Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_prop_portal.h"
#include "portal_shareddefs.h"
#include "clientsideeffects.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "igamesystem.h"
#include "view.h" // For MainViewOrigin()
#include "clientleafsystem.h" // For finding the leaves our portals are in
#include "portal_render_targets.h" // Access to static references to Portal-specific render textures
#include "toolframework/itoolframework.h"
#include "toolframework_client.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "rendertexture.h"
#include "prop_portal_shared.h"
#include "particles_new.h"
#include "c_portal_player.h"
#include "c_pixel_visibility.h"
#include "glow_overlay.h"
#include "dlight.h"
#include "iefx.h"
#include "simple_keys.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "debugoverlay_shared.h"
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( prop_portal, C_Prop_Portal );
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_Prop_Portal, DT_Prop_Portal, CProp_Portal )
RecvPropEHandle( RECVINFO(m_hLinkedPortal) ),
RecvPropBool( RECVINFO(m_bActivated) ),
RecvPropBool( RECVINFO(m_bIsPortal2) ),
void __MsgFunc_EntityPortalled(bf_read &msg)
long iEncodedEHandle;
int iEntity, iSerialNum;
//grab portal EHANDLE
iEncodedEHandle = msg.ReadLong();
iEntity = iEncodedEHandle & ((1 << MAX_EDICT_BITS) - 1);
iSerialNum = iEncodedEHandle >> MAX_EDICT_BITS;
EHANDLE hPortal( iEntity, iSerialNum );
C_Prop_Portal *pPortal = ( C_Prop_Portal *)(hPortal.Get());
if( pPortal == NULL )
//grab other entity's EHANDLE
iEncodedEHandle = msg.ReadLong();
iEntity = iEncodedEHandle & ((1 << MAX_EDICT_BITS) - 1);
iSerialNum = iEncodedEHandle >> MAX_EDICT_BITS;
EHANDLE hEntity( iEntity, iSerialNum );
C_BaseEntity *pEntity = hEntity.Get();
if( pEntity == NULL )
bool bIsPlayer = pEntity->IsPlayer();
Vector ptNewPosition;
ptNewPosition.x = msg.ReadFloat();
ptNewPosition.y = msg.ReadFloat();
ptNewPosition.z = msg.ReadFloat();
QAngle qNewAngles;
qNewAngles.x = msg.ReadFloat();
qNewAngles.y = msg.ReadFloat();
qNewAngles.z = msg.ReadFloat();
Vector vecOldInterpolatedPos;
QAngle qaOldInterpolatedRot;
if ( pEntity->IsToolRecording() )
vecOldInterpolatedPos = pEntity->GetOriginInterpolator().GetCurrent();
qaOldInterpolatedRot = pEntity->GetRotationInterpolator().GetCurrent();
VMatrix matTransform = pPortal->MatrixThisToLinked();
//VMatrix matInvTransform = pPortal->m_hLinkedPortal->MatrixThisToLinked();
CInterpolatedVar< QAngle > &rotInterp = pEntity->GetRotationInterpolator();
CInterpolatedVar< Vector > &posInterp = pEntity->GetOriginInterpolator();
Vector ptCurrentPosition = posInterp.GetCurrent();
Vector ptInvCurrentPosition = matTransform * ptCurrentPosition;
bool bAlreadyTeleported = ((ptCurrentPosition - ptNewPosition).LengthSqr() < (ptInvCurrentPosition - ptNewPosition).LengthSqr()); //newest network update closer to destination than transformed to destination indicates it's already been transformed
UTIL_TransformInterpolatedAngle( rotInterp, matTransform.As3x4(), bAlreadyTeleported );
if( bIsPlayer ) //the player's origin != player's center, transforms are performed about centers
VMatrix matShiftOrigin;
Vector vTranslate( 0.0f, 0.0f, 36.0f );
matShiftOrigin.SetTranslation( vTranslate );
matTransform = matTransform * matShiftOrigin;
vTranslate = -vTranslate;
matShiftOrigin.SetTranslation( vTranslate );
matTransform = matShiftOrigin * matTransform;
UTIL_TransformInterpolatedPosition( posInterp, matTransform, bAlreadyTeleported );
if( bIsPlayer )
((C_Portal_Player *)pEntity)->PlayerPortalled( pPortal );
if ( pEntity->IsToolRecording() )
static EntityTeleportedRecordingState_t state;
KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "entity_teleported" );
msg->SetPtr( "state", &state );
state.m_bTeleported = true;
state.m_bViewOverride = false;
state.m_vecTo = ptNewPosition;
state.m_qaTo = qNewAngles;
state.m_teleportMatrix = matTransform.As3x4();
// Post a message back to all IToolSystems
