLadderRange, beneathLimit, NULL );
if (m_topLeftArea == m_bottomArea)
m_topLeftArea = NULL;
// find "right" area
m_topRightArea = findFirstAreaInDirection( &center, DirectionRight( m_dir ), nearLadderRange, beneathLimit, NULL );
if (m_topRightArea == m_bottomArea)
m_topRightArea = NULL;
// find "behind" area - must look farther, since ladder is against the wall away from this area
m_topBehindArea = findFirstAreaInDirection( &center, m_dir, 2.0f*nearLadderRange, beneathLimit, NULL );
if (m_topBehindArea == m_bottomArea)
m_topBehindArea = NULL;
// can't include behind area, since it is not used when going up a ladder
if (!m_topForwardArea && !m_topLeftArea && !m_topRightArea)
DevMsg( "ERROR: Unconnected ladder top at ( %g, %g, %g )\n", m_top.x, m_top.y, m_top.z );
// store reference to ladder in the area(s)
if (m_topForwardArea)
m_topForwardArea->AddLadderDown( this );
if (m_topLeftArea)
m_topLeftArea->AddLadderDown( this );
if (m_topRightArea)
m_topRightArea->AddLadderDown( this );
if (m_topBehindArea)
m_topBehindArea->AddLadderDown( this );
Disconnect( m_topBehindArea );
// adjust top of ladder to highest connected area
float topZ = m_bottom.z + 5.0f;
bool topAdjusted = false;
CNavArea *topAreaList[4];
topAreaList[0] = m_topForwardArea;
topAreaList[1] = m_topLeftArea;
topAreaList[2] = m_topRightArea;
topAreaList[3] = m_topBehindArea;
for( int a=0; a<4; ++a )
CNavArea *topArea = topAreaList[a];
if (topArea == NULL)
Vector close;
topArea->GetClosestPointOnArea( m_top, &close );
if (topZ < close.z)
topZ = close.z;
topAdjusted = true;
if (topAdjusted)
if ( maxHeightAboveTopArea > 0.0f )
m_top.z = MIN( topZ + maxHeightAboveTopArea, m_top.z );
m_top.z = topZ; // not manually specifying a top, so snap exactly
// Determine whether this ladder is "dangling" or not
// "Dangling" ladders are too high to go up
if (m_bottomArea)
Vector bottomSpot;
m_bottomArea->GetClosestPointOnArea( m_bottom, &bottomSpot );
if (m_bottom.z - bottomSpot.z > HumanHeight)
m_bottomArea->Disconnect( this );
class JumpConnector
bool operator()( CNavArea *jumpArea )
if ( !nav_generate_jump_connections.GetBool() )
return true;
if ( !(jumpArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP) )
return true;
for ( int i=0; i<NUM_DIRECTIONS; ++i )
NavDirType incomingDir = (NavDirType)i;
NavDirType outgoingDir = OppositeDirection( incomingDir );
const NavConnectVector *incoming = jumpArea->GetIncomingConnections( incomingDir );
const NavConnectVector *from = jumpArea->GetAdjacentAreas( incomingDir );
const NavConnectVector *dest = jumpArea->GetAdjacentAreas( outgoingDir );
TryToConnect( jumpArea, incoming, dest, outgoingDir );
TryToConnect( jumpArea, from, dest, outgoingDir );
return true;
struct Connection
CNavArea *source;
CNavArea *dest;
NavDirType direction;
void TryToConnect( CNavArea *jumpArea, const NavConnectVector *source, const NavConnectVector *dest, NavDirType outgoingDir )
FOR_EACH_VEC( (*source), sourceIt )
CNavArea *sourceArea = const_cast< CNavArea * >( (*source)[ sourceIt ].area );
if ( !sourceArea->IsConnected( jumpArea, outgoingDir ) )
if ( sourceArea->HasAttributes( NAV_MESH_JUMP ) )
NavDirType incomingDir = OppositeDirection( outgoingDir );
const NavConnectVector *in1 = sourceArea->GetIncomingConnections( incomingDir );
const NavConnectVector *in2 = sourceArea->GetAdjacentAreas( incomingDir );
TryToConnect( jumpArea, in1, dest, outgoingDir );
TryToConnect( jumpArea, in2, dest, outgoingDir );
TryToConnect( jumpArea, sourceArea, dest, outgoingDir );
void TryToConnect( CNavArea *jumpArea, CNavArea *sourceArea, const NavConnectVector *dest, NavDirType outgoingDir )
FOR_EACH_VEC( (*dest), destIt )
CNavArea *destArea = const_cast< CNavArea * >( (*dest)[ destIt ].area );
if ( destArea->HasAttributes( NAV_MESH_JUMP ) )
// Don't connect areas across 2 jump areas. This means we'll have some missing links due to sampling errors.
// This is preferable to generating incorrect links across multiple jump areas, which is far more common.
Vector center;
float halfWidth;
sourceArea->ComputePortal( destArea, outgoingDir, &center, &halfWidth );
// Don't create corner-to-corner connections
if ( halfWidth <= 0.0f )
Vector dir( vec3_origin );
AddDirectionVector( &dir, outgoingDir, 5.0f );
if ( halfWidth > 0.0f )
Vector sourcePos, destPos;
sourceArea->GetClosestPointOnArea( center, &sourcePos );
destArea->GetClosestPointOnArea( center, &destPos );
// No jumping up from stairs.
if ( sourceArea->HasAttributes( NAV_MESH_STAIRS ) && sourcePos.z + StepHeight < destPos.z )
if ( (sourcePos-destPos).AsVector2D().IsLengthLessThan( GenerationStepSize * 3 ) )
sourceArea->ConnectTo( destArea, outgoingDir );
// DevMsg( "Connected %d->%d via %d (len %f)\n",
// sourceArea->GetID(), destArea->GetID(), jumpArea->GetID(), sourcePos.DistTo( destPos ) );
void CNavMesh::MarkPlayerClipAreas( void )
#ifdef TERROR
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
TerrorNavArea *area = static_cast< TerrorNavArea * >(TheNavAreas[it]);
// Trace upward a bit from our center point just colliding wtih PLAYERCLIP to see if we're in one, if we are, mark us as accordingly.
trace_t trace;
Vector start = area->GetCenter() + Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 16.0f );
Vector end = area->GetCenter() + Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 32.0f );
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, Vector(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0), CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, NULL, &trace);
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0 )
area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() | TerrorNavArea::NAV_PLAYERCLIP );
* Mark all areas that require a jump to get through them.
* This currently relies on jump areas having extreme slope.
void CNavMesh::MarkJumpAreas( void )
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( !area->HasNodes() )
Vector normal, otherNormal;
area->ComputeNormal( &normal );
area->ComputeNormal( &otherNormal, true );
float lowestNormalZ = MIN( normal.z, otherNormal.z );
if (lowestNormalZ < nav_slope_limit.GetFloat())
// The area is a jump area, and we don't merge jump areas together
area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() | NAV_MESH_JUMP | NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE );
else if ( lowestNormalZ < nav_slope_limit.GetFloat() + nav_slope_tolerance.GetFloat() )
Vector testPos = area->GetCenter();
testPos.z += HalfHumanHeight;
Vector groundNormal;
float dummy;
if ( GetSimpleGroundHeight( testPos, &dummy, &groundNormal ) )
// If the ground normal is divergent from the area's normal, mark it as a jump area - it's not
// really representative of the ground.
float deltaNormalZ = fabs( groundNormal.z - lowestNormalZ );
if ( deltaNormalZ > nav_slope_tolerance.GetFloat() )
// The area is a jump area, and we don't merge jump areas together
area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() | NAV_MESH_JUMP | NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE );
* Remove all areas marked as jump areas and connect the areas connecting to them
void CNavMesh::StichAndRemoveJumpAreas( void )
// Now, go through and remove jump areas, connecting areas to make up for it
JumpConnector connector;
ForAllAreas( connector );
* Adjusts obstacle start and end distances such that obstacle width (end-start) is not less than MinObstacleAreaWidth,
* and end distance is not greater than maxAllowedDist
void AdjustObstacleDistances( float *pObstacleStartDist, float *pObstacleEndDist, float maxAllowedDist )
float obstacleWidth = *pObstacleEndDist - *pObstacleStartDist;
// is the obstacle width too narrow?
if ( obstacleWidth < MinObstacleAreaWidth )
float halfDelta = ( MinObstacleAreaWidth - obstacleWidth ) /2;
// move start so it's half of min width from center, but no less than zero
*pObstacleStartDist = MAX( *pObstacleStartDist - halfDelta, 0 );
// move end so it's min width from start
*pObstacleEndDist = *pObstacleStartDist + MinObstacleAreaWidth;
// if this pushes the end past max allowed distance, pull start and end back so that end is within allowed distance
if ( *pObstacleEndDist > maxAllowedDist )
float delta = *pObstacleEndDist - maxAllowedDist;
*pObstacleStartDist -= delta;
*pObstacleEndDist -= delta;
* Makes sure tall, slim obstacles like fencetops, railings and narrow walls have nav areas placed on top of them
* to allow climbing & traversal
void CNavMesh::HandleObstacleTopAreas( void )
if ( !nav_generate_fencetops.GetBool() )
// For any 1x1 area that is internally blocked by an obstacle, raise it on top of the obstacle and size to fit.
// Create new areas as required
// It's possible for obstacle top areas to wind up overlapping one another, fix any such cases
* For any nav area that has internal obstacles between its corners of greater than traversable height,
* raise that nav area to sit at the top of the obstacle, and shrink it to fit the obstacle. Such nav
* areas are already restricted to be 1x1 so this will only be performed on areas that are already small.
void CNavMesh::RaiseAreasWithInternalObstacles()
// obstacle areas next to stairs are bad - delete them
CUtlVector< CNavArea * > areasToDelete;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
// any nav area with internal obstacles will be 1x1 (width and height = GenerationStepSize), so
// only need to consider areas of that size
if ( ( area->GetSizeX() != GenerationStepSize ) || (area->GetSizeY() != GenerationStepSize ) )
float obstacleZ[2] = { -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX };
float obstacleZMax = -FLT_MAX;
NavDirType obstacleDir = NORTH;
float obstacleStartDist = GenerationStepSize;
float obstacleEndDist = 0;
bool isStairNeighbor = false;
// Look at all 4 directions and determine if there are obstacles in that direction. Find the direction with the highest obstacle, if any.
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++ )
NavDirType dir = (NavDirType) i;
// For this direction, look at the left and right edges of the nav area relative to this direction and determined if they are both blocked
// by obstacles. We only consider this area obstructed if both edges are blocked (e.g. fence runs all the way through it).
NavCornerType corner[2];
int iEdgesBlocked = 0;
corner[0] = (NavCornerType) ( ( i + 3 ) % NUM_CORNERS ); // lower left-hand corner relative to current direction
corner[1] = (NavCornerType) ( ( i + 2 ) % NUM_CORNERS ); // lower right-hand corner relative to current direction
float obstacleZThisDir[2] = { -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX }; // absolute Z pos of obstacle for left and right edge in this direction
float obstacleStartDistThisDir = GenerationStepSize; // closest obstacle start distance in this direction
float obstacleEndDistThisDir = 0; // farthest obstacle end distance in this direction
// consider left and right edges of nav area relative to current direction
for ( int iEdge = 0; iEdge < 2; iEdge++ )
NavCornerType cornerType = corner[iEdge];
CNavNode *nodeFrom = area->m_node[cornerType];
if ( nodeFrom )
// is there an obstacle going from corner to corner along this edge?
float obstacleHeight = nodeFrom->m_obstacleHeight[dir];
if ( obstacleHeight > MaxTraversableHeight )
// yes, this edge is blocked
// keep track of obstacle height and start and end distance for this edge
float obstacleZ = nodeFrom->GetPosition()->z + obstacleHeight;
if ( obstacleZ > obstacleZThisDir[iEdge] )
obstacleZThisDir[iEdge] = obstacleZ;
obstacleStartDistThisDir = MIN( nodeFrom->m_obstacleStartDist[dir], obstacleStartDistThisDir );
obstacleEndDistThisDir = MAX( nodeFrom->m_obstacleEndDist[dir], obstacleEndDistThisDir );
int BlockedEdgeCutoff = 2;
const NavConnectVector *connections = area->GetAdjacentAreas( dir );
if ( connections )
for ( int conIndex=0; conIndex<connections->Count(); ++conIndex )
const CNavArea *connectedArea = connections->Element( conIndex ).area;
if ( connectedArea && connectedArea->HasAttributes( NAV_MESH_STAIRS ) )
isStairNeighbor = true;
BlockedEdgeCutoff = 1; // one blocked edge is already too much when we're next to a stair
// are both edged blocked in this direction, and is the obstacle height in this direction the tallest we've seen?
