/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2015 Vladimir Golovnev * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ #include "application.h" #include #include #ifdef DISABLE_GUI #include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef DISABLE_GUI #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #include #endif // Q_OS_WIN #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS #include #endif // Q_OS_MACOS #endif #include "base/bittorrent/infohash.h" #include "base/bittorrent/session.h" #include "base/bittorrent/torrent.h" #include "base/exceptions.h" #include "base/global.h" #include "base/iconprovider.h" #include "base/logger.h" #include "base/net/downloadmanager.h" #include "base/net/geoipmanager.h" #include "base/net/proxyconfigurationmanager.h" #include "base/net/smtp.h" #include "base/preferences.h" #include "base/profile.h" #include "base/rss/rss_autodownloader.h" #include "base/rss/rss_session.h" #include "base/search/searchpluginmanager.h" #include "base/settingsstorage.h" #include "base/torrentfileswatcher.h" #include "base/utils/compare.h" #include "base/utils/fs.h" #include "base/path.h" #include "base/utils/misc.h" #include "base/version.h" #include "applicationinstancemanager.h" #include "filelogger.h" #ifndef DISABLE_GUI #include "gui/addnewtorrentdialog.h" #include "gui/uithememanager.h" #include "gui/utils.h" #include "gui/mainwindow.h" #include "gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.h" #endif // DISABLE_GUI #ifndef DISABLE_WEBUI #include "webui/webui.h" #endif namespace { #define SETTINGS_KEY(name) u"Application/" name #define FILELOGGER_SETTINGS_KEY(name) (SETTINGS_KEY(u"FileLogger/") name) const QString LOG_FOLDER = u"logs"_qs; const QChar PARAMS_SEPARATOR = u'|'; const Path DEFAULT_PORTABLE_MODE_PROFILE_DIR {u"profile"_qs}; const int MIN_FILELOG_SIZE = 1024; // 1KiB const int MAX_FILELOG_SIZE = 1000 * 1024 * 1024; // 1000MiB const int DEFAULT_FILELOG_SIZE = 65 * 1024; // 65KiB #if !defined(DISABLE_GUI) const int PIXMAP_CACHE_SIZE = 64 * 1024 * 1024; // 64MiB #endif } Application::Application(int &argc, char **argv) : BaseApplication(argc, argv) , m_running(false) , m_shutdownAct(ShutdownDialogAction::Exit) , m_commandLineArgs(parseCommandLine(this->arguments())) #ifdef Q_OS_WIN , m_storeMemoryWorkingSetLimit(SETTINGS_KEY(u"MemoryWorkingSetLimit"_qs)) #endif , m_storeFileLoggerEnabled(FILELOGGER_SETTINGS_KEY(u"Enabled"_qs)) , m_storeFileLoggerBackup(FILELOGGER_SETTINGS_KEY(u"Backup"_qs)) , m_storeFileLoggerDeleteOld(FILELOGGER_SETTINGS_KEY(u"DeleteOld"_qs)) , m_storeFileLoggerMaxSize(FILELOGGER_SETTINGS_KEY(u"MaxSizeBytes"_qs)) , m_storeFileLoggerAge(FILELOGGER_SETTINGS_KEY(u"Age"_qs)) , m_storeFileLoggerAgeType(FILELOGGER_SETTINGS_KEY(u"AgeType"_qs)) , m_storeFileLoggerPath(FILELOGGER_SETTINGS_KEY(u"Path"_qs)) { qRegisterMetaType("Log::Msg"); qRegisterMetaType("Log::Peer"); setApplicationName(u"qBittorrent"_qs); setOrganizationDomain(u"qbittorrent.org"_qs); #if !defined(DISABLE_GUI) setDesktopFileName(u"org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent"_qs); #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true); // opt-in to the high DPI pixmap support #endif setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); QPixmapCache::setCacheLimit(PIXMAP_CACHE_SIZE); #endif const auto portableProfilePath = Path(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()) / DEFAULT_PORTABLE_MODE_PROFILE_DIR; const bool portableModeEnabled = m_commandLineArgs.profileDir.isEmpty() && portableProfilePath.exists(); const Path profileDir = portableModeEnabled ? portableProfilePath : m_commandLineArgs.profileDir; Profile::initInstance(profileDir, m_commandLineArgs.configurationName, (m_commandLineArgs.relativeFastresumePaths || portableModeEnabled)); m_instanceManager = new ApplicationInstanceManager(Profile::instance()->location(SpecialFolder::Config), this); Logger::initInstance(); SettingsStorage::initInstance(); Preferences::initInstance(); initializeTranslation(); if (m_commandLineArgs.webUiPort > 0) // it will be -1 when user did not set any value