/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2010 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/preferences.h" #include "base/bittorrent/session.h" #include "base/rss/rssdownloadrulelist.h" #include "base/rss/rssmanager.h" #include "base/rss/rssfolder.h" #include "base/rss/rssfeed.h" #include "base/utils/fs.h" #include "base/utils/string.h" #include "guiiconprovider.h" #include "autoexpandabledialog.h" #include "ui_automatedrssdownloader.h" #include "automatedrssdownloader.h" AutomatedRssDownloader::AutomatedRssDownloader(const QWeakPointer &manager, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::AutomatedRssDownloader), m_manager(manager), m_editedRule(0) { ui->setupUi(this); // Icons ui->removeRuleBtn->setIcon(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("list-remove")); ui->addRuleBtn->setIcon(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("list-add")); // Ui Settings ui->listRules->setSortingEnabled(true); ui->listRules->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); ui->treeMatchingArticles->setSortingEnabled(true); ui->hsplitter->setCollapsible(0, false); ui->hsplitter->setCollapsible(1, false); ui->hsplitter->setCollapsible(2, true); // Only the preview list is collapsible bool ok; Q_UNUSED(ok); ok = connect(ui->checkRegex, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(updateFieldsToolTips(bool))); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->listRules, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(displayRulesListMenu(const QPoint&))); Q_ASSERT(ok); m_ruleList = manager.toStrongRef()->downloadRules(); m_editableRuleList = new Rss::DownloadRuleList; // Read rule list from disk m_episodeRegex = new QRegExp("^(^[1-9]{1,1}\\d{0,3}x([1-9]{1,1}\\d{0,3}(-([1-9]{1,1}\\d{0,3})?)?;){1,}){1,1}", Qt::CaseInsensitive); m_episodeValidator = new QRegExpValidator(*m_episodeRegex, ui->lineEFilter); ui->lineEFilter->setValidator(m_episodeValidator); QString tip = "

" + tr("Matches articles based on episode filter.") + "

" + tr("Example: ") + "1x2;8-15;5;30-;" + tr(" will match 2, 5, 8 through 15, 30 and onward episodes of season one", "example X will match") + "

"; tip += "

" + tr("Episode filter rules: ") + "