if ( (iEdgesBlocked >= BlockedEdgeCutoff ) && ( MAX( obstacleZThisDir[0], obstacleZThisDir[1] ) ) > obstacleZMax )
// this is the tallest obstacle we've encountered so far, remember its details
obstacleZ[0] = obstacleZThisDir[0];
obstacleZ[1] = obstacleZThisDir[1];
obstacleZMax = MAX( obstacleZ[0], obstacleZ[1] );
obstacleDir = dir;
obstacleStartDist = obstacleStartDistThisDir;
obstacleEndDist = obstacleStartDistThisDir;
if ( isStairNeighbor && obstacleZMax > -FLT_MAX )
areasToDelete.AddToTail( area );
// if we found an obstacle, raise this nav areas and size it to fit
if ( obstacleZMax > -FLT_MAX )
// enforce minimum obstacle width so we don't shrink to become a teensy nav area
AdjustObstacleDistances( &obstacleStartDist, &obstacleEndDist, GenerationStepSize );
Assert( obstacleEndDist - obstacleStartDist >= MinObstacleAreaWidth );
// get current corner coords
Vector corner[4];
for ( int i = NORTH_WEST; i < NUM_CORNERS; i++ )
corner[i] = area->GetCorner( (NavCornerType) i );
// adjust our size to fit the obstacle
switch ( obstacleDir )
case NORTH:
corner[NORTH_WEST].y = corner[SOUTH_WEST].y - obstacleEndDist;
corner[NORTH_EAST].y = corner[SOUTH_EAST].y - obstacleEndDist;
corner[SOUTH_WEST].y -= obstacleStartDist;
corner[SOUTH_EAST].y -= obstacleStartDist;
case SOUTH:
corner[SOUTH_WEST].y = corner[NORTH_WEST].y + obstacleEndDist;
corner[SOUTH_EAST].y = corner[NORTH_EAST].y + obstacleEndDist;
corner[NORTH_WEST].y += obstacleStartDist;
corner[NORTH_EAST].y += obstacleStartDist;
::V_swap( obstacleZ[0], obstacleZ[1] ); // swap left and right Z heights for obstacle so we can run common code below
case EAST:
corner[NORTH_EAST].x = corner[NORTH_WEST].x + obstacleEndDist;
corner[SOUTH_EAST].x = corner[SOUTH_WEST].x + obstacleEndDist;
corner[NORTH_WEST].x += obstacleStartDist;
corner[SOUTH_WEST].x += obstacleStartDist;
case WEST:
corner[NORTH_WEST].x = corner[NORTH_EAST].x - obstacleEndDist;
corner[SOUTH_WEST].x = corner[SOUTH_EAST].x - obstacleEndDist;
corner[NORTH_EAST].x -= obstacleStartDist;
corner[SOUTH_EAST].x -= obstacleStartDist;
::V_swap( obstacleZ[0], obstacleZ[1] ); // swap left and right Z heights for obstacle so we can run common code below
// adjust Z positions to be z pos of obstacle top
corner[NORTH_WEST].z = obstacleZ[0];
corner[NORTH_EAST].z = obstacleZ[1];
corner[SOUTH_EAST].z = obstacleZ[1];
corner[SOUTH_WEST].z = obstacleZ[0];
// move the area
RemoveNavArea( area );
area->Build( corner[NORTH_WEST], corner[NORTH_EAST], corner[SOUTH_EAST], corner[SOUTH_WEST] );
Assert( !area->IsDegenerate() );
AddNavArea( area );
// remove side-to-side connections if there are any so AI does try to do things like run along fencetops
area->RemoveOrthogonalConnections( obstacleDir );
area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() | NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE | NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP );
area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() & ( ~NAV_MESH_JUMP ) );
// clear out the nodes associated with this area's corners -- corners don't match the node positions any more
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_CORNERS; i++ )
area->m_node[i] = NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<areasToDelete.Count(); ++i )
TheNavAreas.FindAndRemove( areasToDelete[i] );
DestroyArea( areasToDelete[i] );
* For any two nav areas that have an obstacle between them such as a fence, railing or small wall, creates a new
* nav area on top of the obstacle and connects it between the areas
void CNavMesh::CreateObstacleTopAreas()
// enumerate all areas
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
// if this is a jump node (which will ultimately get removed) or is an obstacle top, ignore it
if ( area->GetAttributes() & ( NAV_MESH_JUMP | NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP ) )
// Look in all directions
for ( int i = NORTH; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++ )
NavDirType dir = (NavDirType) i;
// Look at all adjacent areas in this direction
int iConnections = area->GetAdjacentCount( dir );
for ( int j = 0; j < iConnections; j++ )
CNavArea *areaOther = area->GetAdjacentArea( dir, j );
// if this is a jump node (which will ultimately get removed) or is an obstacle top, ignore it
if ( areaOther->GetAttributes() & ( NAV_MESH_JUMP | NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP ) )
// create an obstacle top if there is a one-node separation between the areas and there is an intra-node obstacle within that separation
if ( !CreateObstacleTopAreaIfNecessary( area, areaOther, dir, false ) )
// if not, create an obstacle top if there is a two-node separation between the areas and the intermediate node is significantly
// higher than the two areas, which means there's some geometry there that causes the middle node to be higher
CreateObstacleTopAreaIfNecessary( area, areaOther, dir, true );
* Creates a new nav area if an obstacle exists between the two nav areas. If bMultiNode is false, this checks
* if there's a one-node separation between the areas, and if so if there is an obstacle detected between the nodes.
* If bMultiNode is true, checks if there is a two-node separation between the areas, and if so if the middle node is
* higher than the two areas, suggesting an obstacle in the middle.
bool CNavMesh::CreateObstacleTopAreaIfNecessary( CNavArea *area, CNavArea *areaOther, NavDirType dir, bool bMultiNode )
float obstacleHeightMin = FLT_MAX;
float obstacleHeightMax = 0;
float obstacleHeightStart = 0;
float obstacleHeightEnd = 0;
float obstacleDistMin = GenerationStepSize;
float obstacleDistMax = 0;
Vector center;
float halfPortalWidth;
area->ComputePortal( areaOther, dir, &center, &halfPortalWidth );
if ( halfPortalWidth > 0 )
// get the corners to left and right of direction toward other area
NavCornerType cornerStart = (NavCornerType) dir;
NavCornerType cornerEnd = (NavCornerType) ( ( dir + 1 ) % NUM_CORNERS );
CNavNode *node = area->m_node[cornerStart];
CNavNode *nodeEnd = area->m_node[cornerEnd];
NavDirType dirEdge = (NavDirType) ( ( dir + 1 ) % NUM_DIRECTIONS );
obstacleHeightMin = FLT_MAX;
float zStart = 0, zEnd = 0;
// along the edge of this area that faces the other area, look at every node that's in the portal between the two
while ( node )
Vector vecToPortalCenter = *node->GetPosition() - center;
vecToPortalCenter.z = 0;
if ( vecToPortalCenter.IsLengthLessThan( halfPortalWidth + 1.0f ) )
// this node is in the portal
float obstacleHeight = 0;
float obstacleDistStartCur = node->m_obstacleStartDist[dir];
float obstacleDistEndCur = node->m_obstacleEndDist[dir];
if ( !bMultiNode )
// use the inter-node obstacle height from this node toward the next area
obstacleHeight = node->m_obstacleHeight[dir];
if ( !areaOther->Contains( *node->GetPosition() ) )
// step one node toward the other area
CNavNode *nodeTowardOtherArea = node->GetConnectedNode( dir );
if ( nodeTowardOtherArea )
// see if that step took us upward a significant amount
float deltaZ = nodeTowardOtherArea->GetPosition()->z - node->GetPosition()->z;
if ( deltaZ > MaxTraversableHeight )
// see if we've arrived in the other area
bool bInOtherArea = false;
if ( areaOther->Contains( *nodeTowardOtherArea->GetPosition() ) )
float z = areaOther->GetZ( nodeTowardOtherArea->GetPosition()->x, nodeTowardOtherArea->GetPosition()->y );
float deltaZ = fabs( nodeTowardOtherArea->GetPosition()->z - z );
if ( deltaZ < 2.0f )
bInOtherArea = true;
// if we have not arrived in the other area yet, take one more step in the same direction
if ( !bInOtherArea )
CNavNode *nodeTowardOtherArea2 = nodeTowardOtherArea->GetConnectedNode( dir );
if ( nodeTowardOtherArea2 && areaOther->Contains( *nodeTowardOtherArea2->GetPosition() ) )
float areaDeltaZ = node->GetPosition()->z - nodeTowardOtherArea2->GetPosition()->z;
if ( fabs( areaDeltaZ ) <= MaxTraversableHeight )
// if we arrived in the other area, the obstacle height to get here was the peak deltaZ of the node above to get here
obstacleHeight = deltaZ;
// make a nav area MinObstacleAreaWidth wide centered on the peak node, which is GenerationStepSize away from where we started
obstacleDistStartCur = GenerationStepSize - (MinObstacleAreaWidth / 2);
obstacleDistEndCur = GenerationStepSize + (MinObstacleAreaWidth / 2);
obstacleHeightMin = MIN( obstacleHeight, obstacleHeightMin );
obstacleHeightMax = MAX( obstacleHeight, obstacleHeightMax );
obstacleDistMin = MIN( obstacleDistStartCur, obstacleDistMin );
obstacleDistMax = MAX( obstacleDistEndCur, obstacleDistMax );
if ( obstacleHeightStart == 0 )
// keep track of the obstacle height and node z pos at the start of the edge
obstacleHeightStart = obstacleHeight;
zStart = node->GetPosition()->z;
// keep track of the obstacle height and node z pos at the end of the edge
obstacleHeightEnd = obstacleHeight;
zEnd = node->GetPosition()->z;
if ( node == nodeEnd )
node = node->GetConnectedNode( dirEdge );
// if we had some obstacle height from EVERY node along the portal, then getting from this area to the other requires scaling an obstacle,
// need to generate a nav area on top of it
if ( ( obstacleHeightMax > MaxTraversableHeight ) && ( obstacleHeightMin > MaxTraversableHeight ) )
// If the maximum obstacle height was greater than both the height at start and end of the edge, then the obstacle is highest somewhere
// in the middle. Use that as the height of both ends.
if ( ( obstacleHeightMax > obstacleHeightStart ) && ( obstacleHeightMax > obstacleHeightEnd ) )
obstacleHeightStart = obstacleHeightMax;
obstacleHeightEnd = obstacleHeightMax;
// for south and west, swap "start" and "end" values of edges so we can use common code below
if ( dir == SOUTH || dir == WEST )
::V_swap( obstacleHeightStart, obstacleHeightEnd );
::V_swap( zStart, zEnd );
// Enforce min area width for new area
AdjustObstacleDistances( &obstacleDistMin, &obstacleDistMax, bMultiNode ? GenerationStepSize * 2 : GenerationStepSize );
Assert( obstacleDistMin < obstacleDistMax );
Assert( obstacleDistMax - obstacleDistMin >= MinObstacleAreaWidth );
float newAreaWidth = obstacleDistMax - obstacleDistMin;
Assert( newAreaWidth > 0 );
// Calculate new area coordinates
AddDirectionVector( &center, dir, obstacleDistMin + (newAreaWidth/2) );
Vector cornerNW, cornerNE, cornerSE, cornerSW;
switch ( dir )
case NORTH:
case SOUTH:
cornerNW.Init( center.x - halfPortalWidth, center.y - (newAreaWidth/2), zStart + obstacleHeightStart );
cornerNE.Init( center.x + halfPortalWidth, center.y - (newAreaWidth/2), zEnd + obstacleHeightEnd );
cornerSE.Init( center.x + halfPortalWidth, center.y + (newAreaWidth/2), zEnd + obstacleHeightEnd );
cornerSW.Init( center.x - halfPortalWidth, center.y + (newAreaWidth/2), zStart + obstacleHeightStart );
case EAST:
case WEST:
cornerNW.Init( center.x - (newAreaWidth/2), center.y - halfPortalWidth, zStart + obstacleHeightStart );
cornerNE.Init( center.x + (newAreaWidth/2), center.y - halfPortalWidth, zEnd + obstacleHeightEnd );
cornerSE.Init( center.x + (newAreaWidth/2), center.y + halfPortalWidth, zEnd + obstacleHeightEnd );
cornerSW.Init( center.x - (newAreaWidth/2), center.y + halfPortalWidth, zStart + obstacleHeightStart );
CNavArea *areaNew = CreateArea();
areaNew->Build( cornerNW, cornerNE, cornerSE, cornerSW );
// add it to the nav area list
TheNavAreas.AddToTail( areaNew );
AddNavArea( areaNew );
Assert( !areaNew->IsDegenerate() );
Msg( "Created new fencetop area %d(%x) between %d(%x) and %d(%x)\n", areaNew->GetID(), areaNew->GetDebugID(), area->GetID(), area->GetDebugID(), areaOther->GetID(), areaOther->GetDebugID() );
areaNew->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() );
areaNew->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() | NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE | NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP );
area->Disconnect( areaOther );
area->ConnectTo( areaNew, dir );
areaNew->ConnectTo( area, OppositeDirection( dir ) );
areaNew->ConnectTo( areaOther, dir );
if ( areaOther->IsConnected( area, OppositeDirection( dir ) ) )
areaOther->Disconnect( area );
areaOther->ConnectTo( areaNew, OppositeDirection( dir ) );
// AddToSelectedSet( areaNew );
return true;
return false;
* Remove any obstacle top areas which overlap.
void CNavMesh::RemoveOverlappingObstacleTopAreas()
// What we really want is the union of all obstacle top areas that get generated. That would be hard to compute exactly,
// so instead we'll just remove any that overlap. The obstacle top areas don't have to be exact, we just need enough of
// them so there is generally a path to get over any obstacle.
// make a list of just the obstacle top areas to reduce the N of the N squared operation we're about to do
CUtlVector<CNavArea *> vecObstacleTopAreas;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP )
vecObstacleTopAreas.AddToTail( area );
// look at every pair of obstacle top areas
CUtlVector<CNavArea *> vecAreasToRemove;
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecObstacleTopAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = vecObstacleTopAreas[it];
Vector normal, otherNormal;
area->ComputeNormal( &normal );
area->ComputeNormal( &otherNormal, true );
// Remove any obstacle areas that are steep enough to be jump areas
float lowestNormalZ = MIN( normal.z, otherNormal.z );
if ( lowestNormalZ < nav_slope_limit.GetFloat() )
vecAreasToRemove.AddToTail( area );
for ( int it2 = it+1; it2 < vecObstacleTopAreas.Count(); it2++ )
CNavArea *areaOther = vecObstacleTopAreas[it2];
if ( area->IsOverlapping( areaOther ) )
if ( area->Contains( areaOther ) )
// if one entirely contains the other, mark the other for removal
vecAreasToRemove.AddToTail( areaOther );
else if ( areaOther->Contains( area ) )
// if one entirely contains the other, mark the other for removal
vecAreasToRemove.AddToTail( area );
// if they overlap without one being a superset of the other, just remove the smaller area
CNavArea *areaToRemove = ( area->GetSizeX() * area->GetSizeY() > areaOther->GetSizeX() * areaOther->GetSizeY() ? areaOther : area );
vecAreasToRemove.AddToTail( areaToRemove );
// now go delete all the areas we want to remove
while ( vecAreasToRemove.Count() > 0 )
CNavArea *areaToDelete = vecAreasToRemove[0];
RemoveFromSelectedSet( areaToDelete );
TheNavMesh->OnEditDestroyNotify( areaToDelete );
TheNavAreas.FindAndRemove( areaToDelete );
TheNavMesh->DestroyArea( areaToDelete );
// remove duplicates so we don't double-delete
while ( vecAreasToRemove.FindAndRemove( areaToDelete ) );
static void CommandNavCheckStairs( void )
if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() )
static ConCommand nav_check_stairs( "nav_check_stairs", CommandNavCheckStairs, "Update the nav mesh STAIRS attribute", FCVAR_CHEAT );
* Mark all areas that are on stairs.
void CNavMesh::MarkStairAreas( void )
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
enum StairTestType
// Test if a line across a nav area could be part of a stairway
StairTestType IsStairs( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, StairTestType ret )
if ( ret == STAIRS_NO )
return ret;
const float inc = 5.0f;
// the minimum height change each step to be a step and not a slope
const float minStepZ = inc * tan( acos( nav_slope_limit.GetFloat() ) );
const float MinStairNormal = 0.97f; // we don't care about ramps, just actual flat steps
float t;
Vector pos, normal;
float height, priorHeight;
// walk the line, checking for step height discontinuities
float length = start.AsVector2D().DistTo( end.AsVector2D() );
trace_t trace;
Vector hullMins( -inc/2, -inc/2, 0 );
Vector hullMaxs( inc/2, inc/2, 0 );
hullMaxs.z = 1; // don't care about vertical clearance
if ( fabs( start.x - end.x ) > fabs( start.y - end.y ) )
hullMins.x = -8;
hullMaxs.x = 8;
hullMins.y = -8;
hullMaxs.y = 8;
Vector traceOffset( 0, 0, VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX.z );
// total height change must exceed a single step to be stairs
if ( abs( start.z - end.z ) > StepHeight )
// initialize the height delta
UTIL_TraceHull( start + traceOffset, start - traceOffset, hullMins, hullMaxs, MASK_NPCSOLID, &filter, &trace );
if ( trace.startsolid || trace.IsDispSurface() )
return STAIRS_NO;
priorHeight = trace.endpos.z;
// Save a copy for debug overlays
Vector prevGround = start;
prevGround.z = priorHeight;
float traceIncrement = inc / length;
for( t = 0.0f; t <= 1.0f; t += traceIncrement )
pos = start + t * ( end - start );
UTIL_TraceHull( pos + traceOffset, pos - traceOffset, hullMins, hullMaxs, MASK_NPCSOLID, &filter, &trace );
if ( trace.startsolid || trace.IsDispSurface() )
return STAIRS_NO;
height = trace.endpos.z;
normal = trace.plane.normal;
// Save a copy for debug overlays
Vector ground( pos );
ground.z = height;
//NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( ground, 3, 0, 0, 255, true, 100.0f );
//NDebugOverlay::Box( ground, hullMins, hullMaxs, 0, 0, 255, 0.0f, 100.0f );
if ( t == 0.0f && fabs( height - start.z ) > StepHeight )
// Discontinuity at start
return STAIRS_NO;
if ( t == 1.0f && fabs( height - end.z ) > StepHeight )
// Discontinuity at end
return STAIRS_NO;
if ( normal.z < MinStairNormal )
// too steep here
return STAIRS_NO;
float deltaZ = abs( height - priorHeight );
if ( deltaZ >= minStepZ && deltaZ <= StepHeight )
// found a step
else if ( deltaZ > StepHeight )
// too steep here
//NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( ground, 5, 255, 0, 0, true, 10.0f );
//NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( prevGround, 5, 0, 255, 0, true, 10.0f );
return STAIRS_NO;
// Save a copy for debug overlays
prevGround = pos;
prevGround.z = height;
priorHeight = height;
return ret;
* Test an area for being on stairs
* NOTE: This assumes a globally constant "step height",
* and walkable surface normal, which really should be locomotor-specific.
