Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1196 lines
32 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Core implementation of vgui
// $NoKeywords: $
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include <windows.h>
#include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include <vgui/VGUI.h>
#include <vgui/Dar.h>
#include <vgui/IInputInternal.h>
#include <vgui/IPanel.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/IClientPanel.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
#include <tier1/utlhandletable.h>
#include "vgui_internal.h"
#include "VPanel.h"
#include "IMessageListener.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "utllinkedlist.h"
#include "utlpriorityqueue.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#undef GetCursorPos // protected_things.h defines this, and it makes it so we can't access g_pInput->GetCursorPos.
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
static const int WARN_PANEL_NUMBER = 32768; // in DEBUG if more panels than this are created then throw an Assert, helps catch panel leaks
// Purpose: Single item in the message queue
struct MessageItem_t
KeyValues *_params; // message data
// _params->GetName() is the message name
HPanel _messageTo; // the panel this message is to be sent to
HPanel _from; // the panel this message is from (if any)
float _arrivalTime; // time at which the message should be passed on to the recipient
int _messageID; // incrementing message index
// Purpose:
bool PriorityQueueComp(const MessageItem_t& x, const MessageItem_t& y)
if (x._arrivalTime > y._arrivalTime)
return true;
else if (x._arrivalTime < y._arrivalTime)
return false;
// compare messageID's to ensure we have the messages in the correct order
return (x._messageID > y._messageID);
// Purpose: Implementation of core vgui functionality
class CVGui : public CTier3AppSystem< IVGui >
typedef CTier3AppSystem< IVGui > BaseClass;
// SRC specific stuff
// Here's where the app systems get to learn about each other
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect();
// Here's where systems can access other interfaces implemented by this object
// Returns NULL if it doesn't implement the requested interface
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName );
// Init, shutdown
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
// End of specific interface
virtual void RunFrame();
virtual void Start()
m_bRunning = true;
// signals vgui to Stop running
virtual void Stop()
m_bRunning = false;
// returns true if vgui is current active
virtual bool IsRunning()
return m_bRunning;
virtual void ShutdownMessage(unsigned int shutdownID);
// safe-pointer handle methods
virtual VPANEL AllocPanel();
virtual void FreePanel(VPANEL ipanel);
virtual HPanel PanelToHandle(VPANEL panel);
virtual VPANEL HandleToPanel(HPanel index);
virtual void MarkPanelForDeletion(VPANEL panel);
virtual void AddTickSignal(VPANEL panel, int intervalMilliseconds = 0);
virtual void AddTickSignalToHead( VPANEL panel, int intervalMilliseconds = 0 ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RemoveTickSignal(VPANEL panel );
// message pump method
virtual void PostMessage(VPANEL target, KeyValues *params, VPANEL from, float delaySeconds = 0.0f);
virtual void SetSleep( bool state ) { m_bDoSleep = state; };
virtual bool GetShouldVGuiControlSleep() { return m_bDoSleep; }
virtual void DPrintf(const char *format, ...);
virtual void DPrintf2(const char *format, ...);
virtual void SpewAllActivePanelNames();
// Creates/ destroys vgui contexts, which contains information
// about which controls have mouse + key focus, for example.
