Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

233 lines
8.7 KiB

5 years ago
//=========== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "panel2d.h"
#include "panorama/localization/ilocalize.h"
#include "panorama/text/iuitextlayout.h"
namespace panorama
DECLARE_PANEL_EVENT0( CopySelectedLabelText );
// Purpose: Label
class CLabel : public CPanel2D, public ILocalizationStringSizeResolver
DECLARE_PANEL2D( CLabel, CPanel2D );
CLabel( CPanel2D *parent, const char * pchPanelID );
virtual ~CLabel();
virtual void Paint();
virtual bool BSetProperties( const CUtlVector< ParsedPanelProperty_t > &vecProperties );
virtual void SetupJavascriptObjectTemplate() OVERRIDE;
enum ETextType
virtual void SetText( const char *pchValue, ETextType eTextType = k_ETextTypePlain );
virtual void AppendText( const char *pchValue, ETextType eTextType = k_ETextTypePlain );
virtual const char *PchGetText() const { return m_pLocText ? m_pLocText->String() : ""; }
bool OnLocalizationChanged( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel, const ILocalizationString *pString ); // can't be virtual as it is an event catcher
void SetMaxChars( EStringTruncationStyle eTruncationStyle, uint32 nMaxChars );
void SetStyleForRange( int iStartIndex, int iEndIndex, CPanoramaSymbol symStyle );
virtual bool BRequiresContentClipLayer() { return m_bMayDrawOutsideBounds; }
virtual bool BAcceptsFocus() { return false; }
virtual bool GetContextUIBounds( float *pflX, float *pflY, float *pflWidth, float *pflHeight ) OVERRIDE;
bool BHasSelection() { return m_nSelectionEndIndex != -1; }
void CopySelectionToClipboard();
bool OnCopySelectedLabelText( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel );
// for cloning
virtual bool IsClonable() { return AreChildrenClonable(); }
virtual CPanel2D *Clone();
// Get the count of anchor tags in this label, will be zero if not HTML
uint32 GetHREFCount();
// Get vector of all url targets in the label
void GetHREFTargets( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &vecTargets );
// enable or disable selection of text via mouse clicks
void SetAllowTextSelection( bool bAllow ) { m_bAllowTextSelection = bAllow; }
virtual void ValidateClientPanel( CValidator &validator, const tchar *pchName ) OVERRIDE;
void ValidateLinkVector( CValidator &validator, CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pvecLinks );
// Allow us to recalc HTML style flags on scale factor changes
virtual void OnUIScaleFactorChanged( float flScaleFactor ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetDebugPropertyInfo( CUtlVector< DebugPropertyOutput_t *> *pvecProperties ) OVERRIDE;
enum EHTMLFormatFlag
k_EHTMLFormatTagNone = 0,
k_EHTMLFormatTagAnchor = 1,
k_EHTMLFormatTagBold = 1 << 1,
k_EHTMLFormatTagItalics = 1 << 2,
k_EHTMLFormatTagEmphasized = 1 << 3,
k_EHTMLFormatTagStrong = 1 << 4,
k_EHTMLFormatTagSpan = 1 << 5,
k_EHTMLFormatTagHeader1 = 1 << 6,
k_EHTMLFormatTagHeader2 = 1 << 7,
k_EHTMLFormatTagFont = 1 << 8,
k_EHTMLFormatTagPre = 1 << 9,
virtual void OnContentSizeTraverse( float *pflContentWidth, float *pflContentHeight, float flMaxWidth, float flMaxHeight, bool bFinalDimensions );
virtual void OnLayoutTraverse( float flFinalWidth, float flFinalHeight );
virtual void OnStylesChanged();
virtual void OnMouseMove( float flMouseX, float flMouseY );
virtual bool OnMouseButtonDown( const MouseData_t &code );
virtual bool OnMouseButtonUp( const MouseData_t &code );
bool EventStyleFlagsChanged( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel );
bool OnFindLongestStringForLocVariable( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel );
virtual void InitClonedPanel( CPanel2D *pPanel );
virtual void SetTextFromJS(const char *pchValue)
if( m_bParseAsHTML )
SetText( pchValue, k_ETextTypeHTML );
SetText( pchValue, k_ETextTypeUnlocalized );
bool BParseAsHTML() const { return m_bParseAsHTML; }
void SetParseAsHTML( bool bParseAsHTML ) { m_bParseAsHTML = bParseAsHTML; }
struct TextRangeFormat_t
static const Color k_colorUnspecified;
m_iStartChar = -1;
m_iEndChar = -1;
m_unHTMLFormatFlags = 0;
m_iHREF = -1;
m_iMouseOver = -1;
m_iMouseOut = -1;
m_iContextMenu = -1;
m_pStyle = NULL;