bool CNavArea::TestStairs( void )
// clear STAIRS attribute
SetAttributes( GetAttributes() & ~NAV_MESH_STAIRS );
if ( GetSizeX() <= GenerationStepSize && GetSizeY() <= GenerationStepSize )
// Don't bother with stairs on small areas
return false;
const float MatchingNormalDot = 0.95f;
Vector firstNormal, secondNormal;
ComputeNormal( &firstNormal );
ComputeNormal( &secondNormal, true );
if ( firstNormal.Dot( secondNormal ) < MatchingNormalDot )
// area corners aren't coplanar - no stairs
return false;
// test center and edges north-to-south, and east-to-west
StairTestType ret = STAIRS_MAYBE;
Vector from, to;
const float inset = 5.0f; // inset to keep the tests completely inside the nav area
from = GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ) + Vector( inset, inset, 0 );
to = GetCorner( NORTH_EAST ) + Vector( -inset, inset, 0 );
ret = IsStairs( from, to, ret );
from = GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST ) + Vector( inset, -inset, 0 );
to = GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST ) + Vector( -inset, -inset, 0 );
ret = IsStairs( from, to, ret );
from = GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ) + Vector( inset, inset, 0 );
to = GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST ) + Vector( inset, -inset, 0 );
ret = IsStairs( from, to, ret );
from = GetCorner( NORTH_EAST ) + Vector( -inset, inset, 0 );
to = GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST ) + Vector( -inset, -inset, 0 );
ret = IsStairs( from, to, ret );
from = ( GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ) + GetCorner( NORTH_EAST ) ) / 2.0f + Vector( 0, inset, 0 );
to = ( GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST ) + GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST ) ) / 2.0f + Vector( 0, -inset, 0 );
ret = IsStairs( from, to, ret );
from = ( GetCorner( NORTH_EAST ) + GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST ) ) / 2.0f + Vector( -inset, 0, 0 );
to = ( GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ) + GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST ) ) / 2.0f + Vector( inset, 0, 0 );
ret = IsStairs( from, to, ret );
if ( ret == STAIRS_YES )
SetAttributes( NAV_MESH_STAIRS );
return true;
return false;
CON_COMMAND_F( nav_test_stairs, "Test the selected set for being on stairs", FCVAR_CHEAT )
if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() )
int count = 0;
const NavAreaVector &selectedSet = TheNavMesh->GetSelectedSet();
for ( int i=0; i<selectedSet.Count(); ++i )
CNavArea *area = selectedSet[i];
if ( area->TestStairs() )
Msg( "Marked %d areas as stairs\n", count );
* Jump areas aren't used by the NextBot. Delete them, connecting adjacent areas.
void CNavMesh::RemoveJumpAreas( void )
if ( !nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas.GetBool() )
CUtlVector< CNavArea * > unusedAreas;
int i;
for ( i=0; i<TheNavAreas.Count(); ++i )
CNavArea *testArea = TheNavAreas[i];
if ( !(testArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP) )
unusedAreas.AddToTail( testArea );
for ( i=0; i<unusedAreas.Count(); ++i )
CNavArea *areaToDelete = unusedAreas[i];
TheNavMesh->OnEditDestroyNotify( areaToDelete );
TheNavAreas.FindAndRemove( areaToDelete );
TheNavMesh->DestroyArea( areaToDelete );
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavRemoveJumpAreas( void )
JumpConnector connector;
ForAllAreas( connector );
int before = TheNavAreas.Count();
int after = TheNavAreas.Count();
Msg( "Removed %d jump areas\n", before - after );
* Recursively chop area in half along X until child areas are roughly square
static void splitX( CNavArea *area )
if (area->IsRoughlySquare())
float split = area->GetSizeX();
split /= 2.0f;
split += area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).x;
split = TheNavMesh->SnapToGrid( split );
const float epsilon = 0.1f;
if (fabs(split - area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).x) < epsilon ||
fabs(split - area->GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST ).x) < epsilon)
// too small to subdivide
CNavArea *alpha, *beta;
if (area->SplitEdit( false, split, &alpha, &beta ))
// split each new area until square
splitX( alpha );
splitX( beta );
* Recursively chop area in half along Y until child areas are roughly square
static void splitY( CNavArea *area )
if (area->IsRoughlySquare())
float split = area->GetSizeY();
split /= 2.0f;
split += area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).y;
split = TheNavMesh->SnapToGrid( split );
const float epsilon = 0.1f;
if (fabs(split - area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).y) < epsilon ||
fabs(split - area->GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST ).y) < epsilon)
// too small to subdivide
CNavArea *alpha, *beta;
if (area->SplitEdit( true, split, &alpha, &beta ))
// split each new area until square
splitY( alpha );
splitY( beta );
* Split any long, thin, areas into roughly square chunks.
void CNavMesh::SquareUpAreas( void )
int it = 0;
while( it < TheNavAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
// move the iterator in case the current area is split and deleted
if (area->HasNodes() && !area->IsRoughlySquare())
// chop this area into square pieces
if (area->GetSizeX() > area->GetSizeY())
splitX( area );
splitY( area );
static bool testStitchConnection( CNavArea *source, CNavArea *target, const Vector &sourcePos, const Vector &targetPos )
trace_t result;
Vector from( sourcePos );
Vector pos( targetPos );
Vector to, toNormal;
bool success = false;
if ( TraceAdjacentNode( 0, from, pos, &result ) )
to = result.endpos;
toNormal = result.plane.normal;
success = true;
// test going up ClimbUpHeight
bool success = false;
for ( float height = StepHeight; height <= ClimbUpHeight; height += 1.0f )
trace_t tr;
Vector start( from );
Vector end( pos );
start.z += height;
end.z += height;
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &tr );
if ( !tr.startsolid && tr.fraction == 1.0f )
if ( !StayOnFloor( &tr ) )
to = tr.endpos;
toNormal = tr.plane.normal;
start = end = from;
end.z += height;
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f )
success = true;
return success;
class IncrementallyGeneratedAreas
bool operator()( CNavArea *area )
return area->HasNodes();
* Incremental generation fixup for where edges lap up against the existing nav mesh:
* we have nodes, but the surrounding areas don't. So, we trace outward, to see if we
* can walk/fall to an adjacent area. This handles dropping down into existing areas etc.
* TODO: test pre-existing areas for drop-downs into the newly-generated areas.
void CNavMesh::StitchGeneratedAreas( void )
if ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL )
IncrementallyGeneratedAreas incrementalAreas;
StitchMesh( incrementalAreas );
class AreaSet
AreaSet( CUtlVector< CNavArea * > *areas )
m_areas = areas;
bool operator()( CNavArea *area )
return ( m_areas->HasElement( area ) );
CUtlVector< CNavArea * > *m_areas;
* Stitches an arbitrary set of areas (newly-merged, for example) into the existing mesh
void CNavMesh::StitchAreaSet( CUtlVector< CNavArea * > *areas )
AreaSet areaSet( areas );
StitchMesh( areaSet );
* Determine if we can "jump down" from given point
inline bool testJumpDown( const Vector *fromPos, const Vector *toPos )
float dz = fromPos->z - toPos->z;
// drop can't be too far, or too short (or nonexistant)
if (dz <= JumpCrouchHeight || dz >= DeathDrop)
return false;
// Check LOS out and down
// +-----+
// | |
// F |
// |
// T
Vector from, to;
float up;
trace_t result;
// Try to go up and out, up to ClimbUpHeight, to get over obstacles
for ( up=1.0f; up<=ClimbUpHeight; up += 1.0f )
from = *fromPos;
to.Init( fromPos->x, fromPos->y, fromPos->z + up );
UTIL_TraceHull( from, to, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction <= 0.0f || result.startsolid)
from.Init( fromPos->x, fromPos->y, result.endpos.z - 0.5f );
to.Init( toPos->x, toPos->y, from.z );
UTIL_TraceHull( from, to, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction != 1.0f || result.startsolid)
// Success!
if ( up > ClimbUpHeight )
return false;
// We've made it up and out, so see if we can drop down
from = to;
to.z = toPos->z + 2.0f;
UTIL_TraceHull( from, to, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction <= 0.0f || result.startsolid)
return false;
// Allow a little fudge so we can drop down onto stairs
if ( result.endpos.z > to.z + StepHeight )
return false;
return true;
inline CNavArea *findJumpDownArea( const Vector *fromPos, NavDirType dir )
if ( !nav_generate_jump_connections.GetBool() )
return NULL;
Vector start( fromPos->x, fromPos->y, fromPos->z + HalfHumanHeight );
AddDirectionVector( &start, dir, GenerationStepSize/2.0f );
Vector toPos;
CNavArea *downArea = findFirstAreaInDirection( &start, dir, 4.0f * GenerationStepSize, DeathDrop, NULL, &toPos );
if (downArea && testJumpDown( fromPos, &toPos ))
return downArea;
return NULL;
template < typename Functor >
void CNavMesh::StitchAreaIntoMesh( CNavArea *area, NavDirType dir, Functor &func )
Vector corner1, corner2;
switch ( dir )
case NORTH:
corner1 = area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST );
corner2 = area->GetCorner( NORTH_EAST );
case SOUTH:
corner1 = area->GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST );
corner2 = area->GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST );
case EAST:
corner1 = area->GetCorner( NORTH_EAST );
corner2 = area->GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST );
case WEST:
corner1 = area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST );
corner2 = area->GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST );
Vector edgeDir = corner2 - corner1;
edgeDir.z = 0.0f;
float edgeLength = edgeDir.NormalizeInPlace();
for ( float n=0; n<edgeLength - 1.0f; n += GenerationStepSize )
Vector sourcePos = corner1 + edgeDir * ( n + 0.5f );
sourcePos.z += HalfHumanHeight;
Vector targetPos = sourcePos;
switch ( dir )
case NORTH: targetPos.y -= GenerationStepSize * 0.5f; break;
case SOUTH: targetPos.y += GenerationStepSize * 0.5f; break;
case EAST: targetPos.x += GenerationStepSize * 0.5f; break;
case WEST: targetPos.x -= GenerationStepSize * 0.5f; break;
CNavArea *targetArea = TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( targetPos );
if ( targetArea && !func( targetArea ) )
targetPos.z = targetArea->GetZ( targetPos.x, targetPos.y ) + HalfHumanHeight;
// outgoing connection
if ( testStitchConnection( area, targetArea, sourcePos, targetPos ) )
area->ConnectTo( targetArea, dir );
// incoming connection
if ( testStitchConnection( targetArea, area, targetPos, sourcePos ) )
targetArea->ConnectTo( area, OppositeDirection( dir ) );
sourcePos.z -= HalfHumanHeight;
sourcePos.z += 1;
CNavArea *downArea = findJumpDownArea( &sourcePos, dir );
if ( downArea && downArea != area && !func( downArea ) )
area->ConnectTo( downArea, dir );
* Checks to see if there is a cliff - a drop of at least CliffHeight - in specified direction.
inline bool CheckCliff( const Vector *fromPos, NavDirType dir, bool bExhaustive = true )
// cliffs are half-baked, not used by any existing AI, and create poorly behaved nav areas (ie: long, thin, strips) (MSB 8/7/09)
return false;
Vector toPos( fromPos->x, fromPos->y, fromPos->z );
AddDirectionVector( &toPos, dir, GenerationStepSize );
trace_t trace;
// trace a step in specified direction and see where we'd find up
if ( TraceAdjacentNode( 0, *fromPos, toPos, &trace, DeathDrop * 10 ) && !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid )
float deltaZ = fromPos->z - trace.endpos.z;
// would we fall off a cliff?
if ( deltaZ > CliffHeight )
return true;
// if not, special case for south and east. South and east edges are not considered part of a nav area, so
// we look ahead two steps for south and east. This ensures that the n-1th row and column of nav nodes
// on the south and east sides of a nav area reflect any cliffs on the nth row and column.
// if we're looking to south or east, and the first node we found was approximately flat, and this is the top-level
// call, recurse one level to check one more step in this direction
if ( ( dir == SOUTH || dir == EAST ) && ( fabs( deltaZ ) < StepHeight ) && bExhaustive )
return CheckCliff( &trace.endpos, dir, false );
return false;
* Define connections between adjacent generated areas
void CNavMesh::ConnectGeneratedAreas( void )
Msg( "Connecting navigation areas...\n" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
// scan along edge nodes, stepping one node over into the next area
// for now, only use bi-directional connections
// north edge
CNavNode *node;
for( node = area->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ]; node != area->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ]; node = node->GetConnectedNode( EAST ) )
CNavNode *adj = node->GetConnectedNode( NORTH );
if (adj && adj->GetArea() && adj->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH ) == node )
area->ConnectTo( adj->GetArea(), NORTH );
CNavArea *downArea = findJumpDownArea( node->GetPosition(), NORTH );
if (downArea && downArea != area)
area->ConnectTo( downArea, NORTH );
// west edge
for( node = area->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ]; node != area->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ]; node = node->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH ) )
CNavNode *adj = node->GetConnectedNode( WEST );
if (adj && adj->GetArea() && adj->GetConnectedNode( EAST ) == node )
area->ConnectTo( adj->GetArea(), WEST );
CNavArea *downArea = findJumpDownArea( node->GetPosition(), WEST );
if (downArea && downArea != area)
area->ConnectTo( downArea, WEST );
// south edge - this edge's nodes are actually part of adjacent areas
// move one node north, and scan west to east
/// @todo This allows one-node-wide areas - do we want this?
node = area->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ];
if ( node ) // pre-existing areas in incremental generates won't have nodes
node = node->GetConnectedNode( NORTH );
if (node)
CNavNode *end = area->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ]->GetConnectedNode( NORTH );
/// @todo Figure out why cs_backalley gets a NULL node in here...
for( ; node && node != end; node = node->GetConnectedNode( EAST ) )
CNavNode *adj = node->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
if (adj && adj->GetArea() && adj->GetConnectedNode( NORTH ) == node )
area->ConnectTo( adj->GetArea(), SOUTH );
CNavArea *downArea = findJumpDownArea( node->GetPosition(), SOUTH );
if (downArea && downArea != area)
area->ConnectTo( downArea, SOUTH );
// south edge part 2 - scan the actual south edge. If the node is not part of an adjacent area, then it
// really belongs to us. This will happen if our area runs right up against a ledge.
for( node = area->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ]; node != area->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ]; node = node->GetConnectedNode( EAST ) )
if ( node->GetArea() )
continue; // some other area owns this node, pay no attention to it
CNavNode *adj = node->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
if ( node->IsBlockedInAnyDirection() || (adj && adj->IsBlockedInAnyDirection()) )
continue; // The space around this node is blocked, so don't connect across it
// Don't directly connect to adj's area, since it's already 1 cell removed from our area.
