Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2180 lines
64 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_tf_upgrades.h"
#include "tf_upgrades_shared.h"
#include "dt_utlvector_recv.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <iinput.h>
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "item_model_panel.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "tf_weaponbase_gun.h"
#include "c_tf_buff_banner.h"
#include "tf_item_powerup_bottle.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextImage.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Image.h"
#include "tf_hud_playerstatus.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "econ_item_description.h"
#include "charinfo_loadout_subpanel.h"
#include "c_tf_objective_resource.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "tf_tips.h"
#include "econ_ui.h"
#include "econ_item_preset.h"
#include "gc_clientsystem.h"
#include "achievementmgr.h"
#include "tf_hud_statpanel.h"
#include "tf_mann_vs_machine_stats.h"
#include "c_tf_playerresource.h"
extern CAchievementMgr g_AchievementMgrTF;
ConVar tf_mvm_tabs_discovered( "tf_mvm_tabs_discovered", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Remember how many times players have clicked tabs." );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaDefaultFG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaDefaultBG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaArmedFG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaArmedBG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaDepressedFG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaDepressedBG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaSelectedFG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaSelectedBG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaDisabledFG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color CUpgradeBuyPanel::m_rgbaDisabledBG( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
CUpgradeBuyPanel::CUpgradeBuyPanel( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName )
m_pIcon = new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "Icon" );
m_pPriceLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "PriceLabel", "" );
m_pShortDescriptionLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "ShortDescriptionLabel", "" );
m_pIncrementButton = new CImageButton( this, "IncrementButton" );
m_pDecrementButton = new CImageButton( this, "DecrementButton" );
m_pSkillTreeButtonKVs = NULL;
m_nPurchases = 0;
m_nGridPositionX = 0;
m_nGridPositionY = 0;
m_bInspectMode = false;
if ( m_pSkillTreeButtonKVs )
m_pSkillTreeButtonKVs = NULL;
void CUpgradeBuyPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
// load control settings...
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/UpgradeBuyPanel.res" );
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
//m_pPriceLabel->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
m_rgbaDefaultFG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeDefaultFg", m_rgbaDefaultFG );
m_rgbaDefaultBG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeDefaultBg", m_rgbaDefaultBG );
m_rgbaArmedFG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeArmedFg", m_rgbaArmedFG );
m_rgbaArmedBG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeArmedBg", m_rgbaArmedBG );
m_rgbaDepressedFG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeDepressedFg", m_rgbaDepressedFG );
m_rgbaDepressedBG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeDepressedBg", m_rgbaDepressedBG );
m_rgbaSelectedFG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeSelectedFg", m_rgbaSelectedFG );
m_rgbaSelectedBG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeSelectedBg", m_rgbaSelectedBG );
m_rgbaDisabledFG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeDisabledFg", m_rgbaDisabledFG );
m_rgbaDisabledBG = pScheme->GetColor( "UpgradeDisabledBg", m_rgbaDisabledBG );
void CUpgradeBuyPanel::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
KeyValues *pItemKV = inResourceData->FindKey( "skilltreebuttons_kv" );
if ( pItemKV )
if ( m_pSkillTreeButtonKVs )
m_pSkillTreeButtonKVs = new KeyValues( "skilltreebuttons_kv" );
pItemKV->CopySubkeys( m_pSkillTreeButtonKVs );
void CUpgradeBuyPanel::PerformLayout( void )
void CUpgradeBuyPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( StringHasPrefix( command, "mvm_upgrade" ) )
GetParent()->GetParent()->OnCommand( command );
else if ( StringHasPrefix( command, "mvm_downgrade" ) )
GetParent()->GetParent()->OnCommand( command );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
bool CUpgradeBuyPanel::ValidateUpgradeStepData( void )
m_bOverCap = false;
if ( !m_hPlayer )
return false;
int nNumSteps = GetUpgradeStepData( m_hPlayer, m_nWeaponSlot, m_nUpgradeIndex, m_nCurrentStep, m_bOverCap );
if ( nNumSteps )
SetNumLevelImages( nNumSteps );
m_pIcon->SetImage( g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[ m_nUpgradeIndex ].szIcon );
return true;
return false;
void CUpgradeBuyPanel::SetNumLevelImages( int nValues )
if ( nValues >= m_SkillTreeImages.Count() )
// Add needed images
for ( int i = m_SkillTreeImages.Count(); i < nValues; ++i )
vgui::ImagePanel *pImage = new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "SkillTreeImage" );
m_SkillTreeImages.AddToTail( pImage );
pImage->ApplySettings( m_pSkillTreeButtonKVs );
pImage->SetPos( m_iUpgradeButtonXPos + pImage->GetWide() * i, m_iUpgradeButtonYPos );
else if ( nValues < m_SkillTreeImages.Count() )
// Clear out extra images
for ( int i = m_SkillTreeImages.Count() - 1; i >= nValues; --i )
m_SkillTreeImages[ i ]->MarkForDeletion();
m_SkillTreeImages.Remove( i );
void CUpgradeBuyPanel::SetSkillTreeButtonColors( int nImage, ColorSet nColorSet )
Assert( nImage >= 0 && nImage < m_SkillTreeImages.Count() );
vgui::ImagePanel *pImage = m_SkillTreeImages[ nImage ];
if ( pImage )
switch ( nColorSet )
pImage->SetImage( "pve/upgrade_unowned" );
pImage->SetImage( "pve/upgrade_owned" );
pImage->SetImage( "pve/upgrade_purchased" );
void CUpgradeBuyPanel::UpdateImages( int nCurrentMoney )
// If we're not at max, update our prices and see if our affordability has changed
costlabel_chache_t nAffordability = CLCACHE_AFFORDABLE;
int nImageTotal = m_SkillTreeImages.Count();
int nCurrentStep = m_nCurrentStep + m_nPurchases;
int nNumRemaining = ( nImageTotal - nCurrentStep );
int nAffordablePurchases = m_nPrice <= 0 ? INT_MAX : nCurrentMoney / m_nPrice;
int nUnaffordablePurchases = nNumRemaining - nAffordablePurchases;
if ( nUnaffordablePurchases > 0 )
nAffordability = static_cast< costlabel_chache_t >( CLCACHE_NOT_AFFORDABLE_1 + ( nUnaffordablePurchases - 1 ) );
CMannVsMachineUpgrades *pMannVsMachineUpgrade = &( g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[ m_nUpgradeIndex ] );
bool bSellAllowed = ( TFObjectiveResource()->GetMannVsMachineWaveCount() <= 1 || m_nPurchases > 0 );
// we'll decided if it's enabled below
m_pIncrementButton->SetEnabled( false );
m_pIncrementButton->SetInactiveImage( "pve/buy_disabled" );
m_pIncrementButton->SetActiveImage( "pve/buy_disabled" );
m_pIcon->SetImage( VarArgs( "%s_bw", pMannVsMachineUpgrade->szIcon ) );
