Some work about adaptive color scheme for Web UI (PR #19901)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
879 lines
35 KiB
879 lines
35 KiB
/* |
* Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. |
* Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez |
* |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
* |
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to |
* link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with |
* modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), |
* and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public |
* License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you |
* modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), |
* but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this |
* exception statement from your version. |
* |
* Contact : |
*/ |
#include <QDebug> |
#include <QTimer> |
#include <QListWidgetItem> |
#include <QVBoxLayout> |
#include <QStackedWidget> |
#include <QSplitter> |
#include <QHeaderView> |
#include <QAction> |
#include <QMessageBox> |
#include <QMenu> |
#include <QFileDialog> |
#include <QDesktopServices> |
#include <QBitArray> |
#include "core/bittorrent/session.h" |
#include "core/preferences.h" |
#include "core/utils/fs.h" |
#include "core/utils/misc.h" |
#include "core/utils/string.h" |
#include "core/unicodestrings.h" |
#include "proplistdelegate.h" |
#include "torrentcontentfiltermodel.h" |
#include "torrentcontentmodel.h" |
#include "peerlistwidget.h" |
#include "speedwidget.h" |
#include "trackerlist.h" |
#include "mainwindow.h" |
#include "downloadedpiecesbar.h" |
#include "pieceavailabilitybar.h" |
#include "proptabbar.h" |
#include "guiiconprovider.h" |
#include "lineedit.h" |
#include "transferlistwidget.h" |
#include "autoexpandabledialog.h" |
#include "propertieswidget.h" |
PropertiesWidget::PropertiesWidget(QWidget *parent, MainWindow* main_window, TransferListWidget *transferList): |
QWidget(parent), transferList(transferList), main_window(main_window), m_torrent(0) { |
setupUi(this); |
// Icons |
trackerUpButton->setIcon(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("go-up")); |
trackerDownButton->setIcon(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("go-down")); |
state = VISIBLE; |
// Set Properties list model |
PropListModel = new TorrentContentFilterModel(); |
filesList->setModel(PropListModel); |
PropDelegate = new PropListDelegate(this); |
filesList->setItemDelegate(PropDelegate); |
filesList->setSortingEnabled(true); |
// Torrent content filtering |
m_contentFilerLine = new LineEdit(this); |
m_contentFilerLine->setPlaceholderText(tr("Filter files...")); |
connect(m_contentFilerLine, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(filterText(QString))); |
contentFilterLayout->insertWidget(4, m_contentFilerLine); |
connect(filesList, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex&)), filesList, SLOT(edit(const QModelIndex&))); |
connect(selectAllButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), PropListModel, SLOT(selectAll())); |
connect(selectNoneButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), PropListModel, SLOT(selectNone())); |
connect(filesList, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(displayFilesListMenu(const QPoint&))); |
connect(filesList, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(openDoubleClickedFile(const QModelIndex &))); |
connect(PropListModel, SIGNAL(filteredFilesChanged()), this, SLOT(filteredFilesChanged())); |
connect(listWebSeeds, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(displayWebSeedListMenu(const QPoint&))); |
connect(transferList, SIGNAL(currentTorrentChanged(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const)), this, SLOT(loadTorrentInfos(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const))); |
connect(PropDelegate, SIGNAL(filteredFilesChanged()), this, SLOT(filteredFilesChanged())); |
connect(stackedProperties, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(loadDynamicData())); |
connect(BitTorrent::Session::instance(), SIGNAL(torrentSavePathChanged(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const)), this, SLOT(updateSavePath(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const))); |
connect(BitTorrent::Session::instance(), SIGNAL(torrentMetadataLoaded(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const)), this, SLOT(updateTorrentInfos(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const))); |