// There was no area in between, presumably for good reason. Only look for jump down links.
if ( !adj || !adj->GetArea() )
CNavArea *downArea = findJumpDownArea( node->GetPosition(), SOUTH );
if (downArea && downArea != area)
area->ConnectTo( downArea, SOUTH );
// east edge - this edge's nodes are actually part of adjacent areas
node = area->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ];
if ( node ) // pre-existing areas in incremental generates won't have nodes
node = node->GetConnectedNode( WEST );
if (node)
CNavNode *end = area->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ]->GetConnectedNode( WEST );
for( ; node && node != end; node = node->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH ) )
CNavNode *adj = node->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
if (adj && adj->GetArea() && adj->GetConnectedNode( WEST ) == node )
area->ConnectTo( adj->GetArea(), EAST );
CNavArea *downArea = findJumpDownArea( node->GetPosition(), EAST );
if (downArea && downArea != area)
area->ConnectTo( downArea, EAST );
// east edge part 2 - scan the actual east edge. If the node is not part of an adjacent area, then it
// really belongs to us. This will happen if our area runs right up against a ledge.
for( node = area->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ]; node != area->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ]; node = node->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH ) )
if ( node->GetArea() )
continue; // some other area owns this node, pay no attention to it
CNavNode *adj = node->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
if ( node->IsBlockedInAnyDirection() || (adj && adj->IsBlockedInAnyDirection()) )
continue; // The space around this node is blocked, so don't connect across it
// Don't directly connect to adj's area, since it's already 1 cell removed from our area.
// There was no area in between, presumably for good reason. Only look for jump down links.
if ( !adj || !adj->GetArea() )
CNavArea *downArea = findJumpDownArea( node->GetPosition(), EAST );
if (downArea && downArea != area)
area->ConnectTo( downArea, EAST );
bool CNavArea::IsAbleToMergeWith( CNavArea *other ) const
if ( !HasNodes() || ( GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE ) )
return false;
if ( !other->HasNodes() || ( other->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE ) )
return false;
return true;
* Merge areas together to make larger ones (must remain rectangular - convex).
* Areas can only be merged if their attributes match.
void CNavMesh::MergeGeneratedAreas( void )
Msg( "Merging navigation areas...\n" );
bool merged;
merged = false;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( !area->HasNodes() || ( area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE ) )
// north edge
FOR_EACH_VEC( area->m_connect[ NORTH ], nit )
CNavArea *adjArea = area->m_connect[ NORTH ][ nit ].area;
if ( !area->IsAbleToMergeWith( adjArea ) ) // pre-existing areas in incremental generates won't have nodes
if ( area->GetSizeY() + adjArea->GetSizeY() > GenerationStepSize * nav_area_max_size.GetInt() )
if (area->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ] == adjArea->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ] &&
area->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ] == adjArea->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ] &&
area->GetAttributes() == adjArea->GetAttributes() &&
area->IsCoplanar( adjArea ))
// merge vertical
area->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ] = adjArea->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ];
area->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ] = adjArea->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ];
merged = true;
//CONSOLE_ECHO( " Merged (north) areas #%d and #%d\n", area->m_id, adjArea->m_id );
area->FinishMerge( adjArea );
// restart scan - iterator is invalidated
if (merged)
// south edge
FOR_EACH_VEC( area->m_connect[ SOUTH ], sit )
CNavArea *adjArea = area->m_connect[ SOUTH ][ sit ].area;
if ( !area->IsAbleToMergeWith( adjArea ) ) // pre-existing areas in incremental generates won't have nodes
if ( area->GetSizeY() + adjArea->GetSizeY() > GenerationStepSize * nav_area_max_size.GetInt() )
if (adjArea->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ] == area->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ] &&
adjArea->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ] == area->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ] &&
area->GetAttributes() == adjArea->GetAttributes() &&
area->IsCoplanar( adjArea ))
// merge vertical
area->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ] = adjArea->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ];
area->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ] = adjArea->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ];
merged = true;
//CONSOLE_ECHO( " Merged (south) areas #%d and #%d\n", area->m_id, adjArea->m_id );
area->FinishMerge( adjArea );
// restart scan - iterator is invalidated
if (merged)
// west edge
FOR_EACH_VEC( area->m_connect[ WEST ], wit )
CNavArea *adjArea = area->m_connect[ WEST ][ wit ].area;
if ( !area->IsAbleToMergeWith( adjArea ) ) // pre-existing areas in incremental generates won't have nodes
if ( area->GetSizeX() + adjArea->GetSizeX() > GenerationStepSize * nav_area_max_size.GetInt() )
if (area->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ] == adjArea->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ] &&
area->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ] == adjArea->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ] &&
area->GetAttributes() == adjArea->GetAttributes() &&
area->IsCoplanar( adjArea ))
// merge horizontal
area->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ] = adjArea->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ];
area->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ] = adjArea->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ];
merged = true;
//CONSOLE_ECHO( " Merged (west) areas #%d and #%d\n", area->m_id, adjArea->m_id );
area->FinishMerge( adjArea );
// restart scan - iterator is invalidated
if (merged)
// east edge
FOR_EACH_VEC( area->m_connect[ EAST ], eit )
CNavArea *adjArea = area->m_connect[ EAST ][ eit ].area;
if ( !area->IsAbleToMergeWith( adjArea ) ) // pre-existing areas in incremental generates won't have nodes
if ( area->GetSizeX() + adjArea->GetSizeX() > GenerationStepSize * nav_area_max_size.GetInt() )
if (adjArea->m_node[ NORTH_WEST ] == area->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ] &&
adjArea->m_node[ SOUTH_WEST ] == area->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ] &&
area->GetAttributes() == adjArea->GetAttributes() &&
area->IsCoplanar( adjArea ))
// merge horizontal
area->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ] = adjArea->m_node[ NORTH_EAST ];
area->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ] = adjArea->m_node[ SOUTH_EAST ];
merged = true;
//CONSOLE_ECHO( " Merged (east) areas #%d and #%d\n", area->m_id, adjArea->m_id );
area->FinishMerge( adjArea );
// restart scan - iterator is invalidated
if (merged)
while( merged );
* Given arbitrary corners of a compass grid-aligned rectangle, classify them by compass direction.
* Input: vec[4]: arbitrary corners
* Output: vecNW, vecNE, vecSE, vecSW: filled in with which corner is in which compass direction
void ClassifyCorners( Vector vec[4], Vector &vecNW, Vector &vecNE, Vector &vecSE, Vector &vecSW )
vecNW = vecNE = vecSE = vecSW = vec[0];
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if ( ( vec[i].x <= vecNW.x ) && ( vec[i].y <= vecNW.y ) )
vecNW = vec[i];
if ( ( vec[i].x >= vecNE.x ) && ( vec[i].y <= vecNE.y ) )
vecNE = vec[i];
if ( ( vec[i].x >= vecSE.x ) && ( vec[i].y >= vecSE.y ) )
vecSE = vec[i];
if ( ( vec[i].x <= vecSW.x ) && ( vec[i].y >= vecSW.y ) )
vecSW = vec[i];
* Perform miscellaneous fixups to generated mesh
void CNavMesh::FixUpGeneratedAreas( void )
void CNavMesh::FixConnections( void )
// Test the steep sides of stairs for any outgoing links that cross nodes that were partially obstructed.
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( !area->HasAttributes( NAV_MESH_STAIRS ) )
if ( !area->HasNodes() )
for ( int dir=0; dir<NUM_DIRECTIONS; ++dir )
NavCornerType cornerType[2];
GetCornerTypesInDirection( (NavDirType)dir, &cornerType[0], &cornerType[1] );
// Flat edges of stairs need to connect. It's the slopes we don't want to climb over things for.
float cornerDeltaZ = fabs( area->GetCorner( cornerType[0] ).z - area->GetCorner( cornerType[1] ).z );
if ( cornerDeltaZ < StepHeight )
const NavConnectVector *connectedAreas = area->GetAdjacentAreas( (NavDirType)dir );
CUtlVector< CNavArea * > areasToDisconnect;
for ( int i=0; i<connectedAreas->Count(); ++i )
CNavArea *adjArea = connectedAreas->Element(i).area;
if ( !adjArea->HasNodes() )
Vector pos, adjPos;
float width;
area->ComputePortal( adjArea, (NavDirType)dir, &pos, &width );
adjArea->GetClosestPointOnArea( pos, &adjPos );
CNavNode *node = area->FindClosestNode( pos, (NavDirType)dir );
CNavNode *adjNode = adjArea->FindClosestNode( adjPos, OppositeDirection( (NavDirType)dir ) );
pos = *node->GetPosition();
adjPos = *adjNode->GetPosition();
if ( !node || !adjNode )
NavCornerType adjCornerType[2];
GetCornerTypesInDirection( OppositeDirection((NavDirType)dir), &adjCornerType[0], &adjCornerType[1] );
// From the stair's perspective, we can't go up more than step height to reach the adjacent area.
// Also, if the adjacent area has to jump up higher than StepHeight above the stair area to reach the stairs,
// there's an obstruction close to the adjacent area that could prevent walking from the stairs down.
if ( node->GetGroundHeightAboveNode( cornerType[0] ) > StepHeight )
areasToDisconnect.AddToTail( adjArea );
else if ( node->GetGroundHeightAboveNode( cornerType[1] ) > StepHeight )
areasToDisconnect.AddToTail( adjArea );
else if ( adjPos.z + adjNode->GetGroundHeightAboveNode( adjCornerType[0] ) > pos.z + StepHeight )
areasToDisconnect.AddToTail( adjArea );
else if ( adjPos.z + adjNode->GetGroundHeightAboveNode( adjCornerType[1] ) > pos.z + StepHeight )
areasToDisconnect.AddToTail( adjArea );
for ( int i=0; i<areasToDisconnect.Count(); ++i )
area->Disconnect( areasToDisconnect[i] );
// Test to prevent A->C if A->B->C. This can happen in doorways and dropdowns from rooftops.
// @TODO: find the root cause of A->C links.
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
CUtlVector< CNavArea * > areasToDisconnect;
for ( int dir=0; dir<NUM_DIRECTIONS; ++dir )
const NavConnectVector *connectedAreas = area->GetAdjacentAreas( (NavDirType)dir );
for ( int i=0; i<connectedAreas->Count(); ++i )
CNavArea *adjArea = connectedAreas->Element(i).area;
const NavConnectVector *adjConnectedAreas = adjArea->GetAdjacentAreas( (NavDirType)dir );
for ( int j=0; j<adjConnectedAreas->Count(); ++j )
CNavArea *farArea = adjConnectedAreas->Element(j).area;
if ( area->IsConnected( farArea, (NavDirType)dir ) )
areasToDisconnect.AddToTail( farArea );
for ( int i=0; i<areasToDisconnect.Count(); ++i )
area->Disconnect( areasToDisconnect[i] );
* Fix any spots where we there are nav nodes touching only corner-on-corner but we intend bots to be able to traverse
void CNavMesh::FixCornerOnCornerAreas( void )
const float MaxDrop = StepHeight; // don't make corner on corner areas that are too steep
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
// determine if we have any corners where the only nav area we touch is diagonally corner-to-corner.
// if there are, generate additional small (0.5 x 0.5 grid size) nav areas in the corners between
// them if map geometry allows and make connections in cardinal compass directions to create a path
// between the two areas.
// X X X X
// X other X ****X other X
// X X *newX X
// X X X Xnew*
// X area X X area X****
// X X X X
// check each corner
for ( int iCorner = NORTH_WEST; iCorner < NUM_CORNERS; iCorner++ )
// get cardinal direction to right and left of this corner
NavDirType dirToRight = (NavDirType) iCorner;
NavDirType dirToLeft = (NavDirType) ( ( iCorner+3 ) % NUM_DIRECTIONS );
// if we have any connections on cardinal compass directions on edge on either side of corner we're OK, skip this nav area
if ( area->GetAdjacentCount( dirToLeft ) > 0 || area->GetAdjacentCount( dirToRight ) > 0 ||
area->GetIncomingConnections( dirToLeft )->Count() > 0 || area->GetIncomingConnections( dirToRight )->Count() > 0 )
Vector cornerPos = area->GetCorner( (NavCornerType) iCorner );
NavDirType dirToRightTwice = DirectionRight( dirToRight );
NavDirType dirToLeftTwice = DirectionLeft( dirToLeft );
NavDirType dirsAlongOtherEdge[2] = { dirToLeft, dirToRight };
NavDirType dirsAlongOurEdge[2] = { dirToLeftTwice, dirToRightTwice };
// consider 2 potential new nav areas, to left and right of the corner we're considering
for ( int iDir = 0; iDir < ARRAYSIZE( dirsAlongOtherEdge ); iDir++ )
NavDirType dirAlongOtherEdge = dirsAlongOtherEdge[iDir];
NavDirType dirAlongOurEdge = dirsAlongOurEdge[iDir];
// look at the point 0.5 grid units along edge of other nav area
Vector vecDeltaOtherEdge;
DirectionToVector2D( dirAlongOtherEdge, (Vector2D *) &vecDeltaOtherEdge );
vecDeltaOtherEdge.z = 0;
vecDeltaOtherEdge *= GenerationStepSize * 0.5;
Vector vecOtherEdgePos = cornerPos + vecDeltaOtherEdge;
// see if there is a nav area at that location
CNavArea *areaOther = GetNavArea( vecOtherEdgePos );
Assert( areaOther != area );
if ( !areaOther )
continue; // no other area in that location, we're not touching on corner
// see if we can move from our corner in that direction
trace_t result;
if ( !TraceAdjacentNode( 0, cornerPos, vecOtherEdgePos, &result, MaxDrop ) )
continue; // something is blocking movement, don't create additional nodes to aid movement
// get the corner of the other nav area that might touch our corner
int iCornerOther = ( ( iCorner + 2 ) % NUM_CORNERS );
Vector cornerPosOther = areaOther->GetCorner( (NavCornerType) iCornerOther );
if ( cornerPos != cornerPosOther )
continue; // that nav area does not touch us on corner
// we are touching corner-to-corner with the other nav area and don't have connections in cardinal directions around
// the corner that touches, this is a candidate to generate new small helper nav areas.
