Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2400 lines
74 KiB

5 years ago
//====== Copyright 1996-2010, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: The file defines our Google Protocol Buffers which are used in over
// the wire messages between servers as well as between the TF GC and TF gameservers
// and clients.
// We care more about speed than code size
option optimize_for = SPEED;
// We don't use the service generation functionality
option cc_generic_services = false;
// Use CamelCase CMsgMyMessageName style names for messages.
// Use lowercase _ delimited names like my_steam_id for field names, this is non-standard for Steam,
// but plays nice with the Google formatted code generation.
// Try not to use required fields ever. Only do so if you are really really sure you'll never want them removed.
// Optional should be preffered as it will make versioning easier and cleaner in the future if someone refactors
// your message and wants to remove or rename fields.
// Use fixed64 for JobId_t, GID_t, or SteamID. This is appropriate for any field that is normally
// going to be larger than 2^56. Otherwise use int64 for 64 bit values that are frequently smaller
// than 2^56 as it will safe space on the wire in those cases.
// Similar to fixed64, use fixed32 for RTime32 or other 32 bit values that are frequently larger than
// 2^28. It will safe space in those cases, otherwise use int32 which will safe space for smaller values.
// An exception to this rule for RTime32 is if the value will frequently be zero rather than set to an actual
// time.
// Note: to make something a key field, list it like so:
// optional uint32 account_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
import "steammessages.proto";
import "base_gcmessages.proto";
enum ETFGCMsg
k_EMsgGCReportWarKill = 5001; //War kill tracking. No longer in use
k_EMsgGCVoteKickBanPlayer = 5018; // client => GC
k_EMsgGCVoteKickBanPlayerResult = 5019; // game server => GC
k_EMsgGCKickPlayer_DEPRECATED = 5020; // GC => game server & client
k_EMsgGCStartedTraining_DEPRECATED = 5021; // client => GC
k_EMsgGCFreeTrial_ChooseMostHelpfulFriend = 5022; // client => GC
k_EMsgGCRequestTF2Friends = 5023; // client => GC
k_EMsgGCRequestTF2FriendsResponse = 5024; // GC => client
k_EMsgGCReplay_SubmitContestEntry = 5026; // client => GC
k_EMsgGCReplay_SubmitContestEntryResponse = 5027; // client => GC
k_EMsgGCSaxxy_Awarded = 5029; // GC => client
k_EMsgGCFreeTrial_ThankedBySomeone = 5028; // GC => client
k_EMsgGCFreeTrial_ThankedSomeone = 5030; // GC => client
k_EMsgGCFreeTrial_ConvertedToPremium = 5031; // GC => client
k_EMsgGCMeetThePyroSilliness_BananaCraft_DEPRECATED = 5032; // GC => client (was part of the pre-Meet-the-Pyro silliness)
k_EMsgGCMVMARG_HighFiveSuccessResponse_DEPRECATED = 5033; // GC => client (was part of the pre-MVM silliness)
k_EMsgGCMVMARG_HighFiveOnClient_DEPRECATED = 5034; // client => GC (was part of the pre-MVM silliness)
// Coaching
k_EMsgGCCoaching_AddToCoaches = 5200; // client is requesting that they be added to a list of eligible coaches
k_EMsgGCCoaching_AddToCoachesResponse = 5201;
k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoaches = 5202; // client is requesting to be removed from list of eligible coaches
k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoachesResponse =5203; // sent by GC to client
k_EMsgGCCoaching_FindCoach = 5204; // sent by client to GC requesting a coach be found
k_EMsgGCCoaching_FindCoachResponse = 5205; // sent by GC to client looking for a coach
k_EMsgGCCoaching_AskCoach = 5206; // sent by GC to coach asking if they want to coach a student
k_EMsgGCCoaching_AskCoachResponse = 5207; // (coach) client's response to whether they want to coach the found student
k_EMsgGCCoaching_CoachJoinGame = 5208; // sent by GC to (coach) client to tell them to join the server
k_EMsgGCCoaching_CoachJoining = 5209; // sent by GC to game session to tell them who is going to coach whom
k_EMsgGCCoaching_CoachJoined = 5210; // sent by GC to game server letting them know a coach has joined
k_EMsgGCCoaching_LikeCurrentCoach = 5211; // sent by (student) client to GC to indicate that they like their coach
k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveCurrentCoach = 5212; // sent by (student) client to GC to indicate that they want to get rid of their coach, and eventually to game server
k_EMsgGCCoaching_AlreadyRatedCoach = 5213; // sent by GC to (student) client
// mini-games:
// duel
k_EMsgGC_Duel_Request = 5500; // GC => target (all clients?)
k_EMsgGC_Duel_Response = 5501; // challenged client => GC and GC => all clients
k_EMsgGC_Duel_Results = 5502; // gameserver => GC
k_EMsgGC_Duel_Status = 5503; // GC => client
// halloween (deprecated GCMsg types)
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_ReservedItem_DEPRECATED = 5600; // GC => clients
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_GrantItem_DEPRECATED = 5601; // client(s) => GC
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_GrantItemResponse_DEPRECATED = 5604; // GC => client(s)
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_Cheat_QueryResponse_DEPRECATED = 5605; // clients => GC
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_ItemClaimed_DEPRECATED = 5606; // GC => clients
// Halloween (new CProtoBufMsg types)
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_ReservedItem = 5607; // GC => clients
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_GrantItem = 5608; // client(s) => GC
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_GrantItemResponse = 5609; // GC => client(s)
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_Cheat_QueryResponse_DEPRECATED_2 = 5610; // clients => GC
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_ItemClaimed_DEPRECATED_2 = 5611; // GC => clients
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_ServerBossEvent = 5612; // server => GC
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_Merasmus2012 = 5613; // server => GC
k_EMsgGC_Halloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel = 5614; // Client => GC
// Game Server stuff
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_LevelInfo = 5700; // game server => GC
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AuthChallenge = 5701; // GC => game server
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AuthChallengeResponse = 5702; // game server => GC
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_CreateIdentity = 5703; // client => GC
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_CreateIdentityResponse =5704; // GC => client
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_List = 5705; // client => GC
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ListResponse = 5706; // GC => client
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AuthResult = 5707; // GC => client
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ResetIdentity = 5708; // GC => client
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ResetIdentityResponse = 5709; // GC => client
// Game-server-modifying client items
k_EMsgGC_Client_UseServerModificationItem = 5710; // client => GC
k_EMsgGC_Client_UseServerModificationItem_Response = 5711; // GC => client
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_UseServerModificationItem = 5712; // GC => game server
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_UseServerModificationItem_Response = 5713; // game server => GC
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ServerModificationItemExpired = 5714; // game server => GC
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ModificationItemState = 5715; // GC => game server
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AckPolicy = 5716; // client => GC
k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AckPolicyResponse = 5717; // GC => client
// Quickplay
k_EMsgGC_QP_ScoreServers = 5800; // client => GC
k_EMsgGC_QP_ScoreServersResponse = 5801; // client => GC
k_EMsgGC_QP_PlayerJoining = 5802; // GC => server
// Cheat challenge (deperecated GCMsg types)
k_EMsgGC_PickupItemEligibility_Query_DEPRECATED = 6000; // GC => clients
// Cheat challenge (new CProtoBufMsg types)
k_EMsgGC_PickupItemEligibility_Query_DEPRECATED_2 = 6001; // GC => clients
// Leveling Weapons
k_EMsgGC_IncrementKillCountAttribute_DEPRECATED = 6100; // client => GC (a player killed) (deprecated: moved to econ)
k_EMsgGC_IncrementKillCountResponse_DEPRECATED = 6101; // GC => client (deprecated: moved to econ)
// Coop matchmaking
//k_EMsgGCGameMatchSignOut= 6204;
//k_EMsgGCGameMatchSignOutResponse = 6205;
//k_EMsgGCJoinChatChannel = 6209;
//k_EMsgGCJoinChatChannelResponse = 6210;
//k_EMsgGCLeaveChatChannel = 6211;
//k_EMsgGCChatMessage = 6212;
//k_EMsgGCOtherJoinedChannel = 6213;
//k_EMsgGCOtherLeftChannel = 6214;
k_EMsgGCCreateOrUpdateParty = 6233; // sent from party leader to GC to create party, and/or start/stop the search
//k_EMsgGCConnectedPlayers = 6234;
k_EMsgGCAbandonCurrentGame = 6235;
//k_EMsgGCStopFindingMatch = 6236;
k_EMsgForceSOCacheResend = 6237;
k_EMsgGCRequestChatChannelList = 6260;
k_EMsgGCRequestChatChannelListResponse = 6261;
k_EMsgGCReadyUp = 6270; // sent to acknowledge lobby readiness
k_EMsgGCKickedFromMatchmakingQueue = 6271; // player has been removed from the matchmaking queue (for not readying up)
k_EMsgGCLeaverDetected = 6272; // sent from server to GC when a player has been AFK/disconnected too long
k_EMsgGCLeaverDetectedResponse = 6287;
// Removed
// k_EMsgGCPlayerFailedToConnect = 6288; // Response message added later as 6520 below
k_EMsgGCExitMatchmaking = 6289;
//k_EMsgGCAdjustMatchSearchCriteria = 6290;
k_EMsgGCAcceptInvite = 6291;
k_EMsgGCAcceptInviteResponse = 6292;
k_EMsgGCMatchmakingProgress = 6293;
k_EMsgGCMvMVictoryInfo = 6294;
k_EMsgGCGameServerMatchmakingStatus = 6295;
k_EMsgGCCreateOrUpdatePartyReply = 6296; // GC -> client, to acknowledge party change request
k_EMsgGCMvMVictory = 6297; // game server -> GC, report MvM Victory
k_EMsgGCMvMVictoryReply = 6298; // GC -> game server, acknowledge of recieving MvM Victory
k_EMsgGCGameServerKickingLobby = 6299; // Game server is finished running match, please destroy lobby.
