Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2748 lines
76 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "vgui_controls/pch_vgui_controls.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 999999, // maximum size of text buffer
using namespace vgui;
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
namespace vgui
// Purpose: Panel used for clickable URL's
class ClickPanel : public Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( ClickPanel, Panel );
ClickPanel(Panel *parent)
_viewIndex = 0;
_textIndex = 0;
// SetPaintAppearanceEnabled(false);
#if defined( DRAW_CLICK_PANELS )
void SetTextIndex( int linkStartIndex, int viewStartIndex )
_textIndex = linkStartIndex;
_viewIndex = viewStartIndex;
#if defined( DRAW_CLICK_PANELS )
virtual void Paint()
surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) );
surface()->DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, GetWide(), GetTall() );
int GetTextIndex()
return _textIndex;
int GetViewTextIndex()
return _viewIndex;
void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code)
if (code == MOUSE_LEFT)
PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("ClickPanel", "index", _textIndex));
GetParent()->OnMousePressed( code );
int _textIndex;
int _viewIndex;
// Purpose: Panel used only to draw the interior border region
class RichTextInterior : public Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( RichTextInterior, Panel );
RichTextInterior( RichText *pParent, const char *pchName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pchName )
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
SetPaintEnabled( false );
m_pRichText = pParent;
/* virtual IAppearance *GetAppearance()
if ( m_pRichText->IsScrollbarVisible() )
return m_pAppearanceScrollbar;
return BaseClass::GetAppearance();
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
// m_pAppearanceScrollbar = FindSchemeAppearance( pScheme, "scrollbar_visible" );
RichText *m_pRichText;
// IAppearance *m_pAppearanceScrollbar;
}; // namespace vgui
// Purpose: Constructor
RichText::RichText(Panel *parent, const char *panelName) : BaseClass(parent, panelName)
m_bAllTextAlphaIsZero = false;
m_hFontUnderline = INVALID_FONT;
m_bRecalcLineBreaks = true;
m_pszInitialText = NULL;
_cursorPos = 0;
_mouseSelection = false;
_mouseDragSelection = false;
_vertScrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, "ScrollBar", true);
_recalcSavedRenderState = true;
_maxCharCount = (64 * 1024);
m_pInterior = new RichTextInterior( this, NULL );
//a -1 for _select[0] means that the selection is empty
_select[0] = -1;
_select[1] = -1;
m_pEditMenu = NULL;
//position the cursor so it is at the end of the text
// set default foreground color to black
_defaultTextColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
// initialize the line break array
if ( IsProportional() )
int width, height;
int sw,sh;
surface()->GetProportionalBase( width, height );
surface()->GetScreenSize(sw, sh);
_drawOffsetX = static_cast<int>( static_cast<float>( DRAW_OFFSET_X )*( static_cast<float>( sw )/ static_cast<float>( width )));
_drawOffsetY = static_cast<int>( static_cast<float>( DRAW_OFFSET_Y )*( static_cast<float>( sw )/ static_cast<float>( width )));
_drawOffsetX = DRAW_OFFSET_X;
_drawOffsetY = DRAW_OFFSET_Y;
// add a basic format string
TFormatStream stream;
stream.color = _defaultTextColor;
stream.fade.flFadeStartTime = 0.0f;
stream.fade.flFadeLength = -1.0f;
stream.pixelsIndent = 0;
stream.textStreamIndex = 0;
stream.textClickable = false;
m_bResetFades = false;
m_bInteractive = true;
m_bUnusedScrollbarInvis = false;
// Purpose: Destructor
delete [] m_pszInitialText;
delete m_pEditMenu;
// Purpose:
void RichText::SetDrawOffsets( int ofsx, int ofsy )
_drawOffsetX = ofsx;
_drawOffsetY = ofsy;
// Purpose: sets it as drawing text only - used for embedded RichText control into other text drawing situations
void RichText::SetDrawTextOnly()
SetDrawOffsets( 0, 0 );
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
// SetPaintAppearanceEnabled( false );
SetPostChildPaintEnabled( false );
m_pInterior->SetVisible( false );
SetVerticalScrollbar( false );
// Purpose: configures colors
void RichText::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme)
_font = pScheme->GetFont("Default", IsProportional() );
m_hFontUnderline = pScheme->GetFont("DefaultUnderline", IsProportional() );
SetFgColor(GetSchemeColor("RichText.TextColor", pScheme));
SetBgColor(GetSchemeColor("RichText.BgColor", pScheme));
_selectionTextColor = GetSchemeColor("RichText.SelectedTextColor", GetFgColor(), pScheme);
_selectionColor = GetSchemeColor("RichText.SelectedBgColor", pScheme);
if ( Q_strlen( pScheme->GetResourceString( "RichText.InsetX" ) ) )
SetDrawOffsets( atoi( pScheme->GetResourceString( "RichText.InsetX" ) ), atoi( pScheme->GetResourceString( "RichText.InsetY" ) ) );
// Purpose: if the default format color isn't set then set it
void RichText::SetFgColor( Color color )
// Replace default format color if
// the stream is empty and the color is the default ( or the previous FgColor )
if ( m_FormatStream.Size() == 1 &&
( m_FormatStream[0].color == _defaultTextColor || m_FormatStream[0].color == GetFgColor() ) )
m_FormatStream[0].color = color;
BaseClass::SetFgColor( color );
// Purpose: Sends a message if the data has changed
// Turns off any selected text in the window if we are not using the edit menu
void RichText::OnKillFocus()
// check if we clicked the right mouse button or if it is down
bool mouseRightClicked = input()->WasMousePressed(MOUSE_RIGHT);
bool mouseRightUp = input()->WasMouseReleased(MOUSE_RIGHT);
bool mouseRightDown = input()->IsMouseDown(MOUSE_RIGHT);
if (mouseRightClicked || mouseRightDown || mouseRightUp )
// get the start and ends of the selection area
int start, end;
if (GetSelectedRange(start, end)) // we have selected text
// see if we clicked in the selection area
int startX, startY;
CursorToPixelSpace(start, startX, startY);
int endX, endY;
CursorToPixelSpace(end, endX, endY);
int cursorX, cursorY;
input()->GetCursorPos(cursorX, cursorY);
ScreenToLocal(cursorX, cursorY);
// check the area vertically
// we need to handle the horizontal edge cases eventually
int fontTall = GetLineHeight();
endY = endY + fontTall;
if ((startY < cursorY) && (endY > cursorY))
// if we clicked in the selection area, leave the text highlighted
// clear any selection
// chain
// Purpose: Wipe line breaks after the size of a panel has been changed
void RichText::OnSizeChanged( int wide, int tall )
BaseClass::OnSizeChanged( wide, tall );
// blow away the line breaks list
_invalidateVerticalScrollbarSlider = true;
if ( _vertScrollBar->IsVisible() )
m_pInterior->SetBounds( 0, 0, wide - _vertScrollBar->GetWide(), tall );
m_pInterior->SetBounds( 0, 0, wide, tall );
const wchar_t *RichText::ResolveLocalizedTextAndVariables( char const *pchLookup, wchar_t *outbuf, size_t outbufsizeinbytes )
if ( pchLookup[ 0 ] == '#' )
// try lookup in localization tables
StringIndex_t index = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindIndex( pchLookup + 1 );
/* // if it's not found, maybe it's a special expanded variable - look for an expansion
char rgchT[MAX_PATH];
// get the variables
KeyValues *variables = GetDialogVariables_R();
if ( variables )
// see if any are any special vars to put in
for ( KeyValues *pkv = variables->GetFirstSubKey(); pkv != NULL; pkv = pkv->GetNextKey() )
if ( !Q_strncmp( pkv->GetName(), "$", 1 ) )
// make a new lookup, with this key appended
Q_snprintf( rgchT, sizeof( rgchT ), "%s%s=%s", pchLookup, pkv->GetName(), pkv->GetString() );
index = localize()->FindIndex( rgchT );
// see if we have a valid string
wchar_t *format = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetValueByIndex( index );
Assert( format );
if ( format )
/*// Try and substitute variables if any
KeyValues *variables = GetDialogVariables_R();
if ( variables )
localize()->ConstructString( outbuf, outbufsizeinbytes, index, variables );
return outbuf;
V_wcsncpy( outbuf, format, outbufsizeinbytes );
return outbuf;
Q_UTF8ToUnicode( pchLookup, outbuf, outbufsizeinbytes );
return outbuf;
// Purpose: Set the text array
// Using this function will cause all lineBreaks to be discarded.
