# Vars LANG_PATH = lang ICONS_PATH = Icons #Set the following variable to 1 to enable debug DEBUG_MODE = 1 # Global TEMPLATE = app TARGET = qbittorrent CONFIG += qt x11 # Update this VERSION for each release DEFINES += VERSION=\\\"v0.9.0beta7\\\" DEFINES += VERSION_MAJOR=0 DEFINES += VERSION_MINOR=9 DEFINES += VERSION_BUGFIX=0 contains(DEBUG_MODE, 1){ CONFIG += debug message(Debug build!) } contains(DEBUG_MODE, 0){ CONFIG -= debug message(Release build!) } QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += -fwrapv QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += -fwrapv #LIBS += -lcurl #CONFIG += link_pkgconfig #PKGCONFIG += libtorrent QT += network DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII contains(DEBUG_MODE, 0){ contains(QT_VERSION, 4.2.0) { message(Qt 4.2.0 detected : enabling debug output because of a bug in this version of Qt) }else{ contains(QT_VERSION, 4.2.1) { message(Qt 4.2.1 detected : enabling debug output because of a bug in this version of Qt) }else{ DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT } } CONFIG += release } # Install !win32 { # Binary exists(../conf.pri) { include(../conf.pri) # Target target.path = $$BINDIR INSTALLS += target } # Man page man.files = ../doc/qbittorrent.1.gz man.path = $$PREFIX/share/man/man1/ INSTALLS += man # Menu Icon menuicon.files = Icons/qBittorrent.desktop menuicon.path = $$PREFIX/share/applications/ INSTALLS += menuicon logos.files = menuicons/* logos.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/ INSTALLS += logos } # Windows win32 { LIBS += -lcurl -ltorrent } RESOURCES = icons.qrc \ lang.qrc \ search.qrc # Translations TRANSLATIONS = $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_fr.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_zh.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_en.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ca.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_es.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_pl.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ko.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_de.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_nl.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_tr.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_sv.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_el.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ru.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_uk.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_bg.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_it.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_zh_HK.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_sk.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ro.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_pt.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_nb.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_fi.ts # Source code HEADERS += GUI.h misc.h options_imp.h about_imp.h \ properties_imp.h createtorrent_imp.h \ DLListDelegate.h SearchListDelegate.h \ PropListDelegate.h previewSelect.h \ PreviewListDelegate.h trackerLogin.h \ downloadThread.h downloadFromURLImp.h \ torrentAddition.h deleteThread.h \ bittorrent.h FORMS += MainWindow.ui options.ui about.ui \ properties.ui createtorrent.ui preview.ui \ login.ui downloadFromURL.ui addTorrentDialog.ui SOURCES += GUI.cpp \ main.cpp \ options_imp.cpp \ properties_imp.cpp \ createtorrent_imp.cpp \ bittorrent.cpp