2020-11-04 04:02:29 +03:00
# include "queue.h"
# include "filters.h"
# include <deque>
//! Message Queue
class CRYPTOPP_DLL MessageQueue : public AutoSignaling < BufferedTransformation >
public :
MessageQueue ( unsigned int nodeSize = 256 ) ;
void IsolatedInitialize ( const NameValuePairs & parameters )
{ m_queue . IsolatedInitialize ( parameters ) ; m_lengths . assign ( 1 , 0U ) ; m_messageCounts . assign ( 1 , 0U ) ; }
size_t Put2 ( const byte * begin , size_t length , int messageEnd , bool blocking )
m_queue . Put ( begin , length ) ;
m_lengths . back ( ) + = length ;
if ( messageEnd )
m_lengths . push_back ( 0 ) ;
m_messageCounts . back ( ) + + ;
return 0 ;
bool IsolatedFlush ( bool hardFlush , bool blocking ) { return false ; }
bool IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd ( bool blocking )
{ m_messageCounts . push_back ( 0 ) ; return false ; }
lword MaxRetrievable ( ) const
{ return m_lengths . front ( ) ; }
bool AnyRetrievable ( ) const
{ return m_lengths . front ( ) > 0 ; }
size_t TransferTo2 ( BufferedTransformation & target , lword & transferBytes , const std : : string & channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL , bool blocking = true ) ;
size_t CopyRangeTo2 ( BufferedTransformation & target , lword & begin , lword end = LWORD_MAX , const std : : string & channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL , bool blocking = true ) const ;
lword TotalBytesRetrievable ( ) const
{ return m_queue . MaxRetrievable ( ) ; }
unsigned int NumberOfMessages ( ) const
{ return ( unsigned int ) m_lengths . size ( ) - 1 ; }
bool GetNextMessage ( ) ;
unsigned int NumberOfMessagesInThisSeries ( ) const
{ return m_messageCounts [ 0 ] ; }
unsigned int NumberOfMessageSeries ( ) const
{ return ( unsigned int ) m_messageCounts . size ( ) - 1 ; }
unsigned int CopyMessagesTo ( BufferedTransformation & target , unsigned int count = UINT_MAX , const std : : string & channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL ) const ;
const byte * Spy ( size_t & contiguousSize ) const ;
void swap ( MessageQueue & rhs ) ;
private :
ByteQueue m_queue ;
std : : deque < lword > m_lengths ;
std : : deque < unsigned int > m_messageCounts ;
} ;
//! A filter that checks messages on two channels for equality
class CRYPTOPP_DLL EqualityComparisonFilter : public Unflushable < Multichannel < Filter > >
public :
struct MismatchDetected : public Exception { MismatchDetected ( ) : Exception ( DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED , " EqualityComparisonFilter: did not receive the same data on two channels " ) { } } ;
/*! if throwIfNotEqual is false, this filter will output a '\\0' byte when it detects a mismatch, '\\1' otherwise */
EqualityComparisonFilter ( BufferedTransformation * attachment = NULL , bool throwIfNotEqual = true , const std : : string & firstChannel = " 0 " , const std : : string & secondChannel = " 1 " )
: m_throwIfNotEqual ( throwIfNotEqual ) , m_mismatchDetected ( false )
, m_firstChannel ( firstChannel ) , m_secondChannel ( secondChannel )
{ Detach ( attachment ) ; }
size_t ChannelPut2 ( const std : : string & channel , const byte * begin , size_t length , int messageEnd , bool blocking ) ;
bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd ( const std : : string & channel , int propagation = - 1 , bool blocking = true ) ;
private :
unsigned int MapChannel ( const std : : string & channel ) const ;
bool HandleMismatchDetected ( bool blocking ) ;
bool m_throwIfNotEqual , m_mismatchDetected ;
std : : string m_firstChannel , m_secondChannel ;
MessageQueue m_q [ 2 ] ;
} ;
# ifndef __BORLANDC__
template < > inline void swap ( CryptoPP : : MessageQueue & a , CryptoPP : : MessageQueue & b )
a . swap ( b ) ;
# endif
# endif