AboutDialogAbout qBittorrentUm qBittorrentAboutUmAuthorHöfundurAuthorsCurrent maintainerNúverandi umsjónarmaðurGreeceGrikklandNationality:E-mail:TölvupósturName:Nafn:Original authorUpprunalegur höfundurFranceFrakklandSpecial ThanksTranslatorsLicenseLeyfiSoftware UsedqBittorrent was built with the following libraries:An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar.Copyright %1 2006-2022 The qBittorrent projectHome Page:Forum:Bug Tracker:The free IP to Country Lite database by DB-IP is used for resolving the countries of peers. The database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseAboutDlgAbout qBittorrentUm qBittorrentAboutUmAuthorHöfundurName:Nafn:E-mail:TölvupósturGreeceGrikklandCurrent maintainerNúverandi umsjónarmaðurOriginal authorUpprunalegur höfundurFranceFrakklandLicenseLeyfiAbstractFileStorageThe old path is invalid: '%1'.The new path is invalid: '%1'.Absolute path isn't allowed: '%1'.The file already exists: '%1'.No such file: '%1'.The folder already exists: '%1'.No such folder: '%1'.AddNewTorrentDialogSave atBrowse...Skoða...Set as default save pathSetja sem sjálfgefna vistunar slóðNever show againAldrei sýna afturTorrent settingsTorrent stillingarSet as default categoryCategory:Start torrentSetja í gang torrentTorrent informationSkip hash checkUse another path for incomplete torrentWhen checked, the .torrent file will not be deleted regardless of the settings at the "Download" page of the Options dialogContent layout:OriginalCreate subfolderDon't create subfolderInfo hash v1:Size:Stærð:Comment:UmsögnDate:Dagsetning:Torrent Management Mode:Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated categoryManualAutomaticRemember last used save pathDo not delete .torrent fileDownload in sequential orderInfo hash v2:Download first and last pieces firstSelect AllVelja alltSelect NoneVelja ekkertSave as .torrent file...NormalVenjulegtHighHárMaximumHámarkDo not downloadEkki sækjaI/O ErrorI/O VillaInvalid torrentAlready in download listÞegar á niðurhal listaNot AvailableThis comment is unavailableEkki í boðiNot AvailableThis date is unavailableEkki í boðiNot availableEkki í boðiInvalid magnet linkFailed to load the torrent: %1.
Error: %2Don't remove the '
' characters. They insert a newline.Cannot add torrentGet ekki bætt við torrentThis magnet link was not recognizedMagnet linkRetrieving metadata...Not AvailableThis size is unavailable.Ekki í boðiChoose save pathVeldu vista slóðinaRename the fileEndurnefna skránaNew name:Nýtt nafn:The file could not be renamedSkráin gat ekki verið endurnefndTorrent is already presentTorrent '%1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers haven't been merged because it is a private torrent.Torrent '%1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers have been merged.Torrent is already queued for processing.N/AMagnet link '%1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers have been merged.Magnet link is already queued for processing.%1 (Free space on disk: %2)Not availableThis size is unavailable.Ekki í boðiTorrent file (*%1)Save as torrent fileCouldn't export torrent metadata file '%1'. Reason: %2.By shown file orderNormal priorityHigh priorityMaximum priorityPriority by shown file orderResize columnsResize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contentsCannot create v2 torrent until its data is fully downloaded.Cannot download '%1': %2This name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name.Þetta nafn er þegar í notkun í þessari möppu. Vinsamlegast notaðu annað nafn.The folder could not be renamedÞessi mappa getur ekki verið endurnefndRename...EndurnefnaPriorityForgangurParsing metadata...Metadata retrieval completeFailed to load from URL: %1.
Error: %2Download ErrorNiðurhal villaAdvancedSettings MiBMiBSocket backlog sizeOutgoing ports (Min) [0: Disabled]Outgoing ports (Max) [0: Disabled]Recheck torrents on completionTransfer list refresh interval ms millisecondsmsSettingStillingarValueValue set for this settingGildi (disabled) (auto)(sjálfgefið) min minutesAll addressesqBittorrent SectionOpen documentationAll IPv4 addressesAll IPv6 addresseslibtorrent SectionFastresume filesSQLite database (experimental)Resume data storage type (requires restart)NormalVenjulegtBelow normalMediumLowVery lowProcess memory priority (Windows >= 8 only)Asynchronous I/O threadsHashing threadsFile pool sizeOutstanding memory when checking torrentsDisk cache s secondssDisk cache expiry intervalEnable OS cacheCoalesce reads & writesUse piece extent affinitySend upload piece suggestions KiBSend buffer watermarkSend buffer low watermarkSend buffer watermark factorOutgoing connections per secondType of service (ToS) for connections to peersSupport internationalized domain name (IDN)Server-side request forgery (SSRF) mitigationIP address reported to trackers (requires restart)System defaultNotification timeout [0: infinite]Reannounce to all trackers when IP or port changedEnable icons in menusPeer turnover disconnect percentagePeer turnover threshold percentagePeer turnover disconnect interval m minutesmPrefer TCPPeer proportional (throttles TCP)Allow multiple connections from the same IP addressResolve peer host namesStop tracker timeoutDisplay notificationsDisplay notifications for added torrentsDownload tracker's faviconSave path history lengthEnable speed graphsFixed slotsUpload rate basedUpload slots behaviorRound-robinFastest uploadAnti-leechUpload choking algorithmConfirm torrent recheckConfirm removal of all tagsAlways announce to all trackers in a tierAlways announce to all tiersAny interfacei.e. Any network interfaceSave resume data intervalHow often the fastresume file is saved.UPnP lease duration [0: Permanent lease]%1-TCP mixed mode algorithmuTP-TCP mixed mode algorithmValidate HTTPS tracker certificatesDisallow connection to peers on privileged portsResolve peer countriesNetwork interfaceOptional IP address to bind toMax concurrent HTTP announcesEnable embedded trackerEmbedded tracker portCheck for software updatesAthuga með hugbúnaðar uppfærsluApplicationqBittorrent %1 startedqBittorrent v3.2.0alpha startedqBittorrent %1 byrjaðRunning in portable mode. Auto detected profile folder at: %1Redundant command line flag detected: "%1". Portable mode implies relative fastresume.Using config directory: %1Torrent: %1, running external program, command: %2Torrent name: %1Torrent nafn: %1Torrent size: %1Torrent stærð: %1Save path: %1The torrent was downloaded in %1.The torrent was downloaded in 1 hour and 20 secondsThank you for using qBittorrent.[qBittorrent] '%1' has finished downloading[qBittorrent] '%1' hefur lokið niðurhaliTorrent: %1, sending mail notificationApplication failed to start.InformationUpplýsingarTo control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: %1The Web UI administrator username is: %1The Web UI administrator password has not been changed from the default: %1This is a security risk, please change your password in program preferences.Saving torrent progress...Vista torrent framfarir...AsyncFileStorageCould not create directory '%1'.AuthControllerWebAPI login failure. Reason: IP has been banned, IP: %1, username: %2Your IP address has been banned after too many failed authentication attempts.WebAPI login success. IP: %1WebAPI login failure. Reason: invalid credentials, attempt count: %1, IP: %2, username: %3AutomatedRssDownloaderSave to:Vista í:RSS DownloaderRSS NiðurhalEnable Automated RSS DownloaderVirkja sjálfgefna RSS niðurhalDownload RulesRule DefinitionUse Regular ExpressionsUse Smart Episode FilterMust Contain:Verður að innihalda:Auto downloading of RSS torrents is currently disabled. You can enable it in application settings.Must Not Contain:Má ekki innihalda:Episode Filter:Smart Episode Filter will check the episode number to prevent downloading of duplicates.
