/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #ifndef __BITTORRENT_H__ #define __BITTORRENT_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qtorrenthandle.h" using namespace libtorrent; class downloadThread; class QTimer; class QFileSystemWatcher; class QMutex; class FilterParserThread; class bittorrent : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: session *s; QPointer FSWatcher; QMutex* FSMutex; QPointer timerAlerts; QPointer BigRatioTimer; bool DHTEnabled; QPointer downloader; QString defaultSavePath; QHash > trackersErrors; QStringList consoleMessages; QStringList peerBanMessages; bool preAllocateAll; bool addInPause; int maxConnecsPerTorrent; int maxUploadsPerTorrent; float max_ratio; bool UPnPEnabled; bool NATPMPEnabled; bool LSDEnabled; QPointer filterParser; QString filterPath; bool queueingEnabled; QStringList url_skippingDlg; protected: QString getSavePath(QString hash); public: // Constructor / Destructor bittorrent(); ~bittorrent(); QTorrentHandle getTorrentHandle(QString hash) const; std::vector getTorrents() const; bool isFilePreviewPossible(QString fileHash) const; bool isDHTEnabled() const; float getPayloadDownloadRate() const; float getPayloadUploadRate() const; session_status getSessionStatus() const; int getListenPort() const; float getRealRatio(QString hash) const; session* getSession() const; QHash getTrackersErrors(QString hash) const; bool has_filtered_files(QString hash) const; unsigned int getFinishedPausedTorrentsNb() const; unsigned int getUnfinishedPausedTorrentsNb() const; bool isQueueingEnabled() const; int getDlTorrentPriority(QString hash) const; int getUpTorrentPriority(QString hash) const; int getMaximumActiveDownloads() const; int getMaximumActiveTorrents() const; int loadTorrentPriority(QString hash); QStringList getConsoleMessages() const; QStringList getPeerBanMessages() const; float getUncheckedTorrentProgress(QString hash) const; qlonglong getETA(QString hash) const; public slots: void addTorrent(QString path, bool fromScanDir = false, QString from_url = QString(), bool resumed = false); void loadSessionState(); void saveSessionState(); void downloadFromUrl(QString url); void downloadFromURLList(const QStringList& url_list); void deleteTorrent(QString hash, bool permanent = false); /* Needed by Web UI */ void pauseAllTorrents(); void resumeAllTorrents(); void pauseTorrent(QString hash); void resumeTorrent(QString hash); /* End Web UI */ void saveDHTEntry(); void preAllocateAllFiles(bool b); void saveFastResumeData(); void saveFastResumeData(QString hash); void enableDirectoryScanning(QString scan_dir); void disableDirectoryScanning(); void enableIPFilter(QString filter); void disableIPFilter(); void setQueueingEnabled(bool enable); void resumeUnfinishedTorrents(); void saveTorrentSpeedLimits(QString hash); void loadTorrentSpeedLimits(QString hash); void handleDownloadFailure(QString url, QString reason); void loadWebSeeds(QString fileHash); void increaseDlTorrentPriority(QString hash); void decreaseDlTorrentPriority(QString hash); void downloadUrlAndSkipDialog(QString); // Session configuration - Setters void setListeningPortsRange(std::pair ports); void setMaxConnections(int maxConnec); void setMaxConnectionsPerTorrent(int max); void setMaxUploadsPerTorrent(int max); void setDownloadRateLimit(long rate); void setUploadRateLimit(long rate); void setGlobalRatio(float ratio); void setDeleteRatio(float ratio); void setDHTPort(int dht_port); void setProxySettings(proxy_settings proxySettings, bool trackers=true, bool peers=true, bool web_seeds=true, bool dht=true); void setSessionSettings(session_settings sessionSettings); void startTorrentsInPause(bool b); void setDefaultSavePath(QString savepath); void applyEncryptionSettings(pe_settings se); void loadFilesPriorities(QTorrentHandle& h); void setDownloadLimit(QString hash, long val); void setUploadLimit(QString hash, long val); void enableUPnP(bool b); void enableNATPMP(bool b); void enableLSD(bool b); bool enableDHT(bool b); void addConsoleMessage(QString msg, QColor color=QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::WindowText)); void addPeerBanMessage(QString msg, bool from_ipfilter); protected slots: void scanDirectory(QString); void readAlerts(); void processDownloadedFile(QString, QString); bool loadTrackerFile(QString hash); void saveTrackerFile(QString hash); void deleteBigRatios(); signals: void addedTorrent(QTorrentHandle& h); void deletedTorrent(QString hash); void finishedTorrent(QTorrentHandle& h); void fullDiskError(QTorrentHandle& h); void trackerError(QString hash, QString time, QString msg); void trackerAuthenticationRequired(QTorrentHandle& h); void newDownloadedTorrent(QString path, QString url); void updateFileSize(QString hash); void downloadFromUrlFailure(QString url, QString reason); void torrentFinishedChecking(QTorrentHandle& h); }; #endif