if ( m_bInspectMode )
m_pDecrementButton->SetEnabled( false );
m_pDecrementButton->SetVisible( false );
m_pIncrementButton->SetEnabled( true );
m_pIncrementButton->SetVisible( true );
else if ( bSellAllowed )
m_pDecrementButton->SetVisible( true );
if ( nCurrentStep > 0 )
m_pDecrementButton->SetEnabled( true );
m_pDecrementButton->SetInactiveImage( "pve/sell_enabled" );
m_pDecrementButton->SetActiveImage( "pve/sell_selected" );
m_pDecrementButton->SetVisible( true );
m_pDecrementButton->SetEnabled( false );
m_pDecrementButton->SetInactiveImage( "pve/sell_disabled" );
m_pDecrementButton->SetActiveImage( "pve/sell_disabled" );
m_pDecrementButton->SetVisible( false );
for ( int nUpgradeButton = 0; nUpgradeButton < nImageTotal; ++nUpgradeButton )
if ( nUpgradeButton < MIN( m_nCurrentStep, nCurrentStep ) )
// This was an existing upgrade, so show a big dot
SetSkillTreeButtonColors( nUpgradeButton, CUpgradeBuyPanel::COLOR_SET_OWNED );
else if ( nUpgradeButton < nCurrentStep )
// This purchase is in flight so show a smaller dot
SetSkillTreeButtonColors( nUpgradeButton, CUpgradeBuyPanel::COLOR_SET_PURCHASED );
if ( nAffordability == CLCACHE_AFFORDABLE || nUpgradeButton >= nCurrentStep + nAffordability )
SetSkillTreeButtonColors( nUpgradeButton, CUpgradeBuyPanel::COLOR_SET_DEFAULT );
m_pIncrementButton->SetEnabled( true );
m_pIncrementButton->SetInactiveImage( "pve/buy_enabled" );
m_pIncrementButton->SetActiveImage( "pve/buy_selected" );
m_pIcon->SetImage( pMannVsMachineUpgrade->szIcon );
SetSkillTreeButtonColors( nUpgradeButton, CUpgradeBuyPanel::COLOR_SET_DISABLED );
V_strcpy_safe( m_szAttribName, pMannVsMachineUpgrade->szAttrib );
// CHudUpgradePanel - HUD Element that provides the interface to the upgrade options
// Purpose:
CHudUpgradePanel::CHudUpgradePanel( const char *pElementName ) : CHudElement( pElementName ), BaseClass( NULL, "HudUpgradePanel" )
Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport();
SetParent( pParent );
RegisterForRenderGroup( "mid" );
RegisterForRenderGroup( "commentary" );
m_pItemModelPanelKVs = NULL;
m_bShowUpgradeMenu = false;
m_bCancelUpgrades = false;
m_bOpenLoadout = false;
SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "SelectWeaponPanel" );
m_pTipPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "TipPanel" );
m_pUpgradeItemStatsLabel = NULL;
m_pPlayerUpgradeButton = NULL;
m_pActiveTabPanel = NULL;
m_pMouseOverTabPanel = NULL;
m_pMouseOverUpgradePanel = NULL;
m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel = NULL;
m_pPlayerRespecButton = NULL;
m_nCurrency = 0;
m_nUpgradeActivity = 0;
m_bHighlightedTab = ( tf_mvm_tabs_discovered.GetInt() > 3 );
m_bNavUpDownPressed = true;
m_bNavLeftRightPressed = true;
m_bNavButtonPressed = true;
m_bUsingController = false;
m_bInspectMode = false;
m_hPlayer = NULL;
ListenForGameEvent( "player_currency_changed" );
ListenForGameEvent( "game_newmap" );
ListenForGameEvent( "upgrades_file_changed" );
// Purpose:
if ( IsActive() )
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "gameui_allowescapetoshow\n" );
if ( m_pItemModelPanelKVs )
m_pItemModelPanelKVs = NULL;
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
// load control settings...
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/HudUpgradePanel.res" );
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
CExButton *pButton = dynamic_cast< CExButton* >( m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName("CancelButton") );
if ( pButton )
pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pButton = dynamic_cast< CExButton* >( m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName("CloseButton") );
if ( pButton )
pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pButton = dynamic_cast< CExButton* >( m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName("PlayerUpgradeButton") );
if ( pButton )
pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pButton = dynamic_cast< CExButton* >( m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName("QuickEquipButton") );
if ( pButton )
pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pButton = dynamic_cast< CExButton* >( m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName("LoadoutButton") );
if ( pButton )
pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pButton = dynamic_cast< CExButton* >( m_pTipPanel->FindChildByName("NextTipButton") );
if ( pButton )
pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pUpgradeItemStatsLabel = dynamic_cast< CExLabel* >( m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName("UpgradeItemStatsLabel") );
m_pPlayerUpgradeButton = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( "PlayerUpgradeButton" );
m_pActiveTabPanel = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( "ActiveTabPanel" );
m_pMouseOverTabPanel = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( "MouseOverTabPanel" );
m_pMouseOverUpgradePanel = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( "MouseOverUpgradePanel" );
m_pPlayerRespecButton = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( "RespecButton" );
if ( m_pPlayerRespecButton )
m_pPlayerRespecButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel = NULL;
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
KeyValues *pItemKV = inResourceData->FindKey( "modelpanels_kv" );
if ( pItemKV )
if ( m_pItemModelPanelKVs )
m_pItemModelPanelKVs = new KeyValues("modelpanels_kv");
pItemKV->CopySubkeys( m_pItemModelPanelKVs );
// Purpose:
bool CHudUpgradePanel::ShouldDraw( void )
if ( !m_bInspectMode )
m_hPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
// Local mode
C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( m_hPlayer && pLocalPlayer == m_hPlayer )
if ( !m_hPlayer->IsAlive() || m_hPlayer->m_Shared.IsLoser() || m_hPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
m_bWasInZone = false;
return false;
bool bInZone = m_hPlayer->m_Shared.IsInUpgradeZone();
// check for other popups
if ( bInZone && !CHudElement::ShouldDraw() )
CTFStatPanel *pStatPanel = GetStatPanel();
if ( pStatPanel->IsVisible() )
return false;
if ( m_bWasInZone != bInZone )
if ( bInZone )
m_bShowUpgradeMenu = true;
m_bCancelUpgrades = false;
m_bOpenLoadout = false;
m_bWasInZone = bInZone;
return m_bShowUpgradeMenu;
void CHudUpgradePanel::SetVisible( bool bVisible )
if ( !bVisible && IsActive() )
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "gameui_allowescapetoshow\n" );
BaseClass::SetVisible( bVisible );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::SetActive( bool bActive )
if ( bActive && !IsActive() )
// Reset our upgrade activity
m_nUpgradeActivity = 0;
m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel = NULL;
m_bNavUpDownPressed = true;
m_bNavLeftRightPressed = true;
m_bNavButtonPressed = true;
m_bUsingController = false;
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MvM_UpgradesBegin" );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
// Get our currency
if ( m_hPlayer && !m_bInspectMode )
m_nCurrency = m_hPlayer->GetCurrency();
m_nCurrency = 0;
m_pTipPanel->SetVisible( true );
if ( tf_mvm_tabs_discovered.GetInt() >= 3 )
m_bHighlightedTab = true;
// Becoming visible. Get ready.