virtual HContext CreateContext();
virtual void DestroyContext( HContext context );
// Associates a particular panel with a vgui context
// Associating NULL is valid; it disconnects the panel from the context
virtual void AssociatePanelWithContext( HContext context, VPANEL pRoot );
// Activates a particular input context, use DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT
// to get the one normally used by VGUI
virtual void ActivateContext( HContext context );
// enables VR mode
virtual void SetVRMode( bool bVRMode ) OVERRIDE
m_bVRMode = bVRMode;
virtual bool GetVRMode() OVERRIDE
return m_bVRMode;
bool IsDispatchingMessages( void )
return m_InDispatcher;
// VGUI contexts
struct Context_t
HInputContext m_hInputContext;
struct Tick_t
VPanel *panel;
int interval;
int nexttick;
bool bMarkDeleted;
// Debugging
char panelname[ 64 ];
Tick_t* CreateNewTick( VPANEL panel, int intervalMilliseconds );
// Returns the current context
Context_t *GetContext( HContext context );
void PanelCreated(VPanel *panel);
void PanelDeleted(VPanel *panel);
bool DispatchMessages();
void DestroyAllContexts( );
void ClearMessageQueues();
inline bool IsReentrant() const
return m_nReentrancyCount > 0;
// safe panel handle stuff
CUtlHandleTable< VPanel, 20 > m_HandleTable;
int m_iCurrentMessageID;
bool m_bRunning : 1;
bool m_bDoSleep : 1;
bool m_InDispatcher : 1;
bool m_bDebugMessages : 1;
bool m_bVRMode : 1;
bool m_bCanRemoveTickSignal : 1;
int m_nReentrancyCount;
CUtlVector< Tick_t * > m_TickSignalVec;
CUtlLinkedList< Context_t > m_Contexts;
HContext m_hContext;
Context_t m_DefaultContext;
#ifdef DEBUG
int m_iDeleteCount, m_iDeletePanelCount;
// message queue. holds all vgui messages generated by windows events
CUtlLinkedList<MessageItem_t, ushort> m_MessageQueue;
// secondary message queue, holds all vgui messages generated by vgui
CUtlLinkedList<MessageItem_t, ushort> m_SecondaryQueue;
// timing queue, holds all the messages that have to arrive at a specified time
CUtlPriorityQueue<MessageItem_t> m_DelayedMessageQueue;
CVGui g_VGui;
bool IsDispatchingMessageQueue( void )
return g_VGui.IsDispatchingMessages();
namespace vgui
IVGui *g_pIVgui = &g_VGui;
// Purpose: Constructor
CVGui::CVGui() : m_DelayedMessageQueue(0, 4, PriorityQueueComp)
m_bRunning = false;
m_InDispatcher = false;
m_bDebugMessages = false;
m_bDoSleep = true;
m_bVRMode = false;
m_bCanRemoveTickSignal = true;
m_nReentrancyCount = 0;
m_DefaultContext.m_hInputContext = DEFAULT_INPUT_CONTEXT;
// Purpose: Destructor
#ifdef _DEBUG
int nCount = m_HandleTable.GetHandleCount();
int nActualCount = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
UtlHandle_t h = m_HandleTable.GetHandleFromIndex( i );
if ( m_HandleTable.IsHandleValid( h ) )
if ( nActualCount > 0 )
Msg("Memory leak: panels left in CVGui::m_PanelList: %d\n", nActualCount );
#endif // _DEBUG
// Purpose: Dumps out list of all active panels
void CVGui::SpewAllActivePanelNames()
int nCount = m_HandleTable.GetHandleCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
UtlHandle_t h = m_HandleTable.GetHandleFromIndex( i );
if ( m_HandleTable.IsHandleValid( h ) )
VPanel *pPanel = m_HandleTable.GetHandle( h );
Msg("\tpanel '%s' of type '%s' leaked\n", g_pIPanel->GetName( (VPANEL)pPanel ), ((VPanel *)pPanel)->GetClassName());
// Creates/ destroys "input" contexts, which contains information
// about which controls have mouse + key focus, for example.
HContext CVGui::CreateContext()
HContext i = m_Contexts.AddToTail();
m_Contexts[i].m_hInputContext = g_pInput->CreateInputContext();
return i;
void CVGui::DestroyContext( HContext context )
Assert( context != DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT );
if ( m_hContext == context )
ActivateContext( DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT );
g_pInput->DestroyInputContext( GetContext(context)->m_hInputContext );
void CVGui::DestroyAllContexts( )
HContext next;
HContext i = m_Contexts.Head();
while (i != m_Contexts.InvalidIndex())
next = m_Contexts.Next(i);
DestroyContext( i );
i = next;
// Returns the current context
CVGui::Context_t *CVGui::GetContext( HContext context )
if (context == DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT)
return &m_DefaultContext;
return &m_Contexts[context];
// Associates a particular panel with a context
// Associating NULL is valid; it disconnects the panel from the context
void CVGui::AssociatePanelWithContext( HContext context, VPANEL pRoot )
Assert( context != DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT );
g_pInput->AssociatePanelWithInputContext( GetContext(context)->m_hInputContext, pRoot );
// Activates a particular context, use DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT
// to get the one normally used by VGUI
void CVGui::ActivateContext( HContext context )
Assert( (context == DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT) || m_Contexts.IsValidIndex(context) );
if ( m_hContext != context )
// Clear out any messages queues that may be full...
