mirror of https://github.com/d47081/qBittorrent.git synced 2025-02-01 01:16:01 +00:00
Vladimir Golovnev (Glassez) ff9a281b72 Change project directory structure.
Change project directory structure according to application structure.
Change 'nox' configuration option to something more meaningful 'nogui'.
Rename 'Icons' folder to 'icons' (similar to other folders).
Partially add 'nowebui' option support.
Remove QConf project file.
2015-02-05 19:10:26 +03:00

468 lines
14 KiB

* kimgio import filter for MS Windows .ico files
* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL
* Copyright (c) 2000 Malte Starostik <malte@kde.org>
#include "ico.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <QImage>
#include <QBitmap>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QVector>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
// Global header (see http://www.daubnet.com/formats/ICO.html)
struct IcoHeader
enum Type { Icon = 1, Cursor };
quint16 reserved;
quint16 type;
quint16 count;
inline QDataStream& operator >>( QDataStream& s, IcoHeader& h )
return s >> h.reserved >> h.type >> h.count;
// Based on qt_read_dib et al. from qimage.cpp
// (c) 1992-2002 Trolltech AS.
static const quint32 Size = 40;
quint32 biSize; // size of this struct
quint32 biWidth; // pixmap width
quint32 biHeight; // pixmap height
quint16 biPlanes; // should be 1
quint16 biBitCount; // number of bits per pixel
enum Compression { RGB = 0 };
quint32 biCompression; // compression method
quint32 biSizeImage; // size of image
quint32 biXPelsPerMeter; // horizontal resolution
quint32 biYPelsPerMeter; // vertical resolution
quint32 biClrUsed; // number of colors used
quint32 biClrImportant; // number of important colors
const quint32 BMP_INFOHDR::Size;
QDataStream& operator >>( QDataStream &s, BMP_INFOHDR &bi )
s >> bi.biSize;
if ( bi.biSize == BMP_INFOHDR::Size )
s >> bi.biWidth >> bi.biHeight >> bi.biPlanes >> bi.biBitCount;
s >> bi.biCompression >> bi.biSizeImage;
s >> bi.biXPelsPerMeter >> bi.biYPelsPerMeter;
s >> bi.biClrUsed >> bi.biClrImportant;
return s;
#if 0
QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const BMP_INFOHDR &bi )
s << bi.biSize;
s << bi.biWidth << bi.biHeight;
s << bi.biPlanes;
s << bi.biBitCount;
s << bi.biCompression;
s << bi.biSizeImage;
s << bi.biXPelsPerMeter << bi.biYPelsPerMeter;
s << bi.biClrUsed << bi.biClrImportant;
return s;
// Header for every icon in the file
struct IconRec
unsigned char width;
unsigned char height;
quint16 colors;
quint16 hotspotX;
quint16 hotspotY;
quint32 size;
quint32 offset;
inline QDataStream& operator >>( QDataStream& s, IconRec& r )
return s >> r.width >> r.height >> r.colors
>> r.hotspotX >> r.hotspotY >> r.size >> r.offset;
struct LessDifference
LessDifference( unsigned s, unsigned c )
: size( s ), colors( c ) {}
bool operator ()( const IconRec& lhs, const IconRec& rhs ) const
// closest size match precedes everything else
if ( std::abs( int( lhs.width - size ) ) <
std::abs( int( rhs.width - size ) ) ) return true;
else if ( std::abs( int( lhs.width - size ) ) >
std::abs( int( rhs.width - size ) ) ) return false;
else if ( colors == 0 )
// high/true color requested
if ( lhs.colors == 0 ) return true;
else if ( rhs.colors == 0 ) return false;
else return lhs.colors > rhs.colors;
// indexed icon requested
if ( lhs.colors == 0 && rhs.colors == 0 ) return false;
else if ( lhs.colors == 0 ) return false;
else return std::abs( int( lhs.colors - colors ) ) <
std::abs( int( rhs.colors - colors ) );
unsigned size;
unsigned colors;
bool loadFromDIB( QDataStream& stream, const IconRec& rec, QImage& icon )
stream >> header;
if ( stream.atEnd() || header.biSize != BMP_INFOHDR::Size ||
header.biSize > rec.size ||
header.biCompression != BMP_INFOHDR::RGB ||
( header.biBitCount != 1 && header.biBitCount != 4 &&