// This is because this fxn replaces the contents of the text buffer.
// For modifying large buffers use insert functions.
void RichText::SetText(const char *text)
if (!text)
text = "";
wchar_t unicode[1024];
if (text[0] == '#')
ResolveLocalizedTextAndVariables( text, unicode, sizeof( unicode ) );
SetText( unicode );
// convert to unicode
Q_UTF8ToUnicode(text, unicode, sizeof(unicode));
// Purpose:
void RichText::SetText(const wchar_t *text)
// reset the formatting stream
TFormatStream stream;
stream.color = GetFgColor();
stream.fade.flFadeLength = -1.0f;
stream.fade.flFadeStartTime = 0.0f;
stream.pixelsIndent = 0;
stream.textStreamIndex = 0;
stream.textClickable = false;
// set the new text stream
if ( text && *text )
int textLen = wcslen(text) + 1;
for(int i = 0; i < textLen; i++)
// blow away the line breaks list
// Purpose: Given cursor's position in the text buffer, convert it to
// the local window's x and y pixel coordinates
// Input: cursorPos: cursor index
// Output: cx, cy, the corresponding coords in the local window
void RichText::CursorToPixelSpace(int cursorPos, int &cx, int &cy)
int yStart = _drawOffsetY;
int x = _drawOffsetX, y = yStart;
_pixelsIndent = 0;
int lineBreakIndexIndex = 0;
for (int i = GetStartDrawIndex(lineBreakIndexIndex); i < m_TextStream.Count(); i++)
wchar_t ch = m_TextStream[i];
// if we've found the position, break
if (cursorPos == i)
// if we've passed a line break go to that
if (m_LineBreaks[lineBreakIndexIndex] == i)
// add another line
AddAnotherLine(x, y);
// if we've passed a line break go to that
if (m_LineBreaks[lineBreakIndexIndex] == i)
// add another line
AddAnotherLine(x, y);
// add to the current position
x += surface()->GetCharacterWidth(_font, ch);
cx = x;
cy = y;
// Purpose: Converts local pixel coordinates to an index in the text buffer
int RichText::PixelToCursorSpace(int cx, int cy)
int fontTall = GetLineHeight();
// where to start reading
int yStart = _drawOffsetY;
int x = _drawOffsetX, y = yStart;
_pixelsIndent = 0;
int lineBreakIndexIndex = 0;
int startIndex = GetStartDrawIndex(lineBreakIndexIndex);
if (_recalcSavedRenderState)
_pixelsIndent = m_CachedRenderState.pixelsIndent;
_currentTextClickable = m_CachedRenderState.textClickable;
TRenderState renderState = m_CachedRenderState;
bool onRightLine = false;
int i;
for (i = startIndex; i < m_TextStream.Count(); i++)
wchar_t ch = m_TextStream[i];
renderState.x = x;
if ( UpdateRenderState( i, renderState ) )
x = renderState.x;
// if we are on the right line but off the end of if put the cursor at the end of the line
if (m_LineBreaks[lineBreakIndexIndex] == i)
// add another line
AddAnotherLine(x, y);
if (onRightLine)
// check to see if we're on the right line
if (cy < yStart)
// cursor is above panel
onRightLine = true;
else if (cy >= y && (cy < (y + fontTall + _drawOffsetY)))
onRightLine = true;
int wide = surface()->GetCharacterWidth(_font, ch);
// if we've found the position, break
if (onRightLine)
if (cx > GetWide()) // off right side of window
else if (cx < (_drawOffsetX + renderState.pixelsIndent) || cy < yStart) // off left side of window
// Msg( "PixelToCursorSpace() off left size, returning %d '%c'\n", i, m_TextStream[i] );
return i; // move cursor one to left
if (cx >= x && cx < (x + wide))
// check which side of the letter they're on
if (cx < (x + (wide * 0.5))) // left side
// Msg( "PixelToCursorSpace() on the left size, returning %d '%c'\n", i, m_TextStream[i] );
return i;
else // right side
// Msg( "PixelToCursorSpace() on the right size, returning %d '%c'\n", i + 1, m_TextStream[i + 1] );
return i + 1;
x += wide;
// Msg( "PixelToCursorSpace() never hit, returning %d\n", i );
return i;
// Purpose: Draws a string of characters in the panel
// Input: iFirst - Index of the first character to draw
// iLast - Index of the last character to draw
// renderState - Render state to use
// font- font to use
// Output: returns the width of the character drawn
int RichText::DrawString(int iFirst, int iLast, TRenderState &renderState, HFont font)
// VPROF( "RichText::DrawString" );
// Calculate the render size
int fontTall = surface()->GetFontTall(font);
// BUGBUG John: This won't exactly match the rendered size
int charWide = 0;
for ( int i = iFirst; i <= iLast; i++ )
wchar_t ch = m_TextStream[i];
wchar_t chBefore = 0;
wchar_t chAfter = 0;
if ( i > 0 )
chBefore = m_TextStream[i-1];
if ( i < iLast )
chAfter = m_TextStream[i+1];
float flWide = 0.0f, flabcA = 0.0f;
surface()->GetKernedCharWidth(font, ch, chBefore, chAfter, flWide, flabcA);
if ( ch == L' ' )
flWide = ceil( flWide );
charWide += floor( flWide + 0.6 );
charWide += surface()->GetCharacterWidth(font, ch);
// draw selection, if any
int selection0 = -1, selection1 = -1;
GetSelectedRange(selection0, selection1);
if (iFirst >= selection0 && iFirst < selection1)
// draw background selection color
surface()->DrawFilledRect(renderState.x, renderState.y, renderState.x + charWide, renderState.y + 1 + fontTall);
// reset text color
m_bAllTextAlphaIsZero = false;
if ( renderState.textColor.a() != 0 )
m_bAllTextAlphaIsZero = false;
surface()->DrawSetTextPos(renderState.x, renderState.y);
surface()->DrawPrintText(&m_TextStream[iFirst], iLast - iFirst + 1);
return charWide;
// Purpose: Finish drawing url
void RichText::FinishingURL(int x, int y)
// finishing URL
if ( _clickableTextPanels.IsValidIndex( _clickableTextIndex ) )
ClickPanel *clickPanel = _clickableTextPanels[ _clickableTextIndex ];
int px, py;
clickPanel->GetPos(px, py);
