Dialog 0 0 663 586 463 389 Options -- qBittorrent 6 9 Sans Serif 12 75 false true false false Preferences Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Horizontal QTabWidget::North QTabWidget::Rounded 0 22 22 Qt::ElideLeft General :/Icons/star.png:/Icons/star.png User interface settings Language: QComboBox::AdjustToContents 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 6 true <b>Note:</b> Changes will be applied after qBittorrent is restarted. Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop Visual style: System default Plastique style (KDE like) Cleanlooks style (Gnome like) Motif style (Unix like) CDE style (Common Desktop Environment like) Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Ask for confirmation on exit when download list is not empty true Display top toolbar true Display current speed in title bar transfer lists refresh interval: 10 99999 1500 ms Qt::Horizontal 40 20 System tray icon Disable system tray icon Close to tray Minimize to tray false Start minimized Show notification balloons in tray true Qt::Vertical 623 20 Downloads :/Icons/download.png:/Icons/download.png 0 0 File system Put downloads in this folder: 6 0 6 0 ... Pre-allocate all files 0 0 When adding a torrent Display torrent content and some options true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Do not start download automatically 0 0 Folder watching Automatically download torrents present in this folder: 6 0 false false ... 0 0 Action on double click in transfer lists In download list: 0 0 0 Pause/Start torrent Open destination folder Display torrent properties Qt::Horizontal 40 20 In seeding list: Pause/Start torrent Open destination folder Display torrent properties Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Connection :/Icons/connection.png:/Icons/connection.png Listening port Port range: 1000 65525 6881 to Qt::AlignCenter 1000 65525 6889 Qt::Horizontal 20 20 Enable UPnP port mapping true Enable NAT-PMP port mapping true Global bandwidth limiting 0 45 Upload: true 0 37 Download: true 0 27 1 1000000 50 KiB/s false 0 27 1 1000000 100 KiB/s Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 623 121 Bittorrent :/Icons/bt_settings.png:/Icons/bt_settings.png Connections limit Global maximum number of connections: true true 8 2 2000 500 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Maximum number of connections per torrent: true 8 2 2000 100 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Maximum number of upload slots per torrent: true 8 500 4 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Additional Bittorrent features Enable DHT network (decentralized) true Enable Local Peer Discovery true Spoof Azureus to avoid ban (requires restart) Encryption: Enabled Forced Disabled Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Share ratio settings Desired ratio: false 8 Qt::AlignHCenter 1 1.000000000000000 10.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 1.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Remove finished torrents when their ratio reaches: false 8 Qt::AlignHCenter 1 1.000000000000000 10.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 1.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Proxy :/Icons/proxy.png:/Icons/proxy.png Search engine proxy settings Type: (None) HTTP false Proxy: false 75 QLineEdit::Normal false Port: false 65525 8080 Qt::Horizontal 21 29 false Authentication false Username: false Password: false 1000 QLineEdit::Normal false 1000 QLineEdit::Password Qt::Horizontal 40 20 true Bittorrent proxy settings Type: (None) HTTP SOCKS5 false Proxy: false 75 QLineEdit::Normal false Port: false 65525 8080 Qt::Horizontal 21 29 false Authentication false Username: false Password: false 1000 QLineEdit::Normal false 1000 QLineEdit::Password Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false 0 110 Affected connections 0 0 Use proxy for connections to trackers true 0 0 Use proxy for connections to regular peers true 0 0 Use proxy for DHT messages true 0 0 Use proxy for connections to web seeds true Misc :/Icons/configure.png:/Icons/configure.png true Filter Settings Activate IP Filtering :/Icons/filter.png:/Icons/filter.png false Filter file path: false false ... RSS Enable RSS support false RSS settings 48 48 48 48 :/Icons/rss32.png true RSS feeds refresh interval: 1 999999 5 minutes Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Maximum number of articles per feed: 9999 50 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Torrent queueing Enable queueing system false Maximum active downloads: false 1 999 3 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false Maximum active torrents: false 1 999 5 Qt::Horizontal 381 20 Qt::Vertical 623 20 Web UI :/Icons/password.png:/Icons/password.png true Enable Web User Interface true true HTTP Server true Port: true 65525 80 Qt::Horizontal 21 29 true Authentication true Username: true Password: true 1000 QLineEdit::Normal true 1000 QLineEdit::Password Qt::Horizontal 198 57 Qt::Vertical 623 41 6 0 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok true tabOption comboI18n comboStyle checkConfirmExit checkSpeedInTitle spinRefreshInterval checkNoSystray checkCloseToSystray checkMinimizeToSysTray checkStartMinimized checkSystrayBalloons textSavePath browseSaveDirButton checkPreallocateAll checkAdditionDialog checkStartPaused checkScanDir browseScanDirButton actionTorrentDlOnDblClBox actionTorrentFnOnDblClBox spinPortMin spinPortMax checkUPnP checkNATPMP checkMaxConnecs spinMaxConnec checkMaxConnecsPerTorrent spinMaxConnecPerTorrent checkMaxUploadsPerTorrent spinMaxUploadsPerTorrent checkDHT checkLSD comboEncryption checkRatioLimit spinRatio checkRatioRemove spinMaxRatio checkIPFilter textFilterPath browseFilterButton spinRSSRefresh spinRSSMaxArticlesPerFeed checkWebUi spinWebUiPort textWebUiUsername textWebUiPassword buttonBox