// Reply message added later as 6521
k_EMsgGCLeaveGameAndPrepareToJoinParty = 6300; // GC -> client. Disconnect from the server and go to the lobby UI; I'm putting you in a party
// Deprecated, see PlayerAbandonedMatch
// k_EMsgGCRemovePlayerFromLobby = 6301; // Game server wants this player removed from the lobby.
// Response added later as 6514 below
// Deprecated
// k_EMsgGCSetLobbySafeToLeave = 6302; // Game server indicates that all players in the lobby are safe to leave
k_EMsgGC_UpdatePeriodicEvent = 6400; // game server => GC
k_EMsgGC_DuckLeaderboard_IndividualUpdate = 6401; // Client -> GC
k_EMsgGC_Client2GCEconPreviewDataBlockRequest = 6402;
k_EMsgGC_Client2GCEconPreviewDataBlockResponse = 6403;
k_EMsgGC_ClientVerificationChallenge = 6500; // GC -> client
k_EMsgGC_ClientVerificationChallengeResponse = 6501; // client -> GC
k_EMsgGC_ClientVerificationVerboseResponse = 6502; // client -> GC
k_EMsgGC_ClientSetItemSlotAttribute = 6503; // client -> GC
// k_EMsgGC_PlayerSkillRating_Adjustment = 6504; // game server -> GC
k_EMsgGC_War_IndividualUpdate = 6505; // game server -> GC
k_EMsgGC_War_JoinWar = 6506; // client -> GC
k_EMsgGC_War_RequestGlobalStats = 6507; // client -> GC
k_EMsgGC_War_GlobalStatsResponse = 6508; // GC -> client
k_EMsgGC_WorldItemPlacement_Attribute = 6510; //
k_EMsgGC_WorldItemPlacement_Update = 6511; // client -> GC
k_EMsgGC_Match_Result = 6512; // game server -> GC. Response message added later as 6520 below
k_EMsgGCVoteKickPlayerRequest = 6513; // game server -> GC
k_EMsgGCVoteKickPlayerRequestResponse = 6514; // GC -> game server
k_EMsgGC_DailyCompetitiveStatsRollup = 6516; // game server -> GC
k_EMsgGC_DailyCompetitiveStatsRollup_Response = 6517; // GC -> game server
k_EMsgGC_WorldStatusBroadcast = 6518; // GC -> client
k_EMsgGC_ReportPlayer = 6519; // client -> GC
k_EMsgGC_Match_ResultResponse = 6520; // GC -> game server. Response message for 6512 above
k_EMsgGCGameServerKickingLobbyResponse = 6521; // GC -> game server. Response message for 6299 above
k_EMsgGCPlayerLeftMatch = 6522; // game server -> GC, a player left this match
k_EMsgGCPlayerLeftMatchResponse = 6523; // GC -> game server. Response message for above
k_EMsgGCRequestMatchMakerStats = 6524; // Client -> GC. Request for the below message
k_EMsgGCMatchMakerStatsResponse = 6525; // GC -> Client. Response to above message
k_EMsgGCMatchHistoryLoad = 6526; // Client -> GC.
k_EMsgGC_AcknowledgeXP = 6527; // Client -> GC. Acknowledge pending XP
k_EMsgGCDataCenterPing_Update = 6528; // client -> GC.
k_EMsgGC_NotificationAcknowledge = 6529; // Client -> GC. Acknowledge notifications
k_EMsgGC_NotificationAcknowledgeReply = 6530; // GC -> Client. Let client know if we've received the acknowledgement
k_EMsgGC_KickPlayerFromLobby = 6531; // GC -> game server. Tell the server to kick a player
// Rematch is deprecated by NewMatchForLobby stuff
// k_EMsgGC_RematchRequest = 6532; // game server -> GC. Request a rematch
// k_EMsgGC_RematchRequestResponse = 6533; // GC -> game server
k_EMsgGC_SurveyQuestionRequest = 6534; // GC -> Client. Ask the client to fill out a survey
k_EMsgGC_SurveyQuestionResponse = 6535; // Client -> GC. Client response to the request
k_EMsgGC_TFClientInit = 6536; // Client -> GC. Clients send this in response to
// ClientWelcome with initial data such as language and
// version.
k_EMsgGC_NewMatchForLobbyRequest = 6537; // Game server -> GC.
k_EMsgGC_NewMatchForLobbyResponse = 6538; // GC -> Game server
k_EMsgGC_ChangeMatchPlayerTeamsRequest = 6539; // Game server -> GC.
k_EMsgGC_ChangeMatchPlayerTeamsResponse = 6540; // GC -> Game server
k_EMsgGCPlayerVoteKickedAfterLeavingMatch = 6551; // game server -> GC, a player was votekicked after they left a match
k_EMsgGCPlayerVoteKickedAfterLeavingMatchResponse = 6552; // GC -> game server. Response message for above
// Development only messages
k_EMsgGCDev_GrantWarKill = 10001; //War kill tracking. No longer in use
// k_EMsgGCTFGoldenWrenchBroadcast
message CMsgTFGoldenWrenchBroadcast
optional int32 wrench_number = 1; // number of the deleted wrench
optional bool deleted = 2; // true if the wrench was deleted
optional string user_name = 3; // name of the user who deleted the wrench
// k_EMsgGCTFSaxxyBroadcast
message CMsgTFSaxxyBroadcast
optional int32 category_number = 1; // number of the deleted wrench
optional string user_name = 2; // name of the user who deleted the wrench
// k_EMsgGCTFSpecificItemBroadcast
message CMsgGCTFSpecificItemBroadcast
optional uint32 item_def_index = 1;
optional bool was_destruction = 2; // true if this item was destroyed, false if a new one was created
optional string user_name = 3; // name of the user who deleted the wrench
// k_EMsgGC_WorldStatusBroadcast
// This is the global heartbeat the GC sends to clients periodically. It should only contain live data that clients need
// to always be aware of, such as used on the global menu or to control global client state.
// I am obliged to mention, due to a certain email thread, that once TF is making better use of its WebAPI, this would
// be better served as a GetWorldStatus call clients can scrape, to take full advantage of caching and so on.
// Fletcher bloviated on this fact.
// !! Consider updating ITFGlobalStatus::GetWorldStatus when you change this
message CMsgTFWorldStatus
optional bool beta_stress_test_event_active = 1 [ default = false ];
// CTFDuelSummary
message CSOTFDuelSummary
optional uint32 account_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional uint32 duel_wins = 2;
optional uint32 duel_losses = 3;
optional uint32 last_duel_account_id = 4;
optional uint32 last_duel_timestamp = 5;
optional uint32 last_duel_status = 6;
// CTFMapContribution
message CSOTFMapContribution
optional uint32 account_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional uint32 def_index = 2 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional uint32 contribution_level = 3;
// CMsgTFVoteKickBanPlayer
message CMsgTFVoteKickBanPlayer
optional uint32 account_id_subject = 1;
optional uint32 kick_reason = 2;
// CMsgTFVoteKickBanPlayerResult
message CMsgTFVoteKickBanPlayerResult
optional uint32 account_id_initiator = 1;
optional uint32 account_id_subject = 2;
optional uint32 kick_reason = 3;
optional bool kick_successful = 4;
optional uint32 num_yes_votes = 5;
optional uint32 num_no_votes = 6;
optional uint32 num_possible_votes = 7;
// CMsgTFFreeTrialChooseMostHelpfulFriend
message CMsgTFFreeTrialChooseMostHelpfulFriend
optional uint32 account_id_friend = 1;
// CMsgTFRequestTF2Friends
message CMsgTFRequestTF2Friends
repeated uint32 account_ids = 1;
// CMsgTFRequestTF2FriendsResponse
message CMsgTFRequestTF2FriendsResponse
repeated uint32 account_ids = 1;
// CSOTFPlayerInfo
message CSOTFPlayerInfo
optional uint32 num_new_users_helped = 1;
// optional bool trial_account = 2 [ default = false ]; // DEPRECATED
// k_EMsgGCFreeTrial_ThankedBySomeone
message CMsgTFThankedBySomeone
optional uint64 thanker_steam_id = 1;
// k_EMsgGCFreeTrial_ThankedSomeone
message CMsgTFThankedSomeone
// k_EMsgGCFreeTrial_ConvertedToPremium
message CMsgTFFreeTrialConvertedToPremium
// k_EMsgGCSaxxy_Awarded
message CMsgSaxxyAwarded
optional uint32 category = 1;
repeated string winner_names = 2;
// CMsgReplaySubmitContestEntry
message CMsgReplaySubmitContestEntry
optional string youtube_url = 1;
optional uint32 category = 2;
// CMsgReplaySubmitContestEntryResponse
message CMsgReplaySubmitContestEntryResponse
optional bool success = 1;
// CReplayCachedContestData
// Tom Bui: stored in memcached by account id
message CReplayCachedContestData
optional fixed32 timestamp = 1;
optional uint32 num_votes_last_day = 2;
repeated uint32 video_entry_ids = 3;
optional uint32 num_flags_last_day = 4;
// Coaching
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_AddToCoaches
message CMsgTFCoaching_AddToCoaches
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoaches
message CMsgTFCoaching_RemoveFromCoaches
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_FindCoach
message CMsgTFCoaching_FindCoach
optional uint32 account_id_friend_as_coach = 1;
// @todo fill with criteria to match coach?