if ( !IsReentrant() )
m_hContext = context;
g_pInput->ActivateInputContext( GetContext(m_hContext)->m_hInputContext );
if ( context != DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT && !IsReentrant() )
g_pInput->RunFrame( );
// Purpose: Runs a single vgui frame, pumping all message to panels
void CVGui::RunFrame()
// NOTE: This can happen when running in Maya waiting for modal dialogs
bool bIsReentrant = m_InDispatcher;
if ( bIsReentrant )
#ifdef DEBUG
// memory allocation debug helper
// DPrintf( "Delete Count:%i,%i\n", m_iDeleteCount, m_iDeletePanelCount );
// m_iDeleteCount = m_iDeletePanelCount = 0;
// this will generate all key and mouse events as well as make a real repaint
VPROF( "surface()->RunFrame()" );
// give the system a chance to process
VPROF( "system()->RunFrame()" );
// update cursor positions
if ( IsPC() && !IsReentrant() )
VPROF( "update cursor positions" );
int cursorX, cursorY;
g_pInput->GetCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY);
// this does the actual work given a x,y and a surface
g_pInput->UpdateMouseFocus(cursorX, cursorY);
if ( !bIsReentrant )
VPROF( "input()->RunFrame()" );
// messenging
if ( !bIsReentrant )
VPROF( "messaging" );
// send all the messages waiting in the queue
// Do the OnTicks before purging messages, since in previous code they were posted after dispatch and wouldn't hit
// until next frame
int time = g_pSystem->GetTimeMillis();
m_bCanRemoveTickSignal = false;
tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s - Ticks", __FUNCTION__ );
// directly invoke tick all who asked to be ticked
int count = m_TickSignalVec.Count();
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
Tick_t *t = m_TickSignalVec[i];
if ( t->bMarkDeleted )
if ( t->interval != 0 )
if ( time < t->nexttick )
t->nexttick = time + t->interval;
tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s - Ticks: %s", __FUNCTION__, t->panel->Client()->GetName() );
m_bCanRemoveTickSignal = true;
// get count again. panels could be added to tick vector in OnTick
count = m_TickSignalVec.Count();
// Remove all panels that tried to remove tick in OnTick
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
Tick_t *t = m_TickSignalVec[i];
if ( t->bMarkDeleted )
m_TickSignalVec.Remove( i );
delete t;
VPROF( "SolveTraverse" );
// make sure the hierarchy is up to date
#ifdef WIN32
Assert( IsX360() || ( IsPC() && _heapchk() == _HEAPOK ) );
if ( bIsReentrant )
// Purpose:
VPANEL CVGui::AllocPanel()
#ifdef DEBUG
VPanel *panel = new VPanel;
return (VPANEL)panel;
// Purpose:
void CVGui::FreePanel(VPANEL ipanel)
PanelDeleted((VPanel *)ipanel);
delete (VPanel *)ipanel;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Purpose: Returns the safe index of the panel
HPanel CVGui::PanelToHandle(VPANEL panel)
if (panel)
return ((VPanel*)panel)->GetHPanel();
// Purpose: Returns the panel at the specified index
VPANEL CVGui::HandleToPanel(HPanel index)
if ( !m_HandleTable.IsHandleValid( index ) )
return NULL;
return (VPANEL)m_HandleTable.GetHandle( (UtlHandle_t)index );
// Purpose: Called whenever a panel is constructed
void CVGui::PanelCreated(VPanel *panel)
UtlHandle_t h = m_HandleTable.AddHandle();
m_HandleTable.SetHandle( h, panel );
int nCount = m_HandleTable.GetHandleCount();
int nActualCount = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
UtlHandle_t h = m_HandleTable.GetHandleFromIndex( i );
if ( m_HandleTable.IsHandleValid( h ) )
if ( nActualCount >= WARN_PANEL_NUMBER )
FILE *file1 = fopen("panellist.txt", "w");
if (file1 != NULL)
fprintf(file1, "Too many panels...listing them all.\n");
int panelIndex;
for (panelIndex = 0; panelIndex < nCount; ++panelIndex)