int fontTall = GetLineHeight();
clickPanel->SetSize( MAX( x - px, 6 ), y - py + fontTall );
// if we haven't actually advanced any, step back and ignore this one
// this is probably a data input problem though, need to find root cause
if ( x - px <= 0 )
void RichText::CalculateFade( TRenderState &renderState )
if ( m_FormatStream.IsValidIndex( renderState.formatStreamIndex ) )
if ( m_bResetFades == false )
if ( m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].fade.flFadeLength != -1.0f )
float frac = ( m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].fade.flFadeStartTime - system()->GetCurrentTime() ) / m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].fade.flFadeLength;
int alpha = frac * m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].fade.iOriginalAlpha;
alpha = clamp( alpha, 0, m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].fade.iOriginalAlpha );
renderState.textColor.SetColor( renderState.textColor.r(), renderState.textColor.g(), renderState.textColor.b(), alpha );
// Purpose: Draws the text in the panel
void RichText::Paint()
// Assume the worst
m_bAllTextAlphaIsZero = true;
HFont hFontCurrent = _font;
// hide all the clickable panels until we know where they are to reside
for (int j = 0; j < _clickableTextPanels.Count(); j++)
if ( !HasText() )
int wide, tall;
GetSize( wide, tall );
int lineBreakIndexIndex = 0;
int startIndex = GetStartDrawIndex(lineBreakIndexIndex);
_currentTextClickable = false;
_clickableTextIndex = GetClickableTextIndexStart(startIndex);
// recalculate and cache the render state at the render start
if (_recalcSavedRenderState)
// copy off the cached render state
TRenderState renderState = m_CachedRenderState;
_pixelsIndent = m_CachedRenderState.pixelsIndent;
_currentTextClickable = m_CachedRenderState.textClickable;
renderState.textClickable = _currentTextClickable;
if ( m_FormatStream.IsValidIndex( renderState.formatStreamIndex ) )
renderState.textColor = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].color;
CalculateFade( renderState );
if ( _currentTextClickable )
_clickableTextIndex = startIndex;
// where to start drawing
renderState.x = _drawOffsetX + _pixelsIndent;
renderState.y = _drawOffsetY;
// draw the text
int selection0 = -1, selection1 = -1;
GetSelectedRange(selection0, selection1);
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( hFontCurrent );
for (int i = startIndex; i < m_TextStream.Count() && renderState.y < tall; )
// 1.
// Update our current render state based on the formatting and color streams,
// this has to happen if it's our very first iteration, or if we are actually changing
// state.
int nXBeforeStateChange = renderState.x;
if ( UpdateRenderState(i, renderState) || i == startIndex )
// check for url state change
if (renderState.textClickable != _currentTextClickable)
if (renderState.textClickable)
// entering new URL
hFontCurrent = m_hFontUnderline;
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( hFontCurrent );
// set up the panel
ClickPanel *clickPanel = _clickableTextPanels.IsValidIndex( _clickableTextIndex ) ? _clickableTextPanels[_clickableTextIndex] : NULL;
if (clickPanel)
clickPanel->SetPos(renderState.x, renderState.y);
FinishingURL(nXBeforeStateChange, renderState.y);
hFontCurrent = _font;
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( hFontCurrent );
_currentTextClickable = renderState.textClickable;
// 2.
// if we've passed a line break go to that
if ( m_LineBreaks.IsValidIndex( lineBreakIndexIndex ) && m_LineBreaks[lineBreakIndexIndex] <= i )
if (_currentTextClickable)
FinishingURL(renderState.x, renderState.y);
// add another line
AddAnotherLine(renderState.x, renderState.y);
// Skip white space unless the previous line ended from the hard carriage return
if ( i && ( m_TextStream[i-1] != '\n' ) && ( m_TextStream[i-1] != '\r') )
while ( m_TextStream[i] == L' ' )
if ( i+1 < m_TextStream.Count() )
if (renderState.textClickable)
// move to the next URL
ClickPanel *clickPanel = _clickableTextPanels.IsValidIndex( _clickableTextIndex ) ? _clickableTextPanels[_clickableTextIndex] : NULL;
if (clickPanel)
clickPanel->SetPos(renderState.x, renderState.y);
// 3.
// Calculate the range of text to draw all at once
int iLim = m_TextStream.Count();
// Stop at the next format change
if ( m_FormatStream.IsValidIndex(renderState.formatStreamIndex) &&
m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].textStreamIndex < iLim &&
m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].textStreamIndex >= i &&
m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].textStreamIndex )
iLim = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].textStreamIndex;
// Stop at the next line break
if ( m_LineBreaks.IsValidIndex( lineBreakIndexIndex ) && m_LineBreaks[lineBreakIndexIndex] < iLim )
iLim = m_LineBreaks[lineBreakIndexIndex];
// Handle non-drawing characters specially
for ( int iT = i; iT < iLim; iT++ )
if ( iswcntrl(m_TextStream[iT]) )
iLim = iT;
// 4.
// Draw the current text range
if ( iLim <= i )
if ( m_TextStream[i] == '\t' )
int dxTabWidth = 8 * surface()->GetCharacterWidth(hFontCurrent, ' ');
dxTabWidth = MAX( 1, dxTabWidth );
renderState.x = ( dxTabWidth * ( 1 + ( renderState.x / dxTabWidth ) ) );
renderState.x += DrawString(i, iLim - 1, renderState, hFontCurrent );
i = iLim;
if (renderState.textClickable)
FinishingURL(renderState.x, renderState.y);
// Purpose:
int RichText::GetClickableTextIndexStart(int startIndex)
// cycle to the right url panel for what is visible after the startIndex.