// Accept button is disabled till you buy or sell something
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetControlEnabled( "CloseButton", false );
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "gameui_preventescapetoshow\n" );
// Move the mouse cursor to the middle of our panel
int x,y,w,h;
vgui::ipanel()->GetAbsPos( GetVPanel(), x, y );
GetSize( w, h );
//vgui::IInput *input()
vgui::input()->SetCursorPos( x + (w * 0.5), y + (h * 0.5) );
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 100 );
// Tick once right away to get the currency updated
m_bAwardMaxSlotAchievement = false;
else if ( !bActive && IsActive() )
if ( m_bCancelUpgrades )
vgui::ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "gameui_allowescapetoshow\n" );
if ( m_bOpenLoadout )
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "open_charinfo_direct" );
// let the server know that we've close the menu with the number of upgrades
// so the response rules can do their thing
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MvM_UpgradesDone" );
kv->SetInt( "num_upgrades", m_nUpgradeActivity );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
CHudElement::SetActive( bActive );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::OnTick( void )
if ( IsVisible() )
if ( m_hPlayer )
if ( !m_hPlayer->m_Shared.IsInUpgradeZone() && !m_bInspectMode )
OnCommand( "cancel" );
if ( m_pPlayerRespecButton && g_TF_PR && m_hPlayer )
bool bAllowed = TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineRespecEnabled();
bool bEnabled = bAllowed && TFGameRules()->CanPlayerUseRespec( m_hPlayer ) && !m_bInspectMode;
if ( m_pPlayerRespecButton->IsVisible() != bAllowed )
m_pPlayerRespecButton->SetVisible( bAllowed );
if ( m_pPlayerRespecButton->IsEnabled() != bEnabled )
m_pPlayerRespecButton->SetEnabled( bEnabled );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "player_currency_changed" ) )
if ( IsActive() && !m_bInspectMode )
int nCurrency = event->GetInt( "currency" );
if ( m_nCurrency != nCurrency )
m_nCurrency = nCurrency;
UpdateButtonStates( m_nCurrency );
else if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "game_newmap" ) )
// Doing this prevents stale data after changing to a map that uses different upgrades data.
else if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "upgrades_file_changed" ) )
const char *pszPath = event->GetString( "path" );
if ( pszPath[0] == '\0' )
g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.LoadUpgradesFileFromPath( pszPath );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::PlayerInventoryChanged( C_TFPlayer *pPlayer )
if ( !m_hPlayer || !pPlayer || pPlayer != m_hPlayer )
// Go through every item and compare it to the item stored with the matching (slot) panel
for ( int nSlot = 0; nSlot < CLASS_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT; nSlot++ )
CEconItemView *pCurrentItem = CTFPlayerSharedUtils::GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer, nSlot );
if ( !pCurrentItem )
for ( int nPanelIndex = 0; nPanelIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nPanelIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[nPanelIndex] );
if ( !pItemSlotBuyPanel )
if ( !pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels.Count() )
// Do we have a matching panel for this slot?
if ( pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot != nSlot )
// If the item has changed since the panel was created, cancel out of the upgrade screen
if ( pItemSlotBuyPanel->GetItemID() != pCurrentItem->GetItemID() )
OnCommand( "cancel" );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpdateModelPanels( void )
m_iVisibleItemPanels = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pItemPanels, i )
m_pItemPanels[i]->SetVisible( false );
// slot -1 is used for player self upgrades, -2 is INVALID
m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ 0 ].nSlot = ItemSlotBuyPanels::CHARACTER_UPGRADE;
for ( int iTab = 1; iTab < MAX_ITEM_SLOT_BUY_PANELS; ++iTab )
m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ iTab ].nSlot = ItemSlotBuyPanels::INVALID_SLOT;
if ( m_hPlayer )
if ( m_hPlayer->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SPY ) )
else if ( m_hPlayer->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ) )
CreateItemModelPanel( LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA );
Panel *pSentryIcon = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( "SentryIcon" );
if ( pSentryIcon )
pSentryIcon->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
pSentryIcon->SetVisible( m_hPlayer->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ) );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::PerformLayout( void )
// Position the item panels
int iVisiblePanel = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pItemPanels, i )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = m_pItemPanels[ i ];
if ( !pItemPanel )
if ( !pItemPanel->IsVisible() )
int iPanelWide = pItemPanel->GetWide();
int iLeft = m_iItemPanelXPos + iPanelWide + m_iItemPanelXDelta;
int iXPos = iLeft + ( iPanelWide + m_iItemPanelXDelta ) * iVisiblePanel;
int iYPos = m_iItemPanelYPos;
pItemPanel->SetPos( iXPos, iYPos );
vgui::Panel *pInactiveTabPanel = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( VarArgs( "InactiveTabPanel%i", iVisiblePanel + 2 ) );
if ( pInactiveTabPanel )
pInactiveTabPanel->SetPos( iXPos, iYPos );
pInactiveTabPanel->SetVisible( true );
for ( int i = iVisiblePanel; i < 5; ++i )
vgui::Panel *pInactiveTabPanel = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( VarArgs( "InactiveTabPanel%i", i + 2 ) );
if ( pInactiveTabPanel )
pInactiveTabPanel->SetVisible( false );
CTFClassImage *pClassImage = static_cast< CTFClassImage* >( m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( "ClassImage" ) );
if ( pClassImage )
pClassImage->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
if ( m_hPlayer )
pClassImage->SetClass( m_hPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex(), false );
for ( int nSlotIndex = 0; nSlotIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nSlotIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ nSlotIndex ] );
if ( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels.Count() > 0 )
int iButton = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, i )
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pUpgradeBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ i ];
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionX = iButton % 2;
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionY = iButton / 2;
int iXPos = m_iUpgradeBuyPanelXPos + ( pUpgradeBuyPanel->GetWide() + m_iUpgradeBuyPanelDelta ) * pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionX;
int iYPos = m_iUpgradeBuyPanelYPos + ( pUpgradeBuyPanel->GetTall() + m_iUpgradeBuyPanelDelta ) * pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionY;
pUpgradeBuyPanel->SetPos( iXPos, iYPos );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::OnItemPanelEntered( vgui::Panel *panel )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = dynamic_cast < CItemModelPanel * > ( panel );
if ( pItemPanel && IsVisible() )
SetBorderForItem( pItemPanel, true );
// Get the name of the item that was selected
CEconItemView *pCurItemData = pItemPanel->GetItem();
if ( pCurItemData )
const wchar_t *wszItemName = pCurItemData->GetItemName();
// Set the text displaying which item the upgrades are for ("Shovel", etc.)