Supports the formats: S01E01, 1x1, 2017.12.31 and 31.12.2017 (Date formats also support - as a separator)Category:Save to a Different DirectoryIgnore Subsequent Matches for (0 to Disable)... X daysDisabled daysdagarAdd Paused:Use global settingsAlwaysAlltafNeverAldreiTorrent content layout:OriginalCreate subfolderDon't create subfolderApply Rule to Feeds:Matching RSS Articles&Import...&innflutningur...&Export...&útflutningur...Matches articles based on episode filter.Example: Dæmi: will match 2, 5, 8 through 15, 30 and onward episodes of season oneexample X will matchEpisode filter rules: Season number is a mandatory non-zero valueFilter must end with semicolonThree range types for episodes are supported: Single number: <b>1x25;</b> matches episode 25 of season oneNormal range: <b>1x25-40;</b> matches episodes 25 through 40 of season oneEpisode number is a mandatory positive valueRulesRules (legacy)Infinite range: <b>1x25-;</b> matches episodes 25 and upward of season one, and all episodes of later seasonsLast Match: %1 days agoLast Match: UnknownNew rule namePlease type the name of the new download rule.Rule name conflictA rule with this name already exists, please choose another name.Are you sure you want to remove the download rule named '%1'?Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules?Rule deletion confirmationDestination directoryInvalid actionÓgild aðgerðThe list is empty, there is nothing to export.Export RSS rulesI/O ErrorI/O VillaFailed to create the destination file. Reason: %1Import RSS rulesFailed to open the file. Reason: %1Import Errorinnflutnings VillaFailed to import the selected rules file. Reason: %1Add new rule...Delete ruleRename rule...Delete selected rulesClear downloaded episodes...Rule renamingPlease type the new rule nameClear downloaded episodesAre you sure you want to clear the list of downloaded episodes for the selected rule?Regex mode: use Perl-compatible regular expressionsPosition %1: %2Wildcard mode: you can use? to match any single character* to match zero or more of any charactersWhitespaces count as AND operators (all words, any order)| is used as OR operatorIf word order is important use * instead of whitespace.An expression with an empty %1 clause (e.g. %2)We talk about regex/wildcards in the RSS filters section here. So a valid sentence would be: An expression with an empty | clause (e.g. expr|) will match all articles. will exclude all articles.BanListOptionsDeleteEyðaBanListOptionsDialogList of banned IP addressesBan IPDeleteEyðaWarningThe entered IP address is invalid.The entered IP is already banned.BitTorrent::BencodeResumeDataStorageCannot create torrent resume folder: "%1"Couldn't load torrents queue from '%1'. Error: %2Couldn't save torrent metadata to '%1'. Error: %2.Couldn't save torrent resume data to '%1'. Error: %2.Cannot read file %1: %2Couldn't save data to '%1'. Error: %2BitTorrent::DBResumeDataStorageNot found.Couldn't load resume data of torrent '%1'. Error: %2Database is corrupted.Couldn't save torrent metadata. Error: %1.Couldn't store resume data for torrent '%1'. Error: %2Couldn't delete resume data of torrent '%1'. Error: %2Couldn't store torrents queue positions. Error: %1BitTorrent::SessionRestart is required to toggle PeX supportSystem network status changed to %1e.g: System network status changed to ONLINEONLINEOFFLINENetwork configuration of %1 has changed, refreshing session bindinge.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session bindingEncryption support [%1]FORCEDAnonymous mode [%1]'%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removed torrent and its files.'%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Enabled super seeding for it.'%1' reached the maximum seeding time you set. Removed torrent and its files.'%1' reached the maximum seeding time you set. Enabled super seeding for it.Couldn't load torrent: %1Couldn't export torrent metadata file '%1'. Reason: %2.Error: Aborted saving resume data for %1 outstanding torrents.Configured network interface address %1 isn't valid.Configured network interface address isn't valid.Can't find the configured address '%1' to listen onCan't find the configured address '' to listen on%1 is not a valid IP address and was rejected while applying the list of banned IP addresses.Unable to decode '%1' torrent file.Cancelled moving "%1" from "%2" to "%3".Couldn't enqueue move of "%1" to "%2". Torrent is currently moving to the same destination location.Couldn't enqueue move of "%1" from "%2" to "%3". Both paths point to the same location.Enqueued to move "%1" from "%2" to "%3".Moving "%1" to "%2"...Couldn't store Categories configuration to %1. Error: %2Couldn't load Categories from %1. Error: %2Couldn't parse Categories configuration from %1. Error: %2Couldn't load Categories configuration from %1. Invalid data format.Recursive download of file '%1' embedded in torrent '%2'Recursive download of 'test.torrent' embedded in torrent 'test2'Couldn't load torrent. Reason: %1.IP filterthis peer was blocked. Reason: IP filter.port filterthis peer was blocked. Reason: port filter.%1 mixed mode restrictionsthis peer was blocked. Reason: I2P mixed mode restrictions.use of privileged portthis peer was blocked. Reason: use of privileged port.%1 is disabledthis peer was blocked. Reason: uTP is disabled.%1 is disabledthis peer was blocked. Reason: TCP is disabled."%1" is successfully moved to "%2".Failed to move "%1" from "%2" to "%3". Reason: %4.Couldn't save '%1.torrent'Gat ekki vistað '%1.torrent'Torrent errored. Torrent: "%1". Error: %2.'%1' was removed from the transfer list.'xxx.avi' was removed...'%1' was removed from the transfer list and hard disk.'xxx.avi' was removed...'%1' was removed from the transfer list but the files couldn't be deleted. Error: %2'xxx.avi' was removed...File error alert. Torrent: "%1". File: "%2". Reason: %3because %1 is disabled.this peer was blocked because uTP is disabled.vegna %1 er óvirk.because %1 is disabled.this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled.vegna %1 er óvirk.URL seed name lookup failed. Torrent: "%1". URL: "%2". Error: "%3"Received error message from a URL seed. Torrent: "%1". URL: "%2". Message: "%3"Successfully listening on IP: %1, port: %2/%3e.g: Successfully listening on IP:, port: TCP/6881Failed to listen on IP: %1, port: %2/%3. Reason: %4e.g: Failed to listen on IP:, port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in useDetected external IP: %1e.g. Detected external IP: Internal alert queue full and alerts were dropped, you might see degraded performance. Dropped alert types: %1. Message: %2Downloading '%1', please wait...e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait...Sæki '%1', vinsamlegast bíðið...The network interface defined is invalid: %1Peer ID: HTTP User-Agent is '%1'DHT support [%1]ONOFFLocal Peer Discovery support [%1]PeX support [%1]Could not get GUID of network interface: %1Trying to listen on: %1e.g: Trying to listen on:'%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removed.'%1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Paused.'%1' reached the maximum seeding time you set. Removed.'%1' reached the maximum seeding time you set. Paused.Tracker '%1' was added to torrent '%2'Tracker '%1' was deleted from torrent '%2'URL seed '%1' was added to torrent '%2'URL seed '%1' was removed from torrent '%2'SOCKS5 proxy error. Message: %1Unable to resume torrent '%1'.e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'.Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied.%1 is a numberError: Failed to parse the provided IP filter.'%1' restored.'torrent name' restored.Couldn't add torrent. Reason: %1Gat ekki bætt torrent. Ástæða: %1'%1' added to download list.'torrent name' was added to download list.'