for (int i = 0; i < _clickableTextPanels.Count(); i++)
if (_clickableTextPanels[i]->GetViewTextIndex() >= startIndex)
return i - 1;
return -1;
// Purpose: Recalcultes the formatting state from the specified index
void RichText::RecalculateDefaultState(int startIndex)
if (!HasText() )
Assert(startIndex < m_TextStream.Count());
m_CachedRenderState.textColor = GetFgColor();
_pixelsIndent = 0;
_currentTextClickable = false;
_clickableTextIndex = GetClickableTextIndexStart(startIndex);
// find where in the formatting stream we need to be
GenerateRenderStateForTextStreamIndex(startIndex, m_CachedRenderState);
_recalcSavedRenderState = false;
// Purpose: updates a render state based on the formatting and color streams
// Output: true if we changed the render state
bool RichText::UpdateRenderState(int textStreamPos, TRenderState &renderState)
// check the color stream
if (m_FormatStream.IsValidIndex(renderState.formatStreamIndex) &&
m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].textStreamIndex == textStreamPos)
// set the current formatting
renderState.textColor = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].color;
renderState.textClickable = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].textClickable;
CalculateFade( renderState );
int indentChange = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].pixelsIndent - renderState.pixelsIndent;
renderState.pixelsIndent = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].pixelsIndent;
if (indentChange)
renderState.x = renderState.pixelsIndent + _drawOffsetX;
//!! for supporting old functionality, store off state in globals
_pixelsIndent = renderState.pixelsIndent;
// move to the next position in the color stream
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: Returns the index in the format stream for the specified text stream index
int RichText::FindFormatStreamIndexForTextStreamPos(int textStreamIndex)
int formatStreamIndex = 0;
for (; m_FormatStream.IsValidIndex(formatStreamIndex); formatStreamIndex++)
if (m_FormatStream[formatStreamIndex].textStreamIndex > textStreamIndex)
// step back to the color change before the new line
if (!m_FormatStream.IsValidIndex(formatStreamIndex))
formatStreamIndex = 0;
return formatStreamIndex;
// Purpose: Generates a base renderstate given a index into the text stream
void RichText::GenerateRenderStateForTextStreamIndex(int textStreamIndex, TRenderState &renderState)
// find where in the format stream we need to be given the specified place in the text stream
renderState.formatStreamIndex = FindFormatStreamIndexForTextStreamPos(textStreamIndex);
// copy the state data
renderState.textColor = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].color;
renderState.pixelsIndent = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].pixelsIndent;
renderState.textClickable = m_FormatStream[renderState.formatStreamIndex].textClickable;
// Purpose: Called pre render
void RichText::OnThink()
if (m_bRecalcLineBreaks)
_recalcSavedRenderState = true;
// recalculate scrollbar position
if (_invalidateVerticalScrollbarSlider)
// Purpose: Called when data changes or panel size changes
void RichText::PerformLayout()
// force a Repaint
// Purpose: inserts a color change into the formatting stream
void RichText::InsertColorChange(Color col)
// see if color already exists in text stream
TFormatStream &prevItem = m_FormatStream[m_FormatStream.Count() - 1];
if (prevItem.color == col)
// inserting same color into stream, just ignore
else if (prevItem.textStreamIndex == m_TextStream.Count())
// this item is in the same place; update values
prevItem.color = col;
// add to text stream, based off existing item
TFormatStream streamItem = prevItem;
streamItem.color = col;
streamItem.textStreamIndex = m_TextStream.Count();
// Purpose: inserts a fade into the formatting stream
void RichText::InsertFade( float flSustain, float flLength )
// see if color already exists in text stream
TFormatStream &prevItem = m_FormatStream[m_FormatStream.Count() - 1];
if (prevItem.textStreamIndex == m_TextStream.Count())
// this item is in the same place; update values
prevItem.fade.flFadeStartTime = system()->GetCurrentTime() + flSustain;
prevItem.fade.flFadeSustain = flSustain;
prevItem.fade.flFadeLength = flLength;
prevItem.fade.iOriginalAlpha = prevItem.color.a();
// add to text stream, based off existing item
TFormatStream streamItem = prevItem;
prevItem.fade.flFadeStartTime = system()->GetCurrentTime() + flSustain;
prevItem.fade.flFadeLength = flLength;
prevItem.fade.flFadeSustain = flSustain;
prevItem.fade.iOriginalAlpha = prevItem.color.a();
streamItem.textStreamIndex = m_TextStream.Count();
void RichText::ResetAllFades( bool bHold, bool bOnlyExpired, float flNewSustain )
m_bResetFades = bHold;
if ( m_bResetFades == false )
for (int i = 1; i < m_FormatStream.Count(); i++)
if ( bOnlyExpired == true )
if ( m_FormatStream[i].fade.flFadeStartTime >= system()->GetCurrentTime() )
if ( flNewSustain == -1.0f )
flNewSustain = m_FormatStream[i].fade.flFadeSustain;
m_FormatStream[i].fade.flFadeStartTime = system()->GetCurrentTime() + flNewSustain;
// Purpose: inserts an indent change into the formatting stream
void RichText::InsertIndentChange(int pixelsIndent)
if (pixelsIndent < 0)
pixelsIndent = 0;
else if (pixelsIndent > 255)
pixelsIndent = 255;
// see if indent change already exists in text stream
TFormatStream &prevItem = m_FormatStream[m_FormatStream.Count() - 1];
if (prevItem.pixelsIndent == pixelsIndent)
// inserting same indent into stream, just ignore
else if (prevItem.textStreamIndex == m_TextStream.Count())
// this item is in the same place; update
prevItem.pixelsIndent = pixelsIndent;
// add to text stream, based off existing item
TFormatStream streamItem = prevItem;
streamItem.pixelsIndent = pixelsIndent;
streamItem.textStreamIndex = m_TextStream.Count();
// Purpose: Inserts character Start for clickable text, eg. URLS
void RichText::InsertClickableTextStart( const char *pchClickAction )
// see if indent change already exists in text stream
TFormatStream &prevItem = m_FormatStream[m_FormatStream.Count() - 1];
TFormatStream *pFormatStream = &prevItem;
if (prevItem.textStreamIndex == m_TextStream.Count())
// this item is in the same place; update
prevItem.textClickable = true;
pFormatStream->m_sClickableTextAction = pchClickAction;
// add to text stream, based off existing item
TFormatStream formatStreamCopy = prevItem;
int iFormatStream = m_FormatStream.AddToTail( formatStreamCopy );
// set the new params
pFormatStream = &m_FormatStream[iFormatStream];
pFormatStream->textStreamIndex = m_TextStream.Count();
pFormatStream->textClickable = true;
pFormatStream->m_sClickableTextAction = pchClickAction;
// invalidate the layout to recalculate where the click panels should go
// Purpose: Inserts character end for clickable text, eg. URLS
void RichText::InsertClickableTextEnd()
// see if indent change already exists in text stream
TFormatStream &prevItem = m_FormatStream[m_FormatStream.Count() - 1];
if (!prevItem.textClickable)
// inserting same indent into stream, just ignore
else if (prevItem.textStreamIndex == m_TextStream.Count())
// this item is in the same place; update
prevItem.textClickable = false;
// add to text stream, based off existing item
TFormatStream streamItem = prevItem;
streamItem.textClickable = false;
streamItem.textStreamIndex = m_TextStream.Count();
// Purpose: moves x,y to the Start of the next line of text
void RichText::AddAnotherLine(int &cx, int &cy)
cx = _drawOffsetX + _pixelsIndent;
cy += (GetLineHeight() + _drawOffsetY);
// Purpose: Recalculates line breaks
void RichText::RecalculateLineBreaks()
if ( !m_bRecalcLineBreaks )
int wide = GetWide();
if (!wide)
wide -= _drawOffsetX;
m_bRecalcLineBreaks = false;
_recalcSavedRenderState = true;
if (!HasText())
int selection0 = -1, selection1 = -1;
// subtract the scrollbar width
if (_vertScrollBar->IsVisible())
wide -= _vertScrollBar->GetWide();
int x = _drawOffsetX, y = _drawOffsetY;
HFont fontWordStart = INVALID_FONT;
int wordStartIndex = 0;
int lineStartIndex = 0;
bool hasWord = false;
bool justStartedNewLine = true;
bool wordStartedOnNewLine = true;
int startChar = 0;
if (_recalculateBreaksIndex <= 0)
// remove the rest of the linebreaks list since its out of date.
for (int i = _recalculateBreaksIndex + 1; i < m_LineBreaks.Count(); ++i)
--i; // removing shrinks the list!
startChar = m_LineBreaks[_recalculateBreaksIndex];
lineStartIndex = m_LineBreaks[_recalculateBreaksIndex];
wordStartIndex = lineStartIndex;
// handle the case where this char is a new line, in that case
// we have already taken its break index into account above so skip it.
if (m_TextStream[startChar] == '\r' || m_TextStream[startChar] == '\n')
lineStartIndex = startChar;
// cycle to the right url panel for what is visible after the startIndex.
