Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

710 lines
22 KiB

4 years ago
File: ATSLayoutTypes.h
Contains: Apple Type Services layout public structures and constants.
Version: QuickTime 7.3
Copyright: (c) 2007 (c) 1994-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
the World Wide Web:
#ifndef __MACTYPES__
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <SFNTLayoutTypes.h>
#ifndef __ATSTYPES__
#include <ATSTypes.h>
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(2)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* CONSTANTS and related scalar types */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Miscellaneous Constants */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
enum {
kATSUseGlyphAdvance = 0x7FFFFFFF, /* assignment to use natural glyph advance value */
kATSUseLineHeight = 0x7FFFFFFF, /* assignment to use natural line ascent/descent values */
kATSNoTracking = (long)0x80000000 /* negativeInfinity */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Summary:
* These values are passed into the ATSUGetGlyphBounds function to
* indicate whether the width of the resulting typographic glyph
* bounds will be determined using the caret origin, glyph origin in
* device space, or glyph origin in fractional absolute positions
enum {
* Specifies that the width of the typographic glyph bounds will be
* determined using the caret origin. The caret origin is halfway
* between two characters.
kATSUseCaretOrigins = 0,
* Specifies that the width of the typographic glyph bounds will be
* determined using the glyph origin in device space. This is useful
* for adjusting text on the screen.
kATSUseDeviceOrigins = 1,
* Specifies that the width of the typographic glyph bounds will be
* determined using the glyph origin in fractional absolute
* positions, which are uncorrected for device display. This provides
* the ideal position of laid-out text and is useful for scaling text
* on the screen. This origin is also used to get the width of the
* typographic bounding rectangle when you call ATSUMeasureText.
kATSUseFractionalOrigins = 2,
kATSUseOriginFlags = 3
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSULayoutOperationSelector
* Summary:
* This is used to select which operations to override, or which
* operation is currently being run.
typedef UInt32 ATSULayoutOperationSelector;
enum {
* No Layout operation is currently selected.
kATSULayoutOperationNone = 0x00000000,
* Select the Justification operation.
kATSULayoutOperationJustification = 0x00000001,
* Select the character morphing operation.
kATSULayoutOperationMorph = 0x00000002,
* Select the kerning adjustment operation.
kATSULayoutOperationKerningAdjustment = 0x00000004,
* Select the baseline adjustment operation.
kATSULayoutOperationBaselineAdjustment = 0x00000008,
* Select the tracking adjustment operation.
kATSULayoutOperationTrackingAdjustment = 0x00000010,
* Select the period of time after ATSUI has finished all of it's
* layout operations.
kATSULayoutOperationPostLayoutAdjustment = 0x00000020,
kATSULayoutOperationAppleReserved = (unsigned long)0xFFFFFFC0
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus
* Summary:
* One of these must be returned by a
* ATSUDLayoutOperationOverrideUPP callback function in order to
* indicate ATSUI's status.
typedef UInt32 ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus;
enum {
* Return this if the callback function has totally handled the
* operation which triggered the callback and does not need ATSUI to
* run any further processing for the operation.
kATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatusHandled = 0x00000000,
* Return this if the callback function has not totally handled the
* operation which triggered the callback and needs ATSUI to run it's
* own processing.
kATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatusContinue = 0x00000001
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSLineLayoutOptions
* Summary:
* ATSLineLayoutOptions are normally set in an ATSUTextLayout object
* via the kATSULineLayoutOptionsTag layout control attribute. They
* can also be set in an ATSLineLayoutParams structure and passed
* into the ATSLayoutText function for finer control over the line
* layout.
typedef UInt32 ATSLineLayoutOptions;
enum {
* No options specified.
kATSLineNoLayoutOptions = 0x00000000,
* This line option is no longer used.
kATSLineIsDisplayOnly = 0x00000001, /* obsolete option*/
* Specifies that no hangers to be formed on the line.
kATSLineHasNoHangers = 0x00000002,
* Specifies that no optical alignment to be performed on the line.
kATSLineHasNoOpticalAlignment = 0x00000004,
* Specifies that space charcters should not be treated as hangers.
