Some work about adaptive color scheme for Web UI (PR #19901)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
799 lines
33 KiB
799 lines
33 KiB
/* |
* Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent. |
* Copyright (C) 2017 Vladimir Golovnev <> |
* Copyright (C) 2010 Christophe Dumez <> |
* |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
* |
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to |
* link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with |
* modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), |
* and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public |
* License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you |
* modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), |
* but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this |
* exception statement from your version. |
*/ |
#include "automatedrssdownloader.h" |
#include <QCursor> |
#include <QFileDialog> |
#include <QMenu> |
#include <QMessageBox> |
#include <QPair> |
#include <QRegularExpression> |
#include <QShortcut> |
#include <QSignalBlocker> |
#include <QString> |
#include "base/bittorrent/session.h" |
#include "base/global.h" |
#include "base/preferences.h" |
#include "base/rss/rss_article.h" |
#include "base/rss/rss_autodownloader.h" |
#include "base/rss/rss_feed.h" |
#include "base/rss/rss_folder.h" |
#include "base/rss/rss_session.h" |
#include "base/utils/fs.h" |
#include "base/utils/string.h" |
#include "autoexpandabledialog.h" |
#include "ui_automatedrssdownloader.h" |
#include "uithememanager.h" |
#include "utils.h" |
const QString EXT_JSON {QStringLiteral(".json")}; |
const QString EXT_LEGACY {QStringLiteral(".rssrules")}; |
AutomatedRssDownloader::AutomatedRssDownloader(QWidget *parent) |
: QDialog(parent) |
, m_formatFilterJSON(QString::fromLatin1("%1 (*%2)").arg(tr("Rules"), EXT_JSON)) |
, m_formatFilterLegacy(QString::fromLatin1("%1 (*%2)").arg(tr("Rules (legacy)"), EXT_LEGACY)) |
, m_ui(new Ui::AutomatedRssDownloader) |
, m_currentRuleItem(nullptr) |
{ |
m_ui->setupUi(this); |
// Icons |
m_ui->removeRuleBtn->setIcon(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("list-remove")); |
m_ui->addRuleBtn->setIcon(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("list-add")); |
// Ui Settings |
m_ui->listRules->setSortingEnabled(true); |
m_ui->listRules->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); |
m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->setSortingEnabled(true); |
m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); |
m_ui->hsplitter->setCollapsible(0, false); |
m_ui->hsplitter->setCollapsible(1, false); |
m_ui->hsplitter->setCollapsible(2, true); // Only the preview list is collapsible |
m_ui->lineSavePath->setDialogCaption(tr("Destination directory")); |
m_ui->lineSavePath->setMode(FileSystemPathEdit::Mode::DirectorySave); |
connect(m_ui->checkRegex, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::updateFieldsToolTips); |
connect(m_ui->listRules, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::displayRulesListMenu); |
m_episodeRegex = new QRegularExpression("^(^\\d{1,4}x(\\d{1,4}(-(\\d{1,4})?)?;){1,}){1,1}" |
, QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); |
QString tip = "<p>" + tr("Matches articles based on episode filter.") + "</p><p><b>" + tr("Example: ") |
+ "1x2;8-15;5;30-;</b>" + tr(" will match 2, 5, 8 through 15, 30 and onward episodes of season one", "example X will match") + "</p>"; |
tip += "<p>" + tr("Episode filter rules: ") + "</p><ul><li>" + tr("Season number is a mandatory non-zero value") + "</li>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("Episode number is a mandatory positive value") + "</li>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("Filter must end with semicolon") + "</li>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("Three range types for episodes are supported: ") + "</li>" + "<li><ul>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("Single number: <b>1x25;</b> matches episode 25 of season one") + "</li>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("Normal range: <b>1x25-40;</b> matches episodes 25 through 40 of season one") + "</li>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("Infinite range: <b>1x25-;</b> matches episodes 25 and upward of season one, and all episodes of later seasons") + "</li>" + "</ul></li></ul>"; |
m_ui->lineEFilter->setToolTip(tip); |
initCategoryCombobox(); |
loadSettings(); |
connect(RSS::AutoDownloader::instance(), &RSS::AutoDownloader::ruleAdded, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleAdded); |
