/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Ishan Arora and Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #include "httpconnection.h" #include "httpserver.h" #include "eventmanager.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "json.h" #include "bittorrent.h" #include "misc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include HttpConnection::HttpConnection(QTcpSocket *socket, Bittorrent *BTSession, HttpServer *parent) : QObject(parent), socket(socket), parent(parent), BTSession(BTSession) { socket->setParent(this); connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(read())); connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(deleteLater())); } HttpConnection::~HttpConnection() { delete socket; } void HttpConnection::processDownloadedFile(QString url, QString file_path) { qDebug("URL %s successfully downloaded !", (const char*)url.toLocal8Bit()); emit torrentReadyToBeDownloaded(file_path, false, url, false); } void HttpConnection::handleDownloadFailure(QString url, QString reason) { std::cerr << "Could not download " << (const char*)url.toLocal8Bit() << ", reason: " << (const char*)reason.toLocal8Bit() << "\n"; } void HttpConnection::read() { QByteArray input = socket->readAll(); /*qDebug(" -------"); qDebug("|REQUEST|"); qDebug(" -------"); */ //qDebug("%s", input.toAscii().constData()); if(input.size() > 100000) { qDebug("Request too big"); generator.setStatusLine(400, "Bad Request"); write(); return; } parser.write(input); if(parser.isError()) { generator.setStatusLine(400, "Bad Request"); write(); } else if (parser.isParsable()) respond(); } void HttpConnection::write() { QByteArray output = generator.toByteArray(); /*qDebug(" --------"); qDebug("|RESPONSE|"); qDebug(" --------"); qDebug()<write(output); socket->disconnectFromHost(); } QString HttpConnection::translateDocument(QString data) { std::string contexts[] = {"TransferListFiltersWidget", "TransferListWidget", "PropertiesWidget", "GUI", "MainWindow", "HttpServer", "confirmDeletionDlg", "TrackerList", "TorrentFilesModel", "options_imp", "Preferences", "TrackersAdditionDlg", "ScanFoldersModel"}; int i=0; bool found = false; do { found = false; QRegExp regex(QString::fromUtf8("_\\(([\\w\\s?!:\\/\\(\\),ยต&\\-\\.]+)\\)")); i = regex.indexIn(data, i); if(i >= 0) { //qDebug("Found translatable string: %s", regex.cap(1).toUtf8().data()); QString word = regex.cap(1); QString translation = word; int context_index= 0; do { translation = qApp->translate(contexts[context_index].c_str(), word.toLocal8Bit().constData(), 0, QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8, 1); ++context_index; }while(translation == word && context_index < 13); // Remove keyboard shortcuts translation = translation.replace("&", ""); //qDebug("Translation is %s", translation.toUtf8().data()); data = data.replace(i, regex.matchedLength(), translation); i += translation.length(); found = true; } }while(found && i < data.size()); return data; } void HttpConnection::respond() { //qDebug("Respond called"); const QString peer_ip = socket->peerAddress().toString(); const int nb_fail = parent->NbFailedAttemptsForIp(peer_ip); if(nb_fail >= MAX_AUTH_FAILED_ATTEMPTS) { generator.setStatusLine(403, "Forbidden"); generator.setMessage(tr("Your IP address has been banned after too many failed authentication attempts.")); write(); return; } QString auth = parser.value("Authorization"); if(auth.isEmpty()) { // Return unauthorized header qDebug("Auth is Empty..."); generator.setStatusLine(401, "Unauthorized"); generator.setValue("WWW-Authenticate", "Digest realm=\""+QString(QBT_REALM)+"\", nonce=\""+parent->generateNonce()+"\", opaque=\""+parent->generateNonce()+"\", stale=\"false\", algorithm=\"MD5\", qop=\"auth\""); write(); return; } //qDebug("Auth: %s", qPrintable(auth.split(" ").first())); if (QString::compare(auth.split(" ").first(), "Digest", Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0 || !parent->isAuthorized(auth.toLocal8Bit(), parser.method())) { // Update failed attempt counter parent->increaseNbFailedAttemptsForIp(peer_ip); qDebug("client IP: %s (%d failed attempts)", qPrintable(peer_ip), nb_fail+1); // Return unauthorized header generator.setStatusLine(401, "Unauthorized"); generator.setValue("WWW-Authenticate", "Digest realm=\""+QString(QBT_REALM)+"\", nonce=\""+parent->generateNonce()+"\", opaque=\""+parent->generateNonce()+"\", stale=\"false\", algorithm=\"MD5\", qop=\"auth\""); write(); return; } // Client successfully authenticated, reset number of failed attempts parent->resetNbFailedAttemptsForIp(peer_ip); QString url = parser.url(); // Favicon if(url.endsWith("favicon.ico")) { qDebug("Returning favicon"); QFile favicon(":/Icons/skin/qbittorrent16.png"); if(favicon.