kATSLineKeepSpacesOutOfMargin = 0x00000008,
* Specifies no post-compensation justification is to be performed.
kATSLineNoSpecialJustification = 0x00000010,
* Specifies that if the line is the last of a paragraph, it will not
* get justified.
kATSLineLastNoJustification = 0x00000020,
* Specifies that the displayed line glyphs will adjust for device
* metrics.
kATSLineFractDisable = 0x00000040,
* Specifies that the carets at the ends of the line will be
* guarenteed to be perpendicular to the baseline.
kATSLineImposeNoAngleForEnds = 0x00000080,
* Highlights for the line end characters will be extended to 0 and
* the specified line width.
kATSLineFillOutToWidth = 0x00000100,
* Specifies that the tab character width will be automatically
* adjusted to fit the specified line width.
kATSLineTabAdjustEnabled = 0x00000200,
* Specifies that any leading value specified by a font will be
* ignored.
kATSLineIgnoreFontLeading = 0x00000400,
* Specifies that ATS produce antialiased glyph images despite system
* preferences or CGContext settings.
kATSLineApplyAntiAliasing = 0x00000800,
* Specifies that ATS turn-off antialiasing glyph imaging despite
* system preferences or CGContext settings (negates
* kATSLineApplyAntiAliasing bit if set).
kATSLineNoAntiAliasing = 0x00001000,
* Specifies that if the line width is not sufficient to hold all its
* glyphs, glyph positions are allowed to extend beyond the line's
* assigned width so negative justification is not used.
kATSLineDisableNegativeJustification = 0x00002000,
* Specifies that lines with any integer glyph positioning (due to
* either any character non-antialiased or kATSLineFractDisable
* specified), not automatically esthetically adjust individual
* character positions while rendering to display.
kATSLineDisableAutoAdjustDisplayPos = 0x00004000,
* Specifies that rendering be done through Quickdraw (default
* rendering in ATSUI is through CoreGraphics on MacOSX).
kATSLineUseQDRendering = 0x00008000,
* Specifies that any Justification operations will not be run.
kATSLineDisableAllJustification = 0x00010000,
* Specifies that any glyph morphing operations will not be run.
kATSLineDisableAllGlyphMorphing = 0x00020000,
* Specifies that any kerning adjustment operations will not be run.
kATSLineDisableAllKerningAdjustments = 0x00040000,
* Specifies that any baseline adjustment operations will not be run.
kATSLineDisableAllBaselineAdjustments = 0x00080000,
* Specifies that any tracking adjustment operations will not be run.
kATSLineDisableAllTrackingAdjustments = 0x00100000,
* Convenience constant for turning-off all adjustments.
kATSLineDisableAllLayoutOperations = kATSLineDisableAllJustification | kATSLineDisableAllGlyphMorphing | kATSLineDisableAllKerningAdjustments | kATSLineDisableAllBaselineAdjustments | kATSLineDisableAllTrackingAdjustments,
* Specifies to optimize for displaying text only. Note, rounded
* device metrics will be used instead of fractional path metrics.
kATSLineUseDeviceMetrics = 0x01000000,
* These bits are reserved by Apple and will result in a invalid
* value error if attemped to set. Obsolete constants:
kATSLineAppleReserved = (unsigned long)0xFEE00000
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSStyleRenderingOptions
* Summary:
* ATSStyleRenderingOptions are set in the ATSUStyle object via the
* attribute tag kATSUStyleRenderingOptions. They provide finer
* control over how the style is rendered.
typedef UInt32 ATSStyleRenderingOptions;
enum {
* No options specified.
kATSStyleNoOptions = 0x00000000,
* Specifies that ATS produce "unhinted" glyph outlines (default is
* hinted glyph outlines).
kATSStyleNoHinting = 0x00000001,
* Specifies that ATS produce antialiased glyph images despite system
* preferences or CGContext settings.
kATSStyleApplyAntiAliasing = 0x00000002,
* Specifies that ATS turn-off antialiasing glyph imaging despite
* system preferences or CGContext settings (negates
* kATSStyleApplyAntiAliasing bit if set).