connect(filesList->header(), SIGNAL(sectionMoved(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
connect(filesList->header(), SIGNAL(sectionResized(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
connect(filesList->header(), SIGNAL(sortIndicatorChanged(int, Qt::SortOrder)), this, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
// Downloaded pieces progress bar |
downloaded_pieces = new DownloadedPiecesBar(this); |
ProgressHLayout->insertWidget(1, downloaded_pieces); |
// Pieces availability bar |
pieces_availability = new PieceAvailabilityBar(this); |
ProgressHLayout_2->insertWidget(1, pieces_availability); |
// Tracker list |
trackerList = new TrackerList(this); |
connect(trackerUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), trackerList, SLOT(moveSelectionUp())); |
connect(trackerDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), trackerList, SLOT(moveSelectionDown())); |
horizontalLayout_trackers->insertWidget(0, trackerList); |
connect(trackerList->header(), SIGNAL(sectionMoved(int, int, int)), trackerList, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
connect(trackerList->header(), SIGNAL(sectionResized(int, int, int)), trackerList, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
connect(trackerList->header(), SIGNAL(sortIndicatorChanged(int, Qt::SortOrder)), trackerList, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
// Peers list |
peersList = new PeerListWidget(this); |
peerpage_layout->addWidget(peersList); |
connect(peersList->header(), SIGNAL(sectionMoved(int, int, int)), peersList, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
connect(peersList->header(), SIGNAL(sectionResized(int, int, int)), peersList, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
connect(peersList->header(), SIGNAL(sortIndicatorChanged(int, Qt::SortOrder)), peersList, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
// Speed widget |
speedWidget = new SpeedWidget(this); |
speed_layout->addWidget(speedWidget); |
// Tab bar |
m_tabBar = new PropTabBar(); |
verticalLayout->addLayout(m_tabBar); |
connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(tabChanged(int)), stackedProperties, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int))); |
connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(tabChanged(int)), this, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(visibilityToggled(bool)), SLOT(setVisibility(bool))); |
connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(visibilityToggled(bool)), this, SLOT(saveSettings())); |
// Dynamic data refresher |
refreshTimer = new QTimer(this); |
connect(refreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(loadDynamicData())); |
refreshTimer->start(3000); // 3sec |
editHotkeyFile = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("F2"), filesList, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); |
connect(editHotkeyFile, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(renameSelectedFile())); |
editHotkeyWeb = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("F2"), listWebSeeds, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); |
connect(editHotkeyWeb, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(editWebSeed())); |
connect(listWebSeeds, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(editWebSeed())); |
deleteHotkeyWeb = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Delete), listWebSeeds, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); |
connect(deleteHotkeyWeb, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(deleteSelectedUrlSeeds())); |
openHotkeyFile = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Return"), filesList, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); |
connect(openHotkeyFile, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(openSelectedFile())); |
} |
PropertiesWidget::~PropertiesWidget() { |
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "ENTER"; |
delete refreshTimer; |
delete trackerList; |
delete peersList; |
delete speedWidget; |
delete downloaded_pieces; |
delete pieces_availability; |
delete PropListModel; |
delete PropDelegate; |
delete m_tabBar; |
delete editHotkeyFile; |
delete editHotkeyWeb; |
delete deleteHotkeyWeb; |
delete openHotkeyFile; |
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "EXIT"; |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::showPiecesAvailability(bool show) { |
avail_pieces_lbl->setVisible(show); |
pieces_availability->setVisible(show); |