// calculate the corners of the 0.5 x 0.5 nav area we would consider building between us and the other nav area whose corner we touch
Vector vecDeltaOurEdge;
DirectionToVector2D( dirAlongOurEdge, (Vector2D *) &vecDeltaOurEdge );
vecDeltaOurEdge.z = 0;
vecDeltaOurEdge *= GenerationStepSize * 0.5;
Vector vecOurEdgePos = cornerPos + vecDeltaOurEdge;
Vector vecCorner[4];
vecCorner[0] = cornerPos + vecDeltaOtherEdge + vecDeltaOurEdge; // far corner of new nav area
vecCorner[1] = cornerPos + vecDeltaOtherEdge; // intersection of far edge of new nav area with other nav area we touch
vecCorner[2] = cornerPos; // common corner of this nav area, nav area we touch, and new nav area
vecCorner[3] = cornerPos + vecDeltaOurEdge; // intersection of far edge of new nav area with this nav area
if ( !TraceAdjacentNode( 0, vecCorner[1], vecCorner[0], &result, MaxDrop ) || // can we move from edge of other area to far corner of new node
!TraceAdjacentNode( 0, vecCorner[3], vecCorner[0], &result, MaxDrop ) ) // can we move from edge of this area to far corner of new node
continue; // new node would not fit
// as sanity check, make sure there's not already a nav area there, shouldn't be
CNavArea *areaTest = GetNavArea( vecCorner[0] );
Assert ( !areaTest );
if ( areaTest )
vecCorner[0] = result.endpos;
// create a new nav area
CNavArea *areaNew = CreateArea();
// arrange the corners of the new nav area by compass direction
Vector vecNW, vecNE, vecSE, vecSW;
ClassifyCorners( vecCorner, vecNW, vecNE, vecSE, vecSW );
areaNew->Build( vecNW, vecNE, vecSE, vecSW );
// add it to the nav area list
TheNavAreas.AddToTail( areaNew );
AddNavArea( areaNew );
areaNew->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() );
// reciprocally connect between this area and new area
area->ConnectTo( areaNew, dirAlongOtherEdge );
areaNew->ConnectTo( area, OppositeDirection( dirAlongOtherEdge ) );
// reciprocally connect between other area and new area
areaOther->ConnectTo( areaNew, dirAlongOurEdge );
areaNew->ConnectTo( areaOther, OppositeDirection( dirAlongOurEdge ) );
* Fix any areas where one nav area overhangs another and the two nav areas are connected. Subdivide the lower
* nav area such that the upper nav area doesn't overhang any area it's connected to.
void CNavMesh::SplitAreasUnderOverhangs( void )
// restart the whole process whenever this gets set to true
bool bRestartProcessing = false;
bRestartProcessing = false;
// iterate all nav areas
for ( int it = 0; it < TheNavAreas.Count() && !bRestartProcessing; it++ )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
Extent areaExtent;
area->GetExtent( &areaExtent );
// iterate all directions
for ( int dir = NORTH; dir < NUM_DIRECTIONS && !bRestartProcessing; dir++ )
// iterate all connections in that direction
const NavConnectVector *pConnections = area->GetAdjacentAreas( (NavDirType) dir );
for ( int iConnection = 0; iConnection < pConnections->Count() && !bRestartProcessing; iConnection++ )
CNavArea *otherArea = (*pConnections)[iConnection].area;
Extent otherAreaExtent;
otherArea->GetExtent( &otherAreaExtent );
// see if the area we are connected to overlaps our X/Y extents
if ( area->IsOverlapping( otherArea ) )
// if the upper area isn't at least crouch height above the lower area, this is some weird minor
// overlap, disregard it
const float flMinSeparation = HumanCrouchHeight;
if ( !( areaExtent.lo.z > otherAreaExtent.hi.z + flMinSeparation ) &&
!( otherAreaExtent.lo.z > areaExtent.hi.z + flMinSeparation ) )
// figure out which area is above and which is below
CNavArea *areaBelow = area, *areaAbove = otherArea;
NavDirType dirFromAboveToBelow = OppositeDirection( (NavDirType) dir );
if ( otherAreaExtent.lo.z < areaExtent.lo.z )
areaBelow = otherArea;
areaAbove = area;
dirFromAboveToBelow = OppositeDirection( dirFromAboveToBelow );
NavDirType dirFromBelowToAbove = OppositeDirection( dirFromAboveToBelow );
// Msg( "area %d overhangs area %d and is connected\n", areaAbove->GetID(), areaBelow->GetID() );
Extent extentBelow, extentAbove;
areaBelow->GetExtent( &extentBelow );
areaAbove->GetExtent( &extentAbove );
float splitCoord; // absolute world coordinate along which we will split lower nav area (X or Y, depending on axis we split on)
float splitLen; // length of the segment of lower nav area that is in shadow of the upper nav area
float splitEdgeSize; // current length of the edge of nav area that is getting split
bool bSplitAlongX = false;
// determine along what edge we are splitting and make some key measurements
if ( ( dirFromAboveToBelow == EAST ) || ( dirFromAboveToBelow == WEST ) )
splitEdgeSize = extentBelow.hi.x - extentBelow.lo.x;
if ( extentAbove.hi.x < extentBelow.hi.x )
splitCoord = extentAbove.hi.x;
splitLen = splitCoord - extentBelow.lo.x;
splitCoord = extentAbove.lo.x;
splitLen = extentBelow.hi.x - splitCoord;
splitEdgeSize = extentBelow.hi.y - extentBelow.lo.y;
bSplitAlongX = true;
if ( extentAbove.hi.y < extentBelow.hi.y )
splitCoord = extentAbove.hi.y;
splitLen = splitCoord - extentBelow.lo.y;
splitCoord = extentAbove.lo.y;
splitLen = extentBelow.hi.y - splitCoord;
Assert( splitLen >= 0 );
Assert( splitEdgeSize > 0 );
// if we split the lower nav area right where it's in shadow of the upper nav area, will it create a really tiny strip?
if ( splitLen < GenerationStepSize )
// if the "in shadow" part of the lower nav area is really small or the lower nav area is really small to begin with,
// don't split it, we're better off as is
if ( ( splitLen < GenerationStepSize*0.3 ) || ( splitEdgeSize <= GenerationStepSize * 2 ) )
// Move our split point so we don't create a really tiny strip on the lower nav area. Move the split point away from
// the upper nav area so the "in shadow" area expands to be GenerationStepSize. The checks above ensure we have room to do this.
float splitDelta = GenerationStepSize - splitLen;
splitCoord += splitDelta * ( ( ( dirFromAboveToBelow == NORTH ) || ( dirFromAboveToBelow == WEST ) ) ? -1 : 1 );
// remove any connections between the two areas (so they don't get inherited by the new areas when we split the lower area),
// but remember what the connections were.
bool bConnectionFromBelow = false, bConnectionFromAbove = false;
if ( areaBelow->IsConnected( areaAbove, dirFromBelowToAbove ) )
bConnectionFromBelow = true;
areaBelow->Disconnect( areaAbove );
if ( areaAbove->IsConnected( areaBelow, dirFromAboveToBelow ) )
bConnectionFromAbove = true;
areaAbove->Disconnect( areaBelow );
CNavArea *pNewAlpha = NULL,*pNewBeta = NULL;
// int idBelow = areaBelow->GetID();
// AddToSelectedSet( areaBelow );
// split the lower nav area
if ( areaBelow->SplitEdit( bSplitAlongX, splitCoord, &pNewAlpha, &pNewBeta ) )
// Msg( "Split area %d into %d and %d\n", idBelow, pNewAlpha->GetID(), pNewBeta->GetID() );
// determine which of the two new lower areas is the one *not* in shadow of the upper nav area. This is the one we want to
// reconnect to
CNavArea *pNewNonoverlappedArea = ( ( dirFromAboveToBelow == NORTH ) || ( dirFromAboveToBelow == WEST ) ) ? pNewAlpha : pNewBeta;
// restore the previous connections from the upper nav area to the new lower nav area that is not in shadow of the upper
if ( bConnectionFromAbove )
areaAbove->ConnectTo( pNewNonoverlappedArea, dirFromAboveToBelow );
if ( bConnectionFromBelow )
areaBelow->ConnectTo( pNewNonoverlappedArea, OppositeDirection( dirFromAboveToBelow ) );
// Now we need to just start the whole process over. We've just perturbed the list we're iterating on (removed a nav area, added two
// new ones, when we did the split), and it's possible we may have to subdivide a lower nav area twice if the upper nav area
// overhangs a corner of the lower area. We just start all over again each time we do a split until no more overhangs occur.
bRestartProcessing = true;
// Msg( "Failed to split area %d\n", idBelow );
while ( bRestartProcessing );
bool TestForValidCrouchArea( CNavNode *node )
// must make sure we don't have a bogus crouch area. check up to JumpCrouchHeight above
// the node for a HumanCrouchHeight space.
trace_t tr;
Vector start( *node->GetPosition() );
Vector end( *node->GetPosition() );
end.z += JumpCrouchHeight;
Vector mins( 0, 0, 0 );
Vector maxs( GenerationStepSize, GenerationStepSize, HumanCrouchHeight );
&tr );
return ( !tr.allsolid );
* Make sure that if other* are similar, test is also close. Used in TestForValidJumpArea.
bool IsHeightDifferenceValid( float test, float other1, float other2, float other3 )
// Make sure the other nodes are level.
const float CloseDelta = StepHeight / 2;
if ( fabs( other1 - other2 ) > CloseDelta )
return true;
if ( fabs( other1 - other3 ) > CloseDelta )
return true;
if ( fabs( other2 - other3 ) > CloseDelta )
return true;
// Now make sure the test node is near the others. If it is more than StepHeight away,
// it'll form a distorted jump area.
const float MaxDelta = StepHeight;
if ( fabs( test - other1 ) > MaxDelta )
return false;
if ( fabs( test - other2 ) > MaxDelta )
return false;
if ( fabs( test - other3 ) > MaxDelta )
return false;
return true;
* Check that a 1x1 area with 'node' at the northwest corner has a valid shape - if 3 corners
* are flat, and the 4th is significantly higher or lower, it would form a jump area that bots
* can't navigate over well.
bool TestForValidJumpArea( CNavNode *node )
return true;
CNavNode *east = node->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
CNavNode *south = node->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
if ( !east || !south )
return false;
CNavNode *southEast = east->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
if ( !southEast )
return false;
if ( !IsHeightDifferenceValid(
east->GetPosition()->z ) )
return false;
if ( !IsHeightDifferenceValid(
east->GetPosition()->z ) )
return false;
if ( !IsHeightDifferenceValid(
east->GetPosition()->z ) )
return false;
if ( !IsHeightDifferenceValid(
node->GetPosition()->z ) )
return false;
return true;
class TestOverlapping
Vector m_nw;
Vector m_ne;
Vector m_sw;
Vector m_se;
TestOverlapping( const Vector &nw, const Vector &ne, const Vector &sw, const Vector &se ) :
m_nw( nw ), m_ne( ne ), m_sw( sw ), m_se( se )
// This approximates CNavArea::GetZ, so we can pretend our four corners delineate a nav area
float GetZ( const Vector &pos ) const
float dx = m_se.x - m_nw.x;
float dy = m_se.y - m_nw.y;
// guard against division by zero due to degenerate areas
if (dx == 0.0f || dy == 0.0f)
return m_ne.z;
float u = (pos.x - m_nw.x) / dx;
float v = (pos.y - m_nw.y) / dy;
// clamp Z values to (x,y) volume
if (u < 0.0f)
u = 0.0f;
else if (u > 1.0f)
u = 1.0f;
if (v < 0.0f)
v = 0.0f;
else if (v > 1.0f)
v = 1.0f;
float northZ = m_nw.z + u * (m_ne.z - m_nw.z);
float southZ = m_sw.z + u * (m_se.z - m_sw.z);
return northZ + v * (southZ - northZ);
bool OverlapsExistingArea( void )
CNavArea *overlappingArea = NULL;
CNavLadder *overlappingLadder = NULL;
Vector nw = m_nw;
Vector se = m_se;
Vector start = nw;
start.x += GenerationStepSize/2;
start.y += GenerationStepSize/2;
while ( start.x < se.x )
start.y = nw.y + GenerationStepSize/2;
while ( start.y < se.y )
start.z = GetZ( start );
Vector end = start;
start.z -= StepHeight;
end.z += HalfHumanHeight;
if ( TheNavMesh->FindNavAreaOrLadderAlongRay( start, end, &overlappingArea, &overlappingLadder, NULL ) )
if ( overlappingArea )
return true;
start.y += GenerationStepSize;
start.x += GenerationStepSize;
return false;
* Check if an rectangular area of the given size can be
* made starting from the given node as the NW corner.
* Only consider fully connected nodes for this check.
* All of the nodes within the test area must have the same attributes.
* All of the nodes must be approximately co-planar w.r.t the NW node's normal, with the
* exception of 1x1 areas which can be any angle.
bool CNavMesh::TestArea( CNavNode *node, int width, int height )
Vector normal = *node->GetNormal();
float d = -DotProduct( normal, *node->GetPosition() );
bool nodeCrouch = node->m_crouch[ SOUTH_EAST ];
// The area's interior will be the south-east side of this north-west node.
// If that interior space is blocked, there's no space to build an area.
if ( node->m_isBlocked[ SOUTH_EAST ] )
return false;
int nodeAttributes = node->GetAttributes() & ~NAV_MESH_CROUCH;
const float offPlaneTolerance = 5.0f;
CNavNode *vertNode, *horizNode;
vertNode = node;
int x,y;
for( y=0; y<height; y++ )
horizNode = vertNode;
for( x=0; x<width; x++ )
// Compute the crouch attributes for the test node, taking into account only the side(s) of the node
// that are in the area
// NOTE: The nodes on the south and east borders of an area aren't contained in the area. This means that
// crouch attributes and blocked state need to be checked to the south and east of the southEdge and eastEdge nodes.
bool horizNodeCrouch = false;
bool westEdge = (x == 0);
bool eastEdge = (x == width - 1);
bool northEdge = (y == 0);
bool southEdge = (y == height - 1);
// Check corners first
if ( northEdge && westEdge )
// The area's interior will be the south-east side of this north-west node.
// If that interior space is blocked, there's no space to build an area.
horizNodeCrouch = horizNode->m_crouch[ SOUTH_EAST ];
if ( horizNode->m_isBlocked[ SOUTH_EAST ] )
return false;
else if ( northEdge && eastEdge )
// interior space of the area extends one more cell to the east past the easternmost nodes.
// This means we need to check to the southeast as well as the southwest.
horizNodeCrouch = horizNode->m_crouch[ SOUTH_EAST ] || horizNode->m_crouch[ SOUTH_WEST ];
if ( horizNode->m_isBlocked[ SOUTH_EAST ] || horizNode->m_isBlocked[ SOUTH_WEST ] )
return false;
else if ( southEdge && westEdge )
// The interior space of the area extends one more cell to the south past the southernmost nodes.