Preferences::instance()->setWebUiPort(m_commandLineArgs.webUiPort); connect(this, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, this, &Application::cleanup); connect(m_instanceManager, &ApplicationInstanceManager::messageReceived, this, &Application::processMessage); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(DISABLE_GUI) connect(this, &QGuiApplication::commitDataRequest, this, &Application::shutdownCleanup, Qt::DirectConnection); #endif if (isFileLoggerEnabled()) m_fileLogger = new FileLogger(fileLoggerPath(), isFileLoggerBackup(), fileLoggerMaxSize(), isFileLoggerDeleteOld(), fileLoggerAge(), static_cast(fileLoggerAgeType())); Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr("qBittorrent %1 started", "qBittorrent v3.2.0alpha started").arg(QStringLiteral(QBT_VERSION))); if (portableModeEnabled) { Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr("Running in portable mode. Auto detected profile folder at: %1").arg(profileDir.toString())); if (m_commandLineArgs.relativeFastresumePaths) Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr("Redundant command line flag detected: \"%1\". Portable mode implies relative fastresume.").arg(u"--relative-fastresume"_qs), Log::WARNING); // to avoid translating the `--relative-fastresume` string } else { Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr("Using config directory: %1").arg(Profile::instance()->location(SpecialFolder::Config).toString())); } } Application::~Application() { // we still need to call cleanup() // in case the App failed to start cleanup(); } #ifndef DISABLE_GUI QPointer Application::mainWindow() { return m_window; } #endif const QBtCommandLineParameters &Application::commandLineArgs() const { return m_commandLineArgs; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN int Application::memoryWorkingSetLimit() const { return m_storeMemoryWorkingSetLimit.get(512); } void Application::setMemoryWorkingSetLimit(const int size) { if (size == memoryWorkingSetLimit()) return; m_storeMemoryWorkingSetLimit = size; applyMemoryWorkingSetLimit(); } #endif bool Application::isFileLoggerEnabled() const { return m_storeFileLoggerEnabled.get(true); } void Application::setFileLoggerEnabled(const bool value) { if (value && !m_fileLogger) m_fileLogger = new FileLogger(fileLoggerPath(), isFileLoggerBackup(), fileLoggerMaxSize(), isFileLoggerDeleteOld(), fileLoggerAge(), static_cast(fileLoggerAgeType())); else if (!value) delete m_fileLogger; m_storeFileLoggerEnabled = value; } Path Application::fileLoggerPath() const { return m_storeFileLoggerPath.get(specialFolderLocation(SpecialFolder::Data) / Path(LOG_FOLDER)); } void Application::setFileLoggerPath(const Path &path) { if (m_fileLogger) m_fileLogger->changePath(path); m_storeFileLoggerPath = path; } bool Application::isFileLoggerBackup() const { return m_storeFileLoggerBackup.get(true); } void Application::setFileLoggerBackup(const bool value) { if (m_fileLogger) m_fileLogger->setBackup(value); m_storeFileLoggerBackup = value; } bool Application::isFileLoggerDeleteOld() const { return m_storeFileLoggerDeleteOld.get(true); } void Application::setFileLoggerDeleteOld(const bool value) { if (value && m_fileLogger) m_fileLogger->deleteOld(fileLoggerAge(), static_cast(fileLoggerAgeType())); m_storeFileLoggerDeleteOld = value; } int Application::fileLoggerMaxSize() const { const int val = m_storeFileLoggerMaxSize.get(DEFAULT_FILELOG_SIZE); return std::min(std::max(val, MIN_FILELOG_SIZE), MAX_FILELOG_SIZE); } void Application::setFileLoggerMaxSize(const int bytes) { const int clampedValue = std::min(std::max(bytes, MIN_FILELOG_SIZE), MAX_FILELOG_SIZE); if (m_fileLogger) m_fileLogger->setMaxSize(clampedValue); m_storeFileLoggerMaxSize = clampedValue; } int Application::fileLoggerAge() const { const int val = m_storeFileLoggerAge.get(1); return std::min(std::max(val, 1), 365); } void Application::setFileLoggerAge(const int value) { m_storeFileLoggerAge = std::min(std::max(value, 1), 365); } int Application::fileLoggerAgeType() const { const int val = m_storeFileLoggerAgeType.get(1); return ((val < 0) || (val > 2)) ? 1 : val; } void Application::setFileLoggerAgeType(const int value) { m_storeFileLoggerAgeType = ((value < 0) || (value > 2)) ? 