connect(RSS::AutoDownloader::instance(), &RSS::AutoDownloader::ruleRenamed, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleRenamed); |
connect(RSS::AutoDownloader::instance(), &RSS::AutoDownloader::ruleChanged, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleChanged); |
connect(RSS::AutoDownloader::instance(), &RSS::AutoDownloader::ruleAboutToBeRemoved, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleAboutToBeRemoved); |
// Update matching articles when necessary |
connect(m_ui->lineContains, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleDefinitionChanged); |
connect(m_ui->lineContains, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMustLineValidity); |
connect(m_ui->lineNotContains, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleDefinitionChanged); |
connect(m_ui->lineNotContains, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMustNotLineValidity); |
connect(m_ui->lineEFilter, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleDefinitionChanged); |
connect(m_ui->lineEFilter, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::updateEpisodeFilterValidity); |
connect(m_ui->checkRegex, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleDefinitionChanged); |
connect(m_ui->checkRegex, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMustLineValidity); |
connect(m_ui->checkRegex, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMustNotLineValidity); |
connect(m_ui->checkSmart, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleDefinitionChanged); |
connect(m_ui->spinIgnorePeriod, qOverload<int>(&QSpinBox::valueChanged) |
, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleDefinitionChanged); |
connect(m_ui->listFeeds, &QListWidget::itemChanged, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleFeedCheckStateChange); |
connect(m_ui->listRules, &QListWidget::itemSelectionChanged, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::updateRuleDefinitionBox); |
connect(m_ui->listRules, &QListWidget::itemChanged, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleCheckStateChange); |
const auto *editHotkey = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_F2, m_ui->listRules, nullptr, nullptr, Qt::WidgetShortcut); |
connect(editHotkey, &QShortcut::activated, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::renameSelectedRule); |
const auto *deleteHotkey = new QShortcut(QKeySequence::Delete, m_ui->listRules, nullptr, nullptr, Qt::WidgetShortcut); |
connect(deleteHotkey, &QShortcut::activated, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::on_removeRuleBtn_clicked); |
connect(m_ui->listRules, &QAbstractItemView::doubleClicked, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::renameSelectedRule); |
loadFeedList(); |
m_ui->listRules->blockSignals(true); |
for (const RSS::AutoDownloadRule &rule : asConst(RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->rules())) |
createRuleItem(rule); |
m_ui->listRules->blockSignals(false); |
updateRuleDefinitionBox(); |
if (RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->isProcessingEnabled()) |
m_ui->labelWarn->hide(); |
connect(RSS::AutoDownloader::instance(), &RSS::AutoDownloader::processingStateChanged |
, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::handleProcessingStateChanged); |
} |
AutomatedRssDownloader::~AutomatedRssDownloader() |
{ |
// Save current item on exit |
saveEditedRule(); |
saveSettings(); |
delete m_ui; |
delete m_episodeRegex; |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::loadSettings() |
{ |
const Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); |
Utils::Gui::resize(this, pref->getRssGeometrySize()); |
m_ui->hsplitter->restoreState(pref->getRssHSplitterSizes()); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::saveSettings() |
{ |
Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); |
pref->setRssGeometrySize(size()); |
pref->setRssHSplitterSizes(m_ui->hsplitter->saveState()); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::createRuleItem(const RSS::AutoDownloadRule &rule) |
{ |
QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(, m_ui->listRules); |
m_itemsByRuleName.insert(, item); |
item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); |
item->setCheckState(rule.isEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::loadFeedList() |
{ |
const QSignalBlocker feedListSignalBlocker(m_ui->listFeeds); |
for (const auto feed : asConst(RSS::Session::instance()->feeds())) { |
QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(feed->name(), m_ui->listFeeds); |
