/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #ifndef TORRENTADDITION_H #define TORRENTADDITION_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bittorrent.h" #include "misc.h" #include "PropListDelegate.h" #include "ui_addTorrentDialog.h" #include "arborescence.h" #include "torrentPersistentData.h" using namespace libtorrent; class torrentAdditionDialog : public QDialog, private Ui_addTorrentDialog{ Q_OBJECT private: bittorrent *BTSession; QString fileName; QString hash; QString filePath; QString from_url; QStandardItemModel *PropListModel; PropListDelegate *PropDelegate; unsigned int nbFiles; boost::intrusive_ptr t; public: torrentAdditionDialog(QWidget *parent, bittorrent* _BTSession) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); BTSession = _BTSession; // Set Properties list model PropListModel = new QStandardItemModel(0,5); PropListModel->setHeaderData(NAME, Qt::Horizontal, tr("File name")); PropListModel->setHeaderData(SIZE, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Size")); PropListModel->setHeaderData(PROGRESS, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Progress")); PropListModel->setHeaderData(PRIORITY, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Priority")); torrentContentList->setModel(PropListModel); torrentContentList->hideColumn(PROGRESS); torrentContentList->hideColumn(INDEX); PropDelegate = new PropListDelegate(); torrentContentList->setItemDelegate(PropDelegate); connect(torrentContentList, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex&)), torrentContentList, SLOT(edit(const QModelIndex&))); connect(torrentContentList, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(displayFilesListMenu(const QPoint&))); connect(actionIgnored, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ignoreSelection())); connect(actionNormal, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(normalSelection())); connect(actionHigh, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(highSelection())); connect(actionMaximum, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(maximumSelection())); connect(collapseAllButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), torrentContentList, SLOT(collapseAll())); connect(expandAllButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), torrentContentList, SLOT(expandAll())); torrentContentList->header()->resizeSection(0, 200); //torrentContentList->header()->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch); QString home = QDir::homePath(); if(home[home.length()-1] != QDir::separator()){ home += QDir::separator(); } QSettings settings(QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent"), QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent")); savePathTxt->setText(settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("LastDirTorrentAdd"), home+QString::fromUtf8("qBT_dir")).toString()); if(settings.value("Preferences/Downloads/StartInPause", false).toBool()) { addInPause->setChecked(true); addInPause->setEnabled(false); } } ~torrentAdditionDialog() { delete PropDelegate; delete PropListModel; } void showLoad(QString filePath, QString from_url=QString::null){ if(!QFile::exists(filePath)) { close(); return; } this->filePath = filePath; this->from_url = from_url; // Getting torrent file informations try { t = new torrent_info(filePath.toLocal8Bit().data()); } catch(std::exception&) { qDebug("Caught error loading torrent"); if(!from_url.isNull()){ BTSession->addConsoleMessage(tr("Unable to decode torrent file:")+QString::fromUtf8(" '")+from_url+QString::fromUtf8("'"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); QFile::remove(filePath); }else{ BTSession->addConsoleMessage(tr("Unable to decode torrent file:")+QString::fromUtf8(" '")+filePath+QString::fromUtf8("'"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); } close(); return; } nbFiles = t->num_files(); // Setting file name fileName = misc::toQString(t->name()); hash = misc::toQString(t->info_hash()); // Use left() to remove .old extension QString newFileName; if(fileName.endsWith(QString::fromUtf8(".old"))){ newFileName = fileName.left(fileName.size()-4); }else{ newFileName = fileName; } fileNameLbl->setText(QString::fromUtf8("
