Source: libtorrent
Version: 1.2.12
Description: An efficient feature complete C++ BitTorrent implementation
Build-Depends: openssl, boost-system, boost-date-time, boost-chrono, boost-random, boost-asio, boost-crc, boost-config, boost-iterator, boost-scope-exit, boost-multiprecision, boost-pool, boost-variant
Supports: !uwp&!(windows&arm)

Feature: deprfun
Description: build with deprecated functions enabled

Feature: examples
Description: build the examples in the examples directory

Feature: iconv
Build-Depends: libiconv (windows)
Description: build with libiconv on Windows

Feature: python
Build-Depends: boost-python
Description: build the python bindings in bindings/python directory

Feature: test
Description: build the libtorrent tests

Feature: tools
Description: build the tools in the tools directory