%1' bætt við niðurhals lista.UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1BitTorrent::TorrentCreatorThreadOperation abortedCreate new torrent file failed. Reason: %1.BitTorrent::TorrentHandleCould not move torrent: '%1'. Reason: %2Gat ekki fært torrent: '%1'. Ástæða: %2BitTorrent::TorrentImplFailed to add peer "%1" to torrent "%2". Reason: %3Peer "%1" is added to torrent "%2"Couldn't write to file.Torrent is now in "upload only" mode.Reason:Download first and last piece first: %1, torrent: '%2'OnOffFile sizes mismatch for torrent '%1'. Cannot proceed further.Fast resume data was rejected for torrent '%1'. Reason: %2. Checking again...File rename failed. Torrent: "%1", file: "%2", reason: "%3"Performance alert: BitTorrent::TrackerEmbedded Tracker: Now listening on IP: %1, port: %2Embedded Tracker: Unable to bind to IP: %1, port: %2. Reason: %3CategoryFilterModelCategoriesAllAlltUncategorizedCategoryFilterWidgetAdd category...Add subcategory...Edit category...Remove categoryRemove unused categoriesResume torrentsPause torrentsDelete torrentsEyða torrentsCookiesDialogManage CookiesCookiesModelDomainPathNameNafnValueGildiExpiration DateDeletionConfirmationDialogDeletion confirmationRemember choiceAlso delete the files on the hard diskEinnig eyða skrám af harðadiskiAre you sure you want to delete '%1' from the transfer list?Are you sure you want to delete 'ubuntu-linux-iso' from the transfer list?Are you sure you want to delete these %1 torrents from the transfer list?Are you sure you want to delete these 5 torrents from the transfer list?DownloadFromURLDialogDownload from URLsAdd torrent linksOne link per line (HTTP links, Magnet links and info-hashes are supported)DownloadNiðurhalNo URL enteredPlease type at least one URL.DownloadHandlerImplI/O ErrorI/O VillaI/O Error: %1The file size (%1) exceeds the download limit (%2)Exceeded max redirections (%1)Redirected to magnet URIThe remote host name was not found (invalid hostname)The operation was canceledThe remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processedThe connection to the remote server timed outSSL/TLS handshake failedThe remote server refused the connectionThe connection to the proxy server was refusedThe proxy server closed the connection prematurelyThe proxy host name was not foundThe connection to the proxy timed out or the proxy did not reply in time to the request sentThe proxy requires authentication in order to honor the request but did not accept any credentials offeredThe access to the remote content was denied (401)The operation requested on the remote content is not permittedThe remote content was not found at the server (404)The remote server requires authentication to serve the content but the credentials provided were not acceptedThe Network Access API cannot honor the request because the protocol is not knownThe requested operation is invalid for this protocolAn unknown network-related error was detectedAn unknown proxy-related error was detectedAn unknown error related to the remote content was detectedA breakdown in protocol was detectedUnknown errorÓþekkt villaDownloadedPiecesBarMissing piecesPartial piecesCompleted piecesExecutionLogGeneralAlmennur<font color='red'>%1</font> was bannedx.y.z.w was banned<font color='red'>%1</font> var bönnuðExecutionLogWidgetGeneralAlmennurBlocked IPs<font color='red'>%1</font> was bannedx.y.z.w was banned<font color='red'>%1</font> var bönnuðCopyAfritaClearHreinsaFeedListWidgetRSS feedsUnread (%1)UnreadÓlesiðFileLoggerAn error occurred while trying to open the log file. Logging to file is disabled.FileSystemPathEdit...Launch file dialog button text (brief)&Browse...Launch file dialog button text (full)Choose a fileCaption for file open/save dialogChoose a folderCaption for directory open dialogAny fileFilterParserThreadI/O Error: Could not open IP filter file in read mode.IP filter line %1 is malformed.IP filter line %1 is malformed. Start IP of the range is malformed.IP filter line %1 is malformed. End IP of the range is malformed.IP filter line %1 is malformed. One IP is IPv4 and the other is IPv6!IP filter exception thrown for line %1. Exception is: %2%1 extra IP filter parsing errors occurred.513 extra IP filter parsing errors occurred.Parsing Error: The filter file is not a valid PeerGuardian P2B file.GeoIPDatabaseUnsupported database file size.Metadata error: '%1' entry not found.Metadata error: '%1' entry has invalid type.Unsupported database version: %1.%2Unsupported IP version: %1Unsupported record size: %1Database corrupted: no data section found.Http::ConnectionHttp request size exceeds limitation, closing socket. Limit: %1, IP: %2Bad Http request, closing socket. IP: %1HttpServerFileSkráEditBreytaHelpHjálpExit qBittorrentHætta qBittorrentOnly one link per lineAðeins eins vefslóð í hverja línuDownloadNiðurhalUnknownÓþekktLanguageTungumálInvalid Username or Password.Rangt notandanafn eða lykilorð.PasswordLykilorðLoginSkrá innOriginal authorsUpprunalegir höfundarUpload limit:Upphlöðun takmörk:Download limit:Niðurhals takmörk:ApplyVirkjaAddBætaAllAlltDownloadingSækiCompletedLokiðMore informationMeiri upplýsingarSave Files toVista skrá tilDefault FolderSjálfgefin mappafromfrom time1 to time2frátofrom time1 to time2tilOther...Save Files to: Watch Folder / Default Folder / Other...Annað...Every daySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...DaglegaWeek daysSchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...Virkir dagarWeek endsSchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...HelgarMondaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...MánudagurTuesdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...ÞriðjudagurWednesdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...MiðvikudagurThursdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...FimmtudagurFridaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...FöstudagurSaturdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...LaugardagurSundaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...SunnudagurDownloadedIs the file downloaded or not?SóttLogoutSkrá útSaveVistaTorrent nameTorrent nafnqBittorrent has been shutdown.qBittorrent hefur verið lokað.IPSubnetWhitelistOptionsDialogList of whitelisted IP subnetsExample:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40Add subnetDeleteEyðaErrorVillaThe entered subnet is invalid.LineEditClear the textHreinsa textaLogListWidgetCopyAfritaClearHreinsaLogPeerModel%1 was blocked. Reason: % was blocked. Reason: reason for blocking.%1 was banned0.0.0.0 was bannedMainWindow&Edit&Breyta&Tools&Verkfæri&File&Skrá&Help&HjálpOn Downloads &Done&View&Sýn&Options...&Valkostir...&ResumeTorrent &CreatorMinimum PriorityLágmarks ForgangurTop PriorityHámarks forgangDecrease PriorityMinnka ForgangIncrease PriorityAuka ForgangAlternative Speed Limits&Top ToolbarDisplay Top ToolbarStatus &BarS&peed in Title BarShow Transfer Speed in Title Bar&RSS ReaderSearch &EngineLeitar &vélL&ock qBittorrentDo&nate!&Do nothingClose WindowR&esume AllManage Cookies...Manage stored network cookiesNormal MessagesInformation MessagesWarning MessagesCritical Messages&Log&LeiðarbókSet Global Speed Limits...Bottom of QueueMove to the bottom of the queueTop of QueueMove to the top of the queueMove Down QueueMove down in the queueMove Up QueueMove up in the queue&Exit qBittorrent&Hætta qBittorrent&Suspend System&Hibernate SystemS&hutdown System&Statistics&TölfræðiCheck for UpdatesAthuga með uppfærslurCheck for Program Updates&About&Um&Pause&Delete&EyðaP&ause All&Add Torrent File...OpenOpnaE&xitH&ættaOpen URLOpna URL&DocumentationLockLæsaShowSýnaCheck for program updatesAdd Torrent &Link...If you like qBittorrent, please donate!Execution LogClear the password&Set PasswordPreferences&Clear PasswordFilter torrent names...TransfersqBittorrent is minimized to trayThis behavior can be changed in the settings. You won't be reminded again.Torrent file associationIcons OnlyText OnlyText Alongside IconsText Under IconsFollow System StyleUI lock passwordPlease type the UI lock password:Are you sure you want to clear the password?Use regular expressionsSearchLeitaTransfers (%1)ErrorVillaFailed to add torrent: %1Torrent added'%1' was added.e.g: xxx.avi was added.I/O Errori.e: Input/Output ErrorI/O VillaRecursive download confirmationYesJáNoNeiNeverAldreiqBittorrent was just updated and needs to be restarted for the changes to be effective.qBittorrent is closed to traySome files are currently transferring.Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent?&No&Nei&Yes&Já&Always Yes&Alltaf jáqBittorrent is shutting down...Options saved.%1/ss is a shorthand for secondsMissing Python RuntimeqBittorrent Update AvailableqBittorrent uppfærsla í boðiA new version is available.
Do you want to download %1?Ný útgáfa er í boði.
Viltu sækja %1?'%1' has finished downloading.e.g: xxx.avi has finished downloading.An I/O error occurred for torrent '%1'.
Reason: %2e.g: An error occurred for torrent 'xxx.avi'.
Reason: disk is full.The torrent '%1' contains torrent files, do you want to proceed with their download?Couldn't download file at URL '%1', reason: %2.Gat ekki sótt torrent skrá af URL '%1', ástæða: %2.Python is required to use the search engine but it does not seem to be installed.
Do you want to install it now?Python is required to use the search engine but it does not seem to be installed.Old Python RuntimeA new version is available.Do you want to download %1?Open changelog...No updates available.
You are already using the latest version.&Check for Updates&Athuga með uppfærslurYour Python version (%1) is outdated. Minimum requirement: %2.
Do you want to install a newer version now?Your Python version (%1) is outdated. Please upgrade to latest version for search engines to work.
Minimum requirement: %2.Checking for Updates...Athuga með uppfærslur...Already checking for program updates in the backgroundPython found in '%1'Python fannst í '%1'Download errorNiðurhal villaPython setup could not be downloaded, reason: %1.
Please install it manually.Invalid passwordqBittorrent is not the default application for opening torrent files or Magnet links.