kATSStyleNoAntiAliasing = 0x00000004,
* These bits are reserved by Apple and will result in a invalid
* value error if attemped to set.
kATSStyleAppleReserved = (unsigned long)0xFFFFFFF8,
* (OBSOLETE) Specifies that ATS produce "hinted" glyph outlines (the
* default behavior). THIS NAME IS OBSOLETE. DO NOT USE. It's only
* left in for backwards compatibility.
kATSStyleApplyHints = kATSStyleNoOptions
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSGlyphInfoFlags
* Summary:
* ATSGlyphInfoFlags are set in the individual ATSLayoutRecord
* structures and apply only to the ATSGlyphRef in that structure.
* The are used by the layout engine to flag a glyph with specific
* properties.
typedef UInt32 ATSGlyphInfoFlags;
enum {
* These bits are Apple reserved and may result in an invalid value
* error if attempted to set.
kATSGlyphInfoAppleReserved = 0x1FFBFFE8,
* The glyph attaches to another glyph.
kATSGlyphInfoIsAttachment = (unsigned long)0x80000000,
* The glyph can hang off left/top edge of line.
kATSGlyphInfoIsLTHanger = 0x40000000,
* The glyph can hang off right/bottom edge of line.
kATSGlyphInfoIsRBHanger = 0x20000000,
* The glyph is not really a glyph at all, but an end-marker designed
* to allow the calculation of the previous glyph's advance.
kATSGlyphInfoTerminatorGlyph = 0x00080000,
* The glyph is a white space glyph.
kATSGlyphInfoIsWhiteSpace = 0x00040000,
* Glyph has a style specified imposed width (i.e. advance)
kATSGlyphInfoHasImposedWidth = 0x00000010,
* A three-bit mask, that can be used to get the size of the original
* character that spawned this glyph. When a logical 'and' operation
* with this mask and an ATSGlyphInfoFlags variable, it will yield
* the size in bytes of the original character (0 - 7 bytes possible).
kATSGlyphInfoByteSizeMask = 0x00000007
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* STRUCTURED TYPES and related constants */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSLayoutRecord
* Summary:
* The ATSLayoutRecord structure defines all the needed info for a
* single glyph during the layout process. This struct must be
* declared as the first element of an enclosing glyph record struct
* defined by ATSUI DirectAccess clients.
struct ATSLayoutRecord {
* The glyph ID reference.
ATSGlyphRef glyphID;
* These flags describe the individual state of the glyph (see above).
ATSGlyphInfoFlags flags;
* The byte offset of the original character that spawned this glyph.
ByteCount originalOffset;
* This is the real position that the glyph sits.
Fixed realPos;
typedef struct ATSLayoutRecord ATSLayoutRecord;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSTrapezoid
* Summary:
* The ATSTrapezoid structure supplies a convenient container for
* glyph bounds in trapezoidal form.
struct ATSTrapezoid {
FixedPoint upperLeft;
FixedPoint upperRight;
FixedPoint lowerRight;
FixedPoint lowerLeft;
typedef struct ATSTrapezoid ATSTrapezoid;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSJustWidthDeltaEntryOverride
* Summary:
* The JustWidthDeltaEntryOverride structure specifies values for
* the grow and shrink case during justification, both on the left
* and on the right. It also contains flags. This particular
* structure is used for passing justification overrides to LLC. For
* further sfnt resource 'just' table constants and structures, see
* SFNTLayoutTypes.h.
struct ATSJustWidthDeltaEntryOverride {
* ems AW can grow by at most on LT
Fixed beforeGrowLimit;
* ems AW can shrink by at most on LT
Fixed beforeShrinkLimit;
* ems AW can grow by at most on RB
Fixed afterGrowLimit;
* ems AW can shrink by at most on RB
Fixed afterShrinkLimit;
* flags controlling grow case
JustificationFlags growFlags;
* flags controlling shrink case
JustificationFlags shrinkFlags;
typedef struct ATSJustWidthDeltaEntryOverride ATSJustWidthDeltaEntryOverride;
/* The JustPriorityOverrides type is an array of 4 width delta records, one per priority level override. */
typedef ATSJustWidthDeltaEntryOverride ATSJustPriorityWidthDeltaOverrides[4];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSULineRef
* Summary:
* A reference to a line that is being laid out. This is passed into
* the ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP callback function to be
* used by the ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef function.