Assert( (int)pEntity->GetToolHandle() != 0 );
ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( pEntity->GetToolHandle(), msg );
static ConVar portal_demohack( "portal_demohack", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Do the demo_legacy_rollback setting to help during demo playback of going through portals." );
class C_PortalInitHelper : public CAutoGameSystem
virtual bool Init()
//HOOK_MESSAGE( PlayerPortalled );
HOOK_MESSAGE( EntityPortalled );
if ( portal_demohack.GetBool() )
ConVarRef demo_legacy_rollback_ref( "demo_legacy_rollback" );
demo_legacy_rollback_ref.SetValue( false ); //Portal demos are wrong if the eyes rollback as far as regular demos
// However, there are probably bugs with this when jump ducking, etc.
return true;
static C_PortalInitHelper s_PortalInitHelper;
C_Prop_Portal::C_Prop_Portal( void )
TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle = CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE;
CProp_Portal_Shared::AllPortals.AddToTail( this );
C_Prop_Portal::~C_Prop_Portal( void )
CProp_Portal_Shared::AllPortals.FindAndRemove( this );
g_pPortalRender->RemovePortal( this );
for( int i = m_GhostRenderables.Count(); --i >= 0; )
delete m_GhostRenderables[i];
void C_Prop_Portal::Spawn( void )
SetThink( &C_Prop_Portal::ClientThink );
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS );
m_matrixThisToLinked.Identity(); //don't accidentally teleport objects to zero space
void C_Prop_Portal::Activate( void )
void C_Prop_Portal::ClientThink( void )
bool bDidAnything = false;
if( m_fStaticAmount > 0.0f )
m_fStaticAmount -= gpGlobals->absoluteframetime;
if( m_fStaticAmount < 0.0f )
m_fStaticAmount = 0.0f;
bDidAnything = true;
if( m_fSecondaryStaticAmount > 0.0f )
m_fSecondaryStaticAmount -= gpGlobals->absoluteframetime;
if( m_fSecondaryStaticAmount < 0.0f )
m_fSecondaryStaticAmount = 0.0f;
bDidAnything = true;
if( m_fOpenAmount < 1.0f )
m_fOpenAmount += gpGlobals->absoluteframetime * 2.0f;
if( m_fOpenAmount > 1.0f )
m_fOpenAmount = 1.0f;
bDidAnything = true;
if( bDidAnything == false )
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_NEVER );
void C_Prop_Portal::Simulate()
//clear list of ghosted entities from last frame, and clear the clipping planes we put on them
for( int i = m_hGhostingEntities.Count(); --i >= 0; )
C_BaseEntity *pEntity = m_hGhostingEntities[i].Get();
if( pEntity != NULL )
pEntity->m_bEnableRenderingClipPlane = false;
if( !IsActivedAndLinked() )
//remove all ghost renderables
for( int i = m_GhostRenderables.Count(); --i >= 0; )
delete m_GhostRenderables[i];
//Find objects that are intersecting the portal and mark them for later replication on the remote portal's side
C_Portal_Player *pLocalPlayer = C_Portal_Player::GetLocalPlayer();
C_BaseViewModel *pLocalPlayerViewModel = pLocalPlayer->GetViewModel();
CBaseEntity *pEntsNearPortal[1024];
int iEntsNearPortal = UTIL_EntitiesInSphere( pEntsNearPortal, 1024, GetNetworkOrigin(), PORTAL_HALF_HEIGHT, 0, PARTITION_CLIENT_NON_STATIC_EDICTS );
if( iEntsNearPortal != 0 )
float fClipPlane[4];
fClipPlane[0] = m_plane_Origin.normal.x;
fClipPlane[1] = m_plane_Origin.normal.y;
fClipPlane[2] = m_plane_Origin.normal.z;
fClipPlane[3] = m_plane_Origin.dist - 0.3f;
for( int i = 0; i != iEntsNearPortal; ++i )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = pEntsNearPortal[i];
Assert( pEntity != NULL );
bool bIsMovable = false;
C_BaseEntity *pMoveEntity = pEntity;
MoveType_t moveType = MOVETYPE_NONE;
//unmoveables and doors can never get halfway in the portal
while ( pMoveEntity )
moveType = pMoveEntity->GetMoveType();
if ( !( moveType == MOVETYPE_NONE || moveType == MOVETYPE_PUSH ) )
bIsMovable = true;
pMoveEntity = NULL;
pMoveEntity = pMoveEntity->GetMoveParent();
if ( !bIsMovable )
Assert( dynamic_cast<C_Prop_Portal *>(pEntity) == NULL ); //should have been killed with (pEntity->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NONE) check. Infinite recursion is infinitely bad.
