/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez, Arnaud Demaiziere * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org, arnaud@qbittorrent.org */ #ifndef RSS_H #define RSS_H // MAX ITEM A STREAM #define STREAM_MAX_ITEM 18 // FIXME: not used yet #define GLOBAL_MAX_ITEM 150 // avoid crash if too many refresh #define REFRESH_FREQ_MAX 5000 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "misc.h" #include "downloadThread.h" class RssManager; class RssStream; class RssItem; // Item of a rss stream, single information class RssItem{ private: QString title; QString link; QString description; QString image; bool read; QString downloadLink; public: // public constructor RssItem(const QDomElement& properties){ read = false; downloadLink = "none"; QDomElement property = properties.firstChild().toElement(); while(!property.isNull()) { if (property.tagName() == "title") title = property.text(); else if (property.tagName() == "link") link = property.text(); else if (property.tagName() == "description") description = property.text(); else if (property.tagName() == "image") image = property.text(); property = property.nextSibling().toElement(); } } ~RssItem(){ } QString getTitle() const{ return title; } QString getLink() const{ return link; } QString getDescription() const{ return description; } QString getImage() const{ return image; } QString getDownloadLink() const{ return downloadLink; } bool isRead() const{ return read; } void setRead(){ read = true; } }; // Rss stream, loaded form an xml file class RssStream : public QObject{ Q_OBJECT private: QString title; QString alias; QString link; QString description; QString image; QString url; QString filePath; QList listItem; downloadThread* downloader; QTime lastRefresh; signals: void refreshFinished(const QString& msg); public slots : // read and store the downloaded rss' informations void processDownloadedFile(const QString&, const QString& file_path, int return_code, const QString&) { // delete the former file if(QFile::exists(filePath)) { QFile::remove(filePath); } filePath = file_path; if(return_code){ // Download failed qDebug("(download failure) "+file_path.toUtf8()); if(QFile::exists(filePath)) { QFile::remove(file_path); } return; } openRss(); emit refreshFinished(url); } public: RssStream(const QString& _url) { url = _url; alias = url; downloader = new downloadThread(this); connect(downloader, SIGNAL(downloadFinished(const QString&, const QString&, int, const QString&)), this, SLOT(processDownloadedFile(const QString&, const QString&, int, const QString&))); downloader->downloadUrl(url); lastRefresh.start(); } ~RssStream(){ removeAllItem(); delete downloader; if(QFile::exists(filePath)) QFile::remove(filePath); } // delete all the items saved void removeAllItem() { unsigned int listSize = listItem.size(); for(unsigned int i=0; idownloadUrl(url); lastRefresh.start(); } QString getTitle() const{ return title; } QString getAlias() const{ return alias; } //prefer the RssManager::setAlias, do not save the changed ones void setAlias(const QString& _alias){ alias = _alias; } QString getLink() const{ return link; } QString getUrl() const{ return url; } QString getDescription() const{ return description; } QString getImage() const{ return image; } QString getFilePath() const{ return filePath; } RssItem* getItem(unsigned int index) const{ return listItem.at(index); } unsigned int getListSize() const{ return listItem.size(); } QList getListItem() const{ return listItem; } int getLastRefreshElapsed() const{ return lastRefresh.elapsed(); } private: // read and create items from a rss document short read(const QDomDocument& doc) { // is it a rss file ? QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if(root.tagName() == "html"){ qDebug("the file is empty, maybe the url is wrong or the server is too busy"); return -1; } else if(root.tagName() != "rss"){ qDebug("the file is not a rss stream, omitted"+root.tagName().toUtf8()); return -1; } QDomNode rss = root.firstChild(); QDomElement channel = root.firstChild().toElement(); unsigned short listsize = getListSize(); for(unsigned short i=0; igetTitle(); unsigned short listsize = getListSize(); for(unsigned short i=0; igetTitle() == firstTitle) lastindex = i; } for(unsigned short i=0; iSTREAM_MAX_ITEM) { listItem.removeAt(STREAM_MAX_ITEM); } } // existing and opening test after download short openRss(){ QDomDocument doc("Rss Seed"); QFile fileRss(filePath); if(!fileRss.