")); // List files in torrent arborescence *arb = new arborescence(t); addFilesToTree(arb->getRoot(), PropListModel->invisibleRootItem()); delete arb; connect(PropListModel, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QStandardItem*)), this, SLOT(updatePriorities(QStandardItem*))); //torrentContentList->expandAll(); connect(savePathTxt, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateDiskSpaceLabels())); updateDiskSpaceLabels(); show(); } void addFilesToTree(const torrent_file *root, QStandardItem *parent) { QList child; // Name QStandardItem *first; if(root->isDir()) { first = new QStandardItem(QIcon(":/Icons/oxygen/folder.png"), root->name()); } else { first = new QStandardItem(QIcon(":/Icons/oxygen/file.png"), root->name()); } child << first; // Size child << new QStandardItem(misc::toQString(root->getSize())); // Hidden progress child << new QStandardItem(""); // Prio child << new QStandardItem(misc::toQString(NORMAL)); // INDEX child << new QStandardItem(misc::toQString(root->getIndex())); // Add the child to the tree parent->appendRow(child); // set row Color setItemColor(first->index(), "green"); // Add children QList children = root->getChildren(); foreach(torrent_file *child, children) { addFilesToTree(child, first); } } public slots: // priority is the new priority of given item void updateParentsPriority(QStandardItem *item, int priority) { QStandardItem *parent = item->parent(); if(!parent) return; // Check if children have different priorities // then folder must have NORMAL priority unsigned int rowCount = parent->rowCount(); for(unsigned int i=0; ichild(i, PRIORITY)->text().toInt() != priority) { QStandardItem *grandFather = parent->parent(); if(!grandFather) { grandFather = PropListModel->invisibleRootItem(); } QStandardItem *parentPrio = grandFather->child(parent->row(), PRIORITY); if(parentPrio->text().toInt() != NORMAL) { parentPrio->setText(misc::toQString(NORMAL)); setItemColor(parentPrio->index(), "green"); // Recursively update ancesters of this parent too updateParentsPriority(grandFather->child(parent->row()), priority); } return; } } // All the children have the same priority // Parent folder should have the same priority too QStandardItem *grandFather = parent->parent(); if(!grandFather) { grandFather = PropListModel->invisibleRootItem(); } QStandardItem *parentPrio = grandFather->child(parent->row(), PRIORITY); if(parentPrio->text().toInt() != priority) { parentPrio->setText(misc::toQString(priority)); if(priority == IGNORED) setItemColor(parentPrio->index(), "red"); else setItemColor(parentPrio->index(), "green"); // Recursively update ancesters of this parent too updateParentsPriority(grandFather->child(parent->row()), priority); } } void updateChildrenPriority(QStandardItem *item, int priority) { QStandardItem *parent = item->parent(); if(!parent) { parent = PropListModel->invisibleRootItem(); } parent = parent->child(item->row()); unsigned int rowCount = parent->rowCount(); for(unsigned int i=0; ichild(i, PRIORITY); if(childPrio->text().toInt() != priority) { childPrio->setText(misc::toQString(priority)); if(priority == IGNORED) setItemColor(childPrio->index(), "red"); else setItemColor(childPrio->index(), "green"); // recursively update children of this child too updateChildrenPriority(parent->child(i), priority); } } } void updatePriorities(QStandardItem *item) { qDebug("Priority changed"); // First we disable the signal/slot on item edition // temporarily so that it doesn't mess with our manual updates disconnect(PropListModel, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QStandardItem*)), this, SLOT(updatePriorities(QStandardItem*))); QStandardItem *parent = item->parent(); if(!parent) { parent = PropListModel->invisibleRootItem(); } int priority = parent->child(item->row(), PRIORITY)->text().toInt(); if(priority == IGNORED) setItemColor(item->index(), "red"); else setItemColor(item->index(), "green"); // Update parents priorities updateParentsPriority(item, priority); // If this is not a directory, then there are // no children to update if(parent->child(item->row(), INDEX)->text().toInt() == -1) { // Updating children qDebug("Priority changed for a folder to %d", priority); updateChildrenPriority(item, priority); } // Reconnect the signal/slot on item edition so that we // get future updates connect(PropListModel, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QStandardItem*)), this, SLOT(updatePriorities(QStandardItem*))); // Update disk space labels updateDiskSpaceLabels(); } void updateDiskSpaceLabels() { long long available = misc::freeDiskSpaceOnPath(savePathTxt->text()); lbl_disk_space->setText(misc::friendlyUnit(available)); // Determine torrent size unsigned long long torrent_size = 0; int nbFiles = t->num_files(); int *priorities = new int[nbFiles]; getPriorities(PropListModel->invisibleRootItem(), priorities); for(int i=0; i 0) torrent_size += t->file_at(i).size; } lbl_torrent_size->setText(misc::friendlyUnit(torrent_size)); // Check if free space is sufficient if(available > 0) { if((unsigned long long)available > torrent_size) { // Space is sufficient label_space_msg->setText(tr("(%1 left after torrent download)", "e.g. (100MiB left after torrent download)").arg(misc::friendlyUnit(available-torrent_size))); } else { // Space is unsufficient label_space_msg->setText(""+tr("(%1 more are required to download)", "e.g. (100MiB more are required to download)").arg(misc::friendlyUnit(torrent_size-available))+""); } } else { // Available