if( pEntity == pLocalPlayerViewModel )
continue; //avoid ghosting view models
bool bActivePlayerWeapon = false;
C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>( pEntity );
if ( pWeapon )
C_Portal_Player *pPortalPlayer = ToPortalPlayer( pWeapon->GetOwner() );
if ( pPortalPlayer )
if ( pPortalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() != pWeapon )
continue; // don't ghost player owned non selected weapons
bActivePlayerWeapon = true;
Vector ptEntCenter = pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter();
if( bActivePlayerWeapon )
ptEntCenter = pWeapon->GetOwner()->WorldSpaceCenter();
if( (m_plane_Origin.normal.Dot( ptEntCenter ) - m_plane_Origin.dist) < -5.0f )
continue; //entity is behind the portal, most likely behind the wall the portal is placed on
if( !CProp_Portal_Shared::IsEntityTeleportable( pEntity ) )
if ( bActivePlayerWeapon )
if( !m_PortalSimulator.EntityHitBoxExtentIsInPortalHole( pWeapon->GetOwner() ) &&
!m_PortalSimulator.EntityHitBoxExtentIsInPortalHole( pWeapon ) )
else if( pEntity->IsPlayer() )
if( !m_PortalSimulator.EntityHitBoxExtentIsInPortalHole( (C_BaseAnimating*)pEntity ) )
if( !m_PortalSimulator.EntityIsInPortalHole( pEntity ) )
pEntity->m_bEnableRenderingClipPlane = true;
memcpy( pEntity->m_fRenderingClipPlane, fClipPlane, sizeof( float ) * 4 );
EHANDLE hEnt = pEntity;
m_hGhostingEntities.AddToTail( hEnt );
//now, fix up our list of ghosted renderables.
