AboutDlg About qBittorrent 关于 qBittorrent About 关于 Author 作者 qBitorrent Author qBittorrent 作者 Name: 名称: Country: 国家: E-mail: 电子邮件: Home page: 主页: Christophe Dumez France 法国 Thanks To 感谢 Translation 翻译 License 许可证 <h3><b>qBittorrent</b></h3> A bittorrent client using Qt4 and libtorrent, programmed in C++.<br> <br> Copyright © 2006 by Christophe Dumez<br> <br> <u>Home Page:</u> <i>http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net</i><br> bittorrent的用户使用由C++语言编写的Qt4和libtorrent. Copyright © 2006 by Christophe Dumez 主页:http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net qBittorrent Author qBittorrent 作者 A bittorrent client using Qt4 and libtorrent, programmed in C++.<br> <br> Copyright © 2006 by Christophe Dumez<br> <br> <u>Home Page:</u> <i>http://www.qbittorrent.org</i><br> bittorrent的用户使用由C++语言编写的Qt4和libtorrent.<br> <br> Copyright © 2006 by Christophe Dumez<br> <br> <u>主页:</u> <i>http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net</i><br> chris@qbittorrent.org http://www.dchris.eu Birthday: Occupation: 03/05/1985 Student in computer science DLListDelegate KiB/s KiB/s Dialog Options -- qBittorrent 选项 -- qBittorrent Options 选项 Main 常规 Save Path: 保存路径: Download Limit: 下载限制: Upload Limit: 上传限制: Max Connects: 最大连接数: Port range: 端口列: ... ... Disable 放弃 connections 连接 to Proxy 代理服务器 Proxy Settings 代理服务器设置 Server IP: 服务器IP: Port: 端口: Proxy server requires authentication 代理服务器需要身份验证 Authentication 验证 User Name: 用户名: Password: 密码: Enable connection through a proxy server 可使用代理服务器连接 Language 语言 Please choose your preferred language in the following list: 请选择所需语言: OK 确认 Cancel 取消 Language settings will take effect after restart. 语言设置将在重新启动本软件后生效. Scanned Dir: 监视目录: Enable directory scan (auto add torrent files inside) 可使用目录监视功能(自动添加torrent文件) Connection Settings 连接设置 Share ratio: 共享比率: 1 KB DL = 1 KB 下载限 = KB UP max. KB 上传最大值. Activate IP Filtering 激活IP过滤器 Filter Settings 过滤器设置 ipfilter.dat URL or PATH: ipfilter.dat路径或网址: Start IP 起始IP End IP 截止IP Origin 来源 Comment 注释 Apply 应用 IP Filter IP过滤器 Add Range 添加IP列 Remove Range 删除IP列 ipfilter.dat Path: ipfilter.dat路径: Clear finished downloads on exit 退出时清空列表中已下载的文件 Ask for confirmation on exit 确定要退出qBittorrent Go to systray when minimizing window 最小化窗口时只保留图标 Misc 其他 Localization 地区 Language: 语言: Behaviour 属性 OSD OSD Always display OSD 总是显示OSD Display OSD only if window is minimized or iconified 仅当窗口为最小化或为图标时显示OSD Never display OSD 从不显示OSD KiB/s KiB/s 1 KiB DL = 1 KiB 下载 = KiB UP max. KiB上传最大值. DHT (Trackerless): Disable DHT (Trackerless) support Automatically clear finished downloads Preview program Audio/Video player: GUI Open Torrent Files 打开Torrent文件 Unknown 无效 This file is either corrupted or this isn't a torrent. 该文件不是torrent文件或已经损坏. Are you sure you want to delete all files in download list? 确定删除下载列表中的所有文件? &Yes &是 &No &否 Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s) in download list? 确定删除所选中的文件? paused 暂停 started 开始 Finished 完成 Checking... 检查中... Connecting... 连接中... Downloading... 下载中... Download list cleared. 下载列表已清空. All Downloads Paused. 暂停所有下载. All Downloads Resumed. 重新开始所有下载. DL Speed: 下载速: started. 已开始. UP Speed: 上传速: Couldn't create the directory: 无法创建文档: Torrent Files Torrent文件 already in download list. <file> already in download list. 该文件已存在于下载列表中. added to download list. 添加到下载列表. resumed. (fast resume) 重新开始. (快速) Unable to decode torrent file: 无法解码torrent文件: removed. <file> removed. 