Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// nav_path.cpp
// Encapsulation of a path through space
// Author: Michael S. Booth (, November 2003
#include "cbase.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "cs_player.h"
#include "nav_mesh.h"
#include "cs_nav_path.h"
#include "bot_util.h"
#include "improv_locomotor.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning (disable:4701) // disable warning that variable *may* not be initialized
#define DrawLine( from, to, duration, red, green, blue ) NDebugOverlay::Line( from, to, red, green, blue, true, 0.1f )
* Determine actual path positions
bool CCSNavPath::ComputePathPositions( void )
if (m_segmentCount == 0)
return false;
// start in first area's center
m_path[0].pos = m_path[0].area->GetCenter();
m_path[0].ladder = NULL;
m_path[0].how = NUM_TRAVERSE_TYPES;
for( int i=1; i<m_segmentCount; ++i )
const PathSegment *from = &m_path[ i-1 ];
PathSegment *to = &m_path[ i ];
if (to->how <= GO_WEST) // walk along the floor to the next area
to->ladder = NULL;
// compute next point, keeping path as straight as possible
from->area->ComputeClosestPointInPortal( to->area, (NavDirType)to->how, from->pos, &to->pos );
// move goal position into the goal area a bit
const float stepInDist = 5.0f; // how far to "step into" an area - must be less than min area size
AddDirectionVector( &to->pos, (NavDirType)to->how, stepInDist );
// we need to walk out of "from" area, so keep Z where we can reach it
to->pos.z = from->area->GetZ( to->pos );
// if this is a "jump down" connection, we must insert an additional point on the path
if (to->area->IsConnected( from->area, NUM_DIRECTIONS ) == false)
// this is a "jump down" link
// compute direction of path just prior to "jump down"
Vector2D dir;
DirectionToVector2D( (NavDirType)to->how, &dir );
// shift top of "jump down" out a bit to "get over the ledge"
const float pushDist = 25.0f;
to->pos.x += pushDist * dir.x;
to->pos.y += pushDist * dir.y;
// insert a duplicate node to represent the bottom of the fall
if (m_segmentCount < MAX_PATH_SEGMENTS-1)
// copy nodes down
for( int j=m_segmentCount; j>i; --j )
m_path[j] = m_path[j-1];
// path is one node longer
// move index ahead into the new node we just duplicated
m_path[i].pos.x = to->pos.x + pushDist * dir.x;
m_path[i].pos.y = to->pos.y + pushDist * dir.y;
// put this one at the bottom of the fall
m_path[i].pos.z = to->area->GetZ( m_path[i].pos );
else if (to->how == GO_LADDER_UP) // to get to next area, must go up a ladder
// find our ladder
const NavLadderConnectVector *ladders = from->area->GetLadders( CNavLadder::LADDER_UP );
int it;
for( it=0; it<ladders->Count(); ++it )
CNavLadder *ladder = (*ladders)[ it ].ladder;
// can't use "behind" area when ascending...
if (ladder->m_topForwardArea == to->area ||
ladder->m_topLeftArea == to->area ||
ladder->m_topRightArea == to->area)
to->ladder = ladder;
to->pos = ladder->m_bottom + ladder->GetNormal() * 2.0f * HalfHumanWidth;
if (it == ladders->Count())
//PrintIfWatched( "ERROR: Can't find ladder in path\n" );
return false;
else if (to->how == GO_LADDER_DOWN) // to get to next area, must go down a ladder
// find our ladder
const NavLadderConnectVector *ladders = from->area->GetLadders( CNavLadder::LADDER_DOWN );
int it;
for( it=0; it<ladders->Count(); ++it )
CNavLadder *ladder = (*ladders)[ it ].ladder;
if (ladder->m_bottomArea == to->area)
to->ladder = ladder;
to->pos = ladder->m_top;
to->pos = ladder->m_top - ladder->GetNormal() * 2.0f * HalfHumanWidth;
if (it == ladders->Count())
//PrintIfWatched( "ERROR: Can't find ladder in path\n" );
return false;
return true;
* Return true if position is at the end of the path
bool CCSNavPath::IsAtEnd( const Vector &pos ) const
if (!IsValid())
return false;
const float epsilon = 20.0f;
return (pos - GetEndpoint()).IsLengthLessThan( epsilon );
* Return length of path from start to finish
float CCSNavPath::GetLength( void ) const
float length = 0.0f;
for( int i=1; i<GetSegmentCount(); ++i )
length += (m_path[i].pos - m_path[i-1].pos).Length();
return length;
* Return point a given distance along the path - if distance is out of path bounds, point is clamped to start/end
* @todo Be careful of returning "positions" along one-way drops, ladders, etc.
