Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "engine/ivmodelinfo.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "gl_model_private.h"
#include "modelloader.h"
#include "l_studio.h"
#include "cmodel_engine.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "lightcache.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "gl_rsurf.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "utlhashtable.h"
#include "utlsymbol.h"
#include "ModelInfo.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h" // for Lock()
#ifndef SWDS
#include "demo.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Gets the lighting center
static void R_StudioGetLightingCenter( IClientRenderable *pRenderable, studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr, const Vector& origin,
const QAngle &angles, Vector* pLightingOrigin )
Assert( pLightingOrigin );
matrix3x4_t matrix;
AngleMatrix( angles, origin, matrix );
R_ComputeLightingOrigin( pRenderable, pStudioHdr, matrix, *pLightingOrigin );
static int R_StudioBodyVariations( studiohdr_t *pstudiohdr )
mstudiobodyparts_t *pbodypart;
int i, count;
if ( !pstudiohdr )
return 0;
count = 1;
pbodypart = pstudiohdr->pBodypart( 0 );
// Each body part has nummodels variations so there are as many total variations as there
// are in a matrix of each part by each other part
for ( i = 0; i < pstudiohdr->numbodyparts; i++ )
count = count * pbodypart[i].nummodels;
return count;
static int ModelFrameCount( model_t *model )
int count = 1;
if ( !model )
return count;
if ( model->type == mod_sprite )
return model->sprite.numframes;
else if ( model->type == mod_studio )
count = R_StudioBodyVariations( ( studiohdr_t * )modelloader->GetExtraData( model ) );
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1;
return count;
// private extension of CNetworkStringTable to correct lack of Lock retval
class CNetworkStringTable_LockOverride : public CNetworkStringTable
CNetworkStringTable_LockOverride(); // no impl
~CNetworkStringTable_LockOverride(); // no impl
CNetworkStringTable_LockOverride(const CNetworkStringTable_LockOverride &); // no impl
CNetworkStringTable_LockOverride& operator=(const CNetworkStringTable_LockOverride &); // no impl
bool LockWithRetVal( bool bLock ) { bool bWasLocked = m_bLocked; Lock(bLock); return bWasLocked; }
// shared implementation of IVModelInfo
abstract_class CModelInfo : public IVModelInfoClient
// GetModel, RegisterDynamicModel(name) are in CModelInfoClient/CModelInfoServer
virtual int GetModelIndex( const char *name ) const;
virtual int GetModelClientSideIndex( const char *name ) const;
virtual bool RegisterModelLoadCallback( int modelindex, IModelLoadCallback* pCallback, bool bCallImmediatelyIfLoaded );
virtual void UnregisterModelLoadCallback( int modelindex, IModelLoadCallback* pCallback );
virtual bool IsDynamicModelLoading( int modelIndex );
virtual void AddRefDynamicModel( int modelIndex );
virtual void ReleaseDynamicModel( int modelIndex );
virtual void OnLevelChange();
virtual const char *GetModelName( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual void GetModelBounds( const model_t *model, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) const;
virtual void GetModelRenderBounds( const model_t *model, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) const;
virtual int GetModelFrameCount( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual int GetModelType( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual void *GetModelExtraData( const model_t *model );
virtual bool ModelHasMaterialProxy( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual bool IsTranslucent( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual bool IsModelVertexLit( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual bool IsTranslucentTwoPass( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual void RecomputeTranslucency( const model_t *model, int nSkin, int nBody, void /*IClientRenderable*/ *pClientRenderable, float fInstanceAlphaModulate);
virtual int GetModelMaterialCount( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual void GetModelMaterials( const model_t *model, int count, IMaterial** ppMaterials );
virtual void GetIlluminationPoint( const model_t *model, IClientRenderable *pRenderable, const Vector& origin,
const QAngle& angles, Vector* pLightingOrigin );
