2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
# include "cbase.h"
# include "c_pixel_visibility.h"
# include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
# include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
# include "precache_register.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "view.h"
# include "viewrender.h"
# include "utlmultilist.h"
# include "vprof.h"
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
static void PixelvisDrawChanged ( IConVar * pPixelvisVar , const char * pOld , float flOldValue ) ;
ConVar r_pixelvisibility_partial ( " r_pixelvisibility_partial " , " 1 " ) ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
ConVar r_dopixelvisibility ( " r_dopixelvisibility " , " 1 " ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
ConVar r_drawpixelvisibility ( " r_drawpixelvisibility " , " 0 " , 0 , " Show the occlusion proxies " , PixelvisDrawChanged ) ;
ConVar r_pixelvisibility_spew ( " r_pixelvisibility_spew " , " 0 " ) ;
extern ConVar building_cubemaps ;
# ifndef _X360
const float MIN_PROXY_PIXELS = 5.0f ;
# else
const float MIN_PROXY_PIXELS = 25.0f ;
# endif
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
extern view_id_t CurrentViewID ( ) ;
struct OcclusionHandleViewIDPair_t
OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t hOcclusionHandle ;
int iViewID ;
int iLastFrameRendered ;
} ;
struct OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t
COcclusionQuerySet * pOwner ;
CUtlVector < OcclusionHandleViewIDPair_t > occlusionHandles [ MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS ] ;
} ;
static CUtlVector < OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t > s_OcclusionQueries ;
static inline int FindQueryHandlePairIndex ( OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * pData , int iViewID , int iSplitScreenSlot )
int iPairCount = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Count ( ) ;
OcclusionHandleViewIDPair_t * pPairs = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Base ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i ! = iPairCount ; + + i )
if ( pPairs [ i ] . iViewID = = iViewID )
return i ;
return pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
float PixelVisibility_DrawProxy ( IMatRenderContext * pRenderContext , OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t queryHandle , Vector origin , float scale , float proxyAspect , IMaterial * pMaterial , bool screenspace )
Vector point ;
// don't expand this with distance to fit pixels or the sprite will poke through
// only expand the parts perpendicular to the view
float forwardScale = scale ;
// draw a pyramid of points touching a sphere of radius "scale" at origin
float pixelsPerUnit = pRenderContext - > ComputePixelDiameterOfSphere ( origin , 1.0f ) ;
pixelsPerUnit = MAX ( pixelsPerUnit , 1e-4 f ) ;
if ( screenspace )
// Force this to be the size of a sphere of diameter "scale" at some reference distance (1.0 unit)
float pixelsPerUnit2 = pRenderContext - > ComputePixelDiameterOfSphere ( CurrentViewOrigin ( ) + CurrentViewForward ( ) * 1.0f , scale * 0.5f ) ;
// force drawing of "scale" pixels
scale = pixelsPerUnit2 / pixelsPerUnit ;
float pixels = scale * pixelsPerUnit ;
// make the radius larger to ensure a minimum screen space size of the proxy geometry
if ( pixels < MIN_PROXY_PIXELS )
scale = MIN_PROXY_PIXELS / pixelsPerUnit ;
// collapses the pyramid to a plane - so this could be a quad instead
Vector dir = origin - CurrentViewOrigin ( ) ;
VectorNormalize ( dir ) ;
origin - = dir * forwardScale ;
forwardScale = 0.0f ;
Vector verts [ 5 ] ;
const float sqrt2 = 0.707106781f ; // sqrt(2) - keeps all vectors the same length from origin
scale * = sqrt2 ;
float scale45x = scale ;
float scale45y = scale / proxyAspect ;
verts [ 0 ] = origin - CurrentViewForward ( ) * forwardScale ; // the apex of the pyramid
verts [ 1 ] = origin + CurrentViewUp ( ) * scale45y - CurrentViewRight ( ) * scale45x ; // these four form the base
verts [ 2 ] = origin + CurrentViewUp ( ) * scale45y + CurrentViewRight ( ) * scale45x ; // the pyramid is a sprite with a point that
verts [ 3 ] = origin - CurrentViewUp ( ) * scale45y + CurrentViewRight ( ) * scale45x ; // pokes back toward the camera through any nearby
verts [ 4 ] = origin - CurrentViewUp ( ) * scale45y - CurrentViewRight ( ) * scale45x ; // geometry
// get screen coords of edges
Vector screen [ 4 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
extern int ScreenTransform ( const Vector & point , Vector & screen ) ;
if ( ScreenTransform ( verts [ i + 1 ] , screen [ i ] ) )
return - 1 ;
// compute area and screen-clipped area
float w = screen [ 1 ] . x - screen [ 0 ] . x ;
float h = screen [ 0 ] . y - screen [ 3 ] . y ;
float ws = MIN ( 1.0f , screen [ 1 ] . x ) - MAX ( - 1.0f , screen [ 0 ] . x ) ;
float hs = MIN ( 1.0f , screen [ 0 ] . y ) - MAX ( - 1.0f , screen [ 3 ] . y ) ;