header.biBitCount != 8 && header.biBitCount != 24 &&
header.biBitCount != 32 ) ) return false;
unsigned paletteSize, paletteEntries;
if (header.biBitCount > 8)
paletteEntries = 0;
paletteSize = 0;
paletteSize = (1 << header.biBitCount);
paletteEntries = paletteSize;
if (header.biClrUsed && header.biClrUsed < paletteSize)
paletteEntries = header.biClrUsed;
// Always create a 32-bit image to get the mask right
// Note: this is safe as rec.width, rec.height are bytes
icon = QImage( rec.width, rec.height, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
if ( icon.isNull() ) return false;
QVector< QRgb > colorTable( paletteSize );
colorTable.fill( QRgb( 0 ) );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < paletteEntries; ++i )
unsigned char rgb[ 4 ];
stream.readRawData( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &rgb ),
sizeof( rgb ) );
colorTable[ i ] = qRgb( rgb[ 2 ], rgb[ 1 ], rgb[ 0 ] );
unsigned bpl = ( rec.width * header.biBitCount + 31 ) / 32 * 4;
unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[ bpl ];
for ( unsigned y = rec.height; !stream.atEnd() && y--; )
stream.readRawData( reinterpret_cast< char* >( buf ), bpl );
unsigned char* pixel = buf;
QRgb* p = reinterpret_cast< QRgb* >( icon.scanLine(y));
switch ( header.biBitCount )
case 1:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
*p++ = colorTable[
( pixel[ x / 8 ] >> ( 7 - ( x & 0x07 ) ) ) & 1 ];
case 4:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
if ( x & 1 ) *p++ = colorTable[ pixel[ x / 2 ] & 0x0f ];
else *p++ = colorTable[ pixel[ x / 2 ] >> 4 ];
case 8:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
*p++ = colorTable[ pixel[ x ] ];
case 24:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
*p++ = qRgb( pixel[ 3 * x + 2 ],
pixel[ 3 * x + 1 ],
pixel[ 3 * x ] );
case 32:
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x )
*p++ = qRgba( pixel[ 4 * x + 2 ],
pixel[ 4 * x + 1 ],
pixel[ 4 * x ],
pixel[ 4 * x + 3] );
delete[] buf;
if ( header.biBitCount < 32 )
// Traditional 1-bit mask
bpl = ( rec.width + 31 ) / 32 * 4;
buf = new unsigned char[ bpl ];
for ( unsigned y = rec.height; y--; )
stream.readRawData( reinterpret_cast< char* >( buf ), bpl );
QRgb* p = reinterpret_cast< QRgb* >(icon.scanLine(y));
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < rec.width; ++x, ++p )
if ( ( ( buf[ x / 8 ] >> ( 7 - ( x & 0x07 ) ) ) & 1 ) )
*p &= RGB_MASK;
delete[] buf;
return true;
bool ICOHandler::canRead() const
if (canRead(device())) {
return true;
return false;
bool ICOHandler::read(QImage *outImage)
qint64 offset = device()->pos();
QDataStream stream( device() );
stream.setByteOrder( QDataStream::LittleEndian );
IcoHeader header;
stream >> header;
if ( stream.atEnd() || !header.count ||
( header.type != IcoHeader::Icon && header.type != IcoHeader::Cursor) )
return false;
unsigned requestedSize = 32;
unsigned requestedColors = QApplication::desktop()->depth() > 8 ? 0 : QApplication::desktop()->depth();
int requestedIndex = -1;
#if 0
if ( io->parameters() )
QStringList params = QString(io->parameters()).split( ';', QString::SkipEmptyParts );
QMap< QString, QString > options;
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = params.begin();
it != params.end(); ++it )
QStringList tmp = (*it).split( '=', QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if ( tmp.count() == 2 ) options[ tmp[ 0 ] ] = tmp[ 1 ];
if ( options[ "index" ].toUInt() )
requestedIndex = options[ "index" ].toUInt();
if ( options[ "size" ].toUInt() )
requestedSize = options[ "size" ].toUInt();
if ( options[ "colors" ].toUInt() )
requestedColors = options[ "colors" ].toUInt();
typedef std::vector< IconRec > IconList;
IconList icons;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < header.count; ++i )
if ( stream.atEnd() )
return false;
IconRec rec;
stream >> rec;
icons.push_back( rec );
