/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Ishan Arora and Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #include "eventmanager.h" #include "bittorrent.h" #include "misc.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "proplistdelegate.h" #include "torrentpersistentdata.h" #include EventManager::EventManager(QObject *parent, Bittorrent *BTSession) : QObject(parent), BTSession(BTSession) { } QList EventManager::getEventList() const { return event_list.values(); } QList EventManager::getPropTrackersInfo(QString hash) const { QList trackersInfo; QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) { QHash trackers_data = BTSession->getTrackersInfo(hash); std::vector vect_trackers = h.trackers(); std::vector::iterator it; for(it = vect_trackers.begin(); it != vect_trackers.end(); it++) { QVariantMap tracker; QString tracker_url = misc::toQString(it->url); tracker["url"] = tracker_url; TrackerInfos data = trackers_data.value(tracker_url, TrackerInfos(tracker_url)); QString error_message = data.last_message.trimmed(); #ifdef LIBTORRENT_0_15 if(it->verified) { tracker["status"] = tr("Working"); } else { if(it->updating && it->fails == 0) { tracker["status"] = tr("Updating..."); } else { if(it->fails > 0) { tracker["status"] = tr("Not working"); } else { tracker["status"] = tr("Not contacted yet"); } } } #else if(data.verified) { tracker["status"] = tr("Working"); } else { if(data.fail_count > 0) tracker["status"] = tr("Not working"); else tracker["status"] = tr("Not contacted yet"); } #endif tracker["num_peers"] = QString::number(trackers_data.value(tracker_url, TrackerInfos(tracker_url)).num_peers); tracker["msg"] = error_message; trackersInfo << tracker; } } return trackersInfo; } QList EventManager::getPropFilesInfo(QString hash) const { QList files; QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(!h.is_valid()) return files; std::vector priorities = h.file_priorities(); std::vector fp; h.file_progress(fp); torrent_info t = h.get_torrent_info(); torrent_info::file_iterator fi; int i=0; for(fi=t.begin_files(); fi != t.end_files(); fi++) { QVariantMap file; if(h.num_files() == 1) { file["name"] = h.name(); } else { QString path = QDir::cleanPath(misc::toQString(fi->path.string())); QString name = path.split('/').last(); file["name"] = name; } file["size"] = misc::friendlyUnit((double)fi->size); if(fi->size > 0) file["progress"] = fp[i]/(double)fi->size; else file["progress"] = 1.; // Empty file... file["priority"] = priorities[i]; files << file; ++i; } return files; } QVariantMap EventManager::getGlobalPreferences() const { QVariantMap data; data["dl_limit"] = Preferences::getGlobalDownloadLimit(); data["up_limit"] = Preferences::getGlobalUploadLimit(); data["dht"] = Preferences::isDHTEnabled(); data["max_connec"] = Preferences::getMaxConnecs(); data["max_connec_per_torrent"] = Preferences::getMaxConnecsPerTorrent(); data["max_uploads_per_torrent"] = Preferences::getMaxUploadsPerTorrent(); return data; } QVariantMap EventManager::getPropGeneralInfo(QString hash) const { QVariantMap data; QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) { // Save path data["save_path"] = TorrentPersistentData::getSavePath(hash); // Creation date data["creation_date"] = h.creation_date(); // Comment data["comment"] = h.comment(); data["total_wasted"] = misc::friendlyUnit(h.total_failed_bytes()+h.total_redundant_bytes()); data["total_uploaded"] = misc::friendlyUnit(h.all_time_upload()) + " ("+misc::friendlyUnit(h.total_payload_upload())+" "+tr("this session")+")"; data["total_downloaded"] = misc::friendlyUnit(h.all_time_download()) + " ("+misc::friendlyUnit(h.total_payload_download())+" "+tr("this