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_FindCoachResponse
message CMsgTFCoaching_FindCoachResponse
optional bool found_coach = 1;
optional uint32 num_likes = 2;
optional string coach_name = 3;
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_AskCoach
message CMsgTFCoaching_AskCoach
optional uint32 account_id_student = 1;
optional bool student_is_friend = 2;
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_AskCoachResponse
message CMsgTFCoaching_AskCoachResponse
optional bool accept_coaching_assignment = 1;
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_CoachJoinGame
message CMsgTFCoaching_CoachJoinGame
optional bool join_game = 1;
optional uint32 server_address = 2;
optional uint32 server_port = 3;
optional uint32 account_id_student = 4;
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_CoachJoining
message CMsgTFCoaching_CoachJoining
optional uint32 account_id_coach = 1;
optional uint32 account_id_student = 2;
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_CoachJoined
message CMsgTFCoaching_CoachJoined
optional uint32 account_id_coach = 1;
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_LikeCurrentCoach
message CMsgTFCoaching_LikeCurrentCoach
optional bool like_coach = 1;
// k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveCurrentCoach
message CMsgTFCoaching_RemoveCurrentCoach
optional uint32 account_id_coach = 1;
// End Coaching
// Quickplay
// k_EMsgGC_QP_ScoreServers
message CMsgTFQuickplay_ScoreServers
message ServerInfo
optional uint32 server_address = 1;
optional uint32 server_port = 2;
optional uint32 num_users = 3; // number of users the server is reporting to us
optional uint64 steam_id = 4;
optional uint32 max_users = 5; // max number of users the server reported
optional float user_score = 6; // what the client scored the server based on ping, preferences, etc
repeated ServerInfo servers = 1; // a list of servers
// k_EMsgGC_QP_ScoreServersResponse
message CMsgTFQuickplay_ScoreServersResponse
message ServerInfo
optional uint32 server_address = 1;
optional uint32 server_port = 2;
optional float total_score = 3;
optional uint64 steam_id = 4;
optional uint32 options_score = 5;
repeated ServerInfo servers = 1; // list of servers
// k_EMsgGC_QP_PlayerJoining
message CMsgTFQuickplay_PlayerJoining
optional uint32 account_id = 1;
// End Quickplay
// GameServer Auth
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_LevelInfo
message CMsgGC_GameServer_LevelInfo
optional bool level_loaded = 1;
optional string level_name = 2;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AuthChallenge
message CMsgGC_GameServer_AuthChallenge
// challenge string to be md5 hashed
optional string challenge_string = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AuthResult
message CMsgGC_GameServer_AuthResult
optional bool authenticated = 1;
optional int32 game_server_standing = 2;
optional int32 game_server_standing_trend = 3;
optional bool is_valve_server = 4;
optional string message = 5; // error message to explain failure or success.
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AuthChallengeResponse
message CMsgGC_GameServer_AuthChallengeResponse
optional uint32 game_server_account_id = 1;
optional bytes hashed_challenge_string = 2;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_CreateIdentity
message CMsgGC_GameServer_CreateIdentity
optional uint32 account_id = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_CreateIdentityResponse
message CMsgGC_GameServer_CreateIdentityResponse
optional bool account_created = 1;
optional uint32 game_server_account_id = 2;
optional string game_server_identity_token = 3;
enum EStatus
kStatus_GenericFailure = 0;
kStatus_TooMany = -1;
kStatus_NoPrivs = -2;
kStatus_Created = 1;
optional EStatus status = 4;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_List
message CMsgGC_GameServer_List
optional uint32 account_id = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ListResponse
message CMsgGC_GameServer_ListResponse
message GameServerIdentity
optional uint32 game_server_account_id = 1;
optional string game_server_identity_token = 2;
optional int32 game_server_standing = 3;
optional int32 game_server_standing_trend = 4;
repeated GameServerIdentity owned_game_servers = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ResetIdentity
message CMsgGC_GameServer_ResetIdentity
optional uint32 game_server_account_id = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ResetIdentityResponse
message CMsgGC_GameServer_ResetIdentityResponse
optional bool game_server_identity_token_reset = 1;
optional uint32 game_server_account_id = 2;
optional string game_server_identity_token = 3;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AckPolicy
message CMsgGC_GameServer_AckPolicy
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_AckPolicyResponse
message CMsgGC_GameServer_AckPolicyResponse
optional uint32 result = 1;
optional string message = 2;
// GameServer Auth
// k_EMsgGC_Client_UseServerModificationItem
message CMsgGC_Client_UseServerModificationItem
optional uint64 item_id = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_Client_UseServerModificationItem_Response
message CMsgGC_Client_UseServerModificationItem_Response
enum EServerModificationItemResponse
kServerModificationItemResponse_AlreadyInUse = 1;
kServerModificationItemResponse_NotOnAuthenticatedServer = 2;
kServerModificationItemResponse_ServerReject = 3;
kServerModificationItemResponse_InternalError = 4;
kServerModificationItemResponse_EventAlreadyActive = 5;
optional EServerModificationItemResponse response_code = 1;
enum EServerModificationItemType
kGameServerModificationItem_Halloween = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_UseServerModificationItem
message CMsgGC_GameServer_UseServerModificationItem
optional EServerModificationItemType modification_type = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_UseServerModificationItem_Response
message CMsgGC_GameServer_UseServerModificationItem_Response
enum EServerModificationItemServerResponse
kServerModificationItemServerResponse_Accepted = 1;
kServerModificationItemServerResponse_NoVoteCalled = 2;
kServerModificationItemServerResponse_VoteFailed = 3;
optional EServerModificationItemType modification_type = 1;
optional EServerModificationItemServerResponse server_response_code = 2;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ServerModificationItemExpired
message CMsgGC_GameServer_ServerModificationItemExpired
optional EServerModificationItemType modification_type = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_GameServer_ModificationItemState
message CMsgGC_GameServer_ServerModificationItem
optional EServerModificationItemType modification_type = 1;
optional bool active = 2;
// Halloween
// k_EMsgGC_Halloween_ReserveItem
message CMsgGC_Halloween_ReservedItem
// position in the world where the item will spawn
repeated float x = 1;
repeated float y = 2;
repeated float z = 3;
// what type of package is this? where did it spawn? etc.
optional uint32 spawn_meta_info = 7;
// k_EMsgGC_Halloween_GrantItem
message CMsgGC_Halloween_GrantItem
optional uint32 recipient_account_id = 1;
optional uint32 level_id = 2;
optional bool flagged = 3; // This is ambiguously named on purpose. It means flagged as a cheater (noclipper). Used for logging cheaters in the backend.