item->setData(Qt::UserRole, feed->url()); |
item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsTristate); |
} |
updateFeedList(); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateFeedList() |
{ |
const QSignalBlocker feedListSignalBlocker(m_ui->listFeeds); |
QList<QListWidgetItem *> selection; |
if (m_currentRuleItem) |
selection << m_currentRuleItem; |
else |
selection = m_ui->listRules->selectedItems(); |
bool enable = !selection.isEmpty(); |
for (int i = 0; i < m_ui->listFeeds->count(); ++i) { |
QListWidgetItem *item = m_ui->listFeeds->item(i); |
const QString feedURL = item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString(); |
item->setHidden(!enable); |
bool allEnabled = true; |
bool anyEnabled = false; |
for (const QListWidgetItem *ruleItem : asConst(selection)) { |
const auto rule = RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->ruleByName(ruleItem->text()); |
if (rule.feedURLs().contains(feedURL)) |
anyEnabled = true; |
else |
allEnabled = false; |
} |
if (anyEnabled && allEnabled) |
item->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); |
else if (anyEnabled) |
item->setCheckState(Qt::PartiallyChecked); |
else |
item->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); |
} |
m_ui->listFeeds->sortItems(); |
m_ui->lblListFeeds->setEnabled(enable); |
m_ui->listFeeds->setEnabled(enable); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateRuleDefinitionBox() |
{ |
const QList<QListWidgetItem *> selection = m_ui->listRules->selectedItems(); |
QListWidgetItem *currentRuleItem = ((selection.count() == 1) ? selection.first() : nullptr); |
if (m_currentRuleItem != currentRuleItem) { |
saveEditedRule(); // Save previous rule first |
m_currentRuleItem = currentRuleItem; |
//m_ui->listRules->setCurrentItem(m_currentRuleItem); |
} |
// Update rule definition box |
if (m_currentRuleItem) { |
m_currentRule = RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->ruleByName(m_currentRuleItem->text()); |
m_ui->lineContains->setText(m_currentRule.mustContain()); |
m_ui->lineNotContains->setText(m_currentRule.mustNotContain()); |
if (!m_currentRule.episodeFilter().isEmpty()) |
m_ui->lineEFilter->setText(m_currentRule.episodeFilter()); |
else |
m_ui->lineEFilter->clear(); |
m_ui->checkBoxSaveDiffDir->setChecked(!m_currentRule.savePath().isEmpty()); |
m_ui->lineSavePath->setSelectedPath(Utils::Fs::toNativePath(m_currentRule.savePath())); |
m_ui->checkRegex->blockSignals(true); |
m_ui->checkRegex->setChecked(m_currentRule.useRegex()); |
m_ui->checkRegex->blockSignals(false); |
m_ui->checkSmart->blockSignals(true); |
m_ui->checkSmart->setChecked(m_currentRule.useSmartFilter()); |
m_ui->checkSmart->blockSignals(false); |
m_ui->comboCategory->setCurrentIndex(m_ui->comboCategory->findText(m_currentRule.assignedCategory())); |
if (m_currentRule.assignedCategory().isEmpty()) |
m_ui->comboCategory->clearEditText(); |
int index = 0; |
if (m_currentRule.addPaused() == TriStateBool::True) |
index = 1; |
else if (m_currentRule.addPaused() == TriStateBool::False) |
index = 2; |
m_ui->comboAddPaused->setCurrentIndex(index); |
index = 0; |
if (m_currentRule.createSubfolder() == TriStateBool::True) |
index = 1; |
else if (m_currentRule.createSubfolder() == TriStateBool::False) |
index = 2; |
m_ui->comboCreateSubfolder->setCurrentIndex(index); |
m_ui->spinIgnorePeriod->setValue(m_currentRule.ignoreDays()); |
QDateTime dateTime = m_currentRule.lastMatch(); |
QString lMatch; |
if (dateTime.isValid()) |
lMatch = tr("Last Match: %1 days ago").arg(dateTime.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime())); |
else |
lMatch = tr("Last Match: Unknown"); |
m_ui->lblLastMatch->setText(lMatch); |
updateMustLineValidity(); |
updateMustNotLineValidity(); |
updateEpisodeFilterValidity(); |
updateFieldsToolTips(m_ui->checkRegex->isChecked()); |
m_ui->ruleDefBox->setEnabled(true); |
} |
else { |
m_currentRule = RSS::AutoDownloadRule(); |
clearRuleDefinitionBox(); |
m_ui->ruleDefBox->setEnabled(false); |
} |
updateFeedList(); |
updateMatchingArticles(); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::clearRuleDefinitionBox() |
{ |
m_ui->lineContains->clear(); |
m_ui->lineNotContains->clear(); |
m_ui->lineEFilter->clear(); |
m_ui->checkBoxSaveDiffDir->setChecked(false); |
m_ui->lineSavePath->clear(); |
m_ui->comboCategory->clearEditText(); |
m_ui->comboCategory->setCurrentIndex(-1); |
m_ui->checkRegex->setChecked(false); |
m_ui->checkSmart->setChecked(false); |
m_ui->spinIgnorePeriod->setValue(0); |
m_ui->comboAddPaused->clearEditText(); |