// This means we need to check to the southeast as well as the southwest.
horizNodeCrouch = horizNode->m_crouch[ SOUTH_EAST ] || horizNode->m_crouch[ NORTH_EAST ];
if ( horizNode->m_isBlocked[ SOUTH_EAST ] || horizNode->m_isBlocked[ NORTH_EAST ] )
return false;
else if ( southEdge && eastEdge )
// This node is completely in the interior of the area, so we need to check in all directions.
horizNodeCrouch = (horizNode->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH) != 0;
if ( horizNode->IsBlockedInAnyDirection() )
return false;
// check sides next
else if ( northEdge )
horizNodeCrouch = horizNode->m_crouch[ SOUTH_EAST ] || horizNode->m_crouch[ SOUTH_WEST ];
if ( horizNode->m_isBlocked[ SOUTH_EAST ] || horizNode->m_isBlocked[ SOUTH_WEST ] )
return false;
else if ( southEdge )
// This node is completely in the interior of the area, so we need to check in all directions.
horizNodeCrouch = (horizNode->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH) != 0;
if ( horizNode->IsBlockedInAnyDirection() )
return false;
else if ( eastEdge )
// This node is completely in the interior of the area, so we need to check in all directions.
horizNodeCrouch = (horizNode->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH) != 0;
if ( horizNode->IsBlockedInAnyDirection() )
return false;
else if ( westEdge )
horizNodeCrouch = horizNode->m_crouch[ SOUTH_EAST ] || horizNode->m_crouch[ NORTH_EAST ];
if ( horizNode->m_isBlocked[ SOUTH_EAST ] || horizNode->m_isBlocked[ NORTH_EAST ] )
return false;
// finally, we have a center node
// This node is completely in the interior of the area, so we need to check in all directions.
horizNodeCrouch = (horizNode->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH) != 0;
if ( horizNode->IsBlockedInAnyDirection() )
return false;
// all nodes must be crouch/non-crouch
if ( nodeCrouch != horizNodeCrouch )
return false;
// all nodes must have the same non-crouch attributes
int horizNodeAttributes = horizNode->GetAttributes() & ~NAV_MESH_CROUCH;
if (horizNodeAttributes != nodeAttributes)
return false;
if (horizNode->IsCovered())
return false;
if (!horizNode->IsClosedCell())
return false;
if ( !CheckObstacles( horizNode, width, height, x, y ) )
return false;
horizNode = horizNode->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
if (horizNode == NULL)
return false;
// nodes must lie on/near the plane
if (width > 1 || height > 1)
float dist = (float)fabs( DotProduct( *horizNode->GetPosition(), normal ) + d );
if (dist > offPlaneTolerance)
return false;
// Check the final (x=width) node, the above only checks thru x=width-1
if ( !CheckObstacles( horizNode, width, height, x, y ) )
return false;
vertNode = vertNode->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
if (vertNode == NULL)
return false;
// nodes must lie on/near the plane
if (width > 1 || height > 1)
float dist = (float)fabs( DotProduct( *vertNode->GetPosition(), normal ) + d );
if (dist > offPlaneTolerance)
return false;
// check planarity of southern edge
if (width > 1 || height > 1)
horizNode = vertNode;
for( x=0; x<width; x++ )
if ( !CheckObstacles( horizNode, width, height, x, y ) )
return false;
horizNode = horizNode->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
if (horizNode == NULL)
return false;
// nodes must lie on/near the plane
float dist = (float)fabs( DotProduct( *horizNode->GetPosition(), normal ) + d );
if (dist > offPlaneTolerance)
return false;
// Check the final (x=width) node, the above only checks thru x=width-1
if ( !CheckObstacles( horizNode, width, height, x, y ) )
return false;
vertNode = node;
for( y=0; y<height; ++y )
horizNode = vertNode;
for( int x=0; x<width; ++x )
// look for odd jump areas (3 points on the ground, 1 point floating much higher or lower)
if ( !TestForValidJumpArea( horizNode ) )
return false;
// Now that we've done the quick checks, test for a valid crouch area.
// This finds pillars etc in the middle of 4 nodes, that weren't found initially.
if ( nodeCrouch && !TestForValidCrouchArea( horizNode ) )
return false;
horizNode = horizNode->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
vertNode = vertNode->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
if ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL )
// Incremental generation needs to check that it's not overlapping existing areas...
const Vector *nw = node->GetPosition();
vertNode = node;
for( int y=0; y<height; ++y )
vertNode = vertNode->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
const Vector *sw = vertNode->GetPosition();
horizNode = node;
for( int x=0; x<width; ++x )
horizNode = horizNode->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
const Vector *ne = horizNode->GetPosition();
vertNode = horizNode;
for( int y=0; y<height; ++y )
vertNode = vertNode->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
const Vector *se = vertNode->GetPosition();
TestOverlapping test( *nw, *ne, *sw, *se );
if ( test.OverlapsExistingArea() )
return false;
return true;
* Checks if a node has an untraversable obstacle in any direction to a neighbor.
* width and height are size of nav area this node would be a part of, x and y are node's position
* within that grid
bool CNavMesh::CheckObstacles( CNavNode *node, int width, int height, int x, int y )
// any area bigger than 1x1 can't have obstacles in any connection between nodes
if ( width > 1 || height > 1 )
if ( ( x > 0 ) && ( node->m_obstacleHeight[WEST] > MaxTraversableHeight ) )
return false;
if ( ( y > 0 ) && ( node->m_obstacleHeight[NORTH] > MaxTraversableHeight ) )
return false;
if ( ( x < width-1 ) && ( node->m_obstacleHeight[EAST] > MaxTraversableHeight ) )
return false;
if ( ( y < height-1 ) && ( node->m_obstacleHeight[SOUTH] > MaxTraversableHeight ) )
return false;
// 1x1 area can have obstacles, that area will get fixed up later
return true;
* Create a nav area, and mark all nodes it overlaps as "covered"
* NOTE: Nodes on the east and south edges are not included.
* Returns number of nodes covered by this area, or -1 for error;
int CNavMesh::BuildArea( CNavNode *node, int width, int height )
CNavNode *nwNode = node;
CNavNode *neNode = NULL;
CNavNode *swNode = NULL;
CNavNode *seNode = NULL;
CNavNode *vertNode = node;
CNavNode *horizNode;
int coveredNodes = 0;
for( int y=0; y<height; y++ )
horizNode = vertNode;
for( int x=0; x<width; x++ )
horizNode = horizNode->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
if (y == 0)
neNode = horizNode;
vertNode = vertNode->GetConnectedNode( SOUTH );
swNode = vertNode;
horizNode = vertNode;
for( int x=0; x<width; x++ )
horizNode = horizNode->GetConnectedNode( EAST );
seNode = horizNode;
if (!nwNode || !neNode || !seNode || !swNode)
Error( "BuildArea - NULL node.\n" );
return -1;
CNavArea *area = CreateArea();
if (area == NULL)
Error( "BuildArea: Out of memory.\n" );
return -1;
area->Build( nwNode, neNode, seNode, swNode );
TheNavAreas.AddToTail( area );
// since all internal nodes have the same attributes, set this area's attributes
area->SetAttributes( node->GetAttributes() );
// If any of the corners have an obstacle in the direction of another corner, then there's an internal obstruction of this nav node.
// Mark it as not mergable so it doesn't become a part of anything else and we will fix it up later.
if ( nwNode->m_obstacleHeight[SOUTH] > MaxTraversableHeight || nwNode->m_obstacleHeight[EAST] > MaxTraversableHeight ||
neNode->m_obstacleHeight[WEST] > MaxTraversableHeight || neNode->m_obstacleHeight[SOUTH] > MaxTraversableHeight ||
seNode->m_obstacleHeight[NORTH] > MaxTraversableHeight || seNode->m_obstacleHeight[WEST] > MaxTraversableHeight ||
swNode->m_obstacleHeight[EAST] > MaxTraversableHeight || swNode->m_obstacleHeight[NORTH] > MaxTraversableHeight )
Assert( width == 1 ); // We should only ever try to build a 1x1 area out of any two nodes that have an obstruction between them
Assert( height == 1 );
area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() | NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE );
// Check that the node was crouch in the right direction
bool nodeCrouch = node->m_crouch[ SOUTH_EAST ];
if ( (area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH) && !nodeCrouch )
area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() & ~NAV_MESH_CROUCH );
return coveredNodes;
* This function uses the CNavNodes that have been sampled from the map to
* generate CNavAreas - rectangular areas of "walkable" space. These areas
* are connected to each other, proving information on know how to move from
* area to area.
* This is a "greedy" algorithm that attempts to cover the walkable area
* with the fewest, largest, rectangles.
void CNavMesh::CreateNavAreasFromNodes( void )
// haven't yet seen a map use larger than 30...
int tryWidth = nav_area_max_size.GetInt();
int tryHeight = tryWidth;
int uncoveredNodes = CNavNode::GetListLength();
while( uncoveredNodes > 0 )
for( CNavNode *node = CNavNode::GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() )
if (node->IsCovered())
if (TestArea( node, tryWidth, tryHeight ))
int covered = BuildArea( node, tryWidth, tryHeight );
if (covered < 0)
Error( "Generate: Error - Data corrupt.\n" );
uncoveredNodes -= covered;
if (tryWidth >= tryHeight)
if (tryWidth <= 0 || tryHeight <= 0)
if ( !TheNavAreas.Count() )
// If we somehow have no areas, don't try to create an impossibly-large grid
AllocateGrid( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
Extent extent;
extent.lo.x = 9999999999.9f;
extent.lo.y = 9999999999.9f;
extent.hi.x = -9999999999.9f;
extent.hi.y = -9999999999.9f;
// compute total extent
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
Extent areaExtent;
area->GetExtent( &areaExtent );
if (areaExtent.lo.x < extent.lo.x)
extent.lo.x = areaExtent.lo.x;
if (areaExtent.lo.y < extent.lo.y)
extent.lo.y = areaExtent.lo.y;
if (areaExtent.hi.x > extent.hi.x)
extent.hi.x = areaExtent.hi.x;
if (areaExtent.hi.y > extent.hi.y)
extent.hi.y = areaExtent.hi.y;
// add the areas to the grid
AllocateGrid( extent.lo.x, extent.hi.x, extent.lo.y, extent.hi.y );
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, git )
AddNavArea( TheNavAreas[ git ] );
MarkJumpAreas(); // mark jump areas before we merge generated areas, so we don't merge jump and non-jump areas
/// @TODO: incremental generation doesn't create ladders yet
if ( m_generationMode != GENERATE_INCREMENTAL )
for ( int i=0; i<m_ladders.Count(); ++i )
CNavLadder *ladder = m_ladders[i];
ladder->ConnectGeneratedLadder( 0.0f );
// adds walkable positions for any/all positions a mod specifies
void CNavMesh::AddWalkableSeeds( void )
CBaseEntity *spawn = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, GetPlayerSpawnName() );
if (spawn )
// snap it to the sampling grid
Vector pos = spawn->GetAbsOrigin();
pos.x = TheNavMesh->SnapToGrid( pos.x );
pos.y = TheNavMesh->SnapToGrid( pos.y );
Vector normal;
if ( FindGroundForNode( &pos, &normal ) )
AddWalkableSeed( pos, normal );
* Initiate the generation process
void CNavMesh::BeginGeneration( bool incremental )
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "nav_generate" );
if ( event )
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
#ifdef TERROR
engine->ServerCommand( "director_stop\nnb_delete_all\n" );
if ( !incremental && !engine->IsDedicatedServer() )
CBasePlayer *host = UTIL_GetListenServerHost();
if ( host )
host->ChangeTeam( TEAM_SPECTATOR );
engine->ServerCommand( "bot_kick\n" );
// Right now, incrementally-generated areas won't connect to existing areas automatically.
// Since this means hand-editing will be necessary, don't do a full analyze.
if ( incremental )
nav_quicksave.SetValue( 1 );
m_generationState = SAMPLE_WALKABLE_SPACE;
m_sampleTick = 0;
m_generationMode = (incremental) ? GENERATE_INCREMENTAL : GENERATE_FULL;
lastMsgTime = 0.0f;
// clear any previous mesh
DestroyNavigationMesh( incremental );
// build internal representations of ladders, which are used to find new walkable areas
if ( !incremental ) ///< @incremental update doesn't build ladders to avoid overlapping existing ones
// start sampling from a spawn point
if ( !incremental )
// the system will see this NULL and select the next walkable seed
m_currentNode = NULL;
// if there are no seed points, we can't generate
if (m_walkableSeeds.Count() == 0)
m_generationMode = GENERATE_NONE;
Msg( "No valid walkable seed positions. Cannot generate Navigation Mesh.\n" );
// initialize seed list index
m_seedIdx = 0;
Msg( "Generating Navigation Mesh...\n" );
m_generationStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();
* Re-analyze an existing Mesh. Determine Hiding Spots, Encounter Spots, etc.
void CNavMesh::BeginAnalysis( bool quitWhenFinished )
#ifdef TERROR
if ( !engine->IsDedicatedServer() )
CBasePlayer *host = UTIL_GetListenServerHost();
if ( host )
host->ChangeTeam( TEAM_SPECTATOR );
engine->ServerCommand( "director_no_death_check 1\ndirector_stop\nnb_delete_all\n" );
ConVarRef mat_fullbright( "mat_fullbright" );
ConVarRef mat_hdr_level( "mat_hdr_level" );
if( mat_fullbright.GetBool() )
Warning( "Setting mat_fullbright 0\n" );
mat_fullbright.SetValue( 0 );
if ( mat_hdr_level.GetInt() < 2 )
Warning( "Enabling HDR and reloading materials\n" );
mat_hdr_level.SetValue( 2 );
engine->ClientCommand( host->edict(), "mat_reloadallmaterials\n" );
// Running a threaded server breaks our lighting calculations
ConVarRef host_thread_mode( "host_thread_mode" );
m_hostThreadModeRestoreValue = host_thread_mode.GetInt();
host_thread_mode.SetValue( 0 );
ConVarRef mat_queue_mode( "mat_queue_mode" );
mat_queue_mode.SetValue( 0 );
// Remove and re-add elements in TheNavAreas, to ensure indices are useful for progress feedback
NavAreaVector tmpSet;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
tmpSet.AddToTail( TheNavAreas[it] );
FOR_EACH_VEC( tmpSet, it )
TheNavAreas.AddToTail( tmpSet[it] );
m_generationState = FIND_HIDING_SPOTS;
m_generationIndex = 0;
m_generationMode = GENERATE_ANALYSIS_ONLY;
m_bQuitWhenFinished = quitWhenFinished;
lastMsgTime = 0.0f;
m_generationStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();
void ShowViewPortPanelToAll( const char * name, bool bShow, KeyValues *data )
CRecipientFilter filter;
int count = 0;
KeyValues *subkey = NULL;
if ( data )
subkey = data->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( subkey )
count++; subkey = subkey->GetNextKey();
subkey = data->GetFirstSubKey(); // reset
UserMessageBegin( filter, "VGUIMenu" );
WRITE_STRING( name ); // menu name
WRITE_BYTE( bShow?1:0 );
WRITE_BYTE( count );
// write additional data (be careful not more than 192 bytes!)
while ( subkey )
WRITE_STRING( subkey->GetName() );
WRITE_STRING( subkey->GetString() );
subkey = subkey->GetNextKey();
static void AnalysisProgress( const char *msg, int ticks, int current, bool showPercent = true )
const float MsgInterval = 10.0f;
float now = Plat_FloatTime();
if ( now > lastMsgTime + MsgInterval )
if ( showPercent && ticks )
Msg( "%s %.0f%%\n", msg, current*100.0f/ticks );
Msg( "%s\n", msg );
lastMsgTime = now;
KeyValues *data = new KeyValues("data");
data->SetString( "msg", msg );
data->SetInt( "total", ticks );
data->SetInt( "current", current );
ShowViewPortPanelToAll( PANEL_NAV_PROGRESS, true, data );
static void HideAnalysisProgress( void )
KeyValues *data = new KeyValues("data");
ShowViewPortPanelToAll( PANEL_NAV_PROGRESS, false, data );
* Process the auto-generation for 'maxTime' seconds. return false if generation is complete.
