OptionsDialog 0 0 779 591 Options Qt::Horizontal false Qt::LeftToRight Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff QListView::Static QListView::TopToBottom false QListView::Adjust QListView::IconMode 0 Behavior Downloads Connection Speed BitTorrent RSS Web UI Advanced 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 true 0 0 504 1064 Interface true Changing Interface settings requires application restart Language: 0 0 QComboBox::AdjustToContents 0 Qt::Horizontal 200 20 Use custom UI Theme true UI Theme file: Use icons from system theme Customize UI Theme... Transfer List Shows a confirmation dialog upon torrent deletion Confirm when deleting torrents true Shows a confirmation dialog upon pausing/resuming all the torrents Confirm "Pause/Resume all" actions true Use alternating row colors true Hide zero and infinity values Always Paused torrents only Qt::Horizontal 0 0 Action on double-click Downloading torrents: 0 Start / Stop Torrent Open destination folder Preview file, otherwise open destination folder Show torrent options No action Completed torrents: Start / Stop Torrent Open destination folder Preview file, otherwise open destination folder Show torrent options No action Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Auto hide zero status filters Desktop Start qBittorrent on Windows start up Show splash screen on start up true Window state on start up: qBittorrent window state on start up Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Shows a confirmation dialog when exiting with active torrents Confirmation on exit when torrents are active true Confirmation on auto-exit when downloads finish true Show &qBittorrent in notification area true When minimizing, the main window is closed and must be reopened from the systray icon Minimize qBittorrent to notification area false The systray icon will still be visible when closing the main window Close qBittorrent to notification area Tray icon style: Normal Monochrome (for dark theme) Monochrome (for light theme) Qt::Horizontal 40 20 File association Use qBittorrent for .torrent files Use qBittorrent for magnet links Check for program updates Power Management Inhibit system sleep when torrents are downloading Inhibit system sleep when torrents are seeding &Log file true true 0 0 Save path: Creates an additional log file after the log file reaches the specified file size Backup the log file after: KiB 1 1024000 65 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Delete backup logs older than: 1 365 6 1 days months years Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Log performance warnings Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 0 0 0 true 0 0 539 1457 When adding a torrent Display &torrent content and some options true Bring torrent dialog to the front true Torrent content layout: 0 Original Create subfolder Don't create subfolder Qt::Horizontal 40 20 The torrent will be added to the top of the download queue Add to top of queue The torrent will be added to download list in a paused state Do not start the download automatically Torrent stop condition: 0 None Metadata received Files checked Qt::Horizontal 40 20 When duplicate torrent is being added Whether trackers should be merged to existing torrent Merge trackers to existing torrent false Shows a confirmation dialog upon merging trackers to existing torrent Confirm merging trackers true Whether the .torrent file should be deleted after adding it De&lete .torrent files afterwards true false Also delete .torrent files whose addition was cancelled Also when addition is cancelled 0 0 <> Warning! Data loss possible! Allocate full file sizes on disk before starting downloads, to minimize fragmentation. Only useful for HDDs. Pre-allocate disk space for all files Append .!qB extension to incomplete files When a torrent is downloaded, offer to add torrents from any .torrent files found inside it Enable recursive download dialog Saving Management Default Torrent Management Mode: 10 Automatic: Various torrent properties (e.g. save path) will be decided by the associated category Manual: Various torrent properties (e.g. save path) must be assigned manually Manual Automatic Qt::Horizontal 40 20 When Torrent Category changed: Relocate torrent Switch torrent to Manual Mode Qt::Horizontal 40 20 When Default Save/Incomplete Path changed: 1 Relocate affected torrents Switch affected torrents to Manual Mode Qt::Horizontal 40 20 When Category Save Path changed: 1 Relocate affected torrents Switch affected torrents to Manual Mode Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Use Subcategories Resolve relative Save Path against appropriate Category path instead of Default one Use Category paths in Manual Mode Default Save Path: Use another path for incomplete torrents: Copy .torrent files to: Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to: Automatically add torrents from: 0 1 250 150 QAbstractItemView::AllEditTriggers QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows Qt::ElideNone false 80 false Add... false Options.. false Remove Qt::Vertical 20 40 Excluded file names true false Blacklist filtered file names from being downloaded from torrent(s). Files matching any of the filters in this list