avail_average_lbl->setVisible(show); |
if (show || (!show && !downloaded_pieces->isVisible())) |
line_2->setVisible(show); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::showPiecesDownloaded(bool show) { |
downloaded_pieces_lbl->setVisible(show); |
downloaded_pieces->setVisible(show); |
progress_lbl->setVisible(show); |
if (show || (!show && !pieces_availability->isVisible())) |
line_2->setVisible(show); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::setVisibility(bool visible) { |
if (!visible && state == VISIBLE) { |
QSplitter *hSplitter = static_cast<QSplitter*>(parentWidget()); |
stackedProperties->setVisible(false); |
slideSizes = hSplitter->sizes(); |
hSplitter->handle(1)->setVisible(false); |
hSplitter->handle(1)->setDisabled(true); |
QList<int> sizes = QList<int>() << hSplitter->geometry().height()-30 << 30; |
hSplitter->setSizes(sizes); |
state = REDUCED; |
return; |
} |
if (visible && state == REDUCED) { |
stackedProperties->setVisible(true); |
QSplitter *hSplitter = static_cast<QSplitter*>(parentWidget()); |
hSplitter->handle(1)->setDisabled(false); |
hSplitter->handle(1)->setVisible(true); |
hSplitter->setSizes(slideSizes); |
state = VISIBLE; |
// Force refresh |
loadDynamicData(); |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::clear() { |
qDebug("Clearing torrent properties"); |
save_path->clear(); |
lbl_creationDate->clear(); |
label_total_pieces_val->clear(); |
hash_lbl->clear(); |
comment_text->clear(); |
progress_lbl->clear(); |
trackerList->clear(); |
downloaded_pieces->clear(); |
pieces_availability->clear(); |
avail_average_lbl->clear(); |
wasted->clear(); |
upTotal->clear(); |
dlTotal->clear(); |
peersList->clear(); |
lbl_uplimit->clear(); |
lbl_dllimit->clear(); |
lbl_elapsed->clear(); |
lbl_connections->clear(); |
reannounce_lbl->clear(); |
shareRatio->clear(); |
listWebSeeds->clear(); |
m_contentFilerLine->clear(); |
PropListModel->model()->clear(); |
label_eta_val->clear(); |
label_seeds_val->clear(); |
label_peers_val->clear(); |
label_dl_speed_val->clear(); |
label_upload_speed_val->clear(); |
label_total_size_val->clear(); |
label_completed_on_val->clear(); |
label_last_complete_val->clear(); |
label_created_by_val->clear(); |
label_added_on_val->clear(); |
} |
BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *PropertiesWidget::getCurrentTorrent() const |
{ |
return m_torrent; |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::updateSavePath(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent) |
{ |
if (m_torrent == torrent) { |
save_path->setText(m_torrent->savePathParsed()); |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::loadTrackers(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent) |
{ |
if (torrent == m_torrent) |
trackerList->loadTrackers(); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::updateTorrentInfos(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent) |
{ |
if (m_torrent == torrent) |
loadTorrentInfos(m_torrent); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::loadTorrentInfos(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent) |
{ |
clear(); |
m_torrent = torrent; |
if (!m_torrent) return; |
// Save path |
updateSavePath(m_torrent); |
// Hash |
hash_lbl->setText(m_torrent->hash()); |
PropListModel->model()->clear(); |
if (m_torrent->hasMetadata()) { |
// Creation date |
lbl_creationDate->setText(m_torrent->creationDate().toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate)); |
label_total_size_val->setText(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->totalSize())); |
// Comment |
comment_text->setText(Utils::Misc::parseHtmlLinks(m_torrent->comment())); |
// URL seeds |
loadUrlSeeds(); |
label_created_by_val->setText(m_torrent->creator()); |
// List files in torrent |
PropListModel->model()->setupModelData(m_torrent->info()); |
filesList->setExpanded(PropListModel->index(0, 0), true); |
// Load file priorities |
PropListModel->model()->updateFilesPriorities(m_torrent->filePriorities()); |
} |
// Load dynamic data |
loadDynamicData(); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::readSettings() { |
const Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); |
// Restore splitter sizes |
QStringList sizes_str = pref->getPropSplitterSizes().split(","); |
if (sizes_str.size() == 2) { |
slideSizes << sizes_str.first().toInt(); |
slideSizes << sizes_str.last().toInt(); |
QSplitter *hSplitter = static_cast<QSplitter*>(parentWidget()); |
hSplitter->setSizes(slideSizes); |
} |