bool *bStillInUse = (bool *)stackalloc( sizeof( bool ) * (m_GhostRenderables.Count() + m_hGhostingEntities.Count()) );
memset( bStillInUse, 0, sizeof( bool ) * (m_GhostRenderables.Count() + m_hGhostingEntities.Count()) );
for( int i = m_hGhostingEntities.Count(); --i >= 0; )
C_BaseEntity *pRenderable = m_hGhostingEntities[i].Get();
int j;
for( j = m_GhostRenderables.Count(); --j >= 0; )
if( pRenderable == m_GhostRenderables[j]->m_pGhostedRenderable )
bStillInUse[j] = true;
if ( j >= 0 )
//newly added
C_BaseEntity *pEntity = m_hGhostingEntities[i];
bool bIsHeldWeapon = false;
C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>( pEntity );
if ( pWeapon && ToPortalPlayer( pWeapon->GetOwner() ) )
bIsHeldWeapon = true;
C_PortalGhostRenderable *pNewGhost = new C_PortalGhostRenderable( this,
(pEntity == pLocalPlayer || bIsHeldWeapon) );
Assert( pNewGhost );
bStillInUse[ m_GhostRenderables.AddToTail( pNewGhost ) ] = true;
// HACK - I just copied the CClientTools::OnEntityCreated code here,
// since the ghosts aren't really entities - they don't have an entindex,
// they're not in the entitylist, and they get created during Simulate(),
// which isn't valid for real entities, since it changes the simulate list
// -jd
if ( ToolsEnabled() && clienttools->IsInRecordingMode() )
// Send deletion message to tool interface
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "created" );
HTOOLHANDLE h = clienttools->AttachToEntity( pNewGhost );
ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( h, kv );
//remove unused ghosts
for ( int i = m_GhostRenderables.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if ( bStillInUse[i] )
// HACK - I just copied the CClientTools::OnEntityDeleted code here,
// since the ghosts aren't really entities - they don't have an entindex,
// they're not in the entitylist, and they get created during Simulate(),
// which isn't valid for real entities, since it changes the simulate list
// -jd
C_PortalGhostRenderable *pGhost = m_GhostRenderables[i];
if ( ToolsEnabled() )
HTOOLHANDLE handle = pGhost ? pGhost->GetToolHandle() : (HTOOLHANDLE)0;
if ( handle != (HTOOLHANDLE)0 )
if ( clienttools->IsInRecordingMode() )
// Send deletion message to tool interface
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "deleted" );
ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( handle, kv );
clienttools->DetachFromEntity( pGhost );
delete pGhost;
m_GhostRenderables.FastRemove( i );
//ensure the shared clip plane is up to date
C_Prop_Portal *pLinkedPortal = m_hLinkedPortal.Get();
m_fGhostRenderablesClip[0] = pLinkedPortal->m_plane_Origin.normal.x;
m_fGhostRenderablesClip[1] = pLinkedPortal->m_plane_Origin.normal.y;
m_fGhostRenderablesClip[2] = pLinkedPortal->m_plane_Origin.normal.z;
m_fGhostRenderablesClip[3] = pLinkedPortal->m_plane_Origin.dist - 0.75f;
void C_Prop_Portal::UpdateOnRemove( void )
if( TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle != CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE )
g_pClientShadowMgr->DestroyFlashlight( TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle );
TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle = CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE;
g_pPortalRender->RemovePortal( this );
void C_Prop_Portal::OnNewParticleEffect( const char *pszParticleName, CNewParticleEffect *pNewParticleEffect )
if ( Q_stricmp( pszParticleName, "portal_1_overlap" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pszParticleName, "portal_2_overlap" ) == 0 )
float fClosestDistanceSqr = -1.0f;
Vector vClosestPosition;
int iPortalCount = CProp_Portal_Shared::AllPortals.Count();
if( iPortalCount != 0 )
CProp_Portal **pPortals = CProp_Portal_Shared::AllPortals.Base();
for( int i = 0; i != iPortalCount; ++i )
CProp_Portal *pTempPortal = pPortals[i];
if ( pTempPortal != this && pTempPortal->m_bActivated )
Vector vPosition = pTempPortal->GetAbsOrigin();
float fDistanceSqr = pNewParticleEffect->GetRenderOrigin().DistToSqr( vPosition );
if ( fClosestDistanceSqr == -1.0f || fClosestDistanceSqr > fDistanceSqr )
fClosestDistanceSqr = fDistanceSqr;
vClosestPosition = vPosition;
if ( fClosestDistanceSqr != -1.0f )
pNewParticleEffect->SetControlPoint( 1, vClosestPosition );
void C_Prop_Portal::OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
//PreDataChanged.m_matrixThisToLinked = m_matrixThisToLinked;
PreDataChanged.m_bIsPortal2 = m_bIsPortal2;
PreDataChanged.m_bActivated = m_bActivated;
PreDataChanged.m_vOrigin = GetNetworkOrigin();
PreDataChanged.m_qAngles = GetNetworkAngles();
PreDataChanged.m_hLinkedTo = m_hLinkedPortal.Get();