m_ui->comboAddPaused->setCurrentIndex(-1); |
m_ui->comboCreateSubfolder->clearEditText(); |
m_ui->comboCreateSubfolder->setCurrentIndex(-1); |
updateFieldsToolTips(m_ui->checkRegex->isChecked()); |
updateMustLineValidity(); |
updateMustNotLineValidity(); |
updateEpisodeFilterValidity(); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::initCategoryCombobox() |
{ |
// Load torrent categories |
QStringList categories = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->categories().keys(); |
std::sort(categories.begin(), categories.end(), Utils::String::naturalLessThan<Qt::CaseInsensitive>); |
m_ui->comboCategory->addItem(""); |
m_ui->comboCategory->addItems(categories); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateEditedRule() |
{ |
if (!m_currentRuleItem || !m_ui->ruleDefBox->isEnabled()) return; |
m_currentRule.setEnabled(m_currentRuleItem->checkState() != Qt::Unchecked); |
m_currentRule.setUseRegex(m_ui->checkRegex->isChecked()); |
m_currentRule.setUseSmartFilter(m_ui->checkSmart->isChecked()); |
m_currentRule.setMustContain(m_ui->lineContains->text()); |
m_currentRule.setMustNotContain(m_ui->lineNotContains->text()); |
m_currentRule.setEpisodeFilter(m_ui->lineEFilter->text()); |
m_currentRule.setSavePath(m_ui->checkBoxSaveDiffDir->isChecked() ? m_ui->lineSavePath->selectedPath() : ""); |
m_currentRule.setCategory(m_ui->comboCategory->currentText()); |
TriStateBool addPaused; // Undefined by default |
if (m_ui->comboAddPaused->currentIndex() == 1) |
addPaused = TriStateBool::True; |
else if (m_ui->comboAddPaused->currentIndex() == 2) |
addPaused = TriStateBool::False; |
m_currentRule.setAddPaused(addPaused); |
TriStateBool createSubfolder; // Undefined by default |
if (m_ui->comboCreateSubfolder->currentIndex() == 1) |
createSubfolder = TriStateBool::True; |
else if (m_ui->comboCreateSubfolder->currentIndex() == 2) |
createSubfolder = TriStateBool::False; |
m_currentRule.setCreateSubfolder(createSubfolder); |
m_currentRule.setIgnoreDays(m_ui->spinIgnorePeriod->value()); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::saveEditedRule() |
{ |
if (!m_currentRuleItem || !m_ui->ruleDefBox->isEnabled()) return; |
updateEditedRule(); |
RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->insertRule(m_currentRule); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_addRuleBtn_clicked() |
{ |
// saveEditedRule(); |
// Ask for a rule name |
const QString ruleName = AutoExpandableDialog::getText( |
this, tr("New rule name"), tr("Please type the name of the new download rule.")); |
if (ruleName.isEmpty()) return; |
// Check if this rule name already exists |
if (RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->hasRule(ruleName)) { |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rule name conflict") |
, tr("A rule with this name already exists, please choose another name.")); |
return; |
} |
RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->insertRule(RSS::AutoDownloadRule(ruleName)); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_removeRuleBtn_clicked() |
{ |
const QList<QListWidgetItem *> selection = m_ui->listRules->selectedItems(); |
if (selection.isEmpty()) return; |
// Ask for confirmation |
const QString confirmText = ((selection.count() == 1) |
? tr("Are you sure you want to remove the download rule named '%1'?") |
.arg(selection.first()->text()) |
: tr("Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules?")); |
if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Rule deletion confirmation"), confirmText, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes) |
return; |
for (const QListWidgetItem *item : selection) |
RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->removeRule(item->text()); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_exportBtn_clicked() |
{ |
if (RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->rules().isEmpty()) { |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid action") |
, tr("The list is empty, there is nothing to export.")); |
return; |
} |
QString selectedFilter {m_formatFilterJSON}; |
QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( |
this, tr("Export RSS rules"), QDir::homePath() |
, QString::fromLatin1("%1;;%2").arg(m_formatFilterJSON, m_formatFilterLegacy), &selectedFilter); |
if (path.isEmpty()) return; |
const RSS::AutoDownloader::RulesFileFormat format { |
(selectedFilter == m_formatFilterJSON) |
? RSS::AutoDownloader::RulesFileFormat::JSON |
: RSS::AutoDownloader::RulesFileFormat::Legacy |
}; |
if (format == RSS::AutoDownloader::RulesFileFormat::JSON) { |
