Some work about adaptive color scheme for Web UI (PR #19901) http://[316:c51a:62a3:8b9::4]/d4708/qBittorrent/src/branch/adaptive-webui
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.9 KiB

# Generated by the configure file
# Ignore any WARNING about 'conf.pri' missing during configure. The file should be found during make.
# If not there will be a WARNING again.
# The first path is used when the source is being build by packagers (pbuilder/sbuild/etc)
# The second path is used when you manually run the configure script in the root folder (eg when using qt creator)
exists($$OUT_PWD/../conf.pri) {
} else {
LIBS += -framework Carbon -framework IOKit
# C++11 support
lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5): QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11
QT_LANG_PATH = ../dist/qt-translations
DIST_PATH = ../dist/mac
document_icon.path = Contents/Resources
document_icon.files = $$DIST_PATH/qBitTorrentDocument.icns
QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += document_icon
qt_conf.path = Contents/Resources
qt_conf.files = $$DIST_PATH/qt.conf
qt_translations.path = Contents/translations
qt_translations.files = \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_ar.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_bg.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_ca.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_cs.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_da.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_de.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_es.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_fi.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_fr.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_gl.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_he.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_hu.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_it.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_ja.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_ko.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_lt.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_nl.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_pl.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_pt.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_pt_BR.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_ru.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_sk.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_sv.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_tr.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_uk.qm \
$$QT_LANG_PATH/qt_zh_CN.qm \
QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += qt_translations
ICON = $$DIST_PATH/qbittorrent_mac.icns