/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #include "downloadThread.h" #include #include #include QString subDownloadThread::errorCodeToString(int status) { switch(status){ case 1://ost::URLStream::errUnreachable: return tr("Host is unreachable"); case 2://ost::URLStream::errMissing: return tr("File was not found (404)"); case 3://ost::URLStream::errDenied: return tr("Connection was denied"); case 4://ost::URLStream::errInvalid: return tr("Url is invalid"); case 5://ost::URLStream::errForbidden: return tr("Connection forbidden (403)"); case 6://ost::URLStream::errUnauthorized: return tr("Connection was not authorized (401)"); case 7://ost::URLStream::errRelocated: return tr("Content has moved (301)"); case 8://ost::URLStream::errFailure: return tr("Connection failure"); case 9://ost::URLStream::errTimeout: return tr("Connection was timed out"); case 10://ost::URLStream::errInterface: return tr("Incorrect network interface"); default: return tr("Unknown error"); } } subDownloadThread::subDownloadThread(QObject *parent, QString url) : QThread(parent), url(url), abort(false){ url_stream = new ost::URLStream(); // Proxy support QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent"); int intValue = settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("[Preferences/Connection/ProxyType"), 0).toInt(); if(intValue > 0) { // Proxy enabled url_stream->setProxy(settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("Preferences/Connection/Proxy/IP"), "").toString().toUtf8().data(), settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("Preferences/Connection/Proxy/Port"), 8080).toInt()); if(settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("Preferences/Connection/Proxy/Authentication"), false).toBool()) { // Authentication required url_stream->setProxyUser(settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("Preferences/Connection/Proxy/Username"), QString()).toString().toUtf8().data()); url_stream->setProxyPassword(settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("Preferences/Connection/Proxy/Password"), QString()).toString().toUtf8().data()); } } } subDownloadThread::~subDownloadThread(){ abort = true; wait(); delete url_stream; } void subDownloadThread::run(){ // XXX: Trick to get a unique filename QString filePath; QTemporaryFile *tmpfile = new QTemporaryFile(); if (tmpfile->open()) { filePath = tmpfile->fileName(); } delete tmpfile; QFile dest_file(filePath); if(!dest_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)){ std::cerr << "Error: could't create temporary file: " << (const char*)filePath.toUtf8() << '\n'; return; } ost::URLStream::Error status = url_stream->get((const char*)url.toUtf8()); if(status){ // Failure QString error_msg = errorCodeToString((int)status); qDebug("Download failed for %s, reason: %s", (const char*)url.toUtf8(), (const char*)error_msg.toUtf8()); url_stream->close(); emit downloadFailureST(this, url, error_msg); return; } qDebug("Downloading %s...", (const char*)url.toUtf8()); char cbuf[1024]; int len; while(!url_stream->eof()) { url_stream->read(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)); len = url_stream->gcount(); if(len > 0) dest_file.write(cbuf, len); if(abort){ dest_file.close(); url_stream->close(); return; } } dest_file.close(); url_stream->close(); emit downloadFinishedST(this, url, filePath); qDebug("download completed here: %s", (const char*)filePath.toUtf8()); } /** Download Thread **/ downloadThread::downloadThread(QObject* parent) : QThread(parent), abort(false){} downloadThread::~downloadThread(){ mutex.lock(); abort = true; condition.wakeOne(); mutex.unlock(); qDeleteAll(subThreads); wait(); } void downloadThread::downloadUrl(QString url){ QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); if(downloading_list.contains(url)) return; url_list << url; downloading_list << url; if(!isRunning()){ start(); }else{ condition.wakeOne(); } } void downloadThread::run(){ forever{ if(abort) return; mutex.lock(); if(url_list.size() != 0){ QString url = url_list.takeFirst(); mutex.unlock(); subDownloadThread *st = new subDownloadThread(0, url); subThreads << st; connect(st, SIGNAL(downloadFinishedST(subDownloadThread*, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(propagateDownloadedFile(subDownloadThread*, QString, QString))); connect(st, SIGNAL(downloadFailureST(subDownloadThread*, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(propagateDownloadFailure(subDownloadThread*, QString, QString))); st->start(); }else{ condition.wait(&mutex); mutex.unlock(); } } } void downloadThread::propagateDownloadedFile(subDownloadThread* st, QString url, QString path){ int index = subThreads.indexOf(st); Q_ASSERT(index != -1); subThreads.removeAt(index); delete st; emit downloadFinished(url, path); mutex.lock(); index = downloading_list.indexOf(url); Q_ASSERT(index != -1); downloading_list.removeAt(index); mutex.unlock(); } void downloadThread::propagateDownloadFailure(subDownloadThread* st, QString url, QString reason){ int index = subThreads.indexOf(st); Q_ASSERT(index != -1); subThreads.removeAt(index); delete st; emit downloadFailure(url, reason); mutex.lock(); index = downloading_list.indexOf(url); Q_ASSERT(index != -1); downloading_list.removeAt(index); mutex.unlock(); }