bool CNavMesh::UpdateGeneration( float maxTime )
double startTime = Plat_FloatTime();
static unsigned int s_movedPlayerToArea = 0; // Last area we moved a player to for lighting calcs
static CountdownTimer s_playerSettleTimer; // Settle time after moving the player for lighting calcs
static CUtlVector<CNavArea *> s_unlitAreas;
static CUtlVector<CNavArea *> s_unlitSeedAreas;
static ConVarRef host_thread_mode( "host_thread_mode" );
switch( m_generationState )
AnalysisProgress( "Sampling walkable space...", 100, m_sampleTick / 10, false );
m_sampleTick = ( m_sampleTick + 1 ) % 1000;
while ( SampleStep() )
if ( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime > maxTime )
return true;
// sampling is complete, now build nav areas
m_generationState = CREATE_AREAS_FROM_SAMPLES;
return true;
Msg( "Creating navigation areas from sampled data...\n" );
// Select all pre-existing areas
if ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL )
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, nit )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[nit];
AddToSelectedSet( area );
// Create new areas
// And toggle the selection, so we end up with the new areas
if ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL )
// Remove and re-add elements in TheNavAreas, to ensure indices are useful for progress feedback
NavAreaVector tmpSet;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
tmpSet.AddToTail( TheNavAreas[it] );
FOR_EACH_VEC( tmpSet, it )
TheNavAreas.AddToTail( tmpSet[it] );
m_generationState = FIND_HIDING_SPOTS;
m_generationIndex = 0;
return true;
while( m_generationIndex < TheNavAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ m_generationIndex ];
// don't go over our time allotment
if( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime > maxTime )
AnalysisProgress( "Finding hiding spots...", 100, 100 * m_generationIndex / TheNavAreas.Count() );
return true;
Msg( "Finding hiding spots...DONE\n" );
m_generationState = FIND_ENCOUNTER_SPOTS;
m_generationIndex = 0;
return true;
while( m_generationIndex < TheNavAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ m_generationIndex ];
// don't go over our time allotment
if( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime > maxTime )
AnalysisProgress( "Finding encounter spots...", 100, 100 * m_generationIndex / TheNavAreas.Count() );
return true;
Msg( "Finding encounter spots...DONE\n" );
m_generationState = FIND_SNIPER_SPOTS;
m_generationIndex = 0;
return true;
while( m_generationIndex < TheNavAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ m_generationIndex ];
// don't go over our time allotment
if( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime > maxTime )
AnalysisProgress( "Finding sniper spots...", 100, 100 * m_generationIndex / TheNavAreas.Count() );
return true;
Msg( "Finding sniper spots...DONE\n" );
m_generationState = COMPUTE_MESH_VISIBILITY;
m_generationIndex = 0;
Msg( "Computing mesh visibility...\n" );
return true;
while( m_generationIndex < TheNavAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ m_generationIndex ];
// don't go over our time allotment
if ( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime > maxTime )
AnalysisProgress( "Computing mesh visibility...", 100, 100 * m_generationIndex / TheNavAreas.Count() );
return true;
Msg( "Optimizing mesh visibility...\n" );
Msg( "Computing mesh visibility...DONE\n" );
m_generationIndex = 0;
return true;
while( m_generationIndex < TheNavAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ m_generationIndex ];
// don't go over our time allotment
if( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime > maxTime )
AnalysisProgress( "Finding earliest occupy times...", 100, 100 * m_generationIndex / TheNavAreas.Count() );
return true;
Msg( "Finding earliest occupy times...DONE\n" );
bool shouldSkipLightComputation = ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL || engine->IsDedicatedServer() );
bool shouldSkipLightComputation = true;
if ( shouldSkipLightComputation )
m_generationState = CUSTOM; // no light intensity calcs for incremental generation or dedicated servers
m_generationState = FIND_LIGHT_INTENSITY;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, nit )
s_unlitAreas.AddToTail( TheNavAreas[nit] );
s_unlitSeedAreas.AddToTail( TheNavAreas[nit] );
m_generationIndex = 0;
return true;
host_thread_mode.SetValue( 0 ); // need non-threaded server for light calcs
CBasePlayer *host = UTIL_GetListenServerHost();
if ( !s_unlitAreas.Count() || !host )
Msg( "Finding light intensity...DONE\n" );
m_generationState = CUSTOM;
m_generationIndex = 0;
return true;
if ( !s_playerSettleTimer.IsElapsed() )
return true; // wait for eyePos to settle
// Now try to compute lighting for remaining areas
int sit = 0;
while( sit < s_unlitAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *area = s_unlitAreas[sit];
if ( area->ComputeLighting() )
s_unlitSeedAreas.FindAndRemove( area );
s_unlitAreas.Remove( sit );
if ( s_unlitAreas.Count() )
if ( s_unlitSeedAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *moveArea = s_unlitSeedAreas[0];
s_unlitSeedAreas.FastRemove( 0 );
//Msg( "Moving to new area %d to compute lighting for %d/%d areas\n", moveArea->GetID(), s_unlitAreas.Count(), TheNavAreas.Count() );
Vector eyePos = moveArea->GetCenter();
float height;
if ( GetGroundHeight( eyePos, &height ) )
eyePos.z = height + HalfHumanHeight - StepHeight; // players light from their centers, and we light from slightly below that, to allow for low ceilings
eyePos.z += HalfHumanHeight - StepHeight; // players light from their centers, and we light from slightly below that, to allow for low ceilings
host->SetAbsOrigin( eyePos );
AnalysisProgress( "Finding light intensity...", 100, 100 * (TheNavAreas.Count() - s_unlitAreas.Count()) / TheNavAreas.Count() );
s_movedPlayerToArea = moveArea->GetID();
s_playerSettleTimer.Start( 0.1f );
return true;
Msg( "Finding light intensity...DONE (%d unlit areas)\n", s_unlitAreas.Count() );
if ( s_unlitAreas.Count() )
Warning( "To see unlit areas:\n" );
for ( int sit=0; sit<s_unlitAreas.Count(); ++sit )
CNavArea *area = s_unlitAreas[ sit ];
Warning( "nav_unmark; nav_mark %d; nav_warp_to_mark;\n", area->GetID() );
m_generationState = CUSTOM;
m_generationIndex = 0;
Msg( "Finding light intensity...DONE\n" );
m_generationState = CUSTOM;
m_generationIndex = 0;
return true;
case CUSTOM:
if ( m_generationIndex == 0 )
BeginCustomAnalysis( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL );
Msg( "Start custom...\n ");
while( m_generationIndex < TheNavAreas.Count() )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ m_generationIndex ];
area->CustomAnalysis( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL );
// don't go over our time allotment
if( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime > maxTime )
AnalysisProgress( "Custom game-specific analysis...", 100, 100 * m_generationIndex / TheNavAreas.Count() );
return true;
Msg( "Post custom...\n ");
Msg( "Custom game-specific analysis...DONE\n" );
m_generationState = SAVE_NAV_MESH;
m_generationIndex = 0;
ConVarRef mat_queue_mode( "mat_queue_mode" );
mat_queue_mode.SetValue( -1 );
host_thread_mode.SetValue( m_hostThreadModeRestoreValue ); // restore this
return true;
if ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_ANALYSIS_ONLY || m_generationMode == GENERATE_FULL )
m_isAnalyzed = true;
// generation complete!
float generationTime = Plat_FloatTime() - m_generationStartTime;
Msg( "Generation complete! %0.1f seconds elapsed.\n", generationTime );
bool restart = m_generationMode != GENERATE_INCREMENTAL;
m_generationMode = GENERATE_NONE;
m_isLoaded = true;
// save the mesh
if (Save())
Msg( "Navigation map '%s' saved.\n", GetFilename() );
const char *filename = GetFilename();
Msg( "ERROR: Cannot save navigation map '%s'.\n", (filename) ? filename : "(null)" );
if ( m_bQuitWhenFinished )
engine->ServerCommand( "quit\n" );
else if ( restart )
engine->ChangeLevel( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ), NULL );
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it )
TheNavAreas[ it ]->ResetNodes();
// destroy navigation nodes created during map generation
CNavNode *node, *next;
for( node = CNavNode::m_list; node; node = next )
next = node->m_next;
delete node;
CNavNode::m_list = NULL;
CNavNode::m_listLength = 0;
CNavNode::m_nextID = 1;
#endif // !(DEBUG_NAV_NODES)
return false;
return false;
* Define the name of player spawn entities
void CNavMesh::SetPlayerSpawnName( const char *name )
if (m_spawnName)
delete [] m_spawnName;
m_spawnName = new char [ strlen(name) + 1 ];
strcpy( m_spawnName, name );
* Return name of player spawn entity
const char *CNavMesh::GetPlayerSpawnName( void ) const
if (m_spawnName)
return m_spawnName;
// default value
return "info_player_start";
* Add a nav node and connect it.
* Node Z positions are ground level.
CNavNode *CNavMesh::AddNode( const Vector &destPos, const Vector &normal, NavDirType dir, CNavNode *source, bool isOnDisplacement,
float obstacleHeight, float obstacleStartDist, float obstacleEndDist )
// check if a node exists at this location
CNavNode *node = CNavNode::GetNode( destPos );
// if no node exists, create one
bool useNew = false;
if (node == NULL)
node = new CNavNode( destPos, normal, source, isOnDisplacement );
OnNodeAdded( node );
useNew = true;
// connect source node to new node
source->ConnectTo( node, dir, obstacleHeight, obstacleStartDist, obstacleEndDist );
// optimization: if deltaZ changes very little, assume connection is commutative
const float zTolerance = 50.0f;
float deltaZ = source->GetPosition()->z - destPos.z;
if (fabs( deltaZ ) < zTolerance)
if ( obstacleHeight > 0 )
obstacleHeight = MAX( obstacleHeight + deltaZ, 0 );
Assert( obstacleHeight > 0 );
node->ConnectTo( source, OppositeDirection( dir ), obstacleHeight, GenerationStepSize - obstacleEndDist, GenerationStepSize - obstacleStartDist );
node->MarkAsVisited( OppositeDirection( dir ) );
if (useNew)
// new node becomes current node
m_currentNode = node;
// determine if there's a cliff nearby and set an attribute on this node
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++ )
NavDirType dir = (NavDirType) i;
if ( CheckCliff( node->GetPosition(), dir ) )
node->SetAttributes( node->GetAttributes() | NAV_MESH_CLIFF );
return node;
inline CNavNode *LadderEndSearch( const Vector *pos, NavDirType mountDir )
Vector center = *pos;
AddDirectionVector( &center, mountDir, HalfHumanWidth );
// Test the ladder dismount point first, then each cardinal direction one and two steps away
for( int d=(-1); d<2*NUM_DIRECTIONS; ++d )
Vector tryPos = center;
AddDirectionVector( &tryPos, (NavDirType)(d - NUM_DIRECTIONS), 2.0f*GenerationStepSize );
else if (d >= 0)
AddDirectionVector( &tryPos, (NavDirType)d, GenerationStepSize );
// step up a rung, to ensure adjacent floors are below us
tryPos.z += GenerationStepSize;
tryPos.x = TheNavMesh->SnapToGrid( tryPos.x );
tryPos.y = TheNavMesh->SnapToGrid( tryPos.y );
// adjust height to account for sloping areas
Vector tryNormal;
if (TheNavMesh->GetGroundHeight( tryPos, &tryPos.z, &tryNormal ) == false)
// make sure this point is not on the other side of a wall
const float fudge = 4.0f;
trace_t result;
UTIL_TraceHull( center + Vector( 0, 0, fudge ), tryPos + Vector( 0, 0, fudge ), NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
if (result.fraction != 1.0f || result.startsolid)
// if no node exists here, create one and continue the search
if (CNavNode::GetNode( tryPos ) == NULL)
return new CNavNode( tryPos, tryNormal, NULL, false );
return NULL;
bool CNavMesh::FindGroundForNode( Vector *pos, Vector *normal )
trace_t tr;
Vector start( pos->x, pos->y, pos->z + VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX.z - 0.1f );
Vector end( *pos );
end.z -= DeathDrop;
&tr );
*pos = tr.endpos;
*normal = tr.plane.normal;
return ( !tr.allsolid );
void DrawTrace( const trace_t *trace )
if ( trace->fraction > 0.0f && !trace->startsolid )
NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( trace->startpos, trace->endpos, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, vec3_angle, 0, 255, 0, 45, 100 );
NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( trace->startpos, trace->endpos, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, vec3_angle, 255, 0, 0, 45, 100 );
bool StayOnFloor( trace_t *trace, float zLimit /* = DeathDrop */ )
Vector start( trace->endpos );
Vector end( start );
end.z -= zLimit;
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, trace );
DrawTrace( trace );
if ( trace->startsolid || trace->fraction >= 1.0f )
return false;
if ( trace->plane.normal.z < nav_slope_limit.GetFloat() )
return false;
return true;
bool TraceAdjacentNode( int depth, const Vector& start, const Vector& end, trace_t *trace, float zLimit /* = DeathDrop */ )
const float MinDistance = 1.0f; // if we can't move at least this far, don't bother stepping up.
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, trace );
DrawTrace( trace );
// If we started in the ground for some reason, bail
if ( trace->startsolid )
return false;
// If we made it, so try to find the floor
if ( end.x == trace->endpos.x && end.y == trace->endpos.y )
return StayOnFloor( trace, zLimit );
// If we didn't make enough progress, bail
if ( depth && start.AsVector2D().DistToSqr( trace->endpos.AsVector2D() ) < MinDistance * MinDistance )
return false;
// We made it more than MinDistance. If the slope is too steep, we can't go on.
if ( !StayOnFloor( trace, zLimit ) )
return false;
// Try to go up as if we stepped up, forward, and down.
Vector testStart( trace->endpos );
Vector testEnd( testStart );
testEnd.z += StepHeight;
UTIL_TraceHull( testStart, testEnd, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, trace );
DrawTrace( trace );
Vector forwardTestStart = trace->endpos;
Vector forwardTestEnd = end;
forwardTestEnd.z = forwardTestStart.z;
return TraceAdjacentNode( depth+1, forwardTestStart, forwardTestEnd, trace );
static bool IsNodeOverlapped( const Vector& pos, const Vector& offset )
bool overlap = TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( pos + offset, HumanHeight ) != NULL;
if ( !overlap )
Vector mins( -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f );
Vector maxs( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f );
Vector start = pos;
start.z += HalfHumanHeight;
Vector end = start;
end.x += offset.x * GenerationStepSize;
end.y += offset.y * GenerationStepSize;
trace_t trace;
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, mins, maxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &trace );
if ( trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid )
return true;
if ( trace.fraction < 0.1f )
return true;
start = trace.endpos;
end.z -= HalfHumanHeight * 2;
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, mins, maxs, TheNavMesh->GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &trace );
if ( trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid )
return true;
if ( trace.fraction == 1.0f )
return true;
if ( trace.plane.normal.z < 0.7f )
return true;
return overlap;
* Search the world and build a map of possible movements.
* The algorithm begins at the bot's current location, and does a recursive search
* outwards, tracking all valid steps and generating a directed graph of CNavNodes.
