/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2015, 2018 Vladimir Golovnev * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ #include "searchpluginmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/global.h" #include "base/logger.h" #include "base/net/downloadmanager.h" #include "base/net/downloadhandler.h" #include "base/preferences.h" #include "base/profile.h" #include "base/utils/fs.h" #include "base/utils/misc.h" #include "searchdownloadhandler.h" #include "searchhandler.h" namespace { inline void removePythonScriptIfExists(const QString &scriptPath) { Utils::Fs::forceRemove(scriptPath); Utils::Fs::forceRemove(scriptPath + "c"); } } QPointer SearchPluginManager::m_instance = nullptr; const QHash SearchPluginManager::m_categoryNames { {"all", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "All categories")}, {"movies", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "Movies")}, {"tv", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "TV shows")}, {"music", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "Music")}, {"games", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "Games")}, {"anime", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "Anime")}, {"software", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "Software")}, {"pictures", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "Pictures")}, {"books", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SearchEngine", "Books")} }; SearchPluginManager::SearchPluginManager() : m_updateUrl(QString("http://searchplugins.qbittorrent.org/%1/engines/").arg(Utils::Misc::pythonVersion() >= 3 ? "nova3" : "nova")) { Q_ASSERT(!m_instance); // only one instance is allowed m_instance = this; updateNova(); update(); } SearchPluginManager::~SearchPluginManager() { qDeleteAll(m_plugins); } SearchPluginManager *SearchPluginManager::instance() { return m_instance; } QStringList SearchPluginManager::allPlugins() const { return m_plugins.keys(); } QStringList SearchPluginManager::enabledPlugins() const { QStringList plugins; for (const PluginInfo *plugin : qAsConst(m_plugins)) { if (plugin->enabled) plugins << plugin->name; } return plugins; } QStringList SearchPluginManager::supportedCategories() const { QStringList result; for (const PluginInfo *plugin : qAsConst(m_plugins)) { if (plugin->enabled) { foreach (QString cat, plugin->supportedCategories) { if (!result.contains(cat)) result << cat; } } } return result; } QStringList SearchPluginManager::getPluginCategories(const QString &pluginName) const { QStringList plugins; if (pluginName == "all") plugins = allPlugins(); else if ((pluginName == "enabled") || (pluginName == "multi")) plugins = enabledPlugins(); else plugins << pluginName.trimmed(); QSet categories; for (const QString &pluginName : qAsConst(plugins)) { const PluginInfo *plugin = pluginInfo(pluginName); if (!plugin) continue; // plugin wasn't found for (const QString &category : plugin->supportedCategories) categories << category; } return categories.toList(); } PluginInfo *SearchPluginManager::pluginInfo(const QString &name) const { return m_plugins.value(name); } void SearchPluginManager::enablePlugin(const QString &name, bool enabled) { PluginInfo *plugin = m_plugins.value(name, 0); if (plugin) { plugin->enabled = enabled; // Save to Hard disk Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); QStringList disabledPlugins = pref->getSearchEngDisabled(); if (enabled) disabledPlugins.removeAll(name); else if (!disabledPlugins.contains(name)) disabledPlugins.append(name); pref->setSearchEngDisabled(disabledPlugins); emit pluginEnabled(name, enabled); } } // Updates shipped plugin void SearchPluginManager::updatePlugin(const QString &name) { installPlugin(QString("%1%2.py").arg(m_updateUrl, name)); } // Install or update plugin from file or url void SearchPluginManager::installPlugin(const QString &source) { qDebug("Asked to install plugin at %s", qUtf8Printable(source)); if (Utils::Misc::isUrl(source)) { using namespace Net; DownloadHandler *handler = DownloadManager::instance()->downloadUrl(source, true); connect(handler, static_cast(&DownloadHandler::downloadFinished) , this, &SearchPluginManager::pluginDownloaded); connect(handler, &DownloadHandler::downloadFailed, this, &SearchPluginManager::pluginDownloadFailed); } else { QString path = source; if (path.startsWith("file:", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) path = QUrl(path).toLocalFile(); QString pluginName = Utils::Fs::fileName(path); pluginName.chop(pluginName.size() - pluginName.lastIndexOf(".")); if (!path.endsWith(".py", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) emit pluginInstallationFailed(pluginName, tr("Unknown search engine plugin file format.")); else installPlugin_impl(pluginName, path); } } void SearchPluginManager::installPlugin_impl(const QString &name, const QString &path) { PluginVersion newVersion = getPluginVersion(path); qDebug() << "Version to be installed:" << newVersion; PluginInfo *plugin = pluginInfo(name); if (plugin && !(plugin->version < newVersion)) { qDebug("Apparently update is not needed, we have a more recent version"); emit pluginUpdateFailed(name, tr("A more recent version of this plugin is already installed.")); return; } // Process with install QString destPath = pluginPath(name); bool updated = false; if (QFile::exists(destPath)) { // Backup in case install fails QFile::copy(destPath, destPath + ".bak"); Utils::Fs::forceRemove(destPath); Utils::Fs::forceRemove(destPath + "c"); updated = true; } // Copy the plugin QFile::copy(path, destPath); // Update supported plugins update(); // Check if this was correctly installed if (!m_plugins.contains(name)) { // Remove broken file Utils::Fs::forceRemove(destPath); if (updated) { // restore backup QFile::copy(destPath + ".bak", destPath); Utils::Fs::forceRemove(destPath + ".bak"); // Update supported plugins update(); emit pluginUpdateFailed(name, tr("Plugin is not supported.")); } else { emit pluginInstallationFailed(name, tr("Plugin is not supported.")); } } else { // Install was successful, remove backup if (updated) Utils::Fs::forceRemove(destPath + ".bak"); } } bool SearchPluginManager::uninstallPlugin(const QString &name) { // remove it from hard drive QDir pluginsFolder(pluginsLocation()); QStringList filters; filters << name + ".*"; QStringList files = pluginsFolder.entryList(filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Unsorted); QString file; foreach (file, files) Utils::Fs::forceRemove(pluginsFolder.absoluteFilePath(file)); // Remove it from supported engines delete m_plugins.take(name); emit pluginUninstalled(name); return true; } void SearchPluginManager::updateIconPath(PluginInfo * const plugin) { if (!plugin) return; QString iconPath = QString("%1/%2.png").arg(pluginsLocation(), plugin->name); if (QFile::exists(iconPath)) { plugin->iconPath = iconPath; } else { iconPath = QString("%1/%2.ico").arg(pluginsLocation(), plugin->name); if (QFile::exists(iconPath)) plugin->iconPath = iconPath; } } void SearchPluginManager::checkForUpdates() { // Download version file from update server using namespace Net; DownloadHandler *handler = DownloadManager::instance()->downloadUrl(m_updateUrl + "versions.txt"); connect(handler, static_cast(&DownloadHandler::downloadFinished) , this, &SearchPluginManager::versionInfoDownloaded); connect(handler, &DownloadHandler::downloadFailed, this, &SearchPluginManager::versionInfoDownloadFailed); } SearchDownloadHandler *SearchPluginManager::downloadTorrent(const QString &siteUrl, const QString &url) { return new SearchDownloadHandler {siteUrl, url, this}; } SearchHandler *SearchPluginManager::startSearch(const QString &pattern, const QString &category, const QStringList &usedPlugins) { // No search pattern entered Q_ASSERT(!pattern.isEmpty()); return new SearchHandler {pattern, category, usedPlugins, this}; } QString SearchPluginManager::categoryFullName(const QString &categoryName) { return tr(m_categoryNames.value(categoryName).toUtf8().constData()); } QString SearchPluginManager::pluginFullName(const QString &pluginName) { return pluginInfo(pluginName) ? pluginInfo(pluginName)->fullName : QString(); } QString SearchPluginManager::pluginsLocation() { return