  • " + tr("Season number is a mandatory non-zero value") + "
  • " + "
  • " + tr("Episode number is a mandatory non-zero value") + "
  • " + "
  • " + tr("Filter must end with semicolon") + "
  • " + "
  • " + tr("Three range types for episodes are supported: ") + "
  • " + "
    • " "
    • " + tr("Single number: 1x25; matches episode 25 of season one") + "
    • " + "
    • " + tr("Normal range: 1x25-40; matches episodes 25 through 40 of season one") + "
    • " + "
    • " + tr("Infinite range: 1x25-; matches episodes 25 and upward of season one") + "
    • " + "
"; ui->lineEFilter->setToolTip(tip); initCategoryCombobox(); loadFeedList(); loadSettings(); ok = connect(ui->listRules, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), SLOT(updateRuleDefinitionBox())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->listRules, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), SLOT(updateFeedList())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->listFeeds, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QListWidgetItem *)), SLOT(handleFeedCheckStateChange(QListWidgetItem *))); Q_ASSERT(ok); // Update matching articles when necessary ok = connect(ui->lineContains, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), SLOT(updateMatchingArticles())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->lineContains, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), SLOT(updateMustLineValidity())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->lineNotContains, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), SLOT(updateMatchingArticles())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->lineNotContains, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), SLOT(updateMustNotLineValidity())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->checkRegex, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(updateMatchingArticles())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->checkRegex, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(updateMustLineValidity())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->checkRegex, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(updateMustNotLineValidity())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(onFinished(int))); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->lineEFilter, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), SLOT(updateMatchingArticles())); Q_ASSERT(ok); editHotkey = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("F2"), ui->listRules, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); ok = connect(editHotkey, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(renameSelectedRule())); Q_ASSERT(ok); ok = connect(ui->listRules, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(renameSelectedRule())); Q_ASSERT(ok); deleteHotkey = new QShortcut(QKeySequence::Delete, ui->listRules, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); ok = connect(deleteHotkey, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(on_removeRuleBtn_clicked())); Q_ASSERT(ok); updateRuleDefinitionBox(); updateFeedList(); } AutomatedRssDownloader::~AutomatedRssDownloader() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; delete editHotkey; delete deleteHotkey; delete ui; delete m_editableRuleList; delete m_episodeValidator; delete m_episodeRegex; } void AutomatedRssDownloader::loadSettings() { // load dialog geometry const Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); restoreGeometry(pref->getRssGeometry()); ui->checkEnableDownloader->setChecked(pref->isRssDownloadingEnabled()); ui->hsplitter->restoreState(pref->getRssHSplitterSizes()); // Display download rules loadRulesList(); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::saveSettings() { Preferences::instance()->setRssDownloadingEnabled(ui->checkEnableDownloader->isChecked()); // Save dialog geometry Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); pref->setRssGeometry(saveGeometry()); pref->setRssHSplitterSizes(ui->hsplitter->saveState()); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::loadRulesList() { // Make sure we save the current item before clearing if (m_editedRule) saveEditedRule(); ui->listRules->clear(); foreach (const QString &rule_name, m_editableRuleList->ruleNames()) { QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(rule_name, ui->listRules); item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); if (m_editableRuleList->getRule(rule_name)->isEnabled()) item->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); else item->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } if (( ui->listRules->count() > 0) && !ui->listRules->currentItem()) ui->listRules->setCurrentRow(0); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::loadFeedList() { const Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); const QStringList feed_aliases = pref->getRssFeedsAliases(); const QStringList feed_urls = pref->getRssFeedsUrls(); QStringList existing_urls; for (int i = 0; ilistFeeds); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, feed_url); item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); existing_urls << feed_url; } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateFeedList() { disconnect(ui->listFeeds, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QListWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(handleFeedCheckStateChange(QListWidgetItem *))); for (int i = 0; ilistFeeds->count(); ++i) { QListWidgetItem *item = ui->listFeeds->item(i); const QString feed_url = item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString(); bool all_enabled = false; foreach (const QListWidgetItem *ruleItem, ui->listRules->selectedItems()) { Rss::DownloadRulePtr rule = m_editableRuleList->getRule(ruleItem->text()); if (!rule) continue; qDebug() << "Rule" << rule->name() << "affects" << rule->rssFeeds().size() << "feeds."; foreach (QString test, rule->rssFeeds()) qDebug() << "Feed is " << test; if (rule->rssFeeds().contains(feed_url)) { qDebug() << "Rule " << rule->name() << " affects feed " << feed_url; all_enabled = true; } else { qDebug() << "Rule " << rule->name() << " does NOT affect feed " << feed_url; all_enabled = false; break; } } if (all_enabled) item->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); else