# Generated by the configure file # Ignore any WARNING about 'conf.pri' missing during configure. The file should be found during make. # If not there will be a WARNING again. # The first path is used when the source is being build by packagers (pbuilder/sbuild/etc) # The second path is used when you manually run the configure script in the root folder (eg when using qt creator) exists($$OUT_PWD/../conf.pri) { include($$OUT_PWD/../conf.pri) } else { include(conf.pri) } # COMPILATION SPECIFIC !nogui:dbus { QT += dbus } QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wformat -Wformat-security !haiku { QMAKE_LFLAGS_APP += -rdynamic } # Man page nogui { man.files = ../doc/qbittorrent-nox.1 } else { man.files = ../doc/qbittorrent.1 } man.path = $$MANPREFIX/man1 INSTALLS += man DIST_PATH = ../dist/unix # Systemd Service file nogui:systemd { systemdService.files = $$DIST_PATH/systemd/qbittorrent-nox.service systemdService.path = $$PREFIX/lib/systemd/system/ INSTALLS += systemdService } # Menu Icon !nogui { menuicon.files = icons/qBittorrent.desktop menuicon.path = $$DATADIR/applications/ INSTALLS += menuicon appdata.files = $$DIST_PATH/qBittorrent.appdata.xml appdata.path = $$DATADIR/appdata/ INSTALLS += appdata icon16.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/16x16/apps/qbittorrent.png icon16.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/ icon22.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/22x22/apps/qbittorrent.png icon22.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/ icon24.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/24x24/apps/qbittorrent.png icon24.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/ icon32.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/32x32/apps/qbittorrent.png icon32.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ icon36.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/36x36/apps/qbittorrent.png icon36.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/36x36/apps/ icon48.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/48x48/apps/qbittorrent.png icon48.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ icon64.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/64x64/apps/qbittorrent.png icon64.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/ icon72.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/72x72/apps/qbittorrent.png icon72.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/72x72/apps/ icon96.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/96x96/apps/qbittorrent.png icon96.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/ icon128.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/128x128/apps/qbittorrent.png icon128.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/ icon192.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/192x192/apps/qbittorrent.png icon192.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/192x192/apps/ INSTALLS += \ icon16 \ icon22 \ icon24 \ icon32 \ icon36 \ icon48 \ icon64 \ icon72 \ icon96 \ icon128 \ icon192 pixmap.files = $$DIST_PATH/menuicons/128x128/apps/qbittorrent.png pixmap.path = $$DATADIR/pixmaps/ INSTALLS += pixmap } # INSTALL target.path = $$PREFIX/bin/ INSTALLS += target !nogui { # DEFINE added by configure contains(DEFINES, WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED) { message("You chose to embed GeoIP database in qBittorrent executable.") } }