bool CCSNavPath::GetPointAlongPath( float distAlong, Vector *pointOnPath ) const
if (!IsValid() || pointOnPath == NULL)
return false;
if (distAlong <= 0.0f)
*pointOnPath = m_path[0].pos;
return true;
float lengthSoFar = 0.0f;
float segmentLength;
Vector dir;
for( int i=1; i<GetSegmentCount(); ++i )
dir = m_path[i].pos - m_path[i-1].pos;
segmentLength = dir.Length();
if (segmentLength + lengthSoFar >= distAlong)
// desired point is on this segment of the path
float delta = distAlong - lengthSoFar;
float t = delta / segmentLength;
*pointOnPath = m_path[i].pos + t * dir;
return true;
lengthSoFar += segmentLength;
*pointOnPath = m_path[ GetSegmentCount()-1 ].pos;
return true;
* Return the node index closest to the given distance along the path without going over - returns (-1) if error
int CCSNavPath::GetSegmentIndexAlongPath( float distAlong ) const
if (!IsValid())
return -1;
if (distAlong <= 0.0f)
return 0;
float lengthSoFar = 0.0f;
Vector dir;
for( int i=1; i<GetSegmentCount(); ++i )
lengthSoFar += (m_path[i].pos - m_path[i-1].pos).Length();
if (lengthSoFar > distAlong)
return i-1;
return GetSegmentCount()-1;
* Compute closest point on path to given point
* NOTE: This does not do line-of-sight tests, so closest point may be thru the floor, etc
bool CCSNavPath::FindClosestPointOnPath( const Vector *worldPos, int startIndex, int endIndex, Vector *close ) const
if (!IsValid() || close == NULL)
return false;
Vector along, toWorldPos;
Vector pos;
const Vector *from, *to;
float length;
float closeLength;
float closeDistSq = 9999999999.9;
float distSq;
for( int i=startIndex; i<=endIndex; ++i )
from = &m_path[i-1].pos;
to = &m_path[i].pos;
// compute ray along this path segment
along = *to - *from;
// make it a unit vector along the path
length = along.NormalizeInPlace();
// compute vector from start of segment to our point
toWorldPos = *worldPos - *from;
// find distance of closest point on ray
closeLength = DotProduct( toWorldPos, along );
// constrain point to be on path segment
if (closeLength <= 0.0f)
pos = *from;
else if (closeLength >= length)
pos = *to;
pos = *from + closeLength * along;
distSq = (pos - *worldPos).LengthSqr();
// keep the closest point so far
if (distSq < closeDistSq)
closeDistSq = distSq;
*close = pos;
return true;
* Build trivial path when start and goal are in the same nav area
bool CCSNavPath::BuildTrivialPath( const Vector &start, const Vector &goal )
m_segmentCount = 0;
CNavArea *startArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( start );
if (startArea == NULL)
return false;
CNavArea *goalArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( goal );
if (goalArea == NULL)
return false;
m_segmentCount = 2;
m_path[0].area = startArea;
m_path[0].pos.x = start.x;
m_path[0].pos.y = start.y;
m_path[0].pos.z = startArea->GetZ( start );
m_path[0].ladder = NULL;
m_path[0].how = NUM_TRAVERSE_TYPES;
m_path[1].area = goalArea;
m_path[1].pos.x = goal.x;
m_path[1].pos.y = goal.y;
m_path[1].pos.z = goalArea->GetZ( goal );
m_path[1].ladder = NULL;
m_path[1].how = NUM_TRAVERSE_TYPES;
return true;
* Draw the path for debugging.