UtlHandle_t h = m_HandleTable.GetHandleFromIndex( i );
VPanel *pPanel = m_HandleTable.GetHandle( h );
IClientPanel *ipanel = ( pPanel ) ? pPanel->Client() : NULL;
if ( ipanel )
fprintf(file1, "panel %d: name: %s classname: %s\n", panelIndex, ipanel->GetName(), ipanel->GetClassName());
fprintf(file1, "panel %d: can't get ipanel\n", panelIndex);
Assert( nActualCount < WARN_PANEL_NUMBER );
((VPanel *)panel)->SetHPanel( h );
// Purpose: instantly stops the app from pointing to the focus'd object
// used when an object is being deleted
void CVGui::PanelDeleted(VPanel *focus)
Assert( focus );
// remove from safe handle list
UtlHandle_t h = ((VPanel *)focus)->GetHPanel();
Assert( m_HandleTable.IsHandleValid(h) );
if ( m_HandleTable.IsHandleValid(h) )
m_HandleTable.RemoveHandle( h );
((VPanel *)focus)->SetHPanel( INVALID_PANEL );
// remove from tick signal dar
RemoveTickSignal( (VPANEL)focus );
// Purpose: Creates or updates a tick signal for a panel. Returns NULL if already ticking.
CVGui::Tick_t* CVGui::CreateNewTick( VPANEL panel, int intervalMilliseconds )
Tick_t *t;
// See if it's already in list
int count = m_TickSignalVec.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
Tick_t *t = m_TickSignalVec[i];
if ( t->panel == (VPanel *)panel )
// Go ahead and update intervals
t->interval = intervalMilliseconds;
t->nexttick = g_pSystem->GetTimeMillis() + t->interval;
// Somebody added this panel back to the tick list, don't delete it
t->bMarkDeleted = false;
return NULL;
// Add to list
t = new Tick_t;
t->panel = (VPanel *)panel;
t->interval = intervalMilliseconds;
t->nexttick = g_pSystem->GetTimeMillis() + t->interval;
t->bMarkDeleted = false;
if ( strlen( ((VPanel *)panel)->Client()->GetName() ) > 0 )
strncpy( t->panelname, ((VPanel *)panel)->Client()->GetName(), sizeof( t->panelname ) );
strncpy( t->panelname, ((VPanel *)panel)->Client()->GetClassName(), sizeof( t->panelname ) );
return t;
// Purpose: Adds the panel to the tail of a tick signal list, so the panel receives a message every frame
void CVGui::AddTickSignal(VPANEL panel, int intervalMilliseconds /*=0*/ )
Tick_t* t = CreateNewTick( panel, intervalMilliseconds );
if ( t )
// add the element to the end list
m_TickSignalVec.AddToTail( t );
// panel is removed from list when deleted
// Purpose: Adds the panel to the head of a tick signal list, so the panel receives a message every frame
void CVGui::AddTickSignalToHead(VPANEL panel, int intervalMilliseconds /*=0*/ )
Tick_t* t = CreateNewTick( panel, intervalMilliseconds );
if ( t )
// simply add the element to the head list
m_TickSignalVec.AddToHead( t );
// panel is removed from list when deleted
// Purpose:
void CVGui::RemoveTickSignal( VPANEL panel )
VPanel *search = (VPanel *)panel;
// remove from tick signal dar
int count = m_TickSignalVec.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
Tick_t *tick = m_TickSignalVec[i];
if ( tick->panel == search )
if ( m_bCanRemoveTickSignal )
m_TickSignalVec.Remove( i );
delete tick;
tick->bMarkDeleted = true;
// Purpose: message pump
// loops through and sends all active messages
// note that more messages may be posted during the process
bool CVGui::DispatchMessages()
int time = g_pSystem->GetTimeMillis();
m_InDispatcher = true;
bool doneWork = (m_MessageQueue.Count() > 12);
bool bUsingDelayedQueue = (m_DelayedMessageQueue.Count() > 0);
// Need two passes because we send the mouse move message after all
// other messages are done, but the mouse move message may itself generate
// some more messages
int nPassCount = 0;
while ( nPassCount < 2 )
while (m_MessageQueue.Count() > 0 || (m_SecondaryQueue.Count() > 0) || bUsingDelayedQueue)