1 : value; } void Application::processMessage(const QString &message) { const QStringList params = message.split(PARAMS_SEPARATOR, Qt::SkipEmptyParts); // If Application is not running (i.e., other // components are not ready) store params if (m_running) processParams(params); else m_paramsQueue.append(params); } void Application::runExternalProgram(const BitTorrent::Torrent *torrent) const { QString program = Preferences::instance()->getAutoRunProgram().trimmed(); for (int i = (program.length() - 2); i >= 0; --i) { if (program[i] != u'%') continue; const ushort specifier = program[i + 1].unicode(); switch (specifier) { case u'C': program.replace(i, 2, QString::number(torrent->filesCount())); break; case u'D': program.replace(i, 2, torrent->savePath().toString()); break; case u'F': program.replace(i, 2, torrent->contentPath().toString()); break; case u'G': program.replace(i, 2, torrent->tags().join(u","_qs)); break; case u'I': program.replace(i, 2, (torrent->infoHash().v1().isValid() ? torrent->infoHash().v1().toString() : u"-"_qs)); break; case u'J': program.replace(i, 2, (torrent->infoHash().v2().isValid() ? torrent->infoHash().v2().toString() : u"-"_qs)); break; case u'K': program.replace(i, 2, torrent->id().toString()); break; case u'L': program.replace(i, 2, torrent->category()); break; case u'N': program.replace(i, 2, torrent->name()); break; case u'R': program.replace(i, 2, torrent->rootPath().toString()); break; case u'T': program.replace(i, 2, torrent->currentTracker()); break; case u'Z': program.replace(i, 2, QString::number(torrent->totalSize())); break; default: // do nothing break; } // decrement `i` to avoid unwanted replacement, example pattern: "%%N" --i; } LogMsg(tr("Torrent: %1, running external program, command: %2").arg(torrent->name(), program)); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) const std::wstring programWStr = program.toStdWString(); // Need to split arguments manually because QProcess::startDetached(QString) // will strip off empty parameters. // E.g. `python.exe "1" "" "3"` will become `python.exe "1" "3"` int argCount = 0; std::unique_ptr args {::CommandLineToArgvW(programWStr.c_str(), &argCount), ::LocalFree}; QStringList argList; for (int i = 1; i < argCount; ++i) argList += QString::fromWCharArray(args[i]); QProcess proc; proc.setProgram(QString::fromWCharArray(args[0])); proc.setArguments(argList); proc.setCreateProcessArgumentsModifier([](QProcess::CreateProcessArguments *args) { if (Preferences::instance()->isAutoRunConsoleEnabled()) { args->flags |= CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE; args->flags &= ~(CREATE_NO_WINDOW | DETACHED_PROCESS); } else { args->flags |= CREATE_NO_WINDOW; args->flags &= ~(CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | DETACHED_PROCESS); } args->inheritHandles = false; args->startupInfo->dwFlags &= ~STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; ::CloseHandle(args->startupInfo->hStdInput); ::CloseHandle(args->startupInfo->hStdOutput); ::CloseHandle(args->startupInfo->hStdError); args->startupInfo->hStdInput = nullptr; args->startupInfo->hStdOutput = nullptr; args->startupInfo->hStdError = nullptr; }); proc.startDetached(); #else // Q_OS_WIN // Cannot give users shell environment by default, as doing so could // enable command injection via torrent name and other arguments // (especially when some automated download mechanism has been setup). // See: https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/10925 QStringList args = QProcess::splitCommand(program); if (args.isEmpty()) return; const QString command = args.takeFirst(); QProcess::startDetached(command, args); #endif } void Application::sendNotificationEmail(const BitTorrent::Torrent *torrent) { // Prepare mail content const QString content = tr("Torrent name: %1").arg(torrent->name()) + u'\n' + tr("Torrent size: %1").arg(Utils::Misc::friendlyUnit(torrent->wantedSize())) + u'\n' + tr("Save path: %1").arg(torrent->savePath().toString()) + u"\n\n" + tr("The torrent was downloaded in %1.", "The torrent was downloaded in 1 hour and 20 seconds") .arg(Utils::Misc::userFriendlyDuration(torrent->activeTime())) + u"\n\n\n" + tr("Thank you for using qBittorrent.") + u'\n'; // Send the notification email const Preferences *pref = Preferences::instance(); auto *smtp = new Net::Smtp(this); smtp->sendMail(pref->getMailNotificationSender(), pref->getMailNotificationEmail(), tr("[qBittorrent] '%1' has finished downloading").arg(torrent->name()), content); } void Application::torrentFinished(BitTorrent::Torrent *const torrent) { Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); // AutoRun program if (pref->isAutoRunEnabled()) runExternalProgram(torrent); // Mail notification if (pref->isMailNotificationEnabled()) { Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr("Torrent: %1, sending mail notification").arg(torrent->name())); sendNotificationEmail(torrent); } } void Application::allTorrentsFinished() { Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); bool isExit = pref->shutdownqBTWhenDownloadsComplete(); bool isShutdown = pref->shutdownWhenDownloadsComplete(); bool isSuspend = pref->suspendWhenDownloadsComplete(); bool isHibernate = pref->hibernateWhenDownloadsComplete(); bool haveAction = isExit || isShutdown || isSuspend || isHibernate; if (!haveAction) return; ShutdownDialogAction action = ShutdownDialogAction::Exit; if (isSuspend) action = ShutdownDialogAction::Suspend; else if (isHibernate) action = ShutdownDialogAction::Hibernate; else if (isShutdown) action = ShutdownDialogAction::Shutdown; #ifndef DISABLE_GUI // ask confirm if ((action == ShutdownDialogAction::Exit) && (pref->dontConfirmAutoExit())) { // do nothing & skip confirm } else { if (!ShutdownConfirmDialog::askForConfirmation(m_window, action)) return; } #endif // DISABLE_GUI // Actually shut down if (action != ShutdownDialogAction::Exit) { qDebug("Preparing for auto-shutdown because all downloads are complete!"); // Disabling it for next time pref->setShutdownWhenDownloadsComplete(false); pref->setSuspendWhenDownloadsComplete(false); pref->setHibernateWhenDownloadsComplete(false); // Make sure preferences are synced before exiting m_shutdownAct = action; } qDebug("Exiting the application"); exit(); } bool Application::sendParams(const QStringList ¶ms) { return m_instanceManager->sendMessage(params.join(PARAMS_SEPARATOR)); } // As program parameters, we can get paths or urls. // This function parse the parameters and call // the right addTorrent function, considering // the parameter type. void Application::processParams(const QStringList ¶ms) { #ifndef DISABLE_GUI if (params.isEmpty()) { m_window->activate(); // show UI return; } #endif BitTorrent::AddTorrentParams torrentParams; std::optional skipTorrentDialog; for (QString param : params) { param = param.trimmed(); // Process strings indicating options specified by the user. if (param.startsWith(u"@savePath=")) { torrentParams.savePath = Path(param.mid(10)); continue; } if (param.startsWith(u"@addPaused=")) { torrentParams.addPaused = (QStringView(param).mid(11).toInt() != 0); continue; } if (param == u"@skipChecking") { torrentParams.skipChecking = true; continue; } if (param.startsWith(u"@category=")) { torrentParams.category = param.mid(10); continue; } if (param == u"@sequential") { torrentParams.sequential = true; continue; } if (param == u"@firstLastPiecePriority") { torrentParams.firstLastPiecePriority = true; continue; } if (param.startsWith(u"@skipDialog=")) { skipTorrentDialog = (QStringView(param).mid(12).toInt() != 0); continue; } #ifndef DISABLE_GUI // There are two circumstances in which we want to show the torrent // dialog. One is when the application settings specify that it should // be shown and skipTorrentDialog is undefined. The other is when // skipTorrentDialog is false, meaning that the application setting // should be overridden. const bool showDialogForThisTorrent = !skipTorrentDialog.value_or(!AddNewTorrentDialog::isEnabled()); if (showDialogForThisTorrent) AddNewTorrentDialog::show(param, torrentParams, m_window); else #endif BitTorrent::Session::instance()->addTorrent(param, torrentParams); } } int Application::exec(const QStringList ¶ms) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN applyMemoryWorkingSetLimit(); #endif Net::ProxyConfigurationManager::initInstance(); Net::DownloadManager::initInstance(); IconProvider::initInstance(); try { BitTorrent::Session::initInstance(); connect(BitTorrent::Session::instance(), &BitTorrent::Session::torrentFinished, this, &Application::torrentFinished); connect(BitTorrent::Session::instance(), &BitTorrent::Session::allTorrentsFinished, this, &Application::allTorrentsFinished, Qt::QueuedConnection); Net::GeoIPManager::initInstance(); TorrentFilesWatcher::initInstance(); #ifndef DISABLE_WEBUI m_webui = new WebUI; #ifdef DISABLE_GUI if (m_webui->isErrored()) return 1; connect(m_webui, &WebUI::fatalError, this, []() { QCoreApplication::exit(1); }); #endif // DISABLE_GUI #endif // DISABLE_WEBUI new RSS::Session; // create RSS::Session singleton new RSS::AutoDownloader; // create RSS::AutoDownloader singleton } catch (const RuntimeError &err) { #ifdef DISABLE_GUI fprintf(stderr, "%s", qPrintable(err.message())); #else QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText(tr("Application failed to start.")); msgBox.setInformativeText(err.message()); msgBox.show(); // Need to be shown or to moveToCenter does not work msgBox.move(Utils::Gui::screenCenter(&msgBox)); msgBox.exec(); #endif return 1; } #ifdef DISABLE_GUI #ifndef DISABLE_WEBUI const Preferences *pref = Preferences::instance(); const auto scheme = pref->isWebUiHttpsEnabled() ? u"https"_qs : u"http"_qs; const auto url = u"%1://localhost:%2\n"_qs.arg(scheme, QString::number(pref->getWebUiPort())); const QString mesg = u"\n******** %1 ********\n"_qs.arg(tr("Information")) + tr("To control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: %1").arg(url); printf("%s\n", qUtf8Printable(mesg)); if (pref->getWebUIPassword() == QByteArrayLiteral("ARQ77eY1NUZaQsuDHbIMCA==:0WMRkYTUWVT9wVvdDtHAjU9b3b7uB8NR1Gur2hmQCvCDpm39Q+PsJRJPaCU51dEiz+dTzh8qbPsL8WkFljQYFQ==")) { const QString warning = tr("The Web UI administrator username is: %1").arg(pref->getWebUiUsername()) + u'\n' + tr("The Web UI administrator password has not been changed from the default: %1").arg(u"adminadmin"_qs) + u'\n' + tr("This is a security risk, please change your password in program preferences.") + u'\n'; printf("%s", qUtf8Printable(warning)); } #endif // DISABLE_WEBUI #else UIThemeManager::initInstance(); m_window = new MainWindow; #endif // DISABLE_GUI m_running = true; // Now UI is ready to process signals from Session BitTorrent::Session::instance()->startUpTorrents(); m_paramsQueue = params + m_paramsQueue; if (!m_paramsQueue.isEmpty()) { processParams(m_paramsQueue); m_paramsQueue.clear(); } return BaseApplication::exec(); } bool Application::isRunning() { return !m_instanceManager->isFirstInstance(); } #ifndef DISABLE_GUI #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS bool Application::event(QEvent *ev) { if (ev->type() == QEvent::FileOpen) { QString path = static_cast(ev)->file(); if (path.isEmpty()) // Get the url instead path = static_cast(ev)->url().toString(); qDebug("Received a mac file open event: %s", qUtf8Printable(path)); if (m_running) processParams(QStringList(path)); else m_paramsQueue.append(path); return true; } else { return BaseApplication::event(ev); } } #endif // Q_OS_MACOS #endif // DISABLE_GUI void Application::initializeTranslation() { Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); // Load translation const QString localeStr = pref->getLocale(); if (m_qtTranslator.load((u"qtbase_" + localeStr), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)) || m_qtTranslator.load((u"qt_" + localeStr), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath))) qDebug("Qt %s locale recognized, using translation.", qUtf8Printable(localeStr)); else qDebug("Qt %s locale unrecognized, using default (en).", qUtf8Printable(localeStr)); installTranslator(&m_qtTranslator); if (m_translator.load(u":/lang/qbittorrent_" + localeStr)) qDebug("%s locale recognized, using translation.", qUtf8Printable(localeStr)); else qDebug("%s locale unrecognized, using default (en).", qUtf8Printable(localeStr)); installTranslator(&m_translator); #ifndef DISABLE_GUI if (localeStr.startsWith(u"ar") || localeStr.startsWith(u"he")) { qDebug("Right to Left mode"); setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft); } else { setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight); } #endif } #if (!defined(DISABLE_GUI) && defined(Q_OS_WIN)) void