virtual int GetModelContents( int modelIndex );
vcollide_t *GetVCollide( const model_t *model );
vcollide_t *GetVCollide( int modelIndex );
virtual const char *GetModelKeyValueText( const model_t *model );
virtual bool GetModelKeyValue( const model_t *model, CUtlBuffer &buf );
virtual float GetModelRadius( const model_t *model );
virtual studiohdr_t *GetStudiomodel( const model_t *mod );
virtual int GetModelSpriteWidth( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual int GetModelSpriteHeight( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual const studiohdr_t *FindModel( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, void **cache, char const *modelname ) const;
virtual const studiohdr_t *FindModel( void *cache ) const;
virtual virtualmodel_t *GetVirtualModel( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) const;
virtual byte *GetAnimBlock( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, int iBlock ) const;
byte *LoadAnimBlock( model_t *model, const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, int iBlock, cache_user_t *cache ) const;
// NOTE: These aren't in the server version, but putting them here makes this code easier to write
// Sets/gets a map-specified fade range
virtual void SetLevelScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize ) {}
virtual void GetLevelScreenFadeRange( float *pMinArea, float *pMaxArea ) const { *pMinArea = 0; *pMaxArea = 0; }
// Sets/gets a map-specified per-view fade range
virtual void SetViewScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize ) {}
// Computes fade alpha based on distance fade + screen fade
virtual unsigned char ComputeLevelScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale ) const { return 0; }
virtual unsigned char ComputeViewScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale ) const { return 0; }
int GetAutoplayList( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, unsigned short **pAutoplayList ) const;
CPhysCollide *GetCollideForVirtualTerrain( int index );
virtual int GetSurfacepropsForVirtualTerrain( int index ) { return CM_SurfacepropsForDisp(index); }
virtual bool IsUsingFBTexture( const model_t *model, int nSkin, int nBody, void /*IClientRenderable*/ *pClientRenderable ) const;
virtual MDLHandle_t GetCacheHandle( const model_t *model ) const { return ( model->type == mod_studio ) ? model->studio : MDLHANDLE_INVALID; }
// Returns planes of non-nodraw brush model surfaces
virtual int GetBrushModelPlaneCount( const model_t *model ) const;
virtual void GetBrushModelPlane( const model_t *model, int nIndex, cplane_t &plane, Vector *pOrigin ) const;
static int CLIENTSIDE_TO_MODEL( int i ) { return i >= 0 ? (-2 - (i*2 + 1)) : -1; }
static int NETDYNAMIC_TO_MODEL( int i ) { return i >= 0 ? (-2 - (i*2)) : -1; }
static int MODEL_TO_CLIENTSIDE( int i ) { return ( i <= -2 && (i & 1) ) ? (-2 - i) >> 1 : -1; }
static int MODEL_TO_NETDYNAMIC( int i ) { return ( i <= -2 && !(i & 1) ) ? (-2 - i) >> 1 : -1; }
model_t *LookupDynamicModel( int i );
virtual INetworkStringTable *GetDynamicModelStringTable() const = 0;
virtual int LookupPrecachedModelIndex( const char *name ) const = 0;
void GrowNetworkedDynamicModels( int netidx )
if ( m_NetworkedDynamicModels.Count() <= netidx )
int origCount = m_NetworkedDynamicModels.Count();
m_NetworkedDynamicModels.SetCountNonDestructively( netidx + 1 );
for ( int i = origCount; i <= netidx; ++i )
m_NetworkedDynamicModels[i] = NULL;
// Networked dynamic model indices are lookup indices for this vector
CUtlVector< model_t* > m_NetworkedDynamicModels;
struct ModelFileHandleHash
uint operator()( model_t *p ) const { return Mix32HashFunctor()( (uint32)( p->fnHandle ) ); }
uint operator()( FileNameHandle_t fn ) const { return Mix32HashFunctor()( (uint32) fn ); }
struct ModelFileHandleEq
bool operator()( model_t *a, model_t *b ) const { return a == b; }
bool operator()( model_t *a, FileNameHandle_t b ) const { return a->fnHandle == b; }
// Client-only dynamic model indices are iterators into this struct (only populated by CModelInfoClient subclass)
CUtlStableHashtable< model_t*, empty_t, ModelFileHandleHash, ModelFileHandleEq, int16, FileNameHandle_t > m_ClientDynamicModels;
int CModelInfo::GetModelIndex( const char *name ) const
if ( !name )
return -1;
// Order of preference: precached, networked, client-only.