// k_EMsgGC_Halloween_GrantItemResponse
message CMsgGC_Halloween_GrantItemResponse
optional uint32 recipient_account_id = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_Halloween_ItemClaimed
message CMsgGC_Halloween_ItemClaimed
// PVS
// k_EMsgGC_PickupItemEligibility_Query
message CMsgGC_PickupItemEligibility_Query
optional uint32 account_id = 1;
optional uint32 seconds_ago = 2; // positive, how many seconds ago was the item claimed
message CMsgGC_PickupItemEligibility_QueryResponse
optional uint32 account_id = 1;
optional bool was_eligible = 2;
optional uint32 level_id = 3; // we can't trust the level that the server reports as so we have clients vote
// CSOTFPartyMember
message CSOTFPartyMember
// optional fixed64 steamid = 1; // SteamID of player
optional bool owns_ticket = 2; // Do they have a ticket in their inventory?
optional uint32 completed_missions = 3; // Which missions have they completed (of the currently selected tour)
optional uint32 badge_level = 4; // Level of their badge
optional bool squad_surplus = 5; // Presenting voucher for the team to get "surplus"
// optional float latitude = 6; // approxmimate world location of this player
// optional float longitude = 7;
optional bool is_banned = 8 [ default = false ]; // mark the player as banned for abandoning MannUp mode
optional bool competitive_access = 9; // access to ranked ladder mode
// These two no longer shared with clients in favor of competitive_beta_access flag
// optional bool phone_verified = 10 [ default = false ]; // account is phone verified on Steam
// optional bool two_factor_enabled = 11 [ default = false ]; // two-factor auth
optional uint32 ladder_rank = 12;
optional bool is_low_priority = 13 [ default = false ];
optional uint32 experience = 14;
optional uint32 skillrating = 15 [ default = 10000 ];
enum TF_MatchmakingMode
TF_Matchmaking_INVALID = 0; // dummy sentinel value
TF_Matchmaking_MVM = 1;
TF_Matchmaking_LADDER = 2;
TF_Matchmaking_CASUAL = 3;
enum TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_INVALID = 0;
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_PLAY_FOR_BRAGGING_RIGHTS = 1;
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_TOUR_OF_DUTY = 2;
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_CHALLENGE = 3;
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_SEARCHING = 4;
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_LADDER = 5;
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_CASUAL = 6;
// Search criteria
message CMsgMatchSearchCriteria
optional TF_MatchmakingMode matchmaking_mode = 7;
optional bool late_join_ok = 5; // Is my party willing to join late?
optional uint32 custom_ping_tolerance = 13 [ default = 0 ]; // 0 == no custom tolerance
// MvM options
//LEGACY: optional string challenge = 4; // Requested pop file (empty string for "any")
optional string mvm_mannup_tour = 10; // Selected Mann Up tour. (Mann UP only)
repeated string mvm_missions = 9; // Pop files we are willing to play. NOTE: An empty list means "no change", it doesn't mean "none". We pass "invalid" to indicate an empty list
optional bool play_for_bragging_rights = 6; // Are we going to play for bragging rights? If false, we are just playing for fun
// Quickplay options
optional uint32 quickplay_game_type = 8; // eQuickplayGameType
// Ladder
optional uint32 ladder_game_type = 11; //
// Casual
optional CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria casual_criteria = 12; // Search criteria for casual games
// CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria
message CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria
repeated fixed32 selected_maps_bits = 3; // Bitfield of selected maps from the "master_maps_list" in _maps.txt
// Message used for these purposes:
// - Create a party to start matchmaking
// - Update match search criteria or party properties
// - Leave the queue, but keep the party intact
// - Adjust whether a particular player in the lobby wants to cash in their squad surplus voucher
message CMsgCreateOrUpdateParty
optional CMsgMatchSearchCriteria search_criteria = 1;
//optional bool search_active = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_lobby_id = 3;
optional bool squad_surplus = 4;
optional TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep wizard_step = 5;
optional uint32 client_version = 6 [ default = 1225 ];
message CMsgCreateOrUpdatePartyReply
optional uint32 result = 1; // EResult code
optional string message = 2; // Diagnostic
optional TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep wizard_step = 3; // current wizard step
// CSOTFParty
message CSOTFParty
optional uint64 party_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional fixed64 leader_id = 2;
repeated fixed64 member_ids = 3;
repeated CSOTFPartyMember members = 13;
// optional uint32 game_mode = 4;
repeated fixed64 pending_invites = 5;
optional uint64 associated_lobby_id = 35;
enum State
UI = 0;
optional State state = 6;
optional TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep wizard_step = 29;
optional uint32 started_matchmaking_time = 7;
// optional uint32 searching_players = 8; // how many players are currently searching in the matchmaking system
repeated uint32 searching_players_by_group = 10; // how many players are currently searching in the matchmaking system
optional fixed64 steam_lobby_id = 27; // Steam lobby associated with this party
// Search criteria
optional TF_MatchmakingMode matchmaking_mode = 30; // high level search mode.
optional bool search_late_join_ok = 23; // Is my party willing to join late?
optional string search_mvm_mannup_tour = 32; // Selected Mann Up tour. (Mann UP only)
repeated string search_mvm_missions = 31; // MvM: Pop files we are willing to play. list must not be empty, if we are in MvM mode!
optional bool search_play_for_bragging_rights = 26; // Do we want to play for loot?
optional uint32 search_quickplay_game_type = 28; // eQuickplayGameType
optional uint32 search_ladder_game_type = 33; //
optional CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria search_casual = 34;
optional uint32 custom_ping_tolerance = 36;
// Search status
// optional uint32 matching_players = 14; // how many players are currently matching us
// optional float search_fraction = 15; // fraction of search range (expands over time)
optional uint32 matchmaking_ban_time = 18; // party can't matchmake until this time
optional uint32 matchmaking_ban_account_id = 19; // accountID of the player preventing matchmaking
optional uint32 matchmaking_low_priority_time = 20; // if set, any official matchmaking mode will treat this party as low priority (superceded by prevent_match_until_date)
// CSOTFPartyInvite - sent from the GC to possible new party member
message CSOTFPartyInvite
message PartyMember
optional string name = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id = 2;
optional uint32 avatar = 3;
optional uint64 group_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional fixed64 sender_id = 2;
optional string sender_name = 3;
repeated PartyMember members = 4;
enum TF_GC_GameState
TF_GC_GAMESTATE_LAST = 8; // keep this as the last index
TF_GC_TEAM_DEFENDERS = 0; // Mann (used as red in ladder games)
TF_GC_TEAM_INVADERS = 1; // Machine (used as blue in ladder games)
TF_GC_TEAM_PLAYER_POOL = 4; // players that haven't been assign to a team yet
//enum TF_CM_PICK
// TF_CM_RANDOM = 0;
// TF_CM_BAD_GUYS = 2;
enum TFMatchLeaveReason
TFMatchLeaveReason_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // No idea
TFMatchLeaveReason_VOTE_KICK = 1; // Vote kicked by teammates
TFMatchLeaveReason_IDLE = 2; // Idle kick
TFMatchLeaveReason_ADMIN_KICK = 3; // Admin kick
TFMatchLeaveReason_AWOL = 4; // Player left the match and did not return in time
TFMatchLeaveReason_NO_SHOW = 5; // Player never showed up
TFMatchLeaveReason_GC_REMOVED = 6; // Dropped via GC (e.g. refused to rejoin, removed themselves from the lobby, but wasn't clear to leave)
enum TFLobbyReadyState
TFLobbyReadyState_UNDECLARED = 0;
TFLobbyReadyState_ACCEPTED = 1;
TFLobbyReadyState_DECLINED = 2;
//enum TFBotDifficulty
//enum TFGameVersion
// CTFLobbyMember
message CTFLobbyMember
enum ConnectState
INVALID = 0; // Dummy / sentinel value used for debugging
RESERVATION_PENDING = 1; // GC is telling gameserver it wants to add a player, and is asking gameserver to acknowledge
RESERVED = 2; // Gameserver has acknowledged reservation
CONNECTED = 3; // Is currently connected (and joined through matchmaking)
//CONNECTED_AD_HOC = 4; // Connected ad-hoc.
DISCONNECTED = 5; // Connected at somepoint via match making but is no longer connected
optional fixed64 id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional TF_GC_TEAM team = 3;
// optional bool connected_to_game_server = 4;
optional ConnectState connect_state = 13;
optional string name = 6;
// Deprecated, not used by clients or servers, moved to memcache object
// optional float latitude = 8; // approxmimate world location of this player
// optional float longitude = 9;
// optional bool ready = 10; // Is this player ready
optional TFLobbyReadyState ready_state = 11;
optional uint64 party_id = 12;
optional bool squad_surplus = 14;
optional uint32 badge_level = 15;
optional uint32 skillrating = 16 [ default = 10000 ];
optional uint32 last_connect_time = 17; // last time player was online
// Deprecated, abandons are handled by the gameserver match management logic now
// optional bool quitting_results_in_penalty = 18; // If true, then if the player quits, it wil result in a penalty of some sort.