* The only way to get a line ref is inside of the callback. The
* only time the line ref is valid is inside of the callback.
typedef struct ATSGlyphVector* ATSULineRef;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* DirectAccess Layout Callback Definitions */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideProcPtr
* Summary:
* Callback definition for a low-level adjustment routine hook.
* Discussion:
* This callback can be set in an ATSUTextLayout object by setting
* the attribute tag kATSULayoutOperationOverrideUPP and passing in
* a ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier structure into
* ATSUSetLayoutAttribute. This callback will be called whenever an
* ATSUI call triggers a re-layout for each operation it is
* installed for. The operation that triggered the callback will be
* set in the iCurrentOperation parameter. The callback function
* defined by the developer is only required to do one thing: return
* it's status to ATSUI as to what it has done. This is done via the
* oCallbackStatus parameter. It needs to tell ATSUI if it had
* handled the layout operation or if it still needs ATSUI to run
* it's own processes. iOperationCallbackParameterPtr is there in
* case there are ever any ATSUDirectLayoutOperationSelector which
* require extra parameters to be passed into the callback function.
* It is currently unused and will always be set to NULL. iRefCon is
* the constant that is set in the ATSUTextLayout object that
* spawned the operation by the ATSUSetTextLayoutRefCon() API.
* Within the context of the callback itself, only a limited subset
* of ATSUI APIs may be called. Basically, only the APIs that have
* no chance of triggering a re-layout are allowed to be called. The
* reason for this restriction is to prevent runaway recursion. Most
* of the APIs that have "create", "get", or "copy" are safe. Any
* attempt to call one of the restricted APIs will result in an
* immediate return with the kATSUInvalidCallInsideCallbackErr
* error. ATSULayoutOperationSelector and
* ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus are defined in ATSLayoutTypes.i.
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideProcPtr )(ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, ATSULineRef iLineRef, UInt32 iRefCon, void *iOperationCallbackParameterPtr, ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus);
typedef TVECTOR_UPP_TYPE(ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideProcPtr) ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP;
* NewATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later
EXTERN_API_C( ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP )
NewATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideProcPtr userRoutine);
enum { uppATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideProcInfo = 0x0000FFF1 }; /* 4_bytes Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP) NewATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideProcPtr userRoutine) { return userRoutine; }
#define NewATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(userRoutine) (userRoutine)
* DisposeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later
EXTERN_API_C( void )
DisposeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP) {}
#define DisposeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(userUPP)
* InvokeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation,
ATSULineRef iLineRef,
UInt32 iRefCon,
void * iOperationCallbackParameterPtr,
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus * oCallbackStatus,
ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(OSStatus) InvokeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, ATSULineRef iLineRef, UInt32 iRefCon, void * iOperationCallbackParameterPtr, ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus * oCallbackStatus, ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP userUPP) { return (*userUPP)(iCurrentOperation, iLineRef, iRefCon, iOperationCallbackParameterPtr, oCallbackStatus); }
#define InvokeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(iCurrentOperation, iLineRef, iRefCon, iOperationCallbackParameterPtr, oCallbackStatus, userUPP) (*userUPP)(iCurrentOperation, iLineRef, iRefCon, iOperationCallbackParameterPtr, oCallbackStatus)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier
* Summary:
* This structure is used to install a callback for one or more
* ATSUI operations. To do this, simply passed one of these
* structure into the ATSUSetLayoutControls call with the
* kATSULayoutOperationOverrideUPP tag.
struct ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier {
* A bitfield containing the selector for the operations in which the
* callback will be installed for.
ATSULayoutOperationSelector operationSelector;
ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP overrideUPP;
typedef struct ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier;
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
#pragma import off
#pragma import reset
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ATSLAYOUTTYPES__ */