/* -----BEGIN QCMOD----- name: libtorrent arg: with-libtorrent-inc=[path], Path to libtorrent include files arg: with-libtorrent-lib=[path], Path to libtorrent library files -----END QCMOD----- */ class qc_libtorrent : public ConfObj { public: qc_libtorrent(Conf *c) : ConfObj(c) {} QString name() const { return "libtorrent >= 0.12"; } QString shortname() const { return "libtorrent"; } bool exec(){ QString s; s = conf->getenv("QC_WITH_LIBTORRENT_INC"); if(!s.isEmpty()) { if(!conf->checkHeader(s, "libtorrent/extensions/ut_pex.hpp")) { qWarning("libtorrent v0.12 includes not found!\nYou can download it at http://www.libtorrent.net"); return false; } conf->addIncludePath(s); }else{ QStringList sl; sl << "/usr/include/"; sl << "/usr/local/include"; if(!conf->findHeader("libtorrent/extensions/ut_pex.hpp", sl, &s)) { qWarning("libtorrent v0.12 includes not found!\nYou can download it at http://www.libtorrent.net"); return false; } conf->addIncludePath(s); } s = conf->getenv("QC_WITH_LIBTORRENT_LIB"); if(!s.isEmpty()) { if(!conf->checkLibrary(s, "torrent")) { qWarning("libtorrent library not found!"); return false; } conf->addLib(QString("-L") + s); }else{ if(!conf->findLibrary("torrent", &s)) { qWarning("libtorrent library not found!"); return false; } if (!s.isEmpty()) conf->addLib(QString("-L") + s); } conf->addLib("-ltorrent"); return true; } };