const int current_tab = pref->getPropCurTab(); |
const bool visible = pref->getPropVisible(); |
// the following will call saveSettings but shouldn't change any state |
if (!filesList->header()->restoreState(pref->getPropFileListState())) { |
filesList->header()->resizeSection(0, 400); //Default |
} |
m_tabBar->setCurrentIndex(current_tab); |
if (!visible) { |
setVisibility(false); |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::saveSettings() { |
Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); |
pref->setPropVisible(state==VISIBLE); |
// Splitter sizes |
QSplitter *hSplitter = static_cast<QSplitter*>(parentWidget()); |
QList<int> sizes; |
if (state == VISIBLE) |
sizes = hSplitter->sizes(); |
else |
sizes = slideSizes; |
qDebug("Sizes: %d", sizes.size()); |
if (sizes.size() == 2) { |
pref->setPropSplitterSizes(QString::number(sizes.first()) + ',' + QString::number(sizes.last())); |
} |
pref->setPropFileListState(filesList->header()->saveState()); |
// Remember current tab |
pref->setPropCurTab(m_tabBar->currentIndex()); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::reloadPreferences() { |
// Take program preferences into consideration |
peersList->updatePeerHostNameResolutionState(); |
peersList->updatePeerCountryResolutionState(); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::loadDynamicData() { |
// Refresh only if the torrent handle is valid and if visible |
if (!m_torrent || (main_window->getCurrentTabWidget() != transferList) || (state != VISIBLE)) return; |
// Transfer infos |
switch(stackedProperties->currentIndex()) { |
case PropTabBar::MAIN_TAB: { |
wasted->setText(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->wastedSize())); |
upTotal->setText(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->totalUpload()) + " ("+Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->totalPayloadUpload())+" "+tr("this session")+")"); |
dlTotal->setText(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->totalDownload()) + " ("+Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->totalPayloadDownload())+" "+tr("this session")+")"); |
lbl_uplimit->setText(m_torrent->uploadLimit() <= 0 ? QString::fromUtf8(C_INFINITY) : Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->uploadLimit())+tr("/s", "/second (i.e. per second)")); |
lbl_dllimit->setText(m_torrent->downloadLimit() <= 0 ? QString::fromUtf8(C_INFINITY) : Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->downloadLimit())+tr("/s", "/second (i.e. per second)")); |
QString elapsed_txt = Utils::Misc::userFriendlyDuration(m_torrent->activeTime()); |
if (m_torrent->isSeed()) |
elapsed_txt += " ("+tr("Seeded for %1", "e.g. Seeded for 3m10s").arg(Utils::Misc::userFriendlyDuration(m_torrent->seedingTime()))+")"; |
lbl_elapsed->setText(elapsed_txt); |
lbl_connections->setText(QString::number(m_torrent->connectionsCount()) + " (" + tr("%1 max", "e.g. 10 max").arg(QString::number(m_torrent->connectionsLimit())) + ")"); |
label_eta_val->setText(Utils::Misc::userFriendlyDuration(m_torrent->eta())); |
// Update next announce time |
reannounce_lbl->setText(Utils::Misc::userFriendlyDuration(m_torrent->nextAnnounce())); |
// Update ratio info |
const qreal ratio = m_torrent->realRatio(); |
shareRatio->setText(ratio > BitTorrent::TorrentHandle::MAX_RATIO ? QString::fromUtf8(C_INFINITY) : Utils::String::fromDouble(ratio, 2)); |
label_seeds_val->setText(QString::number(m_torrent->seedsCount()) + " " + tr("(%1 total)","e.g. (10 total)").arg(QString::number(m_torrent->totalSeedsCount()))); |
label_peers_val->setText(QString::number(m_torrent->leechsCount()) + " " + tr("(%1 total)","e.g. (10 total)").arg(QString::number(m_torrent->totalLeechersCount()))); |
label_dl_speed_val->setText(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->downloadPayloadRate()) + tr("/s", "/second (i.e. per second)") + " " |
+ tr("(%1/s avg.)","e.g. (100KiB/s avg.)").arg(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->totalDownload() / (1 + m_torrent->activeTime() - m_torrent->finishedTime())))); |
label_upload_speed_val->setText(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->uploadPayloadRate()) + tr("/s", "/second (i.e. per second)") + " " |
+ tr("(%1/s avg.)", "e.g. (100KiB/s avg.)").arg(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->totalUpload() / (1 + m_torrent->activeTime())))); |
label_last_complete_val->setText(m_torrent->lastSeenComplete().isValid() ? m_torrent->lastSeenComplete().toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate) : tr("Never")); |