float area = w * h ; // area can be zero when we ALT-TAB
float areaClipped = ws * hs ;
float ratio = 0.0f ;
if ( area ! = 0 )
// compute the ratio of the area not clipped by the frustum to total area
ratio = areaClipped / area ;
ratio = clamp ( ratio , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
pRenderContext - > BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing ( queryHandle ) ;
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder ;
IMesh * pMesh = pRenderContext - > GetDynamicMesh ( false , NULL , NULL , pMaterial ) ;
meshBuilder . Begin ( pMesh , MATERIAL_TRIANGLES , 4 ) ;
// draw a pyramid
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
int a = i + 1 ;
int b = ( a % 4 ) + 1 ;
meshBuilder . Position3fv ( verts [ 0 ] . Base ( ) ) ;
meshBuilder . AdvanceVertex ( ) ;
meshBuilder . Position3fv ( verts [ a ] . Base ( ) ) ;
meshBuilder . AdvanceVertex ( ) ;
meshBuilder . Position3fv ( verts [ b ] . Base ( ) ) ;
meshBuilder . AdvanceVertex ( ) ;
meshBuilder . End ( ) ;
pMesh - > Draw ( ) ;
// sprite/quad proxy
#if 0
meshBuilder . Begin ( pMesh , MATERIAL_QUADS , 1 ) ;
VectorMA ( origin , - scale , CurrentViewUp ( ) , point ) ;
VectorMA ( point , - scale , CurrentViewRight ( ) , point ) ;
meshBuilder . Position3fv ( point . Base ( ) ) ;
meshBuilder . AdvanceVertex ( ) ;
VectorMA ( origin , scale , CurrentViewUp ( ) , point ) ;
VectorMA ( point , - scale , CurrentViewRight ( ) , point ) ;
meshBuilder . Position3fv ( point . Base ( ) ) ;
meshBuilder . AdvanceVertex ( ) ;
VectorMA ( origin , scale , CurrentViewUp ( ) , point ) ;
VectorMA ( point , scale , CurrentViewRight ( ) , point ) ;
meshBuilder . Position3fv ( point . Base ( ) ) ;
meshBuilder . AdvanceVertex ( ) ;
VectorMA ( origin , - scale , CurrentViewUp ( ) , point ) ;
VectorMA ( point , scale , CurrentViewRight ( ) , point ) ;
meshBuilder . Position3fv ( point . Base ( ) ) ;
meshBuilder . AdvanceVertex ( ) ;
meshBuilder . End ( ) ;
pMesh - > Draw ( ) ;
# endif
pRenderContext - > EndOcclusionQueryDrawing ( queryHandle ) ;
// fraction clipped by frustum
return ratio ;
class CPixelVisSet
public :
void Init ( const pixelvis_queryparams_t & params ) ;
void MarkActive ( ) ;
bool IsActive ( ) ;
CPixelVisSet ( )
frameIssued = 0 ;
serial = 0 ;
queryList = 0xFFFF ;
sizeIsScreenSpace = false ;
public :
float proxySize ;
float proxyAspect ;
float fadeTimeInv ;
unsigned short queryList ;
unsigned short serial ;
bool sizeIsScreenSpace ;
private :
int frameIssued ;
} ;
void CPixelVisSet : : Init ( const pixelvis_queryparams_t & params )
Assert ( params . bSetup ) ;
proxySize = params . proxySize ;
proxyAspect = params . proxyAspect ;
if ( params . fadeTime > 0.0f )
fadeTimeInv = 1.0f / params . fadeTime ;
// fade in over 0.125 seconds
fadeTimeInv = 1.0f / 0.125f ;
frameIssued = 0 ;
sizeIsScreenSpace = params . bSizeInScreenspace ;
void CPixelVisSet : : MarkActive ( )
frameIssued = gpGlobals - > framecount ;
bool CPixelVisSet : : IsActive ( )
return ( gpGlobals - > framecount - frameIssued ) > 1 ? false : true ;
class CPixelVisibilityQuery
public :
CPixelVisibilityQuery ( ) ;
~ CPixelVisibilityQuery ( ) ;
bool IsValid ( ) ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
bool IsForView ( int nPlayerSlot , int viewID ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
bool IsActive ( ) ;
float GetFractionVisible ( float fadeTimeInv ) ;
void IssueQuery ( IMatRenderContext * pRenderContext , float proxySize , float proxyAspect , IMaterial * pMaterial , bool sizeIsScreenSpace ) ;
void IssueCountingQuery ( IMatRenderContext * pRenderContext , float proxySize , float proxyAspect , IMaterial * pMaterial , bool sizeIsScreenSpace ) ;
void ResetOcclusionQueries ( ) ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
void SetView ( int nPlayerSlot , int viewID )
// This is necessary since player slot is stored in 2 bits
Assert ( nPlayerSlot > = 0 & & nPlayerSlot < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
m_viewID = viewID ;
m_brightnessTarget = 0.0f ;
m_clipFraction = 1.0f ;
m_frameIssued = - 1 ;
m_failed = false ;
m_wasQueriedThisFrame = false ;
m_hasValidQueryResults = false ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
m_nPlayerSlot = nPlayerSlot ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
public :
Vector m_origin ;
int m_frameIssued ;
private :
float m_brightnessTarget ;
float m_clipFraction ;
OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t m_queryHandle ;
OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t m_queryHandleCount ;
unsigned short m_wasQueriedThisFrame : 1 ;
unsigned short m_failed : 1 ;
unsigned short m_hasValidQueryResults : 1 ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short m_nPlayerSlot : 2 ;
unsigned short m_pad : 11 ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
unsigned short m_viewID ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