// CTFLobbyGCPrivate
// Data stored in the lobby object that is private to the GC
// it will not be networked to clients
//message CTFLobbyGCPrivate
// optional string search_key = 1; // key used to find servers, optional
// optional string pass_key = 2; // key used to find lobbies, optional
/// cosmetic details for radiant/dire
//message CLobbyTeamDetails
// optional string team_name = 1;
// optional string team_logo = 2;
// pending player report that is waiting for a matchID
message CLobbyPendingPlayerReport
optional uint32 account_id = 1;
optional fixed32 date = 2;
// Match sign out message (deprecated)
// message CMsgGameMatchSignOut
// {
// // Team definition
// message CTeam
// {
// // Player on a team
// message CPlayer
// {
// optional fixed64 account_id = 1;
// optional uint32 fake_client_id = 2;
// optional uint32 hero_id = 3;
// repeated uint32 items = 4;
// optional uint32 gold = 5;
// optional uint32 kills = 6;
// optional uint32 deaths = 7;
// optional uint32 assists = 8;
// optional uint32 leaver_status = 9;
// optional uint32 last_hits = 10;
// optional uint32 denies = 11;
// optional uint32 gold_per_min = 12;
// optional uint32 xp_per_minute = 13;
// optional uint32 gold_spent = 14;
// optional uint32 level = 15;
// optional uint32 hero_damage = 16;
// optional uint32 tower_damage = 17;
// optional uint32 hero_healing = 18;
// optional uint32 time_last_seen = 19;
// optional uint32 support_ability_value = 20;
// optional uint64 party_id = 21;
// optional bool idle_in_fountain = 22;
// optional bool logged_in_elsewhere = 23;
// optional float scaled_kills = 24;
// optional float scaled_deaths = 25;
// optional float scaled_assists = 26;
// };
// repeated CPlayer players = 1;
// }
// optional uint64 match_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
// optional uint32 duration = 2;
// optional bool good_guys_win = 3;
// optional fixed32 date = 4;
// repeated uint32 num_players = 5; // Number of players per-team
// repeated CTeam teams = 6; // Two teams per match
// optional string computer_name = 7; // Which computer submitted stats
// repeated uint32 tower_status = 8; // Which towers were destroyed per-team
// repeated uint32 barracks_status = 9; // Which barracks were destroyed per-team
// optional uint32 cluster = 10; // sv_cluster setting, this is the data center cluster the game was played on
// optional string server_addr = 11; // string representing the server address
// optional uint32 first_blood_time = 12;
// optional float game_balance = 13; // average team balance over the game - 0.0 = completely balanced 1.0 = complete imbalance (should be impossible)
// };
// CSOTFGameServerLobby
message CSOTFGameServerLobby
optional uint64 lobby_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
repeated CTFLobbyMember members = 2; // members assigned to this lobby
// Moved to GC-only CTFMemcachedLobby
// repeated CTFLobbyMember left_members = 7; // members who purposefully quit the lobby (declined the rejoin request or clicked the 'finish game' button at game end)
optional fixed64 leader_id = 11;
optional fixed64 server_id = 6 [default = 0 ]; // game server assigned to this lobby
//optional uint32 game_mode = 3;
repeated fixed64 pending_invites = 10;
enum State
UNKNOWN = 0; // Broken/bad lobby state. Lobbies can be in this state if we go down and restore from
// memcache during their setup, for instance
SERVERSETUP = 1; // selecting a server and getting it ready
RUN = 2; // server is ready, connect to it and play!
// POSTGAME = 3; // game is over, server is uploading stats, will signal when its free
// READYUP = 4; // waiting for all players to ready up
// NOTREADY = 5; // lobby wasn't ready
// SERVERASSIGN = 6; // selecting a server for a MATCH lobby, occurs before ready up
optional State state = 4 [ default = UNKNOWN ];
optional string connect = 5; // connect string usually something like "ip:port", only valid during state RUN
//REMOVED optional string search_key = 8 [ (hidden) = true ]; // key used to find servers, optional
// optional CTFLobbyGCPrivate gc_private = 9 [ (hidden) = true ]; // private lobby data on the GC not sent to clients or servers
enum LobbyType
MATCH = 0; // lobby was created by the matchmaking system
PRACTICE = 1; // practice lobby with members chosen by the players
TOURNAMENT = 2; // special type of practice lobby where we record stats and only allow tournament flagged players in
optional LobbyType lobby_type = 12;
optional bool allow_cheats = 13;
//optional bool fill_with_bots = 14;
//optional bool intro_mode = 15;
optional string game_name = 16; // practice/tournament lobbies can have custom game names (shown in the Watch tab, etc.)
//repeated CLobbyTeamDetails team_details = 17; // cosmetic details for radiant/dire
//optional uint32 tutorial_lesson = 18; // tutorial lobbies set the lesson to start on
//optional uint32 tournament_id = 19; // If this is a tournament game, which tournament
//optional uint32 tournament_game_id = 20;// If this is a tournament game, which game in the tournament
optional uint32 server_region = 21 [ default = 0 ]; // region to use for the server, 0 means automatic using geo location avg distance
optional TF_GC_GameState game_state = 22; // This isn't set by the lobby, but is networked up from the gameserver when it changes
// hidden since we don't need to network to clients, they get it via packet entities
optional uint32 num_spectators = 23; // sent up from the game server
//optional uint32 tower_state = 24; // bitfield describing destroyed state of the towers in the map
//optional uint32 matchgroup = 25; // DEPRECATED. No longer used. Use match_group below instead.
optional float readyup_remaining_time = 26; // remaining time left in READYUP in seconds
// DEPRECATED, handled by gameserver management logic now
// optional bool leaver_detected = 27; // if set, a player has been detected as a leaver. other players can safely abandon without getting a leaver count
//optional TF_CM_PICK cm_pick = 28 [ default = TF_CM_RANDOM ]; // which team gets to pick first in CM mode
// repeated CLobbyPendingPlayerReport pending_player_reports = 29 [ (hidden) = true ]; // player feedback reports that are waiting for this lobby's matchID (assigned on match signout)
optional bool allow_spectating = 31 [ default = true ]; // option for practice games to allow them to show up on the spectator list
optional uint32 average_rank = 32; // average rank of the players (skillrating in TF)
optional fixed64 load_game_lobby_id = 33; // if set, the server will try to load a match lobby/save number
optional uint32 load_game_save_number = 34;
//optional TFBotDifficulty bot_difficulty = 36 [ default = BOT_DIFFICULTY_MEDIUM ];
//optional TFGameVersion game_version = 37 [ default = GAME_VERSION_CURRENT ];
optional string mannup_tour_name = 42; // MvM tour we're playing for bragging rights. (Should not be set if not playing for bragging rights.)
optional string map_name = 38; // Map we're currently playing
optional string mission_name = 39; // Challenge we're currently playing
optional uint32 match_group = 41;
optional uint64 match_id = 30 [ default = 0 ]; // if this lobby has signed out, this is its matchID
optional fixed32 replay_salt = 35; // if this lobby has signed out, this is its replay salt
optional uint32 formed_time = 36; // timestamp of when we created this lobby
optional uint32 flags = 43; // general bitfield (see tf_matchmaking_shared.h for flags, e.g. LOBBY_FLAG_LOWPRIORITY)
optional bool late_join_eligible = 44; // If this lobby is entered into the late join system
// What the proper-size of this match should be, passed from the GC so it doesn't need to be hard-coded on clients
// per match group.
// Should be set at match creation time if applicable, but may not be present.
optional uint32 fixed_match_size = 45;
enum WarMatch
NOPE = 0;
optional WarMatch is_war_match = 46 [ default = NOPE ];
repeated uint32 next_maps_for_vote = 47;
// When certain actions are taken on the lobby, this is incremented, to determine if server heartbeats are aware of
// the most recent version.
optional uint32 lobby_mm_version = 48;
message CMsgExitMatchmaking
// This parameter guards a race condition where we ask to leave in parallel with a match being assigned.
optional bool explicit_abandon = 1;
// These are an additional guard against the same race condition
optional uint64 party_id = 2;
optional uint64 lobby_id = 3;
message CMsgAcceptInvite
optional uint64 party_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_lobby = 2;
optional uint32 client_version = 3 [ default = 1225 ];
message CMsgAcceptInviteResponse
optional int32 result_code = 1;
// CMsgReadyUp - sent to acknowledge lobby readiness
message CMsgReadyUp
optional TFLobbyReadyState state = 1;
// request how many people are searching in each matchgroup
message CMsgMatchmakingSearchCountRequest
message CMsgMatchmakingSearchCountResponse
repeated uint32 searching_players_by_group = 1;
message CMsgKickedFromMatchmakingQueue
// Deprecated
// message CMsgTFPlayerFailedToConnect
// {
// repeated fixed64 failed_loaders = 1;
// };
//// game client wants to abandon his current game (be removed from the lobby)
//message CMsgAbandonCurrentGame
//// sent from server to GC when a player has been AFK/disconnected too long
//message CMsgLeaverDetected
// optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
// optional uint32 leaver_status = 2; // TFLeaverStatus_t
//message CMsgLeaverDetectedResponse
// optional uint32 result = 1;
// GC Chat
// for identifying special channel types
enum ChatChannelType_t
ChatChannelType_Regional = 0;
ChatChannelType_Custom = 1;
ChatChannelType_Party = 2;
ChatChannelType_Lobby = 3;
message CMsgTFJoinChatChannel
optional string persona_name = 1;
optional string channel_name = 2;
optional string password = 3;
optional ChatChannelType_t channel_type = 4;
message CMsgTFLeaveChatChannel
optional string channel_name = 1;
message CMsgTFJoinChatChannelResponse
message ChatMember
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional string persona_name = 2;
optional uint32 response = 1;
optional string channel_name = 2;
optional fixed64 channel_id = 3;
optional uint32 max_members = 4;
repeated ChatMember members = 5;
message CMsgTFOtherJoinedChatChannel
optional fixed64 channel_id = 1;
optional string persona_name = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id = 3;
message CMsgTFOtherLeftChatChannel
optional fixed64 channel_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id = 2;
message CMsgTFRequestDefaultChatChannel
message CMsgTFRequestDefaultChatChannelResponse
optional string channel_name = 1;
optional fixed64 channel_id = 2;
message CMsgTFRequestChatChannelList
message CMsgTFRequestChatChannelListResponse
message ChatChannel
optional string channel_name = 1;
optional uint32 num_members = 2;
optional ChatChannelType_t channel_type = 3;
repeated ChatChannel channels = 1;
enum ServerMatchmakingState
ServerMatchmakingState_INVALID = 0; // Dummy value used for sentinel / debugging
ServerMatchmakingState_NOT_PARTICIPATING = 1;
ServerMatchmakingState_EMPTY = 2;
// Running a matchmaking match, have room for late joiners
// Running a matchmaking match
ServerMatchmakingState_ACTIVE_MATCH = 4;
// CMsgGameServerMatchmakingStatus - server status and connected players
message CMsgGameServerMatchmakingStatus
optional uint32 server_version = 16 [ default = 1225 ];
optional ServerMatchmakingState matchmaking_state = 1 [ default = ServerMatchmakingState_INVALID ];
optional TF_MatchmakingMode matchmaking_mode = 2; // Which pool do we want to be in?