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "upgrade_description", wszItemName );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::OnItemPanelExited( vgui::Panel *panel )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = dynamic_cast < CItemModelPanel * > ( panel );
if ( pItemPanel && IsVisible() )
SetBorderForItem( pItemPanel, false );
// Set the text displaying which item the upgrades are for ("Shovel", etc.)
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "upgrade_description", L"" );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::CreateItemModelPanel( int iLoadoutSlot )
if ( !m_hPlayer )
int iClass = m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex();
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = NULL;
if ( m_iVisibleItemPanels < m_pItemPanels.Count() )
pItemPanel = m_pItemPanels[ m_iVisibleItemPanels ];
char szCommand[ 32 ];
V_snprintf( szCommand, sizeof( szCommand ), "UpgradeButton%d", iLoadoutSlot );
if ( !pItemPanel )
// Create our item panel
pItemPanel = new CItemModelPanel( m_pSelectWeaponPanel, szCommand );
m_pItemPanels.AddToTail( pItemPanel );
if ( m_pItemModelPanelKVs )
pItemPanel->ApplySettings( m_pItemModelPanelKVs );
pItemPanel->SetActAsButton( true, true );
pItemPanel->SendPanelEnterExits( true );
pItemPanel->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
// Get the item entity. We use the entity, not the item in the loadout, because we want
// the dynamic attributes that have already been purchases and attached.
CEconItemView *pCurItemData = CTFPlayerSharedUtils::GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer, iLoadoutSlot );
pItemPanel->SetItem( pCurItemData );
pItemPanel->SetGreyedOut( NULL );
bool bVisible = pCurItemData && pCurItemData->IsValid();
if ( iLoadoutSlot == LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION && ( !bVisible || !dynamic_cast< CTFPowerupBottle* >( m_hPlayer->GetEquippedWearableForLoadoutSlot( LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION ) ) ) )
static CSchemaItemDefHandle pItemDef_PowerupCanteen( CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMPowerupBottleItemDefName );
if ( pItemDef_PowerupCanteen )
// Nothing in action slot or non-bottle in action slot
// Show a disabled powerup bottle instead
CEconItemView *pItemData = new CEconItemView();
pItemData->Init( pItemDef_PowerupCanteen->GetDefinitionIndex(), AE_UNIQUE, AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE, true );
pItemData->SetClientItemFlags( kEconItemFlagClient_Preview | kEconItemFlagClient_StoreItem );
pItemPanel->SetItem( pItemData );
pItemPanel->SetGreyedOut( "#TF_PVE_Need_Powerup_Equipped" );
bVisible = pItemData && pItemData->IsValid();
pItemPanel->SetVisible( bVisible );
if ( bVisible )
m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ m_iVisibleItemPanels + 1 ].nSlot = iLoadoutSlot;
pItemPanel->SetName( szCommand );
pItemPanel->SetModelIsHidden( iLoadoutSlot == LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA );
SetBorderForItem( pItemPanel, false );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::OnItemPanelMousePressed( vgui::Panel *panel )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = dynamic_cast < CItemModelPanel * > ( panel );
if ( !m_hPlayer )
if ( pItemPanel && pItemPanel->GetItem() && IsVisible() && m_pActiveTabPanel )
int iLoadoutSlot = pItemPanel->GetItem()->GetStaticData()->GetLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == iLoadoutSlot )
UpgradeItemInSlot( iLoadoutSlot );
if ( !m_bHighlightedTab )
// They've clicked a tab... no need to blink them any longer
m_bHighlightedTab = true;
tf_mvm_tabs_discovered.SetValue( tf_mvm_tabs_discovered.GetInt() + 1 );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::SetBorderForItem( CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel, bool bMouseOver )
extern const char *g_szItemBorders[][5];
if ( !pItemPanel )
const char *pszBorder = g_szItemBorders[0][ bMouseOver ];
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
pItemPanel->SetBorder( pScheme->GetBorder( pszBorder ) );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpgradeItemInSlot( int iSlot )
if ( !m_hPlayer )
if ( m_hPlayer->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SPY ) && iSlot == LOADOUT_POSITION_PRIMARY )
// Spy doesn't have a primary
m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded = iSlot;
if ( m_pSelectWeaponPanel )
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "upgrade_description", "" );
if ( m_pMouseOverUpgradePanel )
for ( int nSlotIndex = 0; nSlotIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nSlotIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ nSlotIndex ] );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot )
m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels.Count() > 0 ? pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ 0 ] : NULL;
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, i )
pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ i ]->SetVisible( true );
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, i )
pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ i ]->SetVisible( false );
UpdateButtonStates( m_nCurrency );
// Get the name of the item that was selected
const wchar_t *wszItemName = L"";
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == -1 )
wszItemName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( g_aPlayerClassNames[ m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() ] );
CEconItemView *pCurItemData = CTFPlayerSharedUtils::GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer, m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded );
if ( pCurItemData )
wszItemName = pCurItemData->GetItemName();
// Set the text displaying which item the upgrades are for ("Shovel", etc.)
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "upgrade_label", wszItemName );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpdateUpgradeButtons( void )
if ( !TFGameRules() )
if ( !m_hPlayer )
for ( int nSlotIndex = 0; nSlotIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nSlotIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ nSlotIndex ] );
if ( pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot != -2 )
for ( int nUpgrade = 0; nUpgrade < pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels.Count(); ++nUpgrade )
pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ nUpgrade ]->MarkForDeletion();
FOR_EACH_VEC( g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades, i )
CMannVsMachineUpgrades *pUpgrade = &(g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[ i ]);
// Don't create button if it belongs to the wrong group
int nUIGroup = pUpgrade->nUIGroup;
if ( ( pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot == -1 && ( nUIGroup == UIGROUP_UPGRADE_ATTACHED_TO_ITEM || nUIGroup == UIGROUP_POWERUPBOTTLE ) ) ||
( pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot != -1 && nUIGroup == UIGROUP_UPGRADE_ATTACHED_TO_PLAYER ) )
CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttribDef = ItemSystem()->GetStaticDataForAttributeByName( pUpgrade->szAttrib );
if ( !pAttribDef )
Warning("BAD ATTRIBUTE IN MVM_UPGRADES: %s\n", pUpgrade->szAttrib );
// Don't create button if it doesn't work for this weapon
if ( !TFGameRules()->CanUpgradeWithAttrib( m_hPlayer, pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot, pAttribDef->GetDefinitionIndex(), pUpgrade ) )
int nCost = pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot >= 0 ?