will have their priority automatically set to "Do not download". Use newlines to separate multiple entries. Can use wildcards as outlined below. *: matches zero or more of any characters. ?: matches any single character. [...]: sets of characters can be represented in square brackets. Examples *.exe: filter '.exe' file extension. readme.txt: filter exact file name. ?.txt: filter 'a.txt', 'b.txt' but not 'aa.txt'. readme[0-9].txt: filter 'readme1.txt', 'readme2.txt' but not 'readme10.txt'. QPlainTextEdit::NoWrap Email notification &upon download completion true false Receiver To: SMTP server: Sender From: This server requires a secure connection (SSL) Authentication true false Username: Password: QLineEdit::Password Run external program Run on torrent added true false Run on torrent finished true false Show console window true 0 0 0 0 true 0 0 504 848 Peer connection protocol: TCP and μTP TCP μTP Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Listening Port Port used for incoming connections: Set to 0 to let your system pick an unused port Any 65535 Random Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router true Connections Limits 500 4 Maximum number of connections per torrent: true Global maximum number of connections: true true 2 2000 500 2 2000 100 Maximum number of upload slots per torrent: Global maximum number of upload slots: 2000 8 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 I2P (experimental) true true Host: Port: 1 65535 8080 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 <html><head/><body><p>If &quot;mixed mode&quot; is enabled I2P torrents are allowed to also get peers from other sources than the tracker, and connect to regular IPs, not providing any anonymization. This may be useful if the user is not interested in the anonymization of I2P, but still wants to be able to connect to I2P peers.</p></body></html> Mixed mode true Proxy Server Type: Host: Port: 1 65535 8080 Qt::Horizontal 20 20 true Some options are incompatible with the chosen proxy type! If checked, hostname lookups are done via the proxy Perform hostname lookup via proxy false A&uthentication true false Username: Password: QLineEdit::Password Info: The password is saved unencrypted Use proxy for BitTorrent purposes true false Otherwise, the proxy server is only used for tracker connections Use proxy for peer connections RSS feeds will use proxy Use proxy for RSS purposes false Search engine, software updates or anything else will use proxy Use proxy for general purposes false IP Fi&ltering Filter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): Reload the filter 0 0 Manually banned IP addresses... Apply to trackers Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 0 0 0 true 0 0 302 408 Global Rate Limits KiB/s 2000000 100 KiB/s 2000000 100 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Upload: Download: Alternative Rate Limits KiB/s 2000000 10 Schedule &the use of alternative rate limits true false Start time From: true hh:mm End time To: true hh:mm false When: 0 0 Every day Weekdays Weekends Qt::Horizontal 40 20 KiB/s 2000000 10 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Upload: Download: Rate Limits Settings Apply rate limit to µTP protocol Apply rate limit to transport overhead Apply rate limit to peers on LAN Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 0 0 0 true 0 0 413 693 Privacy Find peers on the DHT network Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers true Exchange peers with compatible Bittorrent clients (µTorrent, Vuze, ...) Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers true Look for peers on your local network Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers true Encryption mode: Allow encryption: Connect to peers regardless of setting Require encryption: Only connect to peers with protocol encryption Disable encryption: Only connect to peers without protocol encryption Allow encryption Require encryption Disable encryption Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Enable when using a proxy or a VPN connection Enable anonymous mode (<a href="https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Anonymous-Mode">More information</a>) true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Maximum active checking torrents: -1 2147483647 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Torrent Queueing true false Maximum active downloads: -1 2147483647 Maximum active uploads: -1 2147483647 Maximum active torrents: -1 2147483647 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Do not count slow torrents in these limits true false KiB/s 2000000 2 KiB/s 2000000 2 Upload rate threshold: Download rate threshold: Qt::Horizontal 40 20 sec 1 999999 60 Torrent inactivity timer: Seeding Limits false min 9999999 1440 When seeding time reaches then Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter false Pause torrent Remove torrent Remove torrent and its files Enable super seeding for torrent When ratio reaches false 9998.000000000000000 0.050000000000000 1.