qBittorrent - A BitTorrent client in C++ / Qt4

make && make install

will install and execute qBittorrent hopefully without any problems.

- Qt >= 4.4.0 (libqt-devel, libqtgui, libqtcore, libqtnetwork, libqtxml)

- libtorrent-rasterbar by Arvid Norberg (>= 0.14.0 REQUIRED, >= v0.15.0 ADVISED)
    -> http://www.qbittorrent.org/download.php (advised)
    -> http://www.libtorrent.net
    Be careful: another library (the one used by rTorrent) uses a similar name.

- libboost: libboost-filesystem, libboost-date-time, libboost-thread, libboost-serialization

- python >= 2.3 (needed by search engine)

- libnotify >= 0.4.2, glib-2.0 (optional)
  * Can be used for system notifications to replace standard Qt notifications
    so that it integrates better into the Desktop

Please note that there is a documentation with a "compiling howto" at http://wiki.qbittorrent.org.

Christophe Dumez <chris@qbittorrent.org>