Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

269 lines
11 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "base_loadout_panel.h"
#include "tf_item_inspection_panel.h"
class CDynamicRecipePanel;
class CItemSlotPanel;
class CStrangeCountTransferPanel;
class CCollectionCraftingPanel;
class CHalloweenOfferingPanel;
class CCraftCommonStatClockPanel;
class CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2;
// An inventory screen that handles displaying the backpack
class CBackpackPanel : public CBaseLoadoutPanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CBackpackPanel, CBaseLoadoutPanel );
CBackpackPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName );
virtual ~CBackpackPanel();
virtual const char *GetResFile( void ) { return "Resource/UI/econ/BackpackPanel.res"; }
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PerformLayout( void ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UpdateModelPanels( void );
virtual int GetNumItemPanels( void ) { return BACKPACK_SLOTS_PER_PAGE; };
virtual void OnShowPanel( bool bVisible, bool bReturningFromArmory );
virtual void PostShowPanel( bool bVisible );
virtual bool UsesRarityControls( void ) { return true; }
virtual bool AllowSelection( void ) { return true; }
virtual bool AllowDragging( CItemModelPanel *panel ) { return true; }
virtual int GetNumSlotsPerPage( void ) OVERRIDE { return BACKPACK_SLOTS_PER_PAGE; }
virtual int GetNumColumns( void ) OVERRIDE { return BACKPACK_COLUMNS; }
virtual int GetNumRows( void ) OVERRIDE { return BACKPACK_ROWS; }
virtual int GetNumPages( void ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetCurrentPage( int nNewPage ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AssignItemToPanel( CItemModelPanel *pPanel, int iIndex );
virtual void OnItemPanelEntered( vgui::Panel *panel ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OpenContextMenu();
MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnItemPanelMousePressed, "ItemPanelMousePressed", panel );
MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnItemPanelMouseReleased, "ItemPanelMouseReleased", panel );
MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnItemPanelMouseRightRelease, "ItemPanelMouseRightRelease", panel );
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT_INT( OnCursorMoved, "OnCursorMoved", x, y );
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT_INT( OnItemPanelCursorMoved, "ItemPanelCursorMoved", x, y );
MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnConfirmDelete, "ConfirmDlgResult", data );
MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", data );
MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnButtonChecked, "CheckButtonChecked", pData );
MESSAGE_FUNC( OnCancelSelection, "CancelSelection" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoTradeToPlayer, "DoTradeToPlayer" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoSellMarketplace, "DoSellMarketplace" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoDescription, "DoDescription" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoRename, "DoRename" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoDelete, "DoDelete" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoApplyOnItem, "Context_ApplyOnItem" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoUseConsumableItem, "Context_UseConsumableItem" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoUnwrapItem, "Context_UnwrapItem" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoDeliverItem, "Context_DeliverItem" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoApplyByItem, "Context_ApplyByItem" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoShuffle, "Context_Shuffle" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoEditSlot, "Context_EditSlot" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoRefurbishItem, "Context_RefurbishItem" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoGetItemFromStore, "Context_GetItemFromStore" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoOpenDuckLeaderboards, "Context_OpenDuckLeaderboards" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoInspectModel, "Context_InspectModel" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoBuyKeyAndOpenCrate, "Context_BuyKeyAndOpenCrate" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoOpenCrateWithKey, "Context_OpenCrateWithKey" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoStrangeCountTransfer, "Context_OpenStrangeCountTransfer" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoCraftUpCollection, "Context_CraftUpCollection" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoHalloweenOffering, "Context_HalloweenOffering" );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoCraftCommonStatClock, "Context_CraftCommonStatClock" );
void DoEquipForClass( int nClass );
void DoPaint( int nPaintItemIndex, bool bUseStore, bool bUseMarket );
void DoStrangePart( int nStrangePartIndex, bool bUseMarket );
enum ESelection
bool AttemptToUseItem( item_definition_index_t iItemDefIndex );
void AttemptToShowItemInStore( item_definition_index_t iItemDefIndex );
void AttemptToShowItemInMarket( item_definition_index_t iItemDefIndex );
void GetSelectedPanels( ESelection eSelection, CUtlVector< CItemModelPanel* >& m_vecSelected ) const;
virtual void OnCommand( const char *command );
virtual void OnTick( void );
virtual void OnThink( void );
virtual void OnKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnKeyCodeReleased( vgui::KeyCode code ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped(vgui::KeyCode code) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMouseReleased(vgui::MouseCode code) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMouseMismatchedRelease( vgui::MouseCode code, Panel* pPressedPanel ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMouseCaptureLost() OVERRIDE;