void CCSNavPath::Draw( const Vector &color )
if (!IsValid())
for( int i=1; i<m_segmentCount; ++i )
DrawLine( m_path[i-1].pos + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight ),
m_path[i].pos + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight ), 2, 255 * color.x, 255 * color.y, 255 * color.z );
* Check line of sight from 'anchor' node on path to subsequent nodes until
* we find a node that can't been seen from 'anchor'.
int CCSNavPath::FindNextOccludedNode( int anchor )
for( int i=anchor+1; i<m_segmentCount; ++i )
// don't remove ladder nodes
if (m_path[i].ladder)
return i;
if (!IsWalkableTraceLineClear( m_path[ anchor ].pos, m_path[ i ].pos ))
// cant see this node from anchor node
return i;
Vector anchorPlusHalf = m_path[ anchor ].pos + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight );
Vector iPlusHalf = m_path[ i ].pos +Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight );
if (!IsWalkableTraceLineClear( anchorPlusHalf, iPlusHalf) )
// cant see this node from anchor node
return i;
Vector anchorPlusFull = m_path[ anchor ].pos + Vector( 0, 0, HumanHeight );
Vector iPlusFull = m_path[ i ].pos + Vector( 0, 0, HumanHeight );
if (!IsWalkableTraceLineClear( anchorPlusFull, iPlusFull ))
// cant see this node from anchor node
return i;
return m_segmentCount;
* Smooth out path, removing redundant nodes
void CCSNavPath::Optimize( void )
// DONT USE THIS: Optimizing the path results in cutting thru obstacles
if (m_segmentCount < 3)
int anchor = 0;
while( anchor < m_segmentCount )
int occluded = FindNextOccludedNode( anchor );
int nextAnchor = occluded-1;
if (nextAnchor > anchor)
// remove redundant nodes between anchor and nextAnchor
int removeCount = nextAnchor - anchor - 1;
if (removeCount > 0)
for( int i=nextAnchor; i<m_segmentCount; ++i )
m_path[i-removeCount] = m_path[i];
m_segmentCount -= removeCount;
* Constructor
CNavPathFollower::CNavPathFollower( void )
m_improv = NULL;
m_path = NULL;
m_segmentIndex = 0;
m_isLadderStarted = false;
m_isDebug = false;
void CNavPathFollower::Reset( void )
m_segmentIndex = 1;
m_isLadderStarted = false;
* Move improv along path
void CNavPathFollower::Update( float deltaT, bool avoidObstacles )
if (m_path == NULL || m_path->IsValid() == false)
const CCSNavPath::PathSegment *node = (*m_path)[ m_segmentIndex ];
if (node == NULL)
m_improv->OnMoveToFailure( m_path->GetEndpoint(), CImprovLocomotor::FAIL_INVALID_PATH );
// handle ladders
if (node->ladder)
const Vector *approachPos = NULL;
const Vector *departPos = NULL;
if (m_segmentIndex)
approachPos = &(*m_path)[ m_segmentIndex-1 ]->pos;
if (m_segmentIndex < m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1)
departPos = &(*m_path)[ m_segmentIndex+1 ]->pos;
if (!m_isLadderStarted)
// set up ladder movement
m_improv->StartLadder( node->ladder, node->how, approachPos, departPos );
m_isLadderStarted = true;
// move improv along ladder
if (m_improv->TraverseLadder( node->ladder, node->how, approachPos, departPos, deltaT ))
// completed ladder
// reset ladder init flag
m_isLadderStarted = false;
// Check if we reached the end of the path
const float closeRange = 20.0f;
if ((m_improv->GetFeet() - node->pos).IsLengthLessThan( closeRange ))
if (m_segmentIndex >= m_path->GetSegmentCount())
m_improv->OnMoveToSuccess( m_path->GetEndpoint() );
m_goal = node->pos;
const float aheadRange = 300.0f;
m_segmentIndex = FindPathPoint( aheadRange, &m_goal, &m_behindIndex );