BaseClass::OnPreDataChanged( updateType );
//ConVar r_portal_light_innerangle( "r_portal_light_innerangle", "90.0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );
//ConVar r_portal_light_outerangle( "r_portal_light_outerangle", "90.0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );
//ConVar r_portal_light_forward( "r_portal_light_forward", "0.0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );
void C_Prop_Portal::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
C_Prop_Portal *pRemote = m_hLinkedPortal;
m_pLinkedPortal = pRemote;
GetVectors( &m_vForward, &m_vRight, &m_vUp );
m_ptOrigin = GetNetworkOrigin();
bool bPortalMoved = ( (PreDataChanged.m_vOrigin != m_ptOrigin ) ||
(PreDataChanged.m_qAngles != GetNetworkAngles()) ||
(PreDataChanged.m_bActivated == false) ||
(PreDataChanged.m_bIsPortal2 != m_bIsPortal2) );
bool bNewLinkage = ( (PreDataChanged.m_hLinkedTo.Get() != m_hLinkedPortal.Get()) );
if( bNewLinkage )
m_PortalSimulator.DetachFromLinked(); //detach now so moves are theoretically faster
if( m_bActivated )
//generic stuff we'll need
Vector vRemoteUp, vRemoteRight, vRemoteForward, ptRemoteOrigin;
if( pRemote )
pRemote->GetVectors( &vRemoteForward, &vRemoteRight, &vRemoteUp );
ptRemoteOrigin = pRemote->GetNetworkOrigin();
g_pPortalRender->AddPortal( this ); //will know if we're already added and avoid adding twice
if( bPortalMoved )
Vector ptForwardOrigin = m_ptOrigin + m_vForward;// * 3.0f;
Vector vScaledRight = m_vRight * (PORTAL_HALF_WIDTH * 0.95f);
Vector vScaledUp = m_vUp * (PORTAL_HALF_HEIGHT * 0.95f);
m_PortalSimulator.MoveTo( GetNetworkOrigin(), GetNetworkAngles() );
//update our associated portal environment
//CPortal_PhysicsEnvironmentMgr::CreateEnvironment( this );
m_fOpenAmount = 0.0f;
//m_fStaticAmount = 1.0f; // This will cause the portal we are opening to show the static effect
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); //we need this to help open up
//add static to the remote
if( pRemote )
pRemote->m_fStaticAmount = 1.0f; // This will cause the other portal to show the static effect
pRemote->SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS );
dlight_t *pFakeLight = NULL;
ClientShadowHandle_t ShadowHandle = CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE;
if( pRemote )
pFakeLight = pRemote->TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight;
ShadowHandle = pRemote->TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle;
AssertMsg( (ShadowHandle == CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE) || (TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle == CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE), "Two shadow handles found, should only have one shared handle" );
AssertMsg( (pFakeLight == NULL) || (TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight == NULL), "two lights found, should only have one shared light" );
pRemote->TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight = NULL;
pRemote->TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle = CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE;
if( TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight )
pFakeLight = TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight;
TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight = NULL;
if( TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle != CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE )
ShadowHandle = TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle;
TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle = CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE;
if( pFakeLight != NULL )
//turn off the light so it doesn't interfere with absorbed light calculations
pFakeLight->color.r = 0;
pFakeLight->color.g = 0;
pFakeLight->color.b = 0;
pFakeLight->radius = 0.0f;
render->TouchLight( pFakeLight );
if( pRemote ) //now, see if we need to fake light coming through a portal
#if 0
Vector vLightAtRemotePortal( vec3_origin ), vLightAtLocalPortal( vec3_origin );
if( pRemote ) //get lighting at remote portal
engine->ComputeLighting( ptRemoteOrigin, NULL, false, vLightAtRemotePortal, NULL );
//now get lighting at the local portal
engine->ComputeLighting( ptOrigin, NULL, false, vLightAtLocalPortal, NULL );
//Vector vLightDiff = vLightAtLocalPortal - vLightAtRemotePortal;
//if( vLightDiff.Length() > 0.6f ) //a significant difference in lighting, remember that the light vectors are NOT normalized in length
//time to fake some light coming through the greater intensity portal to the lower intensity
//are we transferring light from the local portal to the remote?