if (!path.endsWith(EXT_JSON, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) |
path += EXT_JSON; |
} |
else { |
if (!path.endsWith(EXT_LEGACY, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) |
path += EXT_LEGACY; |
} |
QFile file {path}; |
if (! |
|| (file.write(RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->exportRules(format)) == -1)) { |
QMessageBox::critical( |
this, tr("I/O Error") |
, tr("Failed to create the destination file. Reason: %1").arg(file.errorString())); |
} |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_importBtn_clicked() |
{ |
QString selectedFilter {m_formatFilterJSON}; |
QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( |
this, tr("Import RSS rules"), QDir::homePath() |
, QString::fromLatin1("%1;;%2").arg(m_formatFilterJSON, m_formatFilterLegacy), &selectedFilter); |
if (path.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(path)) |
return; |
QFile file {path}; |
if (! { |
QMessageBox::critical( |
this, tr("I/O Error") |
, tr("Failed to open the file. Reason: %1").arg(file.errorString())); |
return; |
} |
const RSS::AutoDownloader::RulesFileFormat format { |
(selectedFilter == m_formatFilterJSON) |
? RSS::AutoDownloader::RulesFileFormat::JSON |
: RSS::AutoDownloader::RulesFileFormat::Legacy |
}; |
try { |
RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->importRules(file.readAll(),format); |
} |
catch (const RSS::ParsingError &error) { |
QMessageBox::critical( |
this, tr("Import Error") |
, tr("Failed to import the selected rules file. Reason: %1").arg(error.message())); |
} |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::displayRulesListMenu() |
{ |
QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this); |
menu->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); |
const QAction *addAct = menu->addAction(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("list-add"), tr("Add new rule...")); |
connect(addAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::on_addRuleBtn_clicked); |
const QList<QListWidgetItem *> selection = m_ui->listRules->selectedItems(); |
if (!selection.isEmpty()) { |
if (selection.count() == 1) { |
const QAction *delAct = menu->addAction(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("list-remove"), tr("Delete rule")); |
connect(delAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::on_removeRuleBtn_clicked); |
menu->addSeparator(); |
const QAction *renameAct = menu->addAction(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("edit-rename"), tr("Rename rule...")); |
connect(renameAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::renameSelectedRule); |
} |
else { |
const QAction *delAct = menu->addAction(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("list-remove"), tr("Delete selected rules")); |
connect(delAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::on_removeRuleBtn_clicked); |
} |
menu->addSeparator(); |
const QAction *clearAct = menu->addAction(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("edit-clear"), tr("Clear downloaded episodes...")); |
connect(clearAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &AutomatedRssDownloader::clearSelectedRuleDownloadedEpisodeList); |
} |
menu->popup(QCursor::pos()); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::renameSelectedRule() |
{ |
const QList<QListWidgetItem *> selection = m_ui->listRules->selectedItems(); |
if (selection.isEmpty()) return; |
QListWidgetItem *item = selection.first(); |
forever { |
QString newName = AutoExpandableDialog::getText( |
this, tr("Rule renaming"), tr("Please type the new rule name") |
, QLineEdit::Normal, item->text()); |
newName = newName.trimmed(); |
if (newName.isEmpty()) return; |
if (RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->hasRule(newName)) { |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rule name conflict") |
, tr("A rule with this name already exists, please choose another name.")); |
} |
else { |
// Rename the rule |
RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->renameRule(item->text(), newName); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleCheckStateChange(QListWidgetItem *ruleItem) |
{ |
m_ui->listRules->setCurrentItem(ruleItem); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::clearSelectedRuleDownloadedEpisodeList() |
{ |
const QMessageBox::StandardButton reply = QMessageBox::question( |
this, |
tr("Clear downloaded episodes"), |
tr("Are you sure you want to clear the list of downloaded episodes for the selected rule?"), |
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); |