label_completed_on_val->setText(m_torrent->completedTime().isValid() ? m_torrent->completedTime().toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate) : ""); |
label_added_on_val->setText(m_torrent->addedTime().toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate)); |
if (m_torrent->hasMetadata()) { |
label_total_pieces_val->setText(tr("%1 x %2 (have %3)", "(torrent pieces) eg 152 x 4MB (have 25)").arg(m_torrent->piecesCount()).arg(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(m_torrent->pieceLength())).arg(m_torrent->piecesHave())); |
if (!m_torrent->isSeed() && !m_torrent->isPaused() && !m_torrent->isQueued() && !m_torrent->isChecking()) { |
// Pieces availability |
showPiecesAvailability(true); |
pieces_availability->setAvailability(m_torrent->pieceAvailability()); |
avail_average_lbl->setText(Utils::String::fromDouble(m_torrent->distributedCopies(), 3)); |
} |
else { |
showPiecesAvailability(false); |
} |
// Progress |
qreal progress = m_torrent->progress() * 100.; |
progress_lbl->setText(Utils::String::fromDouble(progress, 1)+"%"); |
downloaded_pieces->setProgress(m_torrent->pieces(), m_torrent->downloadingPieces()); |
} |
else { |
showPiecesAvailability(false); |
} |
return; |
} |
case PropTabBar::TRACKERS_TAB: { |
// Trackers |
trackerList->loadTrackers(); |
return; |
} |
case PropTabBar::PEERS_TAB: { |
// Load peers |
peersList->loadPeers(m_torrent); |
return; |
} |
case PropTabBar::FILES_TAB: { |
// Files progress |
if (m_torrent->hasMetadata()) { |
qDebug("Updating priorities in files tab"); |
filesList->setUpdatesEnabled(false); |
PropListModel->model()->updateFilesProgress(m_torrent->filesProgress()); |
// XXX: We don't update file priorities regularly for performance |
// reasons. This means that priorities will not be updated if |
// set from the Web UI. |
// PropListModel->model()->updateFilesPriorities(h.file_priorities()); |
filesList->setUpdatesEnabled(true); |
} |
} |
default: |
return; |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::loadUrlSeeds() { |
listWebSeeds->clear(); |
qDebug("Loading URL seeds"); |
const QList<QUrl> hc_seeds = m_torrent->urlSeeds(); |
// Add url seeds |
foreach (const QUrl &hc_seed, hc_seeds) { |
qDebug("Loading URL seed: %s", qPrintable(hc_seed.toString())); |
new QListWidgetItem(hc_seed.toString(), listWebSeeds); |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::openDoubleClickedFile(const QModelIndex &index) { |
if (!index.isValid()) return; |
if (!m_torrent || !m_torrent->hasMetadata()) return; |
if (PropListModel->itemType(index) == TorrentContentModelItem::FileType) |
openFile(index); |
else |
openFolder(index, false); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::openFile(const QModelIndex &index) { |
int i = PropListModel->getFileIndex(index); |
const QDir saveDir(m_torrent->actualSavePath()); |
const QString filename = m_torrent->filePath(i); |
const QString file_path = Utils::Fs::expandPath(saveDir.absoluteFilePath(filename)); |
qDebug("Trying to open file at %s", qPrintable(file_path)); |
// Flush data |
m_torrent->flushCache(); |
if (QFile::exists(file_path)) { |
if (file_path.startsWith("//")) |
QDesktopServices::openUrl(Utils::Fs::toNativePath("file:" + file_path)); |
else |
QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(file_path)); |
} |
else { |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("I/O Error"), tr("This file does not exist yet.")); |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::openFolder(const QModelIndex &index, bool containing_folder) { |
QString absolute_path; |
if (PropListModel->itemType(index) == TorrentContentModelItem::FolderType) { |
// Generate relative path to selected folder |
QStringList path_items; |
path_items <<; |
QModelIndex parent = PropListModel->parent(index); |
while(parent.isValid()) { |
path_items.prepend(; |
parent = PropListModel->parent(parent); |
} |
if (path_items.isEmpty()) |
return; |
#if !(defined(Q_OS_WIN) || (defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC))) |
if (containing_folder) |
path_items.removeLast(); |
#endif |
const QDir saveDir(m_torrent->actualSavePath()); |
const QString relative_path = path_items.join("/"); |
absolute_path = Utils::Fs::expandPath(saveDir.absoluteFilePath(relative_path)); |
} |
else { |
int i = PropListModel->getFileIndex(index); |
const QDir saveDir(m_torrent->actualSavePath()); |
const QString relative_path = m_torrent->filePath(i); |