bool bLocalToRemote = (vLightAtLocalPortal.Length() > vLightAtRemotePortal.Length());
Vector ptLightOrigin, vLightForward, vColor, vClampedColor;
float fColorScale;
if( bLocalToRemote )
vColor = vLightAtLocalPortal;
vLightForward = vRemoteForward;
ptLightOrigin = ptRemoteOrigin;
vColor = vLightAtRemotePortal;
vLightForward = vForward;
ptLightOrigin = ptOrigin;
//clamp color values
fColorScale = vColor.x;
if( vColor.y > fColorScale )
fColorScale = vColor.y;
if( vColor.z > fColorScale )
fColorScale = vColor.z;
if( fColorScale > 1.0f )
vClampedColor = vColor * (1.0f / fColorScale);
vClampedColor = vColor;
/*if( vColor.x < 0.0f )
vColor.x = 0.0f;
if( vColor.x > 1.0f )
vColor.x = 1.0f;
if( vColor.y < 0.0f )
vColor.y = 0.0f;
if( vColor.y > 1.0f )
vColor.y = 1.0f;
if( vColor.z < 0.0f )
vColor.z = 0.0f;
if( vColor.z > 1.0f )
vColor.z = 1.0f;*/
if( pFakeLight == NULL )
pFakeLight = effects->CL_AllocElight( 0 ); //is there a difference between DLight and ELight when only lighting ents?
if( pFakeLight != NULL ) //be absolutely sure that light allocation hasn't failed
if( bLocalToRemote )
//local light is greater, fake at remote portal
pRemote->TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight = pFakeLight;
pFakeLight->key = pRemote->index;
//remote light is greater, fake at local portal
TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight = pFakeLight;
pFakeLight->key = index;
pFakeLight->die = gpGlobals->curtime + 1e10;
pFakeLight->minlight = 0.0f;
pFakeLight->radius = 500.0f;
pFakeLight->m_InnerAngle = 0.0f; //r_portal_light_innerangle.GetFloat();
pFakeLight->m_OuterAngle = 120.0f; //r_portal_light_outerangle.GetFloat();
pFakeLight->style = 0;
pFakeLight->origin = ptLightOrigin;
pFakeLight->m_Direction = vLightForward;
pFakeLight->color.r = vClampedColor.x * 255;
pFakeLight->color.g = vClampedColor.y * 255;
pFakeLight->color.b = vClampedColor.z * 255;
pFakeLight->color.exponent = ((signed int)(((*((unsigned int *)(&fColorScale))) & 0x7F800000) >> 23)) - 125; //strip the exponent from our maximum color
//if( pFakeLight->color.exponent < 4 )
// pFakeLight->color.exponent = 4;
render->TouchLight( pFakeLight );
FlashlightState_t state;
state.m_NearZ = 4.0f;
state.m_FarZ = 500.0f;
state.m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0;
state.m_pSpotlightTexture = PortalDrawingMaterials::PortalLightTransfer_ShadowTexture;
state.m_fConstantAtten = 0.0f;
state.m_fLinearAtten = 500.0f;
state.m_fQuadraticAtten = 0.0f;
state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = 120.0f;
state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = 120.0f;
state.m_bEnableShadows = false;
state.m_vecLightOrigin = ptLightOrigin;
Vector vLightRight, vLightUp( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
if( fabs( DotProduct( vLightUp, vLightForward ) ) > 0.99f )
vLightUp.Init( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); // Don't want vLightUp and vLightForward to be parallel
CrossProduct( vLightUp, vLightForward, vLightRight );
VectorNormalize( vLightRight );
CrossProduct( vLightForward, vLightRight, vLightUp );
VectorNormalize( vLightUp );
BasisToQuaternion( vLightForward, vLightRight, vLightUp, state.m_quatOrientation );
state.m_Color[0] = vColor.x * 0.35f;
state.m_Color[1] = vColor.y * 0.35f;
state.m_Color[2] = vColor.z * 0.35f;
state.m_Color[3] = 1.0f;
g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateFlashlightState( ShadowHandle, state ); //simpler update for existing handle
g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateProjectedTexture( ShadowHandle, true );