optional string map = 3; // Current map
optional string tags = 4; // Current tags
optional uint32 bot_count = 5; // Number of bots
optional uint32 num_spectators = 6;
optional uint32 max_players = 7; // Advertised max number of players
optional uint32 slots_free = 8; // Biggest possible lobby we could accept right now
optional uint32 server_region = 9; // Region value that matches regions.txt in the GC
optional float server_loadavg = 10; // current load average
optional bool server_trusted = 11; // server requests to be put into the trusted pool
optional bool server_dedicated = 12; // Is this a dedicated server? (As opposed to a listen server)
optional uint32 strict = 17; // Current value of tf_mm_strict
enum PlayerConnectState
INVALID = 0; // Dummy / sentinel value used for debugging
CONNECTED = 1; // Is currently connected
RESERVED = 2; // I have a reservation ready for this guy and am acknowledging that you are expecting him
message Player
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional PlayerConnectState connect_state = 2;
repeated Player players = 13;
optional TF_GC_GameState game_state = 14;
// Particular event that prompted us to send this message, if any
enum Event
None = 0;
MvMVictory = 1;
MvMDefeat = 2;
AcknowledgePlayers = 3;
optional Event event = 15 [ default = None ];
// MvM metrics, possibly interesting for quality adjustments
optional uint32 mvm_wave = 18; // Current MvM wave number
optional uint32 mvm_credits_acquired = 19; // Cash collected
optional uint32 mvm_credits_dropped = 20; // Cash failed to collect and lost
// optional uint32 skillrating_force_average = 21; // Servers can force their skillrating average
// optional uint32 ladder_game_type = 22;
optional sint32 match_group = 23 [ default = -1 ]; // The current match group. -1 if none. Type sint since it'll be negative often
// Echo the last lobby version back with our heartbeat. GC uses this to reason about the last update we had a chance
// to respond to.
optional uint32 lobby_mm_version = 24;
//// CMsgPingListRequest - GC is requesting client to ping some game servers
//message CMsgPingListRequest
// message Address
// {
// required fixed32 ip = 1;
// required uint32 port = 2;
// };
// optional uint32 server_pool = 1; // which pool do these servers belong to?
// repeated Address servers = 2;
//// CMsgPingListResponse - Client replies with list of servers
//message CMsgPingListResponse
// message Server
// {
// required fixed32 ip = 1;
// required uint32 port = 2;
// required uint32 ping_ms = 3; // ping time, in MS
// };
// optional uint32 server_pool = 1; // which pool do these servers belong to?
// repeated Server servers = 2;
// k_EMsgGCMatchmakingProgress
// Server is sending party estimate of wait times, etc
message CMsgMatchmakingProgress
optional uint32 avg_wait_time_new = 4; // Average wait time for a new game for people with similar search criteria
optional uint32 avg_wait_time_join_late = 5; // Average wait time for a late join for people with similar search criteria
optional uint32 your_wait_time = 6; // Time that we think you have been waiting
optional uint32 matching_worldwide_searching_players = 8;
optional uint32 matching_near_you_searching_players = 9;
optional uint32 total_worldwide_searching_players = 13;
optional uint32 total_near_you_searching_players = 14;
optional uint32 matching_worldwide_active_players = 15;
optional uint32 matching_near_you_active_players = 16;
optional uint32 total_worldwide_active_players = 17;
optional uint32 total_near_you_active_players = 18;
optional uint32 matching_worldwide_empty_gameservers = 19;
optional uint32 matching_near_you_empty_gameservers = 20;
optional uint32 total_worldwide_empty_gameservers = 21;
optional uint32 total_near_you_empty_gameservers = 22;
optional uint32 urgency_pct = 1;
// k_EMsgGCMvMVictoryInfo
// Server is letting players know who got what at the end of MvM
message CMsgMvMVictoryInfo
enum GrantReason
MANN_UP = 3;
message Item
optional GrantReason grant_reason = 1; // why are we receiving this?
optional bytes item_data = 2; // buffer that can be parsed by CEconItem::BParseCreateFromMessage
optional fixed64 squad_surplus_claimer_steam_id = 3; // for squad surplus, whose voucher is responsible for this?
message Player
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
//optional string player_name = 2;
optional bool badge_granted = 3;
optional bool badge_progress_updated = 4;
optional bool badge_leveled = 5;
optional uint32 badge_level = 6;
optional uint32 badge_progress_bits = 7;
repeated Item items = 8;
optional bool voucher_missing = 9;
optional uint32 badge_points = 10;
repeated Player players = 1;
optional string tour_name = 2;
optional string mission_name = 3;
// CGCMsgTFHelloResponse
message CGCMsgTFHelloResponse
optional uint32 version_check = 1;
repeated uint64 version_checksum = 2;
optional uint32 version_verbose = 3;
// CGCMsgTFSync
message CGCMsgTFSync
optional bytes version_checksum = 1;
optional uint32 version_check = 2;
optional uint32 version_check_ex = 3;
optional uint32 version_check_ex2 = 4;
optional bytes version_checksum_ex = 5;
// CGCMsgTFSync
message CGCMsgTFSyncEx
optional string version_checksum = 1;
optional bytes version_checksum_ex = 2;
optional uint32 version_check = 3;
// gameserver -> GC message used to notify GC of victory
message CMsgMvMVictory
optional uint32 legacy_mission_index = 1; // needed for the first prop, when old gameservers may report victory to a new GC. After we update the gameservers, delete it
optional string tour_name_mannup = 5; // Only present if we're playing for bragging rights (Mann Up)
optional string mission_name = 6;
message Player
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional bool squad_surplus = 2;
repeated Player players = 2;
optional uint64 lobby_id = 3;
optional fixed32 event_time = 4;
// Message used to tell the GameServer the GC received the VictoryMessage
message CMsgMvMMannUpVictoryReply
// No longer used
// optional uint32 result = 1; // EResult code
// Game server is letting us know that it is booting the lobby off of the server
message CMsgGameServerKickingLobby
repeated fixed64 connected_players = 1; // list of players that are still connected
optional bool create_party = 2 [ default = true ];
optional uint64 lobby_id = 3;
optional uint64 match_id = 4;
// GC -> server; confirmation that we processed above reliable message
message CMsgGameServerKickingLobbyResponse
// GC -> client: Leave your current game; I am about to put you into a party
message CMsgLeaveGameAndPrepareToJoinParty
optional fixed64 party_id = 1; // The party that has been created that you are now a member of
// Server -> GC : Telling the GC this player abandoned a match, and should be removed from the lobby if applicable
message CMsgPlayerLeftMatch
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional TFMatchLeaveReason leave_reason = 2;
optional bool was_abandon = 3; // Player was not cleared to leave, this is abandoning
optional uint64 lobby_id = 4;
optional uint64 match_id = 5;
repeated CMsgTFXPSource xp_breakdown = 6;
// GC -> Server - empty confirmation of reliable message
message CMsgPlayerLeftMatchResponse
// Server -> GC : Telling the GC this player was vote-kicked after leaving a match, e.g. they left before it passed
message CMsgPlayerVoteKickedAfterLeavingMatch
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional fixed64 lobby_id = 2;
optional fixed64 match_id = 3;
// GC -> Server - empty confirmation of reliable message
message CMsgPlayerVoteKickedAfterLeavingMatchResponse
// Server -> GC : Telling the GC that players in this lobby are safe to leave
// Deprecated
// message CMsgSetLobbySafeToLeave
// {
// optional fixed64 lobby_id = 1;
// };
// k_EMsgGC_Halloween_ServerBossEvent (Server -> GC)
message CMsgHalloween_ServerBossEvent
optional uint32 event_counter = 1; // uint8
optional uint32 timestamp = 2; // sent up from server for consistency
optional uint32 boss_type = 3; // uint8
optional uint32 boss_level = 4; // uint16
optional uint32 event_type = 5; // uint8
optional uint32 players_involved = 6; // uint8
optional float elapsed_time = 7;
// k_EMsgGC_Halloween_Merasmus2012 (Server -> GC)
message CMsgHalloween_Merasmus2012
optional uint32 event_counter = 1; // uint8
optional fixed32 time_submitted = 2; // sent up from server for consistency
optional bool is_valve_server = 3;
optional uint32 boss_level= 4;
optional uint32 spawned_health = 5;
