/* -----------------------------------------------------------------

	Notes: Here is where you define your windows and the events that open them.
	If you are not using links to run Mocha methods you can remove this function.
	If you need to add link events to links within windows you are creating, do
	it in the onContentLoaded function of the new window.

   ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

initializeWindows = function(){
	function addClickEvent(el, fn){
		['Link','Button'].each(function(item) {
			if ($(el+item)){
				$(el+item).addEvent('click', fn);
	addClickEvent('download', function(e){
		new Event(e).stop();
		new MochaUI.Window({
			id: 'downloadPage',
			title: "(Download from URL)",
			loadMethod: 'iframe',
			scrollbars: false,
			resizable: false,
			maximizable: false,
			closable: true,
			paddingVertical: 0,
			paddingHorizontal: 0,
			width: 500,
			height: 270
	addClickEvent('upload', function(e){
		new Event(e).stop();
		new MochaUI.Window({
			id: 'uploadPage',
			title: "_(Download local torrent)",
			loadMethod: 'iframe',
			scrollbars: false,
			resizable: false,
			maximizable: false,
			paddingVertical: 0,
			paddingHorizontal: 0,
			width: 500,
			height: 120


	addClickEvent('delete', function(e){
		new Event(e).stop();
		var h = myTable.selectedIds();
		if(h.length && confirm('_(Are you sure you want to delete the selected torrents from the transfer list?)')) {
			h.each(function(item, index){
				new Request({url: '/command/delete', method: 'post', data: {hash: item}}).send();

	addClickEvent('deletePerm', function(e){
                new Event(e).stop();
                var h = myTable.selectedIds();
                if(h.length && confirm('_(Are you sure you want to delete the selected torrents from the transfer list and hard disk?)')) {
                        h.each(function(item, index){
                                new Request({url: '/command/deletePerm', method: 'post', data: {hash: item}}).send();

	['pause','resume','decreasePrio','increasePrio','recheck'].each(function(item) {
		addClickEvent(item, function(e){
			new Event(e).stop();
			var h = myTable.selectedIds();
				h.each(function(hash, index){
				  new Request({url: '/command/'+item, method: 'post', data: {hash: hash}}).send();
		addClickEvent(item+'All', function(e){
			new Event(e).stop();
			new Request({url: '/command/'+item+'all'}).send();
	addClickEvent('bug', function(e){
		new Event(e).stop();
		new MochaUI.Window({
			id: 'bugPage',
			title: '_(Report a bug)',
			loadMethod: 'iframe',
			contentURL: 'http://bugs.qbittorrent.org/',
			width: 650,
			height: 400
	addClickEvent('site', function(e){
		new Event(e).stop();
		new MochaUI.Window({
			id: 'sitePage',
			title: 'qBittorrent Website',
			loadMethod: 'iframe',
			contentURL: 'http://www.qbittorrent.org/',
			width: 650,
			height: 400
	addClickEvent('docs', function(e){
		new Event(e).stop();
		new MochaUI.Window({
			id: 'docsPage',
			title: 'qBittorrent official wiki',
			loadMethod: 'iframe',
			contentURL: 'http://wiki.qbittorrent.org/',
			width: 650,
			height: 400
	addClickEvent('about', function(e){
		new Event(e).stop();
		new MochaUI.Window({
			id: 'aboutpage',
			title: 'About',
			loadMethod: 'iframe',
			contentURL: 'about.html',
			width: 650,
			height: 400
	// Deactivate menu header links
		el.addEvent('click', function(e){
			new Event(e).stop();