ShadowHandle = g_pClientShadowMgr->CreateFlashlight( state );
g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateProjectedTexture( ShadowHandle, true );
if( bLocalToRemote )
pRemote->TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle = ShadowHandle;
TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle = ShadowHandle;
g_pPortalRender->RemovePortal( this );
if( TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight )
TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight->die = gpGlobals->curtime;
TransformedLighting.m_pEntityLight = NULL;
if( TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle != CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE )
g_pClientShadowMgr->DestroyFlashlight( TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle );
TransformedLighting.m_LightShadowHandle = CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE;
if( (PreDataChanged.m_hLinkedTo.Get() != m_hLinkedPortal.Get()) && m_hLinkedPortal.Get() )
m_PortalSimulator.AttachTo( &m_hLinkedPortal.Get()->m_PortalSimulator );
BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType );
if( bNewLinkage || bPortalMoved )
PortalMoved(); //updates link matrix and internals
if ( bPortalMoved )
if( bPortalMoved || bNewLinkage )
if( pRemote )
void C_Prop_Portal::UpdateGhostRenderables( void )
//lastly, update all ghost renderables
for( int i = m_GhostRenderables.Count(); --i >= 0; )
m_GhostRenderables[i]->m_matGhostTransform = m_matrixThisToLinked;;
extern ConVar building_cubemaps;
int C_Prop_Portal::DrawModel( int flags )
// Don't draw in cube maps because it makes an ugly colored splotch
if( m_bActivated == false || building_cubemaps.GetBool() )
return 0;
int iRetVal = 0;
C_Prop_Portal *pLinkedPortal = m_hLinkedPortal.Get();
if ( pLinkedPortal == NULL )
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); // we need this to help fade out
if ( !g_pPortalRender->ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() )
if( WillUseDepthDoublerThisDraw() )
m_fSecondaryStaticAmount = 0.0f;
iRetVal = BaseClass::DrawModel( flags );
return iRetVal;
// Handle recording for the SFM
void C_Prop_Portal::GetToolRecordingState( KeyValues *msg )
if ( !ToolsEnabled() )
VPROF_BUDGET( "C_Prop_Portal::GetToolRecordingState", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_TOOLS );
BaseClass::GetToolRecordingState( m_bActivated, msg );
if ( !m_bActivated )
BaseEntityRecordingState_t *pBaseEntity = (BaseEntityRecordingState_t*)msg->GetPtr( "baseentity" );
pBaseEntity->m_bVisible = false;
void C_Prop_Portal::UpdateOriginPlane( void )
//setup our origin plane
GetVectors( &m_plane_Origin.normal, NULL, NULL );
m_plane_Origin.dist = m_plane_Origin.normal.Dot( GetAbsOrigin() );
m_plane_Origin.signbits = SignbitsForPlane( &m_plane_Origin );
Vector vAbsNormal;
vAbsNormal.x = fabs(m_plane_Origin.normal.x);
vAbsNormal.y = fabs(m_plane_Origin.normal.y);
vAbsNormal.z = fabs(m_plane_Origin.normal.z);
if( vAbsNormal.x > vAbsNormal.y )
if( vAbsNormal.x > vAbsNormal.z )
if( vAbsNormal.x > 0.999f )
m_plane_Origin.type = PLANE_X;
m_plane_Origin.type = PLANE_ANYX;
if( vAbsNormal.z > 0.999f )
m_plane_Origin.type = PLANE_Z;
m_plane_Origin.type = PLANE_ANYZ;
if( vAbsNormal.y > vAbsNormal.z )
if( vAbsNormal.y > 0.999f )
m_plane_Origin.type = PLANE_Y;
m_plane_Origin.type = PLANE_ANYY;
if( vAbsNormal.z > 0.999f )
m_plane_Origin.type = PLANE_Z;
m_plane_Origin.type = PLANE_ANYZ;
void C_Prop_Portal::SetIsPortal2( bool bValue )
m_bIsPortal2 = bValue;
bool C_Prop_Portal::IsActivedAndLinked( void ) const
return ( m_bActivated && m_hLinkedPortal.Get() != NULL );