optional uint32 remaining_health = 6; // 0 == Boss was killed
optional uint32 life_time = 7; // Amount of time in seconds, boss was alive for
optional uint32 bomb_kills = 8; // Kills from Bombs
optional uint32 staff_kills = 9; // kills from staff attack
optional uint32 pvp_kills = 10; // Number of kills from players while Boss is out (Jerk factor)
optional uint32 prophunt_time1 = 11;
optional uint32 prophunt_time2 = 12;
optional uint32 dmg_scout = 13; // Amount of damage done by each class
optional uint32 dmg_sniper = 14;
optional uint32 dmg_soldier = 15;
optional uint32 dmg_demo = 16;
optional uint32 dmg_medic = 17;
optional uint32 dmg_heavy = 18;
optional uint32 dmg_pyro = 19;
optional uint32 dmg_spy = 20;
optional uint32 dmg_engineer = 21;
optional uint32 scout_count = 22; // Class and player break down at the point of boss despawn
optional uint32 sniper_count = 23;
optional uint32 solider_count = 24;
optional uint32 demo_count = 25;
optional uint32 medic_count = 26;
optional uint32 heavy_count = 27;
optional uint32 pyro_count = 28;
optional uint32 spy_count = 29;
optional uint32 engineer_count = 30;
// k_EMsgGC_UpdateMerasmusItem
// Client -> GC. Request to update the itemlevel of the merasmus hat
message CMsgUpdateHalloweenMerasmusLootLevel
message Player
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
repeated Player players = 1;
optional uint32 merasmus_level = 2; // uint8
message CAttribute_String
optional string value = 1;
message CAttribute_DynamicRecipeComponent
optional uint32 def_index = 1;
optional uint32 item_quality = 2;
optional uint32 component_flags = 3;
optional string attributes_string = 4;
optional uint32 num_required = 5;
optional uint32 num_fulfilled = 6;
message CAttribute_DynamicRecipeComponent_COMPAT_NEVER_SERIALIZE_THIS_OUT
optional uint32 def_index = 1;
optional uint32 item_def = 2;
optional uint32 item_quality = 3;
optional uint32 component_flags = 4;
optional uint32 item_flags = 5;
optional string attributes_string = 6;
optional uint32 num_required = 7;
optional uint32 item_count = 8;
optional uint32 num_fulfilled = 9;
optional uint32 items_fulfilled = 10;
message CAttribute_ItemSlotCriteria
optional string tags = 1;
message CMsgSetItemSlotAttribute
optional uint64 item_id = 1;
optional uint64 slot_item_original_id = 2;
optional uint32 slot_index = 3;
// CSOWarData
message CSOWarData
optional uint32 account_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ]; // Account of who's data this belongs to
optional uint32 war_id = 2 [ (key_field) = true ]; // ID of the war
optional uint32 affiliation = 3; // Which side they're affiliated with
optional uint32 points_scored = 4; // How many points they've scored
// k_EMsgGC_War_IndividualUpdate
message CGCMsgGC_War_IndividualUpdate
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1; // Who scored
optional uint32 war_id = 2; // Which war
optional uint32 score = 3; // How many points did they score
// k_EMsgGC_War_JoinWar
message CGCMsgGC_War_JoinWar
optional uint32 affiliation = 1; // Which side we're joining
optional uint32 war_id = 2; // Which war
// k_EMsgGC_War_RequestGlobalStats
message CGCMsgGC_War_RequestGlobalStats
optional uint32 war_id = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_War_GlobalStatsResponse
message CGCMsgGC_War_GlobalStatsResponse
message SideScore
optional uint32 side = 1;
optional uint64 score = 2;
repeated SideScore side_scores = 1;
optional uint32 war_id = 2;
// k_EMsgGC_DuckLeaderboard_IndividualUpdate
message CGCMsgGC_PlayerDuckLeaderboard_IndividualUpdate
//optional fixed64 steam_id = 1; // Who scored
optional uint32 score = 2;
optional uint32 type = 3;
optional bytes score_id = 4;
optional uint32 score_check = 5;
// k_EMsgGC_WorldItemPlacement_Attribute
message CAttribute_WorldItemPlacement
optional uint64 original_item_id = 1;
optional float pos_x = 2;
optional float pos_y = 3;
optional float pos_z = 4;
optional float ang_x = 5;
optional float ang_y = 6;
optional float ang_z = 7;
// k_EMsgGC_WorldItemPlacement_Update
message CGCMsg_WorldItemPlacement_Update
optional uint64 original_item_id = 1; // Passing INVALID_ITEM_ID will reset this attribute
optional float pos_x = 2;
optional float pos_y = 3;
optional float pos_z = 4;
optional float ang_x = 5;
optional float ang_y = 6;
optional float ang_z = 7;
optional bool force_remove_all = 8; // Reset every attribute of this type on the owning item (make separate msg?)
optional string attrib_name = 9; // The attribute we're applying the update to
// CMsgAcknowledgeXP
message CMsgAcknowledgeXP
// Message clients sent to the GC to acknowledge any pending XP sources
optional int32 match_group = 1;
optional uint32 predicted_experience = 2;
// CMsgTFXPSource
message CMsgTFXPSource
enum XPSourceType
// Make sure this is at the end!
optional XPSourceType type = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional int32 amount = 2;
optional int32 match_group = 3;
optional uint32 account_id = 4 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional uint64 match_id = 5 [ (key_field) = true ];
message CMsgTFXPSourceBreakdown
repeated CMsgTFXPSource sources = 1;
// Client send this in response to client welcome This is separate from hello, which is only sent if we don't have a
// session and haven't heard from the GC, as keep-alive.
message CMsgTFClientInit
optional uint32 client_version = 1;
optional int32 language = 2; // ELanguage
// CMsgGCNotification
message CMsgGCNotification
// Message GC sends to clients when they have a pending notification
enum NotificationType
// A must-confirm-as-seen pop-up notification with a custom support message. If the string is a localization
// token, comes from the *GC* localized strings table, and is sent down based on client's current locale
// Make sure this is at the end
optional uint64 notification_id = 1 [(key_field) = true ];
optional uint32 account_id = 2;
// 0 -> doesn't expire
optional fixed32 expiration_time = 3;
optional NotificationType type = 4 [ default = NOTIFICATION_CUSTOM_STRING ];
optional string notification_string = 5;
message CMsgGCNotificationQueue
repeated CMsgGCNotification notifications = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_NotificationAcknowledge
message CMsgNotificationAcknowledge
// Message client sends to GC upon receipt of their notification queue
optional uint32 account_id = 1;
optional uint64 notification_id = 2;
// k_EMsgGC_NotificationAcknowledgeReply
message CMsgNotificationAcknowledgeReply
// Empty confirmation message that this was processed, and the server can stop trying to send it
// k_EMsgGC_Match_Result
message CMsgGC_Match_Result
enum Status
// Deprecated
MATCH_FINISHED_ABANDON = 7; // When we allow games to continue after an abandon
optional uint64 match_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional int32 match_group = 2;
optional Status status = 3;
optional uint32 duration = 4;
optional uint32 red_score = 5;
optional uint32 blue_score = 6;
optional uint32 winning_team = 7;
optional uint32 map_index = 8;
optional uint32 game_type = 9 [default = 0 ];
message Player
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional uint64 party_id = 2;
optional uint32 team = 3;
optional uint32 score = 4;
optional uint32 ping = 5;
optional uint32 flags = 6;
// Deprectated - ratings are now computed GC side, no need to send this up.
// optional uint32 rating = 7;
// optional int32 rating_change = 8;
optional uint32 rank = 9;
optional uint32 classes_played = 10; // bit field
optional uint32 kills = 11;
optional uint32 deaths = 12;
optional uint32 damage = 13;
optional uint32 healing = 14;
optional uint32 support = 15;
optional uint32 score_medal = 16;
optional uint32 kills_medal = 17;
optional uint32 damage_medal = 18;
optional uint32 healing_medal = 19;
optional uint32 support_medal = 20;
repeated CMsgTFXPSource xp_breakdown = 21;
optional uint32 leave_time = 22;
optional TFMatchLeaveReason leave_reason = 23;
optional uint32 connect_time = 24;
repeated Player players = 10;
// Deprecated -- handled GC-side
// optional uint32 red_skillrating = 11;
// optional uint32 blue_skillrating = 12;
optional uint32 win_reason = 13;
optional uint32 flags = 14; // bit field
// Deprecated - Unused
// optional uint32 server_version = 15;
optional uint32 bots = 16; // count of bots added during match
// Deprecrated - The reliable message queue for matches requires the new match get acknowledged before we send up
// its corresponding result, so this logic was removed.