int clickableTextNum = GetClickableTextIndexStart(startChar);
// initialize the renderstate with the start
TRenderState renderState;
GenerateRenderStateForTextStreamIndex(startChar, renderState);
_currentTextClickable = false;
HFont font = _font;
bool bForceBreak = false;
float flLineWidthSoFar = 0;
// loop through all the characters
for (int i = startChar; i < m_TextStream.Count(); ++i)
wchar_t ch = m_TextStream[i];
renderState.x = x;
if (UpdateRenderState(i, renderState))
x = renderState.x;
int preI = i;
// check for clickable text
if (renderState.textClickable != _currentTextClickable)
if (renderState.textClickable)
// make a new clickable text panel
if (clickableTextNum >= _clickableTextPanels.Count())
_clickableTextPanels.AddToTail(new ClickPanel(this));
ClickPanel *clickPanel = _clickableTextPanels[clickableTextNum++];
clickPanel->SetTextIndex(preI, preI);
// url state change
_currentTextClickable = renderState.textClickable;
bool bIsWSpace = iswspace( ch ) ? true : false;
bool bPreviousWordStartedOnNewLine = wordStartedOnNewLine;
int iPreviousWordStartIndex = wordStartIndex;
if ( !bIsWSpace && ch != L'\t' && ch != L'\n' && ch != L'\r' )
if (!hasWord)
// Start a new word
wordStartIndex = i;
hasWord = true;
wordStartedOnNewLine = justStartedNewLine;
fontWordStart = font;
// else append to the current word
// whitespace/punctuation character
// end the word
hasWord = false;
float w = 0;
wchar_t wchBefore = 0;
wchar_t wchAfter = 0;
if ( i > 0 && i > lineStartIndex && i != selection0 && i-1 != selection1 )
wchBefore = m_TextStream[i-1];
if ( i < m_TextStream.Count() - 1 && i+1 != selection0 && i != selection1 )
wchAfter = m_TextStream[i+1];
float flabcA;
surface()->GetKernedCharWidth( font, ch, wchBefore, wchAfter, w, flabcA );
flLineWidthSoFar += w;
// See if we've exceeded the width we have available, with
if ( floor(flLineWidthSoFar + 0.6) + x > wide )
bForceBreak = true;
if (!iswcntrl(ch))
justStartedNewLine = false;
if ( bForceBreak || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' )
bForceBreak = false;
// add another line
AddAnotherLine(x, y);
if ( ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' )
// skip the newline so it's not at the beginning of the new line
lineStartIndex = i + 1;
m_LineBreaks.AddToTail(i + 1);
else if ( bPreviousWordStartedOnNewLine || iPreviousWordStartIndex <= lineStartIndex )
lineStartIndex = i;
m_LineBreaks.AddToTail( i );
if (renderState.textClickable)
// need to split the url into two panels
int oldIndex = _clickableTextPanels[clickableTextNum - 1]->GetTextIndex();
// make a new clickable text panel
if (clickableTextNum >= _clickableTextPanels.Count())
_clickableTextPanels.AddToTail(new ClickPanel(this));
ClickPanel *clickPanel = _clickableTextPanels[clickableTextNum++];
clickPanel->SetTextIndex(oldIndex, i);
m_LineBreaks.AddToTail( iPreviousWordStartIndex );
lineStartIndex = iPreviousWordStartIndex;
i = iPreviousWordStartIndex;
TRenderState renderStateAtLastWord;
GenerateRenderStateForTextStreamIndex( i, renderStateAtLastWord );
// If the word is clickable, and that started prior to the beginning of the word, then we must split the click panel
if ( renderStateAtLastWord.textClickable && m_FormatStream[ renderStateAtLastWord.formatStreamIndex ].textStreamIndex < i )
// need to split the url into two panels
int oldIndex = _clickableTextPanels[clickableTextNum - 1]->GetTextIndex();
// make a new clickable text panel
if (clickableTextNum >= _clickableTextPanels.Count())
_clickableTextPanels.AddToTail(new ClickPanel(this));
ClickPanel *clickPanel = _clickableTextPanels[clickableTextNum++];
clickPanel->SetTextIndex(oldIndex, i);
flLineWidthSoFar = 0;
justStartedNewLine = true;
hasWord = false;
wordStartedOnNewLine = false;
_currentTextClickable = false;
// end the list
// set up the scrollbar
_invalidateVerticalScrollbarSlider = true;
// Purpose: Recalculate where the vertical scroll bar slider should be
// based on the current cursor line we are on.
void RichText::LayoutVerticalScrollBarSlider()
_invalidateVerticalScrollbarSlider = false;
// set up the scrollbar
//if (!_vertScrollBar->IsVisible())
// return;
// see where the scrollbar currently is
int previousValue = _vertScrollBar->GetValue();
bool bCurrentlyAtEnd = false;
int rmin, rmax;
_vertScrollBar->GetRange(rmin, rmax);
if (rmax && (previousValue + rmin + _vertScrollBar->GetRangeWindow() == rmax))
bCurrentlyAtEnd = true;
// work out position to put scrollbar, factoring in insets
int wide, tall;
GetSize( wide, tall );
_vertScrollBar->SetPos( wide - _vertScrollBar->GetWide(), 0 );
// scrollbar is inside the borders.
_vertScrollBar->SetSize( _vertScrollBar->GetWide(), tall );
// calculate how many lines we can fully display
int displayLines = tall / (GetLineHeight() + _drawOffsetY);
int numLines = m_LineBreaks.Count();
if (numLines <= displayLines)
// disable the scrollbar
_vertScrollBar->SetRange(0, numLines);
if ( m_bUnusedScrollbarInvis )
SetVerticalScrollbar( false );
if ( m_bUnusedScrollbarInvis )
SetVerticalScrollbar( true );
// set the scrollbars range
_vertScrollBar->SetRange(0, numLines);
// this should make it scroll one line at a time
if (bCurrentlyAtEnd)
_vertScrollBar->SetValue(numLines - displayLines);
// Purpose: Sets whether a vertical scrollbar is visible
void RichText::SetVerticalScrollbar(bool state)
if (_vertScrollBar->IsVisible() != state)
// Purpose: Create cut/copy/paste dropdown menu
void RichText::CreateEditMenu()
// create a drop down cut/copy/paste menu appropriate for this object's states
if (m_pEditMenu)
delete m_pEditMenu;
m_pEditMenu = new Menu(this, "EditMenu");
// add cut/copy/paste drop down options if its editable, just copy if it is not
m_pEditMenu->AddMenuItem("C&opy", new KeyValues("DoCopySelected"), this);
// Purpose: We want single line windows to scroll horizontally and select text
// in response to clicking and holding outside window
void RichText::OnMouseFocusTicked()
// if a button is down move the scrollbar slider the appropriate direction
if (_mouseDragSelection) // text is being selected via mouse clicking and dragging
OnCursorMoved(0,0); // we want the text to scroll as if we were dragging
// Purpose: If a cursor enters the window, we are not elegible for
// MouseFocusTicked events
void RichText::OnCursorEntered()
_mouseDragSelection = false; // outside of window dont recieve drag scrolling ticks
// Purpose: When the cursor is outside the window, if we are holding the mouse
// button down, then we want the window to scroll the text one char at a time using Ticks
void RichText::OnCursorExited()
// outside of window recieve drag scrolling ticks
if (_mouseSelection)
_mouseDragSelection = true;
// Purpose: Handle selection of text by mouse
void RichText::OnCursorMoved(int ignX, int ignY)
if (_mouseSelection)
// update the cursor position
int x, y;
input()->GetCursorPos(x, y);
ScreenToLocal(x, y);
_cursorPos = PixelToCursorSpace(x, y);
if (_cursorPos != _select[1])
_select[1] = _cursorPos;
// Msg( "selecting range [%d..%d]\n", _select[0], _select[1] );
// Purpose: Handle mouse button down events.