int nIndex = LookupPrecachedModelIndex( name );
if ( nIndex != -1 )
return nIndex;
INetworkStringTable* pTable = GetDynamicModelStringTable();
if ( pTable )
int netdyn = pTable->FindStringIndex( name );
if ( netdyn != INVALID_STRING_INDEX )
Assert( !m_NetworkedDynamicModels.IsValidIndex( netdyn ) || V_strcmp( m_NetworkedDynamicModels[netdyn]->strName, name ) == 0 );
return NETDYNAMIC_TO_MODEL( netdyn );
#if defined( DEMO_BACKWARDCOMPATABILITY ) && !defined( SWDS )
// dynamic model tables in old system did not have a full path with "models/" prefix
if ( V_strnicmp( name, "models/", 7 ) == 0 && demoplayer && demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() && demoplayer->GetProtocolVersion() < PROTOCOL_VERSION_20 )
netdyn = pTable->FindStringIndex( name + 7 );
if ( netdyn != INVALID_STRING_INDEX )
Assert( !m_NetworkedDynamicModels.IsValidIndex( netdyn ) || V_strcmp( m_NetworkedDynamicModels[netdyn]->strName, name ) == 0 );
return NETDYNAMIC_TO_MODEL( netdyn );
return GetModelClientSideIndex( name );
int CModelInfo::GetModelClientSideIndex( const char *name ) const
if ( m_ClientDynamicModels.Count() != 0 )
FileNameHandle_t file = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFileName( name );
UtlHashHandle_t h = m_ClientDynamicModels.Find( file );
if ( h != m_ClientDynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
Assert( V_strcmp( m_ClientDynamicModels[h]->strName, name ) == 0 );
return -1;
model_t *CModelInfo::LookupDynamicModel( int i )
Assert( IsDynamicModelIndex( i ) );
if ( IsClientOnlyModelIndex( i ) )
UtlHashHandle_t h = (UtlHashHandle_t) MODEL_TO_CLIENTSIDE( i );
return m_ClientDynamicModels.IsValidHandle( h ) ? m_ClientDynamicModels[ h ] : NULL;
int netidx = MODEL_TO_NETDYNAMIC( i );
if ( m_NetworkedDynamicModels.IsValidIndex( netidx ) && m_NetworkedDynamicModels[ netidx ] )
return m_NetworkedDynamicModels[ netidx ];
INetworkStringTable *pTable = GetDynamicModelStringTable();
if ( pTable && (uint) netidx < (uint) pTable->GetNumStrings() )
GrowNetworkedDynamicModels( netidx );
const char *name = pTable->GetString( netidx );
#if defined( DEMO_BACKWARDCOMPATABILITY ) && !defined( SWDS )
// dynamic model tables in old system did not have a full path with "models/" prefix
char fixupBuf[MAX_PATH];
if ( V_strnicmp( name, "models/", 7 ) != 0 && demoplayer && demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() && demoplayer->GetProtocolVersion() < PROTOCOL_VERSION_20 )
V_snprintf( fixupBuf, MAX_PATH, "models/%s", name );
name = fixupBuf;
model_t *pModel = modelloader->GetDynamicModel( name, false );
m_NetworkedDynamicModels[ netidx ] = pModel;
return pModel;
return NULL;
bool CModelInfo::RegisterModelLoadCallback( int modelIndex, IModelLoadCallback* pCallback, bool bCallImmediatelyIfLoaded )
const model_t *pModel = GetModel( modelIndex );
Assert( pModel );
if ( pModel && IsDynamicModelIndex( modelIndex ) )
return modelloader->RegisterModelLoadCallback( const_cast< model_t *>( pModel ), IsClientOnlyModelIndex( modelIndex ), pCallback, bCallImmediatelyIfLoaded );
else if ( pModel && bCallImmediatelyIfLoaded )
pCallback->OnModelLoadComplete( pModel );
return true;
return false;
void CModelInfo::UnregisterModelLoadCallback( int modelIndex, IModelLoadCallback* pCallback )
if ( modelIndex == -1 )
modelloader->UnregisterModelLoadCallback( NULL, false, pCallback );
modelloader->UnregisterModelLoadCallback( NULL, true, pCallback );
else if ( IsDynamicModelIndex( modelIndex ) )
const model_t *pModel = LookupDynamicModel( modelIndex );
Assert( pModel );
if ( pModel )
modelloader->UnregisterModelLoadCallback( const_cast< model_t *>( pModel ), IsClientOnlyModelIndex( modelIndex ), pCallback );
bool CModelInfo::IsDynamicModelLoading( int modelIndex )
model_t *pModel = LookupDynamicModel( modelIndex );
return pModel && modelloader->IsDynamicModelLoading( pModel, IsClientOnlyModelIndex( modelIndex ) );
void CModelInfo::AddRefDynamicModel( int modelIndex )
if ( IsDynamicModelIndex( modelIndex ) )
model_t *pModel = LookupDynamicModel( modelIndex );
Assert( pModel );
if ( pModel )
modelloader->AddRefDynamicModel( pModel, IsClientOnlyModelIndex( modelIndex ) );
void CModelInfo::ReleaseDynamicModel( int modelIndex )
if ( IsDynamicModelIndex( modelIndex ) )
model_t *pModel = LookupDynamicModel( modelIndex );
Assert( pModel );
if ( pModel )
modelloader->ReleaseDynamicModel( pModel, IsClientOnlyModelIndex( modelIndex ) );
void CModelInfo::OnLevelChange()
// Network string table has reset
// Force-unload any server-side models
const char *CModelInfo::GetModelName( const model_t *pModel ) const
if ( !pModel )
return "?";
return modelloader->GetName( pModel );
void CModelInfo::GetModelBounds( const model_t *model, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) const
VectorCopy( model->mins, mins );
VectorCopy( model->maxs, maxs );
void CModelInfo::GetModelRenderBounds( const model_t *model, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) const