移除. paused. <file> paused. 暂停. resumed. <file> resumed. 重新开始. Listening on port: 使用端口: qBittorrent Are you sure? -- qBittorrent 确定? -- qBittorrent <b>qBittorrent</b><br>DL Speed: <b>qBittorrent</b><br>下载速度: <b>Connection Status:</b><br>Online <b>连接状态:</b><br>在线 <b>Connection Status:</b><br>Firewalled?<br><i>No incoming connections...</i> <b>连接状态:</b><br>有防火墙?<br><i>无incoming连接...</i> <b>Connection Status:</b><br>Offline<br><i>No peers found...</i> <b>连接状态:</b><br>离线</br><i>无法找到任何peer...</i> has finished downloading. 下载完毕. Couldn't listen on any of the given ports. 所给端口无响应. None Empty search pattern 无关键词 Please type a search pattern first 请先输入关键词 No seach engine selected 无选中的搜索引擎 You must select at least one search engine. 至少选择一个搜索引擎. Searching... 搜索中... Could not create search plugin. 无法创建搜索插件. Stopped 停止 I/O Error 输入/输出错误 Couldn't create temporary file on hard drive. 无法在硬盘上创建临时文件. Torrent file URL Torrent文件URL Downloading using HTTP: 使用HTTP下载: Torrent file URL: Torrent文件URL: A http download failed... http下载失败... A http download failed, reason: http失败原因: Are you sure you want to quit? -- qBittorrent 确实要退出吗? -- qBittorrent Are you sure you want to quit qbittorrent? 确实要退出qbittorrent吗? Timed out 超时 Error during search... 搜索时出现错误... Failed to download: 下载失败: KiB/s A http download failed, reason: http失败原因: Stalled 等待 Search is finished 搜索完毕 An error occured during search... 搜索中出现错误... Search aborted 搜索失败 Search returned no results 搜索无结果 Search is Finished 搜索完毕 Search plugin update -- qBittorrent 更新搜索插件 Search plugin can be updated, do you want to update it? Changelog: 搜索插件可以更新,想要更新它吗? 更改记录: Sorry, update server is temporarily unavailable. 对不起,服务器暂时不可用. Your search plugin is already up to date. 您的搜索插件已是最新的. Results 结果 Name 名称 Size 大小 Progress 进度 DL Speed 下载速度 UP Speed 上传速度 Status 状态 ETA 剩余时间 Seeders 完整种子 Leechers 不完整种子 Search engine 搜索引擎 Stalled state of a torrent whose DL Speed is 0 等待中 Paused 暂停中 Preview process already running There is already another preview process running. Please close the other one first. Couldn't download Couldn't download <file> reason: Reason why the download failed Downloading Example: Downloading www.example.com/test.torrent 下载中 Please wait... MainWindow Log: 日志: Total DL Speed: 总下载速度: Total UP Speed: 总上传速度: Name 名称 Size 大小 % DL % 下载 DL Speed 下载速度 UP Speed 上传速度 Status 状态 &Options &选项 &Edit &编辑 &File &文件 &Help &帮助 Open 打开 Exit 退出 Preferences 首选项 About 关于 Start 开始 Pause 暂停 Delete 删除 Pause All 暂停所有 Start All 开始所有 Documentation 参考资料 Connexion Status 连接状态 Delete All 删除所有 Torrent Properties Torrent所有权 Connection Status 连接状态 Downloads 下载 Search 搜索 Search Pattern: 搜索关键词: Status: 状态: Stopped 停止 Search Engines 搜索引擎 Results: 结果: Stop 停止 Seeds 完整种子 Leechers 不完整种子 Search Engine 搜索引擎 Download from URL 通过网址下载 Download 下载 Clear 清除 KiB/s Create torrent 创建torrent Ratio: 比率: Update search plugin 更新搜索插件 Session ratio: Session 比率: Transfers Preview file Clear log PropListDelegate False 错误 True 正确 QTextEdit Clear 清除 Ui I would like to thank the following people who volonteered to translate qBittorrent: 感谢以下所有qBittorrent的志愿翻译者: Please contact me if you would like to translate qBittorrent to your own language. 如果你想为qBittorrent提供翻译请与我联系. I would like to thank sourceforge.net for hosting qBittorrent project. 感谢sourceforge.net的支持. qBittorrent I would like to thank the following people who volunteered to translate qBittorrent: 感谢以下所有qBittorrent的志愿翻译者: <ul><li>I would like to thank sourceforge.net for hosting qBittorrent project.