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray data = favicon.readAll(); generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("png"); generator.setMessage(data); write(); } else { respondNotFound(); } return; } QStringList list = url.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (list.contains(".") || list.contains("..")) { respondNotFound(); return; } if (list.size() == 0) list.append("index.html"); if (list.size() >= 2) { if (list[0] == "json") { if (list[1] == "events") { respondJson(); return; } if(list.size() > 2) { if(list[1] == "propertiesGeneral") { QString hash = list[2]; respondGenPropertiesJson(hash); return; } if(list[1] == "propertiesTrackers") { QString hash = list[2]; respondTrackersPropertiesJson(hash); return; } if(list[1] == "propertiesFiles") { QString hash = list[2]; respondFilesPropertiesJson(hash); return; } } else { if(list[1] == "preferences") { respondPreferencesJson(); } else { if(list[1] == "transferInfo") { respondGlobalTransferInfoJson(); } } } } if (list[0] == "command") { QString command = list[1]; respondCommand(command); generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); write(); return; } } if (list[0] == "images") list[0] = "Icons"; else list.prepend("webui"); url = ":/" + list.join("/"); QFile file(url); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug("File %s was not found!", qPrintable(url)); respondNotFound(); return; } QString ext = list.last(); int index = ext.lastIndexOf('.') + 1; if (index > 0) ext.remove(0, index); else ext.clear(); QByteArray data = file.readAll(); // Translate the page if(ext == "html" || (ext == "js" && !list.last().startsWith("excanvas"))) { data = translateDocument(QString::fromUtf8(data.data())).toUtf8(); } generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt(ext); generator.setMessage(data); write(); } void HttpConnection::respondNotFound() { generator.setStatusLine(404, "File not found"); write(); } void HttpConnection::respondJson() { EventManager* manager = parent->eventManager(); QString string = json::toJson(manager->getEventList()); generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("js"); generator.setMessage(string); write(); } void HttpConnection::respondGenPropertiesJson(QString hash) { EventManager* manager = parent->eventManager(); QString string = json::toJson(manager->getPropGeneralInfo(hash)); generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("js"); generator.setMessage(string); write(); } void HttpConnection::respondTrackersPropertiesJson(QString hash) { EventManager* manager = parent->eventManager(); QString string = json::toJson(manager->getPropTrackersInfo(hash)); generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("js"); generator.setMessage(string); write(); } void HttpConnection::respondFilesPropertiesJson(QString hash) { EventManager* manager = parent->eventManager(); QString string = json::toJson(manager->getPropFilesInfo(hash)); generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("js"); generator.setMessage(string); write(); } void HttpConnection::respondPreferencesJson() { EventManager* manager = parent->eventManager(); QString string = json::toJson(manager->getGlobalPreferences()); generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("js"); generator.setMessage(string); write(); } void HttpConnection::respondGlobalTransferInfoJson() { QVariantMap info; session_status sessionStatus = BTSession->getSessionStatus(); info["DlInfos"] = tr("D: %1/s - T: %2", "Download speed: x KiB/s - Transferred: x MiB").arg(misc::friendlyUnit(sessionStatus.payload_download_rate)).arg(misc::friendlyUnit(sessionStatus.total_payload_download)); info["UpInfos"] = tr("U: %1/s - T: %2", "Upload speed: x KiB/s - Transferred: x MiB").arg(misc::friendlyUnit(sessionStatus.payload_upload_rate)).arg(misc::friendlyUnit(sessionStatus.total_payload_upload)); QString string = json::toJson(info); generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("js"); generator.setMessage(string); write(); } void HttpConnection::respondCommand(QString command) { if(command == "download") { QString urls = parser.post("urls"); QStringList list = urls.split('\n'); foreach(QString url, list){ url = url.trimmed(); if(!url.isEmpty()){ if(url.startsWith("bc://bt/", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { qDebug("Converting bc link to magnet link"); url = misc::bcLinkToMagnet(url); } if(url.startsWith("magnet:", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { emit MagnetReadyToBeDownloaded(url); } else { qDebug("Downloading url: %s", (const char*)url.toLocal8Bit()); emit UrlReadyToBeDownloaded(url); } } } return; } if(command == "addTrackers") { QString hash = parser.post("hash"); if(!hash.isEmpty()) { QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid() && h.has_metadata()) { QString urls = parser.post("urls"); QStringList list = urls.split('\n'); foreach(QString url, list) { announce_entry e(url.toStdString()); h.add_tracker(e); } } } } if(command == "upload") { QByteArray torrentfile = parser.torrent(); // Get a unique filename QString filePath; QTemporaryFile tmpfile; tmpfile.setAutoRemove(false); if (tmpfile.open()) { filePath = tmpfile.fileName(); } else { std::cerr << "I/O Error: Could not create temporary file" << std::endl; return; } tmpfile.close(); // Now temporary file is created but closed so that it can be used. // write torrent to temporary file QFile torrent(filePath); if(torrent.