QString("%1/engines").arg(engineLocation()); } QString SearchPluginManager::engineLocation() { QString folder = "nova"; if (Utils::Misc::pythonVersion() >= 3) folder = "nova3"; const QString location = Utils::Fs::expandPathAbs(specialFolderLocation(SpecialFolder::Data) + folder); QDir locationDir(location); if (!locationDir.exists()) locationDir.mkpath(locationDir.absolutePath()); return location; } void SearchPluginManager::versionInfoDownloaded(const QString &url, const QByteArray &data) { Q_UNUSED(url) parseVersionInfo(data); } void SearchPluginManager::versionInfoDownloadFailed(const QString &url, const QString &reason) { Q_UNUSED(url) emit checkForUpdatesFailed(tr("Update server is temporarily unavailable. %1").arg(reason)); } void SearchPluginManager::pluginDownloaded(const QString &url, QString filePath) { filePath = Utils::Fs::fromNativePath(filePath); QString pluginName = Utils::Fs::fileName(url); pluginName.chop(pluginName.size() - pluginName.lastIndexOf(".")); // Remove extension installPlugin_impl(pluginName, filePath); Utils::Fs::forceRemove(filePath); } void SearchPluginManager::pluginDownloadFailed(const QString &url, const QString &reason) { QString pluginName = url.split('/').last(); pluginName.replace(".py", "", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (pluginInfo(pluginName)) emit pluginUpdateFailed(pluginName, tr("Failed to download the plugin file. %1").arg(reason)); else emit pluginInstallationFailed(pluginName, tr("Failed to download the plugin file. %1").arg(reason)); } // Update nova.py search plugin if necessary void SearchPluginManager::updateNova() { qDebug("Updating nova"); // create nova directory if necessary QDir searchDir(engineLocation()); QString novaFolder = Utils::Misc::pythonVersion() >= 3 ? "searchengine/nova3" : "searchengine/nova"; QFile packageFile(searchDir.absoluteFilePath("__init__.py")); packageFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); packageFile.close(); if (!searchDir.exists("engines")) searchDir.mkdir("engines"); Utils::Fs::removeDirRecursive(searchDir.absoluteFilePath("__pycache__")); QFile packageFile2(searchDir.absolutePath() + "/engines/__init__.py"); packageFile2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); packageFile2.close(); // Copy search plugin files (if necessary) QString filePath = searchDir.absoluteFilePath("nova2.py"); if (getPluginVersion(":/" + novaFolder + "/nova2.py") > getPluginVersion(filePath)) { removePythonScriptIfExists(filePath); QFile::copy(":/" + novaFolder + "/nova2.py", filePath); } filePath = searchDir.absoluteFilePath("nova2dl.py"); if (getPluginVersion(":/" + novaFolder + "/nova2dl.py") > getPluginVersion(filePath)) { removePythonScriptIfExists(filePath); QFile::copy(":/" + novaFolder + "/nova2dl.py", filePath); } filePath = searchDir.absoluteFilePath("fix_encoding.py"); QFile::copy(":/" + novaFolder + "/fix_encoding.py", filePath); filePath = searchDir.absoluteFilePath("novaprinter.py"); if (getPluginVersion(":/" + novaFolder + "/novaprinter.py") > getPluginVersion(filePath)) { removePythonScriptIfExists(filePath); QFile::copy(":/" + novaFolder + "/novaprinter.py", filePath); } filePath = searchDir.absoluteFilePath("helpers.py"); if (getPluginVersion(":/" + novaFolder + "/helpers.py") > getPluginVersion(filePath)) { removePythonScriptIfExists(filePath); QFile::copy(":/" + novaFolder + "/helpers.py", filePath); } filePath = searchDir.absoluteFilePath("socks.py"); removePythonScriptIfExists(filePath); QFile::copy(":/" + novaFolder + "/socks.py", filePath); if (novaFolder.endsWith("nova")) { filePath = searchDir.absoluteFilePath("fix_encoding.py"); removePythonScriptIfExists(filePath); QFile::copy(":/" + novaFolder + "/fix_encoding.py", filePath); } else if (novaFolder.endsWith("nova3")) { filePath = searchDir.absoluteFilePath("sgmllib3.py"); removePythonScriptIfExists(filePath); QFile::copy(":/" + novaFolder + "/sgmllib3.py", filePath); } QDir destDir(pluginsLocation()); Utils::Fs::removeDirRecursive(destDir.absoluteFilePath("__pycache__")); } void SearchPluginManager::update() { QProcess nova; nova.setEnvironment(QProcess::systemEnvironment()); QStringList