absolute_path = Utils::Fs::expandPath(saveDir.absoluteFilePath(relative_path)); |
#if !(defined(Q_OS_WIN) || (defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC))) |
if (containing_folder) |
absolute_path = Utils::Fs::folderName(absolute_path); |
#endif |
} |
// Flush data |
m_torrent->flushCache(); |
if (!QFile::exists(absolute_path)) |
return; |
qDebug("Trying to open folder at %s", qPrintable(absolute_path)); |
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN |
if (containing_folder) { |
// Syntax is: explorer /select, "C:\Folder1\Folder2\file_to_select" |
// Dir separators MUST be win-style slashes |
QProcess::startDetached("explorer.exe", QStringList() << "/select," << Utils::Fs::toNativePath(absolute_path)); |
} else { |
#elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC) |
if (containing_folder) { |
QProcess proc; |
QString output; |
proc.start("xdg-mime", QStringList() << "query" << "default" << "inode/directory"); |
proc.waitForFinished(); |
output = proc.readLine().simplified(); |
if (output == "dolphin.desktop") |
proc.startDetached("dolphin", QStringList() << "--select" << Utils::Fs::toNativePath(absolute_path)); |
else if (output == "nautilus-folder-handler.desktop") |
proc.startDetached("nautilus", QStringList() << "--no-desktop" << Utils::Fs::toNativePath(absolute_path)); |
else if (output == "kfmclient_dir.desktop") |
proc.startDetached("konqueror", QStringList() << "--select" << Utils::Fs::toNativePath(absolute_path)); |
else |
QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QFileInfo(absolute_path).absolutePath())); |
} else { |
#endif |
if (QFile::exists(absolute_path)) { |
// Hack to access samba shares with QDesktopServices::openUrl |
if (absolute_path.startsWith("//")) |
QDesktopServices::openUrl(Utils::Fs::toNativePath("file:" + absolute_path)); |
else |
QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(absolute_path)); |
} else { |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("I/O Error"), tr("This folder does not exist yet.")); |
} |
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || (defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC)) |
} |
#endif |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::displayFilesListMenu(const QPoint&) { |
if (!m_torrent) return; |
QModelIndexList selectedRows = filesList->selectionModel()->selectedRows(0); |
if (selectedRows.empty()) |
return; |
QMenu myFilesLlistMenu; |
QAction *actOpen = 0; |
QAction *actOpenContainingFolder = 0; |
QAction *actRename = 0; |
if (selectedRows.size() == 1) { |
actOpen = myFilesLlistMenu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("folder-documents"), tr("Open")); |
actOpenContainingFolder = myFilesLlistMenu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("inode-directory"), tr("Open Containing Folder")); |
actRename = myFilesLlistMenu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("edit-rename"), tr("Rename...")); |
myFilesLlistMenu.addSeparator(); |
} |
QMenu subMenu; |
if (!m_torrent->isSeed()) { |
subMenu.setTitle(tr("Priority")); |
subMenu.addAction(actionNot_downloaded); |
subMenu.addAction(actionNormal); |
subMenu.addAction(actionHigh); |
subMenu.addAction(actionMaximum); |
myFilesLlistMenu.addMenu(&subMenu); |
} |
// Call menu |
const QAction *act = myFilesLlistMenu.exec(QCursor::pos()); |
// The selected torrent might have disappeared during exec() |
// from the current view thus leaving invalid indices. |
const QModelIndex index = *(selectedRows.begin()); |
if (!index.isValid()) |
return; |
if (act) { |
if (act == actOpen) |
openDoubleClickedFile(index); |
else if (act == actOpenContainingFolder) |
openFolder(index, true); |
else if (act == actRename) |
renameSelectedFile(); |
else { |
int prio = prio::NORMAL; |
if (act == actionHigh) |
prio = prio::HIGH; |
else if (act == actionMaximum) |
prio = prio::MAXIMUM; |
else if (act == actionNot_downloaded) |
prio = prio::IGNORED; |
qDebug("Setting files priority"); |
foreach (QModelIndex index, selectedRows) { |
qDebug("Setting priority(%d) for file at row %d", prio, index.row()); |
PropListModel->setData(PropListModel->index(index.row(), PRIORITY, index.parent()), prio); |
} |
// Save changes |
filteredFilesChanged(); |
} |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::displayWebSeedListMenu(const QPoint&) { |
if (!m_torrent) return; |
QMenu seedMenu; |
QModelIndexList rows = listWebSeeds->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); |