if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) { |
m_currentRule.setPreviouslyMatchedEpisodes(QStringList()); |
handleRuleDefinitionChanged(); |
} |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleFeedCheckStateChange(QListWidgetItem *feedItem) |
{ |
const QString feedURL = feedItem->data(Qt::UserRole).toString(); |
for (QListWidgetItem *ruleItem : asConst(m_ui->listRules->selectedItems())) { |
RSS::AutoDownloadRule rule = (ruleItem == m_currentRuleItem |
? m_currentRule |
: RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->ruleByName(ruleItem->text())); |
QStringList affectedFeeds = rule.feedURLs(); |
if ((feedItem->checkState() == Qt::Checked) && !affectedFeeds.contains(feedURL)) |
affectedFeeds << feedURL; |
else if ((feedItem->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked) && affectedFeeds.contains(feedURL)) |
affectedFeeds.removeOne(feedURL); |
rule.setFeedURLs(affectedFeeds); |
if (ruleItem != m_currentRuleItem) |
RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->insertRule(rule); |
else |
m_currentRule = rule; |
} |
handleRuleDefinitionChanged(); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMatchingArticles() |
{ |
m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->clear(); |
for (const QListWidgetItem *ruleItem : asConst(m_ui->listRules->selectedItems())) { |
RSS::AutoDownloadRule rule = (ruleItem == m_currentRuleItem |
? m_currentRule |
: RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->ruleByName(ruleItem->text())); |
for (const QString &feedURL : asConst(rule.feedURLs())) { |
auto feed = RSS::Session::instance()->feedByURL(feedURL); |
if (!feed) continue; // feed doesn't exist |
QStringList matchingArticles; |
for (const auto article : asConst(feed->articles())) |
if (rule.matches(article->data())) |
matchingArticles << article->title(); |
if (!matchingArticles.isEmpty()) |
addFeedArticlesToTree(feed, matchingArticles); |
} |
} |
m_treeListEntries.clear(); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::addFeedArticlesToTree(RSS::Feed *feed, const QStringList &articles) |
{ |
// Turn off sorting while inserting |
m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->setSortingEnabled(false); |
// Check if this feed is already in the tree |
QTreeWidgetItem *treeFeedItem = nullptr; |
for (int i = 0; i < m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { |
QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->topLevelItem(i); |
if (item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString() == feed->url()) { |
treeFeedItem = item; |
break; |
} |
} |
// If there is none, create it |
if (!treeFeedItem) { |
treeFeedItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList() << feed->name()); |
treeFeedItem->setToolTip(0, feed->name()); |
QFont f = treeFeedItem->font(0); |
f.setBold(true); |
treeFeedItem->setFont(0, f); |
treeFeedItem->setData(0, Qt::DecorationRole, UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("inode-directory")); |
treeFeedItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, feed->url()); |
m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->addTopLevelItem(treeFeedItem); |
} |
// Insert the articles |
for (const QString &article : articles) { |
QPair<QString, QString> key(feed->name(), article); |
if (!m_treeListEntries.contains(key)) { |
m_treeListEntries << key; |
QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList() << article); |
item->setToolTip(0, article); |
treeFeedItem->addChild(item); |
} |
} |
m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->expandItem(treeFeedItem); |
m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->sortItems(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); |
m_ui->treeMatchingArticles->setSortingEnabled(true); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateFieldsToolTips(bool regex) |
{ |
QString tip; |
if (regex) { |
tip = "<p>" + tr("Regex mode: use Perl-compatible regular expressions") + "</p>"; |
} |
else { |
tip = "<p>" + tr("Wildcard mode: you can use") + "<ul>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("? to match any single character") + "</li>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("* to match zero or more of any characters") + "</li>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("Whitespaces count as AND operators (all words, any order)") + "</li>" |
+ "<li>" + tr("| is used as OR operator") + "</li></ul></p>" |
+ "<p>" + tr("If word order is important use * instead of whitespace.") + "</p>"; |
} |
// Whether regex or wildcard, warn about a potential gotcha for users. |