m_unStyleFlags = 0;
m_color = k_colorUnspecified;
m_bChildOwner = false;
void CopyWithoutRecalcData( const TextRangeFormat_t &rhs );
virtual void Validate( CValidator &validator, const tchar *pchName );
int m_iStartChar;
int m_iEndChar;
uint m_unHTMLFormatFlags;
CUtlVector< CPanoramaSymbol > m_vecClasses;
int m_iHREF; // index into m_vecParsedHREFs if clickable. Multiple ranges could have the same URL, so hold indexes instead of copy strings
int m_iMouseOver; // index into m_vecParsedMouseOvers if clickable. Multiple ranges could have the same URL, so hold indexes instead of copy strings
int m_iMouseOut; // index into m_vecParsedMouseOuts if clickable. Multiple ranges could have the same URL, so hold indexes instead of copy strings
int m_iContextMenu; // index into m_vecParsedContextMenus if clickable. Multiple ranges could have the same URL, so hold indexes instead of copy strings
IUIPanelStyle *m_pStyle;
uint m_unStyleFlags;
Color m_color;
CUtlString m_strChildID;
bool m_bChildOwner;
struct RangeFormatBox_t
Vector2D topLeft;
Vector2D bottomRight;
CUtlVector< RangeFormatBox_t > m_vecBoundingBoxes;
void SetTextInternal( const char *pchValue, ETextType eTextType, bool bTrustedSource );
void SetFromHTMLInternal( const char *pchText, bool bAppend, bool bTrusted );
int ParseStringFromTag( const char *pchTag, const char *pchString, CUtlVector<CUtlString> **ppVecStrings );
int ParseHREFFromTag( const char *pchTag );
int ParseMouseOverFromTag( const char *pchTag );
int ParseMouseOutFromTag( const char *pchTag );
int ParseContextMenuFromTag( const char *pchTag );
void UpdateTextRangeStyles();
TextRangeFormat_t &AppendTextRangeFormat( int iStartChar, int iEndChar, uint unHTMLFormatFlags, const CUtlVector< CPanoramaSymbol > &vecStyles, int iHREF, int iMouseOver, int iMouseOut, int iContextMenu, const Color &color, const char *pszChildID, bool bChildOwner );
void RemoveTextRangeFormats();
bool BCoordsInTextRange( const TextRangeFormat_t &rangeFormat, float flX, float flY );
int FindTextRangeAt( float flX, float flY );
IUITextLayout *CreateTextLayout( float flWidth, float flHeight, bool bUseChildDesiredSize, const char *pchOptStringToUse = NULL );
IUITextLayout *CreateCurrentLayoutTextLayout();
virtual int ResolveStringLengthInPixels( const char *pchString );
bool HandleAnchorTagEvent( CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pvecLinks, int iLinkIndex );
static void CloneLinksVector( CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pSourceLinks, CUtlVector< CUtlString > **ppDestinationLinks );
bool m_bContentSizeDirty;
float m_flMaxWidthLastContentSize;
float m_flMaxHeightLastContentSize;
float m_flLastUIScaleFactor;
bool m_bLeftMouseIsDown;
Vector2D m_LastMousePos;
bool m_bSelectionRectDirty;
int32 m_nSelectionStartIndex;
int32 m_nSelectionEndIndex;
CUtlVector<IUITextLayout::HitTestRegionRect_t> m_vecSelectionRects;
bool m_bMayDrawOutsideBounds;
bool m_bAllowTextSelection;
CMutableLocalizationString m_pLocText;
CMutableLocalizationString m_pLocTextHTML; // the base string with html markup preserved
uint32 m_nMaxChars; // max chars to store in this label
EStringTruncationStyle m_eStringTruncationStyle; // how to truncate our text
bool m_bParseAsHTML; // if true, set text will be parsed as html
CUtlVector< TextRangeFormat_t > m_vecTextRangeFormats; // list of parsed text range formats
CUtlVector< CUtlString > *m_pvecParsedHREFs; // parsed href.. indexes are added to text range formats. Multiple ranges could have same URL.
CUtlVector< CUtlString > *m_pvecParsedMouseOvers; // parsed onmouseover.. indexes are added to text range formats. Multiple ranges could have same URL.
CUtlVector< CUtlString > *m_pvecParsedMouseOuts; // parsed onmouseout.. indexes are added to text range formats. Multiple ranges could have same URL.
CUtlVector< CUtlString > *m_pvecParsedContextMenus; // parsed oncontextmenu.. indexes are added to text range formats. Multiple ranges could have same URL.
TextRangeFormat_t *m_pLastHoverRange; // last text range the mouse was hovering over
TextRangeFormat_t *m_pMouseDownRange; // index into m_vecTextRangeFormats
static uint32 s_unNextInlineImageID;
} // namespace panorama