if (!model)
switch( model->type )
case mod_studio:
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = ( studiohdr_t * )modelloader->GetExtraData( (model_t*)model );
Assert( pStudioHdr );
// NOTE: We're not looking at the sequence box here, although we could
if (!VectorCompare( vec3_origin, pStudioHdr->view_bbmin ) || !VectorCompare( vec3_origin, pStudioHdr->view_bbmax ))
// clipping bounding box
VectorCopy ( pStudioHdr->view_bbmin, mins);
VectorCopy ( pStudioHdr->view_bbmax, maxs);
// movement bounding box
VectorCopy ( pStudioHdr->hull_min, mins);
VectorCopy ( pStudioHdr->hull_max, maxs);
case mod_brush:
VectorCopy( model->mins, mins );
VectorCopy( model->maxs, maxs );
mins.Init( 0, 0, 0 );
maxs.Init( 0, 0, 0 );
int CModelInfo::GetModelSpriteWidth( const model_t *model ) const
// We must be a sprite to make this query
if ( model->type != mod_sprite )
return 0;
return model->sprite.width;
int CModelInfo::GetModelSpriteHeight( const model_t *model ) const
// We must be a sprite to make this query
if ( model->type != mod_sprite )
return 0;
return model->sprite.height;
int CModelInfo::GetModelFrameCount( const model_t *model ) const
return ModelFrameCount( ( model_t *)model );
int CModelInfo::GetModelType( const model_t *model ) const
if ( !model )
return -1;
if ( model->type == mod_bad )
if ( m_ClientDynamicModels.Find( (model_t*) model ) != m_ClientDynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
return mod_studio;
INetworkStringTable* pTable = GetDynamicModelStringTable();
if ( pTable && pTable->FindStringIndex( model->strName ) != INVALID_STRING_INDEX )
return mod_studio;
#if defined( DEMO_BACKWARDCOMPATABILITY ) && !defined( SWDS )
// dynamic model tables in old system did not have a full path with "models/" prefix
if ( pTable && demoplayer && demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() && demoplayer->GetProtocolVersion() < PROTOCOL_VERSION_20 &&
V_strnicmp( model->strName, "models/", 7 ) == 0 && pTable->FindStringIndex( model->strName + 7 ) != INVALID_STRING_INDEX )
return mod_studio;
return model->type;
void *CModelInfo::GetModelExtraData( const model_t *model )
return modelloader->GetExtraData( (model_t *)model );
// Purpose: Translate "cache" pointer into model_t, or lookup model by name
const studiohdr_t *CModelInfo::FindModel( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, void **cache, char const *modelname ) const
const model_t *model = (model_t *)*cache;
if (!model)
// FIXME: what do I pass in here?
model = modelloader->GetModelForName( modelname, IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_SERVER );
*cache = (void *)model;
return (const studiohdr_t *)modelloader->GetExtraData( (model_t *)model );
// Purpose: Translate "cache" pointer into model_t
const studiohdr_t *CModelInfo::FindModel( void *cache ) const
return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( (MDLHandle_t)(int)cache&0xffff );
// Purpose: Return virtualmodel_t block associated with model_t
virtualmodel_t *CModelInfo::GetVirtualModel( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) const
MDLHandle_t handle = (MDLHandle_t)(int)pStudioHdr->virtualModel&0xffff;
return g_pMDLCache->GetVirtualModelFast( pStudioHdr, handle );
// Purpose:
byte *CModelInfo::GetAnimBlock( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, int nBlock ) const
MDLHandle_t handle = (MDLHandle_t)(int)pStudioHdr->virtualModel&0xffff;
return g_pMDLCache->GetAnimBlock( handle, nBlock );
int CModelInfo::GetAutoplayList( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, unsigned short **pAutoplayList ) const
MDLHandle_t handle = (MDLHandle_t)(int)pStudioHdr->virtualModel&0xffff;
return g_pMDLCache->GetAutoplayList( handle, pAutoplayList );
// Purpose: bind studiohdr_t support functions to engine
// FIXME: This should be moved into studio.cpp?
const studiohdr_t *studiohdr_t::FindModel( void **cache, char const *pModelName ) const
MDLHandle_t handle = g_pMDLCache->FindMDL( pModelName );
*cache = (void*)(uintp)handle;
return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( handle );
virtualmodel_t *studiohdr_t::GetVirtualModel( void ) const
if ( numincludemodels == 0 )
return NULL;
return g_pMDLCache->GetVirtualModelFast( this, (MDLHandle_t)(int)virtualModel&0xffff );
byte *studiohdr_t::GetAnimBlock( int i ) const
return g_pMDLCache->GetAnimBlock( (MDLHandle_t)(int)virtualModel&0xffff, i );
int studiohdr_t::GetAutoplayList( unsigned short **pOut ) const
return g_pMDLCache->GetAutoplayList( (MDLHandle_t)(int)virtualModel&0xffff, pOut );
const studiohdr_t *virtualgroup_t::GetStudioHdr( void ) const
return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( (MDLHandle_t)(int)cache&0xffff );
// Purpose:
bool CModelInfo::ModelHasMaterialProxy( const model_t *model ) const
// Should we add skin & model to this function like IsUsingFBTexture()?