</li> <ul><li>感谢sourceforge.net对qBittorrent的支持.</li> <li>I also like to thank Jeffery Fernandez (developer@jefferyfernandez.id.au), our RPM packager, for his great work.</li></ul> <li>同时还要感谢Jeffery Fernandez (developer@jefferyfernandez.id.au), RPM packager, 感谢他的杰出工作.</li></ul> Preview impossible Sorry, we can't preview this file Name 名称 Size 大小 Progress 进度 No URL entered Please type at least one URL. authentication Tracker authentication Tracker: Login Username: Password: 密码: Log in Cancel 取消 createTorrentDialog Create Torrent file 创建Torrent文件 Comment: 注释: ... ... Create 创建 Cancel 取消 Directory 目录 Torrent Creation Tool Torrent创建工具 <center>Destination torrent file:</center> 目标Torrent文件: <center>Input file or directory:</center> 输入文件或目录 <center>Announce url:<br>(One per line)</center> 请指定url:(每行一个) <center>Comment:</center> 注释: createtorrent Select destination torrent file 选择torrent文件目的地 Torrent Files Torrent文件 Select input directory or file 选择输入目录或文件 No destination path set 未设置目标路径 Please type a destination path first 请先给出目标路经 No input path set 未设置输入路径 Please type an input path first 请先给出输入路径 Input path does not exist 输入路径不存在 Please type a correct input path first 请先给出一个正确的输入路径 Torrent creation 创建Torrent Torrent was created successfully: 成功创建Torrent: downloadFromURL Download Torrents from URLs Only one URL per line Download 下载 Cancel 取消 Download from urls misc B bytes KiB kibibytes (1024 bytes) MiB mebibytes (1024 kibibytes) GiB gibibytes (1024 mibibytes) TiB tebibytes (1024 gibibytes) m minutes 分钟 h hours 小时 Unknown 未知 h hours d days Unknown Unknown (size) 未知 options_imp Options saved successfully! 选项保存成功! Choose Scan Directory 监视目录 Choose save Directory 保存目录 Choose ipfilter.dat file 选择ipfilter.dat文件 I/O Error 输入/输出错误 Couldn't open: 无法打开: in read mode. 处于只读状态. Invalid Line 无效行 Line is malformed. 有残缺. Range Start IP IP列起始 Start IP: 起始IP: Incorrect IP 错误的IP This IP is incorrect. 此IP有误. Range End IP IP列截止 End IP: 截止IP: IP Range Comment IP列注释 Comment: 注释: to <min port> to <max port> Choose your favourite preview program preview Preview selection File preview The following files support previewing, <br>please select one of them: Preview Cancel 取消 properties Torrent Properties Torrent所有权 Main Infos 信息 File Name 文件名 Current Session 当前Session Total Uploaded: 总上传: Total Downloaded: 总下载: upTotal 总上传 dlTotal 总下载 Download state: 下载状态: Current Tracker: 当前torrent服务器: Number of Peers: 资源数: dlState 下载状态 nbPeers Peers数 (Complete: 0.0%, Partial: 0.0%) (完成: 0.0%, Partial: 0.0%) Torrent Content Torrent内容 OK 确认 Cancel 取消 Total Failed: 总失败数: failed 失败 Finished 完成 Queued for checking 等待检查 Checking files 检查文件 Connecting to tracker 连接到tracker Downloading Metadata 文件信息下载中 Downloading 下载中 Seeding 共享中 Allocating 正在创建硬盘空间 Unreachable? Unreachable? Unknown 未知 Complete: 完整: Partial: 不完整: Files contained in current torrent: 文件已存在于现有的torrent: Size 大小 Selected 选中 Unselect 不选中 Select 选中 You can select here precisely which files you want to download in current torrent. 请在以下torrent文件中选择你想要下载的. False 错误 True 正确 Tracker torrent服务器 Trackers: torrent服务器: None - Unreachable? 无-无法连接到服务器? Errors: 错误: Progress 进度 Main infos 主要信息 Number of peers: peers数量: Current tracker: 当前torrent服务器: Total uploaded: 上传总数: Total downloaded: 下载总数: Total failed: 错误总数: Torrent content Torrent内容 Options 选项 Download in correct order (slower but good for previewing)