Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

307 lines
11 KiB

4 years ago
struct HFX_vect3Base32
float x;
float y;
float z;
float x;
float y;
float z;
} axis;
float right;
float up;
float backward;
} direction;
float pitch;
float yaw;
float roll;
} rotation;
float wide;
float tall;
float deep;
} dimension;
float m[3];
// 192 == 3 * 64 == 3 doubles
struct HFX_vect3Base64
double x;
double y;
double z;
double x;
double y;
double z;
} axis;
double right;
double up;
double backward;
} direction;
double pitch;
double yaw;
double roll;
} rotation;
double wide;
double tall;
double deep;
} dimension;
double m[3];
struct hfxVec3internal
struct hfxVec3
: public HFX_vect3Base64
HFX_INLINE HFX_EXPLICIT hfxVec3(const double &_x, const double &_y, const double &_z);
HFX_INLINE HFX_EXPLICIT hfxVec3(const double array_d[3] );
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3(const hfxVec3 &_copy);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3();
HFX_INLINE double &operator [](int i);
HFX_INLINE const double &operator[](int i) const;
HFX_INLINE operator double *();
HFX_INLINE operator const double *() const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator -() const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator -(const hfxVec3 &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator -=(const hfxVec3 &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator +(const hfxVec3 &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator +=(const hfxVec3 &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator *(const hfxVec3 &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator *(const double &df) const;
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator *(const float f) const;
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator *(const int i){return ((*this)*((double)i));};
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator /(const hfxVec3 &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator /(const double &df) const;
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator /(const float f) const;
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 operator /(const int i){return ((*this)/((double)i));};
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator /=(const hfxVec3 &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator /=(const double &df);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator /=(const float f);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator /=(const int i){return ((*this)/=((double)i));};
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator *=(const hfxVec3 &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator *=(const double &df);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator *=(const float f);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator *=(const int i){return ((*this)*=((double)i));};
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator =(const hfxVec3 &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator =(const double &all);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator =(const float all);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator =(const int i){return ((*this)=((double)i));}
HFX_INLINE const double *operator *()const;
HFX_INLINE double *operator *();
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 Cross(const hfxVec3 &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE double Dot( const hfxVec3 &vect ) const;
HFX_INLINE double Magnitude() const;
// get normalize
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 Normalized() const;
// normalize in place
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &Normalize();
HFX_INLINE bool IsValid() const;
HFX_INLINE bool IsNaN() const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3internal *GetVec3Pointer(){ return (this); };
HFX_INLINE const hfxVec3internal *GetVec3Pointer()const{ return (this); };
HFX_INLINE operator hfxVec3 &(){ return *(reinterpret_cast<hfxVec3*>(this)); }
HFX_INLINE operator const hfxVec3 &()const { return *(reinterpret_cast<const hfxVec3*>(this)); }
HFX_INLINE double Length() const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 Normal() const;
typedef hfxVec3 Vect3;
struct hfxVec3F : public HFX_vect3Base32
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F(const float _x, const float _y, const float _z);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F(const float array_f[3] );
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F(const hfxVec3F &_copy);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F();
HFX_INLINE float &operator [](int i);
HFX_INLINE const float &operator[](int i) const;
HFX_INLINE operator float *();
HFX_INLINE operator const float *() const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator -() const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator -(const hfxVec3F &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator -=(const hfxVec3F &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator +(const hfxVec3F &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator +=(const hfxVec3F &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator *(const hfxVec3F &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator *(const float f) const;
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator *(const double &df) const;
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator *(const int i){return ((*this)*(double)i);};
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator /(const hfxVec3F &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator /(const float f) const;
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator /(const double &df) const;
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F operator /(const int i){return ((*this)/(double)i);};
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator /=(const hfxVec3F &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator /=(const float f);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator /=(const double &df);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator /=(const int i){return ((*this)/=(double)i);};