TFGameRules()->GetCostForUpgrade( &( g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[ i ] ), pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot, m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex(), m_hPlayer ) :
g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[ i ].nCost;
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pUpgradeBuyPanel = new CUpgradeBuyPanel( m_pSelectWeaponPanel, "UpgradeBuyPanel" );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->SetPlayer( m_hPlayer );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPrice = nCost;
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex = i;
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nWeaponSlot = pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot;
pUpgradeBuyPanel->SetInspectMode( ( m_bInspectMode ) ? true : false );
// Store the item equipped at this time, so we can monitor for a change and mark the panel as dirty
CEconItemView *pCurItemData = CTFPlayerSharedUtils::GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer, pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot );
if ( pCurItemData )
pItemSlotBuyPanel->SetItemID( pCurItemData->GetItemID() );
if ( !m_bInspectMode )
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_pIncrementButton->SetCommand( VarArgs( "mvm_upgrade%03d_%i", pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex, pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPrice ) );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_pDecrementButton->SetCommand( VarArgs( "mvm_downgrade%03d_%i", pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex, pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPrice ) );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->SetZPos( 30 );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->SetVisible( true );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->InvalidateLayout( true, true );
if ( !pUpgradeBuyPanel->ValidateUpgradeStepData() )
pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels.Insert( pUpgradeBuyPanel );
float flValue = pUpgrade->flIncrement;
int iFormat = pAttribDef->GetDescriptionFormat();
flValue += 1.0;
CEconAttributeDescription AttrDesc( GLocalizationProvider(), pAttribDef, flValue );
const wchar_t *pDescription = AttrDesc.GetShortDescription().Get();
if ( pDescription && pDescription[ 0 ] )
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_pShortDescriptionLabel->SetText( pDescription );
locchar_t wzCost[64];
loc_sprintf_safe( wzCost, LOCCHAR( "%d" ), pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPrice );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_pPriceLabel->SetText( wzCost );
UpdateButtonStates( m_nCurrency );
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpdateJoystickControls( void )
static ConVarRef joystick( "joystick" );
if ( !joystick.IsValid() || !joystick.GetBool() )
bool bUp = ::input->Joystick_GetForward() < 0.0f || ::input->Joystick_GetPitch() < 0.0f || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_UP ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_UP );
bool bDown = ::input->Joystick_GetForward() > 0.0f || ::input->Joystick_GetPitch() > 0.0f || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_DOWN );
bool bNavUpDownPressed = bUp || bDown;
bool bLeft = ::input->Joystick_GetSide() < 0.0f || ::input->Joystick_GetYaw() < 0.0f || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LEFT );
bool bRight = ::input->Joystick_GetSide() > 0.0f || ::input->Joystick_GetYaw() > 0.0f || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_RIGHT ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RIGHT );
bool bNavLeftRightPressed = bLeft || bRight;
bool bAccept = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_A ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_ENTER ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( STEAMCONTROLLER_A );
bool bBack = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_X ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_BACKSPACE ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( STEAMCONTROLLER_X );
bool bDone = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_B ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_ESCAPE ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( STEAMCONTROLLER_B );
bool bNext = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_PAGEDOWN );
bool bPrev = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_PAGEUP );
bool bNavButtonPressed = bAccept || bBack || bDone || bNext || bPrev;
if ( m_bNavUpDownPressed )
if ( !bNavUpDownPressed )
m_bNavUpDownPressed = false;
else if ( bNavUpDownPressed )
m_bNavUpDownPressed = true;
m_bUsingController = true;
int nGridPosX = m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel ? m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionX : 0;
int nGridPosY = m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel ? m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionY : 0;
if ( bUp )
nGridPosY -= 1;
else if ( bDown )
nGridPosY += 1;
for ( int nSlotIndex = 0; nSlotIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nSlotIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ nSlotIndex ] );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot )
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, i )
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pUpgradeBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ i ];
if ( pUpgradeBuyPanel && pUpgradeBuyPanel->IsVisible() &&
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionX == nGridPosX && pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionY == nGridPosY )
m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel = pUpgradeBuyPanel;
if ( m_bNavLeftRightPressed )
if ( !bNavLeftRightPressed )
m_bNavLeftRightPressed = false;
else if ( bNavLeftRightPressed )
m_bNavLeftRightPressed = true;
m_bUsingController = true;
int nGridPosX = m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel ? m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionX : 0;
int nGridPosY = m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel ? m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionY : 0;
if ( bLeft )
nGridPosX -= 1;
else if ( bRight )
nGridPosX += 1;
for ( int nSlotIndex = 0; nSlotIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nSlotIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ nSlotIndex ] );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot )
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, i )
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pUpgradeBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ i ];
if ( pUpgradeBuyPanel && pUpgradeBuyPanel->IsVisible() &&
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionX == nGridPosX && pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nGridPositionY == nGridPosY )
m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel = pUpgradeBuyPanel;
if ( m_bNavButtonPressed )
if ( !bNavButtonPressed )
m_bNavButtonPressed = false;
else if ( bNavButtonPressed )
m_bNavButtonPressed = true;
m_bUsingController = true;
if ( bAccept )
if ( m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel && m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_pIncrementButton->IsEnabled() && m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_pIncrementButton->IsVisible() )
OnCommand( VarArgs( "mvm_upgrade%03d_%i", m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex, m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPrice ) );
else if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION && GetLocalPlayerBottleFromInventory() != NULL )
OnCommand( "quick_equip_bottle" );
else if ( bBack )
if ( m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel && m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_pDecrementButton->IsEnabled() && m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_pDecrementButton->IsVisible() )
OnCommand( VarArgs( "mvm_downgrade%03d_%i", m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex, m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPrice ) );
else if ( bDone )
OnCommand( "close" );
else if ( bNext )
OnCommand( "next" );
else if ( bPrev )
OnCommand( "prev" );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpdateHighlights( void )
if ( !m_hPlayer )
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == -1 )
int x, y;
m_pPlayerUpgradeButton->GetPos( x, y );
m_pActiveTabPanel->SetPos( x - YRES( 2 ), y - YRES( 2 ) );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pItemPanels, i )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = m_pItemPanels[ i ];
if ( pItemPanel )
int iLoadoutSlot = pItemPanel->GetItem()->GetStaticData()->GetLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == iLoadoutSlot )
int x, y;
pItemPanel->GetPos( x, y );
m_pActiveTabPanel->SetPos( x - YRES( 2 ), y - YRES( 2 ) );
// Highlight the panel we're mousing over and cycle upgrade tabs
vgui::Panel *pMouseOverPanel = vgui::ipanel()->GetPanel( vgui::input()->GetMouseOver(), "ClientDLL" );
if ( !m_bUsingController )
if ( pMouseOverPanel )
vgui::Panel *pTabPanel = pMouseOverPanel;
bool bIsUpgradeButton = StringHasPrefix( pMouseOverPanel->GetName(), "UpgradeButton" );
bool bIsPlayerUpgradeButton = V_strcmp( pMouseOverPanel->GetName(), "PlayerUpgradeButton" ) == 0;
if ( bIsPlayerUpgradeButton )
// Set the text displaying which item the upgrades are for ("Shovel", etc.)