if (m_segmentIndex >= m_path->GetSegmentCount())
m_segmentIndex = m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1;
bool isApproachingJumpArea = false;
// Crouching
if (!m_improv->IsUsingLadder())
// because hostage crouching is not really supported by the engine,
// if we are standing in a crouch area, we must crouch to avoid collisions
if (m_improv->GetLastKnownArea() &&
m_improv->GetLastKnownArea()->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH &&
!(m_improv->GetLastKnownArea()->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP))
// if we are approaching a crouch area, crouch
// if there are no crouch areas coming up, stand
const float crouchRange = 50.0f;
bool didCrouch = false;
for( int i=m_segmentIndex; i<m_path->GetSegmentCount(); ++i )
const CNavArea *to = (*m_path)[i]->area;
// if there is a jump area on the way to the crouch area, don't crouch as it messes up the jump
if (to->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP)
isApproachingJumpArea = true;
Vector close;
to->GetClosestPointOnArea( m_improv->GetCentroid(), &close );
if ((close - m_improv->GetFeet()).AsVector2D().IsLengthGreaterThan( crouchRange ))
if (to->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH)
didCrouch = true;
if (!didCrouch && !m_improv->IsJumping())
// no crouch areas coming up
} // end crouching logic
if (m_isDebug)
UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( m_improv->GetCentroid(), m_goal + Vector( 0, 0, StepHeight ), 1, 255, 0, 255 );
UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( m_goal + Vector( 0, 0, StepHeight ), m_improv->GetCentroid(), 1, 255, 0, 255 );
// check if improv becomes stuck
m_stuckMonitor.Update( m_improv );
// if improv has been stuck for too long, give up
const float giveUpTime = 2.0f;
if (m_stuckMonitor.GetDuration() > giveUpTime)
m_improv->OnMoveToFailure( m_path->GetEndpoint(), CImprovLocomotor::FAIL_STUCK );
// if our goal is high above us, we must have fallen
if (m_goal.z - m_improv->GetFeet().z > JumpCrouchHeight)
const float closeRange = 75.0f;
Vector2D to( m_improv->GetFeet().x - m_goal.x, m_improv->GetFeet().y - m_goal.y );
if (to.IsLengthLessThan( closeRange ))
// we can't reach the goal position
// check if we can reach the next node, in case this was a "jump down" situation
const CCSNavPath::PathSegment *nextNode = (*m_path)[ m_behindIndex+1 ];
if (m_behindIndex >=0 && nextNode)
if (nextNode->pos.z - m_improv->GetFeet().z > JumpCrouchHeight)
// the next node is too high, too - we really did fall of the path
m_improv->OnMoveToFailure( m_path->GetEndpoint(), CImprovLocomotor::FAIL_FELL_OFF );
// fell trying to get to the last node in the path
m_improv->OnMoveToFailure( m_path->GetEndpoint(), CImprovLocomotor::FAIL_FELL_OFF );
// avoid small obstacles
if (avoidObstacles && !isApproachingJumpArea && !m_improv->IsJumping() && m_segmentIndex < m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1)
FeelerReflexAdjustment( &m_goal );
// currently, this is only used for hostages, and their collision physics stinks
// do more feeler checks to avoid short obstacles
const float inc = 0.25f;
for( float t = 0.5f; t < 1.0f; t += inc )
FeelerReflexAdjustment( &m_goal, t * StepHeight );
// move improv along path
m_improv->TrackPath( m_goal, deltaT );
* Return the closest point to our current position on our current path
* If "local" is true, only check the portion of the path surrounding m_pathIndex.