item->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } ui->listFeeds->setEnabled(!ui->listRules->selectedItems().isEmpty()); connect(ui->listFeeds, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QListWidgetItem *)), SLOT(handleFeedCheckStateChange(QListWidgetItem *))); updateMatchingArticles(); } bool AutomatedRssDownloader::isRssDownloaderEnabled() const { return ui->checkEnableDownloader->isChecked(); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateRuleDefinitionBox() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; // Save previous rule first saveEditedRule(); // Update rule definition box const QList selection = ui->listRules->selectedItems(); if (selection.count() == 1) { m_editedRule = selection.first(); Rss::DownloadRulePtr rule = getCurrentRule(); if (rule) { ui->lineContains->setText(rule->mustContain()); ui->lineNotContains->setText(rule->mustNotContain()); QString ep = rule->episodeFilter(); if (!ep.isEmpty()) ui->lineEFilter->setText(ep); else ui->lineEFilter->clear(); ui->saveDiffDir_check->setChecked(!rule->savePath().isEmpty()); ui->lineSavePath->setText(Utils::Fs::toNativePath(rule->savePath())); ui->checkRegex->blockSignals(true); ui->checkRegex->setChecked(rule->useRegex()); ui->checkRegex->blockSignals(false); if (rule->category().isEmpty()) { ui->comboCategory->setCurrentIndex(-1); ui->comboCategory->clearEditText(); } else { ui->comboCategory->setCurrentIndex(ui->comboCategory->findText(rule->category())); } ui->comboAddPaused->setCurrentIndex(rule->addPaused()); ui->spinIgnorePeriod->setValue(rule->ignoreDays()); QDateTime dateTime = rule->lastMatch(); QString lMatch; if (dateTime.isValid()) lMatch = tr("Last Match: %1 days ago").arg(dateTime.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime())); else lMatch = tr("Last Match: Unknown"); ui->lblLastMatch->setText(lMatch); updateMustLineValidity(); updateMustNotLineValidity(); } else { // New rule clearRuleDefinitionBox(); ui->lineContains->setText(selection.first()->text()); ui->comboAddPaused->setCurrentIndex(0); } updateFieldsToolTips(ui->checkRegex->isChecked()); // Enable ui->ruleDefBox->setEnabled(true); } else { m_editedRule = 0; // Clear clearRuleDefinitionBox(); ui->ruleDefBox->setEnabled(false); } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::clearRuleDefinitionBox() { ui->lineContains->clear(); ui->lineNotContains->clear(); ui->saveDiffDir_check->setChecked(false); ui->lineSavePath->clear(); ui->comboCategory->clearEditText(); ui->checkRegex->setChecked(false); ui->spinIgnorePeriod->setValue(0); updateFieldsToolTips(ui->checkRegex->isChecked()); updateMustLineValidity(); updateMustNotLineValidity(); } Rss::DownloadRulePtr AutomatedRssDownloader::getCurrentRule() const { QListWidgetItem *current_item = ui->listRules->currentItem(); if (current_item) return m_editableRuleList->getRule(current_item->text()); return Rss::DownloadRulePtr(); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::initCategoryCombobox() { // Load torrent categories QStringList categories = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->categories(); std::sort(categories.begin(), categories.end(), Utils::String::naturalCompareCaseInsensitive); ui->comboCategory->addItems(categories); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::saveEditedRule() { if (!m_editedRule) return; qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << m_editedRule; if (ui->listRules->findItems(m_editedRule->text(), Qt::MatchExactly).isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Could not find rule" << m_editedRule->text() << "in the UI list"; qDebug() << "Probably removed the item, no need to save it"; return; } Rss::DownloadRulePtr rule = m_editableRuleList->getRule(m_editedRule->text()); if (!rule) { rule = Rss::DownloadRulePtr(new Rss::DownloadRule); rule->setName(m_editedRule->text()); } if (m_editedRule->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked) rule->setEnabled(false); else rule->setEnabled(true); rule->setUseRegex(ui->checkRegex->isChecked()); rule->setMustContain(ui->lineContains->text()); rule->setMustNotContain(ui->lineNotContains->text()); rule->setEpisodeFilter(ui->lineEFilter->text()); if (ui->saveDiffDir_check->isChecked()) rule->setSavePath(ui->lineSavePath->text()); else rule->setSavePath(""); rule->setCategory(ui->comboCategory->currentText()); rule->setAddPaused(Rss::DownloadRule::AddPausedState(ui->comboAddPaused->currentIndex())); rule->setIgnoreDays(ui->spinIgnorePeriod->value()); // rule->setRssFeeds(getSelectedFeeds()); // Save it m_editableRuleList->saveRule(rule); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_addRuleBtn_clicked() { // Ask for a rule name const QString rule_name = AutoExpandableDialog::getText(this, tr("New rule name"), tr("Please type the name of the new download rule.")); if (rule_name.isEmpty()) return; // Check if this rule name already exists if (m_editableRuleList->getRule(rule_name)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rule name conflict"), tr("A rule with this name already exists, please choose another name.")); return; } // Add the new rule to the list QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(rule_name, ui->listRules); item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); item->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); // Enable as a default ui->listRules->clearSelection(); ui->listRules->setCurrentItem(item); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_removeRuleBtn_clicked() { const QList selection = ui->listRules->selectedItems(); if (selection.isEmpty()) return; // Ask for confirmation QString confirm_text; if (selection.count() == 1) confirm_text = tr("Are you sure you want to remove the download rule named '%1'?").arg(selection.first()->text()); else confirm_text = tr("Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules?"); if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Rule deletion confirmation"), confirm_text, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes) return; foreach (QListWidgetItem *item, selection) { // Actually remove the item ui->listRules->removeItemWidget(item); const QString rule_name = item->text(); // Clean up memory delete item; qDebug("Removed item for the UI list"); // Remove it from the m_editableRuleList m_editableRuleList->removeRule(rule_name); } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_browseSP_clicked() { QString save_path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Destination