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 A&utomatically add these trackers to new downloads: true false Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 0 0 0 true 0 0 336 391 RSS Reader Enable fetching RSS feeds Feeds refresh interval: 2147483646 100 Maximum number of articles per feed: min 1 999999 5 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 RSS Torrent Auto Downloader Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents Edit auto downloading rules... RSS Smart Episode Filter Download REPACK/PROPER episodes Filters: Qt::Vertical 20 200 0 0 0 0 true 0 0 382 1045 Web User Interface (Remote control) true false IP address: IP address that the Web UI will bind to. Specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can specify "" for any IPv4 address, "::" for any IPv6 address, or "*" for both IPv4 and IPv6. Port: 1 65535 8080 Use UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my router true &Use HTTPS instead of HTTP true false Key: Certificate: <a href=https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Information about certificates</a> true Authentication Username: Password: QLineEdit::Password Change current password Bypass authentication for clients on localhost Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets 0 0 IP subnet whitelist... Ban client after consecutive failures: Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Never 2147483647 ban for: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter sec 1 2147483647 Session timeout: Disabled sec 2147483647 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Use alternative Web UI true false Files location: Security Enable clickjacking protection Enable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection Enable cookie Secure flag (requires HTTPS) Enable Host header validation true Server domains: Whitelist for filtering HTTP Host header values. In order to defend against DNS rebinding attack, you should put in domain names used by WebUI server. Use ';' to split multiple entries. Can use wildcard '*'. Add custom HTTP headers true QPlainTextEdit::NoWrap Header: value pairs, one per line Enable reverse proxy support true Trusted proxies list: Specify reverse proxy IPs (or subnets, e.g. in order to use forwarded client address (X-Forwarded-For header). Use ';' to split multiple entries. Upda&te my dynamic domain name true false Service: DynDNS No-IP Register Domain name: changeme.dyndns.org Username: Password: QLineEdit::Password Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 0 0 0 QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok FileSystemPathLineEdit QWidget
tabOption comboI18n checkUseCustomTheme customThemeFilePath checkStartPaused stopConditionComboBox spinPort checkUPnP textWebUiUsername checkWebUi textSavePath scrollArea_7 scrollArea_2 spinWebUiPort textWebUiPassword buttonBox tabSelection scrollArea confirmDeletion checkAltRowColors actionTorrentDlOnDblClBox actionTorrentFnOnDblClBox checkBoxHideZeroStatusFilters checkStartup checkShowSplash windowStateComboBox checkProgramExitConfirm checkShowSystray checkMinimizeToSysTray checkCloseToSystray checkAssociateTorrents checkAssociateMagnetLinks checkPreventFromSuspendWhenDownloading checkPreventFromSuspendWhenSeeding checkAdditionDialog checkAdditionDialogFront checkPreallocateAll checkUseDownloadPath textDownloadPath checkAppendqB scanFoldersView addWatchedFolderButton editWatchedFolderButton removeWatchedFolderButton checkExportDir textExportDir checkExportDirFin textExportDirFin groupMailNotification lineEditDestEmail lineEditSmtpServer groupMailNotifAuth mailNotifUsername mailNotifPassword checkSmtpSSL lineEditRunOnAdded lineEditRunOnFinished scrollArea_3 randomButton checkMaxConnections spinMaxConnec checkMaxConnectionsPerTorrent spinMaxConnecPerTorrent checkMaxUploadsPerTorrent spinMaxUploadsPerTorrent checkMaxUploads spinMaxUploads comboProxyType textProxyIP spinProxyPort checkProxyHostnameLookup checkProxyAuth textProxyUsername textProxyPassword checkProxyBitTorrent checkProxyPeerConnections checkProxyRSS checkProxyMisc checkIPFilter textFilterPath IpFilterRefreshBtn checkIpFilterTrackers scrollArea_9 spinUploadLimit spinDownloadLimit groupBoxSchedule timeEditScheduleTo timeEditScheduleFrom comboBoxScheduleDays spinUploadLimitAlt spinDownloadLimitAlt checkLimitLocalPeerRate checkLimitTransportOverhead scrollArea_4 checkDHT checkPeX checkLSD comboEncryption checkAnonymousMode checkEnableQueueing spinMaxActiveDownloads spinMaxActiveUploads spinMaxActiveTorrents checkWebUIUPnP checkWebUiHttps checkBypassLocalAuth checkBypassAuthSubnetWhitelist IPSubnetWhitelistButton checkDynDNS comboDNSService registerDNSBtn domainNameTxt DNSUsernameTxt DNSPasswordTxt checkMaxConnections toggled(bool) spinMaxConnec setEnabled(bool) 604 205 677 206 checkMaxConnectionsPerTorrent toggled(bool) spinMaxConnecPerTorrent setEnabled(bool) 604 238 677 239 checkMaxUploadsPerTorrent toggled(bool) spinMaxUploadsPerTorrent setEnabled(bool) 604 304 677 305 checkMaxUploads toggled(bool) spinMaxUploads setEnabled(bool) 547 415 642 414 checkMaxRatio toggled(bool) spinMaxRatio setEnabled(bool) 395 203 496 204 checkMaxSeedingMinutes toggled(bool) spinMaxSeedingMinutes setEnabled(bool) 395 170 496 171 deleteTorrentBox toggled(bool) deleteTorrentWarningIcon setVisible(bool) 554 153 324 214 deleteTorrentBox toggled(bool) deleteTorrentWarningLabel setVisible(bool) 646 158 629 207