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synced 2025-02-04 02:45:44 +00:00
You will need NSIS and upx to make the installer. Open the qbittorrent.nsi file in an editor and change line that contains "!define PROG_VERSION "3.0.3"" to the version of qbittorrent you just built. The installer script expects the following file tree: Root: translations qt_ar.qm qt_bg.qm qt_ca.qm qt_cs.qm qt_da.qm qt_de.qm qt_es.qm qt_fi.qm qt_fr.qm qt_gl.qm qt_he.qm qt_hu.qm qt_it.qm qt_ja.qm qt_ko.qm qt_lt.qm qt_nl.qm qt_pl.qm qt_pt.qm qt_pt_BR.qm qt_ru.qm qt_sk.qm qt_sv.qm qt_tr.qm qt_uk.qm qt_zh_CN.qm qt_zh_TW.qm license.txt qbittorrent.exe qbittorrent.nsi qt.conf license.txt is a text file that contains the text rendered from src\gpl.html