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "upgrade_description", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( g_aPlayerClassNames[ m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() ] ) );
if ( bIsUpgradeButton && vgui::input()->IsMouseDown( MOUSE_LEFT ) )
if ( StringHasPrefix( pMouseOverPanel->GetName(), "UpgradeButton" ) )
OnItemPanelMousePressed( pTabPanel );
if ( !( bIsUpgradeButton || bIsPlayerUpgradeButton ) )
// It's not mousing over any of the buttons
pTabPanel = NULL;
// If the player hasn't discovered tabs, cycle the highlight
if ( !m_bHighlightedTab )
bool bBlink = ( static_cast< int >( gpGlobals->curtime * 10.0f ) % 2 ) == 0;
if ( bBlink )
int nPanel = static_cast< int >( gpGlobals->curtime * 2.5f ) % 7;
vgui::Panel *pInactiveTabPanel = m_pSelectWeaponPanel->FindChildByName( VarArgs( "InactiveTabPanel%i", nPanel + 1 ) );
if ( pInactiveTabPanel && pInactiveTabPanel->IsVisible() )
pTabPanel = pInactiveTabPanel;
if ( pTabPanel )
// Highlight the selected button
m_pMouseOverTabPanel->SetVisible( true );
int x, y;
pTabPanel->GetPos( x, y );
m_pMouseOverTabPanel->SetPos( x - YRES( 1 ), y - YRES( 1 ) );
m_pMouseOverTabPanel->SetVisible( false );
m_pMouseOverTabPanel->SetVisible( false );
for ( int nSlotIndex = 0; nSlotIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nSlotIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ nSlotIndex ] );
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, i )
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pUpgradeBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ i ];
// Hide the ones not in the current tab
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded != pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot )
pUpgradeBuyPanel->SetVisible( false );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->SetVisible( true );
if ( pMouseOverPanel && ( pMouseOverPanel == pUpgradeBuyPanel || pMouseOverPanel->GetParent() == pUpgradeBuyPanel ) )
m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel = pUpgradeBuyPanel;
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpdateMouseOverHighlight( void )
if ( !m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel )
m_pMouseOverUpgradePanel->SetVisible( false );
// Highlight the selected upgrade panel
m_pMouseOverUpgradePanel->SetVisible( true );
int x, y;
m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->GetPos( x, y );
m_pMouseOverUpgradePanel->SetPos( x - YRES( 1 ), y - YRES( 1 ) );
CMannVsMachineUpgrades *pUpgrade = &(g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[ m_pActiveUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex ]);
CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttribDef = ItemSystem()->GetStaticDataForAttributeByName( pUpgrade->szAttrib );
float flValue = pUpgrade->flIncrement;
int iFormat = pAttribDef->GetDescriptionFormat();
flValue += 1.0;
CEconAttributeDescription AttrDesc( GLocalizationProvider(), pAttribDef, flValue );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "upgrade_description", AttrDesc.GetDescription().Get() );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "upgrade_stats", "" );
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpdateButtonStates( int nCurrentMoney, int nUpgrade /*= 0*/, int nNumPurchased /*= 0*/ )
for ( int nSlotIndex = 0; nSlotIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nSlotIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ nSlotIndex ] );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded != pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot )
bool bSellAllowed = ( TFObjectiveResource()->GetMannVsMachineWaveCount() <= 1 );
bool bHideBottleHintText = true;
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION || ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->GetUpgradeTier( nUpgrade ) ) )
if ( nNumPurchased > 0 )
// Need to sell all other powerups
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, j )
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pActionBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ j ];
if ( pActionBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex != nUpgrade )
int nCurrentCount = pActionBuyPanel->m_nPurchases + pActionBuyPanel->m_nCurrentStep;
if ( nCurrentCount > 0 )
int nAmmountToSell = bSellAllowed ? nCurrentCount : pActionBuyPanel->m_nPurchases;
nCurrentMoney += nAmmountToSell * pActionBuyPanel->m_nPrice;
m_nCurrency += nAmmountToSell * pActionBuyPanel->m_nPrice;
pActionBuyPanel->m_nPurchases -= nCurrentCount;
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MVM_Upgrade" );
// Refunded for these ones
if ( nAmmountToSell )
KeyValues *kvSub = new KeyValues( "upgrade" );
kvSub->SetInt( "itemslot", pActionBuyPanel->m_nWeaponSlot );
kvSub->SetInt( "upgrade", pActionBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex );
kvSub->SetInt( "count", -nAmmountToSell );
kv->AddSubKey( kvSub );
// Not refunded for ones we previously bought
if ( nCurrentCount != nAmmountToSell )
KeyValues *kvSub = new KeyValues( "upgrade" );
kvSub->SetInt( "itemslot", pActionBuyPanel->m_nWeaponSlot );
kvSub->SetInt( "upgrade", pActionBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex );
kvSub->SetInt( "count", -( nCurrentCount - nAmmountToSell ) );
kvSub->SetBool( "free", true );
kv->AddSubKey( kvSub );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
if ( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels.Count() <= 0 && !m_bInspectMode && m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION )
bHideBottleHintText = false;
bool bHasBottle = ( GetLocalPlayerBottleFromInventory() != NULL );
wchar_t wszFinalLabel[ 512 ] = L"";
const wchar_t *pLocalized = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( bHasBottle ? "#TF_PVE_Unequipped_Powerup_Bottle" : "#TF_PVE_No_Powerup_Bottle" );
if ( pLocalized )
wchar_t wszLabel[ 512 ];
V_wcsncpy( wszLabel, pLocalized, sizeof( wszLabel ) );
UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( wszLabel, 0, wszFinalLabel, sizeof( wszFinalLabel ) );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "powerup_hint", wszFinalLabel );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetControlVisible( "QuickEquipButton", bHasBottle );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetControlVisible( "LoadoutButton", bHasBottle );
if ( bHideBottleHintText )
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "powerup_hint", "" );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetControlVisible( "QuickEquipButton", false );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetControlVisible( "LoadoutButton", false );
bool bSoldFinalPowerUp = false;
// Achievement tracking
int nUpgradesAtMax = 0;
int nUpgrades = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels.Count();
bool bIsResistMax[4] = { 0 };
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, i )
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pUpgradeBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ i ];
if ( pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex == nUpgrade && nNumPurchased != 0 )
// Purchased or sold something
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases += nNumPurchased;