void RichText::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code)
if (code == MOUSE_LEFT)
// clear current selection
// move the cursor to where the mouse was pressed
int x, y;
input()->GetCursorPos(x, y);
ScreenToLocal(x, y);
_cursorPos = PixelToCursorSpace(x, y);
if ( m_bInteractive )
// enter selection mode
_mouseSelection = true;
if (_select[0] < 0)
// if no initial selection position, Start selection position at cursor
_select[0] = _cursorPos;
_select[1] = _cursorPos;
else if (code == MOUSE_RIGHT) // check for context menu open
if ( m_bInteractive )
// Purpose: Handle mouse button up events
void RichText::OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code)
_mouseSelection = false;
// make sure something has been selected
int cx0, cx1;
if (GetSelectedRange(cx0, cx1))
if (cx1 - cx0 == 0)
// nullify selection
_select[0] = -1;
// Purpose: Handle mouse double clicks
void RichText::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code)
if ( !m_bInteractive )
// left double clicking on a word selects the word
if (code == MOUSE_LEFT)
// move the cursor just as if you single clicked.
// then find the start and end of the word we are in to highlight it.
int selectSpot[2];
selectSpot[0] = _cursorPos;
selectSpot[1] = _cursorPos;
if ( _cursorPos > 0 && (_cursorPos-1) < m_TextStream.Count() )
if (iswspace(m_TextStream[_cursorPos-1]))
_select[0] = selectSpot[0];
_select[1] = selectSpot[1];
_mouseSelection = true;
// Purpose: Turn off text selection code when mouse button is not down
void RichText::OnMouseCaptureLost()
_mouseSelection = false;
// Purpose: Masks which keys get chained up
// Maps keyboard input to text window functions.
void RichText::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code)
bool shift = (input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT));
bool ctrl = (input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LCONTROL) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RCONTROL));
bool alt = (input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LALT) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RALT));
bool winkey = (input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LWIN) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RWIN));
bool fallThrough = false;
if ( ctrl || ( winkey && IsOSX() ) )
case KEY_C:
case KEY_X:
case KEY_HOME:
case KEY_END:
fallThrough = true;
else if (alt)
// do nothing with ALT-x keys
fallThrough = true;
case KEY_TAB:
fallThrough = true;
if (shift)
// shift-delete is cut
case KEY_HOME:
case KEY_END:
// if there is a scroll bar scroll down one rangewindow
if (_vertScrollBar->IsVisible())
int window = _vertScrollBar->GetRangeWindow();
int newval = _vertScrollBar->GetValue();
_vertScrollBar->SetValue(newval - window - 1);
// if there is a scroll bar scroll down one rangewindow
if (_vertScrollBar->IsVisible())
int window = _vertScrollBar->GetRangeWindow();
int newval = _vertScrollBar->GetValue();
_vertScrollBar->SetValue(newval + window + 1);
// return if any other char is pressed.
// as it will be a unicode char.
// and we don't want select[1] changed unless a char was pressed that this fxn handles
// select[1] is the location in the line where the blinking cursor started
_select[1] = _cursorPos;
// chain back on some keys
if (fallThrough)
// Purpose: Scrolls the list according to the mouse wheel movement
void RichText::OnMouseWheeled(int delta)
// Purpose: Scrolls the list
// Input : delta - amount to move scrollbar up
void RichText::MoveScrollBar(int delta)
MoveScrollBarDirect( delta * 3 );
// Purpose: Scrolls the list
// Input : delta - amount to move scrollbar up
void RichText::MoveScrollBarDirect(int delta)
if (_vertScrollBar->IsVisible())
int val = _vertScrollBar->GetValue();
val -= delta;
_recalcSavedRenderState = true;
// Purpose: set the maximum number of chars in the text buffer
void RichText::SetMaximumCharCount(int maxChars)
_maxCharCount = maxChars;
// Purpose: Find out what line the cursor is on
int RichText::GetCursorLine()
// always returns the last place
int pos = m_LineBreaks[m_LineBreaks.Count() - 1];
Assert(pos == MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
return pos;
// Purpose: Move the cursor over to the Start of the next word to the right
void RichText::GotoWordRight()
// search right until we hit a whitespace character or a newline
while (++_cursorPos < m_TextStream.Count())
if (iswspace(m_TextStream[_cursorPos]))
// search right until we hit an nonspace character
while (++_cursorPos < m_TextStream.Count())
if (!iswspace(m_TextStream[_cursorPos]))
if (_cursorPos > m_TextStream.Count())
_cursorPos = m_TextStream.Count();
// now we are at the start of the next word
// Purpose: Move the cursor over to the Start of the next word to the left
void RichText::GotoWordLeft()
if (_cursorPos < 1)
// search left until we hit an nonspace character
while (--_cursorPos >= 0)
if (!iswspace(m_TextStream[_cursorPos]))
// search left until we hit a whitespace character
while (--_cursorPos >= 0)
if (iswspace(m_TextStream[_cursorPos]))
// we end one character off
// now we are at the start of the previous word
// Purpose: Move cursor to the Start of the text buffer
void RichText::GotoTextStart()
_cursorPos = 0; // set cursor to start
_invalidateVerticalScrollbarSlider = true;
// force scrollbar to the top
// Purpose: Move cursor to the end of the text buffer
void RichText::GotoTextEnd()
_cursorPos = m_TextStream.Count(); // set cursor to end of buffer
_invalidateVerticalScrollbarSlider = true;
// force the scrollbar to the bottom
int min, max;
_vertScrollBar->GetRange(min, max);
// Purpose: Culls the text stream down to a managable size
void RichText::TruncateTextStream()
if (_maxCharCount < 1)
// choose a point to cull at
int cullPos = _maxCharCount / 2;
// kill half the buffer
m_TextStream.RemoveMultiple(0, cullPos);
// work out where in the format stream we can start
int formatIndex = FindFormatStreamIndexForTextStreamPos(cullPos);
if (formatIndex > 0)
// take a copy, make it first
m_FormatStream[0] = m_FormatStream[formatIndex];
m_FormatStream[0].textStreamIndex = 0;
// kill the others
m_FormatStream.RemoveMultiple(1, formatIndex);
// renormalize the remainder of the format stream
for (int i = 1; i < m_FormatStream.Count(); i++)
Assert(m_FormatStream[i].textStreamIndex > cullPos);
m_FormatStream[i].textStreamIndex -= cullPos;
// mark everything to be recalculated
_invalidateVerticalScrollbarSlider = true;
// Purpose: Insert a character into the text buffer
void RichText::InsertChar(wchar_t wch)
// throw away redundant linefeed characters
if ( wch == '\r' )
if (_maxCharCount > 0 && m_TextStream.Count() > _maxCharCount)
// insert the new char at the end of the buffer
// mark the linebreak steam as needing recalculating from that point
_recalculateBreaksIndex = m_LineBreaks.Count() - 2;
// Purpose: Insert a string into the text buffer, this is just a series
// of char inserts because we have to check each char is ok to insert
void RichText::InsertString(const char *text)
if (text[0] == '#')
wchar_t unicode[ 1024 ];
ResolveLocalizedTextAndVariables( text, unicode, sizeof( unicode ) );
InsertString( unicode );
// upgrade the ansi text to unicode to display it
int len = strlen(text);
wchar_t *unicode = (wchar_t *)_alloca((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
Q_UTF8ToUnicode(text, unicode, ((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)));
// Purpose: Insertsa a unicode string into the buffer