directory"), QDir::homePath()); if (!save_path.isEmpty()) ui->lineSavePath->setText(Utils::Fs::toNativePath(save_path)); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_exportBtn_clicked() { if (m_editableRuleList->isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid action"), tr("The list is empty, there is nothing to export.")); return; } // Ask for a save path QString save_path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Where would you like to save the list?"), QDir::homePath(), tr("Rules list (*.rssrules)")); if (save_path.isEmpty()) return; if (!save_path.endsWith(".rssrules", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) save_path += ".rssrules"; if (!m_editableRuleList->serialize(save_path)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("I/O Error"), tr("Failed to create the destination file")); return; } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::on_importBtn_clicked() { // Ask for filter path QString load_path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Please point to the RSS download rules file"), QDir::homePath(), tr("Rules list") + QString(" (*.rssrules *.filters)")); if (load_path.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(load_path)) return; // Load it if (!m_editableRuleList->unserialize(load_path)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Import Error"), tr("Failed to import the selected rules file")); return; } // Reload the rule list loadRulesList(); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::displayRulesListMenu(const QPoint &pos) { Q_UNUSED(pos); QMenu menu; QAction *addAct = menu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("list-add"), tr("Add new rule...")); QAction *delAct = 0; QAction *renameAct = 0; const QList selection = ui->listRules->selectedItems(); if (!selection.isEmpty()) { if (selection.count() == 1) { delAct = menu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("list-remove"), tr("Delete rule")); menu.addSeparator(); renameAct = menu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("edit-rename"), tr("Rename rule...")); } else { delAct = menu.addAction(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("list-remove"), tr("Delete selected rules")); } } QAction *act = menu.exec(QCursor::pos()); if (!act) return; if (act == addAct) { on_addRuleBtn_clicked(); return; } if (act == delAct) { on_removeRuleBtn_clicked(); return; } if (act == renameAct) { renameSelectedRule(); return; } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::renameSelectedRule() { const QList selection = ui->listRules->selectedItems(); if (selection.isEmpty()) return; QListWidgetItem *item = selection.first(); forever { QString new_name = AutoExpandableDialog::getText(this, tr("Rule renaming"), tr("Please type the new rule name"), QLineEdit::Normal, item->text()); new_name = new_name.trimmed(); if (new_name.isEmpty()) return; if (m_editableRuleList->ruleNames().contains(new_name, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rule name conflict"), tr("A rule with this name already exists, please choose another name.")); } else { // Rename the rule m_editableRuleList->renameRule(item->text(), new_name); item->setText(new_name); return; } } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::handleFeedCheckStateChange(QListWidgetItem *feed_item) { if (ui->ruleDefBox->isEnabled()) // Make sure the current rule is saved saveEditedRule(); const QString feed_url = feed_item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString(); foreach (QListWidgetItem *rule_item, ui->listRules->selectedItems()) { Rss::DownloadRulePtr rule = m_editableRuleList->getRule(rule_item->text()); Q_ASSERT(rule); QStringList affected_feeds = rule->rssFeeds(); if (feed_item->checkState() == Qt::Checked) { if (!affected_feeds.contains(feed_url)) affected_feeds << feed_url; } else if (affected_feeds.contains(feed_url)) affected_feeds.removeOne(feed_url); // Save the updated rule if (affected_feeds.size() != rule->rssFeeds().size()) { rule->setRssFeeds(affected_feeds); m_editableRuleList->saveRule(rule); } } // Update Matching articles updateMatchingArticles(); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMatchingArticles() { ui->treeMatchingArticles->clear(); Rss::ManagerPtr manager = m_manager.toStrongRef(); if (!manager) return; const QHash all_feeds = manager->rootFolder()->getAllFeedsAsHash(); saveEditedRule(); foreach (const QListWidgetItem *rule_item, ui->listRules->selectedItems()) { Rss::DownloadRulePtr rule = m_editableRuleList->getRule(rule_item->text()); if (!rule) continue; foreach (const QString &feed_url, rule->rssFeeds()) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << feed_url; if (!all_feeds.contains(feed_url)) continue; // Feed was removed Rss::FeedPtr feed = all_feeds.value(feed_url); Q_ASSERT(feed); if (!feed) continue; const QStringList matching_articles = rule->findMatchingArticles(feed); if (!matching_articles.isEmpty()) addFeedArticlesToTree(feed, matching_articles); } } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::addFeedArticlesToTree(const Rss::FeedPtr &feed, const QStringList &articles) { // Check if this feed is already in the tree QTreeWidgetItem *treeFeedItem = 0; for (int i = 0; itreeMatchingArticles->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->treeMatchingArticles->topLevelItem(i); if (item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString() == feed->url()) { treeFeedItem = item; break; } } // If there is none, create it if (!treeFeedItem) { treeFeedItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList() << feed->displayName()); treeFeedItem->setToolTip(0, feed->displayName()); QFont f = treeFeedItem->font(0); f.setBold(true); treeFeedItem->setFont(0, f); treeFeedItem->setData(0, Qt::DecorationRole, GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("inode-directory")); treeFeedItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, feed->url()); ui->treeMatchingArticles->addTopLevelItem(treeFeedItem); } // Insert the articles foreach (const QString &art, articles) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList() << art); item->setToolTip(0, art); treeFeedItem->addChild(item); } ui->treeMatchingArticles->expandItem(treeFeedItem); } void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateFieldsToolTips(bool regex) { QString tip; if (regex) { tip = "