int CNavPathFollower::FindOurPositionOnPath( Vector *close, bool local ) const
if (!m_path->IsValid())
return -1;
Vector along, toFeet;
Vector feet = m_improv->GetFeet();
Vector eyes = m_improv->GetEyes();
Vector pos;
const Vector *from, *to;
float length;
float closeLength;
float closeDistSq = 9999999999.9;
int closeIndex = -1;
float distSq;
int start, end;
if (local)
start = m_segmentIndex - 3;
if (start < 1)
start = 1;
end = m_segmentIndex + 3;
if (end > m_path->GetSegmentCount())
end = m_path->GetSegmentCount();
start = 1;
end = m_path->GetSegmentCount();
for( int i=start; i<end; ++i )
from = &(*m_path)[i-1]->pos;
to = &(*m_path)[i]->pos;
// compute ray along this path segment
along = *to - *from;
// make it a unit vector along the path
length = along.NormalizeInPlace();
// compute vector from start of segment to our point
toFeet = feet - *from;
// find distance of closest point on ray
closeLength = DotProduct( toFeet, along );
// constrain point to be on path segment
if (closeLength <= 0.0f)
pos = *from;
else if (closeLength >= length)
pos = *to;
pos = *from + closeLength * along;
distSq = (pos - feet).LengthSqr();
// keep the closest point so far
if (distSq < closeDistSq)
// don't use points we cant see
Vector probe = pos + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight );
if (!IsWalkableTraceLineClear( eyes, probe, WALK_THRU_DOORS | WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES ))
// don't use points we cant reach
//if (!IsStraightLinePathWalkable( &pos ))
// continue;
closeDistSq = distSq;
if (close)
*close = pos;
closeIndex = i-1;
return closeIndex;
* Compute a point a fixed distance ahead along our path.
* Returns path index just after point.
int CNavPathFollower::FindPathPoint( float aheadRange, Vector *point, int *prevIndex )
// find path index just past aheadRange
int afterIndex;
// finds the closest point on local area of path, and returns the path index just prior to it
Vector close;
int startIndex = FindOurPositionOnPath( &close, true );
if (prevIndex)
*prevIndex = startIndex;
if (startIndex <= 0)
// went off the end of the path
// or next point in path is unwalkable (ie: jump-down)
// keep same point
return m_segmentIndex;
// if we are crouching, just follow the path exactly
if (m_improv->IsCrouching())
// we want to move to the immediately next point along the path from where we are now
int index = startIndex+1;
if (index >= m_path->GetSegmentCount())
index = m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1;
*point = (*m_path)[ index ]->pos;
// if we are very close to the next point in the path, skip ahead to the next one to avoid wiggling
// we must do a 2D check here, in case the goal point is floating in space due to jump down, etc
const float closeEpsilon = 20.0f; // 10
while ((*point - close).AsVector2D().IsLengthLessThan( closeEpsilon ))
if (index >= m_path->GetSegmentCount())
index = m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1;
*point = (*m_path)[ index ]->pos;
return index;
// make sure we use a node a minimum distance ahead of us, to avoid wiggling
while (startIndex < m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1)
Vector pos = (*m_path)[ startIndex+1 ]->pos;
// we must do a 2D check here, in case the goal point is floating in space due to jump down, etc
const float closeEpsilon = 20.0f;
if ((pos - close).AsVector2D().IsLengthLessThan( closeEpsilon ))
// if we hit a ladder or jump area, must stop (dont use ladder behind us)
if (startIndex > m_segmentIndex && startIndex < m_path->GetSegmentCount() &&
((*m_path)[ startIndex ]->ladder || (*m_path)[ startIndex ]->area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP))
*point = (*m_path)[ startIndex ]->pos;
return startIndex;
// we need the point just *ahead* of us
if (startIndex >= m_path->GetSegmentCount())
startIndex = m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1;
// if we hit a ladder or jump area, must stop
if (startIndex < m_path->GetSegmentCount() &&
((*m_path)[ startIndex ]->ladder || (*m_path)[ startIndex ]->area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP))
*point = (*m_path)[ startIndex ]->pos;
return startIndex;
// note direction of path segment we are standing on