void RichText::InsertString(const wchar_t *wszText)
// insert the whole string
for (const wchar_t *ch = wszText; *ch != 0; ++ch)
m_bRecalcLineBreaks = true;
// Purpose: Declare a selection empty
void RichText::SelectNone()
// tag the selection as empty
_select[0] = -1;
// Purpose: Load in the selection range so cx0 is the Start and cx1 is the end
// from smallest to highest (right to left)
bool RichText::GetSelectedRange(int &cx0, int &cx1)
// if there is nothing selected return false
if (_select[0] == -1)
return false;
// sort the two position so cx0 is the smallest
cx0 = _select[0];
cx1 = _select[1];
if (cx1 < cx0)
int temp = cx0;
cx0 = cx1;
cx1 = temp;
return true;
// Purpose: Opens the cut/copy/paste dropdown menu
void RichText::OpenEditMenu()
// get cursor position, this is local to this text edit window
// so we need to adjust it relative to the parent
int cursorX, cursorY;
input()->GetCursorPos(cursorX, cursorY);
/* !! disabled since it recursively gets panel pointers, potentially across dll boundaries,
and doesn't need to be necessary (it's just for handling windowed mode)
// find the frame that has no parent (the one on the desktop)
Panel *panel = this;
while ( panel->GetParent() != NULL)
panel = panel->GetParent();
panel->ScreenToLocal(cursorX, cursorY);
int x, y;
// get base panel's postition
panel->GetPos(x, y);
// adjust our cursor position accordingly
cursorX += x;
cursorY += y;
int x0, x1;
if (GetSelectedRange(x0, x1)) // there is something selected
m_pEditMenu->SetItemEnabled("&Cut", true);
m_pEditMenu->SetItemEnabled("C&opy", true);
else // there is nothing selected, disable cut/copy options
m_pEditMenu->SetItemEnabled("&Cut", false);
m_pEditMenu->SetItemEnabled("C&opy", false);
// relayout the menu immediately so that we know it's size
int menuWide, menuTall;
m_pEditMenu->GetSize(menuWide, menuTall);
// work out where the cursor is and therefore the best place to put the menu
int wide, tall;
surface()->GetScreenSize(wide, tall);
if (wide - menuWide > cursorX)
// menu hanging right
if (tall - menuTall > cursorY)
// menu hanging down
m_pEditMenu->SetPos(cursorX, cursorY);
// menu hanging up
m_pEditMenu->SetPos(cursorX, cursorY - menuTall);
// menu hanging left
if (tall - menuTall > cursorY)
// menu hanging down
m_pEditMenu->SetPos(cursorX - menuWide, cursorY);
// menu hanging up
m_pEditMenu->SetPos(cursorX - menuWide, cursorY - menuTall);
// Purpose: Cuts the selected chars from the buffer and
// copies them into the clipboard
void RichText::CutSelected()
// have to request focus if we used the menu
// Purpose: Copies the selected chars into the clipboard
void RichText::CopySelected()
int x0, x1;
if (GetSelectedRange(x0, x1))
CUtlVector<wchar_t> buf;
for (int i = x0; i < x1; i++)
if ( m_TextStream.IsValidIndex(i) == false )
if (m_TextStream[i] == '\n')
buf.AddToTail( '\r' );
// remove any rich edit commands
system()->SetClipboardText(buf.Base(), buf.Count() - 1);
// have to request focus if we used the menu
// Purpose: Returns the index in the text buffer of the
// character the drawing should Start at
int RichText::GetStartDrawIndex(int &lineBreakIndexIndex)
int startIndex = 0;
int startLine = _vertScrollBar->GetValue();
if ( startLine >= m_LineBreaks.Count() ) // incase the line breaks got reset and the scroll bar hasn't
startLine = m_LineBreaks.Count() - 1;
lineBreakIndexIndex = startLine;
if (startLine && startLine < m_LineBreaks.Count())
startIndex = m_LineBreaks[startLine - 1];
return startIndex;
// Purpose: Get a string from text buffer
// Input: offset - index to Start reading from
// bufLen - length of string
void RichText::GetText(int offset, wchar_t *buf, int bufLenInBytes)
if (!buf)
Assert( bufLenInBytes >= sizeof(buf[0]) );
int bufLen = bufLenInBytes / sizeof(wchar_t);
int i;
for (i = offset; i < (offset + bufLen - 1); i++)
if (i >= m_TextStream.Count())
buf[i-offset] = m_TextStream[i];
buf[(i-offset)] = 0;
buf[bufLen-1] = 0;
// Purpose: gets text from the buffer
void RichText::GetText(int offset, char *pch, int bufLenInBytes)
wchar_t rgwchT[4096];
GetText(offset, rgwchT, sizeof(rgwchT));
Q_UnicodeToUTF8(rgwchT, pch, bufLenInBytes);
// Purpose: Set the font of the buffer text
void RichText::SetFont(HFont font)
_font = font;
m_bRecalcLineBreaks = true;
// Purpose: Called when the scrollbar slider is moved
void RichText::OnSliderMoved()
_recalcSavedRenderState = true;
// Purpose:
bool RichText::RequestInfo(KeyValues *outputData)
if (!stricmp(outputData->GetName(), "GetText"))
wchar_t wbuf[512];
GetText(0, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));
outputData->SetWString("text", wbuf);
return true;
return BaseClass::RequestInfo(outputData);
// Purpose:
void RichText::OnSetText(const wchar_t *text)
// Purpose: Called when a URL, etc has been clicked on
void RichText::OnClickPanel(int index)
wchar_t wBuf[512];
int outIndex = 0;
// parse out the clickable text, and send it to our listeners
_currentTextClickable = true;
TRenderState renderState;
GenerateRenderStateForTextStreamIndex(index, renderState);
for (int i = index; i < (sizeof(wBuf) - 1) && i < m_TextStream.Count(); i++)
// stop getting characters when text is no longer clickable
UpdateRenderState(i, renderState);
if (!renderState.textClickable)
// copy out the character
wBuf[outIndex++] = m_TextStream[i];
wBuf[outIndex] = 0;
int iFormatSteam = FindFormatStreamIndexForTextStreamPos( index );
if ( m_FormatStream[iFormatSteam].m_sClickableTextAction )
Q_UTF8ToUnicode( m_FormatStream[iFormatSteam].m_sClickableTextAction.String(), wBuf, sizeof( wBuf ) );
PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("TextClicked", "text", wBuf));
// Purpose:
void RichText::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData)
SetMaximumCharCount(inResourceData->GetInt("maxchars", -1));
SetVerticalScrollbar(inResourceData->GetInt("scrollbar", 1));
// get the starting text, if any
const char *text = inResourceData->GetString("text", "");
if (*text)
delete [] m_pszInitialText;
int len = Q_strlen(text) + 1;
m_pszInitialText = new char[ len ];
Q_strncpy( m_pszInitialText, text, len );
const char *textfilename = inResourceData->GetString("textfile", NULL);
if ( textfilename )
FileHandle_t f = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( textfilename, "rt" );
if (!f)
Warning( "RichText: textfile parameter '%s' not found.\n", textfilename );
int len = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( f );
delete [] m_pszInitialText;
m_pszInitialText = new char[ len + 1 ];
g_pFullFileSystem->Read( m_pszInitialText, len, f );
m_pszInitialText[len - 1] = 0;
SetText( m_pszInitialText );
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( f );
// Purpose:
void RichText::GetSettings(KeyValues *outResourceData)
outResourceData->SetInt("maxchars", _maxCharCount);
outResourceData->SetInt("scrollbar", _vertScrollBar->IsVisible() );
if (m_pszInitialText)
outResourceData->SetString("text", m_pszInitialText);
// Purpose:
const char *RichText::GetDescription()
static char buf[1024];
Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s, string text, bool scrollbar", BaseClass::GetDescription());
return buf;
// Purpose: Get the number of lines in the window
int RichText::GetNumLines()
return m_LineBreaks.Count();
// Purpose: Sets the height of the text entry window so all text will fit inside
void RichText::SetToFullHeight()
int wide, tall;
GetSize(wide, tall);
tall = GetNumLines() * (GetLineHeight() + _drawOffsetY) + _drawOffsetY + 2;
SetSize (wide, tall);
// Purpose: Select all the text.