" + tr("Regex mode: use Perl-like regular expressions") + "

"; ui->lineContains->setToolTip(tip); ui->lineNotContains->setToolTip(tip); } else { tip = "

" + tr("Wildcard mode: you can use") + "

    " + "
  • " + tr("? to match any single character") + "
  • " + "
  • " + tr("* to match zero or more of any characters") + "
  • " + "
  • " + tr("Whitespaces count as AND operators (all words, any order)") + "
  • " + "
  • " + tr("| is used as OR operator") + "

" + "

" + tr("If word order is important use * instead of whitespace.") + "

"; ui->lineContains->setToolTip(tip); ui->lineNotContains->setToolTip(tip); } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMustLineValidity() { const QString text = ui->lineContains->text(); bool valid = true; QStringList tokens; if (ui->checkRegex->isChecked()) tokens << text; else tokens << text.split(" "); foreach (const QString &token, tokens) { QRegExp reg(token, Qt::CaseInsensitive, ui->checkRegex->isChecked() ? QRegExp::RegExp : QRegExp::Wildcard); if (!reg.isValid()) { valid = false; break; } } if (valid) { ui->lineContains->setStyleSheet(""); ui->lbl_must_stat->setPixmap(QPixmap()); } else { ui->lineContains->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { color: #ff0000; }"); ui->lbl_must_stat->setPixmap(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("task-attention").pixmap(16, 16)); } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::updateMustNotLineValidity() { const QString text = ui->lineNotContains->text(); bool valid = true; QStringList tokens; if (ui->checkRegex->isChecked()) tokens << text; else tokens << text.split("|"); foreach (const QString &token, tokens) { QRegExp reg(token, Qt::CaseInsensitive, ui->checkRegex->isChecked() ? QRegExp::RegExp : QRegExp::Wildcard); if (!reg.isValid()) { valid = false; break; } } if (valid) { ui->lineNotContains->setStyleSheet(""); ui->lbl_mustnot_stat->setPixmap(QPixmap()); } else { ui->lineNotContains->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { color: #ff0000; }"); ui->lbl_mustnot_stat->setPixmap(GuiIconProvider::instance()->getIcon("task-attention").pixmap(16, 16)); } } void AutomatedRssDownloader::onFinished(int result) { Q_UNUSED(result); // Save current item on exit saveEditedRule(); m_ruleList->replace(m_editableRuleList); m_ruleList->saveRulesToStorage(); saveSettings(); }