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MVM_Upgrade" );
KeyValues *kvSub = new KeyValues( "upgrade" );
kvSub->SetInt( "itemslot", pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nWeaponSlot );
kvSub->SetInt( "upgrade", pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION && !bSellAllowed )
if ( pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases <= 0 && nNumPurchased > 0 )
// We already bought this previously
if ( pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases < 0 )
nNumPurchased += -pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases;
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases = 0;
nCurrentMoney += nNumPurchased * pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPrice;
kvSub->SetBool( "free", true );
else if ( nNumPurchased < 0 && pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases == 0 && pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nCurrentStep == 0 )
bSoldFinalPowerUp = true;
kvSub->SetInt( "count", nNumPurchased );
kv->AddSubKey( kvSub );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
pUpgradeBuyPanel->UpdateImages( nCurrentMoney );
// Check if the upgrade will be maxed when considering purchases
bool bMax = false;
if ( pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases + pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nCurrentStep == pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_SkillTreeImages.Count() )
bMax = true;
if ( bMax && m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == -1 )
// This is ugly - I blame time vs workload
if ( pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_szAttribName )
CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttribDef = ItemSystem()->GetStaticDataForAttributeByName( pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_szAttribName );
if ( pAttribDef )
switch ( pAttribDef->GetDefinitionIndex() )
case 60: // "dmg taken from fire reduced"
bIsResistMax[0] = true;
case 62: // "dmg taken from crit reduced"
bIsResistMax[1] = true;
case 64: // "dmg taken from blast reduced"
bIsResistMax[2] = true;
case 66: // "dmg taken from bullets reduced"
bIsResistMax[3] = true;
if ( nUpgrades && nUpgrades == nUpgradesAtMax )
if ( m_hPlayer )
// Some spies may perceive the knife as their primary, while others
// might think it's their pistol - which is actually a secondary
if ( m_hPlayer->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SPY ) )
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == LOADOUT_POSITION_MELEE ||
m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == LOADOUT_POSITION_SECONDARY )
m_bAwardMaxSlotAchievement = true;
// Some engineers may perceive the sentry as their primary, so allow it
else if ( m_hPlayer->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ) )
CEconEntity *pEntity = NULL;
CTFPlayerSharedUtils::GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer, m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded, &pEntity );
CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon = dynamic_cast< CTFWeaponBase* >( pEntity );
if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->GetWeaponID() == TF_WEAPON_PDA_ENGINEER_BUILD )
m_bAwardMaxSlotAchievement = true;
// Everyone else
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == LOADOUT_POSITION_PRIMARY )
m_bAwardMaxSlotAchievement = true;
m_bAwardMaxSlotAchievement = false;
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == -1 )
m_bAwardMaxResistAchievement = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( bIsResistMax ); i++ )
if ( !bIsResistMax[i] )
m_bAwardMaxResistAchievement = false;
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION && !bSellAllowed && bSoldFinalPowerUp )
// Buy back already purchased bottles if they sold all of another type
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, j )
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pActionBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ j ];
if ( pActionBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex != nUpgrade )
int nCurrentCount = pActionBuyPanel->m_nPurchases + pActionBuyPanel->m_nCurrentStep;
if ( nCurrentCount == 0 && pActionBuyPanel->m_nCurrentStep > 0 )
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MVM_Upgrade" );
KeyValues *kvSub = new KeyValues( "upgrade" );
kvSub->SetInt( "itemslot", pActionBuyPanel->m_nWeaponSlot );
kvSub->SetInt( "upgrade", pActionBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex );
kvSub->SetInt( "count", pActionBuyPanel->m_nCurrentStep );
kvSub->SetBool( "free", true );
kv->AddSubKey( kvSub );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
pActionBuyPanel->m_nPurchases = 0;
pActionBuyPanel->UpdateImages( nCurrentMoney );
// Credits count
wchar_t wzCount[10];
_snwprintf( wzCount, ARRAYSIZE( wzCount ), L"%d", nCurrentMoney );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetDialogVariable( "credits", wzCount );
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpdateItemStatsLabel( void )
if ( !m_pUpgradeItemStatsLabel )
m_pUpgradeItemStatsLabel->SetText( "" );
if ( !m_hPlayer )
wchar_t wszAttribDesc[4096];
wszAttribDesc[0] = '\0';
CEconItemDescription itemDesc;
CEconItemDescription::CVisibleAttributeDisplayer attrIt;
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == -1 )
m_hPlayer->m_AttributeList.IterateAttributes( &attrIt );
CEconItemView *pCurItemData = CTFPlayerSharedUtils::GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer, m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded );
if ( pCurItemData )
pCurItemData->IterateAttributes( &attrIt );
attrIt.Finalize( NULL, &itemDesc, GLocalizationProvider() );
int iOutputAttributeLineCount = 0;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < itemDesc.GetLineCount(); i++ )
const econ_item_description_line_t& line = itemDesc.GetLine(i);
if ( line.unMetaType & kDescLineFlag_Attribute )
AddItemStatText( line.sText.Get(), line.eColor, wszAttribDesc, ARRAYSIZE( wszAttribDesc ) );
if ( iOutputAttributeLineCount == 0 )
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
Color col = pScheme->GetColor( GetColorNameForAttribColor( ATTRIB_COL_NEUTRAL ), Color(255,255,255,255) );
m_pUpgradeItemStatsLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( col, Q_wcslen( wszAttribDesc ) );
wchar_t *pNone = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_PassiveAttribs_None" );
if ( pNone )
wcsncat( wszAttribDesc, pNone, ARRAYSIZE(wszAttribDesc) );
m_pUpgradeItemStatsLabel->SetText( wszAttribDesc );
void CHudUpgradePanel::CancelUpgrades( void )
bool bSellAllowed = ( TFObjectiveResource() ? TFObjectiveResource()->GetMannVsMachineWaveCount() <= 1 : true );
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MVM_Upgrade" );
for ( int nSlotIndex = 0; nSlotIndex < ARRAYSIZE( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels ); ++nSlotIndex )
ItemSlotBuyPanels *pItemSlotBuyPanel = &( m_ItemSlotBuyPanels[ nSlotIndex ] );
FOR_EACH_VEC( pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels, i )
CUpgradeBuyPanel *pUpgradeBuyPanel = pItemSlotBuyPanel->upgradeBuyPanels[ i ];
if ( pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases != 0 )
KeyValues *kvSub = new KeyValues( "upgrade" );