// optional bool server_created = 17 [ default = false ];
message CMsgGC_Match_ResultResponse
// Empty confirmation message that this was processed, and the server can stop trying to send it
// Data structure holding information for item preview
message CEconItemPreviewDataBlock
optional CSOEconItem econitem = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_Client2GCEconPreviewDataBlockRequest
message CMsgGC_Client2GCEconPreviewDataBlockRequest
// econ item asset preview integration with Steam Community params
optional uint64 param_s = 1;
optional uint64 param_a = 2;
optional uint64 param_d = 3;
optional uint64 param_m = 4;
// k_EMsgGC_Client2GCEconPreviewDataBlockResponse
message CMsgGC_Client2GCEconPreviewDataBlockResponse
optional CEconItemPreviewDataBlock iteminfo = 1;
// CSOTFLadderPlayerStats
message CSOTFLadderPlayerStats
optional uint32 account_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional int32 match_group = 2 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional uint32 season_id = 3 [ (key_field) = true ];
// Deprecated, now stored separately from ladder data
// optional uint32 rating = 4;
// optional uint32 last_ackd_rating = 31;
// optional int32 last_rating_change = 5;
optional uint32 rank = 6;
optional uint32 highest_rank = 7;
optional uint32 experience = 8; // Used to determine season level, which is different from (skill) rank
optional uint32 last_ackd_experience = 32;
// Stats - season total
optional uint32 games = 9;
optional uint32 score = 10;
optional uint32 kills = 11;
optional uint32 deaths = 12;
optional uint32 damage = 13;
optional uint32 healing = 14;
optional uint32 support = 15;
// Medals - season total
optional uint32 score_bronze = 16;
optional uint32 score_silver = 17;
optional uint32 score_gold = 18;
optional uint32 kills_bronze = 19;
optional uint32 kills_silver = 20;
optional uint32 kills_gold = 21;
optional uint32 damage_bronze = 22;
optional uint32 damage_silver = 23;
optional uint32 damage_gold = 24;
optional uint32 healing_bronze = 25;
optional uint32 healing_silver = 26;
optional uint32 healing_gold = 27;
optional uint32 support_bronze = 28;
optional uint32 support_silver = 29;
optional uint32 support_gold = 30;
// CSOTFRatingData
// !! Shared object - keep in sync with CSchRatingData and CTFRatingData's adapters
message CSOTFRatingData
optional uint32 account_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional int32 rating_type = 2 [ (key_field) = true ]; // int16 in the db
// Corresponds to MMRatingData_t
optional uint32 rating_primary = 3;
optional uint32 rating_secondary = 4;
optional uint32 rating_tertiary = 5;
// k_EMsgGCVoteKickPlayerRequest
message CMsgGC_TFVoteKickPlayerRequest
optional uint32 account_id = 1;
optional uint64 target_id = 2;
// k_EMsgGCVoteKickPlayerRequestResponse
message CMsgGC_VoteKickPlayerRequestResponse
optional bool allowed = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_DailyCompetitiveStatsRollup
message CMsgGC_DailyCompetitiveStatsRollup
// k_EMsgGC_DailyCompetitiveStatsRollup_Response
message CMsgGC_DailyCompetitiveStatsRollup_Response
message RankBucketEntry
optional uint32 rank = 1;
optional uint32 records = 2;
optional uint32 avg_score = 3;
optional uint32 stdev_score = 4;
optional uint32 avg_kills = 5;
optional uint32 stdev_kills = 6;
optional uint32 avg_damage = 7;
optional uint32 stdev_damage = 8;
optional uint32 avg_healing = 9;
optional uint32 stdev_healing = 10;
optional uint32 avg_support = 11;
optional uint32 stdev_support = 12;
repeated RankBucketEntry rankdata = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_ReportPlayer
message CMsgGC_ReportPlayer
enum EReason
kReason_INVALID = 0;
kReason_CHEATING = 1;
kReason_IDLE = 2;
kReason_HARASSMENT = 3;
kReason_GRIEFING = 4;
// add more reasons above this and update the count
kReason_COUNT = 5;
optional uint32 account_id_target = 1;
optional EReason reason = 2;
// CSOTFMatchResultPlayerStats
message CSOTFMatchResultPlayerStats
optional uint64 match_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional uint32 account_id = 2 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional int32 match_group = 3 [ (key_field) = true ];
optional uint32 endtime = 4;
optional uint32 season_id = 5;
optional uint32 status = 6;
optional uint32 party_id = 7;
optional uint32 team = 8;
optional uint32 score = 9;
optional uint32 ping = 10;
optional uint32 flags = 11;
optional uint32 display_rating = 12;
optional int32 display_rating_change = 13;
optional uint32 rank = 14;
optional uint32 classes_played = 15;
optional uint32 kills = 16;
optional uint32 deaths = 17;
optional uint32 damage = 18;
optional uint32 healing = 19;
optional uint32 support = 20;
optional uint32 score_medal = 21;
optional uint32 kills_medal = 22;
optional uint32 damage_medal = 23;
optional uint32 healing_medal = 24;
optional uint32 support_medal = 25;
optional uint32 map_index = 26;
// k_EMsgGCRequestMatchMakerStats
message CMsgGCRequestMatchMakerStats
message CMsgGCDataCenterPopulation
optional string name = 1; // data center name
optional float health_ratio = 2; // population health ratio with best ping in the data center
message CMsgGCMatchGroupDataCenterPopulation
repeated CMsgGCDataCenterPopulation data_center_population = 1;
// k_EMsgGCMatchMakerStatsResponse
message CMsgGCMatchMakerStatsResponse
repeated uint32 map_count = 1;
repeated CMsgGCMatchGroupDataCenterPopulation matchgroup_data_center_population = 2;
// k_EMsgGCMatchHistoryLoad
message CMsgGCMatchHistoryLoad
// k_EMsgGCDataCenterPing_Update
message CMsgGCDataCenterPing_Update
enum Status
Invalid = 0;
Normal = 1;
Unreachable = 2; // Value is stale or not provided, DC is unreachable
FallbackToDCPing = 3; // Couldn't ping router directly, this is a less-accurate DC ping value
message PingEntry
optional string name = 1; // data center name
optional uint32 ping = 2; // ping to the data center
// If omitted, assume we have a normal ping.
optional Status ping_status = 3 [ default = Normal ];
repeated PingEntry pingdata = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_KickPlayerFromLobby
message CMsgGC_KickPlayerFromLobby
optional uint64 targetID = 1; // kick target ID
// k_EMsgGC_RematchRequest
// DEPRECATED - New path is NewMatchForLobby
// message CMsgGCRematchRequest
// {
// message PartyEntry
// {
// optional uint64 party_id = 1; // party's ID
// optional uint32 team = 2; // party's assigned team
// optional uint64 leader_steam_id = 3; // party leader's steamID
// };
// repeated PartyEntry party = 1; // all of the parties who want a rematch
// optional uint32 match_group = 2; // match group that we want
// optional CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria casual_criteria = 3; // casual criteria for the new match
// };
// k_EMsgGC_RematchRequestResponse
// DEPRECATED - New path is NewMatchForLobby
// message CMsgGCRematchRequestResponse
// {
// optional bool success = 1; // Did we succeed?
// }
enum SurveyQuestionType
// k_EMsgGC_SurveyQuestionRequest
message CMsgGCSurveyRequest
optional SurveyQuestionType question_type = 1;
optional uint64 match_id = 2;
// k_EMsgGC_SurveyQuestionResponse
message CMsgGCSurveyResponse
optional SurveyQuestionType question_type = 1;
optional uint64 match_id = 2;
optional int32 response = 3;
// k_EMsgGC_NewMatchForLobbyRequest
message CMsgGCNewMatchForLobbyRequest
optional uint64 current_match_id = 1;
optional uint32 next_map_id = 2;
optional uint64 lobby_id = 3;
// k_EMsgGC_NewMatchForLobbyResponse
message CMsgGCNewMatchForLobbyResponse
optional bool success = 1;
// k_EMsgGC_ChangeMatchPlayerTeamsRequest
message CMsgGCChangeMatchPlayerTeamsRequest
message Member
optional uint64 member_id = 1;
optional TF_GC_TEAM new_team = 2 [ default = TF_GC_TEAM_NOTEAM ];
optional uint64 match_id = 1;
optional uint64 lobby_id = 2;
repeated Member member = 3;
// k_EMsgGC_ChangeMatchPlayerTeamsResponse
message CMsgGCChangeMatchPlayerTeamsResponse
optional bool success = 1;
// End of File