return (model && (model->flags & MODELFLAG_MATERIALPROXY));
bool CModelInfo::IsTranslucent( const model_t *model ) const
return (model && (model->flags & MODELFLAG_TRANSLUCENT));
bool CModelInfo::IsModelVertexLit( const model_t *model ) const
// Should we add skin & model to this function like IsUsingFBTexture()?
return (model && (model->flags & MODELFLAG_VERTEXLIT));
bool CModelInfo::IsTranslucentTwoPass( const model_t *model ) const
return (model && (model->flags & MODELFLAG_TRANSLUCENT_TWOPASS));
bool CModelInfo::IsUsingFBTexture( const model_t *model, int nSkin, int nBody, void /*IClientRenderable*/ *pClientRenderable ) const
bool bMightUseFbTextureThisFrame = (model && (model->flags & MODELFLAG_STUDIOHDR_USES_FB_TEXTURE));
if ( bMightUseFbTextureThisFrame )
// Check each material's NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture() virtual func
switch( model->type )
case mod_brush:
for (int i = 0; i < model->brush.nummodelsurfaces; ++i)
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( model->brush.firstmodelsurface+i, model->brush.pShared );
IMaterial* material = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID, model->brush.pShared )->material;
if ( material != NULL )
if ( material->NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture() )
return true;
case mod_studio:
IMaterial *pMaterials[ 128 ];
int materialCount = g_pStudioRender->GetMaterialListFromBodyAndSkin( model->studio, nSkin, nBody, ARRAYSIZE( pMaterials ), pMaterials );
for ( int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++ )
if ( pMaterials[i] != NULL )
// Bind material first so all material proxies execute
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterials[i], pClientRenderable );
if ( pMaterials[i]->NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture() )
return true;
return false;
void CModelInfo::RecomputeTranslucency( const model_t *model, int nSkin, int nBody, void /*IClientRenderable*/ *pClientRenderable, float fInstanceAlphaModulate )
if ( model != NULL )
Mod_RecomputeTranslucency( (model_t *)model, nSkin, nBody, pClientRenderable, fInstanceAlphaModulate );
int CModelInfo::GetModelMaterialCount( const model_t *model ) const
if (!model)
return 0;
return Mod_GetMaterialCount( (model_t *)model );
void CModelInfo::GetModelMaterials( const model_t *model, int count, IMaterial** ppMaterials )
if (model)
Mod_GetModelMaterials( (model_t *)model, count, ppMaterials );
void CModelInfo::GetIlluminationPoint( const model_t *model, IClientRenderable *pRenderable, const Vector& origin,
const QAngle& angles, Vector* pLightingOrigin )
Assert( model->type == mod_studio );
studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t*)GetModelExtraData(model);
if (pStudioHdr)
R_StudioGetLightingCenter( pRenderable, pStudioHdr, origin, angles, pLightingOrigin );
*pLightingOrigin = origin;
int CModelInfo::GetModelContents( int modelIndex )
const model_t *pModel = GetModel( modelIndex );
if ( pModel )
switch( pModel->type )
case mod_brush:
return CM_InlineModelContents( modelIndex-1 );
// BUGBUG: Studio contents?
case mod_studio:
return 0;
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
extern double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVCollideSync;
vcollide_t *CModelInfo::GetVCollide( const model_t *pModel )
if ( !pModel )
return NULL;
if ( pModel->type == mod_studio )
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
double t1 = Plat_FloatTime();
vcollide_t *col = g_pMDLCache->GetVCollide( pModel->studio );
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
double t2 = Plat_FloatTime();
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVCollideSync += ( t2 - t1 );
return col;
int i = GetModelIndex( GetModelName( pModel ) );
if ( i >= 0 )
return GetVCollide( i );
return NULL;
vcollide_t *CModelInfo::GetVCollide( int modelIndex )
// First model (index 0 )is is empty
// Second model( index 1 ) is the world, then brushes/submodels, then players, etc.
// So, we must subtract 1 from the model index to map modelindex to CM_ index
// in cmodels, 0 is the world, then brushes, etc.
