Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

332 lines
9.6 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "dependencygraph.h"
#include "datamodel/idatamodel.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelement.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h" // for swap
#include "datamodel/dmattribute.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattributevar.h"
#include "tier1/mempool.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Misc helper enums and classes for CDependencyGraph class
enum TraversalState_t
struct COperatorNode
COperatorNode( IDmeOperator *pOp = NULL ) :
m_state( TS_NOT_VISITED ),
m_operator( pOp ),
m_bInList( false )
TraversalState_t m_state;
IDmeOperator *m_operator;
CUtlVector< CAttributeNode * > m_OutputAttributes;
bool m_bInList;
class CAttributeNode
CAttributeNode( CDmAttribute *attribute = NULL ) :
m_attribute( attribute ),
m_bIsOutputToOperator( false )
CDmAttribute *m_attribute;
CUtlVector< COperatorNode * > m_InputDependentOperators;
bool m_bIsOutputToOperator;
CClassMemoryPool< CAttributeNode > g_AttrNodePool( 1000 );
CClassMemoryPool< COperatorNode > g_OperatorNodePool( 1000 );
bool HashEntryCompareFunc( CAttributeNode *const& lhs, CAttributeNode *const& rhs )
return lhs->m_attribute == rhs->m_attribute;
uint HashEntryKeyFunc( CAttributeNode *const& keyinfo )
uint i = (uint)keyinfo->m_attribute;
return i >> 2; // since memory is allocated on a 4-byte (at least!) boundary
// CDependencyGraph constructor - builds dependency graph from operators
CDependencyGraph::CDependencyGraph() :
m_attrNodes( 4096, 0, 0, HashEntryCompareFunc, HashEntryKeyFunc )
void CDependencyGraph::Reset( const CUtlVector< IDmeOperator * > &operators )
CUtlVector< CDmAttribute * > attrs; // moved outside the loop to function as a temporary memory pool for performance
int on = operators.Count();
CUtlRBTree< IDmeOperator * > operatorDict( 0, on * 2, DefLessFunc(IDmeOperator *) );
for ( int i = 0; i < on; ++i )
operatorDict.Insert( operators[i] );
m_opNodes.EnsureCapacity( on );
for ( int oi = 0; oi < on; ++oi )
IDmeOperator *pOp = operators[ oi ];
Assert( pOp );
if ( pOp == NULL )
COperatorNode *pOpNode = g_OperatorNodePool.Alloc();
pOpNode->m_operator = pOp;
pOp->GetInputAttributes( attrs );
int an = attrs.Count();
for ( int ai = 0; ai < an; ++ai )
CAttributeNode *pAttrNode = FindAttrNode( attrs[ ai ] );
pAttrNode->m_InputDependentOperators.AddToTail( pOpNode );
pOp->GetOutputAttributes( attrs );
an = attrs.Count();
for ( int ai = 0; ai < an; ++ai )
CAttributeNode *pAttrNode = FindAttrNode( attrs[ ai ] );
pAttrNode->m_bIsOutputToOperator = true;
pOpNode->m_OutputAttributes.AddToTail( pAttrNode );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Look for dependent operators, add them if they are not in the array
// FIXME: Should this happen for input attributes too?
CDmElement* pElement = pAttrNode->m_attribute->GetOwner();
IDmeOperator *pOperator = dynamic_cast< IDmeOperator* >( pElement );
if ( pOperator )
// Look for the operator in the existing list
if ( operatorDict.Find( pOperator ) == operatorDict.InvalidIndex() )
CDmElement *pOp1 = dynamic_cast< CDmElement* >( pOperator );
CDmElement *pOp2 = dynamic_cast< CDmElement* >( pOp );
Warning( "Found dependent operator '%s' referenced by operator '%s' that wasn't in the scene or trackgroups!\n", pOp1->GetName(), pOp2->GetName() );
m_opNodes.AddToTail( pOpNode );
// CDependencyGraph destructor - releases temporary opNodes and attrNodes
void CDependencyGraph::Cleanup()
int on = m_opNodes.Count();
for ( int oi = 0; oi < on; ++oi )
g_OperatorNodePool.Free( m_opNodes[ oi ] );
UtlHashHandle_t h = m_attrNodes.GetFirstHandle();
for ( ; h != m_attrNodes.InvalidHandle(); h = m_attrNodes.GetNextHandle( h ) )
g_AttrNodePool.Free( m_attrNodes[ h ] );
// caches changed operators as roots - typically once per frame, every frame
void CDependencyGraph::FindRoots()
uint oi;
uint on = m_opNodes.Count();
for ( oi = 0; oi < on; ++oi )
COperatorNode *pOpNode = m_opNodes[ oi ];
pOpNode->m_bInList = false;
pOpNode->m_state = TS_NOT_VISITED;
IDmeOperator *pOp = pOpNode->m_operator;
if ( !pOp->IsDirty() )
m_opRoots.AddToTail( pOpNode );
pOpNode->m_bInList = true;
// Do we have an attribute which is an input to us which is not an output to some other op?