friend void PixelVisibility_ShiftVisibilityViews ( int nPlayerSlot , int iSourceViewID , int iDestViewID ) ; //need direct access to private data to make shifting smooth
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
} ;
CPixelVisibilityQuery : : CPixelVisibilityQuery ( )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext ( materials ) ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
SetView ( 0 , 0xFFFF ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
m_queryHandle = pRenderContext - > CreateOcclusionQueryObject ( ) ;
m_queryHandleCount = pRenderContext - > CreateOcclusionQueryObject ( ) ;
CPixelVisibilityQuery : : ~ CPixelVisibilityQuery ( )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext ( materials ) ;
pRenderContext - > DestroyOcclusionQueryObject ( m_queryHandle ) ;
pRenderContext - > DestroyOcclusionQueryObject ( m_queryHandleCount ) ;
void CPixelVisibilityQuery : : ResetOcclusionQueries ( )
// NOTE: Since we're keeping the CPixelVisibilityQuery objects around in a pool
// and not actually deleting them, this means that our material system occlusion queries are
// not being deleted either. Which means that if a CPixelVisibilityQuery is
// put into the free list and then immediately re-used, then we have an opportunity for
// a bug: What can happen on the first frame of the material system query
// is that if the query isn't done yet, it will use the last queried value
// which will happen to be set to the value of the last query done
// for the previous CPixelVisSet the CPixelVisibilityQuery happened to be associated with
// which makes queries have an invalid value for the first frame
// This will mark the occlusion query objects as not ever having been read from before
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext ( materials ) ;
pRenderContext - > ResetOcclusionQueryObject ( m_queryHandle ) ;
pRenderContext - > ResetOcclusionQueryObject ( m_queryHandleCount ) ;
bool CPixelVisibilityQuery : : IsValid ( )
return ( m_queryHandle ! = INVALID_OCCLUSION_QUERY_OBJECT_HANDLE ) ? true : false ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
bool CPixelVisibilityQuery : : IsForView ( int nPlayerSlot , int viewID )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
return ( m_viewID = = viewID ) & & ( nPlayerSlot = = m_nPlayerSlot ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
bool CPixelVisibilityQuery : : IsActive ( )
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
return ( gpGlobals - > framecount - m_frameIssued ) > 1 ? false : true ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
float CPixelVisibilityQuery : : GetFractionVisible ( float fadeTimeInv )
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ! IsValid ( ) )
return 0.0f ;
if ( ! m_wasQueriedThisFrame )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext ( materials ) ;
m_wasQueriedThisFrame = true ;
int pixels = - 1 ;
int pixelsPossible = - 1 ;
if ( r_pixelvisibility_partial . GetBool ( ) )
if ( m_frameIssued ! = - 1 )
pixelsPossible = pRenderContext - > OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered ( m_queryHandleCount ) ;
pixels = pRenderContext - > OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered ( m_queryHandle ) ;
if ( r_pixelvisibility_spew . GetBool ( ) & & CurrentViewID ( ) = = 0 )
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
DevMsg ( 1 , " Pixels visible: %d (qh:%d) Pixels possible: %d (qh:%d) (frame:%d) \n " , pixels , m_queryHandle , pixelsPossible , m_queryHandleCount , gpGlobals - > framecount ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( pixels < 0 | | pixelsPossible < 0 )
m_failed = ( m_frameIssued > = 0 ) ? true : false ;
return m_brightnessTarget * m_clipFraction ;
m_hasValidQueryResults = true ;
if ( pixelsPossible > 0 )
float target = ( float ) pixels / ( float ) pixelsPossible ;
target = ( target > = 0.95f ) ? 1.0f : ( target < 0.0f ) ? 0.0f : target ;
float rate = gpGlobals - > frametime * fadeTimeInv ;
m_brightnessTarget = Approach ( target , m_brightnessTarget , rate ) ; // fade in / out
m_brightnessTarget = 0.0f ;
if ( m_frameIssued ! = - 1 )
pixels = pRenderContext - > OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered ( m_queryHandle ) ;
if ( r_pixelvisibility_spew . GetBool ( ) & & CurrentViewID ( ) = = 0 )
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
DevMsg ( 1 , " Pixels visible: %d (qh:%d) (frame:%d) \n " , pixels , m_queryHandle , gpGlobals - > framecount ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( pixels < 0 )
m_failed = ( m_frameIssued > = 0 ) ? true : false ;
return m_brightnessTarget * m_clipFraction ;
m_hasValidQueryResults = true ;
if ( m_frameIssued = = gpGlobals - > framecount - 1 )
float rate = gpGlobals - > frametime * fadeTimeInv ;
float target = 0.0f ;
if ( pixels > 0 )
// fade in slower than you fade out
rate * = 0.5f ;
target = 1.0f ;