if ( modelIndex < MAX_MODELS )
const model_t *pModel = GetModel( modelIndex );
if ( pModel )
switch( pModel->type )
case mod_brush:
return CM_GetVCollide( modelIndex-1 );
case mod_studio:
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
double t1 = Plat_FloatTime();
vcollide_t *col = g_pMDLCache->GetVCollide( pModel->studio );
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
double t2 = Plat_FloatTime();
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVCollideSync += ( t2 - t1 );
return col;
// we may have the cmodels loaded and not know the model/mod->type yet
return CM_GetVCollide( modelIndex-1 );
return NULL;
// Client must instantiate a KeyValues, which will be filled by this method
const char *CModelInfo::GetModelKeyValueText( const model_t *model )
if (!model || model->type != mod_studio)
return NULL;
studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( model->studio );
if (!pStudioHdr)
return NULL;
return pStudioHdr->KeyValueText();
bool CModelInfo::GetModelKeyValue( const model_t *model, CUtlBuffer &buf )
if (!model || model->type != mod_studio)
return false;
studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( model->studio );
if (!pStudioHdr)
return false;
if ( pStudioHdr->numincludemodels == 0)
buf.PutString( pStudioHdr->KeyValueText() );
return true;
virtualmodel_t *pVM = GetVirtualModel( pStudioHdr );
if (pVM)
for (int i = 0; i < pVM->m_group.Count(); i++)
const studiohdr_t* pSubStudioHdr = pVM->m_group[i].GetStudioHdr();
if (pSubStudioHdr && pSubStudioHdr->KeyValueText())
buf.PutString( pSubStudioHdr->KeyValueText() );
return true;
// Purpose:
// Input : *model -
// Output : float
float CModelInfo::GetModelRadius( const model_t *model )
if ( !model )
return 0.0f;
return model->radius;
// Lovely studiohdrs
studiohdr_t *CModelInfo::GetStudiomodel( const model_t *model )
if ( model->type == mod_studio )
return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( model->studio );
return NULL;
CPhysCollide *CModelInfo::GetCollideForVirtualTerrain( int index )
return CM_PhysCollideForDisp( index );
// Returns planes of non-nodraw brush model surfaces
int CModelInfo::GetBrushModelPlaneCount( const model_t *model ) const
if ( !model || model->type != mod_brush )
return 0;
return R_GetBrushModelPlaneCount( model );
void CModelInfo::GetBrushModelPlane( const model_t *model, int nIndex, cplane_t &plane, Vector *pOrigin ) const
if ( !model || model->type != mod_brush )
plane = R_GetBrushModelPlane( model, nIndex, pOrigin );
// implementation of IVModelInfo for server
class CModelInfoServer : public CModelInfo
virtual int RegisterDynamicModel( const char *name, bool bClientSideOnly );
virtual const model_t *GetModel( int modelindex );
virtual const model_t *FindOrLoadModel( const char *name );
virtual void OnDynamicModelsStringTableChange( int nStringIndex, const char *pString, const void *pData );
virtual void GetModelMaterialColorAndLighting( const model_t *model, const Vector& origin,
const QAngle& angles, trace_t* pTrace, Vector& lighting, Vector& matColor );
virtual INetworkStringTable *GetDynamicModelStringTable() const;
virtual int LookupPrecachedModelIndex( const char *name ) const;
INetworkStringTable *CModelInfoServer::GetDynamicModelStringTable() const
return sv.GetDynamicModelsTable();
int CModelInfoServer::LookupPrecachedModelIndex( const char *name ) const
return sv.LookupModelIndex( name );
int CModelInfoServer::RegisterDynamicModel( const char *name, bool bClientSide )
// Server should not know about client-side dynamic models!
Assert( !bClientSide );
if ( bClientSide )
return -1;
char buf[256];
V_strncpy( buf, name, ARRAYSIZE(buf) );
V_RemoveDotSlashes( buf, '/', true );
name = buf;
Assert( V_strnicmp( name, "models/", 7 ) == 0 && V_strstr( name, ".mdl" ) != NULL );
// Already known? bClientSide should always be false and is asserted above.
int index = GetModelIndex( name );
if ( index != -1 )
return index;
INetworkStringTable *pTable = GetDynamicModelStringTable();
Assert( pTable );
if ( !pTable )
return -1;
// Register this model with the dynamic model string table
Assert( pTable->FindStringIndex( name ) == INVALID_STRING_INDEX );
bool bWasLocked = static_cast<CNetworkStringTable_LockOverride*>( pTable )->LockWithRetVal( false );
char nIsLoaded = 0;
int netidx = pTable->AddString( true, name, 1, &nIsLoaded );
static_cast<CNetworkStringTable*>( pTable )->Lock( bWasLocked );
// And also cache the model_t* pointer at this time
GrowNetworkedDynamicModels( netidx );
m_NetworkedDynamicModels[ netidx ] = modelloader->GetDynamicModel( name, bClientSide );
Assert( MODEL_TO_NETDYNAMIC( ( short ) NETDYNAMIC_TO_MODEL( netidx ) ) == netidx );
return NETDYNAMIC_TO_MODEL( netidx );
const model_t *CModelInfoServer::GetModel( int modelindex )
if ( IsDynamicModelIndex( modelindex ) )