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { torrent.write(torrentfile); torrent.close(); } emit torrentReadyToBeDownloaded(filePath, false, QString(), false); // Prepare response generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("html"); generator.setMessage(QString("")); write(); return; } if(command == "resumeall") { emit resumeAllTorrents(); return; } if(command == "pauseall") { emit pauseAllTorrents(); return; } if(command == "resume") { emit resumeTorrent(parser.post("hash")); return; } if(command == "setPreferences") { QString json_str = parser.post("json"); EventManager* manager = parent->eventManager(); manager->setGlobalPreferences(json::fromJson(json_str)); } if(command == "setFilePrio") { QString hash = parser.post("hash"); int file_id = parser.post("id").toInt(); int priority = parser.post("priority").toInt(); QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid() && h.has_metadata()) { h.file_priority(file_id, priority); } } if(command == "getGlobalUpLimit") { generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("html"); generator.setMessage(QString::number(BTSession->getSession()->upload_rate_limit())); write(); } if(command == "getGlobalDlLimit") { generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("html"); generator.setMessage(QString::number(BTSession->getSession()->download_rate_limit())); write(); } if(command == "getTorrentUpLimit") { QString hash = parser.post("hash"); QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) { generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("html"); generator.setMessage(QString::number(h.upload_limit())); write(); } } if(command == "getTorrentDlLimit") { QString hash = parser.post("hash"); QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) { generator.setStatusLine(200, "OK"); generator.setContentTypeByExt("html"); generator.setMessage(QString::number(h.download_limit())); write(); } } if(command == "setTorrentUpLimit") { QString hash = parser.post("hash"); qlonglong limit = parser.post("limit").toLongLong(); if(limit == 0) limit = -1; QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) { h.set_upload_limit(limit); } } if(command == "setTorrentDlLimit") { QString hash = parser.post("hash"); qlonglong limit = parser.post("limit").toLongLong(); if(limit == 0) limit = -1; QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) { h.set_download_limit(limit); } } if(command == "setGlobalUpLimit") { qlonglong limit = parser.post("limit").toLongLong(); if(limit == 0) limit = -1; BTSession->getSession()->set_upload_rate_limit(limit); Preferences::setGlobalUploadLimit(limit/1024.); } if(command == "setGlobalDlLimit") { qlonglong limit = parser.post("limit").toLongLong(); if(limit == 0) limit = -1; BTSession->getSession()->set_download_rate_limit(limit); Preferences::setGlobalDownloadLimit(limit/1024.); } if(command == "pause") { emit pauseTorrent(parser.post("hash")); return; } if(command == "delete") { emit deleteTorrent(parser.post("hash"), false); return; } if(command == "deletePerm") { emit deleteTorrent(parser.post("hash"), true); return; } if(command == "increasePrio") { QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(parser.post("hash")); if(h.is_valid()) h.queue_position_up(); return; } if(command == "decreasePrio") { QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(parser.post("hash")); if(h.is_valid()) h.queue_position_down(); return; } if(command == "topPrio") { QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(parser.post("hash")); if(h.is_valid()) h.queue_position_top(); return; } if(command == "bottomPrio") { QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(parser.post("hash")); if(h.is_valid()) h.queue_position_bottom(); return; } if(command == "recheck"){ recheckTorrent(parser.post("hash")); return; } if(command == "recheckall"){ recheckAllTorrents(); return; } } void HttpConnection::recheckTorrent(QString hash) { QTorrentHandle h = BTSession->getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()){ BTSession->recheckTorrent(h.hash()); } } void HttpConnection::recheckAllTorrents() { std::vector torrents = BTSession->getTorrents(); std::vector::iterator torrentIT; for(torrentIT = torrents.begin(); torrentIT != torrents.end(); torrentIT++) { QTorrentHandle h = QTorrentHandle(*torrentIT); if(h.is_valid()) BTSession->recheckTorrent(h.hash()); } }