disk space is unknown label_space_msg->setText(""); } } void on_browseButton_clicked(){ QString dir; QDir saveDir(savePathTxt->text()); if(saveDir.exists()){ dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose save path"), savePathTxt->text()); }else{ dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose save path"), QDir::homePath()); } if(!dir.isNull()){ savePathTxt->setText(dir); } } void on_CancelButton_clicked(){ close(); } // Set the color of a row in data model void setItemColor(QModelIndex index, QString color){ for(int i=0; icolumnCount(); ++i){ PropListModel->setData(index.sibling(index.row(), i), QVariant(QColor(color)), Qt::ForegroundRole); } } bool allFiltered() const { unsigned int nbRows = PropListModel->rowCount(); for(unsigned int i=0; idata(PropListModel->index(i, PRIORITY)).toInt() != IGNORED) return false; } return true; } void displayFilesListMenu(const QPoint&){ if(nbFiles == 1) return; QMenu myFilesLlistMenu(this); QModelIndex index; // Enable/disable pause/start action given the DL state QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = torrentContentList->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); myFilesLlistMenu.setTitle(tr("Priority")); myFilesLlistMenu.addAction(actionIgnored); myFilesLlistMenu.addAction(actionNormal); myFilesLlistMenu.addAction(actionHigh); myFilesLlistMenu.addAction(actionMaximum); // Call menu myFilesLlistMenu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void ignoreSelection(){ QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = torrentContentList->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); foreach(const QModelIndex &index, selectedIndexes){ if(index.column() == PRIORITY){ PropListModel->setData(index, QVariant(IGNORED)); setItemColor(index, "red"); } } } void normalSelection(){ QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = torrentContentList->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); foreach(const QModelIndex &index, selectedIndexes){ if(index.column() == PRIORITY){ PropListModel->setData(index, QVariant(NORMAL)); setItemColor(index, "green"); } } } void highSelection(){ QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = torrentContentList->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); foreach(const QModelIndex &index, selectedIndexes){ if(index.column() == PRIORITY){ PropListModel->setData(index, QVariant(HIGH)); setItemColor(index, "green"); } } } void maximumSelection(){ QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = torrentContentList->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); foreach(const QModelIndex &index, selectedIndexes){ if(index.column() == PRIORITY){ PropListModel->setData(index, QVariant(MAXIMUM)); setItemColor(index, "green"); } } } void getPriorities(QStandardItem *parent, int *priorities) { unsigned int nbRows = parent->rowCount(); for(unsigned int i=0; ichild(i, INDEX); int index = item->text().toInt(); if(index < 0) { qDebug("getPriorities(), found a folder, checking its children"); getPriorities(parent->child(i), priorities); } else { item = parent->child(i, PRIORITY); qDebug("getPriorities(), found priority %d for file at index %d", item->text().toInt(), index); priorities[index] = item->text().toInt(); } } } void savePiecesPriorities(){ qDebug("Saving pieces priorities"); int *priorities = new int[nbFiles]; getPriorities(PropListModel->invisibleRootItem(), priorities); std::vector vect_prio; for(unsigned int i=0; itext()); if(savePathTxt->text().trimmed().isEmpty()){ QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Empty save path"), tr("Please enter a save path")); return; } // Check if savePath exists if(!savePath.exists()){ if(!savePath.mkpath(savePath.path())){ QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Save path creation error"), tr("Could not create the save path")); return; } } // Save savepath TorrentTempData::setSavePath(hash, savePath.path()); // Save last dir to remember it QSettings settings(QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent"), QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent")); settings.setValue(QString::fromUtf8("LastDirTorrentAdd"), savePathTxt->text()); // Create .incremental file if necessary TorrentTempData::setSequential(hash, checkIncrementalDL->isChecked()); // Skip file checking and directly start seeding TorrentTempData::setSeedingMode(hash, addInSeed->isChecked()); // Check if there is at least one selected file if(allFiltered()){ QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Invalid file selection"), tr("You must select at least one file in the torrent")); return; } // save filtered files savePiecesPriorities(); // Add to download list QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->addTorrent(filePath, false, from_url); if(addInPause->isChecked() && h.is_valid()) h.pause(); close(); } }; #endif