return LookupDynamicModel( modelindex );
return sv.GetModel( modelindex );
void CModelInfoServer::OnDynamicModelsStringTableChange( int nStringIndex, const char *pString, const void *pData )
AssertMsg( false, "CModelInfoServer::OnDynamicModelsStringTableChange should never be called" );
void CModelInfoServer::GetModelMaterialColorAndLighting( const model_t *model, const Vector& origin,
const QAngle& angles, trace_t* pTrace, Vector& lighting, Vector& matColor )
Msg( "GetModelMaterialColorAndLighting: Available on client only!\n" );
const model_t *CModelInfoServer::FindOrLoadModel( const char *name )
AssertMsg( false, "CModelInfoServer::FindOrLoadModel should never be called" );
return NULL;
static CModelInfoServer g_ModelInfoServer;
// Expose IVModelInfo to the engine
IVModelInfo *modelinfo = &g_ModelInfoServer;
#ifndef SWDS
// implementation of IVModelInfo for client
class CModelInfoClient : public CModelInfo
virtual int RegisterDynamicModel( const char *name, bool bClientSideOnly );
virtual const model_t *GetModel( int modelindex );
virtual const model_t *FindOrLoadModel( const char *name );
virtual void OnDynamicModelsStringTableChange( int nStringIndex, const char *pString, const void *pData );
// Sets/gets a map-specified fade range
virtual void SetLevelScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize );
virtual void GetLevelScreenFadeRange( float *pMinArea, float *pMaxArea ) const;
// Sets/gets a map-specified per-view fade range
virtual void SetViewScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize );
// Computes fade alpha based on distance fade + screen fade
virtual unsigned char ComputeLevelScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale ) const;
virtual unsigned char ComputeViewScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale ) const;
virtual void GetModelMaterialColorAndLighting( const model_t *model, const Vector& origin,
const QAngle& angles, trace_t* pTrace, Vector& lighting, Vector& matColor );
virtual INetworkStringTable *GetDynamicModelStringTable() const;
virtual int LookupPrecachedModelIndex( const char *name ) const;
struct ScreenFadeInfo_t
float m_flMinScreenWidth;
float m_flMaxScreenWidth;
float m_flFalloffFactor;
// Sets/gets a map-specified fade range
void SetScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize, ScreenFadeInfo_t *pFade );
unsigned char ComputeScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale, const ScreenFadeInfo_t &fade ) const;
ScreenFadeInfo_t m_LevelFade;
ScreenFadeInfo_t m_ViewFade;
INetworkStringTable *CModelInfoClient::GetDynamicModelStringTable() const
return cl.m_pDynamicModelsTable;
int CModelInfoClient::LookupPrecachedModelIndex( const char *name ) const
return cl.LookupModelIndex( name );
int CModelInfoClient::RegisterDynamicModel( const char *name, bool bClientSide )
// Clients cannot register non-client-side dynamic models!
Assert( bClientSide );
if ( !bClientSide )
return -1;
char buf[256];
V_strncpy( buf, name, ARRAYSIZE(buf) );
V_RemoveDotSlashes( buf, '/', true );
name = buf;
Assert( V_strstr( name, ".mdl" ) != NULL );
// Already known? bClientSide should always be true and is asserted above.
int index = GetModelClientSideIndex( name );
if ( index != -1 )
return index;
// Lookup (or create) model_t* and register it to get a stable iterator index
model_t* pModel = modelloader->GetDynamicModel( name, true );
Assert( pModel );
UtlHashHandle_t localidx = m_ClientDynamicModels.Insert( pModel );
Assert( m_ClientDynamicModels.Count() < ((32767 >> 1) - 2) );
Assert( MODEL_TO_CLIENTSIDE( (short) CLIENTSIDE_TO_MODEL( localidx ) ) == (int) localidx );
return CLIENTSIDE_TO_MODEL( localidx );
const model_t *CModelInfoClient::GetModel( int modelindex )
if ( IsDynamicModelIndex( modelindex ) )
return LookupDynamicModel( modelindex );
return cl.GetModel( modelindex );
void CModelInfoClient::OnDynamicModelsStringTableChange( int nStringIndex, const char *pString, const void *pData )
// Do a lookup to force an immediate insertion into our local lookup tables
model_t* pModel = LookupDynamicModel( NETDYNAMIC_TO_MODEL( nStringIndex ) );
// Notify model loader that the server-side state may have changed
bool bServerLoaded = pData ? ( *(char*)pData != 0 ) : ( g_ClientGlobalVariables.network_protocol <= PROTOCOL_VERSION_20 );
modelloader->Client_OnServerModelStateChanged( pModel, bServerLoaded );
const model_t *CModelInfoClient::FindOrLoadModel( const char *name )
// find the cached model from the server or client
const model_t *pModel = GetModel( GetModelIndex( name ) );
if ( pModel )
return pModel;
// load the model
return modelloader->GetModelForName( name, IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_CLIENTDLL );
// Sets/gets a map-specified fade range
void CModelInfoClient::SetScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize, ScreenFadeInfo_t *pFade )