kvSub->SetInt( "itemslot", pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nWeaponSlot );
kvSub->SetInt( "upgrade", pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nUpgradeIndex );
kvSub->SetInt( "count", -pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases ); // revert previous buy and sell
if ( pItemSlotBuyPanel->nSlot == LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION && !bSellAllowed &&
pUpgradeBuyPanel->m_nPurchases < 0 )
// The player wasn't refunded these so the cancel gives it back for free
kvSub->SetBool( "free", true );
kv->AddSubKey( kvSub );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::AddItemStatText( const locchar_t *loc_AttrDescText, attrib_colors_t eColor, wchar_t *out_wszAttribDesc, int iAttribDescSize )
Assert( loc_AttrDescText );
Assert( out_wszAttribDesc );
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
Assert( pScheme );
// Insert the color change at the current position
Color col = pScheme->GetColor( GetColorNameForAttribColor( eColor ), Color(255, 255, 255, 255) );
m_pUpgradeItemStatsLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( col, Q_wcslen( out_wszAttribDesc ) );
// Now append the text of the attribute
wcsncat( out_wszAttribDesc, loc_AttrDescText, iAttribDescSize );
wcsncat( out_wszAttribDesc, L"\n", iAttribDescSize );
CEconItemView* CHudUpgradePanel::GetLocalPlayerBottleFromInventory( void )
CPlayerInventory *pLocalInv = TFInventoryManager()->GetLocalInventory();
if ( pLocalInv )
static CSchemaItemDefHandle pItemDef_MvmPowerupBottle( CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMPowerupBottleItemDefName );
Assert( pItemDef_MvmPowerupBottle );
if ( pItemDef_MvmPowerupBottle )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pLocalInv->GetItemCount() ; ++i )
CEconItemView *pItem = pLocalInv->GetItem( i );
Assert( pItem );
if ( pItem->GetItemDefinition() == pItemDef_MvmPowerupBottle )
return pItem;
return NULL;
bool CHudUpgradePanel::QuickEquipBottle( void )
if ( !m_hPlayer )
return false;
if ( m_bInspectMode )
return false;
CPlayerInventory *pPlayerInventory = TFInventoryManager()->GetLocalInventory();
if ( !pPlayerInventory )
return false;
GCSDK::CGCClientSharedObjectCache *pSOCache = pPlayerInventory->GetSOC();
if ( !pSOCache )
return false;
int nClass = m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex();
CEconItemView *pBottle = GetLocalPlayerBottleFromInventory();
if ( !pBottle )
return false;
itemid_t iItemId = pBottle->GetItemID();
if ( iItemId == INVALID_ITEM_ID )
return false;
// This clears any in-progress purchases, otherwise they could lose money and upgrades
m_bShowUpgradeMenu = false;
m_bCancelUpgrades = true;
m_bOpenLoadout = false;
m_bInspectMode = false;
m_hPlayer = NULL;
TFInventoryManager()->EquipItemInLoadout( nClass, LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION, iItemId );
// Tell the GC to tell server that we should respawn if we're in a respawn room
GCSDK::CGCMsg< GCSDK::MsgGCEmpty_t > msg( k_EMsgGCRespawnPostLoadoutChange );
GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg );
return true;
// Purpose:
void CHudUpgradePanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "close" ) )
m_bShowUpgradeMenu = false;
m_bCancelUpgrades = false;
m_bOpenLoadout = false;
// See if we need to award achievements
if ( m_bAwardMaxSlotAchievement )
if ( m_bAwardMaxResistAchievement )
else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "cancel" ) )
m_bShowUpgradeMenu = false;
m_bCancelUpgrades = true;
m_bOpenLoadout = false;
m_bInspectMode = false;
m_hPlayer = NULL;
else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "next" ) )
int nPrevLoadoutSlot = -1;
int nLoadoutSlot = -1;
if ( m_hPlayer )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < m_pItemPanels.Count(); i++ )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = m_pItemPanels[ i ];
if ( !pItemPanel )
if ( !pItemPanel->IsVisible() )
nPrevLoadoutSlot = nLoadoutSlot;
nLoadoutSlot = pItemPanel->GetItem()->GetStaticData()->GetLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == nPrevLoadoutSlot )
if ( i >= m_pItemPanels.Count() )
UpgradeItemInSlot( -1 );
UpgradeItemInSlot( nLoadoutSlot );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "prev" ) )
int nPrevLoadoutSlot = -1;
int nLoadoutSlot = -1;
if ( m_hPlayer )
int i;
for ( i = m_pItemPanels.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = m_pItemPanels[ i ];
if ( !pItemPanel )
if ( !pItemPanel->IsVisible() )
nPrevLoadoutSlot = nLoadoutSlot;
nLoadoutSlot = pItemPanel->GetItem()->GetStaticData()->GetLoadoutSlot( m_hPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() );
if ( m_iWeaponSlotBeingUpgraded == nPrevLoadoutSlot )
if ( i < 0 )
UpgradeItemInSlot( -1 );
UpgradeItemInSlot( nLoadoutSlot );
else if ( V_strcmp( command, "quick_equip_bottle" ) == 0 )
else if ( V_strcmp( command, "open_charinfo_direct" ) == 0 )
m_bShowUpgradeMenu = false;
m_bCancelUpgrades = true;
m_bOpenLoadout = true;
else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "PlayerUpgrade" ) )
UpgradeItemInSlot( -1 );
if ( !m_bHighlightedTab )
// They've clicked a tab... no need to blink them any longer
m_bHighlightedTab = true;
tf_mvm_tabs_discovered.SetValue( tf_mvm_tabs_discovered.GetInt() + 1 );
else if ( StringHasPrefix( command, "mvm_upgrade" ) )
char szUpgradeNums[ 10 ];
V_strncpy( szUpgradeNums, command + V_strlen( "mvm_upgrade" ), sizeof( szUpgradeNums ) );
szUpgradeNums[ 3 ] = '\0';
int nUpgrade = atoi( szUpgradeNums );
int nPrice = atoi( szUpgradeNums + 4 );
if ( m_hPlayer )
m_nCurrency -= nPrice;
UpdateButtonStates( m_nCurrency, nUpgrade, 1 );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetControlEnabled( "CloseButton", true );
else if ( StringHasPrefix( command, "mvm_downgrade" ) )
char szUpgradeNums[ 10 ];
V_strncpy( szUpgradeNums, command + V_strlen( "mvm_downgrade" ), sizeof( szUpgradeNums ) );
szUpgradeNums[ 3 ] = '\0';
int nUpgrade = atoi( szUpgradeNums );
int nPrice = atoi( szUpgradeNums + 4 );
if ( m_hPlayer )
m_nCurrency += nPrice;
UpdateButtonStates( m_nCurrency, nUpgrade, -1 );
m_pSelectWeaponPanel->SetControlEnabled( "CloseButton", true );
else if ( StringHasPrefix( command, "nexttip" ) )
else if ( V_strcmp( command, "respec" ) == 0 )
if ( m_hPlayer )
OnCommand( "close" );
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MVM_Respec" );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
engine->ClientCmd( const_cast<char *>( command ) );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
void CHudUpgradePanel::UpdateTip()
int iClassUsed;
m_pTipPanel->SetDialogVariable( "tiptext", g_TFTips.GetRandomMvMTip( iClassUsed ) );
bool MannVsMachine_GetUpgradeInfo( int iAttribute, int iQuality, float &flValue )
FOR_EACH_VEC( g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades, i )
CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrib = ItemSystem()->GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeDefinitionByName( g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[i].szAttrib );
if ( !pAttrib )
if ( pAttrib->GetDefinitionIndex() == iAttribute && g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[i].nQuality == iQuality )
flValue = g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[i].flIncrement;
return true;
return false;