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator *=(const hfxVec3F &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator *=(const float f);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator *=(const double &df);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator *=(const int i){return ((*this)*=(double)i);};
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator =(const hfxVec3F &vect);
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator =(const float all);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator =(const double &all);
//HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &operator =(const int i){return ((*this)=(double)i);}
HFX_INLINE const float *operator *()const;
HFX_INLINE float *operator *();
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F Cross(const hfxVec3F &vect) const;
HFX_INLINE float Dot( const hfxVec3F &vect ) const;
HFX_INLINE float Magnitude() const;
// get normalize
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F Normalized() const;
// normalize in place
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F &Normalize();
HFX_INLINE bool IsValid() const;
HFX_INLINE bool IsNaN() const;
HFX_INLINE float Length() const;
HFX_INLINE hfxVec3F Normal() const;
struct _box3Base
HFX_vect3Base64 bound_min;
HFX_vect3Base64 bound_max;
HFX_vect3Base64 min_max[2];
double left;
double down;
double forward;
double right;
double up;
double backward;
double m[6];
struct BoundingBox3 : public _box3Base
inline BoundingBox3(const double &left=0, const double &down=0, const double &forward=0,
const double &right=0, const double &up=0, const double &backward=0)
side.left = left;
side.down = down;
side.forward = forward;
side.right = right;
side.up = up;
side.backward = backward;
inline BoundingBox3(const hfxVec3 &bMin, const hfxVec3 &bMax)
BoxMin() = bMin;
BoxMax() = bMax;
inline hfxVec3 &BoxMin(){return (hfxVec3&)box.bound_min;};
inline const hfxVec3 &BoxMin() const {return (const hfxVec3&)box.bound_min;};
inline hfxVec3 &BoxMax(){return (hfxVec3&)box.bound_max;};
inline const hfxVec3 &BoxMax() const {return (const hfxVec3&)box.bound_max;};
inline hfxVec3 Center() const { return (BoxMin() + BoxMax())/(double)2.0; };
inline hfxVec3 Dimensions() const { return BoxMax() - BoxMin();};
inline hfxVec3 SpaceBetweenCentered(const BoundingBox3 &other) const {return other.Dimensions() - Dimensions();};
inline BoundingBox3 SpaceBetween(const BoundingBox3 &other) const {return other - *this;}
inline BoundingBox3 &SetDimensions(const hfxVec3 &dimm) { hfxVec3 cent = Center(); hfxVec3 dim = dimm/2.0; BoxMin() = cent - dim; BoxMax() = cent + dim; return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &SetCenter(const hfxVec3 &cent) { hfxVec3 dim = Dimensions(); BoxMin() = cent - dim; BoxMax() = cent + dim; return *this; }
inline operator hfxVec3 *(){return (hfxVec3*)min_max;};
inline operator const hfxVec3 *() const {return (const hfxVec3*)min_max;};
inline operator double *() {return m;};
inline operator const double *() const {return m;};
inline BoundingBox3 operator -(const hfxVec3 &vect) const { return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() - vect, BoxMax() - vect ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator +(const hfxVec3 &vect) const { return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() + vect, BoxMax() + vect ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator *(const hfxVec3 &vect) const { return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() * vect, BoxMax() * vect ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator /(const hfxVec3 &vect) const { return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() / vect, BoxMax() / vect ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator *(const double &df) const{ return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() * df, BoxMax() * df ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator /(const double &df) const{ return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() / df, BoxMax() / df ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator -(const BoundingBox3 &bbox) const { return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() - bbox.BoxMin(), BoxMax() - bbox.BoxMax() ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator +(const BoundingBox3 &bbox) const { return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() + bbox.BoxMin(), BoxMax() + bbox.BoxMax() ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator *(const BoundingBox3 &bbox) const { return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() * bbox.BoxMin(), BoxMax() * bbox.BoxMax() ); }
inline BoundingBox3 operator /(const BoundingBox3 &bbox) const { return BoundingBox3( BoxMin() / bbox.BoxMin(), BoxMax() / bbox.BoxMax() ); }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator =(const BoundingBox3 &bbox) { BoxMin() = bbox.BoxMin(); BoxMax() = bbox.BoxMax(); return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator -=(const hfxVec3 &vect){ BoxMin()-=vect; BoxMax()-=vect; return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator +=(const hfxVec3 &vect){ BoxMin()+=vect; BoxMax()+=vect; return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator *=(const hfxVec3 &vect){ BoxMin()*=vect; BoxMax()*=vect; return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator /=(const hfxVec3 &vect){ BoxMin()/=vect; BoxMax()/=vect; return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator *=(const double &df){ BoxMin()*=df; BoxMax()*=df; return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator /=(const double &df){ BoxMin()/=df; BoxMax()/=df; return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator -=(const BoundingBox3 &bbox){ BoxMin()-=bbox.BoxMin(); BoxMax()-=bbox.BoxMax(); return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator +=(const BoundingBox3 &bbox){ BoxMin()+=bbox.BoxMin(); BoxMax()+=bbox.BoxMax(); return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator *=(const BoundingBox3 &bbox){ BoxMin()*=bbox.BoxMin(); BoxMax()*=bbox.BoxMax(); return *this; }
inline BoundingBox3 &operator /=(const BoundingBox3 &bbox){ BoxMin()/=bbox.BoxMin(); BoxMax()/=bbox.BoxMax(); return *this; }
#include "inl_hfxMath.h"
typedef ::hfxVec3 hfxVec3;