void OnItemContentsChanged( CEconItemView *pEconItemView );
virtual void OpenArmory( CEconItemView* item );
void ToggleSelectBackpackItemPanel( CItemModelPanel *pPanel );
void DeSelectAllBackpackItemPanels( void );
CEconItemView* GetComboBoxOverlayUISeletionItem() { return &m_ComboBoxOverlaySelectionItem; }
void SetComboBoxOverlaySelectionItem( const CEconItemView *pEconItemView ) { m_ComboBoxOverlaySelectionItem = *pEconItemView; }
void SetCurrentTransactionID( uint64 nTxnID );
void CheckForQuickOpenKey();
void MarkItemIDDirty( itemid_t itemID );
void OpenInspectModelPanelAndCopyItem( CEconItemView *pItemView );
CCollectionCraftingPanel *GetCollectionCraftPanel();
virtual void StartDrag( int x, int y );
virtual void StopDrag( bool bSucceeded );
virtual bool CanDragTo( CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel, int iPanelIndex ) { return true; }
virtual void HandleDragTo( CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel, int iPanelIndex );
virtual int GetBackpackPosForPanelIndex( int iPanelIndex ) { return iPanelIndex + 1 + (GetCurrentPage() * GetNumSlotsPerPage()); }
virtual bool NeedsDerivedTickSignal( void ) { return false; }
int GetBackpackPositionForPanel( CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel );
virtual const char *GetGreyOutItemPanelReason( CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel );
virtual void SetBorderForItem( CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel, bool bMouseOver );
virtual bool IsIgnoringItemPanelEnters( void ) { return m_bDragging; }
virtual void AddNewItemPanel( int iPanelIndex );
virtual CItemModelPanel *GetItemPanelAtPos( int x, int y );
virtual void PositionItemPanel( CItemModelPanel *pPanel, int iIndex );
void CancelToolSelection( void );
void SetShowBaseItems( bool bShow );
virtual ConVar *GetExplanationConVar( void );
bool ShouldShowExplanations( void ) { return (!m_bItemsOnly && !InToolSelectionMode()); }
bool InToolSelectionMode() const { return m_eSelectionMode != StandardSelection; }
void SetupToolSelectionItem();
void HandleToolItemSelection( CEconItemView *pItem );
void ClearNameFilter( bool bUpdateModelPanels );
bool HasNameFilter() const { return m_wNameFilter.Count() > 0; }
const wchar_t* GetNameFilter() const { return HasNameFilter() ? m_wNameFilter.Base() : NULL; }
void UpdateFilteringItems();
int GetItemQualityForBorder( CItemModelPanel* pItemPanel ) const;
int GetNumMaxPages() const { return BACKPACK_MAX_PAGES; }
int GetPageButtonIndexAtPos( int x, int y );
void SetPageButtonTextColorBasedOnContents();
void AddPaintToContextMenu( Menu *pPaintSubMenu, item_definition_index_t iPaintDef, bool bAddCommerce );
void AddCommerceToContextMenu( Menu *pMenu, const char* pszActionFmt, item_definition_index_t iItemDefIndex, bool bAddMarket, bool bAddStore );
void AddCommerceSubmenus( Menu *pSubMenu, item_definition_index_t iItemDef, const char* pszActionFmt );
void DoGiftToPlayer( );
vgui::TextEntry *m_pNameFilterTextEntry;
CUtlVector<wchar_t> m_wNameFilter;
float m_flFilterItemTime;
CUtlMap< int, CEconItemView*, int > m_mapFilteringItems;
CUtlMap< itemid_t, char > m_mapSeenItems;
bool m_bInitializedSeenItems;
CUtlVector< itemid_t > m_vecDirtyItems;
CExButton *m_pNextPageButton;
CExButton *m_pPrevPageButton;
CExButton *m_pShowExplanationsButton;
vgui::Label *m_pCurPageLabel;
vgui::ComboBox *m_pSortByComboBox;
vgui::ComboBox *m_pShowRarityComboBox;
vgui::CheckButton *m_pShowBaseItemsCheckbox;
CExButton *m_pDragToNextPageButton;
CExButton *m_pDragToPrevPageButton;
float m_flPreventDragPageSwitchUntil;
float m_flStartExplanationsAt;
// Dragging support
float m_flMouseDownTime;
int m_iMouseDownX;
int m_iMouseDownY;
CItemModelPanel *m_pItemDraggedFromPanel;
int m_iDraggedFromPage;
bool m_bMouseDownOnItemPanel;
bool m_bDragging;
CItemModelPanel *m_pMouseDragItemPanel;
int m_iDragOffsetX;
int m_iDragOffsetY;
CItemModelPanel *m_pPrevDragOverItemPanel;
// Deletion
vgui::EditablePanel *m_pConfirmDeleteDialog;
// Tool support
enum SelectionMode_t
SelectionMode_t m_eSelectionMode;
int m_nLastToolPage;
CEconItemView m_ToolSelectionItem;
CExButton *m_pCancelToolButton;
vgui::ScalableImagePanel *m_pToolIcon;
CEconItemView m_ComboBoxOverlaySelectionItem;
CExButton *m_pCraftButton;
// base items or backpack items
bool m_bShowBaseItems;
// positions of all our item panels, so we can handle drag & drop
struct backpackitempos_t
int x,y;
CUtlVector<backpackitempos_t> m_ItemModelPanelPos;
KeyValues *m_pPageButtonKVs;
int m_nNumActivePages;
CUtlVector< EditablePanel* > m_Pages;
CUtlVector<backpackitempos_t> m_PageButtonPos;
CDynamicRecipePanel* m_pDynamicRecipePanel;
CItemSlotPanel* m_pItemSlotPanel;
CUtlVector< item_definition_index_t > m_vecPaintCans;
CUtlVector< item_definition_index_t > m_vecStrangeParts;
DHANDLE<CStrangeCountTransferPanel> m_pStrangeToolPanel;
DHANDLE<CCollectionCraftingPanel> m_pCollectionCraftPanel;
DHANDLE<CHalloweenOfferingPanel> m_pHalloweenOfferingPanel;
DHANDLE<CCraftCommonStatClockPanel> m_pMannCoTradePanel; // Make this Panel Generic
CTFItemInspectionPanel *m_pInspectPanel;
CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2 *m_pInspectCosmeticPanel;
vgui::Menu *m_pContextMenu;
CEconItemViewHandle m_hQuickOpenCrate;
uint64 m_nQuickOpenTxn;
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iPageButtonYPos, "page_button_y", "0", "proportional_int" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iPageButtonXDelta, "page_button_x_delta", "0", "proportional_int" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iPageButtonYDelta, "page_button_y_delta", "0", "proportional_int" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iPageButtonPerRow, "page_button_per_row", "20", "int" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iPageButtonHeight, "page_button_height", "0", "proportional_int" );