Do you want to make qBittorrent the default application for these?The password must be at least 3 characters longRSS (%1)RSS (%1)Download completedURL download errorThe password is invalidDL speed: %1e.g: Download speed: 10 KiB/sUP speed: %1e.g: Upload speed: 10 KiB/s[D: %1, U: %2] qBittorrent %3D = Download; U = Upload; %3 is qBittorrent version[D: %1, U: %2] qBittorrent %3HideFelaExiting qBittorrentHætti qBittorrentOpen Torrent FilesTorrent FilesNet::DNSUpdaterYour dynamic DNS was successfully updated.Dynamic DNS error: The service is temporarily unavailable, it will be retried in 30 minutes.Dynamic DNS error: hostname supplied does not exist under specified account.Dynamic DNS error: Invalid username/password.Dynamic DNS error: qBittorrent was blacklisted by the service, please submit a bug report at http://bugs.qbittorrent.org.Dynamic DNS error: %1 was returned by the service, please submit a bug report at http://bugs.qbittorrent.org.Dynamic DNS error: Your username was blocked due to abuse.Dynamic DNS error: supplied domain name is invalid.Dynamic DNS error: supplied username is too short.Dynamic DNS error: supplied password is too short.Net::DownloadHandlerI/O ErrorI/O VillaUnknown errorÓþekkt villaNet::DownloadManagerIgnoring SSL error, URL: "%1", errors: "%2"Net::GeoIPManagerVenezuela, Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela, Bolivarian lýðveldiðViet NamVíetnamN/AAndorraAndorraIP geolocation database loaded. Type: %1. Build time: %2.Couldn't load IP geolocation database. Reason: %1United Arab EmiratesSameinuðu arabísku furstadæminAfghanistanAfganistanAntigua and BarbudaAntígva og BarbúdaAnguillaAlbaniaAlbaníaArmeniaArmeníaAngolaAngólaAntarcticaSuðurskautiðArgentinaArgentínaAmerican SamoaAustria AusturríkiAustraliaÁstralíaArubaAzerbaijanAserbaídsjanBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnía og HersegóvínaBarbadosBarbadosBangladeshBangladessBelgiumBelgíaBurkina FasoBulgariaBúlgaríaBahrainBurundiBeninBermudaBrunei DarussalamBrazilBrasilíaBahamasBahamaeyjarBhutanBouvet IslandBotswanaBelarusBelizeCanadaCocos (Keeling) IslandsCongo, The Democratic Republic of theCentral African RepublicCongoSwitzerlandCook IslandsChileCameroonChinaKínaColombiaCosta RicaCubaCape VerdeCuracaoChristmas IslandCyprusKýpurCzech RepublicTékklandGermanyÞýskalandDjiboutiDenmarkDanmörkDominicaDominican RepublicDóminíska lýðveldiðAlgeriaEcuadorEstoniaEgyptEgyptalandWestern SaharaEritreaSpainSpánnEthiopiaFinlandFijiFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Micronesia, Federated States ofFaroe IslandsFæreyjarFranceFrakklandGabonUnited KingdomBretlandGrenadaGeorgiaFrench GuianaGhanaGibraltarGreenlandGrænlandGambiaGuineaGuadeloupeEquatorial GuineaGreeceGrikklandSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsGuatemalaGuamGuinea-BissauGuyanaHong KongHong KongHeard Island and McDonald IslandsHondurasCroatiaHaitiHungaryUngverjalandIndonesiaIrelandÍrlandIsraelIndiaBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryIraqIran, Islamic Republic ofIcelandÍslandItalyÍtalíaJamaicaJordanJapanKenyaKyrgyzstanCambodiaKiribatiComorosSaint Kitts and NevisKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwaitCayman IslandsKazakhstanLao People's Democratic RepublicLebanonSaint LuciaLiechtensteinSri LankaLiberiaLesothoLithuaniaLuxembourgLatviaMoroccoMonacoMoldova, Republic ofMadagascarMarshall IslandsMaliMyanmarMongoliaNorthern Mariana IslandsMartiniqueMauritaniaMontserratMaltaMauritiusMaldivesMalawiMexicoMalaysiaMozambiqueNamibiaNew CaledoniaNigerNorfolk IslandNigeriaNicaraguaNetherlandsHollandNorwayNoregurNepalNauruNiueNew ZealandNýja SjálandOmanPanamaPeruFrench PolynesiaPapua New GuineaPhilippinesPakistanPolandSaint Pierre and MiquelonPuerto RicoPortugalPalauParaguayQatarReunionRomaniaRussian FederationRússlandRwandaSaudi ArabiaSolomon IslandsSeychellesSudanSwedenSvíþjóðSingaporeSloveniaSvalbard and Jan MayenSvalbarði og Jan MayenSlovakiaSierra LeoneSan MarinoSenegalSomaliaSurinameSao Tome and PrincipeEl SalvadorSyrian Arab RepublicSwazilandTurks and Caicos IslandsChadFrench Southern TerritoriesTogoThailandTælandTajikistanTokelauTurkmenistanTunisiaTongaVietnamCouldn't download IP geolocation database file. Reason: %1Could not decompress IP geolocation database file.Couldn't save downloaded IP geolocation database file. Reason: %1Successfully updated IP geolocation database.Timor-LesteBolivia, Plurinational State ofBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaCote d'IvoireLibyaSaint Martin (French part)Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic ofMacaoPitcairnPalestine, State ofSaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSouth SudanSint Maarten (Dutch part)TurkeyTrinidad and TobagoTuvaluTaiwanTanzania, United Republic ofUkraineUgandaUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnited StatesBandaríkinUruguayUzbekistanHoly See (Vatican City State)Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesVirgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.VanuatuWallis and FutunaSamoaYemenMayotteSerbiaSouth AfricaSuður-AfríkaZambiaMontenegroZimbabweAland IslandsGuernseyIsle of ManJerseySaint BarthelemyNet::SmtpEmail Notification Error:OptionsDialogOptionsBehaviorDownloadsConnectionTengingSpeedHraðiBitTorrentRSSWeb UIAdvancedLanguageTungumálTransfer ListConfirm when deleting torrentsUse alternating row colorsIn table elements, every other row will have a grey background.Hide zero and infinity valuesAlwaysAlltafPaused torrents onlyAction on double-clickDownloading torrents:Start / Stop TorrentOpen destination folderNo actionCompleted torrents:DesktopStart qBittorrent on Windows start upShow splash screen on start upStart qBittorrent minimizedConfirmation on exit when torrents are activeConfirmation on auto-exit when downloads finish KiBTorrent content layout:OriginalCreate subfolderDon't create subfolderAdd...Options..RemoveEmail notification &upon download completionRun e&xternal program on torrent completionPeer connection protocol:AnyIP Fi<eringSchedule &the use of alternative rate limitsStart timeFrom:From start timeEnd timeTo:To end timeFind peers on the DHT networkAllow encryption: Connect to peers regardless of setting
Require encryption: Only connect to peers with protocol encryption
Disable encryption: Only connect to peers without protocol encryptionAllow encryption(<a href="https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Anonymous-Mode">More information</a>)&Torrent QueueingA&utomatically add these trackers to new downloads:RSS ReaderEnable fetching RSS feedsFeeds refresh interval:Maximum number of articles per feed: minminutesSeeding LimitsWhen seeding time reachesPause torrentRemove torrentRemove torrent and its filesEnable super seeding for torrentWhen ratio reachesRSS Torrent Auto DownloaderEnable auto downloading of RSS torrentsEdit auto downloading rules...RSS Smart Episode FilterDownload REPACK/PROPER episodesFilters:Web User Interface (Remote control)IP address:IP address that the Web UI will bind to.
Specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can specify "" for any IPv4 address,
"::" for any IPv6 address, or "*" for both IPv4 and IPv6.Ban client after consecutive failures:NeverAldreiban for:Session timeout:DisabledEnable cookie Secure flag (requires HTTPS)Server domains:Whitelist for filtering HTTP Host header values.
In order to defend against DNS rebinding attack,
you should put in domain names used by WebUI server.