QAction *actAdd = seedMenu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("list-add"), tr("New Web seed")); |
QAction *actDel = 0; |
QAction *actCpy = 0; |
QAction *actEdit = 0; |
if (rows.size()) { |
actDel = seedMenu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("list-remove"), tr("Remove Web seed")); |
seedMenu.addSeparator(); |
actCpy = seedMenu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("edit-copy"), tr("Copy Web seed URL")); |
actEdit = seedMenu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("edit-rename"), tr("Edit Web seed URL")); |
} |
const QAction *act = seedMenu.exec(QCursor::pos()); |
if (act) { |
if (act == actAdd) |
askWebSeed(); |
else if (act == actDel) |
deleteSelectedUrlSeeds(); |
else if (act == actCpy) |
copySelectedWebSeedsToClipboard(); |
else if (act == actEdit) |
editWebSeed(); |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::renameSelectedFile() { |
const QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = filesList->selectionModel()->selectedRows(0); |
if (selectedIndexes.size() != 1) |
return; |
const QModelIndex index = selectedIndexes.first(); |
if (!index.isValid()) |
return; |
// Ask for new name |
bool ok; |
QString new_name_last = AutoExpandableDialog::getText(this, tr("Rename the file"), |
tr("New name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, |
|, &ok).trimmed(); |
if (ok && !new_name_last.isEmpty()) { |
if (!Utils::Fs::isValidFileSystemName(new_name_last)) { |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("The file could not be renamed"), |
tr("This file name contains forbidden characters, please choose a different one."), |
QMessageBox::Ok); |
return; |
} |
if (PropListModel->itemType(index) == TorrentContentModelItem::FileType) { |
// File renaming |
const int file_index = PropListModel->getFileIndex(index); |
if (!m_torrent || !m_torrent->hasMetadata()) return; |
QString old_name = m_torrent->filePath(file_index); |
if (old_name.endsWith(".!qB") && !new_name_last.endsWith(".!qB")) { |
new_name_last += ".!qB"; |
} |
QStringList path_items = old_name.split("/"); |
path_items.removeLast(); |
path_items << new_name_last; |
QString new_name = path_items.join("/"); |
if (old_name == new_name) { |
qDebug("Name did not change"); |
return; |
} |
new_name = Utils::Fs::expandPath(new_name); |
// Check if that name is already used |
for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent->filesCount(); ++i) { |
if (i == file_index) continue; |
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) || defined(Q_WS_QWS) |
if (m_torrent->filePath(i).compare(new_name, Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { |
#else |
if (m_torrent->filePath(i).compare(new_name, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { |
#endif |
// Display error message |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("The file could not be renamed"), |
tr("This name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name."), |
QMessageBox::Ok); |
return; |
} |
} |
const bool force_recheck = QFile::exists(m_torrent->actualSavePath() + "/" + new_name); |
qDebug("Renaming %s to %s", qPrintable(old_name), qPrintable(new_name)); |
m_torrent->renameFile(file_index, new_name); |
// Force recheck |
if (force_recheck) m_torrent->forceRecheck(); |
// Rename if torrent files model too |
if (new_name_last.endsWith(".!qB")) |
new_name_last.chop(4); |
PropListModel->setData(index, new_name_last); |
} else { |
// Folder renaming |
QStringList path_items; |
path_items <<; |
QModelIndex parent = PropListModel->parent(index); |
while(parent.isValid()) { |
path_items.prepend(; |
parent = PropListModel->parent(parent); |
} |
const QString old_path = path_items.join("/"); |
path_items.removeLast(); |
path_items << new_name_last; |
QString new_path = path_items.join("/"); |
if (!new_path.endsWith("/")) new_path += "/"; |
// Check for overwriting |
const int num_files = m_torrent->filesCount(); |
for (int i=0; i<num_files; ++i) { |
const QString current_name = m_torrent->filePath(i); |
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) || defined(Q_WS_QWS) |
if (current_name.startsWith(new_path, Qt::CaseSensitive)) { |
#else |
if (current_name.startsWith(new_path, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { |
#endif |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("The folder could not be renamed"), |
tr("This name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name."), |
QMessageBox::Ok); |
return; |
} |
} |
bool force_recheck = false; |