Application::shutdownCleanup(QSessionManager &manager) { Q_UNUSED(manager); // This is only needed for a special case on Windows XP. // (but is called for every Windows version) // If a process takes too much time to exit during OS // shutdown, the OS presents a dialog to the user. // That dialog tells the user that qbt is blocking the // shutdown, it shows a progress bar and it offers // a "Terminate Now" button for the user. However, // after the progress bar has reached 100% another button // is offered to the user reading "Cancel". With this the // user can cancel the **OS** shutdown. If we don't do // the cleanup by handling the commitDataRequest() signal // and the user clicks "Cancel", it will result in qbt being // killed and the shutdown proceeding instead. Apparently // aboutToQuit() is emitted too late in the shutdown process. cleanup(); // According to the qt docs we shouldn't call quit() inside a slot. // aboutToQuit() is never emitted if the user hits "Cancel" in // the above dialog. QMetaObject::invokeMethod(qApp, &QCoreApplication::quit, Qt::QueuedConnection); } #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN void Application::applyMemoryWorkingSetLimit() { const SIZE_T UNIT_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; // MiB const SIZE_T maxSize = memoryWorkingSetLimit() * UNIT_SIZE; const SIZE_T minSize = std::min((64 * UNIT_SIZE), (maxSize / 2)); if (!::SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx(::GetCurrentProcess(), minSize, maxSize, QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MAX_ENABLE)) { const DWORD errorCode = ::GetLastError(); QString message; LPVOID lpMsgBuf = nullptr; if (::FormatMessageW((FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS) , nullptr, errorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), reinterpret_cast(&lpMsgBuf), 0, nullptr)) { message = QString::fromWCharArray(reinterpret_cast(lpMsgBuf)).trimmed(); ::LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); } LogMsg(tr("Failed to set physical memory (RAM) usage limit. Error code: %1. Error message: \"%2\"") .arg(QString::number(errorCode), message), Log::WARNING); } } #endif void Application::cleanup() { // cleanup() can be called multiple times during shutdown. We only need it once. static QAtomicInt alreadyDone; if (!alreadyDone.testAndSetAcquire(0, 1)) return; #ifndef DISABLE_GUI if (m_window) { // Hide the window and don't leave it on screen as // unresponsive. Also for Windows take the WinId // after it's hidden, because hide() may cause a // WinId change. m_window->hide(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN const std::wstring msg = tr("Saving torrent progress...").toStdWString(); ::ShutdownBlockReasonCreate(reinterpret_cast(m_window->effectiveWinId()) , msg.c_str()); #endif // Q_OS_WIN // Do manual cleanup in MainWindow to force widgets // to save their Preferences, stop all timers and // delete as many widgets as possible to leave only // a 'shell' MainWindow. // We need a valid window handle for Windows Vista+ // otherwise the system shutdown will continue even // though we created a ShutdownBlockReason m_window->cleanup(); } #endif // DISABLE_GUI #ifndef DISABLE_WEBUI delete m_webui; #endif delete RSS::AutoDownloader::instance(); delete RSS::Session::instance(); TorrentFilesWatcher::freeInstance(); BitTorrent::Session::freeInstance(); Net::GeoIPManager::freeInstance(); Net::DownloadManager::freeInstance(); Net::ProxyConfigurationManager::freeInstance(); Preferences::freeInstance(); SettingsStorage::freeInstance(); delete m_fileLogger; Logger::freeInstance(); IconProvider::freeInstance(); SearchPluginManager::freeInstance(); Utils::Fs::removeDirRecursively(Utils::Fs::tempPath()); #ifndef DISABLE_GUI if (m_window) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN ::ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy(reinterpret_cast(m_window->effectiveWinId())); #endif // Q_OS_WIN delete m_window; UIThemeManager::freeInstance(); } #endif // DISABLE_GUI Profile::freeInstance(); if (m_shutdownAct != ShutdownDialogAction::Exit) { qDebug() << "Sending computer shutdown/suspend/hibernate signal..."; Utils::Misc::shutdownComputer(m_shutdownAct); } }