Use ';' to split multiple entries. Can use wildcard '*'.&Use HTTPS instead of HTTPBypass authentication for clients on localhostBypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnetsIP subnet whitelist...Upda&te my dynamic domain nameMinimize qBittorrent to notification areaInterfaceLanguage:Tray icon style:NormalVenjulegtFile associationUse qBittorrent for .torrent filesUse qBittorrent for magnet linksCheck for program updatesPower ManagementSave path:Backup the log file after:Delete backup logs older than:When adding a torrentBring torrent dialog to the frontAlso delete .torrent files whose addition was cancelledAlso when addition is cancelledWarning! Data loss possible!Saving ManagementDefault Torrent Management Mode:ManualAutomaticWhen Torrent Category changed:Relocate torrentSwitch torrent to Manual ModeWhen Default Save Path changed:Relocate affected torrentsSwitch affected torrents to Manual ModeUse SubcategoriesDefault Save Path:Copy .torrent files to:Show &qBittorrent in notification area&Log fileDisplay &torrent content and some optionsDe&lete .torrent files afterwards Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to:Pre-allocate disk space for all filesUse custom UI ThemeUI Theme file:Use system icon themeChanging Interface settings requires application restartShows a confirmation dialog upon torrent deletionPreview file, otherwise open destination folderShow torrent optionsWhen qBittorrent is started, the main window will be minimizedShows a confirmation dialog when exiting with active torrentsWhen minimizing, the main window is closed and must be reopened from the systray iconThe systray icon will still be visible when closing the main windowClose qBittorrent to notification areaThe systray icon will still be visible when closing the main windowMonochrome (for dark theme)Monochrome (for light theme)Inhibit system sleep when torrents are downloadingInhibit system sleep when torrents are seedingCreates an additional log file after the log file reaches the specified file sizedaysDelete backup logs older than 10 daysmonthsDelete backup logs older than 10 monthsyearsDelete backup logs older than 10 yearsThe torrent will be added to download list in a paused stateDo not start the download automaticallyThe torrent will be added to download list in a paused stateWhether the .torrent file should be deleted after adding itAllocate full file sizes on disk before starting downloads, to minimize fragmentation. Only useful for HDDs.Append .!qB extension to incomplete filesWhen a torrent is downloaded, offer to add torrents from any .torrent files found inside itEnable recursive download dialogAutomatic: Various torrent properties (e.g. save path) will be decided by the associated category
Manual: Various torrent properties (e.g. save path) must be assigned manuallyWhen Category Save Path changed:Use Category paths in Manual ModeResolve relative Save Path against appropriate Category path instead of Default oneUse another path for incomplete torrents:Automatically add torrents from:ReceiverTo:To receiverSMTP server:SenderFrom:From senderThis server requires a secure connection (SSL)AuthenticationUsername:Notandanafn:Password:Lykilorð:Show console windowTCP and μTPListening PortPort used for incoming connections:Set to 0 to let your system pick an unused portRandomUse UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my routerConnections LimitsMaximum number of connections per torrent:Global maximum number of connections:Maximum number of upload slots per torrent:Global maximum number of upload slots:Proxy ServerType:(None)SOCKS4SOCKS5HTTPHost:Port:Otherwise, the proxy server is only used for tracker connectionsUse proxy for peer connectionsRSS feeds, search engine, software updates or anything else other than torrent transfers and related operations (such as peer exchanges) will use a direct connectionUse proxy only for torrentsA&uthenticationInfo: The password is saved unencryptedFilter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b):Reload the filterManually banned IP addresses...Apply to trackersGlobal Rate Limits∞ KiB/sUpload:KiB/sKiB/sDownload:Alternative Rate LimitsWhen:Every dayDaglegaWeekdaysWeekendsRate Limits SettingsApply rate limit to peers on LANApply rate limit to transport overheadApply rate limit to µTP protocolPrivacyEnable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peersExchange peers with compatible Bittorrent clients (µTorrent, Vuze, ...)Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peersLook for peers on your local networkEnable Local Peer Discovery to find more peersEncryption mode:Require encryptionDisable encryptionEnable when using a proxy or a VPN connectionEnable anonymous modeMaximum active downloads:Maximum active uploads:Maximum active torrents:Do not count slow torrents in these limitsUpload rate threshold:Download rate threshold: secsecondsTorrent inactivity timer:thenUse UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my routerCertificate:Key:<a href=https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Information about certificates</a>Change current passwordUse alternative Web UIFiles location:SecurityEnable clickjacking protectionEnable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protectionEnable Host header validationAdd custom HTTP headersHeader: value pairs, one per lineEnable reverse proxy supportTrusted proxies list:Specify reverse proxy IPs in order to use forwarded client address (X-Forwarded-For attribute), use ';' to split multiple entries.Service:RegisterDomain name:By enabling these options, you can <strong>irrevocably lose</strong> your .torrent files!If you enable the second option (“Also when addition is cancelled”) the .torrent file <strong>will be deleted</strong> even if you press “<strong>Cancel</strong>” in the “Add torrent” dialogSelect qBittorrent UI Theme fileChoose Alternative UI files locationSupported parameters (case sensitive):%N: Torrent name%L: Category%F: Content path (same as root path for multifile torrent)%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)%D: Save path%C: Number of files%Z: Torrent size (bytes)%T: Current trackerTip: Encapsulate parameter with quotation marks to avoid text being cut off at whitespace (e.g., "%N")A torrent will be considered slow if its download and upload rates stay below these values for "Torrent inactivity timer" secondsCertificateSelect certificatePrivate keySelect private keySelect folder to monitorAdding entry failedInvalid pathLocation ErrorThe alternative Web UI files location cannot be blank.Choose export directoryWhen these options are enabled, qBittorrent will <strong>delete</strong> .torrent files after they were successfully (the first option) or not (the second option) added to its download queue. This will be applied <strong>not only</strong> to the files opened via “Add torrent” menu action but to those opened via <strong>file type association</strong> as wellqBittorrent UI Theme file (*.qbtheme config.json)%G: Tags (separated by comma)%I: Info hash v1 (or '-' if unavailable)%J: Info hash v2 (or '-' if unavailable)%K: Torrent ID (either sha-1 info hash for v1 torrent or truncated sha-256 info hash for v2/hybrid torrent)Choose a save directoryChoose an IP filter fileAll supported filtersParsing errorFailed to parse the provided IP filterSuccessfully refreshedSuccessfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied.%1 is a numberInvalid keyThis is not a valid SSL key.Invalid certificatePreferencesThis is not a valid SSL certificate.Time ErrorThe start time and the end time can't be the same.Length ErrorThe Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long.The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long.PeerInfoInterested (local) and choked (peer)Interested (local) and unchoked (peer)Interested (peer) and choked (local)Interested (peer) and unchoked (local)Not interested (local) and unchoked (peer)Not interested (peer) and unchoked (local)Optimistic unchokePeer snubbedIncoming connectionPeer from DHTPeer from PEXPeer from LSDEncrypted trafficEncrypted handshakePeerListWidgetCountry/RegionIPPortFlagsConnectionTengingClienti.e.: Client applicationProgressi.e: % downloadedFramförDown Speedi.e: Download speedUp Speedi.e: Upload speedDownloadedi.e: total data downloadedSóttUploadedi.e: total data uploadedRelevancei.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't.Filesi.e. files that are being downloaded right nowSkrárColumn visibilityResize columnsResize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contentsAdd peers...Adding peersSome peers cannot be added. Check the Log for details.Peers are added to this torrent.Ban peer permanentlyCannot add peers to a private torrentCannot add peers when the torrent is checkingCannot add peers when the torrent is queuedNo peer was selectedAre you sure you want to permanently ban the selected peers?Peer "%1" is manually bannedCopy IP:port&Yes&Já&No&NeiPeersAdditionDialogAdd PeersList of peers to add (one IP per line):Format: IPv4:port / [IPv6]:portNo peer enteredPlease type at least one peer.Invalid peerThe peer '%1' is invalid.PieceAvailabilityBarUnavailable piecesAvailable piecesPiecesBarFiles in this piece:File in this pieceFile in these piecesWait until metadata become available to see detailed informationHold Shift key for detailed informationPluginSelectDialogSearch pluginsInstalled search plugins:NameNafnVersionÚtgáfaUrlVefslóðEnabledVirktWarning: Be sure to comply with your country's copyright laws when downloading torrents from any of these search engines.You can get new search engine plugins here: <a href="http://plugins.qbittorrent.org">http://plugins.qbittorrent.org</a>Install a new oneCheck for updatesAthuga með uppfærslurCloseLokaUninstallYesJáNoNeiUninstall warningSome plugins could not be uninstalled because they are included in qBittorrent. Only the ones you added yourself can be uninstalled.