// get the first message
MessageItem_t *messageItem = NULL;
int messageIndex = 0;
// use the secondary queue until it empties. empty it after each message in the
// primary queue. this makes primary messages completely resolve
bool bUsingSecondaryQueue = (m_SecondaryQueue.Count() > 0);
if (bUsingSecondaryQueue)
doneWork = true;
messageIndex = m_SecondaryQueue.Head();
messageItem = &m_SecondaryQueue[messageIndex];
else if (bUsingDelayedQueue)
if (m_DelayedMessageQueue.Count() >0)
messageItem = (MessageItem_t*)&m_DelayedMessageQueue.ElementAtHead();
if (!messageItem || messageItem->_arrivalTime > time)
// no more items in the delayed message queue, move to the system queue
bUsingDelayedQueue = false;
messageIndex = m_MessageQueue.Head();
messageItem = &m_MessageQueue[messageIndex];
// message debug code
if ( m_bDebugMessages )
const char *qname = bUsingSecondaryQueue ? "Secondary" : "Primary";
if (strcmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "Tick")
&& strcmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "MouseFocusTicked")
&& strcmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "KeyFocusTicked")
&& strcmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "CursorMoved"))
if (!stricmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "command"))
g_pIVgui->DPrintf2( "%s Queue dispatching command( %s, %s -- %i )\n", qname, messageItem->_params->GetName(), messageItem->_params->GetString("command"), messageItem->_messageID );
g_pIVgui->DPrintf2( "%s Queue dispatching( %s -- %i )\n", qname ,messageItem->_params->GetName(), messageItem->_messageID );
// send it
KeyValues *params = messageItem->_params;
// Deal with special internal cursor movement messages
if ( messageItem->_messageTo == 0xFFFFFFFF )
if ( !Q_stricmp( params->GetName(), "SetCursorPosInternal" ) )
int nXPos = params->GetInt( "xpos", 0 );
int nYPos = params->GetInt( "ypos", 0 );
g_pInput->UpdateCursorPosInternal( nXPos, nYPos );
#ifdef _X360
else if ( messageItem->_messageTo == 0xFFFFFFFE ) // special tag to always give message to the active key focus
VPanel *vto = (VPanel *) g_pInput->GetCalculatedFocus();
if (vto)
vto->SendMessage(params, g_pIVgui->HandleToPanel(messageItem->_from));
VPanel *vto = (VPanel *)g_pIVgui->HandleToPanel(messageItem->_messageTo);
if (vto)
// Msg("Sending message: %s to %s\n", params ? params->GetName() : "\"\"", vto->GetName() ? vto->GetName() : "\"\"");
vto->SendMessage(params, g_pIVgui->HandleToPanel(messageItem->_from));
// free the keyvalues memory
// we can't reference the messageItem pointer anymore since the queue might have moved in memory
if (params)
// remove it from the queue
if (bUsingSecondaryQueue)
else if (bUsingDelayedQueue)
if ( nPassCount == 1 )
// Specifically post the current mouse position as a message
// Make sure the windows cursor is in the right place after processing input
// Needs to be done here because a message provoked by the cursor moved
// message may move the cursor also
g_pInput->HandleExplicitSetCursor( );
m_InDispatcher = false;
return doneWork;
// Purpose:
void CVGui::MarkPanelForDeletion(VPANEL panel)
PostMessage(panel, new KeyValues("Delete"), NULL);
// Purpose: Adds a message to the queue to be sent to a user
void CVGui::PostMessage(VPANEL target, KeyValues *params, VPANEL from, float delay)
// Ignore all messages in re-entrant mode
if ( IsReentrant() )
Assert( 0 );
if (params)
if (!target)
if (params)
MessageItem_t messageItem;
#ifdef _X360
// Special coded target that will always send the message to the key focus
// this is needed since we might send two messages on a tice, and the first
// could change the focus.