m_brightnessTarget = Approach ( target , m_brightnessTarget , rate ) ; // fade in / out
m_brightnessTarget = 0.0f ;
return m_brightnessTarget * m_clipFraction ;
void CPixelVisibilityQuery : : IssueQuery ( IMatRenderContext * pRenderContext , float proxySize , float proxyAspect , IMaterial * pMaterial , bool sizeIsScreenSpace )
if ( ! m_failed )
Assert ( IsValid ( ) ) ;
if ( r_pixelvisibility_spew . GetBool ( ) & & CurrentViewID ( ) = = 0 )
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
DevMsg ( 1 , " Draw Proxy: qh:%d org:<%d,%d,%d> (frame:%d) \n " , m_queryHandle , ( int ) m_origin [ 0 ] , ( int ) m_origin [ 1 ] , ( int ) m_origin [ 2 ] , gpGlobals - > framecount ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
m_clipFraction = PixelVisibility_DrawProxy ( pRenderContext , m_queryHandle , m_origin , proxySize , proxyAspect , pMaterial , sizeIsScreenSpace ) ;
if ( m_clipFraction < 0 )
// NOTE: In this case, the proxy wasn't issued cause it was offscreen
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
// can't set the m_frameissued[ slot ] field since that would cause it to get marked as failed
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
m_clipFraction = 0 ;
m_wasQueriedThisFrame = false ;
m_failed = false ;
return ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
// In split screen we can issue these multiple times
Assert ( m_frameIssued ! = gpGlobals - > framecount ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
m_frameIssued = gpGlobals - > framecount ;
m_wasQueriedThisFrame = false ;
m_failed = false ;
void CPixelVisibilityQuery : : IssueCountingQuery ( IMatRenderContext * pRenderContext , float proxySize , float proxyAspect , IMaterial * pMaterial , bool sizeIsScreenSpace )
if ( ! m_failed )
Assert ( IsValid ( ) ) ;
#if 0
// this centers it on the screen.
// This is nice because it makes the glows fade as they get partially clipped by the view frustum
// But it introduces sub-pixel errors (off by one row/column of pixels) so the glows shimmer
// UNDONE: Compute an offset center coord that matches sub-pixel coords with the real glow position
// UNDONE: Or frustum clip the sphere/geometry and fade based on proxy size
Vector origin = m_origin - CurrentViewOrigin ( ) ;
float dot = DotProduct ( CurrentViewForward ( ) , origin ) ;
origin = CurrentViewOrigin ( ) + dot * CurrentViewForward ( ) ;
# endif
PixelVisibility_DrawProxy ( pRenderContext , m_queryHandleCount , m_origin , proxySize , proxyAspect , pMaterial , sizeIsScreenSpace ) ;
//Precache the effects
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
PRECACHE ( MATERIAL , " engine/occlusionproxy " )
PRECACHE ( MATERIAL , " engine/occlusionproxy_countdraw " )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
class CPixelVisibilitySystem : public CAutoGameSystem
public :
// GameSystem: Level init, shutdown
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity ( ) ;
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity ( ) ;
// locals
CPixelVisibilitySystem ( ) ;
float GetFractionVisible ( const pixelvis_queryparams_t & params , pixelvis_handle_t * queryHandle ) ;
void EndView ( ) ;
void EndScene ( ) ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short FindQueryForView ( CPixelVisSet * pSet , int nPlayerSlot , int viewID ) ;
unsigned short FindOrCreateQueryForView ( CPixelVisSet * pSet , int nPlayerSlot , int viewID ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
void DeleteUnusedQueries ( CPixelVisSet * pSet , bool bDeleteAll ) ;
void DeleteUnusedSets ( bool bDeleteAll ) ;
void ShowQueries ( bool show ) ;
unsigned short AllocQuery ( ) ;
unsigned short AllocSet ( ) ;
void FreeSet ( unsigned short node ) ;
CPixelVisSet * FindOrCreatePixelVisSet ( const pixelvis_queryparams_t & params , pixelvis_handle_t * queryHandle ) ;
bool SupportsOcclusion ( ) { return m_hwCanTestGlows ; }
void DebugInfo ( )
Msg ( " Pixel vis system using %d sets total (%d in free list), %d queries total (%d in free list) \n " ,
m_setList . TotalCount ( ) , m_setList . Count ( m_freeSetsList ) , m_queryList . TotalCount ( ) , m_queryList . Count ( m_freeQueriesList ) ) ;
private :
CUtlMultiList < CPixelVisSet , unsigned short > m_setList ;
CUtlMultiList < CPixelVisibilityQuery , unsigned short > m_queryList ;
unsigned short m_freeQueriesList ;
unsigned short m_activeSetsList ;
unsigned short m_freeSetsList ;
unsigned short m_pad0 ;
IMaterial * m_pProxyMaterial ;
IMaterial * m_pDrawMaterial ;
bool m_hwCanTestGlows ;
bool m_drawQueries ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
friend void PixelVisibility_ShiftVisibilityViews ( int nPlayerSlot , int iSourceViewID , int iDestViewID ) ; //need direct access to private data to make shifting smooth
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
} ;
static CPixelVisibilitySystem g_PixelVisibilitySystem ;