IconList::const_iterator selected;
if (requestedIndex >= 0) {
selected = std::min( icons.begin() + requestedIndex, icons.end() );
} else {
selected = std::min_element( icons.begin(), icons.end(),
LessDifference( requestedSize, requestedColors ) );
if ( stream.atEnd() || selected == icons.end() ||
offset + selected->offset > device()->size() )
return false;
device()->seek( offset + selected->offset );
QImage icon;
if ( loadFromDIB( stream, *selected, icon ) )
icon.setText( "X-Index", QString::number( selected - icons.begin() ) );
if ( header.type == IcoHeader::Cursor )
icon.setText( "X-HotspotX", QString::number( selected->hotspotX ) );
icon.setText( "X-HotspotY", QString::number( selected->hotspotY ) );
*outImage = icon;
return true;
return false;
bool ICOHandler::write(const QImage &/*image*/)
#if 0
if (image.isNull())
QByteArray dibData;
QDataStream dib(dibData, QIODevice::ReadWrite);
QImage pixels = image;
QImage mask;
if (io->image().hasAlphaBuffer())
mask = image.createAlphaMask();
mask = image.createHeuristicMask();
for ( int y = 0; y < pixels.height(); ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < pixels.width(); ++x )
if ( mask.pixel( x, y ) == 0 ) pixels.setPixel( x, y, 0 );
if (!qt_write_dib(dib, pixels))
uint hdrPos = dib.device()->at();
if (!qt_write_dib(dib, mask))
memmove(dibData.data() + hdrPos, dibData.data() + hdrPos + BMP_WIN + 8, dibData.size() - hdrPos - BMP_WIN - 8);
dibData.resize(dibData.size() - BMP_WIN - 8);
QDataStream ico(device());
IcoHeader hdr;
hdr.reserved = 0;
hdr.type = Icon;
hdr.count = 1;
ico << hdr.reserved << hdr.type << hdr.count;
IconRec rec;
rec.width = image.width();
rec.height = image.height();
if (image.numColors() <= 16)
rec.colors = 16;
else if (image.depth() <= 8)
rec.colors = 256;
rec.colors = 0;
rec.hotspotX = 0;
rec.hotspotY = 0;
rec.dibSize = dibData.size();
ico << rec.width << rec.height << rec.colors
<< rec.hotspotX << rec.hotspotY << rec.dibSize;
rec.dibOffset = ico.device()->at() + sizeof(rec.dibOffset);
ico << rec.dibOffset;
BMP_INFOHDR dibHeader;
dib >> dibHeader;
dibHeader.biHeight = image.height() << 1;
dib << dibHeader;
ico.writeRawBytes(dibData.data(), dibData.size());
return true;
return false;
QByteArray ICOHandler::name() const
return "ico";
bool ICOHandler::canRead(QIODevice *device)
if (!device) {
qWarning("ICOHandler::canRead() called with no device");
return false;
const qint64 oldPos = device->pos();
char head[8];
qint64 readBytes = device->read(head, sizeof(head));
const bool readOk = readBytes == sizeof(head);
if (device->isSequential()) {
while (readBytes > 0)
device->ungetChar(head[readBytes-- - 1]);
} else {
if ( !readOk )
return false;
return head[2] == '\001' && head[3] == '\000' && // type should be 1
( head[6] == 16 || head[6] == 32 || head[6] == 64 ) && // width can only be one of those
( head[7] == 16 || head[7] == 32 || head[7] == 64 ); // same for height
class ICOPlugin : public QImageIOPlugin
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.qbittorrent.ICOPlugin")
QStringList keys() const;
Capabilities capabilities(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const;
QImageIOHandler *create(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format = QByteArray()) const;
QStringList ICOPlugin::keys() const
return QStringList() << "ico" << "ICO";
QImageIOPlugin::Capabilities ICOPlugin::capabilities(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const
if (format == "ico" || format == "ICO")
return Capabilities(CanRead);
if (!format.isEmpty())
return 0;
if (!device->isOpen())
return 0;
Capabilities cap;
if (device->isReadable() && ICOHandler::canRead(device))
cap |= CanRead;
return cap;
QImageIOHandler *ICOPlugin::create(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const
QImageIOHandler *handler = new ICOHandler;
return handler;