pFade->m_flMinScreenWidth = flMinSize;
pFade->m_flMaxScreenWidth = flMaxSize;
if ( pFade->m_flMaxScreenWidth <= pFade->m_flMinScreenWidth )
pFade->m_flMaxScreenWidth = pFade->m_flMinScreenWidth;
if (pFade->m_flMaxScreenWidth != pFade->m_flMinScreenWidth)
pFade->m_flFalloffFactor = 255.0f / (pFade->m_flMaxScreenWidth - pFade->m_flMinScreenWidth);
pFade->m_flFalloffFactor = 255.0f;
void CModelInfoClient::SetLevelScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize )
SetScreenFadeRange( flMinSize, flMaxSize, &m_LevelFade );
void CModelInfoClient::GetLevelScreenFadeRange( float *pMinArea, float *pMaxArea ) const
*pMinArea = m_LevelFade.m_flMinScreenWidth;
*pMaxArea = m_LevelFade.m_flMaxScreenWidth;
// Sets/gets a map-specified per-view fade range
void CModelInfoClient::SetViewScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize )
SetScreenFadeRange( flMinSize, flMaxSize, &m_ViewFade );
// Computes fade alpha based on distance fade + screen fade
inline unsigned char CModelInfoClient::ComputeScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin,
float flRadius, float flFadeScale, const ScreenFadeInfo_t &fade ) const
if ( ( fade.m_flMinScreenWidth <= 0 ) || (flFadeScale <= 0.0f) )
return 255;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
float flPixelWidth = pRenderContext->ComputePixelWidthOfSphere( vecAbsOrigin, flRadius ) / flFadeScale;
unsigned char alpha = 0;
if ( flPixelWidth > fade.m_flMinScreenWidth )
if ( (fade.m_flMaxScreenWidth >= 0) && (flPixelWidth < fade.m_flMaxScreenWidth) )
int nAlpha = fade.m_flFalloffFactor * (flPixelWidth - fade.m_flMinScreenWidth);
alpha = clamp( nAlpha, 0, 255 );
alpha = 255;
return alpha;
unsigned char CModelInfoClient::ComputeLevelScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale ) const
if ( IsXbox() )
return 255;
return ComputeScreenFade( vecAbsOrigin, flRadius, flFadeScale, m_LevelFade );
unsigned char CModelInfoClient::ComputeViewScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale ) const
return ComputeScreenFade( vecAbsOrigin, flRadius, flFadeScale, m_ViewFade );
// A method to get the material color + texture coordinate
IMaterial* BrushModel_GetLightingAndMaterial( const Vector &start,
const Vector &end, Vector &diffuseLightColor, Vector &baseColor)
float textureS, textureT;
IMaterial *material;
// TEMP initialize these values until we can find why R_LightVec is not assigning values to them
textureS = 0;
textureT = 0;
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = R_LightVec( start, end, true, diffuseLightColor, &textureS, &textureT );
if( !IS_SURF_VALID( surfID ) || !MSurf_TexInfo( surfID ) )
// ConMsg( "didn't hit anything\n" );
return 0;
material = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->material;
if ( material )
material->GetLowResColorSample( textureS, textureT, baseColor.Base() );
// ConMsg( "%s: diff: %f %f %f base: %f %f %f\n", material->GetName(), diffuseLightColor[0], diffuseLightColor[1], diffuseLightColor[2], baseColor[0], baseColor[1], baseColor[2] );
return material;
void CModelInfoClient::GetModelMaterialColorAndLighting( const model_t *model, const Vector & origin,
const QAngle & angles, trace_t* pTrace, Vector& lighting, Vector& matColor )
switch( model->type )
case mod_brush:
Vector origin_l, delta, delta_l;
VectorSubtract( pTrace->endpos, pTrace->startpos, delta );
// subtract origin offset
VectorSubtract (pTrace->startpos, origin, origin_l);
// rotate start and end into the models frame of reference
if (angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2])
Vector forward, right, up;
AngleVectors (angles, &forward, &right, &up);
// transform the direction into the local space of this entity
delta_l[0] = DotProduct (delta, forward);
delta_l[1] = -DotProduct (delta, right);
delta_l[2] = DotProduct (delta, up);
VectorCopy( delta, delta_l );
Vector end_l;
VectorMA( origin_l, 1.1f, delta_l, end_l );
R_LightVecUseModel( ( model_t * )model );
BrushModel_GetLightingAndMaterial( origin_l, end_l, lighting, matColor );
case mod_studio:
// FIXME: Need some way of getting the material!
matColor.Init( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f );
// Get the lighting at the point
LightingState_t lightingState;
LightcacheGetDynamic_Stats stats;
// Convert the light parameters into something studiorender can digest
LightDesc_t desc[MAXLOCALLIGHTS];
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lightingState.numlights; ++i)
if (WorldLightToMaterialLight( lightingState.locallight[i], desc[count] ))
// Ask studiorender to figure out the lighting
g_pStudioRender->ComputeLighting( lightingState.r_boxcolor,
count, desc, pTrace->endpos, pTrace->plane.normal, lighting );
static CModelInfoClient g_ModelInfoClient;
// Expose IVModelInfo to the engine
IVModelInfoClient *modelinfoclient = &g_ModelInfoClient;