CPixelVisibilitySystem : : CPixelVisibilitySystem ( ) : CAutoGameSystem ( " CPixelVisibilitySystem " )
m_hwCanTestGlows = true ;
m_drawQueries = false ;
// Level init, shutdown
void CPixelVisibilitySystem : : LevelInitPreEntity ( )
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
m_hwCanTestGlows = r_dopixelvisibility . GetBool ( ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( m_hwCanTestGlows )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext ( materials ) ;
OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t query = pRenderContext - > CreateOcclusionQueryObject ( ) ;
pRenderContext - > DestroyOcclusionQueryObject ( query ) ;
m_hwCanTestGlows = false ;
m_pProxyMaterial = materials - > FindMaterial ( " engine/occlusionproxy " , TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS ) ;
m_pProxyMaterial - > IncrementReferenceCount ( ) ;
m_pDrawMaterial = materials - > FindMaterial ( " engine/occlusionproxy_countdraw " , TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS ) ;
m_pDrawMaterial - > IncrementReferenceCount ( ) ;
m_freeQueriesList = m_queryList . CreateList ( ) ;
m_activeSetsList = m_setList . CreateList ( ) ;
m_freeSetsList = m_setList . CreateList ( ) ;
void CPixelVisibilitySystem : : LevelShutdownPostEntity ( )
m_pProxyMaterial - > DecrementReferenceCount ( ) ;
m_pProxyMaterial = NULL ;
m_pDrawMaterial - > DecrementReferenceCount ( ) ;
m_pDrawMaterial = NULL ;
DeleteUnusedSets ( true ) ;
m_setList . Purge ( ) ;
m_queryList . Purge ( ) ;
m_freeQueriesList = m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
m_activeSetsList = m_setList . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
m_freeSetsList = m_setList . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
float CPixelVisibilitySystem : : GetFractionVisible ( const pixelvis_queryparams_t & params , pixelvis_handle_t * queryHandle )
if ( ! m_hwCanTestGlows | | building_cubemaps . GetBool ( ) )
return GlowSightDistance ( params . position , true ) > 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( CurrentViewID ( ) < 0 )
return 0.0f ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
CPixelVisSet * pSet = FindOrCreatePixelVisSet ( params , queryHandle ) ;
Assert ( pSet ) ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short node = FindOrCreateQueryForView ( pSet , nPlayerSlot , CurrentViewID ( ) ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
m_queryList [ node ] . m_origin = params . position ;
float fraction = m_queryList [ node ] . GetFractionVisible ( pSet - > fadeTimeInv ) ;
pSet - > MarkActive ( ) ;
return fraction ;
void CPixelVisibilitySystem : : EndView ( )
if ( ! PixelVisibility_IsAvailable ( ) & & CurrentViewID ( ) > = 0 )
return ;
if ( m_setList . Head ( m_activeSetsList ) = = m_setList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
return ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext ( materials ) ;
IMaterial * pProxy = m_drawQueries ? m_pDrawMaterial : m_pProxyMaterial ;
pRenderContext - > Bind ( pProxy ) ;
// BUGBUG: If you draw both queries, the measure query fails for some reason.
if ( r_pixelvisibility_partial . GetBool ( ) & & ! m_drawQueries )
pRenderContext - > DepthRange ( 0.0f , 0.01f ) ;
unsigned short node = m_setList . Head ( m_activeSetsList ) ;
while ( node ! = m_setList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
CPixelVisSet * pSet = & m_setList [ node ] ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short queryNode = FindQueryForView ( pSet , nPlayerSlot , CurrentViewID ( ) ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( queryNode ! = m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
m_queryList [ queryNode ] . IssueCountingQuery ( pRenderContext , pSet - > proxySize , pSet - > proxyAspect , pProxy , pSet - > sizeIsScreenSpace ) ;
node = m_setList . Next ( node ) ;
pRenderContext - > DepthRange ( 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
unsigned short node = m_setList . Head ( m_activeSetsList ) ;
while ( node ! = m_setList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
CPixelVisSet * pSet = & m_setList [ node ] ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short queryNode = FindQueryForView ( pSet , nPlayerSlot , CurrentViewID ( ) ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( queryNode ! = m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
m_queryList [ queryNode ] . IssueQuery ( pRenderContext , pSet - > proxySize , pSet - > proxyAspect , pProxy , pSet - > sizeIsScreenSpace ) ;
node = m_setList . Next ( node ) ;
void CPixelVisibilitySystem : : EndScene ( )
DeleteUnusedSets ( false ) ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short CPixelVisibilitySystem : : FindQueryForView ( CPixelVisSet * pSet , int nPlayerSlot , int viewID )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
unsigned short node = m_queryList . Head ( pSet - > queryList ) ;