session")+")"; if(h.upload_limit() <= 0) data["up_limit"] = QString::fromUtf8("∞"); else data["up_limit"] = misc::friendlyUnit(h.upload_limit())+tr("/s", "/second (i.e. per second)"); if(h.download_limit() <= 0) data["dl_limit"] = QString::fromUtf8("∞"); else data["dl_limit"] = misc::friendlyUnit(h.download_limit())+tr("/s", "/second (i.e. per second)"); QString elapsed_txt = misc::userFriendlyDuration(h.active_time()); if(h.is_seed()) { elapsed_txt += " ("+tr("Seeded for %1", "e.g. Seeded for 3m10s").arg(misc::userFriendlyDuration(h.seeding_time()))+")"; } data["time_elapsed"] = elapsed_txt; data["nb_connections"] = QString::number(h.num_connections())+" ("+tr("%1 max", "e.g. 10 max").arg(QString::number(h.connections_limit()))+")"; // Update ratio info double ratio = BTSession->getRealRatio(h.hash()); if(ratio > 100.) data["share_ratio"] = QString::fromUtf8("∞"); else data["share_ratio"] = QString(QByteArray::number(ratio, 'f', 1)); } return data; } void EventManager::addedTorrent(QTorrentHandle& h) { modifiedTorrent(h); } void EventManager::deletedTorrent(QString hash) { event_list.remove(hash); } void EventManager::modifiedTorrent(QTorrentHandle h) { QString hash = h.hash(); QVariantMap event; event["eta"] = QVariant(QString::fromUtf8("∞")); if(h.is_paused()) { if(h.is_seed()) event["state"] = QVariant("pausedUP"); else event["state"] = QVariant("pausedDL"); } else { if(BTSession->isQueueingEnabled() && h.is_queued()) { if(h.is_seed()) event["state"] = QVariant("queuedUP"); else event["state"] = QVariant("queuedDL"); } else { switch(h.state()) { case torrent_status::finished: case torrent_status::seeding: if(h.upload_payload_rate() > 0) { event["state"] = QVariant("uploading"); } else { event["state"] = QVariant("stalledUP"); } break; case torrent_status::allocating: case torrent_status::checking_files: case torrent_status::queued_for_checking: case torrent_status::checking_resume_data: if(h.is_seed()) { event["state"] = QVariant("checkingUP"); } else { event["state"] = QVariant("checkingDL"); } break; case torrent_status::downloading: case torrent_status::downloading_metadata: if(h.download_payload_rate() > 0) event["state"] = QVariant("downloading"); else event["state"] = QVariant("stalledDL"); event["eta"] = misc::userFriendlyDuration(BTSession->getETA(hash)); break; default: qDebug("No status, should not happen!!! status is %d", h.state()); event["state"] = QVariant(); } } } event["name"] = QVariant(h.name()); event["size"] = QVariant(misc::friendlyUnit(h.actual_size())); event["progress"] = QVariant(h.progress()); event["dlspeed"] = QVariant(tr("%1/s", "e.g. 120 KiB/s").arg(misc::friendlyUnit(h.download_payload_rate()))); if(BTSession->isQueueingEnabled()) { if(h.queue_position() >= 0) event["priority"] = QVariant(QString::number(h.queue_position())); else event["priority"] = "*"; } else { event["priority"] = "*"; } event["upspeed"] = QVariant(tr("%1/s", "e.g. 120 KiB/s").arg(misc::friendlyUnit(h.upload_payload_rate()))); QString seeds = QString::number(h.num_seeds()); if(h.num_complete() > 0) seeds += " ("+QString::number(h.num_complete())+")"; event["num_seeds"] = QVariant(seeds); QString leechs = QString::number(h.num_peers()-h.num_seeds()); if(h.num_incomplete() > 0) leechs += " ("+QString::number(h.num_incomplete())+")"; event["num_leechs"] = QVariant(leechs); event["seed"] = QVariant(h.is_seed()); double ratio = BTSession->getRealRatio(hash); if(ratio > 100.) event["ratio"] = QString::fromUtf8("∞"); else event["ratio"] = QVariant(QString::number(ratio, 'f', 1)); event["hash"] = QVariant(hash); event_list[hash] = event; }