Those plugins were disabled.Uninstall successAll selected plugins were uninstalled successfullySearch plugin updatePlugins installed or updated: %1New search engine plugin URLURL:Slóð:Invalid linkThe link doesn't seem to point to a search engine plugin.Select search pluginsqBittorrent search pluginAll your plugins are already up to date.Sorry, couldn't check for plugin updates. %1Search plugin installCouldn't install "%1" search engine plugin. %2Couldn't update "%1" search engine plugin. %2PluginSelectDlgNameNafnVersionÚtgáfaUrlVefslóðEnabledVirktCheck for updatesAthuga með uppfærslurCloseLokaYesJáNoNeiURL:Slóð:PluginSourceDialogPlugin sourceSearch plugin source:Local fileWeb linkPortForwarderImplUPnP / NAT-PMP support [ON]UPnP / NAT-PMP support [OFF]PowerManagementqBittorrent is activePreviewSelectNameNafnSizeStærðProgressFramförPreviewSelectDialogThe following files from torrent "%1" support previewing, please select one of them:PreviewNameNafnSizeStærðProgressFramförPreview impossibleSorry, we can't preview this file: "%1".Resize columnsResize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contentsPreview selectionPrivate::FileLineEdit'%1' does not exist'%1' does not point to a directory'%1' does not point to a fileDoes not have read permission in '%1'Does not have write permission in '%1'PropListDelegateNot downloadedEkki sóttNormalNormal (priority)VenjulegtDo not downloadDo not download (priority)Ekki sækjaHighHigh (priority)HárMixedMixed (prioritiesBlandaðMaximumMaximum (priority)HámarkPropTabBarGeneralAlmennurTrackersPeersHTTP SourcesContentSpeedHraðiPropertiesWidgetDownloaded:Availability:Fáanleiki:Progress:Framför:TransferTime Active:Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)ETA:Uploaded:Seeds:Download Speed:Upload Speed:Peers:Download Limit:Upload Limit:Wasted:Connections:Tengingar:InformationUpplýsingarInfo Hash v1:Info Hash v2:Comment:UmsögnSelect AllVelja alltSelect NoneVelja ekkertNormalVenjulegtHighHárShare Ratio:Reannounce In:Last Seen Complete:Total Size:Heildar stærð:Pieces:Created By:Added On:Completed On:Created On:Save Path:MaximumHámarkDo not downloadEkki sækjaNeverAldrei%1 x %2 (have %3)(torrent pieces) eg 152 x 4MB (have 25)%1 x %2 (hafa %3)%1 (%2 this session)Column visibilityResize columnsResize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contentsN/A%1 (seeded for %2)e.g. 4m39s (seeded for 3m10s)%1 (%2 max)%1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 max)%1 (%2 mest)%1 (%2 total)%1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 total)%1 (%2 alls)%1 (%2 avg.)%1 and %2 are speed rates, e.g. 200KiB/s (100KiB/s avg.)OpenOpnaOpen Containing FolderRename...EndurnefnaPriorityForgangurBy shown file orderNew Web seedRemove Web seedCopy Web seed URLEdit Web seed URLSpeed graphs are disabledYou can enable it in Advanced OptionsRename the fileEndurnefna skránaNew name:Nýtt nafn:The file could not be renamedSkráin gat ekki verið endurnefndThis name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name.Þetta nafn er þegar í notkun í þessari möppu. Vinsamlegast notaðu annað nafn.The folder could not be renamedÞessi mappa getur ekki verið endurnefndqBittorrentqBittorrentFilter files...New URL seedNew HTTP sourceNew URL seed:This URL seed is already in the list.Web seed editingWeb seed URL:QObject%1 is an unknown command line parameter.--random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter.%1 must be the single command line parameter.You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user.Usage:Notkun:Options:Valkostir:Parameter '%1' must follow syntax '%1=%2'e.g. Parameter '--webui-port' must follow syntax '--webui-port=value'Parameter '%1' must follow syntax '%1=%2'e.g. Parameter '--webui-port' must follow syntax '--webui-port=<value>'Expected integer number in environment variable '%1', but got '%2'Parameter '%1' must follow syntax '%1=%2'e.g. Parameter '--add-paused' must follow syntax '--add-paused=<true|false>'Expected %1 in environment variable '%2', but got '%3'port%1 must specify a valid port (1 to 65535).Display program version and exitDisplay this help message and exitChange the Web UI portDisable splash screenRun in daemon-mode (background)dirUse appropriate short form or abbreviation of "directory"Store configuration files in <dir>nameStore configuration files in directories qBittorrent_<name>Hack into libtorrent fastresume files and make file paths relative to the profile directoryfiles or URLsDownload the torrents passed by the userSpecify whether the "Add New Torrent" dialog opens when adding a torrent.Options when adding new torrents:pathTorrent save pathAdd torrents as started or pausedSkip hash checkAssign torrents to category. If the category doesn't exist, it will be created.Download files in sequential orderDownload first and last pieces firstOption values may be supplied via environment variables. For option named 'parameter-name', environment variable name is 'QBT_PARAMETER_NAME' (in upper case, '-' replaced with '_'). To pass flag values, set the variable to '1' or 'TRUE'. For example, to disable the splash screen: Command line parameters take precedence over environment variablesHelpHjálpRun application with -h option to read about command line parameters.Bad command lineBad command line: Legal NoticeqBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility.No further notices will be issued.qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility.
No further notices will be issued.Press %1 key to accept and continue...Legal noticeCancelHætta viðI AgreeÉg samþykkiTorrent name: %1Torrent nafn: %1Torrent size: %1Torrent stærð: %1[qBittorrent] '%1' has finished downloading[qBittorrent] '%1' hefur lokið niðurhaliUnknown errorÓþekkt villaUpgradeUppfæraDetected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings: %1An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file.A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file.An unknown error occurred while trying to write the configuration file.Migrate preferences failed: WebUI https, file: "%1", error: "%2"Migrated preferences: WebUI https, exported data to file: "%1"Invalid value found in configuration file, reverting it to default. Key: "%1". Invalid value: "%2".RSSSearchLeitaUpdate allUppfæra alltSettings...Stillingar...DeleteEyðaRename...Endurnefna...RenameEndurnefnaUpdateUppfæraDownload torrentSækja torrentOpen news URLOpna frétta vefslóðNew folder...Ný mappa...RSS::AutoDownloaderInvalid data format.Directory for RSS AutoDownloader data is unavailable.Couldn't save RSS AutoDownloader data in %1. Error: %2Invalid data formatCouldn't read RSS AutoDownloader rules from %1. Error: %2Couldn't load RSS AutoDownloader rules. Reason: %1RSS::FeedFailed to download RSS feed at '%1'. Reason: %2RSS feed at '%1' updated. Added %2 new articles.Failed to parse RSS feed at '%1'. Reason: %2RSS feed at '%1' is successfully downloaded. Starting to parse it.Couldn't read RSS Session data from %1. Error: %2Couldn't parse RSS Session data. Error: %1Couldn't load RSS Session data. Invalid data format.Couldn't load RSS article '%1#%2'. Invalid data format.RSS::Private::ParserInvalid RSS feed.%1 (line: %2, column: %3, offset: %4).RSS::SessionCouldn't save RSS Session configuration in %1. Error: %2Couldn't save RSS Session data in %1. Error: %2RSS feed with given URL already exists: %1.Cannot move root folder.Item doesn't exist: %1.Cannot delete root folder.Couldn't load RSS Feed '%1'. URL is required.Couldn't load RSS Feed '%1'. UID is invalid.Duplicate RSS Feed UID: %1. Configuration seems to be corrupted.Couldn't load RSS Item '%1'. Invalid data format.Incorrect RSS Item path: %1.RSS item with given path already exists: %1.Parent folder doesn't exist: %1.RSSImpFolder name:Möppu nafn:New folderNý mappaName already in useNafn þegar í notkunDate: Dagsetning:Author: Höfundur:UnreadÓlesiðRSSWidgetSearchLeitaFetching of RSS feeds is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings.New subscriptionMark items readRefresh RSS streamsUpdate allUppfæra alltRSS Downloader...Torrents: (double-click to download)DeleteEyðaRename...RenameEndurnefnaUpdateUppfæraNew subscription...Update all feedsDownload torrentSækja torrentOpen news URLOpna frétta vefslóðCopy feed URLNew folder...Ný mappa...Please choose a folder nameFolder name:Möppu nafn:New folderNý mappaPlease type a RSS feed URLFeed URL:Deletion confirmationAre you sure you want to delete the selected RSS feeds?Please choose a new name for this RSS feedNew feed name:Rename failedDate: Dagsetning:Author: Höfundur:ScanFoldersModelBrowse...Skoða...SearchControllerPython must be installed to use the Search Engine.Unable to create more than %1 concurrent searches.Offset is out of rangeAll plugins are already up to date.Updating %1 pluginsUpdating plugin %1Failed to check for plugin updates: %1SearchEngineAll categoriesAllir flokkarMoviesKvikmyndirTV showsSjónvarpsþættirMusicTónlistGamesLeikirPicturesMyndirBooksBækurSearchJobWidgetFormResults(xxx)Search in:<html><head/><body><p>Some search engines search in torrent description and in torrent file names too. Whether such results will be shown in the list below is controlled by this mode.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Everywhere </span>disables filtering and shows everything returned by the search engines.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Torrent names only</span> shows only torrents whose names match the search query.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Set minimal and maximal allowed number of seeders</p></body></html>Seeds:<html><head/><body><p>Minimal number of seeds</p></body></html>totil<html><head/><body><p>Maximal number of seeds</p></body></html>∞<html><head/><body><p>Set minimal and maximal allowed size of a torrent</p></body></html>Size:Stærð:<html><head/><body><p>Minimal torrent size</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Maximal torrent size</p></body></html>Namei.e: file nameNafnSizei.e: file sizeStærðSeedersi.e: Number of full sourcesLeechersi.e: Number of partial sourcesSearch engineLeitarvélFilter search results...Results (showing <i>%1</i> out of <i>%2</i>):i.e: Search resultsTorrent names onlyEverywhereUse regular expressionsOpen download windowDownloadNiðurhalOpen description pageCopyAfritaNameNafnDownload linkDescription page URLSearching...Search has finishedLeit lokiðSearch abortedAn error occurred during search...Search returned no resultsColumn visibilityResize columnsResize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contentsSearchListDelegateUnknownÓþekktSearchPluginManagerUnknown search engine plugin file format.Plugin already at version %1, which is greater than %2A more recent version of this plugin is already installed.Plugin %1 is not supported.Plugin is not supported.Plugin %1 has been successfully updated.All categoriesAllir flokkarMoviesKvikmyndirTV showsSjónvarpsþættirMusicTónlistGamesLeikirAnimeSoftwarePicturesMyndirBooksBækurUpdate server is temporarily unavailable. %1Failed to download the plugin file. %1Plugin "%1" is outdated, updating to version %2Incorrect update info received for %1 out of %2 plugins.Search plugin '%1' contains invalid version string ('%2')SearchTabNamei.e: file nameNafnSizei.e: file sizeStærðSearch engineLeitarvélSearch has finishedLeit lokiðtotilSize:Stærð:SearchWidgetSearchLeitaThere aren't any search plugins installed.