while ( node ! = m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
if ( m_queryList [ node ] . IsForView ( nPlayerSlot , viewID ) )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
return node ;
node = m_queryList . Next ( node ) ;
return m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short CPixelVisibilitySystem : : FindOrCreateQueryForView ( CPixelVisSet * pSet , int nPlayerSlot , int viewID )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short node = FindQueryForView ( pSet , nPlayerSlot , viewID ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( node ! = m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
return node ;
node = AllocQuery ( ) ;
m_queryList . LinkToHead ( pSet - > queryList , node ) ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
m_queryList [ node ] . SetView ( nPlayerSlot , viewID ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
return node ;
void CPixelVisibilitySystem : : DeleteUnusedQueries ( CPixelVisSet * pSet , bool bDeleteAll )
unsigned short node = m_queryList . Head ( pSet - > queryList ) ;
while ( node ! = m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
unsigned short next = m_queryList . Next ( node ) ;
if ( bDeleteAll | | ! m_queryList [ node ] . IsActive ( ) )
m_queryList . Unlink ( pSet - > queryList , node ) ;
m_queryList . LinkToHead ( m_freeQueriesList , node ) ;
node = next ;
void CPixelVisibilitySystem : : DeleteUnusedSets ( bool bDeleteAll )
unsigned short node = m_setList . Head ( m_activeSetsList ) ;
while ( node ! = m_setList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
unsigned short next = m_setList . Next ( node ) ;
CPixelVisSet * pSet = & m_setList [ node ] ;
if ( bDeleteAll | | ! m_setList [ node ] . IsActive ( ) )
DeleteUnusedQueries ( pSet , true ) ;
DeleteUnusedQueries ( pSet , false ) ;
if ( m_queryList . Head ( pSet - > queryList ) = = m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
FreeSet ( node ) ;
node = next ;
void CPixelVisibilitySystem : : ShowQueries ( bool show )
m_drawQueries = show ;
unsigned short CPixelVisibilitySystem : : AllocQuery ( )
unsigned short node = m_queryList . Head ( m_freeQueriesList ) ;
if ( node ! = m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
m_queryList . Unlink ( m_freeQueriesList , node ) ;
m_queryList [ node ] . ResetOcclusionQueries ( ) ;
node = m_queryList . Alloc ( ) ;
return node ;
unsigned short CPixelVisibilitySystem : : AllocSet ( )
unsigned short node = m_setList . Head ( m_freeSetsList ) ;
if ( node ! = m_setList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
m_setList . Unlink ( m_freeSetsList , node ) ;
node = m_setList . Alloc ( ) ;
m_setList [ node ] . queryList = m_queryList . CreateList ( ) ;
m_setList . LinkToHead ( m_activeSetsList , node ) ;
return node ;
void CPixelVisibilitySystem : : FreeSet ( unsigned short node )
m_setList . Unlink ( m_activeSetsList , node ) ;
m_setList . LinkToHead ( m_freeSetsList , node ) ;
m_setList [ node ] . serial + + ;
CPixelVisSet * CPixelVisibilitySystem : : FindOrCreatePixelVisSet ( const pixelvis_queryparams_t & params , pixelvis_handle_t * queryHandle )
if ( queryHandle [ 0 ] )
unsigned short handle = queryHandle [ 0 ] & 0xFFFF ;
handle - - ;
unsigned short serial = queryHandle [ 0 ] > > 16 ;
if ( m_setList . IsValidIndex ( handle ) & & m_setList [ handle ] . serial = = serial )
return & m_setList [ handle ] ;
unsigned short node = AllocSet ( ) ;
m_setList [ node ] . Init ( params ) ;
unsigned int out = m_setList [ node ] . serial ;
unsigned short nodeHandle = node + 1 ;
out < < = 16 ;
out | = nodeHandle ;
queryHandle [ 0 ] = out ;
return & m_setList [ node ] ;
void PixelvisDrawChanged ( IConVar * pPixelvisVar , const char * pOld , float flOldValue )
ConVarRef var ( pPixelvisVar ) ;
g_PixelVisibilitySystem . ShowQueries ( var . GetBool ( ) ) ;
class CTraceFilterGlow : public CTraceFilterSimple
public :
DECLARE_CLASS ( CTraceFilterGlow , CTraceFilterSimple ) ;
CTraceFilterGlow ( const IHandleEntity * passentity , int collisionGroup ) : CTraceFilterSimple ( passentity , collisionGroup ) { }
virtual bool ShouldHitEntity ( IHandleEntity * pHandleEntity , int contentsMask )
IClientUnknown * pUnk = ( IClientUnknown * ) pHandleEntity ;
ICollideable * pCollide = pUnk - > GetCollideable ( ) ;
if ( pCollide - > GetSolid ( ) ! = SOLID_VPHYSICS & & pCollide - > GetSolid ( ) ! = SOLID_BSP )
return false ;
return BaseClass : : ShouldHitEntity ( pHandleEntity , contentsMask ) ;
} ;
float GlowSightDistance ( const Vector & glowOrigin , bool bShouldTrace )
float dist = ( glowOrigin - CurrentViewOrigin ( ) ) . Length ( ) ;
C_BasePlayer * local = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( local )
dist * = local - > GetFOVDistanceAdjustFactor ( ) ;
if ( bShouldTrace )
Vector end = glowOrigin ;
// HACKHACK: trace 4" from destination in case the glow is inside some parent object
// allow a little error...
