Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
namespace swig {
template <class RubySeq, class T>
inline void
assign(const RubySeq& rubyseq, std::set<T>* seq) {
typedef typename RubySeq::value_type value_type;
typename RubySeq::const_iterator it = rubyseq.begin();
for (;it != rubyseq.end(); ++it) {
seq->insert(rubyseq.begin(), rubyseq.end());
template <class T>
struct traits_asptr<std::set<T> > {
static int asptr(VALUE obj, std::set<T> **s) {
return traits_asptr_stdseq<std::set<T> >::asptr(obj, s);
template <class T>
struct traits_from<std::set<T> > {
static VALUE from(const std::set<T>& vec) {
return traits_from_stdseq<std::set<T> >::from(vec);
* Set Iterator class for an iterator with no end() boundaries.
template<typename InOutIterator,
typename ValueType = typename std::iterator_traits<InOutIterator>::value_type,
typename FromOper = from_oper<ValueType>,
typename AsvalOper = asval_oper<ValueType> >
class SetIteratorOpen_T : public Iterator_T<InOutIterator>
FromOper from;
AsvalOper asval;
typedef InOutIterator nonconst_iter;
typedef ValueType value_type;
typedef Iterator_T<nonconst_iter> base;
typedef SetIteratorOpen_T<InOutIterator, ValueType, FromOper, AsvalOper> self_type;
SetIteratorOpen_T(nonconst_iter curr, VALUE seq = Qnil)
: Iterator_T<InOutIterator>(curr, seq)
virtual VALUE value() const {
return from(static_cast<const value_type&>(*(base::current)));
// no setValue allowed
Iterator *dup() const
return new self_type(*this);
* Set Iterator class for a iterator where begin() and end() boundaries
are known.
template<typename InOutIterator,
typename ValueType = typename std::iterator_traits<InOutIterator>::value_type,
typename FromOper = from_oper<ValueType>,
typename AsvalOper = asval_oper<ValueType> >
class SetIteratorClosed_T : public Iterator_T<InOutIterator>
FromOper from;
AsvalOper asval;
typedef InOutIterator nonconst_iter;
typedef ValueType value_type;
typedef Iterator_T<nonconst_iter> base;
typedef SetIteratorClosed_T<InOutIterator, ValueType, FromOper, AsvalOper> self_type;
virtual Iterator* advance(ptrdiff_t n)
std::advance( base::current, n );
if ( base::current == end )
throw stop_iteration();
return this;
SetIteratorClosed_T(nonconst_iter curr, nonconst_iter first,
nonconst_iter last, VALUE seq = Qnil)
: Iterator_T<InOutIterator>(curr, seq), begin(first), end(last)
virtual VALUE value() const {
if (base::current == end) {
throw stop_iteration();
} else {
return from(static_cast<const value_type&>(*(base::current)));
// no setValue allowed
Iterator *dup() const
return new self_type(*this);
nonconst_iter begin;
nonconst_iter end;
// Template specialization to construct a closed iterator for sets
// this turns a nonconst iterator into a const one for ruby to avoid
// allowing the user to change the value
template< typename InOutIter >
inline Iterator*
make_set_nonconst_iterator(const InOutIter& current,
const InOutIter& begin,
const InOutIter& end,
VALUE seq = Qnil)
return new SetIteratorClosed_T< InOutIter >(current,
begin, end, seq);
// Template specialization to construct an open iterator for sets
// this turns a nonconst iterator into a const one for ruby to avoid
// allowing the user to change the value
template< typename InOutIter >
inline Iterator*
make_set_nonconst_iterator(const InOutIter& current,
VALUE seq = Qnil)
return new SetIteratorOpen_T< InOutIter >(current, seq);
%define %swig_set_methods(set...)
%fragment("RubyPairBoolOutputIterator","header",fragment=SWIG_From_frag(bool),fragment="RubySequence_Cont") {}
// Redefine std::set iterator/reverse_iterator typemap
%typemap(out,noblock=1) iterator, reverse_iterator {
$result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(swig::make_set_nonconst_iterator(%static_cast($1,const $type &),
// Redefine std::set std::pair<iterator, bool> typemap
std::pair<iterator, bool> {
$result = rb_ary_new2(2);
RARRAY_PTR($result)[0] = SWIG_NewPointerObj(swig::make_set_nonconst_iterator(%static_cast($1,$type &).first),
RARRAY_PTR($result)[1] = SWIG_From(bool)(%static_cast($1,const $type &).second);
RARRAY_LEN($result) = 2;
%extend {
%alias push "<<";
value_type push(const value_type& x) {
return x;
bool __contains__(const value_type& x) {
return self->find(x) != self->end();
value_type __getitem__(difference_type i) const throw (std::out_of_range) {
return *(swig::cgetpos(self, i));
%mixin std::set "Enumerable";
%rename("delete") std::set::__delete__;
%rename("reject!") std::set::reject_bang;
%rename("map!") std::set::map_bang;
%rename("empty?") std::set::empty;
%rename("include?" ) std::set::__contains__ const;
%rename("has_key?" ) std::set::has_key const;
%alias std::set::push "<<";
%include <std/std_set.i>