Click the "Search plugins..." button at the bottom right of the window to install some.DownloadNiðurhalSearch plugins...A phrase to search for.Spaces in a search term may be protected by double quotes.Example:Search phrase example<b>foo bar</b>: search for <b>foo</b> and <b>bar</b>Search phrase example, illustrates quotes usage, a pair of space delimited words, individal words are highlighted<b>"foo bar"</b>: search for <b>foo bar</b>Search phrase example, illustrates quotes usage, double quotedpair of space delimited words, the whole pair is highlightedAll pluginsOnly enabledClose tabClose all tabsSelect...Search EngineLeitarvélPlease install Python to use the Search Engine.Empty search patternPlease type a search pattern firstStopSearch has finishedLeit lokiðSearch has failedShutdownConfirmDialogDon't show againqBittorrent will now exit.E&xit NowExit confirmationThe computer is going to shutdown.&Shutdown NowShutdown confirmationThe computer is going to enter suspend mode.&Suspend NowSuspend confirmationThe computer is going to enter hibernation mode.&Hibernate NowHibernate confirmationYou can cancel the action within %1 seconds.SpeedLimitDialogKiB/sKiB/sGlobal Speed LimitsSpeed limitsUpload:∞ KiB/sDownload:Alternative speed limitsSpeedPlotViewTotal UploadTotal DownloadSamtals sóttPayload UploadPayload DownloadOverhead UploadOverhead DownloadDHT UploadDHT DownloadTracker UploadTracker DownloadSpeedWidgetPeriod:1 Minute1 Mínúta5 Minutes5 Mínútur30 Minutes30 Mínútur6 Hours6 KlukkutímarSelect GraphsTotal Upload3 Hours6 Klukkutímar {3 ?}12 Hours6 Klukkutímar {12 ?}24 Hours6 Klukkutímar {24 ?}Total DownloadSamtals sóttPayload UploadPayload DownloadOverhead UploadOverhead DownloadDHT UploadDHT DownloadTracker UploadTracker DownloadStacktraceDialogCrash infoStatsDialogStatisticsTölfræðiUser statisticsCache statisticsRead cache hits:Average time in queue:Connected peers:All-time share ratio:All-time download:Session waste:All-time upload:Total buffer size:Performance statisticsQueued I/O jobs:Write cache overload:Read cache overload:Total queued size:OKAllt í lagi%1 ms18 millisecondsStatusBarConnection status:No direct connections. This may indicate network configuration problems.DHT: %1 nodesqBittorrent needs to be restarted!Connection Status:Offline. This usually means that qBittorrent failed to listen on the selected port for incoming connections.OnlineClick to switch to alternative speed limitsClick to switch to regular speed limitsStatusFilterWidgetAll (0)this is for the status filterAllt (0)Downloading (0)Sæki (0)Seeding (0)Completed (0)Lokið (0)Resumed (0)Paused (0)Active (0)Inactive (0)Stalled (0)Stalled Uploading (0)Stalled Downloading (0)Checking (0)Errored (0)Villur (0)All (%1)Allt (%1)Downloading (%1)Sæki (%1)Seeding (%1)Completed (%1)Lokið (%1)Paused (%1)Resumed (%1)Active (%1)Inactive (%1)Stalled (%1)Stalled Uploading (%1)Stalled Downloading (%1)Checking (%1)Errored (%1)Villur (%1)StatusFiltersWidgetAll (0)this is for the status filterAllt (0)Downloading (0)Sæki (0)Completed (0)Lokið (0)Errored (0)Villur (0)All (%1)Allt (%1)Downloading (%1)Sæki (%1)Completed (%1)Lokið (%1)Errored (%1)Villur (%1)TagFilterModelTagsAllAlltUntaggedTagFilterWidgetAdd tag...Remove tagRemove unused tagsResume torrentsPause torrentsDelete torrentsEyða torrentsNew TagTag:Invalid tag nameTag name '%1' is invalidTag existsTag name already exists.TorrentCategoryDialogTorrent Category PropertiesName:Nafn:Save path for incomplete torrents:Use another path for incomplete torrents:DefaultYesJáNoNeiPath:Save path:Choose save pathVeldu vista slóðinaChoose download pathNew CategoryInvalid category nameCategory name cannot contain '\'.
Category name cannot start/end with '/'.
Category name cannot contain '//' sequence.Category creation errorCategory with the given name already exists.
Please choose a different name and try again.TorrentContentModelNameNafnSizeStærðProgressFramförDownload PriorityNiðurhal forgangurRemainingEftirAvailabilityTorrentContentModelItemMixedMixed (prioritiesBlandaðNot downloadedEkki sóttHighHigh (priority)HárMaximumMaximum (priority)HámarkNormalNormal (priority)VenjulegtN/ATorrentContentTreeViewRenamingNew name:Nýtt nafn:Rename errorThis name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name.Þetta nafn er þegar í notkun í þessari möppu. Vinsamlegast notaðu annað nafn.The folder could not be renamedÞessi mappa getur ekki verið endurnefndTorrentCreatorDialogTorrent CreatorSelect file/folder to sharePath:[Drag and drop area]Select fileSelect folderSettingsTorrent format:HybridPiece size:AutoSjálfgefið16 KiB16 KiB32 KiB32 KiB64 KiB64 KiB128 KiB128 KiB256 KiB256 KiB512 KiB512 KiB1 MiB1 MiB2 MiB2 MiB4 MiB4 MiB8 MiB8 MiB16 MiB16 MiB32 MiB16 MiB {32 ?}Calculate number of pieces:Private torrent (Won't distribute on DHT network)Start seeding immediatelyIgnore share ratio limits for this torrentOptimize alignmentAlign to piece boundary for files larger than:Disabled KiBFieldsYou can separate tracker tiers / groups with an empty line.Web seed URLs:Tracker URLs:Comments:Source:Progress:Framför:Create TorrentTorrent creation failedReason: Path to file/folder is not readable.Select where to save the new torrentTorrent Files (*.torrent)Reason: %1Reason: Created torrent is invalid. It won't be added to download list.Torrent creatorTorrent created:TorrentCreatorDlgAutoSjálfgefið16 KiB16 KiB32 KiB32 KiB64 KiB64 KiB128 KiB128 KiB256 KiB256 KiB512 KiB512 KiB1 MiB1 MiB2 MiB2 MiB4 MiB4 MiB8 MiB8 MiB16 MiB16 MiB32 MiB16 MiB {32 ?}Progress:Framför:TorrentFilesWatcherCouldn't load Watched Folders configuration from %1. Error: %2Couldn't parse Watched Folders configuration from %1. Error: %2Couldn't load Watched Folders configuration from %1. Invalid data format.Couldn't store Watched Folders configuration to %1. Error: %2Watched folder Path cannot be empty.Watched folder Path cannot be relative.TorrentFilesWatcher::WorkerFailed to open magnet file: %1Rejecting failed torrent file: %1Watching folder: "%1"TorrentInfoFile size exceeds max limit %1Torrent file read error: %1Torrent file read error: size mismatchInvalid metadataTorrentModelNamei.e: torrent nameNafnSizei.e: torrent sizeStærðDone% DoneLokiðStatusTorrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused)StaðaDownloadedAmount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB)SóttRemainingAmount of data left to download (e.g. in MB)EftirCompletedAmount of data completed (e.g. in MB)LokiðTotal Sizei.e. Size including unwanted dataHeildar stærðTorrentOptionsDialogTorrent OptionsAutomatic mode means that various torrent properties (e.g. save path) will be decided by the associated categoryAutomatic Torrent ManagementSave atUse another path for incomplete torrentCategory:Torrent speed limitsDownload:∞ KiB/sThese will not exceed the global limitsUpload:Torrent share limitsUse global share limitSet no share limitSet share limit tominutesratioDisable DHT for this torrentDownload in sequential orderDisable PeX for this torrentDownload first and last pieces firstDisable LSD for this torrentCurrently used categoriesChoose save pathVeldu vista slóðinaNot applicable to private torrentsNo share limit method selectedPlease select a limit method firstTorrentsControllerUpdating...Uppfæri...WorkingVirkarNot workingVirkar ekkiError: '%1' is not a valid torrent file.Priority must be an integerPriority is not validTorrent's metadata has not yet downloadedFile IDs must be integersFile ID is not validTorrent queueing must be enabledSave path cannot be emptyCannot create target directoryCategory cannot be emptyUnable to create categoryUnable to edit categoryCannot make save path'sort' parameter is invalid"%1" is not a valid file index.Index %1 is out of bounds.Cannot write to directoryWebUI Set location: moving "%1", from "%2" to "%3"Incorrect torrent nameIncorrect category nameTrackerEntriesDialogEdit trackersOne tracker URL per line.
- You can split the trackers into groups by inserting blank lines.
- All trackers within the same group will belong to the same tier.
- The group on top will be tier 0, the next group tier 1 and so on.