if ( dist > 4 )
end - = CurrentViewForward ( ) * 4 ;
CTraceFilterGlow filter ( NULL , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ) ;
trace_t tr ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( CurrentViewOrigin ( ) , end , traceFlags , & filter , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . fraction ! = 1.0f )
return - 1 ;
return dist ;
void PixelVisibility_EndCurrentView ( )
g_PixelVisibilitySystem . EndView ( ) ;
void PixelVisibility_EndScene ( )
g_PixelVisibilitySystem . EndScene ( ) ;
float PixelVisibility_FractionVisible ( const pixelvis_queryparams_t & params , pixelvis_handle_t * queryHandle )
if ( ! queryHandle )
return GlowSightDistance ( params . position , true ) > 0.0f ? 1.0f : 0.0f ;
return g_PixelVisibilitySystem . GetFractionVisible ( params , queryHandle ) ;
bool PixelVisibility_IsAvailable ( )
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
return r_dopixelvisibility . GetBool ( ) & & g_PixelVisibilitySystem . SupportsOcclusion ( ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
//this originally called a class function of CPixelVisibiltySystem to keep the work clean, but that function needed friend access to CPixelVisibilityQuery
//and I didn't want to make the whole class a friend or shift all the functions and class declarations around in this file
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
void PixelVisibility_ShiftVisibilityViews ( int nPlayerSlot , int iSourceViewID , int iDestViewID )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
unsigned short node = g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_setList . Head ( g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_activeSetsList ) ;
while ( node ! = g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_setList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
unsigned short next = g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_setList . Next ( node ) ;
CPixelVisSet * pSet = & g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_setList [ node ] ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
unsigned short iSourceQueryNode = g_PixelVisibilitySystem . FindQueryForView ( pSet , nPlayerSlot , iSourceViewID ) ;
unsigned short iDestQueryNode = g_PixelVisibilitySystem . FindQueryForView ( pSet , nPlayerSlot , iDestViewID ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( iDestQueryNode ! = g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
//delete the destination if found
g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_queryList . Unlink ( pSet - > queryList , iDestQueryNode ) ;
g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_queryList . LinkToHead ( g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_freeQueriesList , iDestQueryNode ) ;
if ( g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_queryList . Head ( pSet - > queryList ) = = g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
g_PixelVisibilitySystem . FreeSet ( node ) ;
if ( iSourceQueryNode ! = g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_queryList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
//make the source believe it's the destination
g_PixelVisibilitySystem . m_queryList [ iSourceQueryNode ] . m_viewID = iDestViewID ;
node = next ;
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i ! = s_OcclusionQueries . Count ( ) ; + + i )
int iPairCount = s_OcclusionQueries [ i ] . occlusionHandles [ nPlayerSlot ] . Count ( ) ;
OcclusionHandleViewIDPair_t * pPairs = s_OcclusionQueries [ i ] . occlusionHandles [ nPlayerSlot ] . Base ( ) ;
int iSourceIndex , iDestIndex , iInvalidIndex ;
iDestIndex = iSourceIndex = iInvalidIndex = s_OcclusionQueries [ i ] . occlusionHandles [ nPlayerSlot ] . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j ! = iPairCount ; + + j )
if ( pPairs [ j ] . iViewID = = iSourceViewID )
iSourceIndex = j ;
if ( iDestIndex ! = iInvalidIndex )
break ;
if ( pPairs [ j ] . iViewID = = iDestViewID )
iDestIndex = j ;
if ( iSourceIndex ! = iInvalidIndex )
break ;
if ( iSourceIndex ! = iInvalidIndex )
//change view id on source
pPairs [ iSourceIndex ] . iViewID = iDestViewID ;
if ( iDestIndex ! = iInvalidIndex )
//destroy dest
materials - > GetRenderContext ( ) - > DestroyOcclusionQueryObject ( pPairs [ iDestIndex ] . hOcclusionHandle ) ;
s_OcclusionQueries [ i ] . occlusionHandles [ nPlayerSlot ] . FastRemove ( iDestIndex ) ;
COcclusionQuerySet : : COcclusionQuerySet ( void )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t & data = s_OcclusionQueries [ s_OcclusionQueries . AddToTail ( ) ] ;
data . pOwner = this ;
m_pManagedData = & data ;
//handle base address shifting
if ( s_OcclusionQueries . Count ( ) > 1 )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t & baseData = s_OcclusionQueries [ 0 ] ;
if ( baseData . pOwner - > m_pManagedData ! = & baseData )
for ( int i = 0 ; i ! = s_OcclusionQueries . Count ( ) ; + + i )
s_OcclusionQueries [ i ] . pOwner - > m_pManagedData = & s_OcclusionQueries [ i ] ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00
COcclusionQuerySet : : ~ COcclusionQuerySet ( void )
int iIndex ;
for ( iIndex = 0 ; iIndex ! = s_OcclusionQueries . Count ( ) ; + + iIndex )
if ( & s_OcclusionQueries [ iIndex ] = = m_pManagedData )
break ;
if ( iIndex ! = s_OcclusionQueries . Count ( ) )
//destroy query handles
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext ( materials ) ;
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t & data = s_OcclusionQueries [ iIndex ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i ! = MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS ; + + i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j ! = data . occlusionHandles [ i ] . Count ( ) ; + + j )
pRenderContext - > DestroyOcclusionQueryObject ( data . occlusionHandles [ i ] . Element ( j ) . hOcclusionHandle ) ;
s_OcclusionQueries . FastRemove ( iIndex ) ;
if ( s_OcclusionQueries . Count ( ) ! = 0 )