Vector initDir = (*m_path)[ startIndex ]->pos - (*m_path)[ startIndex-1 ]->pos;
Vector feet = m_improv->GetFeet();
Vector eyes = m_improv->GetEyes();
float rangeSoFar = 0;
// this flag is true if our ahead point is visible
bool visible = true;
Vector prevDir = initDir;
// step along the path until we pass aheadRange
bool isCorner = false;
int i;
for( i=startIndex; i<m_path->GetSegmentCount(); ++i )
Vector pos = (*m_path)[i]->pos;
Vector to = pos - (*m_path)[i-1]->pos;
Vector dir = to;
// don't allow path to double-back from our starting direction (going upstairs, down curved passages, etc)
if (DotProduct( dir, initDir ) < 0.0f) // -0.25f
// if the path turns a corner, we want to move towards the corner, not into the wall/stairs/etc
if (DotProduct( dir, prevDir ) < 0.5f)
isCorner = true;
prevDir = dir;
// don't use points we cant see
Vector probe = pos + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight );
if (!IsWalkableTraceLineClear( eyes, probe, WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES ))
// presumably, the previous point is visible, so we will interpolate
visible = false;
// if we encounter a ladder or jump area, we must stop
if (i < m_path->GetSegmentCount() &&
((*m_path)[ i ]->ladder || (*m_path)[ i ]->area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP))
// Check straight-line path from our current position to this position
// Test for un-jumpable height change, or unrecoverable fall
//if (!IsStraightLinePathWalkable( &pos ))
// --i;
// break;
Vector along = (i == startIndex) ? (pos - feet) : (pos - (*m_path)[i-1]->pos);
rangeSoFar += along.Length2D();
// stop if we have gone farther than aheadRange
if (rangeSoFar >= aheadRange)
if (i < startIndex)
afterIndex = startIndex;
else if (i < m_path->GetSegmentCount())
afterIndex = i;
afterIndex = m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1;
// compute point on the path at aheadRange
if (afterIndex == 0)
*point = (*m_path)[0]->pos;
// interpolate point along path segment
const Vector *afterPoint = &(*m_path)[ afterIndex ]->pos;
const Vector *beforePoint = &(*m_path)[ afterIndex-1 ]->pos;
Vector to = *afterPoint - *beforePoint;
float length = to.Length2D();
float t = 1.0f - ((rangeSoFar - aheadRange) / length);
if (t < 0.0f)
t = 0.0f;
else if (t > 1.0f)
t = 1.0f;
*point = *beforePoint + t * to;
// if afterPoint wasn't visible, slide point backwards towards beforePoint until it is
if (!visible)
const float sightStepSize = 25.0f;
float dt = sightStepSize / length;
Vector probe = *point + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight );
while( t > 0.0f && !IsWalkableTraceLineClear( eyes, probe, WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES ) )
t -= dt;
*point = *beforePoint + t * to;
if (t <= 0.0f)
*point = *beforePoint;
// if position found is too close to us, or behind us, force it farther down the path so we don't stop and wiggle
if (!isCorner)
const float epsilon = 50.0f;
Vector2D toPoint;
Vector2D centroid( m_improv->GetCentroid().x, m_improv->GetCentroid().y );
toPoint.x = point->x - centroid.x;
toPoint.y = point->y - centroid.y;
if (DotProduct2D( toPoint, initDir.AsVector2D() ) < 0.0f || toPoint.IsLengthLessThan( epsilon ))
int i;
for( i=startIndex; i<m_path->GetSegmentCount(); ++i )
toPoint.x = (*m_path)[i]->pos.x - centroid.x;
toPoint.y = (*m_path)[i]->pos.y - centroid.y;
if ((*m_path)[i]->ladder || (*m_path)[i]->area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP || toPoint.IsLengthGreaterThan( epsilon ))
*point = (*m_path)[i]->pos;
startIndex = i;
if (i == m_path->GetSegmentCount())
*point = m_path->GetEndpoint();
startIndex = m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1;
// m_pathIndex should always be the next point on the path, even if we're not moving directly towards it
if (startIndex < m_path->GetSegmentCount())
return startIndex;
return m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1;
* Do reflex avoidance movements if our "feelers" are touched
* @todo Parameterize feeler spacing
void CNavPathFollower::FeelerReflexAdjustment( Vector *goalPosition, float height )
// if we are in a "precise" area, do not do feeler adjustments
