#define FTENT_COLLIDEALL 0x00001000 // will collide with world and slideboxes
#define FTENT_PERSIST 0x00002000 // tent is not removed when unable to draw
#define FTENT_COLLIDEKILL 0x00004000 // tent is removed upon collision with anything
#define FTENT_PLYRATTACHMENT 0x00008000 // tent is attached to a player (owner)
#define FTENT_SPRANIMATELOOP 0x00010000 // animating sprite doesn't die when last frame is displayed
#define FTENT_SMOKEGROWANDFADE 0x00020000 // rapid grow and fade. Very specific for gunsmoke
#define FTENT_ATTACHTOTARGET 0x00040000 // attach to whatever we hit, and stay there until die time is up
#define FTENT_NOMODEL 0x00080000 // Doesn't have a model, never try to draw ( it just triggers other things )
#define FTENT_CLIENTCUSTOM 0x00100000 // Must specify callback. Callback function is responsible for killing tempent and updating fields ( unless other flags specify how to do things )
#define FTENT_WINDBLOWN 0x00200000 // This is set when the temp entity is blown by the wind
#define FTENT_NEVERDIE 0x00400000 // Don't die as long as die != 0
#define FTENT_BEOCCLUDED 0x00800000 // Don't draw if my specified normal's facing away from the view
#define FTENT_CHANGERENDERONCOLLIDE 0x01000000 //when we collide with something, change our rendergroup to RENDER_GROUP_OTHER
#define FTENT_COLLISIONGROUP 0x02000000 // if set, use the C_BaseEntity::GetCollisionGroup when doing collide trace
#define FTENT_ALIGNTOMOTION 0x04000000 // Change angles to always point in the direction of motion
#define FTENT_CLIENTSIDEPARTICLES 0x08000000 // The object has a clientside particle system.
#define FTENT_USEFASTCOLLISIONS 0x10000000 // Use fast collisions (cl_fasttempentcollision).