// Explanatory string broken over multiple lines for readability (and multiple |
// statements to prevent uncrustify indenting excessively. |
tip += "<p>"; |
tip += tr("An expression with an empty %1 clause (e.g. %2)", |
"We talk about regex/wildcards in the RSS filters section here." |
" So a valid sentence would be: An expression with an empty | clause (e.g. expr|)" |
).arg("<tt>|</tt>", "<tt>expr|</tt>"); |
m_ui->lineContains->setToolTip(tip + tr(" will match all articles.") + "</p>"); |
m_ui->lineNotContains->setToolTip(tip + tr(" will exclude all articles.") + "</p>"); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMustLineValidity() |
{ |
const QString text = m_ui->lineContains->text(); |
bool isRegex = m_ui->checkRegex->isChecked(); |
bool valid = true; |
QString error; |
if (!text.isEmpty()) { |
QStringList tokens; |
if (isRegex) |
tokens << text; |
else |
for (const QString &token : asConst(text.split('|'))) |
tokens << Utils::String::wildcardToRegex(token); |
for (const QString &token : asConst(tokens)) { |
QRegularExpression reg(token, QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); |
if (!reg.isValid()) { |
if (isRegex) |
error = tr("Position %1: %2").arg(reg.patternErrorOffset()).arg(reg.errorString()); |
valid = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (valid) { |
m_ui->lineContains->setStyleSheet(""); |
m_ui->labelMustStat->setPixmap(QPixmap()); |
m_ui->labelMustStat->setToolTip(""); |
} |
else { |
m_ui->lineContains->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { color: #ff0000; }"); |
m_ui->labelMustStat->setPixmap(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("task-attention").pixmap(16, 16)); |
m_ui->labelMustStat->setToolTip(error); |
} |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMustNotLineValidity() |
{ |
const QString text = m_ui->lineNotContains->text(); |
bool isRegex = m_ui->checkRegex->isChecked(); |
bool valid = true; |
QString error; |
if (!text.isEmpty()) { |
QStringList tokens; |
if (isRegex) |
tokens << text; |
else |
for (const QString &token : asConst(text.split('|'))) |
tokens << Utils::String::wildcardToRegex(token); |
for (const QString &token : asConst(tokens)) { |
QRegularExpression reg(token, QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); |
if (!reg.isValid()) { |
if (isRegex) |
error = tr("Position %1: %2").arg(reg.patternErrorOffset()).arg(reg.errorString()); |
valid = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (valid) { |
m_ui->lineNotContains->setStyleSheet(""); |
m_ui->labelMustNotStat->setPixmap(QPixmap()); |
m_ui->labelMustNotStat->setToolTip(""); |
} |
else { |
m_ui->lineNotContains->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { color: #ff0000; }"); |
m_ui->labelMustNotStat->setPixmap(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("task-attention").pixmap(16, 16)); |
m_ui->labelMustNotStat->setToolTip(error); |
} |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateEpisodeFilterValidity() |
{ |
const QString text = m_ui->lineEFilter->text(); |
bool valid = text.isEmpty() || m_episodeRegex->match(text).hasMatch(); |
if (valid) { |
m_ui->lineEFilter->setStyleSheet(""); |
m_ui->labelEpFilterStat->setPixmap(QPixmap()); |
} |
else { |
m_ui->lineEFilter->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { color: #ff0000; }"); |
m_ui->labelEpFilterStat->setPixmap(UIThemeManager::instance()->getIcon("task-attention").pixmap(16, 16)); |
} |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleDefinitionChanged() |
{ |
updateEditedRule(); |
updateMatchingArticles(); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleAdded(const QString &ruleName) |
{ |
createRuleItem(RSS::AutoDownloadRule(ruleName)); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleRenamed(const QString &ruleName, const QString &oldRuleName) |
{ |
auto item = m_itemsByRuleName.take(oldRuleName); |
m_itemsByRuleName.insert(ruleName, item); |
if ( == oldRuleName) |
m_currentRule.setName(ruleName); |
item->setText(ruleName); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleChanged(const QString &ruleName) |
{ |
auto item = m_itemsByRuleName.value(ruleName); |
if (item && (item != m_currentRuleItem)) |
item->setCheckState(RSS::AutoDownloader::instance()->ruleByName(ruleName).isEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleRuleAboutToBeRemoved(const QString &ruleName) |
{ |
m_currentRuleItem = nullptr; |
delete m_itemsByRuleName.take(ruleName); |
} |
void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleProcessingStateChanged(bool enabled) |
{ |
m_ui->labelWarn->setVisible(!enabled); |