params; params << Utils::Fs::toNativePath(engineLocation() + "/nova2.py"); params << "--capabilities"; nova.start(Utils::Misc::pythonExecutable(), params, QIODevice::ReadOnly); nova.waitForStarted(); nova.waitForFinished(); QString capabilities = QString(nova.readAll()); QDomDocument xmlDoc; if (!xmlDoc.setContent(capabilities)) { qWarning() << "Could not parse Nova search engine capabilities, msg: " << capabilities.toLocal8Bit().data(); qWarning() << "Error: " << nova.readAllStandardError().constData(); return; } QDomElement root = xmlDoc.documentElement(); if (root.tagName() != "capabilities") { qWarning() << "Invalid XML file for Nova search engine capabilities, msg: " << capabilities.toLocal8Bit().data(); return; } for (QDomNode engineNode = root.firstChild(); !engineNode.isNull(); engineNode = engineNode.nextSibling()) { QDomElement engineElem = engineNode.toElement(); if (!engineElem.isNull()) { QString pluginName = engineElem.tagName(); std::unique_ptr plugin {new PluginInfo {}}; plugin->name = pluginName; plugin->version = getPluginVersion(pluginPath(pluginName)); plugin->fullName = engineElem.elementsByTagName("name").at(0).toElement().text(); plugin->url = engineElem.elementsByTagName("url").at(0).toElement().text(); foreach (QString cat, engineElem.elementsByTagName("categories").at(0).toElement().text().split(" ")) { cat = cat.trimmed(); if (!cat.isEmpty()) plugin->supportedCategories << cat; } QStringList disabledEngines = Preferences::instance()->getSearchEngDisabled(); plugin->enabled = !disabledEngines.contains(pluginName); updateIconPath(plugin.get()); if (!m_plugins.contains(pluginName)) { m_plugins[pluginName] = plugin.release(); emit pluginInstalled(pluginName); } else if (m_plugins[pluginName]->version != plugin->version) { delete m_plugins.take(pluginName); m_plugins[pluginName] = plugin.release(); emit pluginUpdated(pluginName); } } } } void SearchPluginManager::parseVersionInfo(const QByteArray &info) { qDebug("Checking if update is needed"); QHash updateInfo; bool dataCorrect = false; QList lines = info.split('\n'); foreach (QByteArray line, lines) { line = line.trimmed(); if (line.isEmpty()) continue; if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; QList list = line.split(' '); if (list.size() != 2) continue; QString pluginName = QString(list.first()); if (!pluginName.endsWith(":")) continue; pluginName.chop(1); // remove trailing ':' PluginVersion version = PluginVersion::tryParse(list.last(), {}); if (version == PluginVersion()) continue; dataCorrect = true; if (isUpdateNeeded(pluginName, version)) { qDebug("Plugin: %s is outdated", qUtf8Printable(pluginName)); updateInfo[pluginName] = version; } } if (!dataCorrect) emit checkForUpdatesFailed(tr("An incorrect update info received.")); else emit checkForUpdatesFinished(updateInfo); } bool SearchPluginManager::isUpdateNeeded(QString pluginName, PluginVersion newVersion) const { PluginInfo *plugin = pluginInfo(pluginName); if (!plugin) return true; PluginVersion oldVersion = plugin->version; qDebug() << "IsUpdate needed? to be installed:" << newVersion << ", already installed:" << oldVersion; return (newVersion > oldVersion); } QString SearchPluginManager::pluginPath(const QString &name) { return QString("%1/%2.py").arg(pluginsLocation(), name); } PluginVersion SearchPluginManager::getPluginVersion(QString filePath) { QFile plugin(filePath); if (!plugin.exists()) { qDebug("%s plugin does not exist, returning 0.0", qUtf8Printable(filePath)); return {}; } if (!plugin.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return {}; const PluginVersion invalidVersion; PluginVersion version; while (!plugin.atEnd()) { QByteArray line = plugin.readLine(); if (line.startsWith("#VERSION: ")) { line = line.split(' ').last().trimmed(); version = PluginVersion::tryParse(line, invalidVersion); if (version == invalidVersion) { LogMsg(tr("Search plugin '%1' contains invalid version string ('%2')") .arg(Utils::Fs::fileName(filePath), QString::fromUtf8(line)), Log::MsgType::WARNING); } else { qDebug() << "plugin" << filePath << "version: " << version; } break; } } return version; }