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qDebug("error : open failed, no file or locked, "+filePath.toUtf8()); if(QFile::exists(filePath)) { fileRss.remove(); } return -1; } if(!doc.setContent(&fileRss)) { qDebug("can't read temp file, might be empty"); fileRss.close(); if(QFile::exists(filePath)) { fileRss.remove(); } return -1; } // start reading the xml short return_lecture = read(doc); fileRss.close(); if(QFile::exists(filePath)) { fileRss.remove(); } return return_lecture; } }; // global class, manage the whole rss stream class RssManager : public QObject{ Q_OBJECT private : QList streamList; QStringList streamListUrl; QStringList streamListAlias; signals: void streamNeedRefresh(const int&); public slots : void streamNeedRefresh(const QString& _url) { emit(streamNeedRefresh(hasStream(_url))); } public : RssManager(){ loadStreamList(); } ~RssManager(){ saveStreamList(); unsigned int streamListSize = streamList.size(); for(unsigned int i=0; isetAlias(streamListAlias.at(i)); streamList.append(stream); connect(stream, SIGNAL(refreshFinished(const QString&)), this, SLOT(streamNeedRefresh(const QString&))); } } // save the list of the rss stream for the next session void saveStreamList(){ QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent"); settings.beginGroup("Rss"); settings.setValue("streamList", streamListUrl); settings.setValue("streamAlias", streamListAlias); settings.endGroup(); } // add a stream to the manager void addStream(RssStream* stream){ if(hasStream(stream) < 0){ streamList.append(stream); streamListUrl.append(stream->getUrl()); streamListAlias.append(stream->getUrl()); connect(stream, SIGNAL(refreshFinished(const QString&)), this, SLOT(streamNeedRefresh(const QString&))); }else{ qDebug("Not adding the Rss stream because it is already in the list"); } } // add a stream to the manager void addStream(QString url){ // completion of the address if(!url.endsWith(".xml")) { if(url.endsWith("/")) { url.append("rss.xml"); } else { url.append("/rss.xml"); } } if(hasStream(url) < 0) { RssStream* stream = new RssStream(url); streamList.append(stream); streamListUrl.append(url); streamListAlias.append(url); connect(stream, SIGNAL(refreshFinished(const QString&)), this, SLOT(streamNeedRefresh(const QString&))); }else { qDebug("Not adding the Rss stream because it is already in the list"); } } // remove a stream from the manager void removeStream(RssStream* stream){ short index = hasStream(stream); if(index != -1){ delete streamList.takeAt(index); streamListUrl.removeAt(index); streamListAlias.removeAt(index); } } // remove all the streams in the manager void removeAll(){ QList newStreamList; QStringList newUrlList, newAliasList; unsigned int streamListSize = streamList.size(); for(unsigned int i=0; irefresh(); connect(getStream(i), SIGNAL(refreshFinished(const QString&)), this, SLOT(streamNeedRefresh(const QString&))); } } void refresh(int index) { if(index>=0 && indexgetLastRefreshElapsed()>REFRESH_FREQ_MAX) { getStream(index)->refresh(); connect(getStream(index), SIGNAL(refreshFinished(const QString&)), this, SLOT(streamNeedRefresh(const QString&))); } } } // return the position index of a stream, if the manager owns it int hasStream(RssStream* stream) const{ return hasStream(stream->getUrl()); } int hasStream(const QString& url) const{ return streamListUrl.indexOf(url); } RssStream* getStream(const int& index) const{ return streamList.at(index); } int getNbStream() { return streamList.size(); } //set an alias to an stream and save it for later void setAlias(int index, QString newAlias) { if(newAlias.length()>=2 && !streamListAlias.contains(newAlias, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { getStream(index)->setAlias(newAlias); streamListAlias.replace(index, newAlias); } } }; #endif