// Replace path in all files |
for (int i=0; i<num_files; ++i) { |
const QString current_name = m_torrent->filePath(i); |
if (current_name.startsWith(old_path)) { |
QString new_name = current_name; |
new_name.replace(0, old_path.length(), new_path); |
if (!force_recheck && QDir(m_torrent->actualSavePath()).exists(new_name)) |
force_recheck = true; |
new_name = Utils::Fs::expandPath(new_name); |
qDebug("Rename %s to %s", qPrintable(current_name), qPrintable(new_name)); |
m_torrent->renameFile(i, new_name); |
} |
} |
// Force recheck |
if (force_recheck) m_torrent->forceRecheck(); |
// Rename folder in torrent files model too |
PropListModel->setData(index, new_name_last); |
// Remove old folder |
const QDir old_folder(m_torrent->actualSavePath() + "/" + old_path); |
int timeout = 10; |
while(!QDir().rmpath(old_folder.absolutePath()) && timeout > 0) { |
// FIXME: We should not sleep here (freezes the UI for 1 second) |
Utils::Misc::msleep(100); |
--timeout; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::openSelectedFile() { |
const QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = filesList->selectionModel()->selectedRows(0); |
if (selectedIndexes.size() != 1) |
return; |
openDoubleClickedFile(selectedIndexes.first()); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::askWebSeed() { |
bool ok; |
// Ask user for a new url seed |
const QString url_seed = AutoExpandableDialog::getText(this, tr("New URL seed", "New HTTP source"), |
tr("New URL seed:"), QLineEdit::Normal, |
QString::fromUtf8("http://www."), &ok); |
if (!ok) return; |
qDebug("Adding %s web seed", qPrintable(url_seed)); |
if (!listWebSeeds->findItems(url_seed, Qt::MatchFixedString).empty()) { |
QMessageBox::warning(this, "qBittorrent", |
tr("This URL seed is already in the list."), |
QMessageBox::Ok); |
return; |
} |
if (m_torrent) |
m_torrent->addUrlSeeds(QList<QUrl>() << url_seed); |
// Refresh the seeds list |
loadUrlSeeds(); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::deleteSelectedUrlSeeds() { |
const QList<QListWidgetItem *> selectedItems = listWebSeeds->selectedItems(); |
if (selectedItems.isEmpty()) return; |
QList<QUrl> urlSeeds; |
foreach (const QListWidgetItem *item, selectedItems) |
urlSeeds << item->text(); |
m_torrent->removeUrlSeeds(urlSeeds); |
// Refresh list |
loadUrlSeeds(); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::copySelectedWebSeedsToClipboard() const { |
const QList<QListWidgetItem *> selected_items = listWebSeeds->selectedItems(); |
if (selected_items.isEmpty()) |
return; |
QStringList urls_to_copy; |
foreach (QListWidgetItem *item, selected_items) |
urls_to_copy << item->text(); |
QApplication::clipboard()->setText(urls_to_copy.join("\n")); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::editWebSeed() { |
const QList<QListWidgetItem *> selected_items = listWebSeeds->selectedItems(); |
if (selected_items.size() != 1) |
return; |
const QListWidgetItem *selected_item = selected_items.last(); |
const QString old_seed = selected_item->text(); |
bool result; |
const QString new_seed = AutoExpandableDialog::getText(this, tr("Web seed editing"), |
tr("Web seed URL:"), QLineEdit::Normal, |
old_seed, &result); |
if (!result) |
return; |
if (!listWebSeeds->findItems(new_seed, Qt::MatchFixedString).empty()) { |
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("qBittorrent"), |
tr("This URL seed is already in the list."), |
QMessageBox::Ok); |
return; |
} |
m_torrent->removeUrlSeeds(QList<QUrl>() << old_seed); |
m_torrent->addUrlSeeds(QList<QUrl>() << new_seed); |
loadUrlSeeds(); |
} |
bool PropertiesWidget::applyPriorities() { |
qDebug("Saving files priorities"); |
const QVector<int> priorities = PropListModel->model()->getFilePriorities(); |
// Save first/last piece first option state |
bool first_last_piece_first = m_torrent->hasFirstLastPiecePriority(); |
// Prioritize the files |
qDebug("prioritize files: %d", priorities[0]); |
m_torrent->prioritizeFiles(priorities); |
// Restore first/last piece first option if necessary |
if (first_last_piece_first) |
m_torrent->setFirstLastPiecePriority(true); |
return true; |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::filteredFilesChanged() { |
if (m_torrent) |
applyPriorities(); |
} |
void PropertiesWidget::filterText(const QString& filter) { |
PropListModel->setFilterFixedString(filter); |
if (filter.isEmpty()) { |
filesList->collapseAll(); |
filesList->expand(PropListModel->index(0, 0)); |
} |
else |
filesList->expandAll(); |