s_OcclusionQueries [ iIndex ] . pOwner - > m_pManagedData = & s_OcclusionQueries [ iIndex ] ;
//handle base address shifting
if ( s_OcclusionQueries . Count ( ) > 1 )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t & baseData = s_OcclusionQueries [ iIndex = = 0 ? 1 : 0 ] ;
if ( baseData . pOwner - > m_pManagedData ! = & baseData )
for ( int i = 0 ; i ! = s_OcclusionQueries . Count ( ) ; + + i )
s_OcclusionQueries [ i ] . pOwner - > m_pManagedData = & s_OcclusionQueries [ i ] ;
void COcclusionQuerySet : : BeginQueryDrawing ( int iViewID , int iSplitScreenSlot )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * pData = ( OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * ) m_pManagedData ;
int iIndex = FindQueryHandlePairIndex ( pData , iViewID , iSplitScreenSlot ) ;
if ( iIndex = = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . InvalidIndex ( ) )
//create a new one
iIndex = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . AddToTail ( ) ;
OcclusionHandleViewIDPair_t & Entry = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( iIndex ) ;
Entry . iViewID = iViewID ;
Entry . hOcclusionHandle = materials - > GetRenderContext ( ) - > CreateOcclusionQueryObject ( ) ;
materials - > GetRenderContext ( ) - > ResetOcclusionQueryObject ( Entry . hOcclusionHandle ) ;
materials - > GetRenderContext ( ) - > BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing ( pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( iIndex ) . hOcclusionHandle ) ;
pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( iIndex ) . iLastFrameRendered = gpGlobals - > framecount ;
void COcclusionQuerySet : : BeginQueryDrawing ( void )
return BeginQueryDrawing ( CurrentViewID ( ) , GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT ( ) ) ;
void COcclusionQuerySet : : EndQueryDrawing ( int iViewID , int iSplitScreenSlot )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * pData = ( OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * ) m_pManagedData ;
int iIndex = FindQueryHandlePairIndex ( pData , iViewID , iSplitScreenSlot ) ;
if ( iIndex ! = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . InvalidIndex ( ) )
materials - > GetRenderContext ( ) - > EndOcclusionQueryDrawing ( pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( iIndex ) . hOcclusionHandle ) ;
void COcclusionQuerySet : : EndQueryDrawing ( void )
return EndQueryDrawing ( CurrentViewID ( ) , GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT ( ) ) ;
int COcclusionQuerySet : : QueryNumPixelsRendered ( int iViewID , int iSplitScreenSlot )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * pData = ( OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * ) m_pManagedData ;
int iIndex = FindQueryHandlePairIndex ( pData , iViewID , iSplitScreenSlot ) ;
if ( iIndex ! = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . InvalidIndex ( ) )
return materials - > GetRenderContext ( ) - > OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered ( pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( iIndex ) . hOcclusionHandle ) ;
return 0 ;
int COcclusionQuerySet : : QueryNumPixelsRendered ( void )
return QueryNumPixelsRendered ( CurrentViewID ( ) , GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT ( ) ) ;
float COcclusionQuerySet : : QueryPercentageOfScreenRendered ( int iViewID , int iSplitScreenSlot )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * pData = ( OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * ) m_pManagedData ;
int iIndex = FindQueryHandlePairIndex ( pData , iViewID , iSplitScreenSlot ) ;
if ( iIndex ! = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . InvalidIndex ( ) )
int iX , iY , iWidth , iHeight ;
materials - > GetRenderContext ( ) - > GetViewport ( iX , iY , iWidth , iHeight ) ;
return ( ( float ) materials - > GetRenderContext ( ) - > OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered ( pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( iIndex ) . hOcclusionHandle ) ) / ( ( float ) ( iWidth * iHeight ) ) ;
return 0.0f ;
float COcclusionQuerySet : : QueryPercentageOfScreenRendered ( void )
return QueryPercentageOfScreenRendered ( CurrentViewID ( ) , GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT ( ) ) ;
int COcclusionQuerySet : : QueryNumPixelsRenderedForAllViewsLastFrame ( int iSplitScreenSlot )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * pData = ( OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * ) m_pManagedData ;
int iMatchFrame = gpGlobals - > framecount - 1 ;
int iResult = 0 ;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext ( materials ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i ! = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Count ( ) ; + + i )
if ( pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( i ) . iLastFrameRendered = = iMatchFrame )
iResult + = pRenderContext - > OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered ( pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( i ) . hOcclusionHandle ) ;
return iResult ;
int COcclusionQuerySet : : QueryNumPixelsRenderedForAllViewsLastFrame ( void )
return QueryNumPixelsRenderedForAllViewsLastFrame ( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT ( ) ) ;
int COcclusionQuerySet : : GetLastFrameDrawn ( int iViewID , int iSplitScreenSlot )
OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * pData = ( OcclusionQueryHiddenData_t * ) m_pManagedData ;
int iIndex = FindQueryHandlePairIndex ( pData , iViewID , iSplitScreenSlot ) ;
if ( iIndex ! = pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . InvalidIndex ( ) )
return pData - > occlusionHandles [ iSplitScreenSlot ] . Element ( iIndex ) . iLastFrameRendered ;
return - 1 ;
int COcclusionQuerySet : : GetLastFrameDrawn ( void )
return GetLastFrameDrawn ( CurrentViewID ( ) , GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT ( ) ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
CON_COMMAND ( pixelvis_debug , " Dump debug info " )
g_PixelVisibilitySystem . DebugInfo ( ) ;