void RichText::SelectAllText()
_cursorPos = 0;
_select[0] = 0;
_select[1] = m_TextStream.Count();
// Purpose: Select all the text.
void RichText::SelectNoText()
_select[0] = 0;
_select[1] = 0;
// Purpose:
void RichText::OnSetFocus()
// Purpose: Invalidates the current linebreak stream
void RichText::InvalidateLineBreakStream()
// clear the buffer
_recalculateBreaksIndex = 0;
m_bRecalcLineBreaks = true;
// Purpose: Inserts a text string while making URLs clickable/different color
// Input : *text - string that may contain URLs to make clickable/color coded
// URLTextColor - color for URL text
// normalTextColor - color for normal text
void RichText::InsertPossibleURLString(const char* text, Color URLTextColor, Color normalTextColor)
// parse out the string for URL's
int len = Q_strlen(text), pos = 0;
bool clickable = false;
char *pchURLText = (char *)stackalloc( len + 1 );
char *pchURL = (char *)stackalloc( len + 1 );
while (pos < len)
pos = ParseTextStringForUrls( text, pos, pchURLText, len, pchURL, len, clickable );
if ( clickable )
InsertClickableTextStart( pchURL );
InsertColorChange( URLTextColor );
InsertString( pchURLText );
if ( clickable )
// Purpose: looks for URLs in the string and returns information about the URL
int RichText::ParseTextStringForUrls( const char *text, int startPos, char *pchURLText, int cchURLText, char *pchURL, int cchURL, bool &clickable )
// scan for text that looks like a URL
int i = startPos;
while (text[i] != 0)
bool bURLFound = false;
if ( !Q_strnicmp(text + i, "<a href=", 8) )
if (i > startPos)
// embedded link
bURLFound = true;
clickable = true;
// get the url
i += Q_strlen( "<a href=" );
const char *pchURLEnd = Q_strstr( text + i, ">" );
Q_strncpy( pchURL, text + i, min( (int)(pchURLEnd - text) - i + 1, cchURL ) );
5 years ago
i += ( pchURLEnd - text - i + 1 );
// get the url text
pchURLEnd = Q_strstr( text, "</a>" );
Q_strncpy( pchURLText, text + i, min( (int)(pchURLEnd - text) - i + 1, cchURLText ) );
5 years ago
i += ( pchURLEnd - text - i );
i += Q_strlen( "</a>" );
// we're done
return i;
else if (!Q_strnicmp(text + i, "www.", 4))
// scan ahead for another '.'
bool bPeriodFound = false;
for (const char *ch = text + i + 5; ch != 0; ch++)
if (*ch == '.')
bPeriodFound = true;
// URL found
if (bPeriodFound)
bURLFound = true;
else if (!Q_strnicmp(text + i, "http://", 7))
bURLFound = true;
else if (!Q_strnicmp(text + i, "ftp://", 6))
bURLFound = true;
else if (!Q_strnicmp(text + i, "steam://", 8))
bURLFound = true;
else if (!Q_strnicmp(text + i, "steambeta://", 12))
bURLFound = true;
else if (!Q_strnicmp(text + i, "mailto:", 7))
bURLFound = true;
else if (!Q_strnicmp(text + i, "\\\\", 2))
bURLFound = true;
if (bURLFound)
if (i == startPos)
// we're at the Start of a URL, so parse that out
clickable = true;
int outIndex = 0;
while (text[i] != 0 && !iswspace(text[i]))
pchURLText[outIndex++] = text[i++];
pchURLText[outIndex] = 0;
Q_strncpy( pchURL, pchURLText, cchURL );
return i;
// no url
// increment and loop
// nothing found;
// parse out the text before the end
clickable = false;
int outIndex = 0;
int fromIndex = startPos;
while ( fromIndex < i && outIndex < cchURLText )
pchURLText[outIndex++] = text[fromIndex++];
pchURLText[outIndex] = 0;
Q_strncpy( pchURL, pchURLText, cchURL );
return i;
// Purpose: Executes the text-clicked command, which opens a web browser by
// default.
void RichText::OnTextClicked(const wchar_t *wszText)
// Strip leading/trailing quotes, which may be present on href tags or may not.
const wchar_t *pwchURL = wszText;
if ( pwchURL[0] == L'"' || pwchURL[0] == L'\'' )
pwchURL = wszText + 1;
char ansi[2048];
Q_UnicodeToUTF8( pwchURL, ansi, sizeof(ansi) );
size_t strLen = Q_strlen(ansi);
if ( strLen && ( ansi[strLen-1] == '"' || ansi[strLen] == '\'' ) )
ansi[strLen-1] = 0;
if ( m_hPanelToHandleClickingURLs.Get() )
PostMessage( m_hPanelToHandleClickingURLs.Get(), new KeyValues( "URLClicked", "url", ansi ) );
system()->ShellExecute( "open", ansi );
// Purpose:
void RichText::SetURLClickedHandler( Panel *pPanelToHandleClickMsg )
m_hPanelToHandleClickingURLs = pPanelToHandleClickMsg;
// Purpose: data accessor
bool RichText::IsScrollbarVisible()
return _vertScrollBar->IsVisible();
void RichText::SetUnderlineFont( HFont font )
m_hFontUnderline = font;
bool RichText::IsAllTextAlphaZero() const
return m_bAllTextAlphaIsZero;
bool RichText::HasText() const
int c = m_TextStream.Count();
if ( c == 0 )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Returns the height of the base font
int RichText::GetLineHeight()
return surface()->GetFontTall( _font );
// Purpose: Run a global validation pass on all of our data structures and memory
// allocations.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void RichText::Validate( CValidator &validator, char *pchName )
validator.Push( "vgui::RichText", this, pchName );
ValidateObj( m_TextStream );
ValidateObj( m_FormatStream );
ValidateObj( m_LineBreaks );
ValidateObj( _clickableTextPanels );
validator.ClaimMemory( m_pszInitialText );
BaseClass::Validate( validator, "vgui::RichText" );