messageItem._messageTo = 0xFFFFFFFE;
messageItem._messageTo = (target != (VPANEL) MESSAGE_CURSOR_POS ) ? g_pIVgui->PanelToHandle(target) : 0xFFFFFFFF;
messageItem._params = params;
messageItem._from = g_pIVgui->PanelToHandle(from);
messageItem._arrivalTime = 0;
messageItem._messageID = m_iCurrentMessageID++;
/* message debug code
//if ( stricmp(messageItem._params->GetName(),"CursorMoved") && stricmp(messageItem._params->GetName(),"KeyFocusTicked"))
g_pIVgui->DPrintf2( "posting( %s -- %i )\n", messageItem._params->GetName(), messageItem._messageID );
// add the message to the correct message queue
if (delay > 0.0f)
messageItem._arrivalTime = g_pSystem->GetTimeMillis() + (delay * 1000);
else if (m_InDispatcher)
// Purpose:
void CVGui::ShutdownMessage(unsigned int shutdownID)
// broadcast Shutdown to all the top level windows, and see if any take notice
VPANEL panel = g_pSurface->GetEmbeddedPanel();
for (int i = 0; i < ((VPanel *)panel)->GetChildCount(); i++)
g_pIVgui->PostMessage((VPANEL)((VPanel *)panel)->GetChild(i), new KeyValues("ShutdownRequest", "id", shutdownID), NULL);
// post to the top level window as well
g_pIVgui->PostMessage(panel, new KeyValues("ShutdownRequest", "id", shutdownID), NULL);
// Purpose: Clears all the memory queues and free's their memory
void CVGui::ClearMessageQueues()
{FOR_EACH_LL( m_MessageQueue, i )
if (m_MessageQueue[i]._params)
// secondary message queue, holds all vgui messages generated by vgui
{FOR_EACH_LL( m_SecondaryQueue, i )
if (m_SecondaryQueue[i]._params)
// timing queue, holds all the messages that have to arrive at a specified time
while (m_DelayedMessageQueue.Count() > 0)
if (m_DelayedMessageQueue.ElementAtHead()._params)
static void*(*staticMalloc)(size_t size)=malloc;
static void(*staticFree)(void* memblock)=free;
static int g_iMemoryBlocksAllocated = 0;
void *operator new(size_t size)
g_iMemoryBlocksAllocated += 1;
return staticMalloc(size);
void operator delete(void* memblock)
if (!memblock)
g_iMemoryBlocksAllocated -= 1;
if (g_iMemoryBlocksAllocated < 0)
int x = 3;
void *operator new [] (size_t size)
return staticMalloc(size);
void operator delete [] (void *pMem)
void CVGui::DPrintf(const char* format,...)
char buf[2048];
va_list argList;
Q_vsnprintf(buf,sizeof( buf ), format,argList);
#ifdef WIN32
Msg( "%s", buf );
void CVGui::DPrintf2(const char* format,...)
char buf[2048];
va_list argList;
static int ctr=0;
Q_snprintf(buf,sizeof( buf ), "%d:",ctr++ );
Q_vsnprintf(buf+strlen(buf),sizeof( buf )-strlen(buf),format,argList);
#ifdef WIN32
Msg( "%s", buf );
void vgui::vgui_strcpy(char* dst,int dstLen,const char* src)
int srcLen=strlen(src)+1;
// HL2/TFC specific stuff
// Here's where the app systems get to learn about each other
bool CVGui::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) )
return false;
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pVGuiLocalize )
Warning( "IVGui unable to connect to required interfaces!\n" );
return false;
return VGui_InternalLoadInterfaces( &factory, 1 );
void CVGui::Disconnect()
// FIXME: Blat out interface pointers
// Init, shutdown
InitReturnVal_t CVGui::Init()
m_bDebugMessages = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-vguimessages" ) ? true : false;
InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init();
if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK )
return nRetVal;
return INIT_OK;
void CVGui::Shutdown()
if ( !g_pSurface->QueryInterface( MAT_SYSTEM_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION ) )
// Here's where systems can access other interfaces implemented by this object
// Returns NULL if it doesn't implement the requested interface
void *CVGui::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName )
// FIXME: Should this go here?
// Access other global interfaces exposed by this system...
CreateInterfaceFn vguiFactory = Sys_GetFactoryThis();
return vguiFactory( pInterfaceName, NULL );