UtlHashHandle_t h = m_attrNodes.GetFirstHandle();
for ( ; h != m_attrNodes.InvalidHandle(); h = m_attrNodes.GetNextHandle( h ) )
CAttributeNode *pAttrNode = m_attrNodes[ h ];
//Msg( "attrib %s %p\n", pAttrNode->m_attribute->GetName(), pAttrNode->m_attribute );
if ( !pAttrNode->m_bIsOutputToOperator &&
pAttrNode->m_attribute->IsFlagSet( FATTRIB_OPERATOR_DIRTY ) )
on = pAttrNode->m_InputDependentOperators.Count();
for ( oi = 0; oi < on; ++oi )
COperatorNode *pOpNode = pAttrNode->m_InputDependentOperators[ oi ];
if ( !pOpNode->m_bInList )
m_opRoots.AddToTail( pOpNode );
pOpNode->m_bInList = true;
pAttrNode->m_attribute->RemoveFlag( FATTRIB_OPERATOR_DIRTY );
// returns only the operators that need to be evaluated, sorted by dependencies
bool CDependencyGraph::CullAndSortOperators()
bool cycle = GetOperatorOrdering( m_opRoots, m_operators ); // leaves to roots (outputs to inputs)
int on = m_operators.Count();
int oh = on / 2;
for ( int oi = 0; oi < oh; ++oi )
V_swap( m_operators[ oi ], m_operators[ on - oi - 1 ] );
return cycle;
// return GetOperatorOrdering( m_opLeaves, operators ); // roots to leaves (inputs to outputs)
// GetOperatorOrdering is just a recursive post-order depth-first-search
// since we have two types of nodes, we manually traverse to the opnodes grandchildren, which are opnodes
// (skipping children, which are attrnodes)
// returns true if a cycle found - in this case, an arbitrary link of the cycle will be ignored
bool CDependencyGraph::GetOperatorOrdering( CUtlVector< COperatorNode * > &pOpNodes, CUtlVector< IDmeOperator * > &operators )
bool cycle = false;
uint on = pOpNodes.Count();
for ( uint oi = 0; oi < on; ++oi )
COperatorNode *pOpNode = pOpNodes[ oi ];
if ( pOpNode->m_state != TS_NOT_VISITED )
if ( pOpNode->m_state == TS_VISITING )
cycle = true;
pOpNode->m_state = TS_VISITING; // mark as in being visited
// DBG_PrintOperator( pIndent, pOpNode->m_operator );
// leaves to roots (outputs to inputs)
uint an = pOpNode->m_OutputAttributes.Count();
for ( uint ai = 0; ai < an; ++ai )
CAttributeNode *pAttrNode = pOpNode->m_OutputAttributes[ ai ];
if ( GetOperatorOrdering( pAttrNode->m_InputDependentOperators, operators ) )
cycle = true;
operators.AddToTail( pOpNode->m_operator );
pOpNode->m_state = TS_VISITED; // mark as done visiting
return cycle;
// internal helper method - finds attrNode corresponding to pAttr
CAttributeNode *CDependencyGraph::FindAttrNode( CDmAttribute *pAttr )
Assert( pAttr );
CAttributeNode search( pAttr );
UtlHashHandle_t idx = m_attrNodes.Find( &search );
if ( idx != m_attrNodes.InvalidHandle() )
return m_attrNodes.Element( idx );
CAttributeNode *pAttrNode = 0;
VPROF( "CDependencyGraph::FindAttrNode_Alloc" );
pAttrNode = g_AttrNodePool.Alloc();
pAttrNode->m_attribute = pAttr;
VPROF( "CDependencyGraph::FindAttrNode_Alloc2" );
m_attrNodes.Insert( pAttrNode );
return pAttrNode;
// temporary internal debugging function
void CDependencyGraph::DBG_PrintOperator( const char *pIndent, IDmeOperator *pOp )
CDmElement *pElement = dynamic_cast< CDmElement* >( pOp );
Msg( "%s%s <%s> {\n", pIndent, pElement->GetName(), pElement->GetTypeString() );