if (m_improv->GetLastKnownArea() && m_improv->GetLastKnownArea()->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_PRECISE)
// use the direction towards the goal
Vector dir = *goalPosition - m_improv->GetFeet();
dir.z = 0.0f;
Vector lat( -dir.y, dir.x, 0.0f );
const float feelerOffset = (m_improv->IsCrouching()) ? 15.0f : 20.0f; // 15, 20
const float feelerLengthRun = 50.0f; // 100 - too long for tight hallways (cs_747)
const float feelerLengthWalk = 30.0f;
const float feelerHeight = (height > 0.0f) ? height : StepHeight + 0.1f; // if obstacle is lower than StepHeight, we'll walk right over it
float feelerLength = (m_improv->IsRunning()) ? feelerLengthRun : feelerLengthWalk;
feelerLength = (m_improv->IsCrouching()) ? 20.0f : feelerLength;
// Feelers must follow floor slope
float ground;
Vector normal;
if (m_improv->GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor( m_improv->GetEyes(), &ground, &normal ) == false)
// get forward vector along floor
dir = CrossProduct( lat, normal );
// correct the sideways vector
lat = CrossProduct( dir, normal );
Vector feet = m_improv->GetFeet();
feet.z += feelerHeight;
Vector from = feet + feelerOffset * lat;
Vector to = from + feelerLength * dir;
bool leftClear = IsWalkableTraceLineClear( from, to, WALK_THRU_DOORS | WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES );
// draw debug beams
if (m_isDebug)
if (leftClear)
UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( from, to, 1, 0, 255, 0 );
UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( from, to, 1, 255, 0, 0 );
from = feet - feelerOffset * lat;
to = from + feelerLength * dir;
bool rightClear = IsWalkableTraceLineClear( from, to, WALK_THRU_DOORS | WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES );
// draw debug beams
if (m_isDebug)
if (rightClear)
UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( from, to, 1, 0, 255, 0 );
UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( from, to, 1, 255, 0, 0 );
const float avoidRange = (m_improv->IsCrouching()) ? 150.0f : 300.0f;
if (!rightClear)
if (leftClear)
// right hit, left clear - veer left
*goalPosition = *goalPosition + avoidRange * lat;
//*goalPosition = m_improv->GetFeet() + avoidRange * lat;
else if (!leftClear)
// right clear, left hit - veer right
*goalPosition = *goalPosition - avoidRange * lat;
//*goalPosition = m_improv->GetFeet() - avoidRange * lat;
* Reset the stuck-checker.
CStuckMonitor::CStuckMonitor( void )
m_isStuck = false;
m_avgVelIndex = 0;
m_avgVelCount = 0;
* Reset the stuck-checker.
void CStuckMonitor::Reset( void )
m_isStuck = false;
m_avgVelIndex = 0;
m_avgVelCount = 0;
* Test if the improv has become stuck
void CStuckMonitor::Update( CImprovLocomotor *improv )
if (m_isStuck)
// improv is stuck - see if it has moved far enough to be considered unstuck
const float unstuckRange = 75.0f;
if ((improv->GetCentroid() - m_stuckSpot).IsLengthGreaterThan( unstuckRange ))
// no longer stuck
//PrintIfWatched( "UN-STUCK\n" );
// check if improv has become stuck
// compute average velocity over a short period (for stuck check)
Vector vel = improv->GetCentroid() - m_lastCentroid;
// if we are jumping, ignore Z
//if (improv->IsJumping())
// vel.z = 0.0f;
// ignore Z unless we are on a ladder (which is only Z)
if (!improv->IsUsingLadder())
vel.z = 0.0f;
// cannot be Length2D, or will break ladder movement (they are only Z)
float moveDist = vel.Length();
float deltaT = gpGlobals->curtime - m_lastTime;
if (deltaT <= 0.0f)
m_lastTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
// compute current velocity
m_avgVel[ m_avgVelIndex++ ] = moveDist/deltaT;
if (m_avgVelIndex == MAX_VEL_SAMPLES)
m_avgVelIndex = 0;
if (m_avgVelCount < MAX_VEL_SAMPLES)
// we have enough samples to know if we're stuck
float avgVel = 0.0f;
for( int t=0; t<m_avgVelCount; ++t )
avgVel += m_avgVel[t];
avgVel /= m_avgVelCount;
// cannot make this velocity too high, or actors will get "stuck" when going down ladders
float stuckVel = (improv->IsUsingLadder()) ? 10.0f : 20.0f;
if (avgVel < stuckVel)
// note when and where we initially become stuck
m_stuckSpot = improv->GetCentroid();
m_isStuck = true;
// always need to track this
m_lastCentroid = improv->GetCentroid();