* Sample the map one "step" in a cardinal direction to learn the map.
* Returns true if sampling needs to continue, or false if done.
bool CNavMesh::SampleStep( void )
// take a step
while( true )
if (m_currentNode == NULL)
// sampling is complete from current seed, try next one
m_currentNode = GetNextWalkableSeedNode();
if (m_currentNode == NULL)
if ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL || m_generationMode == GENERATE_SIMPLIFY )
return false;
// search is exhausted - continue search from ends of ladders
for ( int i=0; i<m_ladders.Count(); ++i )
CNavLadder *ladder = m_ladders[i];
// check ladder bottom
if ((m_currentNode = LadderEndSearch( &ladder->m_bottom, ladder->GetDir() )) != 0)
// check ladder top
if ((m_currentNode = LadderEndSearch( &ladder->m_top, ladder->GetDir() )) != 0)
if (m_currentNode == NULL)
// all seeds exhausted, sampling complete
return false;
// Take a step from this node
for( int dir = NORTH; dir < NUM_DIRECTIONS; dir++ )
if (!m_currentNode->HasVisited( (NavDirType)dir ))
// have not searched in this direction yet
// start at current node position
Vector pos = *m_currentNode->GetPosition();
// snap to grid
int cx = SnapToGrid( pos.x );
int cy = SnapToGrid( pos.y );
// attempt to move to adjacent node
switch( dir )
case NORTH: cy -= GenerationStepSize; break;
case SOUTH: cy += GenerationStepSize; break;
case EAST: cx += GenerationStepSize; break;
case WEST: cx -= GenerationStepSize; break;
pos.x = cx;
pos.y = cy;
m_generationDir = (NavDirType)dir;
// mark direction as visited
m_currentNode->MarkAsVisited( m_generationDir );
// sanity check to not generate across the world for incremental generation
const float incrementalRange = nav_generate_incremental_range.GetFloat();
if ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL && incrementalRange > 0 )
bool inRange = false;
for ( int i=0; i<m_walkableSeeds.Count(); ++i )
const Vector &seedPos = m_walkableSeeds[i].pos;
if ( (seedPos - pos).IsLengthLessThan( incrementalRange ) )
inRange = true;
if ( !inRange )
return true;
if ( m_generationMode == GENERATE_SIMPLIFY )
if ( !m_simplifyGenerationExtent.Contains( pos ) )
return true;
// test if we can move to new position
trace_t result;
Vector from( *m_currentNode->GetPosition() );
Vector to, toNormal;
float obstacleHeight = 0, obstacleStartDist = 0, obstacleEndDist = GenerationStepSize;
if ( TraceAdjacentNode( 0, from, pos, &result ) )
to = result.endpos;
toNormal = result.plane.normal;
// test going up ClimbUpHeight
bool success = false;
for ( float height = StepHeight; height <= ClimbUpHeight; height += 1.0f )
trace_t tr;
Vector start( from );
Vector end( pos );
start.z += height;
end.z += height;
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &tr );
if ( !tr.startsolid && tr.fraction == 1.0f )
if ( !StayOnFloor( &tr ) )
to = tr.endpos;
toNormal = tr.plane.normal;
start = end = from;
end.z += height;
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f )
// keep track of far up we had to go to find a path to the next node
obstacleHeight = height;
success = true;
// Could not trace from node to node at this height, something is in the way.
// Trace in the other direction to see if we hit something
Vector vecToObstacleStart = tr.endpos - start;
Assert( vecToObstacleStart.LengthSqr() <= Square( GenerationStepSize ) );
if ( vecToObstacleStart.LengthSqr() <= Square( GenerationStepSize ) )
UTIL_TraceHull( end, start, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &tr );
if ( !tr.startsolid && tr.fraction < 1.0 )
// We hit something going the other direction. There is some obstacle between the two nodes.
Vector vecToObstacleEnd = tr.endpos - start;
Assert( vecToObstacleEnd.LengthSqr() <= Square( GenerationStepSize ) );
if ( vecToObstacleEnd.LengthSqr() <= Square( GenerationStepSize ) )
// Remember the distances to start and end of the obstacle (with respect to the "from" node).
// Keep track of the last distances to obstacle as we keep increasing the height we do a trace for.
// If we do eventually clear the obstacle, these values will be the start and end distance to the
// very tip of the obstacle.
obstacleStartDist = vecToObstacleStart.Length();
obstacleEndDist = vecToObstacleEnd.Length();
if ( obstacleEndDist == 0 )
obstacleEndDist = GenerationStepSize;
if ( !success )
return true;
// Don't generate nodes if we spill off the end of the world onto skybox
if ( result.surface.flags & ( SURF_SKY|SURF_SKY2D ) )
return true;
// If we're incrementally generating, don't overlap existing nav areas.
Vector testPos( to );
bool overlapSE = IsNodeOverlapped( testPos, Vector( 1, 1, HalfHumanHeight ) );
bool overlapSW = IsNodeOverlapped( testPos, Vector( -1, 1, HalfHumanHeight ) );
bool overlapNE = IsNodeOverlapped( testPos, Vector( 1, -1, HalfHumanHeight ) );
bool overlapNW = IsNodeOverlapped( testPos, Vector( -1, -1, HalfHumanHeight ) );
if ( overlapSE && overlapSW && overlapNE && overlapNW && m_generationMode != GENERATE_SIMPLIFY )
return true;
int nTolerance = nav_generate_incremental_tolerance.GetInt();
if ( nTolerance > 0 && m_generationMode == GENERATE_INCREMENTAL )
bool bValid = false;
int zPos = to.z;
for ( int i=0; i<m_walkableSeeds.Count(); ++i )
const Vector &seedPos = m_walkableSeeds[i].pos;
int zMin = seedPos.z - nTolerance;
int zMax = seedPos.z + nTolerance;
if ( zPos >= zMin && zPos <= zMax )
bValid = true;
if ( !bValid )
return true;
bool isOnDisplacement = result.IsDispSurface();
if ( nav_displacement_test.GetInt() > 0 )
// Test for nodes under displacement surfaces.
// This happens during development, and is a pain because the space underneath a displacement
// is not 'solid'.
Vector start = to + Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
Vector end = start + Vector( 0, 0, nav_displacement_test.GetInt() );
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &result );
if ( result.fraction > 0 )
end = start;
start = result.endpos;
UTIL_TraceHull( start, end, NavTraceMins, NavTraceMaxs, GetGenerationTraceMask(), &filter, &result );
if ( result.fraction < 1 )
// if we made it down to within StepHeight, maybe we're on a static prop
if ( result.endpos.z > to.z + StepHeight )
return true;
float deltaZ = to.z - m_currentNode->GetPosition()->z;
// If there's an obstacle in the way and it's traversable, or the obstacle is not higher than the destination node itself minus a small epsilon
// (meaning the obstacle was just the height change to get to the destination node, no extra obstacle between the two), clear obstacle height
// and distances
if ( ( obstacleHeight < MaxTraversableHeight ) || ( deltaZ > ( obstacleHeight - 2.0f ) ) )
obstacleHeight = 0;
obstacleStartDist = 0;
obstacleEndDist = GenerationStepSize;
// we can move here
// create a new navigation node, and update current node pointer
AddNode( to, toNormal, m_generationDir, m_currentNode, isOnDisplacement, obstacleHeight, obstacleStartDist, obstacleEndDist );
return true;
// all directions have been searched from this node - pop back to its parent and continue
m_currentNode = m_currentNode->GetParent();
* Add given walkable position to list of seed positions for map sampling
void CNavMesh::AddWalkableSeed( const Vector &pos, const Vector &normal )
WalkableSeedSpot seed;
seed.pos.x = RoundToUnits( pos.x, GenerationStepSize );
seed.pos.y = RoundToUnits( pos.y, GenerationStepSize );
seed.pos.z = pos.z;
seed.normal = normal;
m_walkableSeeds.AddToTail( seed );
* Return the next walkable seed as a node
CNavNode *CNavMesh::GetNextWalkableSeedNode( void )
if ( m_seedIdx >= m_walkableSeeds.Count() )
return NULL;
WalkableSeedSpot spot = m_walkableSeeds[ m_seedIdx ];
// check if a node exists at this location
CNavNode *node = CNavNode::GetNode( spot.pos );
if ( node )
return NULL;
return new CNavNode( spot.pos, spot.normal, NULL, false );
* Check LOS, ignoring any entities that we can walk through
bool IsWalkableTraceLineClear( const Vector &from, const Vector &to, unsigned int flags )
trace_t result;
CBaseEntity *ignore = NULL;
Vector useFrom = from;
CTraceFilterWalkableEntities traceFilter( NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, flags );
result.fraction = 0.0f;
const int maxTries = 50;
for( int t=0; t<maxTries; ++t )
UTIL_TraceLine( useFrom, to, MASK_NPCSOLID, &traceFilter, &result );
// if we hit a walkable entity, try again
if (result.fraction != 1.0f && IsEntityWalkable( result.m_pEnt, flags ))
ignore = result.m_pEnt;
// start from just beyond where we hit to avoid infinite loops
Vector dir = to - from;
useFrom = result.endpos + 5.0f * dir;
if (result.fraction == 1.0f)
return true;
return false;
class Subdivider
Subdivider( int depth )
m_depth = depth;
bool operator() ( CNavArea *area )
SubdivideX( area, true, true, m_depth );
return true;
void SubdivideX( CNavArea *area, bool canDivideX, bool canDivideY, int depth )
if (!canDivideX || depth <= 0)
float split = area->GetSizeX() / 2.0f;
if (split < GenerationStepSize)
if (canDivideY)
SubdivideY( area, false, canDivideY, depth );
split += area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).x;
split = TheNavMesh->SnapToGrid( split );
CNavArea *alpha, *beta;
if (area->SplitEdit( false, split, &alpha, &beta ))
SubdivideY( alpha, canDivideX, canDivideY, depth );
SubdivideY( beta, canDivideX, canDivideY, depth );
void SubdivideY( CNavArea *area, bool canDivideX, bool canDivideY, int depth )
if (!canDivideY)
float split = area->GetSizeY() / 2.0f;
if (split < GenerationStepSize)
if (canDivideX)
SubdivideX( area, canDivideX, false, depth-1 );
split += area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).y;
split = TheNavMesh->SnapToGrid( split );
CNavArea *alpha, *beta;
if (area->SplitEdit( true, split, &alpha, &beta ))
SubdivideX( alpha, canDivideX, canDivideY, depth-1 );
SubdivideX( beta, canDivideX, canDivideY, depth-1 );
int m_depth;
* Subdivide each nav area in X and Y to create 4 new areas
void CNavMesh::CommandNavSubdivide( const CCommand &args )
int depth = 1;
if (args.ArgC() == 2)
depth = atoi( args[1] );
Subdivider chop( depth );
TheNavMesh->ForAllSelectedAreas( chop );
CON_COMMAND_F( nav_subdivide, "Subdivides all selected areas.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT )
if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() )
TheNavMesh->CommandNavSubdivide( args );
* Debugging code to verify that all nav area connections are internally consistent
void CNavMesh::ValidateNavAreaConnections( void )
// iterate all nav areas
NavConnect connect;
for ( int it = 0; it < TheNavAreas.Count(); it++ )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
for ( NavDirType dir = NORTH; dir < NUM_DIRECTIONS; dir = (NavDirType) ( ( (int) dir ) +1 ) )
const NavConnectVector *pOutgoing = area->GetAdjacentAreas( dir );
const NavConnectVector *pIncoming = area->GetIncomingConnections( dir );
for ( int iConnect = 0; iConnect < pOutgoing->Count(); iConnect++ )
// make sure no area is on both the connection and incoming list
CNavArea *areaOther = (*pOutgoing)[iConnect].area;
connect.area = areaOther;
if ( pIncoming->Find( connect ) != pIncoming->InvalidIndex() )
Msg( "Area %d has area %d on both 2-way and incoming list, should only be on one\n", area->GetID(), areaOther->GetID() );
Assert( false );
// make sure there are no duplicate connections on the list
for ( int iConnectCheck = iConnect+1; iConnectCheck < pOutgoing->Count(); iConnectCheck++ )
CNavArea *areaCheck = (*pOutgoing)[iConnectCheck].area;
if ( areaOther == areaCheck )
Msg( "Area %d has multiple outgoing connections to area %d in direction %d\n", area->GetID(), areaOther->GetID(), dir );
Assert( false );
const NavConnectVector *pOutgoingOther = areaOther->GetAdjacentAreas( OppositeDirection( dir ) );
const NavConnectVector *pIncomingOther = areaOther->GetIncomingConnections( OppositeDirection( dir ) );
// if we have a one-way outgoing connection, make sure we are on the other area's incoming list
connect.area = area;
bool bIsTwoWay = pOutgoingOther->Find( connect ) != pOutgoingOther->InvalidIndex();
if ( !bIsTwoWay )
connect.area = area;
bool bOnOthersIncomingList = pIncomingOther->Find( connect ) != pIncomingOther->InvalidIndex();
if ( !bOnOthersIncomingList )
Msg( "Area %d has one-way connect to area %d but does not appear on the latter's incoming list\n", area->GetID(), areaOther->GetID() );
for ( int iConnect = 0; iConnect < pIncoming->Count(); iConnect++ )
CNavArea *areaOther = (*pIncoming)[iConnect].area;
// make sure there are not duplicate areas on the incoming list
for ( int iConnectCheck = iConnect+1; iConnectCheck < pIncoming->Count(); iConnectCheck++ )
CNavArea *areaCheck = (*pIncoming)[iConnectCheck].area;
if ( areaOther == areaCheck )
Msg( "Area %d has multiple incoming connections to area %d in direction %d\n", area->GetID(), areaOther->GetID(), dir );
Assert( false );
const NavConnectVector *pOutgoingOther = areaOther->GetAdjacentAreas( OppositeDirection( dir ) );
connect.area = area;
bool bOnOthersOutgoingList = pOutgoingOther->Find( connect ) != pOutgoingOther->InvalidIndex();
if ( !bOnOthersOutgoingList )
Msg( "Area %d has incoming connection from area %d but does not appear on latter's outgoing connection list\n", area->GetID(), areaOther->GetID() );
Assert( false );
* Temp way to mark cliff areas after generation without regen'ing. Any area that is adjacent to a cliff
* gets marked as a cliff. This will leave some big areas marked as cliff just because one edge is adjacent to
* a cliff so it's not great. The code that does this at generation time is better because it ensures that
* areas next to cliffs don't get merged with no-cliff areas.
void CNavMesh::PostProcessCliffAreas()
for ( int it = 0; it < TheNavAreas.Count(); it++ )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CLIFF )
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++ )
bool bHasCliff = false;
NavDirType dir = (NavDirType) i;
NavCornerType corner[2];
// look at either corner along this edge
corner[0] = (NavCornerType) i;
corner[1] = (NavCornerType) ( ( i+ 1 ) % NUM_CORNERS );
for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
Vector cornerPos = area->GetCorner( corner[j] );
if ( CheckCliff( &cornerPos, dir ) )
bHasCliff = true;
if ( bHasCliff )
area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() | NAV_MESH_CLIFF );
CON_COMMAND_F( nav_gen_cliffs_approx, "Mark cliff areas, post-processing approximation", FCVAR_CHEAT )
if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() )