- Below will show the common subset of trackers of the selected torrents.TrackerFiltersListAll (0)this is for the tracker filterAllt (0)Trackerless (0)Error (0)Villa (0)Warning (0)Viðvörun (0)Trackerless (%1)Error (%1)Villa (%1)Warning (%1)Aðvörun (%1)Resume torrentsPause torrentsDelete torrentsEyða torrentsAll (%1)this is for the tracker filterAllt (%1)TrackerListURLVefslóðStatusStaðaDownloadedSóttMessageSkilaboðWorkingVirkarUpdating...Uppfæri...Not workingVirkar ekkiTrackerListWidgetWorkingVirkarDisabledDisabled for this torrentThis torrent is privateUpdating...Uppfæri...Not workingVirkar ekkiNot contacted yetN/ATracker editingTracker URL:Tracker editing failedThe tracker URL entered is invalid.The tracker URL already exists.Add a new tracker...Edit tracker URL...Remove trackerCopy tracker URLForce reannounce to selected trackersForce reannounce to all trackersTierURLVefslóðStatusStaðaSeedsResize columnsResize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contentsPeersLeechesDownloadedSóttMessageSkilaboðColumn visibilityTrackerLoginDialogLoginSkrá innUsername:Notandanafn:Password:Lykilorð:Log inSkrá innTrackersAdditionDialogTrackers addition dialogList of trackers to add (one per line):µTorrent compatible list URL:No changeEngin breytingNo additional trackers were found.Download errorNiðurhal villaThe trackers list could not be downloaded, reason: %1TrackersAdditionDlgI/O ErrorI/O VillaNo changeEngin breytingDownload errorNiðurhal villaTransferListDelegateDownloadingSækiCheckingTorrent local data is being checkedAthugaCompletedLokiðErroredTorrent status, the torrent has an errorVillurErroredtorrent status, the torrent has an errorVillur%1 agoe.g.: 1h 20m ago%1 síðanTransferListFiltersWidgetStatusStaðaCategoriesTagsTrackersTransferListModelDownloadingSækiStalledTorrent is waiting for download to beginDownloading metadataUsed when loading a magnet link[F] Downloading metadataUsed when forced to load a magnet link. You probably shouldn't translate the F.[F] DownloadingUsed when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn't translate the F.SeedingTorrent is complete and in upload-only mode[F] SeedingUsed when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn't translate the F.QueuedTorrent is queuedCheckingTorrent local data is being checkedAthugaChecking resume dataUsed when loading the torrents from disk after qbt is launched. It checks the correctness of the .fastresume file. Normally it is completed in a fraction of a second, unless loading many many torrents.PausedCompletedLokiðMovingTorrent local data are being moved/relocatedMissing FilesErroredTorrent status, the torrent has an errorVillurNamei.e: torrent nameNafnSizei.e: torrent sizeStærðDone% DoneLokiðProgress% DoneFramförStatusTorrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused)StaðaSeedsi.e. full sources (often untranslated)Peersi.e. partial sources (often untranslated)Down Speedi.e: Download speedUp Speedi.e: Upload speedRatioShare ratioETAi.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time leftCategoryTagsAdded OnTorrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00Completed OnTorrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00TrackerDown Limiti.e: Download limitUp Limiti.e: Upload limitDownloadedAmount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB)SóttUploadedAmount of data uploaded (e.g. in MB)Session DownloadAmount of data downloaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Session UploadAmount of data uploaded since program open (e.g. in MB)RemainingAmount of data left to download (e.g. in MB)EftirTime ActiveTime (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Save pathTorrent save pathCompletedAmount of data completed (e.g. in MB)LokiðRatio LimitUpload share ratio limitLast Seen CompleteIndicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/wholeLast ActivityTime passed since a chunk was downloaded/uploadedTotal Sizei.e. Size including unwanted dataHeildar stærðAvailabilityThe number of distributed copies of the torrentN/A%1 agoe.g.: 1h 20m ago%1 síðan%1 (seeded for %2)e.g. 4m39s (seeded for 3m10s)TransferListWidgetColumn visibilityChoose save pathVeldu vista slóðinaRecheck confirmationAre you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)?RenameEndurnefnaNew name:Nýtt nafn:ResumeResume/start the torrentForce ResumeForce Resume/start the torrentPausePause the torrentUnable to previewThe selected torrent "%1" does not contain previewable filesResize columnsResize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contentsEnable automatic torrent managementAre you sure you want to enable Automatic Torrent Management for the selected torrent(s)? They may be relocated.Add TagsRemove All TagsRemove all tags from selected torrents?Comma-separated tags:Invalid tagTag name: '%1' is invalidDeleteDelete the torrentEyðaPreview file...Torrent options...Open destination folderMove upi.e. move up in the queueFara uppMove downi.e. Move down in the queueFara niðurMove to topi.e. Move to top of the queueFæra efstMove to bottomi.e. Move to bottom of the queueFæra neðstSet location...Force reannounceMagnet linkTorrent IDNameNafnInfo hash v1Info hash v2Download in sequential orderDownload first and last pieces firstAutomatic Torrent ManagementAutomatic mode means that various torrent properties (e.g. save path) will be decided by the associated categoryCategoryNew...New category...ResetReset categoryQueueCopyAfritaCopy nameAfrita nafnEdit trackers...TagsAdd...Add / assign multiple tags...Remove AllRemove all tagsPriorityForgangurForce recheckCopy magnet linkAfrita magnet slóðSuper seeding modeRename...EndurnefnaUIThemeManagerFailed to load UI theme from file: "%1"UITheme - Failed to open "%1". Reason: %2"%1" has invalid format. Reason: %2Root JSON value is not an objectInvalid color for ID "%1" is provided by themeUtils::ForeignAppsPython detected, executable name: '%1', version: %2Python not detectedWatchedFolderOptionsDialogWatched Folder Options<html><head/><body><p>Will watch the folder and all its subfolders. In Manual torrent management mode it will also add subfolder name to the selected Save path.</p></body></html>Recursive modeTorrent parametersTorrent Management Mode:Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated categoryManualAutomaticSave atUse another path for incomplete torrentsCategory:Start torrentSetja í gang torrentSkip hash checkContent layout:OriginalCreate subfolderDon't create subfolderChoose save pathVeldu vista slóðinaWatchedFoldersModelWatched FolderWatched folder path cannot be empty.Watched folder path cannot be relative.Folder '%1' is already in watch list.Folder '%1' doesn't exist.Folder '%1' isn't readable.WebApplicationUnacceptable file type, only regular file is allowed.Symlinks inside alternative UI folder are forbidden.Using built-in Web UI.Using custom Web UI. Location: "%1".Web UI translation for selected locale (%1) has been successfully loaded.Couldn't load Web UI translation for selected locale (%1).Missing ':' separator in WebUI custom HTTP header: "%1"Exceeded the maximum allowed file size (%1)!WebUI: Origin header & Target origin mismatch! Source IP: '%1'. Origin header: '%2'. Target origin: '%3'WebUI: Referer header & Target origin mismatch! Source IP: '%1'. Referer header: '%2'. Target origin: '%3'WebUI: Invalid Host header, port mismatch. Request source IP: '%1'. Server port: '%2'. Received Host header: '%3'WebUI: Invalid Host header. Request source IP: '%1'. Received Host header: '%2'WebUIWeb UI: HTTPS setup successfulWeb UI: HTTPS setup failed, fallback to HTTPWeb UI: Now listening on IP: %1, port: %2Web UI: Unable to bind to IP: %1, port: %2. Reason: %3authenticationLoginSkrá innUsername:Notandanafn:Password:Lykilorð:Log inSkrá innCancelHætta viðconfirmDeletionDlgAlso delete the files on the hard diskEinnig eyða skrám af harðadiskicreateTorrentDialogCancelHætta viðAdd fileBæta við skráAdd folderBæta við möppuComment:Umsögn16 KiB16 KiB32 KiB32 KiB64 KiB64 KiB128 KiB128 KiB256 KiB256 KiB512 KiB512 KiB1 MiB1 MiB2 MiB2 MiB4 MiB4 MiB8 MiB8 MiB16 MiB16 MiBAutoSjálfgefiðProgress:Framför:downloadFromURLDownloadNiðurhalCancelHætta viðmiscBbytesBKiBkibibytes (1024 bytes)KiBMiBmebibytes (1024 kibibytes)MiBGiBgibibytes (1024 mibibytes)GiBTiBtebibytes (1024 gibibytes)TiBPiBpebibytes (1024 tebibytes)EiBexbibytes (1024 pebibytes)/sper second/s%1h %2me.g: 3hours 5minutes%1h %2m%1d %2he.g: 2days 10hours%1d %2h%1y %2de.g: 2years 10days%1d %2h {1y?} {2d?}UnknownUnknown (size)ÓþekktqBittorrent will shutdown the computer now because all downloads are complete.< 1m< 1 minute< 1m%1me.g: 10minutes%1mWorkingVirkarUpdating...Uppfæri...Not workingVirkar ekkipreviewCancelHætta viðtrackerLoginLog inSkrá inn